Otterton Parish News s1

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Otterton Parish News s1

OTTERTON PARISH NEWS JANUARY 2015 A member of the Raleigh Mission Community

RECTOR: Reverend Anne Charlton (444276) ASSISTANT CURATE: Reverend Annita Denny (512735) CHURCH, SCHOOLS & FAMILIES Mr James McAdam CO-ORDINATOR [email protected] CHURCHWARDENS: Ms Anne Radcliffe (568059) Mr John Archibald (567332) RMC PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Mrs Fran Mills (443397) office open Mon 1-3pm; Fri 10am-2pm

SERVICES FOR JANUARY SUNDAY 4th JANUARY 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP East Budleigh 10.00 am Holy Communion CW Otterton 10.00 am All Age Worship East Budleigh SUNDAY 11th JANUARY 10.00 am Holy Communion CW East Budleigh SUNDAY 18th JANUARY 10.00 am Morning Service East Budleigh 10.00 am Holy Communion CW Otterton 6.00 pm Christian Unity Service – Church on the Green, Budleigh Salterton TUESDAY 20th JANUARY 2.30 pm Holy Communion (Vicarage) East Budleigh SUNDAY 25th JANUARY 10.00 am Morning Prayer Otterton 10.00 am Holy Communion CW East Budleigh SUNDAY 1st FEBRUARY 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP East Budleigh 10.00 am Holy Communion CW Otterton 10.00 am All Age Worship East Budleigh Morning Prayer will be said Tuesday, 9.30am East Budleigh, and Thursday, 9.30am, Otterton,


The Winter Warmer Supper will be held on Tuesday 27th January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall (please bring your own drinks, glasses and cutlery). Tickets (£6) will be available from June Kennard-Simpson (568877) or Anne Radcliffe (568059). Donations of prizes for the Raffle will be much appreciated. A winter evening of good cheer – ALL WELCOME View from The Vicarage What will 2015 have in store for us? For most of us it will be, I am sure, a mixture of joy and pain, pleasure and disappointment. That is just how life is. It is not what happens to us, but how we deal with it that matters. What matters is that we don’t lose hope, that we hold on to our trust in God. As I was writing this I was listening to a beautiful hymn that sums up my needs for the new year, and here are the words from the first and last verse, the nub of which I have highlighted. Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change, He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heav’nly Friend through thorny ways leads to a joyful end. Be still, my soul: begin the song of praise on earth, believing, to Thy Lord on high; Acknowledge Him in all thy words and ways, so shall He view thee with a well-pleased eye. Be still, my soul: the Sun of life divine through passing clouds shall but more brightly shine. These words can sustain us through many a difficult time, and whatever befalls you in 2015, I pray that you will find sustenance, strength and hope from our loving God. With every blessing for an uplifting and joyful 2015 Anne Charlton The recent Advent Bazaar raised £352.30 for general church funds. Thank you to all helpers and supporters. Church Cleaning We are once again calling for volunteers to spare a couple of hours a week to clean the church. You would only be required every 6 weeks. Please contact Barbara Ottley on 567701 if you can help. Winter Fuel Allowances: Luke 3 v 11 John replied, “If you have two coats, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry”. As part of our mission and outreach in the RMC, we have over the last 2 winters collected un-needed winter fuel allowances and redistributed them to families in our local area who are in need of help to pay winter heating bills. Families are sourced through schools, health visitors and social service teams. Over £8,000 has been redistributed in this way. If you would like to take part in the scheme, we would welcome any contribution you feel able to make. If you know of any families who would benefit this winter, please, with their permission, give their names and contact details to Fran Mills in the office on 443397 who administers the scheme on our behalf. Please make cheques payable to St Peter’s PCC, and hand to Fran or any of the ministry team. We in turn give a church cheque to the families thus maintaining anonymity on both sides. Finally a huge thank you to those who have given so generously over the last two winters.

St Michael’s Church, Otterton CALENDAR OF CHURCH EVENTS FOR 2015 January 27th (Tuesday) Winter Warmer Supper June 25th-28th (Thurs-Sun) Flower Festival February 3rd (Tuesday) PCC Meeting July 19th (Sunday) Fête February 18th Ash Wednesday July 21st (Tuesday) PCC Meeting March 15th Mothering Sunday September 20th (Sunday) Harvest Thanksgiving March 29th Palm Sunday September 22nd (Tuesday) Harvest Supper April 2nd Maundy Thursday October 6th (Tuesday) PCC Meeting April 3rd Good Friday November 8th Remembrance Service April 5th Easter Sunday November 28th (Saturday) Advent Bazaar April 14th (Tuesday Annual PCC Meeting December 20th (Sunday) Carol Service May 16th (Saturday) Coffee Morning/Plant Sale December 24th (Thursday) Christingle Service 3pm May 19th (Tuesday) PCC Meeting December 25th (Friday) Christmas Day

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FLOWER FESTIVAL AND ART EXHIBITION 2015 25th – 28th June (arranging day Wednesday 24th) It has been decided to hold the major Church fundraising events of the Flower Festival and Open Gardens in alternate years. 2015 is due to be the Flower Festival as usual. The FIRST MEETING will be held in the Church on Thursday 15th January at 2.30pm. We would be very glad to see anyone who is interested in helping in any way with this event. The theme ‘Devon Life’ has been suggested. It would be good to discuss this, or any other ideas, at this meeting. Please come along. Any enquiries to Jane Smith (568184) or Margaret Davy (568017.

COUNTY COUNCIL Contact: Christine Channon, 12 Cricket Field Court, Budleigh Salterton EX9 6JB, tel 442927, [email protected]

DISTRICT COUNCIL Contact: Ray Bloxham, Raleigh Ward member, 14 Best Park, Cranbrook, Exeter EX5 7AG, tel 01404 515246 – [email protected] OTTERTON PARISH COUNCIL  The Councillors voted by 6 votes to 1 to keep the Parish’s precept the same as this year. The Parish Council’s share of parishioners’ Council Tax will not be increased. D G Ottley, Clerk to the Parish Council – Tel 567701, email [email protected] The Barn, Ottery Street, Otterton EX9 7HW

SPACE (St Michael’s Parish and Community Endeavour) Fundraising in the festive season has seen SPACE boost its fundraising total by around £1,700 to approximately £55k. The Devon Voices concert held in All Saints Church , East Budleigh, on 12th December, enjoyed a record turnout and raised £1,222 for our appeal. A huge thank you to concert director Chris Teuten. The sale of cakes and refreshments after the school's two Christmas productions in the church raised more than £100; thank you to those who supported this. A collection taken by the carol singers on The Green on 17th December raised £83.96. Thanks to all those who sang or donated and to Judy and Brian Major for organising this. A coffee morning and book sale held at Tidwell Manor on 18th December raised £268.71. Many thanks to all who attended or donated books and a huge thank you to Catherine O'Connor and her family for hosting. Dates for your diary: Wednesday, 21st January: 10am until 12 noon, Coffee Morning hosted by Jan Keliher at Homestone House, Fore Street, Otterton. £2 entry to include tea/coffee and cake. Saturday 28th February: Tribute FX at Ladram Bay - doors open 7.30pm - event ends at midnight. Tickets £12.50. This will be a night of superb live music with appeal for all ages with this top UK act performing hits by Elton, New Jersey Boys, Showaddywaddy, Freddie Mercury and more ! For tickets call 01395 567565. There will be a Concert in aid of SPACE on Saturday 18th April in the Village Hall. Please contact Brian Le Masurier on 568619 if you would be interested in taking part or helping backstage.

THE RALEIGH FEDERATION – from Carron Saunders, Headteacher The end of term at Otterton C of E Primary School was exceptionally busy with both traditional and new Christmas events. The school Christmas production “There’s Something Amazing Going On” was aptly named, as the children performed brilliantly. The “new” events included carol singing in The King’s Arms and OCESA’s Christmas Fair having a new venue in the Church. The children’s learning last term was based on Reflection and Fabulous Faces. The new whole school topic for the Spring Term is Heritage .... Who Am I? Please visit the school website at to see some of last term’s activities and what we’re getting up to at the moment. Wishing everyone all the best for 2015.

OTTERTON COMMUNITY SHOP The Shop opened on 1st December offering a wide range of grocery and fresh products including fresh milk, bread, eggs, meat, fruit and vegetables. Our grocery supplies range from sweets and chocolates to toiletries, cooking essentials, general household goods and postage stamps. We also stock cigarettes and tobacco, and an interesting range of reasonably priced wines and beers. Our coffee machine and pasties from Moores have proved very popular and wherever possible we are using local suppliers. Our second week saw the arrival of the daily newspapers, with an increasing number of people giving us their regular newspaper order. Unfortunately we are still without a credit/debit card machine but the company responsible for our till system is working with us to come up with a solution to this problem as quickly as possible. We already have some brilliant volunteers, but if we are to maintain the opening hours to meet everyone’s needs, then we really need some more. So if you can offer some time, however limited, please contact Valerie Pride, our Shop Manager, either by visiting the Shop or on 01395 708324. Opening hours during the winter will be: Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm Saturday: 8am – 3pm Sunday: 8.30am – 12noon

From Bruce Simpson: Now that the Shop has opened and will be selling newspapers, there will no longer be the facility available at The King’s Arms. This has been an excellent service which was the brainchild of Mike Dickens. We should thank him for it and for the excellent way it was run. Many people supported the venture, thus ensuring success. They also deserve our thanks. A true example of the village spirit. Thank you.

OTTERTON GARDEN CLUB Happy New Year to everyone. Our next meeting is on 20th January. This is our AGM followed by a talk. At the AGM we need to appoint the committee and discuss the future of the Club as a number of the committee wish to stand down. The presentation on “Fruits for Small Gardens” is by Mr David Rawding. Once a Horticultural Estate Manager and Head of Horticulture at Exeter College, Mr Rawding’s talk will include training, pruning, pests and diseases and the latest introductions and developments. This will be held at Otterton Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Visitors are very welcome. Admission to talks is free to members and £3 for non-members. For more information on the Club, go to or contact Ro Smith on 568871 or email [email protected] FROM PCSO SARAH TRAYHURN 30110 If you wish to contact Sarah, please use the details below. Emergency 999; General Enquiries number 101; [email protected]

OTTERTON TWINNING ASSOCIATION Otterton Twinning will be holding its annual Burns Supper in East Budleigh Village Hall on 24th January, complete with the usual lavish spread of appropriate food, accompanied by the sound of the pipes. For further information and to reserve places, please contact either Bonnie Blackwell on 446239 or Marianne Pankhurst on 568104.

Little Otters Pre-school is open between 9.15 and 3.15 on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at East Budleigh Village Hall. There is also a morning session with lunch club on a Thursday preceding our mother and toddler group. If you have a pre-schooler and think you have missed the start of term or haven’t made any decisions about pre- school provision yet, don't worry we still have availability on some of our sessions if you would like to give it a try. Children over 3 years old receive up to 15 hours funding to put towards the cost of our sessions. We are currently also considering extending our provision to include two year olds and would like to gauge the local interest. If you would like to learn more about the possibility of your two or three year old attending pre-school we would love to hear from you. Feel free to give us a call on 01395 445825 or pop in and speak to us. If you have younger children please come along to our parent toddler session on Thursdays from 1pm.

East Budleigh Chess Club: The Club meets on the second Thursday of every month. The first meeting in the New Year will be on Thursday 8th January. We would welcome anyone with an interest in chess of whatever age or ability. There is an opportunity for stronger players to play in a team in the Exeter and District Chess League. The annual membership fee is £30 for adults and £15 for juniors. For more information, contact Brian Gosling on 442060 or email [email protected]

OTTERTON MILL Please visit our website for all our food celebrations, milling days and music events. Office – 568521; Restaurant – 567041; Food Shop – 568031; Gallery – 568008;

THE LOOKOUT FROM LADRAM – from Carla Bragg, Entertainments & Activities Manager 2014 proved to be another successful year at Ladram Bay and we’ve been fortunate to achieve the Regional Hoseasons Diamond Award for Family Fun, for the fourth consecutive year, as well as the David Bellamy conservation award Gold Accolade for 2014/15. We’re certain that 2015 will be even better and as the renovation works continue, excitement builds. Pebbles Restaurant is currently undergoing a stunning refurbishment to match the exciting new menu launched in March. Most exciting for families is our Swimming Pool redevelopment which will include the extension of the pool plus children’s area, with interactive equipment and slide! There will also be a gymnasium on site above the pool. To keep up to date with all the news, visit our Facebook site at

OUR LOCAL EXPERT The new annual edition of Our Local Expert will be distributed in mid April 2015, free through doors in the Otterton area with your post. This is a free guide to businesses that have been used and recommended by local people, which means readers know they can expect a trustworthy and good quality service from anyone listed – reducing the fear of ‘cowboys’ and ‘rogue traders’. Suggestions are welcomed for businesses you would like to see featured. If you wish to recommend a local business you use and trust, please contact Amanda Maynard on 513869 or email [email protected]

HISTORY OF OTTERTON………..Did you know? Following the building of the new church, almost immediately heating the building in winter was a problem. In January 1872 the sextoness, Maria Gosling, is making a “night attendance on the heating apparatus”, ie stoking the coalfired boiler during the night. November 1874 – expense for heating the church to be paid out of the rates. The Vicar offered 2/6d per Sunday each time the church was heated! November 1876 – church to be heated only when the weather is very severe – not to exceed £3.10/- per annum. December 1877 – Vicar to pay 5/- towards every heating! Gerald Millington HAPPY NEW YEAR!

PLEASE NOTE that entries for Otterton Parish News should be sent to Jill Beacham, Barton House, Church Hill, Otterton EX9 7HU - tel: 568130, email: [email protected] Deadline for February edition is Monday 19th January LATEST please.

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