Fen-Edebiyat Fakültei Biyoloji Bölümü

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Fen-Edebiyat Fakültei Biyoloji Bölümü


Cytology Module Code Number BIO201 Number of ECTS Credits 3 Hours / Week 3 hours/week Module Lecturer Prof. Dr. Dursun Çobanoğlu Year / Term 2nd/ Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended General biology, botany and genetics Formation of the cell; the simplest cell, Procaryotes and eucaryotes. Variety of cell, size of cell. Chemical structure of the cell: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids ( DNA and RNA). Fine structure of the cell: Membrane lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Functions of cell membrane: transportation of substances in membranes: Module Contents diffusion, dialysis,osmosis, active transport, endo and exocytosis. Changes in the cell membranes: lateral, basal and apical. Organels in the cell and their structure. Cell sceletal.

Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts module and techniques used in cytology described in the module contents. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Cell Biology by Sevinç Karol recommended readings

ANIMAL HISTOLOGY Module Code Number BIO-202 Number of ECTS Credits 2 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Ayda Tellioglu Year / Term 2th / Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Introduction to histology. General histological principles and primary tissues; Epithelia tissues: simple epithelia, pseudostratified epithelia, stratified epithelia, specializations of the cell surface in epithelia; Connective tissue: tissue fluid, intercullular substances, basal lamina, connective tissue Module Contents cells, types of connective tissue proper; Specialized connective tissue: adipose, cartilage, bone, blood (erythrocytes, leucocytes, blood platelets, plasma); Hemopoiesis; Muscle tissue: Striated muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle; Nervous tissue: The neuron, the reflex arc, neuroglia, ganglia, nerve fibers, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system. Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to the students acquainted with the tissues and module organ systems of the animals. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / General Histology by Akay, General Histology by Sağlam, Basic Histology by recommended readings Junqueira et al. INVERTEBRATES I Module Code Number BIO-203 Number of ECTS Credits 2 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Orhan Erman Year / Term 2nd/ Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Zoology and Principles of Taxonomy Classification by cell number, Embryology, Body symmetry, developmental pattern, Evolutionary relationship, General characteristics, Reproduction and development, Classification, Digestion, Excretion, Module Contents Circulation, Skeleton of Phyla of Protozoa, Porifera, Placozoa, Ctenophora, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Mesozoa, Nemertea, Gnathostomulida, Gastrotricha, Nematoda, Rotifera, Acanthocephala, Mollusca, Annelida, Spincıula, Pogonophora, Echiura, Spincula, Loricifera, Priapulida, Nematomorpha, Kinorhyncha Aims and Objectives of the The aim of the course is to get the student acquinted with the biologies and module systematics of unicellular and multicellular animals, expect Arthropoda and Echinodermata Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Omurgasız Hayvanlar Biyolojisi by Selahattin Salman and Biology of the recommended readings Invertebrates by J.A. Pechenik

INVERTEBRATES II Module Code Number BIO-204 Number of ECTS Credits 2 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Orhan Erman Year / Term 2nd / Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Invertebrates I General characteristics, Reproduction and development, Classification, Module Contents Digestion, Excretion, Circulation, Skeleton of Phyla of Onycophora, Tardigrada, Linguatulida, Arthropoda, Phoronida, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Echinodermata Aims and Objectives of the The aim of the course is to get the student acquinted with the biologies and module systematics of multicellular animals, especially Arthropoda and Echinodermata Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Omurgasız Hayvanlar Biyolojisi by Selahattin Salman and Biology of the recommended readings Invertebrates by J.A. Pechenik Plant Morphology and Anatomy Module Code Number BIO206 Number of ECTS Credits 4 Hours / Week 4 hours/week Module Lecturer Prof. Dr. Dursun Çobanoğlu Year / Term 2nd/ Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Cell Biology, Cytology, Botany General structure of higher plants: The cell, meristems, mature tissues: Parenchyma, collenchyma,sclerencyma,xylem, phloem, secretory ducts and laticifers,epidermis. Primary vegetative body of the plants: The stem, leaf and root. Module Contents Secondary body of plants: Vascular cambium, secondary xylem, secondary phloem, periderm. Reproductive organs: The flower, fruit and seed. External structures of higher plants Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts module and techniques used in plant anatomy and morphology described in the module contents. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Plant Anatomy by A. Fahn recommended readings

CYTOLOGY LABORATORY Module Code Number BIO-251 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Prof.Dr. Harun EVREN Year / Term 2Rd / Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended General biology, Cell biology, Botany Organization of laboratory, Introduction to Cytology laboratory, Chemical Module Contents Composition of Cells, Cell Structure and Function, Procaryotes and eucaryotes, Biological molecules, Functions of cell membrane. Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide laboratory techniques used in Cytology module laboratory. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / General Biology by Ali Demirsoy, Biology by Raven Johnson, Cell biology by recommended readings Sevinç Karol, Cell and Molecular Biology by Kleinsmith and Kish CYTOLOGY LABORATORY Module Code Number BIO-251 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Yrd.Doç.Dr. Nazmi GÜR Year / Term 2Rd / Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended General biology, Cell biology, Botany Organization of laboratory, Introduction to Cytology laboratory, Chemical Module Contents Composition of Cells, Cell Structure and Function, Procaryotes and eucaryotes, Biological molecules, Functions of cell membrane. Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide laboratory techniques used in Cytology module laboratory. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / General Biology by Ali Demirsoy, Biology by Raven Johnson, Cell biology by recommended readings Sevinç Karol, Cell and Molecular Biology by Kleinsmith and Kish

PLANT MORPHOLOGY and ANATOMY LABORATORY Module Code Number BIO-251 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 3 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Nazmi GÜR Year / Term 2Rd / Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Plant Morphology and Anatomy, Plastids, crystals, merstematic tissues (Apical meristem, vascular cambium, Module Contents cork cambium, intercalay meristem), non-meristematic tissues (parenchyma,sclerenchyma, epidermis,xylem, phloem, periderm), leave, stem and root morphology. Aims and Objectives of the The objectives of this module is to provide laboratory techniques used in module plant morphology and anatomy module. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Plant Cell and Plant Morphology Laboratory, Algan and Toker. recommended readings

CYTOLOGY LABORATORY Module Code Number BIO-251 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Prof.Dr. Dursun ÇOBANOĞLU Year / Term 2Rd / Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended General biology, Cell biology, Botany Organization of laboratory, Introduction to Cytology laboratory, Chemical Module Contents Composition of Cells, Cell Structure and Function, Procaryotes and eucaryotes, Biological molecules, Functions of cell membrane. Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide laboratory techniques used in Cytology module laboratory. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / General Biology by Ali Demirsoy, Biology by Raven Johnson, Cell biology by recommended readings Sevinç Karol, Cell and Molecular Biology by Kleinsmith and Kish

MICROBIOLOGY Module Code Number BIO-251 Number of ECTS Credits 3 Hours / Week 3 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Seher GÜR Year / Term 1st / Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended General Biology Introduction to microbiology, classification of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses), the diversity of the microbial world, microbial Module Contents nutrition and growth, microbial metabolism, microbial genetics, microbial diseases and their control, microorganisms and the environment, the fundamentals of immunology. Aims and Objectives of the The objectives of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic module concepts in microbiology described in the module contents Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Microbiology, Prescott, Harley, Klein; Microbiology Concepts and recommended readings Applications, Pelczar, Chan, Krieg; Microbiology in introduction, Tortora, Funke, Case; Genel Mikrobiyoloji, Özçelik. ANIMAL HISTOLOGY LAB. Module Code Number BIO-252 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 3 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Ayda Tellioglu Year / Term 2rd/ Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Introduction to microscopy. The preparation of tissues and organs for light Module Contents microscopic, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective (blood tissue, cartilage tissue, bone tissue), nevre tissue, Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to the students acquainted with preparation module technique of tissue and, the tissues and organ systems of the animals. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language English and Turkish Textbook / Atlas of General Histology by Başımoğlu Koca recommended readings

INVERTEBRATES I LABORATORY Module Code Number BIO-253 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Orhan Erman Year / Term 2nd / Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Zoology and Principles of Taxonomy Prepared of protozoon culture, Samples of Protozoa (Zooflagellata, Module Contents Sporozoa, Ciliata) Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminhes, Rotifera, Nematoda, Annelida and Mollusca Aims and Objectives of the The aim of the course is to get the student acquinted with the biologies and module systematics of unicellular and multicellular animals, expect Arthropoda and Echinodermata Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Omurgasız Hayvanlar Biyolojisi by Selahattin Salman and Biology of the recommended readings Invertebrates by J.A. Pechenik INVERTEBRATES II LABORATORY Module Code Number BIO-254 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Orhan Erman Year / Term 2nd/ Spring Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Invertebrates I Laboratory Samples of Arachnida (Scorpionida, Pseudoscorpionida, Solpugida, Opilionida, Araneida, Acari), Crustaceae (Branchiopoda, Copepoda, Module Contents Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda), Myriapods (Chlopoda and Diplopoda), Hexapoda (Types of antens, larvaes, pupa, legs and mouth parts), Insect orders, Echinodermata (Holothuroidea, Echinoidea, Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea) Aims and Objectives of the The aim of the course is to get the student acquinted with the biologies and module systematics of Arthropoda and Echinodermata Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Omurgasız Hayvanlar Biyolojisi by Selahattin Salman and Biology of the recommended readings Invertebrates by J.A. Pechenik

GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY LAB. Module Code Number BIO-255 Number of ECTS Credits 1 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Sevda KIRBAG Year / Term 2th / Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended Microbiology , Medical Microbiology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Introduction, laboratory, techniques in general microbiology, technical of sterilization, Pure culture techniques microorganisms, ,microorganisms and their isolation and preservation., determination of Module Contents gram (+) endosporeforming bacteria, gram (+) eubacteria not forming endospores, capsule, Protists, Fungi, etc. yeast and their Culturation; count of Microorganism (Breed , Thoma and Petri-Plaq method), Antibiogram, determination of Coliform Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts module and techniques used in microbiology described in the module contents. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / Microbiology lab, Microbiology by Collins, Brock, Özçelik, Demirbağ, Aşçı recommended readings ECOLOGY Module Code Number BIO-258 Number of ECTS Credits 2 Hours / Week 2 hours/week Module Lecturer Dr. Harun Evren Year / Term 2rd/ Fall Type of Course Compulsory (Compulsory / Elective) Pre requisites / Recommended The deparment of Ecosystem, habitat and Ecological, The classification and Ecological factors, The ecological valance, The Ecological race, the Physiologycal race, The Ecological role of temperature, The classification of the lives according to tolerance of temperature, The effect to geographical distribution of temperature, The Module Contents adaptation of Animals to extreme temperature condition, The light and Ecological effect, The effects to organisms of light, The humidity and Ecological importance, The other climatic factors and effects of these, The water and ecological importance, The effect to organisms of calcium and salt Aims and Objectives of the The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts module and techniques used in ecology Method of assessment One written midterm exam (40%) and one written final exam (60%) Teaching Language Turkish Textbook / recommended readings

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