IDEAS to ACT: Concordia's Charter for International Workcamps 5

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IDEAS to ACT: Concordia's Charter for International Workcamps 5



CONCORDIA FRANCE 17/19 rue ETEX 75018 Paris

Contact persons:

Gioia (coordination and workcamps’ international leaders): [email protected] Skype: concordiainternational Tel: 0033.

Valerie (coordination OUT and south countries): [email protected] Tél: 0033.

MTV’s (OUT): [email protected] Skype: concordiamtv Tel: 0033.

Gareth (IN): [email protected] Skype: Tel: 0033.

Rita (MLTV/EVS) [email protected] Skype: concordiamltv Tel: 0033. INDEX


IDEAS TO ACT: Concordia's charter for international workcamps______5


















OUR MTV PROGRAM 2010______68

OUR EVS PROGRAM 2010______70


Concordia is a French national non-governmental and non-profit making organisation, founded in 1950 by English, German and French youngsters. Their aim was to enhance the values of tolerance and peace after the 2nd world war by organising international workcamps of young volunteers.

The main objectives of Concordia are the following: Education i-e helping young people to grow up by acquisition of collective life. Culture i-e favouring the youth exchanges on an international level, always emphasizing the values of peace, friendship and mutual respect. Social i-e taking part in concrete actions of solidarity, as well as supporting a civic attitude Social economy i-e contributing to realisation of local development, in favour of the environment, patrimony, tourism and socio-educational animation.

Workcamps are a perfect tool to reach these goals: Participating in a workcamp means working voluntarily during three weeks at a project of a common utility, such as environment, archaeology, culture, patrimony. It is a form of informal education, but also an opportunity to discover a new region and its inhabitants. The participants get to know the real life of a small community, as well as the culture and customs of other volunteers, who come from all around the world. Every year Concordia gives the opportunity to more than 1000 French youths to get involved in its partner projects abroad and hosts around 1200 foreign volunteers on its own workcamps in France.

Concordia is a member of: Three major international networks which support voluntary service: The Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations which is a network of 30 national organisations in 20 countries and CCIVS (Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) which is an organisation founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1948 and coordinates about 300 organisations worldwide. - The National Association COTRAVAUX (Co-ordination of French Voluntary Work organisations). - AVSO (Association of Voluntary Service Association) a European network with the goal of improving European voluntary service. The other activities of the association continue throughout the year with weekend or short holiday workcamps, mid and long term voluntary service, integration of people with difficulties, study and activity groups (North- South, International), sending and hosting volunteers of European Voluntary Service. Concordia also organises various trainings throughout the year. Those who wish to be even more involved in Concordia’s activities can be elected at the management committee; Concordia is a democratic organisation, led by dynamic and motivated volunteers as well as young people, and supported by paid staff. Today the management committee counts 15 members, there are 1800 subscribers, 25 employees and 200 activity leaders. The Paris head office supports the eight regional offices activities i-e the Alps, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Normandy, Picardy, South-Southwest, Ile-de-France et Breatagne.

Concordia has the approval of the French Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Ministry of the Environment.

4/85 IDEAS TO ACT: Concordia's charter for international workcamps

The aim of this charter is to state clearly the conditions considered by Concordia as the essential elements of the international workcamp. This charter has the value of commitment.

Concordia aims: a- To contribute to the enhancement of social life through the involvement of French and foreign volunteers in public projects of common interest; b- To encourage the circulation of people and ideas through global exchanges in the interests of international understanding and peace; c- To promote an educational project/promote its educative mission through encouraging active citizenship, which is essential for a democratic, united and participatory society.

The rural area is the primary field of activity of the association.

It is in this context that Concordia sets up and organizes international workcamps, guided by five criteria:

1. The workcamp is a place of intercultural meetings

The international workcamp representing the mixture of different nationalities and social backgrounds, the encounter of different generations, the confrontation of urban and rural cultures, the willingness to integrate oneself as full as possible into the life of the hosting area and characterised by a communal life: Is a place of intercultural meetings in the perspective of a voluntary discover of others; Consequently encourages international understanding, tolerance and international friendship; Encourages peaceful resolution of conflicts through learning to discover and respect the differences.

2. The workcamp necessarily participates in the project of general interest.

The international workcamps of young volunteers allow to develop educational, social and cultural values, as well as collective solidarity. For that purpose the following principals are applied: Workcamps are organised "with", but not "for" public bodies, which are the guarantors of general interests; The result of the workcamps is durable equipment or facilities. The result of this work accomplished in partnership is open to everybody.

That is why we act in different fields: architectural heritage as well as natural heritage, local area or social life heritage. Our concern for general interests is also reflected in the choice of our partners for the organisation of exchange of volunteers. Concordia does not act for the private sector.

3. The workcamp for a dynamic local development

The preparation and organisation of the workcamp stimulate the emergence of local initiatives in the spirit of economic, social and cultural revitalisation; It allows to rally volunteers for the preservation of cultural, natural or architectural heritage. Therefore, local development of a small area or a larger territory represents for Concordia an economic, social and cultural dimension. Thus, the choice and implementation of the projects are based on the mobilisation of local partners, associations, public bodies and human resources, which constitutes the guarantee of the durability of actions.

5/85 4. The workcamp encourages the development of citizenship

International workcamps of young volunteers develop citizens through: The arrangement of the functioning of the workcamp, i.e. the rules to be adopted by the group in order to jointly attain the set objectives; The development of critical mind and the application of a dialogue as a means of conflict resolution; The daily encounter with active and participatory democracy in order to avoid any sort of arbitrariness and prejudice; bringing together young people and local representatives.

5. The international workcamp is a place of educative process and work

Workcamps for young volunteers must lead to a high quality, valuable and properly finished work, which should be beneficial to the environment and a given area. Although the organisation of workcamps requires the use of financial resources, they constitute "non commercial acts", i.e. the acts that are not remunerated.

The international workcamp is a place of educative process, which leads to: The acquisition of technical skills through manual work, know-how and work-organisation; Social development through the respect of the others, the capacity of self-expression, listening and living in community; Political development through learning to apply participatory democracy, peaceful resolution of conflicts and intercultural understanding.

We are taking steps to ensure that the dynamics of our charter would be present: During the training of our leaders and staff of associations; During the presentation of our projects to our partners, volunteers and the media; During workcamps; During the meetings with the local population.

The workcamp contributes to the transformation of social relationships thanks to individual and collective exchanges. The workcamp is not an end in itself, but a means to promote values, which should bring transformation both on the individual and the collective level.

This charter has been adopted in the Meeting of the Board members, which took place on 29 May 1994


Concordia’s international workcamps are always organised in co-operation with either local authorities or local organisations; the projects are designed to respond to needs of the community and are always for the common good. Groups have between 15 and 20 participants, the average is 17. Concordia wants to have 1/3 of French volunteers and a maximum of 2 teenagers per group. Meetings with the local population are an important part of the projects. Also we try in each workcamp to mobilise young people from the village for an active participation to the workcamp. Sometimes they are coming only for leisure time, sometimes they participate also to the work, and sometimes they to be totally part of the project. In general it’s their first « international experience ». The common language is English during our workcamps, if it’s a French speaking camp is specified.

Two coordinators are present in each workcamp: one for the group life, and another for technical work. They will be either French or they will come from our partners associations abroad (please see below the call for coordinators). Sometimes only one is present (a French coordinator for small groups). Concordia’ French coordinators participate in a training week organised by Concordia and the international coordinators follow a training in their partners’ countries (if they don’t have any experience of coordination) plus a 2 days training in France before the workcamp. All coordinators manage the budget for food, leisure, excursions, etc. with the group.

With Concordia, work time is about 6 hours a day, but in fact it is more important to attain the work’s objective, defined between the local partner and Concordia. Leisure time is not planned before: it will be organised by the group with the local population and it will be based on the discovery of the region. Most of the time, camps are in small isolated villages and there is not necessarily a car available on the camp: volunteers should be ready to accept that. General accommodation is basic: a common room for sleeping and eating. Volunteers cook for themselves; sometimes they are sleeping on the floor and sometimes in tents (see the description of each workcamp). Volunteers should bring a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, work clothes, warm clothes, sport shoes, gloves…Please notice that it’s easier to have a backpack, especially in the mountains! 

We welcome some volunteers with special needs in our workcamps. If your volunteers have special needs, please contact us. We will do our best to find a way to host them.


Experience a real learning opportunity being workcamp’s coordinator for Concordia! Concordia’s international workcamps have the aim to promote peace, solidarity, friendships, active citizenship, tolerance and respect for others and the environment. Coordinating a workcamp means working voluntarily during three weeks at a project of common utility, such as environment, archaeology, culture, patrimony and discovering a new region and its inhabitants. Through this experience you will develop important skills that you will use in your professional life such as project and team management, you will improve your English and you will discover the associative sector.

Each workcamp will be composed of 12 to 20 participants. One third of them will be French volunteers and a maximum of 5 participants will have 17 years old. The workcamps’ common language is English. Of course, if you have good bases of French, it will be easier to communicate. Two leaders will be present in each workcamp: one for the group life (who will coordinate the group in the organisation of the daily life), one for technical work (who will transfer his technical know-how to the volunteers). They will assure: The integration of all the participants; The learning of the technical and social skills; The contact with the local population and the representative of the local Municipality (if the international coordinator does not speak well French, the French coordinator will mostly cover this role). Leisure time is not planned before: it will be organised by the group with the local population and it will be based on the discovery of the region. Most of the time, camps are in small isolated villages and there is not necessarily a car available on the camp: future coordinators should be ready to accept that. Conditions: Workcamp’s coordinators have some particular responsibilities but they will be considered volunteers as the other, it means that they won’t be paid. Accommodation and subsistence are covered as the coordinators will sleep and eat at the workcamp. Transports’ cost in France are covered (for a maximum of 200 € for one way and return).

Who can be workcamp’s coordinator ? We don’t ask any particular certificate but we ask them in general to have some bases of oral French (the main workcamp’s language is English), to be motivated and to be dynamic! If you have any previous experience as workcamp’s coordinator you will be the perfect person for our workcamp.

Training’s sessions: Concordia will organize two training’s sessions in France in order to prepare the coordinators. One session on the 03 July/04 July and the other one on the 31 July/01 August. Dates have to be confirmed.


You will find below a brief description of the workcamps where we would be happy to welcome foreigner coordinators and the conditions for participation:


CONC 004 LA TERRASSE (09/07-31/07) RENO 18+ 14 VOLS. Work on some dry-stone walls retaining an old path next to a castle For mountain’s and nature’s lovers. Participation’s conditions: bases of French. Interest for the dry stone walls and wishing to acquire some skills in this field. CONC 006 ST PIERRE D’ALLEVARD (16/07-31/07) RENO 18+ 14 VOLS. Rehabilitation of an hiking path. Participation’s conditions: good level of French and love for the mountains and for hiking. CONC 007 SAINT AGNES (16/07-31/07) ENVI 18+ 13 VOLS. Painting, repairing jobs, keeping up mountain footpaths, clearing and cleaning river borders. Participation’s conditions : bases of French and love for hiking. CONC 009 BOUVESSE QUIRIEU (06/08-28/08) RENO 18+ 13 VOLS. Exceptional medieval site. Works of masonry on the ruins of an old edifice. Participation’s conditions: good level of French and interest for working in a medieval site. CONC 013 PARC NATIONAL DE LA VANOISE (21/08-06/09) ENVI 18+ 14 VOLS. UNESCO World Heritage Site; Work on the damaged paths, build some steps and also stone to restrain erosion. Participation’s conditions: bases of French, nature’s and hiking lover and interest for the workcamps activities. CONC 014 PARC NATURAL MIRIBEL (30/08-22/09) ENVI/FEST 18+ 14 VOLS. Creation of a naturalistic path and a bird’s observatory. Participation in the organization of a musical festival. Participation’s conditions: good level of French and good relational skills in order to work in the musical festival. CONC 015 VERCOURS (03/09-25/09) ENVI 18+ 13 VOLS. Renovation of damaged paths. Removing brushwood and laying out new paths. Participation’s conditions: bases of French, love for nature and hiking and interest in acquiring some skills in this field.


CONC 032 VANXAINS 1 (07/07-22/07) RENO 18+ 14 VOLS CONC 036 VANXAINS 2 (27/07-11/08) RENO 18+ 14 VOLS CONC 038 VANXAINS 3 (13/08-28/08) RENO 18+ 14 VOLS Restoration of the small local heritage site used for cultural events and enriching exchanges with the local population. Participation’s conditions: good level of French, traditional masonry’s skills. Capacities in motivating the local population. CONC 039 SADIRAC 06/08-21/08 RENO18+ 13 VOLS Restoration of different washing-places in the village. Participation’s conditions: good level of French, masonry’s skills and capacity in motivating the local population. CONC 040 MEDIONDE 06/08-28/08 RENO 18+12 VOLS. Taking part in the restoration of the walls of a 12th century castle. Traditional masonry’s activities. .Participation’s conditions: good level of French for translating activities. Capacities in motivations the local population. CONC 042 BELEYME 13/08-28/08 ENVI/RENO 18+15 VOLS. In a center for rural education, leisure and nature protection, activities of rrestoring of a fountain and taking part in the restoration of the surroundings of a pond. Participation’s conditions: bases of French (but not mandatory), experience in the motivation of local population, interest in environmental themes. CONC 043 VERDELAIS (10/09-25/09) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Restoration of the way of cross, participation in the setting and the leading of the visits during National Heritage Day. Participation’s conditions: bases of French (but not mandatory). Experience in the organisation of cultural events, capacity in motivating the local participation, experience in the coordination of restoring activities.


CONC 063 NOVACELLES (07/07-29/07) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Exceptional medieval site, work on an old dry-stone. Participation’s conditions: bases of French. Some knowledge of masonry’s will be a plus. Dynamic person.


CONC 092 KERVIGNAC (09/06 – 24/06) FEST/ ENVI 18+ 15 VOLS. Supporting the organisation of a local festival, participation in the heritage’s restoring. Participation’s conditions: good level of French, interest in the participation of festivals (no coordinators’ training will be organized by Concordia). CONC 093 MALANSAC (01/07-23/07) CULT 18+ 15 VOLS. Support the local associations in the organization of a traditional feast. Participation’s conditions: good level of French. Painter needed! CONC 094 BRAINS (09/07-31/07) RENO 18+ 15 VOLS. Improvement of the skate park area and of the bi-cross ground. Realisation of little wood constructions Participations conditions: good level of French and love for skateboarding and interest for being in a dynamic and young group. CONC 095 CAMPENAC (09/07-31/07) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Supporting the local associations in the organization of a traditional feast and the renovation of fountains. Participations conditions: good level of French and interest in masonry and to exchanges with the local population.

CONC 096 GUISSENY (09/07-31/07) ENVI 18+ 12 VOLS. Activities (hiking, exhibitions, art creations), mowing, evacuation of green wastes in a exceptional environmental heritage area. Participations conditions: good level of French. Interest in projects on environmental protection.


CONC 121 MELUN (07/07-29/07) ARCH 18+ 12 VOLS: Traditional masonry work in a historical setting. Participation conditions : intermediate level of French CONC 123 CHELLES (09/07-31/07) ENVI/RENO 18+ 15 VOLS. Working on the valorisation of a church. Participation conditions: intermediate level of French. CONC 126 MONTREUIL (04/08-26/08) RENO 18+ 15. Participation conditions: intermediate level of French.


CONC 151 CONDE SUR HUISNE (11/06-26/06) CONS 18+ 12 VOLS: Restoring of the rural heritage that will be visited by a lot of hikers, riders and cyclists Participation conditions: bases of French. Capacity of working in a team. Organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). CONC 152 ALECON (07/07-29/07) ART 15-17 14 VOLS. Working on a fresco, whose topic will be decided by the district inhabitants committed to the project. Organization of the “preview”, a festive event with the inhabitants and the partners. Participation conditions: bases of French. Capacity of working with different actors (local associations, representants of the municipality, social centers). Certificate of groups’ coordination, artistical skills, organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). CONC153 BAZOUGES SUR LE LOIR (07/07-29/07) CONS 18+ 12 VOLS. Building low walls in a traditional way, visits, activities and meetings with the local associations. Participation conditions: good level of French, relational skills and capacity of communicating with the local population, organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). 10/85 CONC 155 LA JUBAUDIERE (14/07-29/07) RENO 15-17 15 VOLS. Restoration of a small bridge by renovating both sides, building parapets and cleaning the surroundings. Participation conditions: bases of French. Capacity of working with different actors (local associations, representants of the municipality, social centers). Certificate of groups’ coordination, artistical skills, organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). CONC 156 BLOIS (16/07-31/07) ENVI/CONS 18+ 12 VOLS. Renovation of garden sheds and creation of signs and notice boards. Participation conditions: bases of French. Capacity of working with different actors (local associations, representants of the municipality, social centers). Certificate of groups’ coordination, artistical skills, organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). CONC 157 JUIGNE SUR SARTHE (04/08-26/08) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Restore the town walls, at the entrance of the village. Participation conditions: bases of French. Team working skills, communication and relational skills, capacity of communicating with the local population, organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). Driving license appreciated. CONC 161 SAUZE (06/08-28/08) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Restoration of a small bridge by using traditional techniques. Creation of new parapets with village stones. Participation conditions: bases of French. Team working skills, communication and relational skills, capacity of communicating with the local population, organizational skills in the daily life of the group (organization of the team, preparation of the lunches and dinner, cleaning) and in the leisure activities (visits, budget management). Driving license appreciated.


CONC 186 AMIENS (07/07-28/07) RENO 18+ 14 VOLS Re-building and renovation of a brick wall and renovation of a chapel. Participation conditions: good level of French Workcamps’ coordination experience or experince of group coordination in general. Dynamic person CONC 193 AVRICOURT (03/09-25/09) RENO 18+ 10 VOLS. Painting, carpentry in a church (strengthen the wood altar). Some external work around the church may have to be done as well. Participation conditions: good level of French. Workcamps’ coordination experience or experince of group coordination in general. Dynamic person


CONC 211 LES ARESQUIERS (10/04- 30/04) CONS/MANU 18+ 12 VOLS. Building of wood log cabins and wood storage. Participation conditions: Some bases of French, driving license and past experience in international workcamps. CONC 212 FRONTIGNAN (10/05-30/05) FEST 18+ 10 VOLS. Organizing of an urban festival. Work on the scenery for the artists, organizing the welcoming of the public, helping in the communication. Participation conditions: good level of French, driving license, possibility of welcoming disadvantaged people with workcamps’ experience. CONC 216 AGEL (16/07-31/07) ARCH 15-17 12 VOLS. Restoring of the path by doing some clearing of the vegetation, some earthmoving and other works like carrying some ground and doing some masonry. Participation conditions: good level of French and previous workcamp experience CONC 220 ST ANDRE (04/08-25/08) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Restoring of walls by doing some masonry.Participation conditions: good level of French and previous workcamp experience CONC 222 CAPDENAC (04/08-25/08) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS. Traditional masonry and cutting stones on various parts of the rampart and of the door. Participation conditions: bases of French and previous workcamp experience CONC 223 ST MARTIN (04/08-25/08) RENO 18+ 12 VOLS.

11/85 Restoring of terraces with basic masonry and excavations. Participation conditions : bases of French and previous workcamp experience

Did you decide to get involved? Please contact us! Please fill up the application form that you will find here below and send it to your contact organization in your country. They will send it to us.

Here our contact details and website: Concordia 17-19, rue Etex 75018 Paris [email protected]


Surname : First name : Nom : ______Prénom : ______

Date of birth : Date de naissance : ______

Place of birth : Nationality : Lieu de naissance : ______Nationalité : ______

Adress /Adresse : ______

Telephone : ______

Email : ______

Education / niveau d’études

Qualifications (school’s certificates, degree or other)/ Diplômes obtenus

Current situation (work, study / further education, vocational orientation course, without particular engagement or something else) Situation actuelle (travail, étude/formation, stage d’insertion professionnelle ou autre)

Language ability

Fluent Good Basic Courant Bien Peu   

  

  

   Drinving licence / permis de conduire ? Yes/oui  No/non 

Have you taken part in an international workcamp yet ? Give further details/ As tu déjà participé à un chantier international de bénévoles ? Si oui, préciser le pays, la date et le projet.

13/85 Have you had any experience as workcamp leader yet ? Give further details / As tu déjà été animateur d’un chantier international ? Si oui, préciser le pays, la date et le projet.

Have you ever had a training in order to becam workcamp’s leader ? / As tu déjà suivi une formation pour devenir animateur de chantier ?

Do you have any sort of technical knowledge or/and experience in the field of the workcamp you apply for (children, festivals, renovation etc.) ? / As tu des connaissances techniques particulières et/ou as tu eu des expériences dans le secteur du chantier pour lequel tu envoies ta candidature (enfants, festival, renovation etc.) ?

Why are you interested to lead a Concordia workcamp ? / Pourquoi souhaites tu animer avec Concordia ?

Please write down the workcamp title and code you are interested to lead (different choixes are possible) / Ecris le titre et le code du chantier que tu souhaites animer (différents choix sont possibles)

I have completed personally this application form / J’ai complété ce formulaire en personne

Date and place / date et lieu Signature


 To propose workcamps that work for peace, solidarity, friendships, citizenship, tolerance and respect for others and the environement.

 To favour local development in a village, a micro-region or disctrict with an emphasis on rural areas

 To have one or two leaders trained by Concordia on each project who actively participate in the workcamp. The leadership of the workcamp favours the emergence of a group dynamic which should be a school of democracy, participation, responsibility, encouraging the spirit of active citizenship, and the development of the individual.

 The gives the impetus to the group, guiding the volunteers towards taking responsibility for the collective life.

 The laeders guarantee the values of Concordia and the application of the charter.

 The leaders will be able to explain for whom and why a project of general interest (as opposed to private interest) leads to local and social development.

 The project should be useful to the community by improving the natural and cultural heritage.

 To encourage the local population to continue the project in the future

 To propose environemental projects that respect nature (selective cutting, environmentally friendly maintenance)

 To give the opportunity of discovering and learning new manual techniques.

 To propose workcamps of French and foreign volunteers while trying to reach a balance in the number of men and women.

 To promise to give extra information about workcamps with specific exchange details.


Concordia has been organising workcamps for teenagers for some 50 Years. We always have the general goal to permit the mobility of youth of all publics at all age. The teenager exchanges need to be taken into consideration inside of partnership relations. We truly believe that to be able to exchange teenager volunteers, and explain to the volunteer and even to the parents what to expect, it is really important that we communicate about what each organisation means when they talk about a teenager workcamp.

In France, activities for minors are protected by the law which gives a frame. These rules facilitate or determine the organisation of workcamps, leisure activities, health and safety of the volunteer, and also the skills necessary for the group leaders.

The camp language is mainly English with some French. The volunteers work on a concrete project, doing about 25/30 hours per week.

French legislation changed in 2006 hardening rules, consequently this year we are organizing teenage workcamps only for teenagers between 15 and 17 years old and any other teen places will be offered. Moreover, teenagers participating in teenage workcamps will be charged of 150€ extra fees to cover the costs of qualified coordinators who will lead the workcamps. Our proposal is that each organisation will pay total amount corresponding to teens’ exchange after season.

The leader team is composed of 2 to 3 persons who are qualified in leading and they are responsible at all times for the volunteers. Teenagers are taken in charge on their arrival at the meeting point (that will be mentioned in the info sheet) and they can’t leave the camp without a written authorisation signed by their parents and sent to our organisation.

According to the new French law we cannot host teenagers without the Medical fact sheet anymore. This is why we ask you to send a copy of the Medical Fact sheet together with the VEF (in pdf by e-mail if possible, or by fax). Please note that we won’t be able to accept your volunteers if we don’t get it together with the VEF. Sorry for the inconvenience! The confirmation slip with arrival details and the parental authorization should be sent at least 10 days before the camp starts.

As all volunteers taking part in our workcamps, minors are asked to be volunteers too. They themselves must take the decision to participate because we are expecting from all volunteers a certain commitment to participate at the workcamp as well as the collective task of group life (washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning the accommodation etc), and not ask the leader to do everything, they will have to be proactive and participative in all aspects of the workcamps.

Also, as the number of teenagers demands are increasing and the number of workcamps decreasing, we may have to privilege French teenagers on our workcamps as we cannot easily send them abroad. As much as we can, we will try our best to find the balance between French and foreigners volunteers.

A teenager camp has some special rules such as the no possibility to work on scaffolding (or only under specific rules and regulations). There is clearly a difference between the laws and the reality of a workcamp because we are dealing with international volunteers with different cultural backgrounds linked to rules, regulations and limits for teenagers and also special regulations within each country organising a teenager camp.

It is really hard for the local host to change their habits so the volunteers must be prepared or at least aware of cultural changes. It is the same when it comes to what we expect from a teenage volunteer and what rights he or she may have in one country but not in another: therefore we may expect the minor in France to have a certain

16/85 degree of autonomy and not expect that the leaders will be like their parents but at the same time, they will represent the authority and the volunteer will have to follow the rules.

17/85 MEDICAL FACTSHEET / FICHE MEDICALE For teenagers: to be sent together with the VEF For adults : to be sent at least 10 days before the arrival together with the confirmation slip

Workcamp N° / N° Chantier

Profile of the volunteer / Fiche d'identité du (de la) volontaire Name / Nom First Name / Prénom Date of birth / Date de naissance Social security number / N° Sécurité sociale N° telephone home / N° téléphone du domicile N° Telephone Work / Travail (parent) Local doctor's name / Nom médecin traitant N° telephone doctor / N° téléphone du médecin

Insurance cover for the volunteer / assurance du (de la) volontaire Name of insurance / nom d'assurance N° insurance policy / N° police d'assurance Name and address of person responsible for the volunteer during the workcamp dates / Nom et adresse de la personne responsable du (de la) volontaire pendant les dates du chantier

Medical information / Information médicale This information is strictly confidential and will only be used in case of illness or accident during the project / Cette information est confidentielle et ne sert qu'en cas d'accident ou de maladie pendant le séjour Please join a copy of any relevant medical documents to this factsheet if in your possession / Veuillez joindre à cette fiche une copie de tout document médical rélatif si vous en possédez

Vaccin / Vaccination Date of last injection / Date du dernier rappel

Diptheria / Dipthérie Tetanus / Tétanos Polio / Polio Whooping cough / Coqueluche B.C.G. Measles / Rougeole Mumps / Oreillons Rubella / Rubéole Hepatitus / Hépatite Meningitus / Méningite

Allergies / Allergies Please list any known allergies and the necessary treatment / Veuillez indiquer toute allergie connue et le traitement à suivre


Medication / Traitement médical Please list any medication that is taken by the volunteer (name, dosage) / Veuillez indiquer tout médicament pris par le (la) volontaire (nom et dosage)

Other comment on the volunteer's health / D'autres commentaires sur la santé du (de la) volontaire

I, , hereby (mother, father, guardian) give my consent to the director of this camp to take any medical action necessary in case of an emergency for (my son, my daughter, my charge). Je, soussigné(e), (mère, père ou représentant légal) autorise le directeur de ce séjour à prendre toute mesure médicale nécessaire en cas d'urgence pour (mon fils, ma fille, mon enfant à charge). Signature


Name and address of medical referent:

To whom it may concern,

I, the undersigned, certify after medical control done this day that:

Ms. / Mr.………………………………………………………………………….

Birth day: ……………………………

Permanent address: ………………………………………………………………………….

Has got a healthiness which doesn’t show contra-indications to work on scaffoldings or in highness.

Date ………………………………… Place ……………………………,

(Signature and stamp of the medical referent)


Please note that this document will be sent with the infosheet. It has to be sent back together with the confirmation slip at least 10 days before the arrival.

Je soussigné(e) (nom de la mère, du père ou du tuteur...) / I hereby (name of the mother, the father or the guardian...)

………………………………………………………………………………… autorise mon fils, ma fille (prénom, nom) / give my consent for my son, my daughter (first name, name):


À participer au chantier organisé par CONCORDIA, sous sa pleine responsabilité / To take part in the workcamp organised by CONCORDIA, under his/her full responsibility

À se baigner, sortir du camp et en règle générale à pratiquer toutes les activités proposées / To swim, to go out of the camp and in principle to participate to all activities proposed

À voyager seul(e) pour se rendre sur le lieu de séjour et en revenir sous sa pleine responsabilité/ To travel alone to the workcamp and back under his/her full responsibility

Et reconnait avoir pris connaissance, lu et accepté l'ensemble des règles et responsabilités d'un chantier/ And admit having read and accepted the entire information given about the French legislation and the right and responsibility of the volunteer and parents during a workcamp

Fait à / Signed at :......

Le / Date : ......

“Lu et approuvé, bon pour autorisation parentale” / “Read and approved, parent’s permission given” (Ecrire à la main / Please copy this sentence)


Signature des parents / Signature of parents :



No. of Age Special CODE Name Date Type. volunt Page limit Remarks eers CONC 002 AIGUEBELLE 1 09/07 24/07 ENVI 15-17 15 E.F. 150€ 27

CONC 010 AIGUEBELLE 2 06/08 28/08 ENVI 15-17 15 E.F. 150€ 27

CONC 035 MONTUSSAN 23/07 07/08 ENVI 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 28

CONC 061 MENETROL 07/07 22/07 ENVI 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 28 CLERMONT CONC 062 07/07 29/07 MANU 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 28 FERRAND 1 ST GERMAIN DE CONC 065 16/07 7/08 RENO 15-17 13 E.F. 150€ 29 SALLES CLERMONT CONC 067 04/8 26/08 MANU 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 29 FERRAND 2 CONC 152 ALENCON 07/07 29/07 ART 15-17 15 E.F. 150€ 30

CONC 155 LA JUBAUDIERE 14/07 29/07 RENO 15-17 15 E.F. 150€ 30

CONC 158 BRULON 04/08 26/08 RENO 15-17 15 E.F. 150€ 30 Extra fees : 150€ Bi national CONC 181 NOGENT SUR OISE 05/07 26/07 RENO 15-17 15 31 franco- québécois CONC 185 LE MEUX 07/07 28/07 RENO 15-17 13 E.F. 150€ 31 E.F. 150€, certificate of CONC 186 CCOUEST AMIENS 09/07 31/ 07 ENVI/RENO 15-17 13 31 swimming required CONC 187 HAM 30/07 25/08 RENO 15-17 11 E.F. 150€ 32

CONC 188 TRACY LE MONT 04/08 26/08 ENVI 15-17 15 E.F. 150€ 32

CONC 189 SAINT-MAXIMIN 04/08 26/08 ENVI 15-17 14 E.F. 150€ 32

CONC 193 BRETEUIL 06/08 21/08 RENO 15-17 13 E.F. 150€ 33

CONC 213 NIMES 07/07 21/07 RENO 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 33

CONC 214 ROQUEMAURE 07/07 28/07 ENV 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 33 ST GENIES DE CONC 217 21/07 11/08 ARCH 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 33 FONTEDIT CONC 219 ALBAS 04/08 25/0 RENO 15-17 12 E.F. 150€ 34


Age No. of Special CODE Name Date Type. Page limit volunteers Remarks

SOCI/ENVI/ CONC 001 CUBLIZE 04/06 26/06 18+ 15 35 SPORT

CONC031 BIRON 12/06 03/07 RENO 18+ 14 36

CONC 091 PLOUESCAT 04/06 26/06 RENO 18+ 15 36

CONC 092 KERVIGNAC 09/06 24/06 FEST/ENVI 18+ 15 36

CONC 151 CONDE SUR HUISNE 11/06 26/06 RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 37

CONC 211 LES ARESQUIERS 10/04 30/04 CONS/MANU 18+ 12 37

CONC 212 FRONTIGNAN 10/05 30/05 FEST 18+ 10 37


Age No. of Special CODE Name Date Type. Page limit volunteers Remarks

CONC 014 MIRIBEL-JONAGE 30/08 22/09 ENVI/CULT 18+ 14 38

GRESSE EN CONC 015 03/09 25/09 ENVI/RENO 18+ 13 38 VERCORS CONC 043 VERDELAIS 10/09 25/09 RENO 18+ 12 39

CONC 195 AVRICOURT 03/09 25/09 RENO 18+ 10 39


24/85 No. of Age CODE Name Date Type. volunte Special Remarks Page limit ers CONC 003 CRUZILLES 09/07 31/07 ENVI/RENO 18+ 15 41

CONC 004 LA TERRASSE 09/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 41 LA MOTTE CONC 005 09/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 42 SERVOLEX SAINT-PIERRE CONC 006 16/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 42 D’ALLEVARD CONC 007 ST AGNES 16/07 31/07 ENVI/RENO 18+ 13 42

CONC 008 UGINE 16/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 13 43

CONC 032 VANXAINS 1 07/07 22/07 RENO 18+ 14 43

CONC 034 DOMME 16/07 07/08 RENO/ENVI 18+ 14 44

CONC 063 NOVACELLES 07/07 29/07 RENO 18+ 12 44 Scaffolding CONC 064 GRACAY 1 07/07 29/09 RENO 18+ 12 44 cerficate CONC 093 MALANSAC 01/07 23/07 FEST/RENO 18+ 15 45 CONC/ CONC 096 BRAINS 09/07 31/07 18+ 15 45 SPORT CONC 095 CAMPENAC 09/07 31/07 FEST/RENO 18+ 15 46

CONC 096 GUISSENY 09/07 31/07 ENVI 18+ 15 46

CONC 121 MELUN 07/07 29/07 ARCH 18+ 12 46

CONC 122 BOBIGNY 1 09/07 31/07 RENO/SOCI 18+ 15 47

CONC 123 CHELLES 09/07 31/07 ENVI/RENO 18+ 15 47

CONC 124 PARIS HABITAT 09/07 31/07 RENO/SOCI 18+ 15 47

CONC 125 CRETEIL 09/07 31/07 RENO/SOCI 18+ 15 48 BAZOUGES SUR LE CONC 153 07/07 29/07 CONS 18+ 12 48 LOIR BEAUMONT SUR CONC 154 07/07 29/07 CONS 18+ 12 48 DEME CONC 156 BLOIS 16/07 31/07 ENVI/CONS 18+ 12 49 Tri national CONS/MAN CONC 182 WIMEREUX 7/7 22/7 18+ 15 British-French- 49 U German ENVI/ CONC183 CUISE LA MOTTE 07/07 28/ 07 18+ 13 50 RENO CONC184 AMIENS 07/07 28/ 07 RENO 18+ 14 50 CASTELNAU DE CONC215 16/07 31/07 ENV 18+ 12 25/8550 LEVIS RENO/ CONC216 AGEL 16/07 31/07 18+ 12 51 ENVI PROJECTS OF AUGUST:

No. of Age Special CODE Name Date Type. volunt Page limit Remarks eers BOUVESSE CONC 009 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 13 53 QUIRIEU CONC 011 CROLLES 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 53 RENO/ELDE/ CONC 012 LAGNIEU 20/08 11/09 18+ 14 54 SPORT PARC NETIONAL RENO/ELDE/ CONC 013 21/08 06/09 18+ 14 54 VANOISE SPORT CONC 036 VANXAINS 2 27/07 11/08 RENO 18+ 14 55

CONC 037 STE AULAYE 01/08 16/08 ENVI/FEST 18+ 14 55

CONC 038 VANXAINS 3 13/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 14 56

CONC 39 SADIRAC 06/08 21/08 RENO 18+ 13 56 Scaffolding CONC 040 MENDIONDE 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 56 certificate CONC 041 ARTHEZ-DE-BEARN 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 14 57 ENVI/ CONC 042 BEYLEME 13/08 28/08 18+ 15 57 RENO CONC066 ESCUROLLES 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 58 Scaffolding CONC 068 GRACAY 2 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 58 certificate BELLERIVE SUR CONC069 28/07 19/08 MANU 18+ 12 58 ALLIER MONTREUIL SUR Scaffolding CONC 126 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 15 59 EPTE certificate Bi national RENO/ CONC 127 BOBIGNY 2 06/08 28/08 18+ 15 French-German 59 CULT or Tri national ART/ CONC 128 ORLY 06/08 28/08 18+ 12 60 MANU JUIGNE SUR CONC 157 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 60 SARTHE CONC 159 DOLLON 04/08 19/08 CONS 18+ 12 60

CONC 160 PARCE 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 61

CONC 161 SAUZE 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 61

CONC 162 ST LEZIN 16/08 01/09 CONS 18+ 12 61

26/85 Scaffolding CONC 190 LAIGNEVILLE 04/08 26/ 08 RENO 18+ 11 62 certificate Scaffolding CONC 191 NEUFCHATEL 04/08 26/ 08 RENO 18+ 13 62 certificate Scaffolding CONC 192 MOYVILLERS 04/08 26/ 08 RENO 18+ 14 62 certificate CONC 194 SERVAL 10/08 28/ 08 RENO 18+ 15 63

CONC 218 EMMAÜS 02/08 16/08 SOCI 18+ 12 63 ST ANDRE DE CONC 220 04/08 25/08 RENO 18+ 12 63 SANGONIS French CONC 221 COUPIAC 04/08 19/08 RENO 18+ 12 motivation 64 letter CAPDENAC LE CONC 222 04/08 25/08 RENO 18+ 12 64 HAUT ST MARTIN CONC 223 04/08 25/08 RENO 18+ 12 64 LAGUEPIE

CONC 224 Lattes 18/09 02/10 RENO 18+ 16

CONC 225 Capdenac 1 16/07 31/07 CONC 18+ 12

CONC 226 Puéchabon 04/08 25/08 RENO/ENV 18+ 12


No. of Age Special CODE Name Date Type. volunt Page limit Remarks eers CONC 002 AIGUEBELLE 1 09/07 24/07 ENVI 15-17 15 27

CONC 010 AIGUEBELLE 2 06/08 28/08 ENVI 15-17 15 27

CONC 035 MONTUSSAN 23/07 07/08 ENVI 15-17 12 28

CONC 061 MENETROL 07/07 22/07 ENVI 15-17 12 28 CLERMONT CONC 062 07/07 29/07 MANU 15-17 12 28 FERRAND 1 ST GERMAIN DE CONC 065 16/07 7/08 RENO 15-17 13 29 SALLES CLERMONT CONC 067 04/8 26/08 MANU 15-17 12 29 FERRAND 2 CONC 152 ALENCON 07/07 29/07 ART 15-17 15 30

CONC 155 LA JUBAUDIERE 14/07 29/07 RENO 15-17 15 30

CONC 158 BRULON 04/08 26/08 RENO 15-17 15 30 Bi national CONC 181 NOGENT SUR OISE 05/07 26/07 RENO 15-17 15 franco- 31 québécois CONC 185 LE MEUX 07/07 28/07 RENO 15-17 13 31 Certificate of CONC 186 CCOUEST AMIENS 09/07 31/ 07 ENVI/RENO 15-17 13 swimming 31 required CONC 187 HAM 30/07 25/08 RENO 15-17 11 32

CONC 188 TRACY LE MONT 04/08 26/08 ENVI 15-17 15 32

CONC 189 SAINT-MAXIMIN 04/08 26/08 ENVI 15-17 14 32

CONC 193 BRETEUIL 06/08 21/08 RENO 15-17 13 33

CONC 213 NIMES 07/07 21/07 RENO 15-17 12 33

CONC 214 ROQUEMAURE 07/07 28/07 ENV 15-17 12 33 ST GENIES DE CONC 217 21/07 11/08 ARCH 15-17 12 33 FONTEDIT CONC 219 ALBAS 04/08 25/0 RENO 15-17 12 34


CONC002 AIGUEBELLE 09/07-24/07 TEEN/ENVI 15-17 yo 15 VOLS PROJECT: The « Charbonnière » rock is a place located in the Aiguebelle highness in a mountain décor that will let you speechless. Historic medieval site that used to shelter the Charbonnière castle, an XI century old fortress. Nowadays, we can discover past prints through the ruins and the relics. Not very well-known by the inhabitants, this site is still hiding a lot of mysteries that we suggest you to discover. Partner on this international youth exchange project, Animation of Canton d’Aiguebelle Association (AACA) will take advantage of this opportunity to meet the international volunteers during the work camp. Accompanied by local youth, the AACA supervisors will make direct exchanges easier and will increase the youth awareness of international mobility. Beautiful international friendship in prospect!! WORK: You will revamp the site that is not apparent because the vegetation recovers it. You will have the mission to clean up and clear of the brush wood to make easier the understanding and the interpretation of this medieval site. You will also be part of the paths reopening and pruning. A skidding activity will be offered time to time during which the donkeys will help you to take the shrub and the brushwood down during your working time. A technical supervisor, medium mountain guide, will supervise you for the work that has to be done, and he will share with you his knowledge of nature during your work camp. Work camp made for hiking and nature lovers!!! LANGUAGE:English LOCATION: Aiguebelle is a village of 1100 inhabitants in the Maurienne Valley 30 km away from Albertville. This village is surrounded by mountain massif such as Bauges, Belledonne and Vanoise one. ACCOMODATION: 10 minutes from your working place, under tents next to the living space (local premise), shower in a gymnasium in the centre of the village at 15 minutes by walk from your accommodation. TERMINAL: Aiguebelle train station. Airport : Paris and Chambéry-Savoie SPECIAL REQUIREMENT : Bring with you working gloves, good walking shoes, a torch, recipes from your country, a good sleeping bag and warm clothes: the nights could be cold in the mountain! Back pack compulsory. SPECIAL REMARKS : For more information have a look at : Extra fees : 150€

CONC010 AIGUEBELLE 2 06/08-28/08 TEEN/ENVI 15-17 yo 15 VOLS PROJECT: The « Charbonnière » rock is a place located in the Aiguebelle highness in a mountain décor that will let you speechless. Historic medieval site that used to shelter the Charbonnière castle, an XI century old fortress. Nowadays, we can discover past prints through the ruins and the relics. Not very well-known by the inhabitants, this site is still hiding a lot of mysteries that we suggest you to discover. Partner on this international youth exchange project, Animation of Canton d’Aiguebelle Association (AACA) will take advantage of this opportunity to meet the international volunteers during the work camp. Accompanied by local youth, the AACA supervisors will make direct exchanges easier and will increase the youth awareness of international mobility. Beautiful international friendship in prospect!!! WORK: You will revamp the site that is not apparent because the vegetation recovers it. You will have the mission to clean up and clear of the brush wood to make easier the understanding and the interpretation of this medieval site. You will also be part of the paths reopening and pruning. A skidding activity will be offered time to time during which the donkeys will help you to take the shrub and the brushwood down during your working time. A technical supervisor, medium mountain guide, will supervise you for the work that has to be done, and he will share with you his knowledge of nature during your work camp. Work camp made for hiking and nature lovers!!! LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Aiguebelle is a village of 1100 inhabitants in the Maurienne Valley 30 km away from Albertville. This village is surrounded by mountain massif such as Bauges, Belledonne and Vanoise one. ACCOMODATION: 10 minutes from your working place, under tents next to the living space (local premise), shower in a gymnasium in the centre of the village at 15 minutes by walk from your accommodation. TERMINAL: Aiguebelle train station. Airport : Paris and Chambéry-Savoie SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Bring with you working gloves, good walking shoes, a torch, recipes from your country, a good sleeping bag and warm clothes: the nights could be cold in the mountain! Back pack compulsory. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at : Extra fees : 150€ 29/85 AQUITAINE

CONC035 MONTUSSAN 23/07-07/08 TEEN/ENVI 15-17 yo 12 VOLS PROJECT:The town of Montussan will host an international work camp for the sixth time. The last 5 work camps which were memorable for the meetings, the splash of energy, the cordial welcome and the intergenerational relations, as well as the enthusiasm of the local young people, have induced Concordia and the municipality of Montussan to renew this experience. WORK: Led by a technical leader, you will participate in the restoration of the Laurence's banks (the Laurence is a small river crossing through the village). Work of cutting, pruning and restoration of the fence. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Montussan is situated in the outer suburbs of Bordeaux, in the East. ACCOMODATION: Under tent, near the stadium. Basic collective living conditions. TERMINAL: The train station in Bordeaux St Jean. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, a sleeping mattress, working clothes, sport and work shoes as well as warm clothes. SPECIAL REMARKS: Little public transportation. The stadium is situated 3 km away from the center of Montussan and you can only go downtown by foot on a higly frequented road. The lodging is really far from everything. We therefore advise you to subscribe only if you like nature and walking. For more information, you may check the following website: Extra fees : 150€


CONC061 MENETROL 07/07-22/07 TEEN/ENVI 15-17 yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: Participatory project, « Jardins pour tous », that gets Ménétrol municipality and some locals together around family gardens creation. The collective management and the organic practises that would be implemented would be completely in line with the sustainable development. The water, necessary for these gardens, will be the main theme for this work camp. In fact, the work will be mostly linked with Le Genzat, small river lining with the site. By favouring meeting and environmental sensitisation, this international work camp will be the first convivial time for these gardens. WORK: By creating vegetable steps and footbridge, you will realise walking access paths to the site and to the river. It will allow the future gardeners to draw water from the river moderately. The cleaning up of the river bank will be also realised during this work camp (clearing of brushwood). LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Ménétrol is a village part of the Puy de Dôme department, close to Clermont-Ferrand (around 15 km), located between the Limagne plain and the Puys chain, unique volcanic natural site in Europe. ACCOMMODATION: At the local stadium. Under tents for two persons, the collective life will take place in the local room very well furnished to welcome a group. TERMINAL: To Clermont-Ferrand train station. Airport: Paris. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: The nights could be cold, bring with you warm clothes and sleeping bag. Bring also with you, mattress, working clothes and shoes. Extra fees : 150€

CONC062 CLERMONT FERRAND 1 07/07-29/07 TEEN/MANU 15-17 yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: Concordia organizes since 1993, international workcamps with the city of Clermont-Ferrand. The nature was always been very present in the proposed activities. This year a new dimension will be investigated with an intervention on the family gardens. Of relatively ancient and labor tradition, they extend over two districts " Champratel " and "Les Vergnes" in the North of Clermont-Ferrand. Today these gardens seriously need to be reorganized. The family gardens owe be places of conviviality which allow the city-dwellers to find a link with the feeder nature to return our more long-lasting(sustainable) cities. A preparatory preliminary study will be led in connection with the districts houses to integrate the workcamp into the local life and facilitate the exchanges between the volunteers and the gardeners. 30/85 WORK: You will cut scrubs on certain plots, you will participate in the the removal(kidnapping) of bulky waste. You will defuse the small houses of the most damaged gardens. Finally you will make some works and arrangements to create spaces with collective vocation. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Regional capital of Auvergne, the town of Clermont-Ferrand (300 000 inhabitants) is located in the Puy-de-Dôme, between the Regional Parks of the Volcanos of Auvergne and of Livradois-Forez, 400 km in the South of Paris. ACCOMODATION: two places tents and collective tent for the group life, sanitary on the camp site TERMINAL: At the train station of Clermont-Ferrand. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Urban work camp. Lodging far away from the town centre. Bring your sleeping mattress. Nights are cold so bring warm clothes and sleeping bags. Extra fees : 150€

CONC065 ST GERMAIN DE SALLES 16/07-07/08 TEEN/RENO 15-17 yo 13 VOLS PROJECT : Concordia has been working with the community of “Bassin de Gannat” district since 1997. Many municipalities have already hosted international workcamps. Based on small local heritage projects, these workcamps create loads of interests and expectations. As important as the work, the exchanges with the local population are the heart of this partnership. The third work camp of the summer will be organised in Escurolles. This municipality will host an international workcamp for the first time. WORK: You will restore a wall of a cemetery, relatively old, situated in the perimeter of classification of the gate of a castle classified in the heritage. You will use techniques of traditional masonry techniques such as taking off the old joints, replacing of revealed stones, making joints with lime (mortar), coating and brushing. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Saint Germain de Salles ( 450 inhabitants) is located 60 km north of Clermont-Ferrand and 10 km north of Gannat in Allier county. Situated at the exit of the gorges of Sioule, it’s a rural region rich in historical heritage (numerous castles and Romanesque churches). ACCOMMODATION: two places tents in the municipal football stadium hall which is equipped for group life. TERMINAL: Gannat train station. Airport: Paris or Clermont-Ferrand SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and sleeping bag. Please, bring special gloves, clothes and shoes to work and bring your sleeping mats. Bikes will be lent during weekends. Extra fees : 150€

CONC 067 CLERMONT FERRAND 2 04/08-26/08 TEEN/MANU 15-17yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: Concordia organizes since 1993, international workcamps with the city of Clermont-Ferrand. The nature was always been very present in the proposed activities. This year a new dimension will be investigated with an intervention on the family gardens. Of relatively ancient and labor tradition, they extend over two districts " Champratel " and "Les Vergnes" in the North of Clermont-Ferrand. Today these gardens seriously need to be reorganized. The family gardens owe be places of conviviality which allow the city-dwellers to find a link with the feeder nature to return our more long-lasting(sustainable) cities. A preparatory preliminary study will be led in connection with the districts houses to integrate the workcamp into the local life and facilitate the exchanges between the volunteers and the gardeners. WORK: You will cut scrubs on certain plots, you will participate in the removal (kidnapping) of bulky waste. You will defuse the small houses of the most damaged gardens. Finally you will make some works and arrangements to create spaces with collective vocation. LOCATION: Regional capital of Auvergne, the town of Clermont-Ferrand (300 000 inhabitants) is located in the Puy-de-Dôme, between the Regional Parks of the Volcanos of Auvergne and of Livradois-Forez, 400 km in the South of Paris. ACCOMODATION: two places tents, and collective tent for the group life, sanitary on the camp site TERMINAL: At the train station of Clermont-Ferrand. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Urban work camp. Lodging far away from the town centre. Nights are cold so bring warm clothes and sleeping bags. Extra fees : 150€


CONC152 ALENÇON 07/07 -29/07 TEEN/ART 15/17yo 15 VOLS PROJECT: For the 13th year in a row, the town of Alençon will welcome a group of international volunteers for the restoration of a fresco in an urban district. You will work in the multi-cultural Courteille district, which has been developing thanks to the town's urban renewal plan. The local players, convinced that an art project is unifying, make the young Alençonnais aware of the environmental protection and the town development for and by everyone. Beyond the execution of an art work, by hosting a workcamp, the municipality really wants to create links and to organize cultural meetings with the inhabitants. WORK: With the local players' support and under the direction of supervisors from Concordia, you will work on a fresco, whose topic will be decided by the district inhabitants committed to the project. At the end of the workcamp, you will have to organize the “preview”, a festive event with the inhabitants and the partners. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: In the south of Normandy, town district of the department of Orne. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in collective tents on the camp-site; sanitary facilities in a building; cooking and eating under a big tent outside. Please bring a tent and a sleeping mat, if available. TERMINAL: at Alençon train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: As the workcamp takes place in an urban area, for practical and eco-friendly reasons, you will go by bicycle from the accommodation and the working place. Extra fees : 150€

CONC155 LA JUBAUDIÈRE 14/07 – 29/07 TEEN/RENO 15/17yo 15 VOLS PROJECT: In Les Mauges, part of Maine et Loire, about 10 km away from Beaupréau and close to Cholet, la Jubaudière has been developing: about twenty cultural and sports associations liven up this 1.200-inhabitant town. In addition to that, a youth club has organized successful mini workcamps for some years. That is why the youngsters and the inhabitants want to host an international workcamp for the first time. They are ready to make you discover their charming countryside. WORK: You will work on the restoration of a small bridge by renovating both sides, building parapets and cleaning the surroundings. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: 15 km in the north from Cholet, 60 km in the south from Angers. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents close to the football stadium, with kitchen and sanitary facilities in a building. Please bring a sleeping mat, if available. TERMINAL: at Cholet train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: 3 km by bicycle between the accommodation and the working place. Extra fees : 150€

CONC158 BRULON 04/08-26/08 TEEN/RENO 15/17yo 15 VOLS PROJECT: Brûlon is a charming little Middle Age village full of history. The centre of the village has a church from 11th century, a priory and typical houses, a feudal motte, and old trading halles. Brûlon is also the “cradle of modern communication” since Claude Chappe, born in the village, invented during the French revolution the optical telegraph. In addition to this rich historical character, Brûlon welcome nowadays a lot of field sports (bicycle, canoe, …) in a leisure base. The municipality, proud of its patrimony, has started to work on the protection and of the priory in order to transform it in a place of conviviality, exhibitions and outdoor animation in link with the Claude Chappe museum. With this wish of development, the village collaborates this year with Concordia in order to restore the wall surrounding the priory garden. WORK: Cleaning the walls by removing the ivy and other plants, pointing the wall in a traditional way. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: In the west of Sarthe, between Laval (40km) and Le Mans (35 km), about 15 km from Sablé-sur-Sarthe. ACOMMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents in the leisure base, close to a lake and a river. Kitchen under tent and sanitary facilities in buildings. Please bring a sleeping-mat and a tent if available.

32/85 SPECIAL REMARKS: Bring your sleeping mat For more information have a look at: Extra fees : 150€


CONC181 NOGENT SUR OISE 05/07 –26 /07 TEEN/RENO 15/17 yo 15 VOLS Bi national France-Québec PROJECT: Since 20 years, the CAEL, a non profit organisation, organizes activities for children and teenagers. As in last year’s workcamp you will work with the local youth and take part in the activities of the CAEL for children. WORK: Embellishment of an alley: small masonry work, fitting out a new fence and planting. LANGUAGE: French LOCATION: Department of Oise (Picardy Region) Nogent sur Oise is located to the north of Creil. Many walks are planned in the forests and the castles of Chantilly and Compiègne. ACCOMMODATION: accommodation in the CAEL’s building. TERMINAL: Creil train station Extra fees : 150€

CONC185 LE MEUX 07/07-28/07 TEEN/RENO 15/17 yo 13 VOLS PROJECT: Small village of 2000 inhabitants, Le Meux is bording the Oise river. The youth center and the local council is very keen to organize activities for the local youth. This year for the first time they want to organize a workcamp to boost the local life in July. The local youth center is already preparing your welcome. WORK: Next to fields around the village, you will restore small old fountains: masonry work, brick laying. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Le Meux is 10 km south of Compiègne in the Oise County. ACCOMMODATION: accommodation in tents. TERMINAL: Compiègne train station Extra fees : 150€

CONC186 CCOUEST AMIENS 09/07-31/ 07 TEEN/ENVI/RENO 15/17 yo 13 VOLS PROJECT: This is the fourth year that we organize a workcamp in collaboration with the Communauté de Commune Ouest Amiens and the Conservatoire Botanique National of Bailleul. The volunteers will participate to fight against the Jussie, an invasive plant which creates problems in the region. Indeed it will be the opportunity to discover the ecosystem of a small river and also to value the natural heritage. During the workcamp you will join several activities and entertainment in this village, all of them organized in collaboration with the youth center in the village. And the last week you will finish with a great festival organized by the young people of the village. WORK: The Jussie is a plant that prevents development of flora and fauna. In collaboration with the Canoe Club and the Center for Youth Leisure canoes will be available to travel to different parts of the swamp to extract and export of waste Jussie. Also work in other areas of the swamp, this time by land (mowing) to maintain natural areas. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: The Communauté de Commune Ouest Amiénois is reorganized in 18 smalls different and rural villages like Picquigny or Breilly. Picquigny is in the department of Somme (80), in the Somme Valley, 20km from Amiens which is capital of the region Picardie and town’s Art and History. ACCOMMODATION: camping ground in tents TERMINAL: Picquigny’s train station (SNCF) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: It’s very important to know to swim to make Canoe and to come with yours plastic bots. Physical work. Certificate of swimming required. Extra fees : 150€

33/85 CONC187 HAM 30/07 – 25 /08 TEEN/RENO 15/17 yo 11 VOLS PROJECT: The association of the friends of Ham’s castle ( organize regularly some actions to maintain, restore and promote the castle : Theater, car boot-sells, exhibitions and workcamps. This castle has been destroyed by the German army in 1917. Before then it had a very rich history, it has even hosted Napoléon Bonaparte when the castle was used like a jail. This year, the association of the friends of Ham’s castle wanted to welcome international volunteers to boost their usual workcamps. WORK: Manly masonry work: building walls, laying pavement and working on Vauban’s fortifications (from early XIX century). LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: HAM is the heart of Picardy about 20km of St Quentin and Noyon. ACCOMMODATION: accommodation with tents. TERMINAL: to Ham’s train station. Extra fees : 150€

CONC188 TRACY LE MONT 04/08 -26/ 08 TEEN/ENVI 15/17 yo 15 VOLS PROJECT: This is an environmental workcamp that we organize for the second time in the community of Tracy Le Mont in the heart of Laigue’s forest. The people of this small village, sensitized to their life environment, want to preserve their quality of life and promote the participation of youth international volunteers in the village. Your role will be to help them to maintain a walking path in the forest and to restore the “Gotebert” fountain. The workcamp provide also the entertainment for the community during month August. It is also noteworthy that many of the village paths cross in the woods. WORK: The work will be to build a fence, fit in water pipe to prevent rain water to wash out the path and to restore an old traditional wash tub : cleaning and small masonry. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Department of Oise (Region Picardie)/ Tracy Le Mont is located in the heart of the forest near Compiegne and Noyon. ACCOMMODATION: in tents with access to the public hall. TERMINAL: Compiegne train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: Extra fees : 150€

CONC189 SAINT-MAXIMIN 04/08 -26/ 08 TEEN/ENVI 15/17 yo 14 VOLS PROJECT: The town of Saint Maximin, is in the heart of stone careers, in the south of Oise. This little town’s got a cultural and particular heritage born from the stone (troglodithes houses, old carrers in outdoors, and “mushroom’s farm” etc.). For this reason, the town of Saint Maximin wants to develop a museum called “La Maison de la Pierre”. For the fourth workcamps, your work will be link to this project. The village authority is keen to to involve of the local young people into the workcamp so they will take part in the work and in the numerous leisure activities. WORK: This year you will carry on the embellishment of the access of the quarry and some other small works will also be undertaken in the village. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: St Maximin is situated in the south of Creil; in the Parc Naturel Regional Oise Pays the France. Near the Chantilly’s forest and castle. ACCOMMODATION: In tents and use of the locker room and shower of the football stadium TERMINAL: Train station Chantilly Extra fees : 150€

34/85 CONC193 BRETEUIL 06/08 –21 /08 TEEN/RENO 15/17 yo 13 VOLS PROJECT: This year, for the first time, the Social and Leisure Center of Breteuil and the surrounding villages wants to organize an international workcamp. In order to facilitate the involvement of the local young people, the workcamp will take place in one of the villages surrounding Breteuil, and the accommodation in another one. WORK: The work will be undertaken by volunteers and local young people. It will take place in one of the village of the surrounding village of Breteuil. The volunteers will do some restoration work like small masonry. LANGUAGE: English/French LOCATION: Breteuil is in the north of the Oise County, between the cities of Amiens and Beauvais. ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation with tents with access to public hall’s facilities. TERMINAL: Breteuil’s train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: French speaking camp. Extra fees : 150€


CONC213 NIMES 07/07 – 21/07 TEEN/RENO 15-17 yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: The town of Nîmes is the owner of a wide old agricultural domain planted by the Romans in the area of Courbessac. A big project with the association MENHIR hopes to build a leisure area and the implementation of an international centre of olive-tree. In the domain of Escattes, a water spring has been fitted out and canalized by stone walls. WORK: There are some ruins of an old “building” in the park and the purpose is to see by clearing the area and doing some excavation if this building was an icehouse or something else. An archeological following might be done. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: You will live in the little village call Bezouce, 10 kilometres from Nîmes. You will however have many opportunities to go to Nîmes in the south of France, between Avignon and Montpellier. The town is in a very welcoming and historically rich region ACCOMMODATION: Under tents in the camping of Bezouce (if you have one, you may bring it.) TERMINAL: Nîmes train station Extra fees : 150€

CONC214 ROQUEMAURE 07/07 – 28/07 TEEN/ENV 15/17yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: It’s the first time that the town council and Concordia are teaming up. This year, you’ll clear the vegetation of the banks of an old dike that was used before by the wine growers of the famous wine “Côtes du Rhone”. You will have also to clean around an old tower. WORK: Clearing vegetation LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: 12 Km north of Avignon. This little town is a very interesting one, from there, one can visit the vineyards and the beginning of the Provence : ACCOMMODATION: Under tents (if you have one and/or a ground sheet, you may bring them) in the school in the village TERMINAL: Avignon train station then bus stop of Roquemaure. Extra fees : 150€

CONC217 ST GENIES DE FONTEDIT 21/07 – 11/08 TEEN/ARCH 15/17 yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: It’s the second time that the town council of St Geniès de Fontedit and Concordia are teaming up. Last year, the volunteers cleared the vegetation of the banks of a river in order to prepare this year project. The volunteers will have to do some excavation in order to find the rests of an old chapel WORK: Excavation LANGUAGE: English

35/85 LOCATION: 15 Km north of Béziers This little town is a very interesting one, from there; one can visit the vineyards and this very touristic region. Last year, there have been many contacts with the local youths. ACCOMMODATION: under tents (if you have one and/or a ground sheet, you may bring them) in the stadium and use of the changing-rooms for cooking and shower. TERMINAL: Béziers train station then bus stop of St Genies de Fontedit Extra fees : 150€

CONC 219 ALBAS 04/08 – 25/08 TEEN/RENO 15/17yo 12 VOLS PROJECT: It’s the fifth time that this nice isolated village of 60 inhabitants receives the volunteers of Concordia. Since 4 years, the volunteers worked on various arrangements in the streets of the village. Many meetings with the local population and particularly a meal every week are organised. WORK: Excavation and building a pavement with stones just in front of a fountain restored by a previous work camp. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: 40 km south-west of Narbonne. Albas is in the wild region of the Corbières, in Pays Cathare, with many possibilities of walks and a rich historical heritage. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents (if you have one and/or a ground sheet, you may bring them). Cooking and shower in a town hall. TERMINAL: Narbonne train station SPECIAL REMARKS: This village is very isolated. The station is 40 Km from Albas. You will have to be on time at the meeting point! Extra fees : 150€


Age No. of Special CODE Name Date Type. Page limit volunteers Remarks

SOCI/ENVI/ CONC 001 CUBLIZE 04/06 26/06 18+ 15 35 SPORT

CONC031 BIRON 12/06 03/07 RENO 18+ 14 36

CONC 091 PLOUESCAT 04/06 26/06 RENO 18+ 15 36

CONC 092 KERVIGNAC 09/06 24/06 FEST/ENVI 18+ 15 36

CONC 151 CONDE SUR HUISNE 11/06 26/06 RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 37

CONC 211 LES ARESQUIERS 10/04 30/04 CONS/MANU 18+ 12 37

CONC 212 FRONTIGNAN 10/05 30/05 FEST 18+ 10 37



PROJECT: Tarare town’s mission deals with youth social and professional integration and it aims at allowing young people, often excluded from international mobility plans, to participate in international exchanges by integrating them in Concordia work camps. Most of the regional youth actors are involved in order to make this exchange between young people from neighbouring villages and young international a success. If you like human and social relations and you also have good communication skills, this work camp is made for you, for the 3 rd session full of meetings, activities and trainings. WORK: You will help in the logistical setting up of the 14th triathlon that welcomes almost 850 competitors from all around France. Before the triathlon, which takes place on the 20 th of June, you will help in setting up the stands, marking up the path; during the event you will be in charge of the supply stands. After the competition you will remove the stands, and clean up the path. At the same time, you will do some environmental works to re-open some hiking and equestrian paths in the surroundings of the “sapin” lake. LANGUAGE: English and French. LOCATION: The lake called “Lac des Sapins” is located in the middle of a leisure base, in a wonderful wooded place at 440 meters of altitude and at 65km north-west of Lyon. ACCOMODATION: Under tents in a campsite near the lake. TERMINAL: At Amplepuis train station. Airport: Paris and Lyon. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes, good sleeping bag, sportswear and your swimming suit. Back pack compulsory. SPECIAL REMARKS: A minibus will be provided to the volunteers to make transportation and surroundings discovery easier. A lot of leisure and activities will be proposed during all your stay. For more information:


CONC031 BIRON 12/06-03/07 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: Biron is a little village of 178 inhabitants and it is well known for its castle which was built between the 12th and the 18th century and which is classified as historical monument. This exceptional monument, which is visited by more than 10000 tourists every year, belonged to one of the barons of the Perigord region and it is situated in a strategic position. This will be the first Concordia workcamp and its aim is that of restoring part of the heritage and of building some links between the local and international population. It will take place in June in order to avoid the tourist summer period. WORK: You will restore part of the ancient construction situated next to the castle that is made of a well, a fountain, a washhouse and a pool (this year you will work on the fountain and the wash-house). It consists in a work of traditional masonry. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Biron, situated in the Monpazier region between the Perigord and the Agenais; 50 km south-east of Bergerac. ACCOMMODATION: tents in a farm near the village. Use of farm's bathrooms. Please bring some warm clothes with you, a sleeping bag and a camping carpet. Precarious conditions of collective life. TERMINAL: at Fumel train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: no public transports near the workcamp. The village is isolated. Nights can still be quite cold in June, so please bring warm clothes, a good sleeping bag, a camping carpet and don't forget to take some rubber boots (we will sometimes work with your feet in the water). For more information, please contact the following site:


CONC091 PLOUESCAT 04/06-26/06 RENO 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: The project consists in the renovation of a fortification of the 17th century. The warehouse is a place where the gunpowder was put in. WORK: Traditional masonry work on the lateral walls and block's recover. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Plouescat is situated in the Finistere region in front of the sea-side. ACCOMODATION: in a building next to the workcamp. TERMINAL: At the Morlaix railway station. SPECIAL REMARKS: Isolated place. It is a workcamp for experienced volunteers.

CONC092 KERVIGNAC 09/06-24/06 FEST/ENVI 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: The project consists in the supporting the organisation of a local festival, a big event with music and living show. The volunteers will also participate in the heritage's restoring. WORK: Setting up of the stage, staying at the stands and helping the organisation and the communication. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Kervignac, a little and dynamic town, is situated in Morbihan, some kilometres from Lorient ACCOMODATION: in a building next to the workcamp. TERMINAL: At the Lorient station.


CONC 151 CONDE SUR HUISNE 11/06- 26/06 RENO/ENVI 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: The green way is, in Europe, a way for autonomous communication of pedestrians and riders. These ways are developed respecting the environment, the economic and industrial capital and are often built on ancient railways. Concordia will work on the green way before its opening to the public access. This green way crosses the natural parks of the Normandie-Maine and the Perche region, it winds different heritage buildings like castles and manors and it will be a multi-activities' path covering the 65 km of the ancient railway tracks connecting the villages of Alençon and Condé sur Huisne. The volunteers will restore the rural heritage that will be visited by a lot of hikers, riders and cyclists! People who love nature, sport and heritage will find here their happiness: a simple happiness in the hearth of an ambitious project. WORK: heritage restoration: traditional masonry work using the lime mortar. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: at the crossing of three regions, the Sarthe, the Orne, and the Eure et Loir, Coné sur Huisne is situated 8 km from Nogent le Rotrou and 60 km from Chartres and Alençon. ACOMMODATION: you will sleep in a building. Please bring a mattress with you if you can. TERMINAL: Condé sur Huisne railways station.


CONC211 LES ARESQUIERS 10/04 – 30/04 CONS/MANU 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: “Les Aresquiers” is a place welcoming holiday camps, group meetings as well as school discovery workshop. Since many years, this organisation began to work with Concordia and decided to organise workcamps in order to make wood outdoor pieces of furniture (tables, benches, huts, shelters, etc.). WORK: This year, you’ll have to build wood log cabins and wood storage. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: 15 Km south-west of Montpellier. This isolated place is wonderful, just on the beach of Vic-la-Gardiole. From there, one can visit the vineyards and the hilly hinterlands. ACCOMMODATION: in the welcoming centre of Les Aresquiers TERMINAL: Montpellier then bus stop of Vic-la-Gardiole SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: we recommend you to take warm clothes for windy days.

CONC212 FRONTIGNAN 10/05 – 30/05 FEST 18yo 10 VOLS

PROJECT: The Youth Service of Frontignan calls the volunteers of Concordia for the seventh time. The project will be done in link with a team of 10 young people from Frontignan who will be very good guides for the discovery of the region and the leisure time WORK: Like we did last year, you will help to organise an urban festival. That means that you will work on the scenery for the artists, organise the welcoming of the public, helping the communication… LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: 20 Km south-west of Montpellier ACCOMMODATION: under tents. If you have one, you may bring it. TERMINAL: Frontignan train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: we recommend you to take warm clothes for windy days.


Age No. of Special CODE Name Date Type. Page limit volunteers Remarks

CONC 014 MIRIBEL-JONAGE 30/08 22/09 ENVI/CULT 18+ 14 38

GRESSE EN CONC 015 03/09 25/09 ENVI/RENO 18+ 13 38 VERCORS CONC 043 VERDELAIS 10/09 25/09 RENO 18+ 12 39

CONC 195 AVRICOURT 03/09 25/09 RENO 18+ 10 39



PROJECT: The suburban Park of Miribel-Jonage leads an animation and preservation program in order to enhance the value of its natural environment. The park organizes events for the urban community of Lyon. Concordia is in contact with the Park of Miribel-Jonage since 4 years. This year, you will create a naturalistic path and a bird’s observatory. At the end, volunteers will get involved in the organization of the “Woodstower” Festival. If you like contacts with people and nature, this camp is for you!!! WORK: Supervised by professional workers of nature, you will clear the brushwood and cut some small trees in order to create the naturalistic path. You will mark the ground fixing some wooden sticks on the place where there are important interests about fauna, flora, and birds’ migration. Finally, you will integrate the volunteer’s team of the musical festival “Woodstower” which hosts each year around 10 000 festival goers. LANGUAGE: English and French. LOCATION: The Park of Miribel-Jonage is situated in the northeast of Lyon agglomeration. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents. TERMINAL: Miribel Train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, warm clothes and raincoats, good walking shoes, a torch and a sleeping bag. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at : and


PROJECT: The Vercors Natural Park is one of the first natural parks created in the Alps. It is nowadays exposed to strong degradation caused by erosion, climate and hikers. Since 2005 five workcamps have successfully been realized. Vercors Park is really enthusiastic to restart the experience in 2010 in “Gresse en Vercors” village that hosted already an international workcamp in 2005. The mountain culture is waiting for you with its wonderful panorama and forests. Hikers and adventurers, this workcamp is for you! WORK: You will work on the renovation of damaged paths. Removing brushwood and laying out new paths will be the main work. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: “Gresse en Vercors” village is a mountain village located 50 km in the south of Grenoble in a wonderful mountain place!!! ACCOMMODATION: In a resting place in Gresse en Vercors. TERMINAL: To « Monestier de Clermont » train station. Airport: Paris and Grenoble.

40/85 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes, a sleeping-bag, torch light and a backpack. Good physical condition is required! SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: and


CONC 043 VERDELAIS 10/09-25/09 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: The small village of Verdelais was once famous for its pilgrimage chapel and its monastery… it recently inherited a “way of Cross” from the top of which a splendid view of the valley of the Garonne can be admired. For National Heritage Day, which will take place during the camp on the 18 & 19 of September, the town hall wished to renovate this pathway, and to thus promote this inheritance for which, during a weekend, you will play the guides and the organizers… WORK: Led by a technical leader, you will participate in the restoration of the way of cross: repairing the old evacuations of water (cleaning and repositioning small stones); sanding and painting the bars of each small chapel, concealment of certain bars. You will as well participate in the setting and the leading of the visits during National Heritage Day. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Verdelais is a small village in the Gironde, located a few kilometres from Langon, and 35 km south-east of Bordeaux. ACCOMODATION: In a building (basic collective living conditions). TERMINAL: The train station in Langon. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport and work shoes as well as warm clothes. SPECIAL NOTE: No public transportation, for those who like nature and walking. For more information, you may check the following website:


CONC195 AVRICOURT 03/09 – 25 /09 RENO 18 yo 10 VOLS

PROJECT: This is the 11th workcamp in Avricourt…..! This small village of 200 inhabitants wants to preserve its little church and so always welcome warmly the volunteer…meals with inhabitants, gift of local vegetables, cakes and jam are a must in Avricourt…Many exchanges and meetings in preparation… Beside the work in the church, you will organize and participate to activities with the youngest of the village. The end of the workcamp will be celebrated by a concert in the church. WORK: This year, you will do several jobs into the church: painting, carpentry (strengthen the wood altar). Some external work around the church may have to be done as well. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Avricourt is between Roye and Noyon in the north of the Oise county. ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation in a local flat and using the local public hall’s facilities. TERMINAL: Noyon train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: please bring a picture of yourself to add to the « Hall of Fame » of the Avricourt Workcamp, and if you are a musician feel free to come with you instrument: the Noyon Harmony is ready to invite you to play with them for the final concert in the church.


42/85 No. of Age CODE Name Date Type. volunte Special Remarks Page limit ers CONC 003 CRUZILLES 09/07 31/07 ENVI/RENO 18+ 15 41

CONC 004 LA TERRASSE 09/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 41 LA MOTTE CONC 005 09/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 42 SERVOLEX SAINT-PIERRE CONC 006 16/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 42 D’ALLEVARD CONC 007 ST AGNES 16/07 31/07 ENVI/RENO 18+ 13 42

CONC 008 UGINE 16/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 13 43

CONC 032 VANXAINS 1 07/07 22/07 RENO 18+ 14 43

CONC 034 DOMME 16/07 07/08 RENO/ENVI 18+ 14 44

CONC 063 NOVACELLES 07/07 29/07 RENO 18+ 12 44 Scaffolding CONC 064 GRACAY 1 07/07 29/09 RENO 18+ 12 44 cerficate CONC 093 MALANSAC 01/07 23/07 FEST/RENO 18+ 15 45 CONC/ CONC 094 BRAINS 09/07 31/07 18+ 15 45 SPORT CONC 095 CAMPENAC 09/07 31/07 FEST/RENO 18+ 15 46

CONC 096 GUISSENY 09/07 31/07 ENVI 18+ 15 46

CONC 121 MELUN 07/07 29/07 ARCH 18+ 12 46

CONC 122 BOBIGNY 1 09/07 31/07 RENO/SOCI 18+ 15 47

CONC 123 CHELLES 09/07 31/07 ENVI/RENO 18+ 15 47

CONC 124 PARIS HABITAT 09/07 31/07 RENO/SOCI 18+ 15 47

CONC 125 CRETEIL 09/07 31/07 RENO/SOCI 18+ 15 48 BAZOUGES SUR LE CONC 153 07/07 29/07 CONS 18+ 12 48 LOIR BEAUMONT SUR CONC 154 07/07 29/07 CONS 18+ 12 48 DEME CONC 156 BLOIS 16/07 31/07 ENVI/CONS 18+ 12 49

CONS/MAN Tri national British- CONC 182 WIMEREUX 7/7 22/7 18+ 15 49 U French-German ENVI/ CONC183 CUISE LA MOTTE 07/07 28/ 07 18+ 13 50 RENO CONC184 AMIENS 07/07 28/ 07 RENO 18+ 14 50 CASTELNAU DE CONC215 16/07 31/07 ENV 18+ 12 43/8550 LEVIS RENO/ CONC216 AGEL 16/07 31/07 18+ 12 51 ENVI RHONE ALPES

CONC003 CRUZILLES 09/07-31/07 ENVI/RENO 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: Concordia is glad to start a new partnership with « Pont de Veyle ». The village community offers a project dealing with technical training on masonry and friendly meetings with local people in order to restore and promote its local heritage and to open the doors to intercultural projects for youth. This workcamp will be full of meetings, discoveries and technical trainings. WORK: You will realise some masonry works on two local edifices built close to the small “Avanon” river. You will work on a small vaulted bridge and you will arebuilt the walls of a floodgate system. You will finally realise the walking path to access the site to stimulate this outstanding heritage discovery by the local population. The work will be supervised by a local craftsman. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Cruzille lès Mépillat is a rural village of 800 inhabitants situated at 13km south of Mâcon, at 40km from Villefranche sur Saône and 70km far from Lyon. ACCOMODATION: In a municipal room and showers in the gymnasium. TERMINAL: At Mâcon TGV train station. Airport: Paris and Lyon. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring with you working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes, good sleeping bag, a torch and your swimming suit. Backpack and Wellington boots are compulsory due to working activities in the water! Bicycles will be lent by the locals to make your transportation between your living and working place easier (around 2.5km).

CONC004 LA TERRASSE 09/07-31/07 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: Welcome to “La Terrasse”, a small village of 2300 inhabitants located in the “Chartreuse” mountains between Grenoble and Chambery. For this 1st cooperation between the village of “La Terrasse” and Concordia, the village wants to promote the international exchanges of people. During your stay, the exchanges with the local population will be numerous. Hikers and lovers of nature, this camp is for you!!! WORK: You will work on some dry-stone walls retaining an old path next to a castle. This old and traditional technical of construction will be realised without cement. The workplace is at 1,5km by bike from the centre of the village in a wonderful place close to mountain and waterfalls. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: “La Terrasse” is located at 35km from Grenoble close to Chartreuse mountains within a beautiful highland. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents to a camping close to a lake at 10 minutes by bike to the centre of the village. TERMINAL: Bus stop in “La Terrasse” town centre. Airport: Paris or Chambéry-Savoie SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring with you working gloves, good and comfortable walking shoes, a torch, swim suit, a good sleeping bag and warm clothes because you can have cold nights on the mountains!! Back pack compulsory. Some bikes will be available to facilitate your transport. Mountain’s lovers, this camp is for you!!! SPECIAL REMARKS: Bicycles will be lent by the locals to make your transportation between your living and working place easier (around 2km). For more information, have a look at:

CONC005 LA MOTTE SERVOLEX 09/07-31/07 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT : Eight international workcamps have already been hosted successfully since 2002 in La Motte Servolex. The cooperation with the Youth Service of the village led to rich exchanges and a great involvement of the local youth. This year, the town suggests working in order to improve the quality of life of inhabitants close to the city center.

44/85 WORK : With Lionel from the technical services of the town, you’ll continue the work started by the volunteers of the last year through some works of masonry. You will build a stone facing on a wall located next to the church o f the town. Some others small works will be planned in the town during your stay around woodworks and paintworks. LANGUAGE: English and French LOCATION: In Savoie, in the surroundings of Chambéry. Lots of possibilities for leisure time: hiking in Bauges or Chartreuse mountains, swimming in Bourget or Aiguebelette lakes, visit of Chambéry, Annecy, Aix-les-Bains cities, of Hautecombe abbey, tasting the famous wines from Savoie . Around 12 000 inhabitants live to La Motte Servolex. ACCOMMODATION: Sleeping under tents to the football stadium, kitchen and bathroom in a gymnasium beside. TERMINAL: Chambéry train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes, swim suit, a ground cloth and a sleeping bag. SPECIAL REMARKS :


PROJECT: In Belledonne mountains, St-Pierre d’Allevard offers many walking paths and a protected natural area: the marshland of Sailles (Marais de Sailles). After four successful workcamps in the marshland you will rehabilitate this year a hiking path which has a link with the Chapel “Saint Christopher” next to an old tower called “La tour d’Acquin”. You can expect a warm welcome from Saint Pierre d’Allevard inhabitants. Workcamp for hikers and nature lovers! WORK: You will work on the reopening of a hiking path through some works of pruning, on the clearing of brushwood, and on the cutting of small trees in order to make the access of this hiking path easier for the hikers. You will also learn how to build some small dry-stone walls. You will work with Annayk, the community Environment Project Officer who will reveal you all nature’s secrets. LANGUAGE: English and French. LOCATION: In Belledonne mountains above the Grésivaudan Valley, less than 40 km from Grenoble and Chambéry. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents close to the nursery school in the village centre. Toilets and showers in the gymnasium next to the nursery school. TERMINAL: Goncelin train station. Airport: Paris and Chambéry-Savoie SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes, torch light, backpack and warm sleeping-bag. You are in the mountain, nights can be cold! SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at:

CONC007 ST AGNES 16/07-31/07 ENVI/RENO 18yo 13 VOLS

PROJECT: Sainte-Agnès is a 10 hamlets village spread over 1000 meters high. Hanged on the “Belledonne Balcony”, it’s a perfect place for ramblers and flocks. This year the village will host its 14 th international workcamp : an event the inhabitants of “la Perrière” hamlet are looking forward ! Every year, Jean organises a “bread-oven day” and a wood sculpture workshop. And next to your house, the “Grand Joly” restaurant will be of some precious help for sure! WORK: You will be guided by Bernard in mostly upkeeping and fitting out work in the village. Planning is not fixed yet. but you will not be bored! Painting, repairing jobs, keeping up mountain footpaths, clearing and cleaning river borders … Expect a diversity of tasks! You will have to walk from one working place to another. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Sainte-Agnès is situated 15 km north-east from Grenoble, in the Belledonne mountains. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents next in an old house with basic comfort at an altitude of 900 m. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Ramblers and adventurers, this workcamp is for you! Very important: bring working gloves, good walking shoes, torch light, warm clothes and a good sleeping-bag. Nights can be cold!!! Backpack is compulsory. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at:

CONC008 UGINE 16/07-31/07 RENO 18yo 13 VOLS 45/85 PROJECT: Ugine village has already welcomed 6 international work camps on its territory at the end od the 90’s for ramparts restoration work. 10 years later, Ugine municipality has one more time being very involved in 2009 by welcoming in June a technical supervisor training and in July an international work camp. Last year, the volunteers and supervisors worked on the flour mill revamp through a cleaning up and an old instrument identification. A valuable work underlined by an unbelievable intergenerational meeting between volunteers and former millers. This year, the municipality would like to revamp its church located in the village centre. Meetings with the local population would be numerous!!! WORK: You will do some masonry works around the church (to be defined) LANGUAGE: English and French. LOCATION: Ugine is a town of 7500 inhabitants located in Arly vale in Savoie, at the border of the Bauges Massif Natural Park few kilometres far from Albertville. Based in a mountain territory, ramblers and adventurers, this work camp is made for you ! ACCOMMODATION: Individual beds in an old primary school located in the village centre – showers at the gymnasium at 5 minutes by walk. TERMINAL : Albertville train station then take the bus to Ugine. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Very important: bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes and sleeping- bag. Backpack is compulsory. Some bikes will be lent by the local population to make your transportation easier. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information, just have a look at:


CONC 032VANXAINS 1 07/07-22/07 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: The partnership with the village of Vanxains is always very interesting for the restoration of the small local heritage site the very enriching exchanges between international volunteers and the local population and the warm welcome is assured. Two camps will be organized again this year, in order to continue the restoration of the wall surrounding the park which belongs to the village and is used for cultural events during the summer. WORK: Led by a technical leader from Concordia, you will take part in the restoration of both faces of a stone wall surrounding the parkland. Reconstruction, cleaning, renovation of the wall’s parts that fell down. Traditional masonry. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION : Vanxains (700 inhabitants) 40km from Périgueux. Vainxains is a picturesque village which has retained its rural charm. ACCOMODATION: In a building. Basic collective living condition. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. TERMINAL: Angoulême train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: The work may be quite physical sometimes. Small isolated village with no public transport. For nature lovers and walking enthusiasts!

CONC034 DOMME 16/07-07/08 RENO/ENVI 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: Domme is a 13th Century medieval fortress town that has retained all the atmosphere of the era. The town is splendid and exceptional and offers the best view over the Dordogne River of any town in the region. Beneath the pale golden stone of its buildings lie natural caves with stalactites and underground pools that are well illuminated. Last year, a Concordia camp worked to clear unwanted vegetation from the Château du Roy and to

46/85 consolidate its ramparts, following what has been done in the past years by previous camps. This work-camp is an opportunity to experience for three weeks this magnificent site in the heart of the historic Dordogne region. WORK: Managed by a technical organizer, you will take part in bringing general improvement to the site of the Chateau du Roy: traditional masonry to consolidate the rampart .You may have to clean the surroundings (wood cutting and removal of excess vegetation). LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: Domme is situated in the heart of the Dordogne department, not far away from Sarlat la Canéda (15 km). It is in a very rural area. ACCOMMODATION: In a building, collective sleeping room. Basic collective living conditions. TERMINAL: The train station in Sarlat La Canéda. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, a sleeping mattress, working clothes, sport shoes, warm clothes and solid waterproof boots if possible as you will sometimes work with your feet in huge vegetation. SPECIAL REMARKS: Very little public transportation, for those who like nature and walking. For more information you may consult the website:


CONC 063 NOVACELLES 07/07-29/07 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Within Novacelles Commune, Issandolanges is an historic medieval village built more than 1000 years ago but it had been deserted for 70 years. The enhancement actions that have been started allow the discovery of a bread oven, a chapel, the fortified castle site, a mill, a race… This year, it will be the first time for this site and the Arlanc villages community to welcome an international work camp. The exchanges with the local youth and the inhabitants, historic enthusiasts, promise to be wealthy. WORK: In the Issandolanges village, you will work on an old dry-stone wall that would support a terrace where it used to have some cultures. After having clear of the brushwood, you will select stones and rebuild the wall according to traditional methods. The dry-stone building technique allows not to use mortar. In fact, the wall strength relies on the stones laying-out. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Small rural Commune, Novacelles is part of the Arlanc villages community located in the middle of the Livradois-Forez regional natural Park. Around 100 km away from Clermont-Ferrand and 50 km from Puy en Velay, it is a region that has been aware of the way to preserve its natural landscape, constituted by forests, and architectural one as well. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents for 2 persons at Arlanc camping and collective tent for the camp life. TERMINAL: To the Puy en Velay train station. Airport: Paris. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: The nights could be cold, bring with you warm clothes and sleeping bag. Bring also your sleep mattress,, working gloves, clothes and shoes.

CONC064 GRAÇAY 1 07/07-29/07 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Graçay was an important seigneury during the Middle age: witnesses of this period the mound, the apse and the ramparts that particularly interested us! Built during the XIII century, the ramparts surround the city and give to the town its particularity. Proud of its heritage that gives to the city this style and this roundness, the village would like to welcome this year two international workcamps to continue the fortification restoration that have been started in 2007. Really involved in the volunteers hosting, the town elected representatives and the local population would be glad to meet you and to make you discover the area. WORK: You will continue the restoration works and the city walls enhancement: clean up the brushwood, remove and select the stones; you will also rebuild the stonewall made with lime mortar. Be careful, you will work on a scaffolding 6 metres up. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Graçay village (1574 inhabitants) close to Le Fouzon river, is located 40 km far from Châteauroux. This village is part of the Champagne Berrichonne Region, in the middle of the nature and crossed by charming rivers. 47/85 ACCOMMODATION: Under tents for 2 persons and collective tent for the camp life in the local camping. TERMINAL: At Vierzon train station. Airport: Paris. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Physical work for scaffolding, certificate required. Bring with you working gloves, good walking shoes, working clothes and your sleeping mattress. .


CONC093 MALANSAC 01/07-23/07 FEST/RENO 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: On the one hand the project consists in the support to the local associations with the organization of a traditional feast (to make discover the forgotten traditions and cultures belonging to the past). This project is lead in partnership with the local associations and inhabitants living there. On the other hand, the project consists in the renovation of local heritage. WORK : Paintings, theatre, masonry LANGUAGE: English LOCATION : Malansac is situated 20 km west of Redon and 37 km southeast of Ploërmel. This is a picturesque and charming rural village (in Morbihan area). ACCOMODATION : In tents on the stadium lawn, close to the village and the work area. TERMINAL: At the train station of Malansac SPECIAL REMARKS : Bring a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. Work clothes, warm clothes and wellington boots!

CONC094 BRAINS 09/07-31/07 CONS/SPORT 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT : the village wishes it could beautify and fit out the surrounding area of the skate-park and of the bi-cross ground. Numerous young persons are ready to get involved in this project and to welcome the international volunteers. The aim is also to organize activities with the inhabitants and the community life (intercultural meals, festivities, hikings, etc…) WORK: realisation of little wood constructions (fences, benches…), plantations and little works around the bi-cross ground. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION : Brains is about 15 km in the West of Nantes. It is a dynamic village which offers numerous possibilities of hiking (swamps, little rivers). The sea is only a few kilometres far from there… ACCOMODATION: the accommodation will be in tents with the possibility to use the changing rooms of the stadium, near the market town and the skate park. Bring a sleeping bag, a ground cloth. Don’t forget your wellington boots! TERMINAL : SNCF Nantes train station SPECIAL REMARKS: For skate board and bi-cross lovers!

CONC095 CAMPENAC 09/07-31/07 FEST/RENO 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT : On the one hand the project consists in the support to the local associations with the organization of a traditional feast (to make discover the forgotten traditions and cultures belonging to the past) on the other and it consists in the renovation of several fountains dispatched there. This project is lead in partnership with the local associations and inhabitants living there.

48/85 WORK : Masonry and cleaning of some fountains.. Organization of activities in the local town. Helping the local community in the organization of the local feast (building of the stage ect.) LANGUAGE: English LOCALISATION : Campénéac is a rural secluded little town in Morbihan near the forest of Brocéliande. It’s a quiet place for volunteers fond of nature and walks. Because of the deep rural aspect and of work, this workcamp is advised to countryside passionate people. ACCOMMODATION : In a house in the market town which is close to the workcamp. Bring a sleeping bag, a groundsheet. TERMINAL: At the train station of Ploermel : SPECIAL REMARKS: Do not forget your wellington boots!

CONC096 GUISSENY 09/07-31/07 ENVI 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT : the project consists in highlighting an inestimable environmental heritage area (protected by Natura 2000) made up of a swamp, a reed bed and a coastal squeeze. Around the sea wall house, the landmark of the site, the aim is to create and organize original activities so as to increase inhabitants, tourists, and walkers awareness of the numerous resources of this place. WORK : creation of activities (blinded hiking, exhibitions, art creations), mowing, evacuation of green wastes. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION : Guissény is in the Finistère, about 40 kms far from Brest. It is a coastal village which is famous for the beauty of its environment. Bring a sleeping bag, a ground cloth. Don’t forget your wellington boots! ACCOMMODATION : in a tent. TERMINAL : the SNCF train station of Brest.


CONC 121 MELUN 07/07-29/07 ARCH 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Located in the Seine et Marne, the town of Melun is a cultural meeting point, presenting great and wealthy natural and cultural heritage. On the Saint-Etienne Island, located in the town center, several archeological excavations have revealed relics of traditional activities : glassblower, potter, tanner as well as Gallo-Roman housing traces including an oven from the 1st or 2nd century AC. In this historical setting you will renovate this oven, together with young local volunteers WORK: : traditional masonry work LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Paris suburbs, accessible by train – 60 km from Paris ACCOMMODATION: tents TERMINAL: Melun station

CONC122 BOBIGNY 1 09/07-31/07 RENO/SOCI 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: For the 4th consecutive year the town of Bobigny will host a group of international volunteers for a renovation workcamp of areas designed to accommodate local associations. Town of Bobigny is changing, new districts are created, some old districts are redeveloped with a strong implication of inhabitants. For almost 5 years the municipal « HLM » agency, closely involved in these urban renovation 49/85 projects, makes the young people of Bobigny aware of the respect of their environment and of the contruction of a city for and by all. Hosting an international workcamp aims to sustain and strengthen efforts. More than the improvement of constructions and the development of areas, hosting this worcamp is the expression of a real desire of exchanges and of cultural meeting from the town. WORK: you will renovate areas designed to accomodate local associations (painting, realisation of a mural)... LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Paris suburbs accessible by subway ACCOMMODATION: Housing TERMINAL: Bobigny station (subway n°5)

CONC123 CHELLES 09/07-31/07 SOCI/ENVI 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: The town of Chelles benefits from a unique geographical location. Despite being situated less than 20 km from Paris center, Chelles still is a green town, in the countryside next to the Marne River. For the third consecutive year, the town will welcome a group of international volunteers. This year, the camp will focus on the elderly in order to contribute to strengthen the cross-generational links and to create new solidarities. We are convinced that the relationship between young volunteers and the most isolated people is the source of mutual learning, and we are sure that volunteers camp reinforce social cohesion, which explains why we were immediately seduced by this work camp. The participation of young international volunteers from all over the world is like an invitation for a trip for the elderly. Besides, traveling will be the theme of this meeting. WORK: Together with a landscape architect, you will create a place of conviviality (picnic area, petanque ground) in the residence garden. Besides, you will realize, together with the residents, a collective work of art (a mural in mosaic or painted) on the theme of traveling, which will be presented during a public preview. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Paris suburbs, accessible by train (RER) ACCOMMODATION: in a building TERMINAL: Chelles’ train station

CONC124 PARIS HABITAT 1 09/07-31/07 RENO/SOCI 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: Since 2008 Concordia, Paris-habitat of Paris and the community association « Espace 19 » with the participation of the inhabitants of the Ourcq-Léon-Giraud city, attempt to imagine innovative and original projects to improve the quality of life for residents. After a consultation a major redevelopment project of common areas of the city was imagined. The creation of these areas designed with and for residents who will have management, comes up to a real desire for openness, meetings and exchanges, and aims to recreate the bond between people. In 2008 and 2009, « Paris-Habitat » and « Espace 19 » have hosted groups of local and international volunteers who, with the help of a young landscape gardener, have redesigned the shared garden with emphasis on collective plots. Since September 2008, Samuel than Loïc,long-term volunteers, work on the site, closest to the residents and local structures. They are leading eco gardening and environmental education workshops and help residents to self- management of their areas. In 2009, it was aimed to continue the work began but this time looking at the development of a « convivial space » provided to accommodate unusual and informal meetings during the long summer nights or to find a little heat during the short winter days .... WORK: Creators of conviviality will continue development work begun during the previous years (construction of a shared dining area, a compost area, renovation of the garden shed, etc.). LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Paris 19th district close to the channel Ourcq and the Parc de la Villette ACCOMMODATION: Housing TERMINAL: Ourcq station (subway n°5)

50/85 CONC 125 CRÉTEIL 09/07-31/07 RENO/SOCI 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: Créteil is a well-urbanized city located a few kilometers from Paris. It is composed of many big estates, one of which is the Mont Mesly estate supervised by Valophis Habitat since this year. Since March 2010, Concordia and Valophis Habitat oversee a young volunteer participating to the civil volunteering program; his mission takes place in this area, and his assignment is to list the different citizen initiatives taken by the locals and to support them in their projects. WORK: In this context you will work with volunteers of “Aide du Val de Marne” organisation (AUVM), renovating and converting spaces which will be used as meeting spaces for the local organizations and the inhabitants of the area. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Suburb of Paris. ACCOMMODATION: Housing TERMINAL: subway station Créteil Préfecture


CONC153 BAZOUGES SUR LE LOIR 07/07 -29/07 CONS 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Bazouges sur le Loir has a rich natural and historical heritage: a tour enables us to admire the 11 th century castle, a wash-house, the pilori tower and the old bridge from 1858. Furthermore, the campsite, which offers a beautiful view on Bazouges castle on the edge of the Loir river, is little-crowded. Therefore an international workcamp is a good opportunity to liven up it. Close to the campsite, in the town centre, you will work on place on the edge of the river. But, in addition to that, Bazouges’ inhabitants will warmly welcome you and are organizing lots of visits, activities and meetings with local associations. This summer, there is much to do and enjoy in Bazouges! WORK: You will lay out a local place from end to end: building low walls in a traditional way. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Bazouges is situated in the southern Sarthe, about 70 km from Le Mans and 45 km from Angers. La Flèche is 8 km away and Durtal 5 km away with its well-known castle. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on Bazouges camp-site, which is entirely booked for the volunteers. Please bring a tent and a sleeping mat, if available. TERMINAL: at Sablé-sur-Sarthe train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information, have a look at:

CONC154 BEAUMONT SUR DÊME 07/07 -29/07 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Beaumont sur Dême is a small town of Sarthe is very lively and active because it will host a concert during a local music festival in which you will participate for this first workcamp. The inhabitants and the different associations in the village will warmly welcome you according to their traditions. On the edge of the river, you can admire a beautiful wash-house. In the Loir valley, many walks are possible on the bottom of charming hills to discover cellars dug into freestone. WORK: You will work on the restoration of the cemetery wall in a traditional way. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Beaumont sur Dême is situated in the south-east of the department of Sarthe, close to the Bercé forest; about 40 km north from Tours, 60 km south from Le Mans, 15 km from Château du Loir and 5 km from La Charte sur le Loir. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the camp-site; cooking and eating under a big tent outside. Please bring a tent and a sleeping mat, if available. TERMINAL: at Château-du-Loir train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: The location of the workcamp is quite isolated. The village has 400 inhabitants. 51/85 CONC156 BLOIS 16/07 – 31/07 SOCI/ENV 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the first year, the town of Blois will welcome a group of international volunteers for a workcamp about community gardens. Nature takes an important part in the local life, with the Loire Valley, that has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage since 2000. The workcamp aims at doing maintenance and embellishment work of the gardens, in the north district of the town and, at the same time, making the young inhabitants aware of the environmental protection. Beyond this concrete action, the municipality really wants to stress on the youngsters' commitments, to create links and organize meetings between the different cultures, generations, the local players and the inhabitants. WORK: This project is a partnership between the town Blois, Concordia and the association that manages these community gardens. You will work on the renovation of garden sheds and on the creation of signs and notice boards. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Blois is the 50,000-inhabitant town district of the department of Loir et Cher in the Région Centre. It is situated halfway between Tours and Orléans, on the edge of the Loire River, which is the last wild European river, near la Petite Beauce and la Sologne. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in collective tents on the camp-site; sanitary facilities in a building; cooking and eating under a big tent outside. Please bring a tent and a sleeping mat, if available. TERMINAL: at Blois train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: As the workcamp takes place in an urban area, for practical and eco-friendly reasons, you will ride from the accommodation to the working place. For more information, have a look at:


CONC 182 WIMEREUX 7/7- 22/7 CONS/MANU 18 yo 15 VOLS

Tri national British-French-German

PROJECT: The “Fort de la Crèche” is an old military base in front of the sea between Boulogne and Wimereux. Since some years ago, there is one French governmental organization called “Le Conservatoire du Littoral” which takes care of the coast in with the objective to protect it. Since some years ago, they work with a local association (in charge of the “Fort de la Crèche”) to give value to the military base, in order to open it to the public. Now is our turn to help them for the third year in this task. The association waits us with impatience to help them in the works inside the military base. With this task you will be able to discover the wonderful Opale's coast and also one historical monument. WORK: The volunteers have to insure one track to arrive in the military base and also to give value to the remaining fortifications. The work will be also in the interior of the barrack buildings, with the rehabilitation of one of his alveolus. LANGUAGE: English, French, German LOCATION: The “Fort de la Crèche” is situated in Wimereux, in Pas-de-Calais region, on the English Chanel coast. ACCOMMODATION: Tents in the public camping. TERMINAL: Boulogne sur Mer’s train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring your own working gloves and tetanus vaccination mandatory update.

CONC183 CUISE LA MOTTE 07/07-28/ 07 ENVI/RENO 18 yo 13 VOLS

PROJECT : This is the first time we are organizing a workcamp with the village of Cuise la Motte, next to the forest of Compiègne. This small village is keen to preserve its heritage and to involve local youth in this action. You will work on the renovation of a Traditional Fountain.

52/85 WORK: General cleaning and manly masonry work, but some other job may be necessary depending of the state of the fountain after cleaning. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Cuise la Motte is just between Compiègne and Soissons next to the Aisne river and close to the famous Castel of Pierrefonds. ACCOMMODATION: accommodation in tents with access to public Hall facilities. TERMINAL: Compiègne train station.

CONC184 AMIENS 7/07-28/07 RENO 18 yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: The youth service of the city of Amiens wants to restore some parts of the building of the « Ferme de la Grâce ». This farm is an activity center for kids in the countyside…you will work amongst rabbits, a donkey, birds and poneys. Through this workcamp, the city of Amiens wants to promote mobility for the youth from the different part of the city. So the group will be composed by young people from Amiens and international volunteers. WORK: Re-buidling and renovation of a brick wall and renovation of a chapel. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Amiens is the main city of the Somme ACCOMMODATION: accommodation in tents in the local camping, you will ride bicycles to travel from your accommodation to the working place (3km). TERMINAL: Amiens train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: you should know how to ride a bicycle.


CONC215 CASTELNAU DE LEVIS 16/07 – 31/07 ENV 18 yo 12VOLS

PROJECT: This is the eighteenth year that Concordia organises a workcamp in Castelnau-de-Levis. The groups used to restore the week parts of the castle, a pigeon house and various parts of heritage in the village. Notice that the local population is very friendly and that an important close friendship is linked each year. WORK: This year, you’ll carry on the restoration of some weak parts of the castle with masonry. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: With its impressive tower (40 m) and its ramparts, the castle overlooks the village. Castelnau is 5 Km from Albi. It is an historically rich area with many possibilities for walks and visits (the cathedral of Albi is very famous) ACCOMODATION: Lodging in a village hall TERMINAL: Albi-Ville station.

CONC216 AGEL 16/07 – 31/07 RENO/ENV 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the first time Concordia will organise a work-camp in Agel by contributing in the renovation of the heart of this little village. In the middle, there is a castle and also an old mill. Its access path is damaged and the purpose is to restore it. The welcoming by the people of the village is supposed to be nice. 53/85 WORK: You’ll have to restore the path by doing some clearing of the vegetation, some earthmoving and other works like carrying some ground and doing some masonry. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Situated in the wine growing rural area of Minervois, Agel is between the two towns Narbonne and Béziers with many possibilities for walks and bathing in a river. ACCOMODATION: Lodging in a village hall TERMINAL: Narbonne train station then bus to Bizes


No. of Age Special CODE Name Date Type. volunt Page limit Remarks eers BOUVESSE CONC 009 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 13 53 QUIRIEU CONC 011 CROLLES 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 53 RENO/ELDE/ CONC 012 LAGNIEU 20/08 11/09 18+ 14 54 SPORT PARC NETIONAL RENO/ELDE/ CONC 013 21/08 06/09 18+ 14 54 VANOISE SPORT CONC 036 VANXAINS 2 27/07 11/08 RENO 18+ 14 55

CONC 037 STE AULAYE 01/08 16/08 ENVI/FEST 18+ 14 55

CONC 038 VANXAINS 3 13/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 14 56

CONC 39 SADIRAC 06/08 21/08 RENO 18+ 13 56 Scaffolding CONC 040 MENDIONDE 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 56 certificate CONC 041 ARTHEZ-DE-BEARN 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 14 57 ENVI/ CONC 042 BEYLEME 13/08 28/08 18+ 15 57 RENO CONC066 ESCUROLLES 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 58 Scaffolding CONC 068 GRACAY 2 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 58 certificate BELLERIVE SUR CONC069 28/07 19/08 MANU 18+ 12 58 ALLIER MONTREUIL SUR Scaffolding CONC 126 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 15 59 EPTE certificate Bi national RENO/ CONC 127 BOBIGNY 2 06/08 28/08 18+ 15 French-German 59 CULT or Tri national ART/ CONC 128 ORLY 06/08 28/08 18+ 12 60 MANU JUIGNE SUR CONC 157 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 60 SARTHE CONC 159 DOLLON 04/08 19/08 CONS 18+ 12 60

CONC 160 PARCE 04/08 26/08 RENO 18+ 12 61

CONC 161 SAUZE 06/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 61

CONC 162 ST LEZIN 16/08 01/09 CONS 18+ 12 61

55/85 Scaffolding CONC 190 LAIGNEVILLE 04/08 26/ 08 RENO 18+ 11 62 certificate Scaffolding CONC 191 NEUFCHATEL 04/08 26/ 08 RENO 18+ 13 62 certificate Scaffolding CONC 192 MOYVILLERS 04/08 26/ 08 RENO 18+ 14 62 certificate CONC 194 SERVAL 10/08 28/ 08 RENO 18+ 15 63

CONC 218 EMMAÜS 02/08 16/08 SOCI 18+ 12 63 ST ANDRE DE CONC 220 04/08 25/08 RENO 18+ 12 63 SANGONIS French CONC 221 COUPIAC 04/08 19/08 RENO 18+ 12 motivation 64 letter CAPDENAC LE CONC 222 04/08 25/08 RENO 18+ 12 64 HAUT ST MARTIN CONC 223 04/08 25/08 RENO 18+ 12 64 LAGUEPIE


CONC009 BOUVESSE QUIRIEU 06/08-28/08 RENO 18yo 13 VOLS

PROJECT: Restoration of the 12th century Quirieu’s archaeological site. Located in the north of the “Pays des colours” (Colours’ Country), on a rock promontory, this old border spot is in restoration since 1993. The local community started rebuilding the castle and the lower-town, including church and stronghold-houses. The purpose is not to rebuild everything, but to make the site’s structure visible for a better understanding of the old time’s everyday life. The town is in contact with Concordia since 6 years, with four previous workcamps in the last four years. WORK: The work place will be in the lower-village, inside the medieval site. This year you will clean and realise some works of masonry on a ruin of an old edifice. Also, you will help bringing out the cobblestones on an old street of the archaeological site. Different improvements on the site are also possible, depending on how fast you will work! Different activities to discover the area will be proposed by the local community during your stay. LANGUAGE: English and French. LOCATION: Bouvesse-Quirieu (1285 inhabitants) is 54km far from Chambery, and 70km far from Lyon. You will have the opportunity to discover Morestel, the Painters’ City and Cremieu, a medieval and fortified city. You will walk around the Stone Country, visiting Montalieu museum and discovering traditional stone houses. ACCOMMODATION: On camp beds in the old primary school of the hamlet named “Le Bayard” (250 inhabitants), which belongs to Quirieu. Kitchen under a covered playground. 500m from the working place. TERMINAL: Bouvesse-Quirieu bus stop. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring good walking shoes, working gloves and a sleeping bag. Bikes will be provided to the participants for discovering the region. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: et

CONC11 CROLLES 06/08-28/08 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: The Montfort Castle is located in Crolles, on the hills of the Chartreuse, this medieval site provides to hikers a wonderful viewpoint on the Belledonne mountains. In 1999 and 2003, Concordia’s international volunteers took part in this site restoration. 56/85 We suggest you to keep working on this medieval site for a new round 2010 that guarantees plenty of trainings, discoveries and meetings. Hikers and workers motivated, this work camp is made for you! WORK: You will realize masonry work in order to consolidate and rebuilt the site. You will also remove rockslide and clean up the place that is still hiding mysteries. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Crolles is located at 15km from Grenoble within a beautiful highland and it is Chartreuse’s regional park. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents next to the church. Living space in an organisation premises 5 minutes away from the village. Shower in the gymnasium 10 minutes by walk from the living space. TERMINAL: Bus stop in Crolles town centre. Airport: Paris or Chambéry-Savoie SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring with you working gloves, good and comfortable walking shoes, a torch, a good sleeping bag and warm clothes: nights can be cold in the mountains!! Backpack compulsory. Good physical condition required!!! SPECIAL REMARKS: 10 minutes by bicycle and 20 minutes by walk are necessary to access the workcamp. For more information, have a look at: or

CONC012 LAGNIEU 20/08-11/09 RENO /ELDE/SPORT 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: Lagnieu local nursing home welcomes more than 80 elderly and is composed by 45 employees. Located in a charming place, this rest-home is situated next to an old farm to be rehabilitated. The rest-home director aims at create an exchange and meeting centre around ecology opened to children of the area. The workcamp will be organized around the old farm’s rehabilitation and the realization of intercultural animation for the residents. At the end of the work camp, you will be involved in the 4th “Bugey Raid”, bicycle events, organized by the association “Déchaîne ton Coeur”. WORK: You will clean up and clear of brushwood the farm surroundings and do some masonry work. You will be involved in the creation of intercultural activities for the nursing home residents. You will contribute to the organisation of the “Bugey Raid” that will take place the 5th of September 2010 and will welcome 300 participants. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Lagnieu is located 50km far from Lyon, 7km from Ambérieu en Bugey and 20km from the medieval city of Pérouges. ACCOMMODATION: Individual beds in a house close to the nursing home furnished with toilets and showers. The meals will be prepared by the nursing home and will be shared with the residents. The nursing home is located at 5 minutes from the town centre. TERMINAL: Ambérieu en Bugey train station. Airport : Paris and Lyon. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring with you working gloves, comfortable walking shoes, torch, good sleeping bag and warm clothes. Games and recipes from your country. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information: and


PROJECT: The Vanoise National Park is the first protected natural space that have been created in France in 1963. Already partner in 2006, the park would like to host one more time an international work camp in Pralognan la Vanoise. Supervised by the park technical guards, you will have the opportunity to learn a lot with them about wildlife and the extraordinary geology of the area. This work camp within the National Park offers you wonderful viewpoints. Hikers and adventurers this work camp is made for you! WORK: You will work on a path usually called « Route du sel et du Beaufort» an historic and commercial path between France and Italy. You will realize some work on the damaged paths, build some steps and also stone “revers d’eau” to restrain erosion. LANGUAGE: English

57/85 LOCATION: Pralognan la Vanoise is located 25 km away from Moutiers in the middle of the Vanoise National Park, in a wonderful mountain environment. During the summer time, this small village multiplies its population by 10 and becomes one of the most tourist place in Savoie. ACCOMMODATION: In a group shelter (to be defined) TERMINAL: Go to Moutiers train station then take the bus (Transavoie) to Pralognan la Vanoise. Airport: Paris and Chambéry-Savoie SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Bring with you sunglasses, a hat, a bottleneck, working gloves, good walking shoes, a torch, a good sleeping bag, rain and warm clothes. The evenings could be fresh up to the mountain! Back pack compulsory. SPECIAL REMARKS: you will work on broken ground, requiring a very good physical condition! Every day, you will use the cable-car to access to the mountain, then you will have to walk 30 to 40 minutes (flat path) to join your work camp. A work camp made for mountain and nature lovers!!! or


CONC 036 VANXAINS 2 27/07-11/08 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: The partnership with the village of Vanxains is always very interesting for the restoration of the small local heritage site the very enriching exchanges between international volunteers and the local population and the warm welcome is assured. Two camps will be organized again this year, in order to continue the restoration of the wall surrounding the park which belongs to the village and is used for cultural events during the summer. WORK: Led by a technical leader from Concordia, you will take part in the restoration of both faces of a stone wall surrounding the parkland. Reconstruction, cleaning, renovation of the wall’s parts that fell down. Traditional masonry. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION : Vanxains (700 inhabitants) 40km from Périgueux. Vainxains is a picturesque village which has retained its rural charm. ACCOMODATION: In a building. Basic collective living condition. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. TERMINAL: Angoulême train station. SPECIAL NOTE: The work may be quite physical sometimes. Small isolated village with no public transport. For nature lovers and walking enthusiasts!

CONC037 SAINTE AULAYE 01/08-16/08 ENVI/FEST 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: On the threshold between Périgord and the southernmost Angoumois, Saint Aulaye is a dynamic small town situated on the banks of the Dronne, proud of its XIIth century castle and its Roman church. For the second year, the municipality of Saint Aulaye calls upon Concordia in order to open a pedestrian path between the heart of the village and its surroundings. On the 6th and the 7th of August, the village organizes its 15th Spiced Music Festival, and the volunteers are expected to help organize it. WORK: Led by a technical leader, you will take part in the opening of a pedestrian path. You will do cleaning and excess vegetation clearing work. During the festival, you will take part, along with the local population, in the organization and the logistical management of the event. LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Saint Aulaye is a North Périgord bastide located at the border of Charentes, 30 km east of Coutras. ACCOMMODATION: In a building (basic collective living conditions). TERMINAL: The train station in Angoulême. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes, warm clothes and solid waterproof boots as you will sometimes work with your feet in the water. SPECIAL REMARKS: No public transportation, for those who like nature and walking. For more d' information, you can consult the site: 58/85 CONC038 VANXAINS 3 13/08-28/08 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: The partnership with the village of Vanxains is always very interesting for the restoration of the small local heritage site the very enriching exchanges between international volunteers and the local population and the warm welcome is assured. Two camps will be organized again this year, in order to continue the restoration of the wall surrounding the park which belongs to the village and is used for cultural events during the summer. WORK: Led by a technical leader from Concordia, you will take part in the restoration of both faces of a stone wall surrounding the parkland. Reconstruction, cleaning, renovation of the wall’s parts that fell down. Traditional masonry. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION : Vanxains (700 inhabitants) 40km from Périgueux. Vainxains is a picturesque village which has retained its rural charm. ACCOMODATION: In a building. Basic collective living condition. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. TERMINAL: Angoulême train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: The work may be quite physical sometimes. Small isolated village with no public transport. For nature lovers and walking enthusiasts!

CONC 039 SADIRAC 06/08-21/08 RENO 18yo 13 VOLS

PROJECT: For the seventh year the village of Sadirac wants to host a work camp thanks to the enormous contribution of the previous workcamps in terms of relations between the local population and the international volunteers. This town is a good place to meet new people, to have a walk in the countryside and to discover the art of pottery (tradition in this village since the 18th century, some traces of pottery activity from the Gallo-Roman antiquity have been found too). WORK: Managed by a technical leader, you will take part in the restoration of different washing-places in the village. Work of traditional masonry and eventually small environmental work. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: Sadirac is a small commune of the area “l’Entre Deux Mers” (the main town of the canton is Créon), located 25 km south-east of Bordeaux. ACCOMMODATION: In a building (very basic collective living conditions). TERMINAL: The train station in Bordeaux. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes, warm clothes and solid waterproof boots as you will sometimes work with your feet in the water. SPECIAL REMARKS: The village is crossed by a cycle track which goes from Sauveterre de Guyenne to Bordeaux. If you can, bring along your bicycle so you can discover this track which surrounds the entire area. No public transportation, for those who like nature and walking.

CONC 040 MENDIONDE 06/08-28/08 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the second time, the village of Mendionde wishes to welcome a camp to the castle of Garro in order to work on it, so two ambitious projects can be created following your work: the creation of an organic farming site for the Basque country as well as a project for an inter-generational lodging. The castle of Garro was donated to the community by a son of the Basque Diaspora; and a lot of exchanges and animations are envisaged with the population involving this historical heritage surrounding Basque culture and the Basque way of partying! WORK: Led by a technical leader, you will take part in the restoration of the walls of this 12th century castle. Work of traditional masonry. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: Mendionde is a small commune of the Pays Basque with 800 inhabitants (province of Labourd), located between the mount of Ursuia (678m) and Baigura (897m), 35km from Biarritz/Bayonne (place chief of canton: Hasparren). ACCOMODATION: In a building (basic collective living conditions). 59/85 TERMINAL: The train station in Bayonne. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, solid work and/or sport shoes, as well as warm clothes. SPECIAL REMARKS: No public transportation, for those who like nature and walking. For more information, you may check the following website:

CONC 041 ARTHEZ-DE-BEARN 06/08-28/08 RENO 18yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: It's due to its topographical location and its geological features, that Arthez-de-Béarn benefits of multiple natural sources, which were quickly exploited and enhanced since the Middle Ages. People have made use of them until the 1950s as they haven’t had tap water yet. Today the fountain called Cagots is covered by sand and forgotten. This fountain is the oldest one, listed for its historical value. The cistern of the source, much of the original double basin, and the wash basins (most recent and previously covered by a beautiful work of traditional framing) are buried. Only a washboard is still emerging from the ground. WORK: Led by a technical leader, you will participate in the cleaning and the restoration of the fountain Cagots. This fountain is located on a steep hiking path about ½ hour walk from the campsite where you will be accommodated. At the end of the workcamp the fountain will be cleared and restored and therefore will serve again as the public life and hikers, school-children and inhabitants will enjoy it, thanks to your work. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: Arthez-de-Béarn is located in the heart of Béarn in the department Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64), an hour and a half to the Atlantic Ocean and the mountains of the Pyrenees. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents. Precarious collective living conditions. TERMINAL: At the Orthez train-station (SNCF) in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques (64). SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, a sleeping mattress, working clothes, sports shoes, warm clothes and waterproof footwear (sometimes you'll work with your feet in the water). SPECIAL REMARKS: No public transport, for nature lovers and those who like hiking. For further information, you may check the following website: commune/arthezb.htm

CONC042 BEYLEME 13/08-28/08 ENVI/RENO 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: The organization « Pour Les enfants du Pays du Beleyme » is a centre for rural education, leisure and nature protection. The partnership between Concordia and this association will give the volunteers a possibility to live during the camp a real ecological everyday life. The warm welcome and the quality of the exchanges made the 2 partners willing to renew the camp experiment. WORK: You will participate in 2 projects of restoration of the small built and natural heritage on the area: you will restore a fountain (traditional masonry) and you will take part in the restoration of the surroundings of a pond (environment work). LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: The association is settled in a very small village called Montagnac la Crempse, situated 20 km away from Bergerac. The work takes place in the surrounding area. ACCOMODATION: Under tents. Precarious collective living conditions. TERMINAL: At the Bergerac train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, a sleeping mattress, working clothes, solid sport shoes, warm clothes as well as strong, protective shoes (like rubber boots) to work with. SPECIAL NOTE: Montagnac is a very isolated village with no transport options. For nature lovers and those who like walking! For further information:


CONC 066 ESCUROLLES 04/08-26/08 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT : Concordia has been working with the community of “Bassin de Gannat” district since 1997. Many municipalities have already hosted international workcamps. Based on small local heritage projects, these workcamps create loads of interests and expectations. As important as the work, the exchanges with the local population are the heart of this partnership. The third work camp of the summer will be organised in Escurolles. This municipality has hosted international workcamps for the last seven years. WORK: You will participate in the restoration of walls of a Romanic church, classified as Historic Monument. You will use traditional masonry techniques such as taking off the old joints, making joints with lime (mortar), coating and brushing. Beware, you will work on scaffoldings. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Escurolles (650 inhabitants) is located 50 km north of Clermont-Ferrand and 10 km east of Gannat in Allier county. It’s a rural region rich in historical heritage (numerous castles and Romanesque churches). ACCOMMODATION: two places tents (bring your own sleeping mat) for sleeping and in the village hall which is equipped for group life. Toilets and showers in the soccer stadium’ changing rooms. TERMINAL: Gannat train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: scaffolding work certificate for working at heights obligatory, Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and sleeping bag. Please, bring special gloves, clothes and shoes to work. Bikes will be lent during weekends.

CONC068 GRAÇAY 2 04/08-26/08 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Graçay was an important seigneury during the Middle age: witnesses of this period the mound, the apse and the ramparts that particularly interested us! Built during the XIII century, the ramparts surround the city and give to the town its particularity. Proud of its heritage that gives to the city this style and this roundness, the village would like to welcome this year two international workcamps to continue the fortification restoration that have been started in 2007. Really involved in the volunteers hosting, the town elected representatives and the local population would be glad to meet you and to make you discover the area. WORK: You will continue the restoration works and the city walls enhancement: clean up the brushwood, remove and select the stones; you will also rebuild the stonewall made with lime mortar. Be careful, you will work on a scaffolding 6 metres up. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Graçay village (1574 inhabitants) close to Le Fouzon river, is located 40 km far from Châteauroux. This village is part of the Champagne Berrichonne Region, in the middle of the nature and crossed by charming rivers. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents for 2 persons and collective tent for the camp life in the local camping. TERMINAL: At Vierzon train station. Airport: Paris. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Physical work for scaffolding, certificate required. Bring with you working gloves, good walking shoes, working clothes and your ground cloth.


PROJECT: This eighth consecutive international workcamp organized with with Bellerive city council, will allow you to discover the famous thermal region of Vichy. Over the years, the volunteers participate in the embellishment and in the amenagement of various sites in the city. These workcamp have for main purpose to create exchanges with the youth and to multiply the meetings with the local population. WORK: You will participate in the development of the cycle policy by installing arches and parking lots for bikes and in the embellishment of the living environment of Bellerivois by putting benches or tables of picnic. A group of young people of Bellerive, participating in an educational workcamp will join the volunteers (need confirmation). LANGUAGE: English 61/85 LOCATION: Bellerive-sur-Allier (8500 inhabitants) is located in the outskirts of Vichy (25000 inhabitants) in Allier county, 60 km North East of Clermont-Ferrand and 350 km South of Paris. It is an agricultural region with an important architectural heritage (roman castles and churches). ACCOMMODATION:Two places tents (bring your own sleeping-mat) for sleeping, group life and sanitary in a municipality’s house. TERMINAL: Vichy train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Urban workcamp. Bring work gloves and good working shoes. Nights are cold so bring warm clothes and sleeping bag.


CONC 125 MONTREUIL SUR EPTE 04/08-26/08 RENO 18yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: Montreuil-sur-Epte is a little town, located in the Val d’Oise department, in the French Vexin Natural Regional Park. The country of shadows and lights, the Vexin is a traditional countryside and the impresionism’s cradle near Paris. The amateurs of arts and culture are invited to follow the impressionists’ road which climbs up the Vexin’s hills in the Oise and Val d’Oise before going down towards the Seine river where lie Claude Monet’s nymphéas…. A true breather nearby Paris. The French Vexin provides shelter for a heritage remarkably well preserved that mainly survived the Revolution’s destruction and which justified it to be classified as a protected site. The French Vexin has at least 120 churches and 80 castles, partially or totally classified as historic monuments. WORK: It is in this cultural and historical context that you will be welcomed at Montreuil sur Epte. You will be working on the safeguard and valorization of the Saint-Denis’ church. You will renovate the lower part of the inside wall (disjointment ; rejointment with white mortar). Work on scaffolding. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: 60 km of Paris ACCOMMODATION: camping TERMINAL: Cergy Saint Christophe’s train station

CONC127 BOBIGNY 2 06/08-28/08 RENO/CULT 18yo 15 VOLS Bi national French-German or Tri national

PROJECT: Two years after its purchase by the Bobigny town and its registration to the supplementary inventory of historic monuments, the former « train station of grief » will become a place of memory around 2010. The first works will start on September on this unique French site, the only train station, which once was a deportation station and which is today disused and almost perfectly preserved. Its valorisation will add up to the collection of other memory sites such as the internment camps amongst which is the Drancy’s camp located two kilometers away. Bobigny became the « deportation train station» on 18 July 1943, when a first convoy of 1126 prisoners took the direction of Germany, towards one of its horror camps. Twenty other convoys followed during the war, taking 22407 persons away, of which only 1515 came back. Set back from the travellers building, the goods train station was the ultimate stage before Auschwitz. When the project, which was first mentioned twenty years ago, will come to an end, the wasteland will not only be a place of memory. It will also have an educational vocation and will host cultural events.. Besides the technical work, you will attend meetings, exchange and debate with regard to the intercultural dialogue and the common memory animated by experts on those issues. WORK: Clearance and valorisation of the main railway track and its surroundings. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Bobigny – Parisian Suburb ACCOMMODATION: Housing TERMINAL: Bobigny (tube station)

62/85 CONC 128 ORLY 06/08-28/08 ART/MANU 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: As last year, we organize this summer an original workcamp where we create urban and playful furniture, in partnership with Valophis Habitat, lessor of social accommodation. This workcamp is related to the workcamp of last year during which volunteers created convivial spaces in the city. This time volunteers will work with volunteers of the Koloumba organisation, passionate of games and encounters, and who create games from all over the world, sharing the spirit of creativity, solidarity and cultural exchange. Together you will create playful urban furniture, such as a chess bench, a tangram chair… You will also organize game activities for the locals. Don’t forget to bring simple and original games from your own country. WORK: Creating playful urban furniture by using recycled materials. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Suburb of Paris – 15 km from Paris. ACCOMMODATION: Housing TERMINAL: RER Orly ville


CONC157 JUIGNE SUR SARTHE 04/08-26/08 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: Juigné sur Sarthe is a charming little Middle Age village that dominates the Valley of Sarthe River. The centre of the village has a church with a 12th century bell, a priory and typical houses from weavers. The municipality, proud of its patrimony, has started to work on the protection of the sites by restoring different walls. After an archaeological site, pre-historical background of the walls was discovered. The village collaborates last year with Concordia in order to restore the town walls, at the entrance of the village. It will help to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, who wait for you with open arms! WORK: You will continue pointing the wall in a traditional way. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: In the south-west of Sarthe, between Angers and Le Mans about 45 km away from each town. ACOMMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents in a football stadium. Sanitary facilities are situated in the changing rooms. Please bring a sleeping-mat and a tent if available. TERMINAL: Meeting-Point at the train station (Gare SNCF) in Sablé sur Sarthe.

CONC159 DOLLON 04/08- 19/08 CONS 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: After a first workcamp realized last year, Dollon and the railway association of Semur en Vallon decided to repeat the project. Semur en Vallon is a village with 400 inhabitants, located between several hills in a valley with a little stream that is called La Longuève. In the middle of a swampy and forested region, an old hall of a train station, a museum and three little circuits (one of them installed by the previous workcamp) were built to recreate the atmosphere of the old days (3,000 tourists every year). With the volunteers of the association you will discover the world of old trains and maybe you will even conduct an old locomotive! WORK: You will work on the construction of the fourth part of the touristic train circuit by setting up 140 metres iron rails. You will create signs that will be exposed in the museum. Every artist is welcome ! You will also be asked by the town of Dollon to restore a wall. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Located in the department of Sarthe, the town is situated 45 km in the east from Le Mans and 15 km from la Ferté Bernard. ACCOMMODATION: in tents on the camping site of Dollon. Please bring your sleeping-mat, if available. TERMINAL: At the train station of La Ferté Bernard (Gare SNCF)

63/85 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Physical work. Please bring safety shoes. A mini bus will be provided for the daily transits.

CONC160 PARCÉ SUR SARTHE 04/08 – 26/08 RENO 18yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: On the edge of the Sarthe river, the village of Parcé sur Sarthe was destroyed at the end of the Hundred Year war and rebuilt with stones from the former fortifications; therefore the old walls are Parcé's history keepers. The centre of the village is composed of many narrow lanes decked out with flowers along which you can see old buildings as well as the Saint-Pierre tower, the salt cellar, many water wells and crosses. Just outside the village, there is the site of “Les Tourettes”: a long time ago, ladies used to watch from these towers their husbands who were hunting in the valley. WORK: You will work on the restoration of “Les Tourettes”, by renovating a wall in a traditional way. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: In the south-west of Sarthe, between Angers and Le Mans about 45 km away from each town. About 10 km away from Sablé, Parcé is a small lively town, where many traditional festivities take place in August. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the camp-site on the edge of the river with view on the old water mill; cooking and eating under a big tent outside. Please bring a tent and a sleeping mat, if available. TERMINAL: at Sablé-sur-Sarthe train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information, have a look at: http://

CONC161 SAUZÉ VAUSSAIS 06/08-28/08 RENO 18 yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the second time, the community of Sauzé Vaussais will welcome an international workcamp. This little village, situated in the centre of Poitou, will be charming you with its hospitality and its country atmosphere. You will have several opportunities to organize hikes in the region. Especially in the “Marais Poitevin” you will enjoy a marvellous landscape. The network of intergenerational associations will welcome you with its local traditions such as the music and folkloric dance. WORK: You will work on the restoration of a small bridge by using traditional techniques. You will create new parapets with the village stones. LANGUAGE: English/French LOCATION: Sauzé Vaussais is located in the department of Deux Sèvres, about 60 km south of Poitiers and north of Marais Poitevin. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in an old manor close to a camping. TERMINAL: At the train station of Saint Saviol (86) SPECIAL NOTE: Scaffolding certificate required. 1.5 Km by bicycle between the accommodation and the working place. People speaking French and interested about local culture are welcome!

CONC162 SAINT LEZIN 16/08 – 01/09 RENO 18 yo 12 VOLS

French-speaking camp

PROJECT: It will be the 7th year that the village of St Lézin will host an international workcamp, thanks to a partnership between Concordia and “Un pas de côté”, an association which offers cultural and artistic activities. This year, you will work on the restoration of a wall in the town centre. Each weekend, artistic activities will be organized with the associations and the inhabitants to create together a show for the end of the workcamp. Food will mainly consist of regional biological products. WORK: You will do works of traditional masonry. LANGUAGE: English/French. LOCATION: St Lézin is a little village of 700 inhabitants, situated in the department of Maine et Loire between Cholet et Angers.

64/85 ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in a collective lodging in St Lézin youth centre, in eco-constructed cabins built by volunteers during previous workcamps. An equipped kitchen will be provided as well as sanitary facilities. TERMINAL: at Chemillé train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: French motivation letter. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information on “Un Pas de Côté” association:, on the previous workamps:


CONC190 LAIGNEVILLE 04/08 – 26/ 08 RENO 18 yo 11 VOLS

PROJECT: Laigneville is a small town in the centre of Oise, near Creil, where we organize for the fourth time a workcamp. The work will consist to carry on the work on the chapel of Saint Georges, with the support of volunteers from the association ASPEL (Association for the Safeguarding of the Heritage and Environment of Laigneville). All the previous workcamps have been provide with local vegetables, a warm welcome. WORK: Continue the restoration of the chapel of Saint Georges. The work will consist to extract old joints on stone walls and make new on with lime. Some other small masonry work may be needed as well. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Laigneville is located to the north of Creil. Many walks are planned in the forests and the castles of Chantilly and Compiègne. ACCOMMODATION: In a building. TERMINAL: Laigneville train station (50 km north of Paris) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Part of the work may be done on scaffolding. Certificate required.

CONC191 NEUFCHATEL 04/08 – 26/ 08 RENO 18 yo 13 VOLS

PROJECT: It is the second time we organise a workcamp in this village of the “Pays de Bray”. The community is very keen in the safeguard of their heritage and so is ready to take an active part in the workcamp’s life by the organisation of entertainments for volunteers. This workcamp will carry on last year job: to maintain and restore the St. Radegonde Chapel. It is situated in an industrial and commercial area; but two steps of a legendary miraculous spring. The purpose of the council is eventually to make a space for meetings and exhibitions. The restoration of the St Radegonde chapel is a wide project with many others actors all the year long. Concordia’s workcamp is one of the hight light of this on-going project. So be raedy to meet very motivated and friendly locals. WORK: In this workcamp you will restore the joints of the facade of the chapel. This wall is build withe a mix of stones, bricks and silex. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Department of the Seine Maritime (Region Haute Normandie). Neufchâtel in Bray is a small town situated between Rouen and Amiens near of Dieppe, in the heart of the beautiful Pays de Bray (a big area of groves or cows which produce the famous cheese: “the Neufchâtel”) ACCOMMODATION: In a local building. TERMINAL: At Serqueux train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Some of the work will done on scaffolding. Certificate required.

CONC192 MOYVILLERS 04/08 – 26/ 08 RENO 18 yo 14 VOLS

PROJECT: The small village of Moyvillers is finishing the restoration of the Town Hall and the surrounding area. But a well is still almost in ruins.

65/85 This well is a system of Wheels and weights and has been covered by a wooden structure. This structure is badly damaged? This first workcamp is organized to start the restoration of the wooden structure over the well. The working site is just between the Town Hall and the Church in the center of the village. The 500 inhabitants are very enthusiastic about the workcamp and international volunteers. Some retired people of the village could help during the workcamp. WORK: You will put down the roof of the well and strengthen its wooden structure. LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: Moyvillers is in the central Oise County between Compiègne and Clermont de l’Oise. ACCOMMODATION: in a public building. TERMINAL: Train station of Estrée St Denis. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Work in height. Certificate required.

CONC194 SERVAL 10/08 -28/ 08 RENO 18 yo 15 VOLS

PROJECT: This workcamp is the second steps of a local partnership with the “Federation of rural associations”. Serval is a very tiny village between Laon and Reims. The local leisure association (Foyer Rural) is very dynamic and wants to restore the old local church. Within the 40 inhabitants of the village, it is impossible to remain unseen….so many meetings and exchanges are expected with the whole population. WORK: To break down old stone masonry joints, to strengthen the wall and laying new masonry joints.You will work with traditional techniques. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Serval, small village close of Fismes and the Champagne production area. ACCOMMODATION: With tents with access to facilities in the local public hall. TERMINAL: to the Fismes’s train station.


CONC218 EMMAÜS 02/08 – 16/08 SOCI 18 yo 12 VOLS

Partnership with the Emmaüs community Emmaüs, laic impulse of solidarity, was born in 1949 from a mutual aid and help will for all the suffering people, coming from socially privileged persons and from destitute persons. From that date, under the impulse of the Abbé Pierre, the “comrades” work all over the world to help the more destitute persons to rediscover security, dignity and autonomy with work and mutual aid. They collect all kind of equipment (electric domestic appliances, furniture, cloths, etc), they repair and sell it. The profit is used to make live underprivileged people and to go further more in the solidarity.

PROJECT: In partnership with the GIVE (International Group of the Volunteers Emmaüs), Concordia puts in place its eighth workcamp. Led by Emmaüs comrades, you’ll work with the comrades (recovering, sorting, sale, cooking for a group of 30 persons, etc). You’ll share the life of the comrades as well as the life of other international volunteers. WORK: Various sorting and cleaning works, etc. LANGUAGE: French/English LOCATION: 15 Km south-east of Toulouse in a outer-urban area with possibilities to visit Toulouse but also to go walking in the country side. ACCOMMODATION: Under tent. TERMINAL: Toulouse then Escalquens train station by train SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The volunteers will work during the same hours (morning and afternoon) and have the same free days (Sunday and Monday) as the comrades.

66/85 CONC220 ST ANDRE DE SANGONIS 04/08 – 25/08 RENO 18 yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the second year, Concordia will organise a work-camp in St André de Sangonis. The purpose is to continue the restoration of the walls of an old cemetery placed in a hamlet. Last year the project was very positive and we hope that it will be the same success in 2010. WORK: This year, you’ll carry on the restoration of walls by doing some masonry. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: 35 km west of Montpellier You will be in a wine growing area. ACCOMODATION: Lodging in a school (to confirm) TERMINAL: Montpellier train station then bus stop of St Andre de Sangonis.

CONC221 COUPIAC 04/08 – 19/08 RENO 18 yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the second year, Concordia will organise a work-camp in Coupiac in partnership with a local association. The purpose is to continue the restoration of the walls of an old cemetery placed in a in a little wood on the edge of a stream at 1 km of the village ( This restoration began last year, with the first work camp. WORK: This year, you’ll carry on the restoration of little walls in the way of dry stones LANGUAGE: French (and English) LOCATION: Very nice village between Albi and Millau, in a very touristic and rich in heritage region ACCOMODATION: Lodging under tent (if you have one and/or a ground sheet, you may bring them) in a camping with showers and toilets. TERMINAL: Toulouse or Albi then St Sernin sur Rance (bus stop) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: French motivation letter.

CONC222 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 04/08 – 25/08 RENO 18 yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: for the seventh time Capdenac le Haut welcomes Concordia’s volunteers to restore a part of the rampart surrounding this historical town. The region is very touristic and welcoming so the volunteers will have many possibilities of visits, hikes, leisure. WORK: traditional masonry and cutting stones on various parts of the rampart and of the door. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Capdenac le Haut is a splendid historical village in the heart of a very touristic region. Near Figeac, between Cahors and Rodez www. capdenac ACCOMODATION: under tent (if you have one, you may bring it) in the stadium and use of the changing-rooms for cooking and shower. TERMINAL: Capdenac Gare station

CONC223 ST MARTIN LAGUEPIE 04/08 – 25/08 RENO 18+yo 12 VOLS

PROJECT: For the third year, the volunteers will have the opportunity to come back in this magnificent village of the Tarn. This year, the work will be to continue the restoration of the surrounding of the castle. WORK: This year, you’ll restore the terraces with basic masonry and excavations. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: St Martin Laguépie has a magnificent castle from the XIIIth. The region is very rich in heritage and in nice landscapes. . ACCOMODATION: Under tent. Kitchen in a town hall. TERMINAL: St Martin Laguépie train station. 67/85 68/85 Paris « Imaginary and garden » Conc 130

06/08 – 28/08 social – environmental

PROJECT : « Les fougères » is a popular neighborhood located in the 20th borough in the east of Paris. In partnership with « Paris habitat », provider of social housing, the project consists of the construction of a shared garden situated in the heart of the neighborhood. During the stay, with local associations, you will participate to the establishment of many actions to involve neighborhood youth in local development actions and awareness of international mobility !

WORK : Accompanied by a landscape gardener you will develop collective arable plots, wooden planters for children and a compost area.

LOCATION : 20th borough of Paris

ACCOMODATION : sleeping bag

MEETING POINT : at the nearest subway station

15 vol, from 18

Conc. 066, Gannat , 04/08 – 26/08 Renovation of a classified church RENO Project : Concordia has been working with the community of “Bassin de Gannat” district since 1997. Many municipalities have already hosted international workcamps. Based on small local heritage projects, these workcamps create loads of interests and expectations. As important as the work, the exchanges with the local population are the heart of this partnership. The third work camp of the summer will be organised in Escurolles. This municipality has hosted international workcamps for the last seven years.

Work: You will participate in the restoration of walls of a Romanic church, classified as Historic Monument. You will use traditional masonry techniques such as taking off the old joints, making joints with lime (mortar), coating and brushing. Beware, you will work on scaffoldings.

Location: Escurolles (650 inhabitants) is located 50 km north of Clermont-Ferrand and 10 km east of Gannat in Allier county. It’s a rural region rich in historical heritage (numerous castles and Romanesque churches).

Accommodation: two places tents (bring your own sleeping mat) for sleeping and in the village hall which is equipped for group life. Toilets and showers in the soccer stadium’ changing rooms.

T: Gannat train station. 69/85 Special requirements: scaffolding work certificate for working at heights obligatory, Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and sleeping bag. Please, bring special gloves, clothes and shoes to work. Bikes will be lent during week ends.

12 volunteers – Open for 18 +

Conc 044 Eaux bonnes 06/08-28/08 RENO 18 + 9 VOLS PROJECT: For the second year, we are in partnership with Eaux Bonnes community in order to renovate and promote the beauty of its pastoral heritage. Deep in the Ossau valley, in the heart of the Pyrenees, Eaux Bonnes (“Good Waters”) unites three other villages: Aas, Gourette and Assouste. It is a famous spa and also the biggest skiing area in the department of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

WORK: Led by one of Concordia technical leaders, you will help to rehabilitate pastoral shed located 1600 meters high (on the Coste de Goua-plaa de batch) (traditional masonry work).

ACCOMODATION: There will be two types of accommodation: You will stay on site high in the mountain and pretty far from the closest town (more than 300 metres of slop by foot). You will then stay on camp: sleeping under tents, outside sanitary, no hot water, no electricity, ground oven or campfire cooking. The site is exposed to all kind of weather and wild life ! You will work full days on the same site, close to the camp and you will go down to a collective building accommodation from time to time in order to rest or in case of very bad and dangerous weather. This second site is situated in the Gourette Ski resort. The living conditions on the mountain camp site are very precarious and quite basic in the ski resort, and you will share everything with the group.

LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: Eaux Bonnes is situated 50 km south of Pau and 10 km away from the spanish border. The Gourette ski resort (where is the emergency building) is located at 1350 meters high, and the cabin where you will usually work and live is located at 1600 meters. TERMINAL: The train station in Oloron Ste Marie (64). SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Get ready for any type of weather. Bring basic camping equipment: sleeping bag, little mattress, small tent, warm clothes but also light summer clothes, walking shoes, waterproof clothing, anti-insects spray, flash light, batteries… Don’t forget, you must bring a backpack to carry your stuff up and down the mountain (in addition to your luggage.) SPECIAL NOTE: Be aware that it is essential to be sportive to take part in this work camp as you will spend lots of time going up and down the mountain. There won’t be any possibility to communicate from the campsite (no signal, no internet, …) 9 volunteers. 18 years old onwards.

70/85 CONC 033 Monpazier 09/07-24/07 RENO/FEST

PROJECT: The community of Monpazier was one of the first to host Concordia Aquitaine about ten years ago. So we are excited to say that the collaboration with the fortified village, one of the most beautiful in France, is going to be repeated this year. WORK: You will participate in two different works: led by a local technical leader, you will take part in the restoration of sportive equipments (work of sanding and painting). You will as well take part in the setting and the happening of the medieval party organised by the village on the 17th and 18th of July. ACCOMODATION: In a building. Basic collective living conditions. Showers are situated 600 meters away from the lodging. LANGUAGE: French and English. LOCATION: The fortified village was founded in the XIIIth century by Edward I of England and counts about thirty listed examples of historical architecture. Known as the purest fortified village in the South-West of France, it is situated in the centre of the Périgord, at 35 minutes from Bergerac. Monpazier is a touristic place of interest. TERMINAL: The train station in Belvès (24). SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes & warm clothes. SPECIAL NOTE: No public transportation, for those who like nature and walking. For more information see the following website: 12 volunteers. 18 +

CONC 017 GEX 06/08 – 28/08 ENVI 18+ 10 VOLS PROJECT : Imagine you are in the middle of mountains, with a breathtaking view on the Alps and the Leman Lake… It’s the 8th time that the Natural Reserve hosts an international workcamp, involving itself very much every year: daily visit, animations to discover the local fauna and flora, supplying of your shelter with an ATV. For the outgoings, you will have the choice between rambling on the top of the Jurassic crests, visiting Geneva or tasting the cheese in the villages of the “Pays de Gex”… WORK : The first part of workcamp will take place close to the town “Crozet” where you will work on some plots of land situated at a low altitude of the natural reserve. Your will work against the vegetal invasion. Then you will spend a week on high mountain pasture, you will do a vegetal selection in order to protect the natural reserve against the vegetal invasion. You will work in a tough and steep environment, helped by the rangers of the Natural Reserve. Good physical condition is required !!! ACCOMMODATION : The two first weeks in the village hall of Crozet, and the last week in the mountain shepherd, more than 1400m high and very isolated. Basic comfort, smart-ness required ! LANGUAGE : English and French. LOCATION : The Jura Natural Reserve is about 35 Km north-west from Geneva, in Ain department. TERMINAL : Gex Bus Station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : Ramblers and adventurers, this workcamp is for you! Very important: bring working gloves, electric torch, good walking shoes, warm clothes and sleeping-bag. Backpack is compulsory. For the two first weeks, a minibus will be available for excursions. SPECIAL REMARKS : For more information have a look at:

71/85 and

CONC 016 09/07 – 31/07 Oytier Saint Oblas Travaux de peinture + réalisation de fresques artistiques Projet :Concordia is honored to begin this new partnership with the : «la communauté de communes des Collines du Nord Dauphiné ». The mountain comunity is happy to open his world to the young intercultural practise proposing you a project that combines technical. Learning through little manual work on public common place(graffitis)and friendly meeting with the local community. We kindly hope that in this first experience of partnership all the community in general and young people in particular will join us to participate to the activities proposed, helping you to discover the richness of their territory. A camp that will be for sure developed with the help of “Information jeunesse” that will guarantee intersting meetings, discoveries and manual practices. Work: You will realize little peinture works in the public buildingsof the little community of:” Oytier Saint Oblas. You will also realize wall-decoratives paintings to renew the buildings wall. Location :You will be situated on the « la commune de Oytier Saint Oblas rattachée au canton d'Heyrieux small village of 1500 peoples on sère 17km far from Vienne and almost 45km away from Lyon Accomodation: You will be accommodated in tents: a common space arranged close to the tent will permit to realise common activities (meals, kitchen, showers) Special requirement: Bring working gloves, good shoes, warm dresses, a sleeping bag, a light torch, swimming suite. You must bring a rucksack. Bring some typical recipes and games of your own country. Terminal: Saint Quentier Fallavier's train station. More info: : ou 15 volunteers, From 15 to 17 years old.

72/85 Le Perreux – « inter-actions » Conc 131

09/07 – 31/07 social – animation Located at about 12 kilometers from the east of Paris, the town of Le Perreux stretches along the banks of the Marne.


We have found a point of convergence between the educational project of our association and that of the retirement home of « La Cascade » which receives people from all backgrounds, all faiths without discrimination. It receives in priority the poorest about the material, physical and moral situation. The action that we intend to develop in this retirement home is atypical in the sense that it relies primarily on animation and support to the elderly. Each volunteer will be given two residents who will become his godfathers and godmothers, and for who he will develop in close collaboration with the leadership team and the residents themselves a program of activities (outings, entertainment, workshops, etc.) aiming to upgrade and to stimulate the elderly. The originality of this work lies in its purpose which is the creation of a special link between the volunteer and the elderly, between the foreign volunteer and the french resident, and provide the opportunity to disabled people to travel with open eyes !

WORK : It will be defined at the beginning of the stay in collaboration with the animation team, residents and yourself.

LOCATION : parisian suburbs accessible by RER

ACCOMODATION : in tent on municipal camping. Meals will be taken at the retirement home.

MEETING POINT : RER station of « Neuilly plaisance »

6 vol, from 18 conc 194, PAVANT , 10/08 –28 / 08

Aisne County (Picardy) Environment

PROJECT: Pavant is a small village between Château Thierry and Meaux. A very dynamic local organization call “Le Foyer Rural” is willing to restore and maintain walking paths around the village. This is the second workcamp in the village and the first one was very successful, so the inhabitants are very impatient to meeting you. This project is a partnership between the local organization “Le Foyer Rural” and Federation of the “Foyer rureaux” 73/85 of the Aisne County

Work : To maintain walking paths : to clear of brambels and other plants, to set up a resting area, to put up small information boards about local History, legends, flora and fauna.

Location: Pavant is a small village between Château Thierry and Meaux, close of the vineyard of Champagne.

Accommodation: Accommodation with tents with the use of local facilities.

Meeting point: Sâcy sur Marne train Station.

15 volunteers. 18+

CONC 224 Lattes 18/09 – 02/10 RENO 16 vol. 18+ Restoration of hydraulic network and training

PROJECT: This is a new project, a partnership between Concordia, the town of Lattes and an organisation which set up training in relation with natural and environmental space. The purpose is to organise a work camp with volunteers but also people in in-training service and youth from the town. The work will be in the conservation area called “Maison de la Nature” which is on the side of a pond and will be the restoration of the hydraulic equipment and some other arranging works. The volunteers will have the possibility, if they want to, to follow, during afternoon, some technical training courses (masonry, work on the wood…) WORK: Masonry, fitting out and wood work (to confirm) LANGUAGE: French and English LOCATION: Between the Mediterranean see and Montpellier, this very touristic place will give various possibilities of leisure and interesting meetings. ACCOMODATION: lodging in a building used usually for holydays camps. TERMINAL: Montpellier

CONC 225 Capdenac 1 16/07 – 31/07 CONS 12vol. 18+ Restoration of ramparts

Project: for the seventh time Capdenac le Haut welcomes Concordia’s volunteers to restore a part of the rampart surrounding this historical town. The region is very touristic and welcoming so the volunteers will have many possibilities of visits, hikes, leisure. Work: traditional masonry and cutting stones on various parts of the rampart and of the door. Work possible on scaffolding. Location: Capdenac le Haut is a splendid historical village in the heart of a very touristic region. Near Figeac, between Cahors and Rodez www. capdenac Accommodation: under tent (if you have one, you may bring it) in the stadium and use of the changing-rooms for cooking and shower. Terminal: Capdenac-Gare station 74/85 CONC 226 Puéchabon 04/08 – 25/08 RENO/ENV 12vol. 18+ Renovation of an old path and clearing vegetation.

PROJECT: For the first time Concordia will organise a work-camp in Puechabon by contributing in the renovation of an old path which is the way to a green place in the village. Puéchabon 14951-Puechabon.php is in the south of France and the welcoming by the people of the village is supposed to be nice. WORK: you’ll have to restore the path by working on the ground of the path, on the wall along it and clearing of the vegetation at the end. A various work with some earthmoving, masonry and clearing vegetation. LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: situated in the heart of the area called Hérault, close to the river with the same name and the beautiful village St Guilhem le Désert, Puechabon is a quite isolated place where one will have the opportunity to discover marvellous country side by doing some walks. ACCOMODATION: under tents (if you have one and/or a ground sheet, you may bring them). TERMINAL: Montpellier train station then bus to Aniane



Lyon visit and French initiation

PROJECT: For the first time, Concordia offers you a « Cultural week » in Lyon. This project allows the new international volunteers to visit Lyon, be initiated to French language and also, discover the cultural, artistic and charitable life. The main purpose of this week is to allow you to be completely immersed in the French culture and life, close to local people. Let’s discover this town full of resources with your private guides! Thanks to Concordia volunteers! VISITS AND ACTIVITIES: all along this week, some recreative French lessons will be given compare to the level of each person (role play and Simulation exercise, French word book…) Visit incontrovertible sites in Lyon accompany by Lyon’s inhabitants. Involvement in a charity association, French specificity: food delivery to homeless people, clothes, recycling materials… Participation to cultural life and its festivities.

Programme (to be confirmed): Morning Afternoon (9.30am-12.30pm) (2.00-5.30pm) Arrival at Lyon Part-Dieu train station Volunteers welcome meeting at Concordia 4/07 premise Meeting between international and French volunteers 5/07 French classes Lyon peninsula and Modern art museum visits Renaissance old Lyon area and its « Traboules » 6/07 French classes visit 7/07 French classes Integration in a charity organisation Cultural week assessment 8/07 Fourvière Museum visit (Gallo-Roman) Departure meeting at Concordia Volunteers departure from the youth 9/07 hostel for their workcamps site + A cultural night during « Tout’le monde dehors » Festival (day to be confirmed) + Weekly Lyon Guide ACCOMODATION: youth hostel LOCATION : 2nd main town in France, Lyon is located in South-East. Lyon is part of the world heritage list choose by UNESCO. Indeed, the town keeps his important architectural heritage from Roman period to XX century including Renaissance period as well. Furthermore this resource, Lyon has also a dynamic cultural and artistic life with its many museums, theatres, cinemas, festivals, auditoriums, etc. TERMINAL : Lyon Part-Dieu train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: bring with you good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. PARTICIPATION FEES: 315€, , including full board, accommodation and French courses.


French initiation and Paris visits

PROJECT: since 2009, Concordia France offers a « Cultural Week » in Paris. This project aims at allowing international volunteers to prepare themselves to practice French, to visit Paris and to meet Concordia team (employees and volunteers). The idea is to discover the most important sites in Paris but also to visit more deeply this famous town and to meet the intercultural and popular Paris, far from tourist places. French lessons: during the week, French lessons will be taught to the volunteers in a recreational way and adapted to their French knowledge (role play and Simulation exercise, French word book). The useful vocabulary for the work camp will be particularly studied. VISITS AND ACTIVITIES: the activities will be decided by the group and the programme could be changed collectively as it the case during the work camps. The evenings will be free but at your arrival you will receive a small guide about Parisian nights.

Programme (to be confirmed): Morning Afternoon (9.30am-12.30pm) (2.30-5.30pm) 1 /08 Volunteers welcome meeting 2/08 French classes Paris heritage : Latin quarter visit Paris visit: visit to be chosen 3 /08 French classes collectively (ie: Louvre, Orsay, Eiffel tower...) Intercultural Paris : out of the usual 4 /08 French classes tourist place Paris village : Montmartre and its 5 /08 French classes surroundings Week assessment Volunteers departure from the 6 /08 youth hostel for their workcamps site

ACCOMODATION : youth hostel in Paris. LOCATION: Paris ! MEETING POINT: at Concordia national premise, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. It would be possible to go to the youth hostel from 3pm the 1st of August. SPECIAL REMARKS: the price includes: the nights at the youth hostel, breakfasts, french lessons (in the morning), supervised visits (afternoon), a paid visit, an unlimited transportation card for the week. The lunches and the diners will be at the volunteer charge. It will be possible to use Concoria kitchen for the lunch time. PARTICIPATION FEES: 350€, including full board, accommodation and French courses.

77/85 FRENCH CULTURAL WEEK APPLICATION FORM Participation fee : don’t forget to pay it on arrival

CONCORDIA FICHE D’INSCRIPTION FOR OFFICIAL USE VOLUNTEER EXCHANGE FORM (VEF) Numero______(à remplir en anglais au stylo ou feutre noir et en capitale d’imprimerie et réf.______recto-verso) conf :______Date : (PLEASE WRITE IN ENGLISH, IN BLACK AND BLOCK CAPITALS AND ______ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS) convoc. le :______ass. :______1. Nom / Surname: Prénom/ First name: MALE : FEMALE  Adresse actuelle / Present address: Adresse permanente / Permanent address (if different):

Telephone fixe: Vous êtes à cette adresse : de à Telephone: Dates at this address: From: To: E.mail: 2. Date de naissance : Lieu de naissance : 3. Prévenir en cas d’accident / EMERGENCY CONTACT Birthdate: Birthplace*: Nationalité N° de passeport*: Nom: Name: Nationality: Passport No*: Telephone (jour/ Day): Occupation :  Etudiant/Student (nuit/Night):  Professionnel/ Professional  Chômeur/Unemployed  Retraité/Retired person  Autre/Other (* si un visa est nécessaire / *if visa is required) 4. Langues / LANGUAGES 5. REMARKS ON HEALTH/SPECIAL NEEDS/DIET Allergies ou handicaps / besoins spécifiques Parle bien/Speak well:

Parle un peu/Speak some: 6. Langue française FRENCH LANGUAGE Fluent Good Basic Speaking    Understanding    Reading    Writing   

7. Choix de chantiers, stages randonnées PROJECT CHOICES ACCORDING TO PREFERENCE:

CODE NAME/ nom DATES 1. ou 2

78/85 OUR MTV PROGRAM 2010

79/85 MTV WORK ACCOMMODATIO POCKET TUTOR INSURANCE FREE TIME HOW TO APPLY N MONEY 01 - EMMAUS We’re looking for X You will live in a 70 € per week A person from You will be 2 days off a Send your motivation volunteers! We have one room in the during all the Emmaus will be covered during the month letter and curriculum already but places are open! Emmaüs place in project. your tutor during time at work, but vitae through your Escalquens. It is a all the project you need medical sending organisation You will work with the big village in Haute- with the help, insurance. Bring to: comrades; the work can be Garonne not far once a while, of Form E111 if you Concordia various but also sometimes Toulouse (15 somebody from are coming from c/o. Michel CONNAN hard. According to Emmaus kilometres). You Concordia. European Union 24, cours Jean Jaures needs and what you wish, will eat with the During the work, countries or a 34 120 PEZENAS you will have to arrange, to rest of the group, you will be with medical insurance France carry, to sort and to value the cooking is comrades. if you come from or by e-mail to the goods and furniture. made by people of outside EU. concordia.sso@wanad You will also have to sell the the group and and Rita SILVA materials to customers and sometimes you [email protected] to be in contact with the might have to do donors. some. You will work 30/35 hours per week in the morning and in the afternoon and will have free time on Wednesdays and Sundays

80/85 OUR EVS PROGRAM 2010


The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is designed for all European citizens or people living in the E.U., Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Turkey, from 18 to 30 y.o. Volunteers take part, in the country in which they are sent, in local activities, for a duration of 2 to 12 months..

GENERAL INFORMATION The EVS is a voluntary work program based on applicant’s good will. It is a way to discover other cultures and languages through an implication in local projects and a will to be responsible for an action. Thanks to this experience, volunteers will develop their professional skills. The EVS support social, cultural and environmental actions in local organisations. The EVS can not replace a paid work or a national service.

TERMS OF CONTRACT Accommodation and food are provided by the host organisation. A living allowance is given according to the standard of living of the host country (from 50 to 150 euros per month). Insurance is supplied for the duration of the EVS (accidents, health and civil responsibility are covered) Once the EVS is over, the volunteer will receive a competency certificate delivered by the E.U.

APPLICATION WITH CONCORDIA Contact Concordia or other partners from the Alliance and explain motivations through a motivation interview. Choose a project inside Concordia database Sign a convention with Concordia and host organisation Warning: volunteers who want to come to France must be sent by an organisation from their own country that will deal exchange with Concordia.

STEP BY STEP: AFTER YOUR APPLICATION AND BEFORE DEPARTURE Follow a training session before departure Organise yourself to be on time (between application and departure there might be a gap of several months). Think about administrative requirements (vaccinations, visa…) Do not forget to follow an evaluation session at the end of your EVS stay.

82/85 Title Ref Hosting organisation Thèmes SVE 2007-FR-102 Communauté de Communes Rural Community work and des Portes de l’Entre Deux development / youth policies local development for Mers children and youth people

SVE 2007- FR-102 Concordia Aquitaine Rural Tools for Life development / International solidarity SVE 2008 FR 69 Mairie de Cournon Urban development / youth Cournon policies SVE 2007- FR-108 Maison de Quartier Croix de Art and culture / urban Festival of tales Neyrat / DAJL / Mairie de development Clermont Ferrand SVE 2008 FR 193 Centre d'animation la Urban develoment / youth Animation in a Gauthière / DAJL / Mairie de policies multigenerational center Clermont Ferrand SVE 2007-FR-165 Concordia Auvergne Urban development/ Mobilité, citoyenneté, cadre de vie, SVE St Pourçain 2008 FR 194 Service jeunesse de la European awareness Youth exchange communauté de communes Youth policies de St Pourçain SVE Champratel 2008-FR-200 Maison de quartier de Urban development/ youth Build your city for Champratel policies tomorrow


Concordia PICARDIE 21, rue Sully 80000 AMIENS Tel: 03 22 39 06 47 [email protected]


Concordia NORMANDIE-MAINE Concordia ILE-DE-FRANCE 2 Rue d'Autriche 17-19, Rue Etex Apt 1740 75018 PARIS 72 000 LE MANS Tel: 01 45 23 91 72 Tel: 02 43 75 23 03 [email protected] [email protected] WORKCAMP CODES: CONC 121 to 150 WORKCAMP CODES: CONC 151 to 180

Concordia RHONE-ALPES 10, rue du Gazomètre 69003 LYON Concordia BRETAGNE Tel: 04 72 60 97 56 c/o Lycée Sainte Thérèse [email protected] 27, rue Sully Prud’homme 35067 RENNES CEDEX WORKCAMP CODES: CONC 001 to Tel: 02 99 22 20 60 030 [email protected]

CODES CONC091 to 120

Concordia AUVERGNE 14, bd Gergovia 63000 CLERMONT FERRAND Concordia AQUITAINE Tel: 04 73 90 65 66 14, rue de l’église [email protected] 33880 ST CAPRAIS de BORDEAUX Tel: 05 56 78 76 46 WORKCAMP CODES: CONC 061 to [email protected] 090


Concordia SUD-SUD OUEST 24 cours Jean Jaurès 34120 PEZENAS Tel: 05 56 78 76 46 [email protected]



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