Minutes from V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee Meeting s1
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Minutes from V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee Meeting Wednesday January 5, 2011
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida
V/STOL TC Website: http://www.aiaa.org/portal/index.cfm?GetComm=102&tc=tc
Attendees: Name Company/Phone/Email Paul Bevilaqua* Lockheed-Martin, [email protected] Iris Curtis CENTRA Technology Inc., [email protected] David Eames Rolls-Royce Corp, [email protected] Francesco Giannini Aurora Flight Sciences, [email protected], 805-801-5093 Andrew Gibson ES Aero, [email protected], 805-704-1865 Craig Hange NASA Ames, 650-604-1398, [email protected] David W. Hall DHC Engineering, [email protected] Richard Hoggarth* BAE Systems, [email protected] Matt Peperak CENTRA Technology Inc., (703) 475-6288, [email protected] Erasmo Piñero* Lockheed Martin (Propulsion), (817) 763-3163, [email protected] Max Platzer* Naval Postgrad School, [email protected], 831-521-0587 Rick Mange* Lockheed Martin, [email protected], 817-777-6103 Jack Sokhey* Rolls-Royce Liberty Works, (317) 230-6470, [email protected] John Sprague Consultant, (772) 283-6888, [email protected] Roger Strawn US Army, AFDD, Moffett Field, [email protected] Doug Wardwell* NASA Ames, 650-604-6566, [email protected] Tom Wendel* Boeing, [email protected] Harold Youngren AeroCraft Consulting, [email protected], 207-871- 552 , 207-671-7350 (Cell) *Called in
Page 1 AIAA TC meeting called to order at 12:40pm EST by John Sprague.
Minutes from that last TC meeting (10/7/10) were approved as is.
See attachment 1 for this meeting’s agenda.
V/STOL TC Financial Status as of 1-5-11
Balance As of 10-7-10 $54,925.42
Shipping F. E. Newbold Trophy ($297.70) Shipping to J. Sprague ($272.99) Shipping container for J. Franklin ($24.71)
Current Balance $54,627.72
To Be Expensed
Remaining Young Professional Expenses: Mostafa Bedewy Hotel Expenses ($584.07)
Balance with Anticipated Expenses $54,043.65
Established Contingencies:
Young Professionals Social ($5,000) Short Course Contingency ($10,000) Travel for YPs to IPLC ($5,000)
Page 2 John Sprague suggested that we provide each of the V/STOL Short Course lecturers a $100 gift card. Maybe a dinner or amazon.com card. After some additional discussion, it was decided that a Amazon.com card would be best. $20 for govt as they cannot accept gifts more than that during a year. They will also get a certificate of appreciation. Action: Paul Bevilaqua to send John Sprague the list. Action: John Sprague to implement.
Also John Sprague wished to spend some funds on the ATIO on a social for Young Professionals to get interest in the TC. The TC approves of this expense.
Open Action Items from Previous Meetings : 1. Action: Sprague to check to see if we can still keep up the old web site until we get a new website administrator and the new website completed. Status: Closed – Matt Peperak to attempt. If others wish to do, please let Matt know. Richard Hoggarth is the new website subcommittee chairman and will be taking leadership of this position with help from others. 2. Action: Wardwell/Naumowicz – can we get a write-up of the Ames Historic Site Ceremony in the AIAA magazine? Status: Closed. Nothing happened. 3. Action:ALL Need someone to lead the stipend request/evaluation for future conferences. Status: Closed. Craig Hange said he will do. Lots of discussion around this item on how the get people involved in the V/STOL field and do they need to have a paper in the conference to get sponsorship to attend the conference. Decided to open to the ATIO/ASM conferences in addition to the IPLC. 4. Action: Roger Strawn will contact the Moffett Field History Museum for the restoration of a Harrier cockpit and discuss funding options for the TC to consider. Status: Closed. No response from the Museum even after repeated tries. The TC has decided to drop this.
Action Items from October 7, 2011 TC Meeting:
1. Action ALL: Think about timing and location for the next IPLC 2012 or 2013.
The TC decided that the next IPLC will be held in 2013. Karen Sklencar
will be the AIAA representative involved with organizing. Craig Hange and Matt
Peperak have tentatively accepted the roles of Program and Technical Chairs respectively
for the next IPLC. Status:Closed
2. Action: Rick Mange to provide direction on liaison opportunities at ASM.
Status:Closed . Rick provided guidance to members.
Page 3 3. Action:All Identify Ideas for attracting new members. Status: Closed.
It was noted that other TCs due to size and regulations have members rotating off. Rick suggests that perhaps some of these members would agree to participate in this TC. We should try to recruit those individuals as long as they have sincere interest in V/STOL and not merely being on a TC for their own purposes. Action All:The TC needs to develop a one-page recruitment information sheet aimed at these people.
4. Action: Craig Hange to present Ideas in January for a position paper by this TC on what
technologies have a national impact . Status:Open Craig informed the committee that the SME meeting that will evaluate technology options and impacts will take place in February 2011. He will write a one-page summary of the meeting for the TC.
5. Action:Dave Hall to look into student design competition ideas and get back to the TC.
Status: Closed– Student Design was last sponsored by this committee in 2004 and 2006. An RFP needs to be written in concert with AFRL and work with the Student Activities Committee (SAC), perhaps an ACCA-type vehicle as an LAAR replacement. The alternate design competition from ARMD through NASA was mentioned but is most likely not an option. During the meeting Dave went to another TC to discuss this and returned with encouraging news that we may be involved for the next competition. A 100 passenger sized aircraft is the design. Action Item:Dave and Craig will include STOL capabilities in the RFP as requirements so that the TC will be involved.
Website Administration:
Matt Peperak will speak with Mike Hirschberg , Andy Gibson and Richard Hoggarth to coordinate the possibility of integrating the V/STOL Facebook site, the AIAA V/STOL TC Website, and the VSTOL.org website into one cohesive package
Young Professional Sponsorship:
The TC needs to establish the defining criteria for sponsoring young professionals to attend the ATIO in September 2011. Suggestions include: an essay describing interest in V/STOL, the paper /abstract the applicant intends to present, and a personal statement
Design, Build, Fly – Design Competition: (Mark Moore, LaRC, reporting)
Page 4 Through the NIA in Hampton, VA this competition could be sponsored by the General Aviation and the V/STOL TCs.
The teams would build a ¼ scale PAV with VTOL capabilities.
Looking for input from this TC, in particular in helping define the rules, requirements and advertisement. If the TC wants to get even more involved and help or directly sponsor, then we must get approval from the AIAA. Action: Mark Moore will look into the requirements from AIAA for this TC to sponsor
Mark Moore and Dave Hall will spearhead this initiative
AIAA TC Status:
Dimitri Mavris spoke regarding the AIAA’s policy regarding the TCs in general.
There are 70 total TCs and a new template for scorekeeping is being developed to determine the Health of individual committees (number of members, etc)
The AIAA is losing money with each conference it holds and will start to couple conferences together to reduce costs. They will try to pair conferences that have similar subjects.
The TAC wants this to be a cheaper solution but it needs to make sense.
Since the next IPLC in 2013 will be organized by the AIAA, this may be something the TC will need to accommodate.
V/STOL TC Organization:
John presented an updated V/STOL TC organization chart (attached). The following suggested organizational changes were accepted :
Rick Mange Vice Chairman
Tom Wendel Secretary
David Hall Education Chair
Richard Hoggarth Website Chair
Roger Strawn Liaison Chair
Page 5 New Member Initiative:
The TC currently has 21 full members of the maximum 35, one associate member, and 2 international members. We lost 2 this year and gained one. The goals are to recruit 5 new members this year from organizations such as: Pratt and Whitney, GE, the Marines, the UAV Industry, and academia.
Specific people to contact are Tom Beutner, Kevin McCarthy, and Ian Maddock.
Jack Sokhey will contact GE
Andy Gibson will contact GE and Lockheed Martin Palmdale
Iris Curtis will speak with ONR, NAVAIR, DARPA (Dan Newman), and Northrop Grumman
Matt Peperak will contact AFRL (Cale Zeune) and follow up with Mostafa Bedewy from Michigan State
John Sprague will contact Pratt and Whitney
Roger Strawn will contact the Army (Alabama)
Max Peperak will speak with members from the Air Force and Naval Academies
Craig Hange and Matt Peperak will try to recruit international members from Germany’s DLR
Naval Centennial and ATIO:
These conferences will be held in September 2011 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We volunteered to provide support to 2 sessions (8 papers).
The deadline for abstracts has been extended to February 14th.
John suggested that we organize a panel for V/STOL discussions at this conference . This was discussed and the idea of a panel session of pilots discussing the flying qualities etc. of the F35B, V-22 and the X2 was chosen. J. Sprague will present this idea at the ATIO organizing committee meeting on Jan 20th.( The ATIO organizing committee accepted our proposal to put together a pilots panel session)
Short Course:
Page 6 Paul indicated that he has not received much support from Germany for the next short course. Matt and Craig have contacts at DLR in Germany and will try to bolster their enthusiasm.
If it is not held in Germany, Paul will try Dryden/Edwards or Eglan, Florida.
F.E. Newbold Award:
Jack Franklin was awarded the Newbold award for 2010.
Bill Lewis was the runner-up in 2008 and 2010. Y.T. Chin was the original nominator. Someone needs to ensure Bill is nominated again for the next round.
Matt Peperak will draft a letter that indentifies the objectives and intent of the Newbold award from the committee’s perspective. The AIAA has imposed their rules and opinions and limited our ability to govern the award as we see fit. Matt will attempt to rewrite the requirements under the AIAA’s rules.
Historical Sites Nomination:
Mike Hirschberg has nominated Willow Grove, PA for this award. It was the location of the first gyro-copter flight in the USA.
Dick Kuhn passed away and John suggested that we sponsor a plaque in his honor perhaps at the Langley 14X22 wind tunnel where he worked. Craig will contact someone there to see if this is possible.
Next TC meeting: The next TC meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2011 in Fort Worth, TX at Lockheed Martin. Rick Mange would host a tour there as well. This coinsides with the April 17- 20th AAAA Air show. Future meeting will be held in September 2011 at the ATIO in Virginia Beach.
New Action Items from THIS TC Meeting: 1. Action: Matt Peperak – Contact Mike Hirschberg and Andy Gibson about integrating the FaceBook, AIAA TC, and VSTOL.org websites into one package that presents all current events 2. Action: Mark Moore and Dave Hall – Contact AIAA and other TCs regarding our sponsorship of the Design, Build Fly Competition 3. Action: Liaison Officer and others – Write a one-page recruitment/information sheet that outlines the TCs goals, objectives, and activities aimed at increasing membership 4. Action: Craig Hange - Write a one-page open letter/summary of the findings from the SME meeting in February regarding goals and objectives that the Aero community should do that is related to V/STOL tech, etc.
Page 7 5. Action: ALL – The goal is to recruit 5 new members this year. Please check the New Member Initiative section above for details. 6. Action: ALL – Someone who knows Bill Lewis needs to nominate him for the Newbold award again. 7. Action: ALL – We require more nominations for the Newbold award. Please indentify potential individuals and contact Matt Peperak with the details. 8. Action: Matt Peperak – Write a letter that outlines the changes we’d like to make regarding the governing of awards criteria, etc. 9. Action: Craig Hange – Contact someone at NASA Langley about putting a plaque in Dick Kuhn’s honor on or near the 14X22 wind tunnel there. 10. Action: All to look into modifying the guidelines of the current criteria for TC sponsored conference attendance –right now it is too difficult. 11. Action: Roger Strawn to check with the rotorcraft Center of Excellence (COE’s) establishments to see if they are interested in this V/STOL TC. 12. Action: ES Aero (Andrew Gibson) to ask his folks if they are interested in joining the TC. 13. Action: All/Rick Mange write a one-page TC summary intended to recruit those people cycling off other TCs to bolster our recruitment.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:00pm EST
********** Thanks to all those for attending and calling in ********
Page 8 Attachment 1Meeting Agenda
Wednesday January 5, 2011 Noon to 5:00 PM EST Orlando World Center Marriott - Orlando, Florida
AGENDA CALL TO ORDER SPRAGUE Approval of Minutes from the 10-7-10 TC Mtg.
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