Social Work Student Leadership in Diversity Scholarship

The Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers is pleased to award two Student Leadership in Diversity Scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic year. These scholarships recognize and promote leaders among social work students who are working on projects, research, or advocacy initiatives that promote diversity and social justice.

Students should demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities (show ambition, vision, and is highly motivated), have an above average academic record, and be working to promote the ideals of social work and our Code of Ethics.

About the Scholarship A $500.00 scholarship will be awarded for the 2015-2016 academic year to one BSW and one MSW student who is a member of the NASW-Michigan Chapter. The student must have been accepted in an accredited BSW or MSW program. The scholarship check will be written directly to the award recipient and will be awarded by September 1, 2015. Scholarship applications and essays must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2015. Award recipients will be honored at NASW-Michigan’s Legislative, Education & Advocacy Day on October 15, 2015 at the Lansing Center in Lansing, Michigan. The scholarship winner must be available for an interview and the winning essay may be published in NASW-Michigan The Bridge newsletter.

Scholarship Guidelines

1. The applicant must be a NASW - Michigan Chapter member in good standing. Awardee must remain a member in good standing throughout the award period. If candidate is not yet eligible for membership, but will be by the time the scholarship is awarded, please note this on the application. If applicant is selected, the award is contingent upon full membership once eligible. Membership eligibility inquiries may be directed to [email protected] or 800.742.4089. To view the benefits of membership go to 2. Application and Release of Information form must be submitted by the application deadline. 3. Biographical essay (two typed, double-spaced pages). Essay must address career goals and interests, as well as work, volunteer, and school/field experience. 4. Two letters of support from professional references (one needing to be from a faculty member/professor). Letters must be included with the application and can be written by a candidate's professors; individuals or leaders of groups with whom the candidate has worked in a helping capacity; an employer/supervisor; or other person with knowledge of the applicant's experience in the field of social work/social service. 5. Copy of an unofficial transcript from the most recent academic program (undergraduate or graduate). Copy of previous semester's grades would also be accepted. 6. If the applicant is not currently enrolled in an accredited BSW or MSW program, provide the letter of acceptance from the program, or a copy of the application to an accredited BSW or MSW program, along with a letter from the college/university verifying the application has been received. 7. Deadline for 2015-2016 applications: July 1, 2015 8. Mail all materials to the address below: