Exploding Ants
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Exploding Ants Reading Lesson Plans Kelly Reasner
Objectives: The students will use graphic sources to aid comprehension, monitor comprehension by using graphic sources, use context clues and synonyms to determine word meaning, understand features of a magazine article, and analyze the format and features of a magazine article.
Friday: 8:00-8:30 Whole Group Instruction Discuss Skill: Graphic Sources and Strategy: Monitor & Fix-Up on p. 436. Read and discuss “Ant Facts” on p. 437, discussing skill and strategy. Complete workbook page 174.
Monday: 8:00-8:30 Whole Group Instruction
Check workbook page 174 Vocabulary PowerPoint Review skill last week of context clues using song below
http://educationalminimovies.com/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=231%3Acontext- clues&catid=229&Itemid=54
Review Vocabulary Strategy for Synonyms on p. 438. Brain Pop on Synonyms
http://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/antonymssynonymsandhomon yms/preview.weml
Read story with a partner with a trifold
8:30-9:00 Small Group Instruction Toolkit on strategy on nonfiction features with new animal passages about ants to go with the story Discuss nonfiction texts with the connection of a signpost Discuss synonyms for accurate on the white board Discuss and make bookmarks for nonfiction features 8:30-8:45: Group 1: Richard, Ben, Isaiah, Emry, Melanie, Maurice
Review inner conversations and then discuss nonfiction strategies 8:45-9:00: Group 2: Jared, Josh, Olivia, Doan, Jamal, Chanel Synonym bingo (Print outs) Others will be working on vocabulary cards, reading rate passages, and silent reading
Tuesday: 8:00-8:30 Whole Group Instruction Read story with trifold Students complete WB pp. 177 for homework. Watch “Honey Ants” Video on YouTube Study Jams on Animal Adaptations http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/animals/animal- adaptations.htm
8:30-9:00 Small Group Instruction Merge your thinking with new learning Lesson 5 8:30-8:45: Group 1: Richard, Ben, Isaiah, Emry, Melanie, Maurice
Finish Toolkit on inner conversation with passages, discuss and notice when you lose your comprehension level (make poster) 8:45-9:00: Group 3: Haley, Leon, Katie, Ryan, Nicholas, Zane Homophone bingo (Printouts) Others will be working on vocabulary bags, choral reading passages, and silent reading
Wednesday: 8:00-8:30 Whole Group Instruction Finish Reading story with trifold Discuss the use of Magazines & Periodicals using TE p. 457L. Students complete WB pp. 179 Review for story test.
8:30-9:00 Small Group Instruction Connect the new to the unknown 8:30-8:45: Group 1: Richard, Ben, Isaiah, Emry, Melanie Phonics
Merge your thinking (inner conversations with new learning 8:45-9:00: Group 2: Jared, Josh, Olivia, Doan, Jamal, Chanel Others will be working on vocabulary cards, choral reading passages, and silent reading
Thursday: 8:00-8:30 Whole Group Instruction Turn in Trifolds Complete story test. Enjoy “Ant Farms”
8:30-9:00 Small Group Instruction Dibels booklets/Progress Monitor Students will get in fluency groups to work on their area of weakness with fluency Groups:
Accuracy: none according to dibels Phrasing: Use phrasing slips…..Olivia, Isaiah, Devin, Cody Reading Rate: Ryan, Maurice, Leon, Jamal, Jared, Ben (Speed 100) Intonation: Use passages and read as the occupation you were given…… Nicholas, Chanel, Joshua, Zane, Melanie, Katie, Haley (Speed 1000) Automatic: Emry, Doan, Brianna, Richard (Speed 100)
Grammar and Writing Lessons with Exploding Ants
Objectives: TSW be able to identify the antecedents and pronouns. TSW be able to define and identify possessive pronouns. TSW be able to use possessive pronouns in their writing http://educationalminimovies.com/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=157%3Agrammar-rock- pronouns&catid=166&Itemid=54
Monday Procedures: 1. Fix it up sentences 2. Watch Pronoun video on school house rock 3. Review antecedents and pronouns 4. HW: workbook pages 67 and 68 5. Discuss Figurative Language items 6. Discuss new idiom 7. Review Descriptive essays
Tuesday Procedures: 1. Fix it up sentences 2. Watch Pronoun video on school house rock 3. Check homework 4. Writing Timed Write prompt
Wednesday Procedures: 1. Fix it up sentences 2. Watch Pronoun video on school house rock 3. Discuss possessive pronouns using grammar transparency 18 4. Discuss worn out words in their timed write 5. Watch video on pronouns http://educationalminimovies.com/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=158%3Aintroductions-to- pronouns&catid=166&Itemid=54
Thursday Procedures: 1. Fix it up sentences 2. Watch Pronoun video on school house rock 3. Discuss possessive pronouns again 4. HW: workbook page 71-72 Friday Procedures: 1. Fix it up sentences 2. Watch Pronoun video on school house rock 3. Check homework 4. Turn in spelling homework 5. Spelling test 6. Make idiom and Multiple meaning cards for writing folders