Theater Syllabus
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Theater Syllabus Mrs. Haddix Room 110
Class Objective: To introduce students to theatre history, team building, overview of improvisation, acting basics, movement, voice, theatre related careers, and basic technical theatre. Participation: The Theatre Arts are performance-based classes and participation is of extreme importance. Students are expected to participate in classroom activities to the best of their ability. Equally as important is the students’ ability to be a gracious and respectful audience member. A safe environment for personal expression must be maintained at all times. Each student will begin the 12 weeks with 100 participation points. In order to maintain this grade students will adhere to the following expectations; arrive on time to class and have all materials ready, exhibit tolerance for activities chosen, cooperate fully with the director, student directors, peer students, and guests, and use constructive criticism during feedback sessions. Materials Needed: pen or pencil, loose-leaf paper, binder, old clothes when necessary. Textbook: We will be using the textbook: The Stage and the School. These will be stored in the classroom and used for in-class projects and assignments. This theater class will be studying Chapter 1 and Chapter 7. Timeline: (Aug. 13-15) Week 1: Syllabus, Ch. 1:Improvisation Basics
(Aug. 18-22) Week 2: Chapter 1: Improvisation and Review, Read through of “McQuadle” and Auditions
(Aug. 25-29) Week 3: Chapter 1: Improvisation Exam, Warm-Up Exercises, Rehearsal and Blocking, Construction
(Sept. 2-5) Week 4: Rehearsal, Blocking, Construction, and Characterization (no school on Sept. 1st) The Lawrenceburg Community Theater will perform “Steel Magnolias” at ACHS 9/5,9/6, 9/12, 9/13 @ 8 pm (Sept. 8-12) Week 5: Rehearsal, Blocking, and Body Movement, Construction finishes If you attend one of the “Steel Magnolias” productions, bring in a cast-member signed program for E.C. (Sept. 15-19) Week 6: Dress Rehearsals daily (costumes and set changes only) (Sept. 22-26) Week 7: Technical Rehearsals daily (this includes costumes, set changes, sound & lighting) Permission Slips and Money Due FRIDAY (9/26) for Oct. 28th “Dracula” (Sept. 29-Oct. 3) Week 8: Tech Rehearsals and Opening Performance: Oct. 3rd
(Oct. 6-10) Week 9: Performance Week, Oct. 7-9 ---FALL BREAK--- (Oct. 13-17) (Oct. 20-23) Week 10: History of Drama Notes & Influence on Society (Ch. 7) (No School Oct. 24th) (Oct. 27-Nov. 31) Week 11: Monologue Memorization/Rubric, and Conclude History of Drama (Ch. 7) Oct. 28th - field trip to Actor’s Theatre of Louisville to view “Dracula” (Nov. 3-7) Week 12: Review & Finals ------Please sign and return the following portion of this page: “ I have read and understand the above information and I agree to abide by it. I know that if there are ever any questions or concerns about the class that I can discuss them with Mrs. Haddix.” Student Name: (printed)______Student Signature: ______Guardian Signature: ______If you have an email and would like to be in contact with me PLEASE write it on the following line: ______