ATTENDEES: Dr. Wanda All, Ms. Kim Bailey-Vice Chair, Mr. Jantzen Childers, Ms. Jane Hammett, Mr. Manning Jeter, Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris-Chair, Mr. Buck Peay, Ms. Kakie White and Ms. Jane Wilkes.


Call to Order: Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris, Chair, called the meeting to order.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: The invocation was given by Mr. Manning Jeter, who also led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Notice to Media: In accordance with the S.C. Code of Laws, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Union Daily Times, Union County News, WBCU Radio Station and The Spartanburg Herald-Journal.

Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2012, meeting was made by Mr. Buck Peay, seconded by Mr. Manning Jeter. The vote was (7-0) in favor of the motion. Ms. Jane Hammett and Ms. Kakie White abstained.

Addendum Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris stated we have an addendum to the agenda. Dr. Wanda All made a motion to approve the addendum, seconded by Ms. Jane Wilkes. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.

Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris stated there is one personnel issue which requires an executive session. Ms. Jane Wilkes made a motion to go into executive session, seconded by Ms. Kim Bailey. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board entered into executive session at 7:04 P.M.

The Board reconvened into open session at 7:44 P.M. Ms. McMorris stated that while in executive session, no votes were taken. She stated a motion is needed to accept the candidate as the new football coach at Union County High School. Mr. Jantzen Childers made a motion to accept the candidate, seconded by Ms. Jane Wilkes. The vote was (7-2) in favor of the motion. Dr. Kristi Woodall stated for the record, the motion was to offer Steve Taneyhill the position of head football coach.

1 Superintendent Dr. Kristi Woodall shared the sports page from the Herald Journal which reads “the Lady Jackets are Back”. They are playing tonight and we wish them good luck and to the boys who will play tomorrow night at Union. She also stated the Jonesville Middle School’s boys’ team played the championship game last week at Inman and lost a heartbreaking 33-31 but it was a great game. It’s always good to share good news with you.

Dr. Woodall recognized Rebecca Rochester with the Union County Education Association. Ms. Rochester introduced Ruth Hill, president of the association. They presented certificates of appreciation to the School Board members for their commitment and hard work.

Dr. Woodall also reminded the Board members the 2012 Statement of Economic Interests report is due April 15th and if they need any help filing this report, Kim Petty will be willing to help them.

Public Comments Mr. Richie Brown addressed the Board regarding the discipline policy.

Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris stated a motion is needed to go into executive session for two discipline hearings. Dr. Wanda All made a motion to enter into executive session, seconded by Ms. Kakie White. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board entered into executive session at 7:54 P.M.

The Board reconvened into open session at 8:55 P.M. Ms. McMorris stated that while in executive session, no votes were taken. Ms. McMorris stated that a motion is needed to determine which option to follow for Student A. Dr. Wanda All made a motion that Student A (PowerSchool ID 900000070417) be reinstated at the Union County Achievement Academy under probation through the end of the school year through option B, seconded by Ms. Jane Hammett. The motion was (7-2) in favor of the motion.

Instruction Ms. Cindy Langley presented three overnight field trip requests and four out-of-state field trip requests to the Board. Jonesville Elementary Middle School has requested to take the fifth grade students to visit Ripley’s Aquarium in Myrtle Beach, S.C. May 23 through May 24, 2012. Union County High School has requested the Wrestling Team compete in the Upperstate Wrestling Tournament at Travelers Rest High School February 17 and 18, 2012. Union County High School has requested the Wrestling Team compete in the State Wrestling Tournament in Anderson, S.C. February 24 and 25, 2012. Jonesville Elementary Middle School has requested to take the seventh grade students to the Georgia Aquarium and World of Coca Cola on March 30, 2012. Sims Middle School has requested to take the seventh and eighth grade students to the Carowinds Festival of Music in Charlotte, N.C. on April 27, 2012. Sims Middle School has requested to take the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students to Discovery Place in Charlotte, N.C. on April 20, 2012. Lockhart Middle School has requested to take the Science Club to Discovery Place in Charlotte, N.C. on February 21, 2012. Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to approve the field trip requests, seconded by Mr. Jantzen Childers. Mr. Buck Peay asked if all the field requests meet the guidelines. Ms. Cindy Langley confirmed they do meet the guidelines. Ms. Kim Bailey asked for clarification regarding the statement on one of the requests “sled checks in progress”. Ms. Langley assured the Board members that the chaperones will not attend any field trip until they have been cleared. Ms. Bailey also asked for an explanation of the statement on the request form “transportation

2 by certified agent”. Ms. Langley explained the certified agent would be charter buses. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.

Finance Mr. Lynn Lawson provided the monthly budget report to the Board.

Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris stated there is one contractual issue which requires an executive session. Ms. Kim Bailey made a motion to go into executive session, seconded by Ms. Kakie White. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board entered into executive session at 9:05 P.M.

The Board reconvened into open session at 9:13 P.M. Ms. McMorris stated that while in executive session, no votes were taken.

Adjourn Ms. Jane Hammett made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Kim Bailey. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board adjourned at 9:14 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by

Kim Petty