Absolutism: Austria, Prussia & Russia Fold your 12” x 18” construction paper as instructed by Mrs. Rhodes. Crease pages in both directions. When you are finished folding and creasing, fold the paper hamburger style and hold it like a taco (with the ends open at the top. Make a cut on the center bottom crease up to where the creases meet. Now fold the paper hot dog style and make a diamond with the hole in the middle. Push the diamond together and fold the pages down. Cut Wallah! Little book. 

Objective: summarize the rise of absolutism in Austria, Prussia, & Russia using Chapter 4.4 & 4.5 in the textbook. (pp. 163-173)

Cover: Include:  Title—Something clever on absolutism in Central & Eastern Europe (Russia, Prussia, & Austria)  Author—your name—it must be on the front cover  Colored illustration on one of the following topics . Thirty Years War  Militarization of Prussia . War of Austrian Succession  Westernization of Russia  On each of the following pages—  Draw an illustration that goes with each topic (no stick figures)  Define any vocabulary listed  Bullet notes of information from the text on the assigned theme for each page. Remember there is an art to summarizing. Keep it brief and to the point.  Page 1: Summarize the Thirty Years War (Causes/Events/Effects) and the Peace of Westphalia (What were the terms of peace?)  Vocab: electors, Ferdinand, mercenaries  Page 2: Summarize the War of the Austrian Succession (Causes/Events/Effects)  Vocab: Maria Theresa  Page 3: Summarize Hohenzollern Prussia  Vocab: Frederick William I  Page 4: Summarize the Rivalry of Great Powers (Who are rivals & why?) and the Seven Years’ War (include the Treaty of Paris)  Page 5: Summarize Peter the Great Modernizes Russia (include the church, the nobles, the army)  Vocab: westernization, autocratic, boyars  Page 6: Summarize Peter Expands Russia’s Borders (include info on the search for a port, the Great Northern War, moving the capital, exploration of Siberia)  Vocab: warm-water port, St Petersburg  Page 7: Summarize Catherine the Great Follows Peter’s Lead (include the assassination, the Enlightenment, the boyars, the Russo-Turkish War, and Poland)  Vocab: partition  **When completing vocab, make sure that you focus on the SIGNIFICANCE of the person or the term (in relationship to absolutism). Use your TEXTBOOK ONLY.