HUBERTEVELYN BRAY Instructor in Mathematics
I11 RICE RECORDS IN WAR SERVICE PHILIP HECKhIAN ARBUCKLE Assistant Professor of Phqsical Education and Director of Athlet- ics. Served under Commission on Training Camp Activities as Athletic Director, 33d Division and 15th Division, Camp Logan, Texas, RIarch, 1g18-June, 1919. STOCKTONAXSON Professor of English Literature. National Secretary of the Amer- ican Red Cross, November, 191pNovember, 1919, headquarters in Washington ; overseas in Italy and France, September-November, 1918, and April-July, 1919. LINDSEYBLAYNEY Professor of German. Entered Leon Springs Training Camp, May 12, 1917. Commissioned llajor of Infantry. Overseas, January 7, 1918-August 13, 1919, on general staff service with British, French, and Americans, and the Peace Commission after the armistice. Participated in Aisne, hIarne, and Argonne campaigns ; on the Macedonian front, August-September, 1918. Spent two months in hospital after gassing, November 8, 1918. Received Croix de Guerre (Divisional Citation) ; Croix de Guerre with palm (Army Citation) ; White War Eagle, Serbia; Cross of St. Sauveur, Greece ; Officer, Legion of Honour ; Honorary Officer, Chasseurs Alpins. Discharged as Lieutenant-Colonel, 360th In- fantry, August 13, 1919. HUBERTEVELYN BRAY Instructor in Mathematics. Served in Infantry, Camp Upton, Yaphank, L. I. ; discharged because of defective vision. Served as Ballistic Computer at Ordnance Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. WALTERLYNN CHENEY Fellow in Physics. Served as civilian in Bureau of Standards, Washington, testing the physical properties of material issued in Army equipment. ROBERTEhIhIETT CUhIhlINGS Assistant in Physical Education. Entered First Officers’ Training I2 Rice Records in War Service 13 Camp at Leon Springs, June, 1917. Commissioned Second Lieu- tenant ; promoted to First Lieutenant. Served in Headquarters Company of 35th Regiment; transferred to 15th Infantry.
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