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Supplementary Material s67

Supplementary material

Supplementary Information: Defining and measuring the social-ecological quality of urban greenspace: a semi-systematic review.

1 Supplementary material

Table S1. Social-ecological research mapping exercise showing full citations (summarised in Table 4, main text). White areas indicate research gaps.

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2 Supplementary material

; Mich ell & Poph am, 2007 ; Rich ards on, Pear ce, Mitc hell, Day, wegen, & de King Vries, ham, & 2010 Spreeu Casan ; wenber ova, Fuller Rich g, Folke, Richa & ards 2006; 2006; rdson, Gasto on et Mitche Dallim & 2012 n., al, ll & er et Gordo ) 2009; 2012 Popha al., n- Koohs ; m, 2011) Larse ari, Rich 2007; n, 2011) ards Ward 2010) on & Thomp Mitc son et hell, al., 2010 2012) ; Ville neuv e et al., 2012 ; War d Tho mps on et al., 2012 )

3 Supplementary material

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4 Supplementary material

Gunna Woo rsson d, & & erson, Knui Öhrstr 1998) man, öm, 2012 2007) ) Ecosyst (Ander em sson, Service Barthel s , & Ahrne, 2007; Barthel (And , ersso Coldin n et g, 5 (1) al., Elmqvi 2007 st, & ) Folke, 2005; Coldin g et al., 2006; Young, 2010) Descrip tive (Ernst / son & 1 Narrativ Sorlin, e 2009)

Total 16 12 9 7 7 7 7 2 5 n = 72 (mixed) (1) (2) Frequ 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 ency:

5 Supplementary material

References for Table S1.

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