Supplementary Material s67

Supplementary Material s67

<p> Supplementary material</p><p>Supplementary Information: Defining and measuring the social-ecological quality of urban greenspace: a semi-systematic review.</p><p>1 Supplementary material</p><p>Table S1. Social-ecological research mapping exercise showing full citations (summarised in Table 4, main text). White areas indicate research gaps.</p><p>Social – Psycho Manag Attitu Prefe Phys Behav Soci Know Socio- Total ecologi logical ement des, renc ical iour al ledge cultur (mixe cal link Wellbe meani e Heal Inqui al d) ing ngs, th ry statisti values c (Franci Human s, Percept Wood, ual Knuim (Gra an, & hn & Giles- Stigs Corti, dotte 2012; (Gill, r, Grahn Waitt, 2010 & & ; Stigsd Head, Özg (Gill otter, 2009; üner et al., 2010; Gobst et 2009; Laforte er, al., Nordh zza, 2001; (Beil 2012 & Carrus, (Dalli Özgün in & ; Ostby, Sanesi, mer et er, Hunt Özg 2013; 19 (6) & al., Erasla er, üner Stigsd Davies 2011) n, & 2011 & otter , 2009; Yilma ) Ken & Nordh z, dle, Grahn & 2012; 2006 , Ostby, Özgün ; 2011) 2013; er & Stigs O’Brie Kendl dotte n, e, r & Towns 2006) Grah end, & n, Ebden, 2011 2010; ) Stigsd otter & Grahn, 2011) (Maas, (Coldi (Maa (Boon (Hun (Barb 17 (3) Area / Verhei ng, s et e- ter & osa et distance j, Lundb al., Heino Bro al., Groene erg, & 2006 nen, wn, 2007;</p><p>2 Supplementary material</p><p>; Mich ell & Poph am, 2007 ; Rich ards on, Pear ce, Mitc hell, Day, wegen, & de King Vries, ham, & 2010 Spreeu Casan ; wenber ova, Fuller Rich g, Folke, Richa & ards 2006; 2006; rdson, Gasto on et Mitche Dallim & 2012 n., al, ll & er et Gordo ) 2009; 2012 Popha al., n- Koohs ; m, 2011) Larse ari, Rich 2007; n, 2011) ards Ward 2010) on & Thomp Mitc son et hell, al., 2010 2012) ; Ville neuv e et al., 2012 ; War d Tho mps on et al., 2012 )</p><p>3 Supplementary material</p><p>(Dalli Biodive mer et (Berto rsity al., ncini, 2012; (Kinzi Macho Fuller, (van g, n, Irvine, Heezi (Luc Warre Pavoin Devine k, k et n, e, & (van - Dickin al., Marti Murate Heezi Wright son, & 2011 n, t, k et , Freem (van ; Hope, 2012; al., Warre an, Heezi Pach & Gaston 2012; n, & 2012; k et eco Katti, 15 (3) , Yli- Gaston Yli- al., & 2005; Smith, Pelko ., Pelkon 2012) Vasc Luck, Thomp nen et 2007; en, oncel Small son, & al., Luck, Pispa, os, bone, Warre 2006) Davids & 2007 & n, on, Helle, ) Sheffi 2005; Boxall, 2006) eld, Wilkin & 2012) son, Smallb 2006) one, 2011) (Bjer Biophys ke et ical al., 2006 ; (Nordh Hull (Coh (Doick (Bjerk , & en, , e, Hartig, Harv Potc Sellers, Østda Hagerh ey, hter, Castan hl, all, & 1989 & -Broto, Thran 8 (2) Fry, ; Matz & e, & 2009; Ken araki Silvert Strum Hull & dal, s, horne, se, Harvey Willi 2012 2009) 2006) , 1989) ams, ) & Willi ams, 2012 ) (Franci (Summ (Skeg (Skeg (Fran 7 (2) Invento s, it & gs, gs, cis, ry Wood, McPhe 1999) 1999; Giles et al., rson, Summ - 2012; 1998) it & Corti Gidlöf- McPh ,</p><p>4 Supplementary material</p><p>Gunna Woo rsson d, & & erson, Knui Öhrstr 1998) man, öm, 2012 2007) ) Ecosyst (Ander em sson, Service Barthel s , & Ahrne, 2007; Barthel (And , ersso Coldin n et g, 5 (1) al., Elmqvi 2007 st, & ) Folke, 2005; Coldin g et al., 2006; Young, 2010) Descrip tive (Ernst / son & 1 Narrativ Sorlin, e 2009)</p><p>Total 16 12 9 7 7 7 7 2 5 n = 72 (mixed) (1) (2) Frequ 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 ency:</p><p>5 Supplementary material</p><p>References for Table S1. </p><p>Andersson, E., Barthel, S., & Ahrne, K. 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