Ashton-Under-Hill Parish Council
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Ashton-under-Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 8 May 2007 at 7.30pm in the Green Room, Ashton-under-Hill.
DRAFT Before the meeting opened all Councillors present signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office witnessed by the Clerk.
Present J Fletcher Chairman JH S Hague Vice Chairman SH D Cope DC G Barnett GB R Satchell RS E Williams EW In attendance J Hopkins Clerk JH John Darby arrived 8.27pm Village plan co-ordinator JD
Action 1. Election of Chairman. SH proposed JF, seconded by RS. DC proposed GB, seconded by GB. JF received 3 votes in favour; GB received 2 votes in favour. JF elected as Chairman by majority. 2. Election of Vice Chairman. RS proposed SH, EW seconded. DC proposed GB, GB seconded. SH received 3 votes in favour and GB received 2 votes in favour. SH was elected Vice Chairman by majority. 3. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received, and accepted, from Cllr A Sanger- Davies. County Cllr Adrian Hardman had also sent apologies. 4. Declarations of Interest 4.1 Personal 4.2 Prejudicial 4.3 Register of Interests. The Clerk distributed Register of Interest forms to all Councillors present and reminded them to complete and return them to WDC within 28 days. 5. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2007. 6. Election of representatives. a) Social Centre – Doreen Cope b) Police and Community Consultative Group – Ted Williams c) Parish Transport- Mrs Margaret Nicklin d) Parish Footpath Warden- Mr Joe Aspey e) Bredon Hill Conservation Group – Ray Satchell f) Snow Warden – Ray Satchell 7. Public Question Time. No members of the public where
62 present. 8. District Councillor’s report. Dist. Cllr Adrian Darby not present. 9. County Councillor’s report. County Cllr Adrian Hardman not present. 10. Village Plan. John Darby circulated copies of the Village Plan and talked through the Action Plan on page 21. JD pointed out that as the Village plan took 18 months to be produced some of the actions had been achieved by the time of publication. Access to Countryside – It was noted that the display map had faded. (GB left the room at 8.32pm and returned at 8.38pm and asked to be excused from the rest of the meeting and left the room.) Dog fouling – bins had been installed. Village roads – It was noted that there had been a lot of promises but little action. As WCC had encouraged Village Plans to be produced, which clearly showed dissatisfaction with the roads, it was thought that better results should be seen. 94% of replies were concerned about roads. JH to contact WCC and point this out. JD asked to be present when WCC JH Highways walk the village to inspect the roads. JF to contact. JF Public transport- It was considered that the bus service was adequate. Village shop – Mrs L Pasqualin was to pursue this matter. (DC left the room at 8.38pm for one minute.) Vandalism & Security – Village Watch had been set up. Wires, Pipes & Cables – It was noted that the cost of putting cables etc under ground was high. JF reported that a resident had informed him that the power company had contacted him as the company had spare money to spend in AONBs to bury cables. JF to contact the resident concerned for an update. JF Untidiness in the village – The work of the Lengthsman had contributed to improving the tidiness of the village, as had the litter pick that took place recently. JF reported that next year it would be possible to carry out the litter earlier in the year before the growth of vegetation to allow for a more thorough clean up. Housing – A Housing Needs Survey had been carried out. JF reported that there was to be a meeting, in the village, with Nigel Potter (Worcestershire Housing Enabler), Jonathan Edwards (WDC planning department), Frances Evans (Development Officer WDC) and Parish Councillors. Recycling – Doorstep glass collection had started. Parking – Additional parking needed. JH to contact WCC to request that it bears in mind the Village Plan responses when it carries out road repairs and so assess the possibility of providing parking spaces wherever possible. It was suggested that the top of Piggy Lane would be a likely site. It was also
63 suggested that the wide grass verge in Elmley Road could be JH converted into parking bays. The Parish Council – It was noted that the PC had improved its communication with the residents. Clerk to put agendas on the noticeboard at the bottom of Cottons Lane. It was requested JH that the dates of PC meetings were included in the events JH section of the website. JH to organise.
JD mentioned the possibility of producing a Village Design Statement and explained what it would include. He said that there were several residents that had expressed an interest in being involved. He said that consultation with the village was vital and at key stages during the development of the plan there would be village meetings. He assured the meeting that the PC would be in control of the process and frequent reports would be made back to it. 11. Planning 11.1 Applications considered out of meeting. W/07/00498/LUP – Long Carrant Park, Cheltenham Road. Application for a certificate of lawful (proposed) use for the residential occupation of caravans. No objections. 11.1 Further applications for consideration. None. 11.2 Decisions Approvals W/07/00107/PP – Halfpenny Horn, Beckford Road. Proposed demolition of part of single storey extension to rear and erection of one and a half storey extension. W/07/00270/PP – Bredon Springs, Paris. Demolition of existing outhouse and erection of single storey side extension. W/07/00271/LB – Bredon Springs, Paris. Demolition of existing attached outhouse and erection of single storey side extension and alterations. W/07/00321/PP – Bredon Pound, Elmley Road. Erection of two single storey extensions to form breakfast room and conservatory. 603471 (C/07/00351/DD) – Renewal of Planning Consent for double mobile classroom at Bredon Middle School, Ashton- under-Hill. 12. Progress reports. 12.1 Piggy Lane. JF had met with a representative from Rooftop Housing Association and discussed what was to be done about the ground at the top of Piggy Lane. It was agreed that grass would be put down in time for Ashton Open Village. Rooftop had fenced off part of the site. It was noted that the area needed to be made safe. JF to ring Rooftop next day to pursue the action. 12.2 Ashton-under-Hill Social Centre. DC gave a report. Copy attached. JH to write to Joe Aspey for a progress report on the gap by the gate to the playing field. DC JH reported hat the gate was being shut at night as there had
64 been cars on the cricket pitch at night. 12.3 Flooding in the village. Still a problem. A large pothole had now appeared. JH to contact WCC to take urgent action as this area was a danger in wet weather. JH 12.4 Footway in the Groaten. No action had been taken yet by WCC JH to pursue. JH 12.5 Footway outside Manor Farm. C Cllr had reported that if the matter of repairing the footway was pursue it might mean the loss of the tree. 12.6 Footway outside 19 Elmley Road. JH to remind WCC of work needed in this area. 12.7 Dog waste bins. It was agreed to place one by the cattle grid at the top of Bakers Lane and the other near the grit box in Chandlers Lane. JH to inform WDC. JH 12.8 Housing Needs Survey. DC, RS, EW, SH and JF to be present at the meeting with Nigel Potter on 09.05.07.
RS reported flooding outside 3 Willow Close. The occupier had been promised sand bags by WCC but none had arrived. JH to contact WCC. JH 13. Finance. 13.1 Payments. These were agreed and the cheques were signed. 13.2 Bank Balance. This was accepted. 13.3 Annual Accounts for year ended 31.03.07. It was agreed to adopt the Annual Accounts, which were then signed, by the Chairman and Clerk. 13.4 Parish Lengthsman. The Clerk informed the meeting that the Lengthsman had requested an hourly rate of £11.50 per hour. By majority it was agreed to renegotiate the hourly rate to £10 per hour. JH to contact Mr Whitehead. JH 13.5 County Air Ambulance. It was agreed to donate £100. JH to organise. JH 13.6 Rural Rate Relief. It was agreed to support the application and a cheque to WDC for £11.38 was issued. 13.7 Parish Minibus. It was agreed in principle to make a donation but to discuss the amount at the next meeting when the Church Committee had contacted other PC’s in the Parish to ascertain their levels of donation. Agenda for July. JH 14. Correspondence A complaint had been received about an overhanging tree in the Groaten that had caused damage to passing vehicles. SH to inspect the tree and report back to JH. SH A report from Joe Aspey (Footpath Officer) was put with the other items to be circulated. JH to write a letter of thanks to Mr Aspey and the volunteers that carry out the work on the footpaths. JH 15. Councillors’ reports and item for future agenda. DC – No grit bin in Cornfield Way. JH to request WCC put on in
65 place, as it is difficult to get out of the road under icy conditions. JH RS – Cottons Lane and Bakers Lane are still in a bad state of repair. JH to contact WCC. JH SH – a resident had reported the deterioration of the retaining fence in Gorse Hill, especially the wire mess. It was considered it was becoming a danger. JH to contact WCC. JH EW – Noted that he had seen, on many occasions, youngsters with bikes, on the seat at the Cross. It appeared to be a danger. To be discussed at the meeting in July. JH 16. Date of meeting for the coming 12 months. 10 July 2007, 11 September 2007, 13 November 2007, 8 January 2008, 11 March 2008 (also Annual Parish Meeting), 13 May 2008 (also annual Parish Council Meeting).
The meeting closed at 9.21pm