IBM Websphere Adapter for JDBC

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IBM Websphere Adapter for JDBC

IBM WebSphere Adapter for JDBC Quick Start Tutorial V 6.1

Configuring WebSphere adapter for JDBC to use XA Datasource to establish connection to Oracle database

December 14, 2007 Page 1 of 76 Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction...... 4 1.1 Learning Objectives...... 4 1.2 Audience...... 4 1.3 Software prerequisites...... 4 2.0 Preparing to run through the tutorial...... 4 2.1 Configuration prerequisites...... 4 2.1.1 Creating an authentication alias…………………………………………….... 2.1.2 Creating the data source……………………………………………………… 2.1.3 Creating the tables……………………………………………………………. 2.2 Extracting the sample files...... 26 3.0 Tutorial 1: Sending data to the Oracle database (outbound processing)...... 28 3.1 Configuring the adapter for outbound processing...... 28 3.1.1 Setting connection properties for the external service wizard...... 28 3.1.2 Selecting the business objects and services to be used with the adapter...... 38 3.1.3 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts...... 41 3.1.4 Setting up the components to be part of an XA environment...... 41 3.3 Deploying the module to the test environment...... 68 3.4 Testing the assembled adapter application...... 71 3.5 Clearing the sample content...... 76 4.0 Troubleshooting...... 77 4.1 Test connection failure 4.2 Adapter fails to start

4/4/2018 Page 2 of 76 1.0 Introduction The JDBC Resource Adapter enables the bi-directional connectivity for integration to any database application. The exchange of data for such applications happens at the database level. Updates to database may need to be applied to another EIS and changes in an EIS may need to be applied to a database. The JDBC Resource Adapter can integrate with any database, as long as there is a JDBC driver that supports the JDBC 2.0 or higher Specification, available for the database. Examples of such databases include Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, DB2, Sybase, Informix etc.

To gain practical knowledge in setting up and deploying the adapter, complete one or more of the tutorials. Everything you need to complete each tutorial is contained in the tutorial. If you have performed the prerequisite tasks, you can complete each tutorial in under an hour.

1.1 Learning Objectives After completing a tutorial, you should be able to perform the following tasks:  Create an adapter project in WebSphere Integration Developer.  Discover services and associated business objects from the enterprise information system (EIS) and make them part of the adapter project.  Create a deployable module that you install on WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus.  Test the module and validate the results.

1.2 Audience These tutorials are for integration developers who design, assemble, test, and deploy business integration solutions.

1.3 Software prerequisites To use these tutorials, you must have the following applications installed:

 WebSphere Integration Developer, version 6.1  WebSphere Process Server version 6.1 or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus.

2.0 Preparing to run through the tutorial

2.1 Configuration prerequisites Before doing any tutorial testing, complete the following tasks:

4/4/2018 Page 3 of 76 2.1.1 Creating an Authentication Alias

An authentication alias is a feature that encrypts the password used by the adapter to access the database. To create an authentication alias, you must have access to the administrative console. You must also know the user name and password to connect to the database.

1. In WebSphere Integration Developer, switch to the Servers View by selecting Windows > Show View > Servers.

2. To run the administrative console, we need to start the server. In the Servers tab in the lower-right pane of the WebSphere Integration Developer screen, right-click on the server, and select Start.

4/4/2018 Page 4 of 76 3. When the server status is Started, right-click on the server, and then select Run administrative console.

4/4/2018 Page 5 of 76 4. If your administrative console requires a user ID and password, type the ID and password and click Log in. If the user ID and password are not required, click Log in.

4/4/2018 Page 6 of 76 5. In the administrative console, click Security > Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.

4/4/2018 Page 7 of 76 6. Under Authentication, click Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C Authentication data.

7. In the list of J2C authentication aliases that is displayed, click New.

4/4/2018 Page 8 of 76 8. In the Configuration tab, type the name you want to give for the authentication alias in the Alias field. 9. Type the User ID and password that are required to establish a connection to the database. 10. Optionally type a description of the alias. 11. Click OK. Note that in subsequent configuration windows you must refer to the alias by its full name which includes the node name.

4/4/2018 Page 9 of 76 12. Click Save.

2.1.2 Creating the Data Source

1. In WebSphere Integration Developer, switch to the Servers View by selecting Windows > Show View > Servers.

4/4/2018 Page 10 of 76 2. To run the administrative console, we need to start the server. In the Servers tab in the lower-right pane of the WebSphere Integration Developer screen, right-click on the server, and select Start.

4/4/2018 Page 11 of 76 3. When the server status is Started, right-click on the server, and then select Run administrative console.

4/4/2018 Page 12 of 76 4. If your administrative console requires a user ID and password, type the ID and password and click Log in. If the user ID and password are not required, click Log in.

4/4/2018 Page 13 of 76 5. Click on Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers.

4/4/2018 Page 14 of 76 6. On the right, select Node=widNode from the dropdown list.

7. On the right, click New on the JDBC providers window.

4/4/2018 Page 15 of 76 8. Choose the values below for Database type, Provider type, and Implementation type. Click Next.

Field Value Database type Oracle Provider type Oracle JDBC Driver Implementation type XA data source

4/4/2018 Page 16 of 76 9. Enter the absolute path of the JDBC driver (ojdbc14.jar) directory. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 17 of 76 10. Click Finish.

11. Click on the JDBC Provider that you just created.

4/4/2018 Page 18 of 76 12. Click on Data sources, under Additional Properties.

4/4/2018 Page 19 of 76 13. Click New.

4/4/2018 Page 20 of 76 14. Enter “jdbc/OracleXADS” for JNDI name.

15. Under Component-managed authentication alias and XA recovery authentication alias, select the name of the authentication alias you previously created from the dropdown list. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 21 of 76 16. Enter the URL to connect to the database in the URL field. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 22 of 76 17. Click Finish.

18. In the Messages box, click on Save link. This will save changes made to the local configuration onto the master configuration.

4/4/2018 Page 23 of 76 19. Check the checkbox next to the Data source you just created. Click on Test Connection.

20. The connection test should succeed as indicated by the message shown in the figure below. For any problems with the connection test, refer to the Troubleshooting section (section 4.2).

4/4/2018 Page 24 of 76 21. Close the Admin Console tab.

2.1.3 Creating the Tables

The following table needs to be created in the Oracle database.

1. Open an SQL Editor and connect to the Oracle database.

2. Run the script below to create the A_CUSTOMER table in the database. This table is needed to run the scenario.

Script for creating the A_CUSTOMER table:


2.2 Extracting the sample files Replicas of the artifacts that you create when using the external service wizard are provided as sample files for your reference. Use these files to verify that the files you create with the external service wizard are correct.

4/4/2018 Page 25 of 76 Go to the Samples Gallery and unzip into a directory of your choice (you may want to create a new directory).

Sample files provided:  RtasserA_Customer.xsd  RtasserA_CustomerBG.xsd  RtasserA_CustomerContainer.xsd

4/4/2018 Page 26 of 76 3.0 Tutorial 1: Sending data to the Oracle database (outbound processing)

This tutorial demonstrates how the WebSphere Adapter for JDBC 6.1 is used to perform XA transactions using an XA data source.

3.1 Configuring the adapter for outbound processing Run the external service wizard to specify business objects, services, and configuration to be used in this tutorial.

3.1.1 Setting connection properties for the external service wizard

4.0 Switch to the Business Integration perspective in WebSphere Integration Developer by choosing from the menu: Window > Open Perspective > Business Integration.

1. Start the JDBC External Service wizard by choosing: File > New > Other.

4/4/2018 Page 27 of 76 2. Expand Business Integration, select External Service and click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 28 of 76 3. Select the Adapters radio button then click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 29 of 76 4. Select IBM WebSphere Adapter for JDBC (IBM: 6.1). Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 30 of 76 5. Select the correct server type for Target Runtime from the dropdown list. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 31 of 76 6. Click Add, to add the JDBC driver jar to the class path.

4/4/2018 Page 32 of 76 7. Browse to the directory containing the jar file, select it, and click Open.

4/4/2018 Page 33 of 76 8. The jar file is now displayed in the JDBC driver JAR files panel. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 34 of 76 9. Click the Outbound radio button. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 35 of 76 10. Use the left panel to select the Database vendor, driver, and version that you want to connect to.

11. On the right panel fill out the fields in the table below (some of the information might be provided by default). Click Next.

Field Value Database The name of the database Host name Port Number User name The user name of the database account you are using Password The password of the database account that you are using

4/4/2018 Page 36 of 76 4.1.1 Selecting the business objects and services to be used with the adapter

4.2 Click Run Query to list the tables, stored procedures, views, and synonyms for each schema in the database.

4/4/2018 Page 37 of 76 1. Expand the schema name in which you created the CUSTOMER table. Select Tables > A_CUSTOMER and click the > (Add) button.

4/4/2018 Page 38 of 76 2. The CUSTOMER table is now listed in the Selected Objects panel. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 39 of 76

4.2.1 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts 1. In the Configure Composite Properties screen, leave all the default settings and click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 40 of 76 2. Make sure that for the Deploy connector project field, the With module for use by single application option is selected from the dropdown list.

3. Click Advanced to see all of the properties under Database system connection information and fill out the Password field, with the password to connect to the database.

4/4/2018 Page 41 of 76 4. Click on Alternate ways to specify connection information to expand the additional properties.

4/4/2018 Page 42 of 76 5. For the Datasource JNDI name field enter the name of the data source you created, or if you used the name this tutorial suggested enter "jdbc/OracleXADS". Click Next.

6. In the Service Location Properties screen, click New next to the Module field.

4/4/2018 Page 43 of 76 7. Make sure that Create a module project is selected and click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 44 of 76 8. For the Module Name, type “JDBCXA” and click Finish.

4/4/2018 Page 45 of 76 9. Back at the Service Location Properties screen, click Finish.

4/4/2018 Page 46 of 76 10. Verify the results shown below.

4/4/2018 Page 47 of 76 4.2.2 Setting up the components to be part of the XA environment

Next, we add components and set transaction specific properties on them so that they form part of the XA environment. Specifically in this section we will create two additional components (Component1 and Component2) and a new business object type called Source. This newly created business object type will contain all the attributes of the Customer business object as well as additional attributes needed to create the Customer business object and call the appropriate method on the adapter. We will wire Component1 to Component2 and Component2 to the JDBCOutboundInterface. We will create interfaces for Component1 and Component2. The interface for Component1 will have a method that takes in a business object of type Source. Component1 will create a Customer business object and pass it to the Component2's interface method. Component2 determines what method has to be invoked and calls this method on the JDBCOutboundInterface by passing the Customer business object as an input.

4/4/2018 Page 48 of 76 1. In the Business Integration tab, under JDBCXA double click on Assembly Diagram to open it. It shows the JDBCOutboundInterface that was generated when the artifacts were generated in the previous section.

2. In the Palette, expand Components and click on Untyped Component.

3. Click anywhere on the JDBCXA-Assembly Diagram window (white part) to create the Untyped Component, Component1.

4/4/2018 Page 49 of 76 4. Following the same procedure add a second Component, Component2.

5. To wire Component2 to JDBCOutboundInterface hover the cursor over the right end of Component2 until a yellow wire appears.

4/4/2018 Page 50 of 76 6. Click on the yellow wire and drag it to the left end of JDBCOutboundInterface. When the Add Wire pop-up window displays click Ok.

4/4/2018 Page 51 of 76 7. To add an Interface for Component2, right click on Component2 and select Add > Interface.

8. In the Add Interface window, click New.

4/4/2018 Page 52 of 76 9. In the New Interface Wizard, enter "CustomerInterface" in the Name field. Click Finish. Click on File > Save from the toolbar to save the changes made.

4/4/2018 Page 53 of 76 10. Wire Component1 to Component2 in the same way you wired Component2 to JDBCOutboundInterface in steps 5 and 6.

11. Before we create an interface for Component1 we will create the Source BO which will be the input to the Component1 interface. To create a new BO, right click on Data Types under JDBCXA in the Business Integration tab and select New > Business Object.

4/4/2018 Page 54 of 76 12. In the New Business Object window, type "Source" in the Name field. Click Next.

4/4/2018 Page 55 of 76 13. From the list of Available business objects on the left, select the checkbox for A_Customer to add all of the A_Customer BO's attributes to the Source BO. Click Finish.

4/4/2018 Page 56 of 76 14. The new Source BO is displayed with the four attributes from the A_Customer BO. We will add three additional attributes. To do this follow the steps below:

a. Click on the Add a field to a business object icon. A new attribute is added to the BO called Field1.

b. Rename the attribute to "operation" and make sure that the type is set as string. c. Repeat these steps to create the two remaining attributes. In step 14b rename one attribute to "objectName" and the other to "namespace" and make sure their types are set as string.

Note: The attribute operation is to specify the method to be called on the adapter. For the current scenario, we only support the following values for this attribute: Create, Update, Delete, and Retrieve. The namespace and

4/4/2018 Page 57 of 76 objectName attributes are needed for the Component1 implementation to generate the Customer data object to be passed to Component2.

15. Click on File > Save from the toolbar to save the changes made. 16. Create the interface for Component1 like you did for Component2 in steps 7 through 9. In step 9, enter "TriggerInterface" in the Name field. 17. To add a method to the TriggerInterface, click on Component1 in the Assembly Diagram and in the Properties tab below, click on Details.

18. Expand Interfaces, right click on TriggerInterface and choose Open Interface.

19. In the TriggerInterface window click on the Add One Way Operation button.

4/4/2018 Page 58 of 76 20. This shows the default method Name as "operation1". Rename it to "start" and click on the type for input1 and select Source from the list.

21. Click on File > Save from the toolbar to save the changes made. 22. To add a method to the CustomerInterface, we will follow the same procedure as we did for Component1. Click on Component2 in the Assembly Diagram and in the Properties tab below, click on Details. 23. Expand Interfaces, right click on CustomerInterface and choose Open Interface. 24. In the CustomerInterface window click on the Add One Way Operation button. 25. This shows the default method Name as "operation1". Rename it to "invoke" and click on the type for input1 and select A_CustomerBG from the list.

4/4/2018 Page 59 of 76 26. Click on File > Save from the toolbar to save the changes made.

In the next steps we create the Java classes that will contain the implementation for the interface methods of Component1 and Component2.

27. Right click on Component1 in the Assembly Diagram and choose Generate implementation... > Java.

28. In the Generate Implementation window, choose default package and click Ok. 29. In the Implement As... pop-up window, click No. 30. The generated class contains the start() method which we will implement. To do this replace the start() method with the code that is given below.

public void start(DataObject input1) {

// Create CustomerBO String adapterNamespace = input1.getString("namespace"); String objName = input1.getString("objectName"); DataObject customerBO = null; try { customerBO = SDOFactory.createDataObject(adapterNamespace, objName);

4/4/2018 Page 60 of 76 } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Invalid value provided for Namespace and/or ObjectName: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (customerBO != null) { DataObject customerBG = customerBO.getContainer(); System.out.println(" *** Customer Object Initialized *** ");

// Populate CustomerBO String operation = input1.getString("operation"); if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("create")) { customerBG.set("verb", operation); } if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("update")) { customerBG.set("verb", operation); } if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) { customerBG.set("verb", operation); }

customerBO.set("pkey", input1.getString("pkey")); customerBO.set("fname", input1.getString("fname")); customerBO.set("lname", input1.get("lname")); customerBO.set("ccode", input1.get("ccode")); System.out.println(" *** Customer Object created *** ");

//Call the invoke method of Component2 and pass it the Customer object Service customerService = locateService_CustomerInterfacePartner();

customerService.invoke("invoke", customerBG);



31. Add the following import statement below the other import statements in the java class: "import;"

4/4/2018 Page 61 of 76 32. Click on File > Save from the toolbar to save the changes made. 33. Repeat steps 27 - 32 for Component2 but skip step 31. In step 30 the generated class will contain the method invoke(). Replace this method with the code given below.

public void invoke(DataObject input1) {

Service customerService = locateService_JDBCOutboundInterfacePartner(); //Check the verb and call the appropriate method on JDBCOutboundInterface String verb = input1.getString("verb"); String objType = input1.getType().getName();

if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("create")) {

customerService.invoke("create" + objType, input1); } if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("update")) { customerService.invoke("update" + objType, input1); } if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) { customerService.invoke("delete" + objType, input1); } if (verb == null || verb.equals("")) { customerService.invoke("retrieve" + objType, input1); } }

In the next steps, we set the transaction properties for Component2 and the JDBCOutboundInterface.

4/4/2018 Page 62 of 76 34. To set the transaction properties for Component2, click on Component2 in the Assembly Diagram and in the Properties tab click on Implementation.

35. In the Qualifiers tab, click on the Add button.

36. In the Add Qualifier window, choose Transaction and click Ok.

4/4/2018 Page 63 of 76 37. In the Qualifiers tab, click on Transaction and under Properties of Qualifier Transaction select Global from the dropdown list for the Value field.

38. In Component2's Properties tab, click on Details. Expand Interfaces and click on CustomerInterface.

4/4/2018 Page 64 of 76 39. In the Qualifiers tab, click on the Add button.

40. In the Add Qualifier window that opens up, select Join transaction and click Ok.

4/4/2018 Page 65 of 76 41. In the Qualifiers tab, click on Join transaction and under Properties of Qualifier Join Transaction select True from the dropdown list for the Value field.

42. To set the transaction properties for JDBCOutboundInterface, click on JDBCOutboundInterface in the Assembly Diagram and in the Properties tab click on Details. Expand Interfaces and click on JDBCOutboundInterface. 43. Continue by repeating steps 39 – 41. 44. Click on File > Save from the toolbar to save the changes made.

4/4/2018 Page 66 of 76 45. This is how the module looks after adding the components and their interfaces.

4.3 Deploying the module to the test environment

The result of running the external service wizard is an SCA module that contains an EIS import or export. Install this SCA module in WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client.

1. In WebSphere Integration Developer, switch to the Servers view by selecting from the toolbar Window > Show View > Servers.

4/4/2018 Page 67 of 76 2. In the Servers tab in the lower-right pane right click on the server, and then select Start. 3. Add the module you created earlier to the server using the server panel in WebSphere Integration Developer. Right-click on the server, and then select Add and remove projects.

4. Add the SCA module to the server, by selecting JDBCXAApp and clicking the Add > button.

4/4/2018 Page 68 of 76 5. The module moves to the Configured Projects panel. Click Finish.

4/4/2018 Page 69 of 76 4.4 Testing the assembled adapter application Test the assembled adapter application using the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client:

1. From the Business Integration view, right click on JDBCXA and select Test > Test Module.

4/4/2018 Page 70 of 76 2. For the Component field select “Component1” from the dropdown list. 3. Populate values for the input business object (input1) by selecting the values shown in the figure below.

4/4/2018 Page 71 of 76 Note: You will set the operation value to "Create" meaning that the create operation will be called on the adapter. You will set the objectName value to A_CustomerBG. Lastly, you will set the namespace value to the target namespace value for the A_CustomerBG. You can open the A_CustomerBG.xsd with the text editor and check the value for the target namespace. It will be something like "".

4. Execute the service by clicking on the green Continue button.

4/4/2018 Page 72 of 76 5. In the Deployment Location window select your server, and then click Finish.

4/4/2018 Page 73 of 76 6. Check the output of the service with the one below, and check that the Customer record was created in your Oracle database by connecting the database and running the SQL query: SELECT * FROM A_CUSTOMER WHERE pkey = '300';

4/4/2018 Page 74 of 76 4.5 Clearing the sample content

Return the data to its original state by deleting the Customer record you created in the A_Customer table by connecting to the database and running the SQL query: DELETE FROM A_CUSTOMER WHERE pkey = '300';

4/4/2018 Page 75 of 76

5.0 Troubleshooting

5.1 Test connection Failure In case the data source test connection fails, ensure that the Class path set for the data source is valid. It should contain the absolute path for the driver jar file.

5.2 Adapter fails to start

If the adapter fails to start up, refer the adapter log file to find the cause of failure. Here are some of the common reasons why the adapter would fail to start up.

1. Error: Driver class does not exist. Cause: The database driver jar does not exist in the directory specified. 2. Error: Logon error; invalid username/password. Cause: The username/password specified is not proper.

4/4/2018 Page 76 of 76

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