Information Literacy Skills s1
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Grade: 3 Unit: 3
Information Literacy Skills Theme: Discoveries Theme Information Literacy Research Skills Opportunities Week 1 Food Comprehension Main Writing: Strategy: Approaching: Popcorn Journal Entry313B Around Strategy: Visualize Dancers Personal Narrative Making Inferences On Level: Fox’s Banquet the Using Illustrations Beyond: Duke’s Banquet Other: World Paraphrase Main Selection Stone Soup -Research food in a foreign Synonyms Vocabulary/Comprehension: country 282S Summarize Family Feast -Research food groups in a Prediction Social Studies Link: What’s balanced diet 282S Comprehension Skill: for Lunch -Locate a folktale to read Make Inferences Read Aloud: Eating using OPAC and library Fluency International collection Repeated Reading 307A Partner Reading 282R Author and Illustrator Model Fluency Jon J. Muth 306 Punctuation Literature Folk Tale Nonfiction Article Realistic Fiction Informational Text Reference/Research Skills Research and Inquiry 282H Use text features: contents, preface index, footnotes
Research a country and it’s food 282S Research Food Groups and Balanced Diet 282S Look up recipes on Internet or in books 282S Research a character in a folktale 282S Dictionary/Synonyms 282S Directions
Graphic Organizers Charts 308 Directions
Technology Computer Literacy Lessons Research and Inquiry Activities Week 2 Solving Comprehension Main Writing Approaching: The Monster’s Riddles Strategy: Story 314A Riddle Analyze Story Structure Character Sketch On Level: Magpie’s Mystery Consonance and Metaphor Write a riddle Beyond: Adding with Kevin 336 Other Main Selection One Riddle, Connect and Compare 337 -Research the cause of One Answer Comprehension Skill: snow 314J Vocabulary/Comprehension: Plot and Setting (317A & B) -Select a folktale or Count on Detective Drake! Fluency fairytale character to write Haiku: Haiku Partner Reading 314I a sketch 314J Model Fluency 315 Read Aloud: A Birthday Punctuation 329 Author and Illustrator Riddle Repeated reading 335a Lauren Thompson and Literature Linda S. Wingerter 334 Fairy Tale Haiku Folk Tale Reference/Research Skills Dictionary Graphic Organizers Setting Web Transparency 12 Semantic Map 339A Technology
Week 3 Ecosystems in Comprehension Strategy Main Writing Approaching: Endangered Balance Cause and Effect Expository Writing: Animals of the Everglades Text Structure Writing to a prompt On Level: Water in the Desert Comprehension Skill: Other Beyond: Estuaries Compare and contrast -Research and write about Main Selection Saving the Cause and Effect a national park. 340J Sand Dunes Fluency -Write about the Vocabulary/Comprehension: Partner Read ecosystem of a national For the Birds! Repeated Reading park. 340J Test Strategy: Think and Model Fluency -Research frogs 340J Search Literature -Research ways to protect Read Aloud: Walk Lightly Nonfiction Articles nature 340J Folk Tales -Research and write about Poem historical events to study Reference/Research Skills cause and effect. 340I Dictionary: Homophones: -Select and read a book for Multiple Meaning Words personal interest using Follet OPAC and library Using the library 347B resources - Electronic card catalog – Transparency 347B -Research about a National Park 340J Research about frogs 340J Look up and read about a historical event Graphic Organizers Cause and Effect chart Technology Listening Library Audio 345 Follet OPAC and District Website for Web OPAC Week 4 Making Comprehension Strategy Main Writing Approaching: A Different Journeys Visualize Fictional Narrative World Connect and Compare -Writing Conventions On Level: Hurricane Holiday Comprehension Skill: Writing Directions 352j Beyond: A Long Way to Go Make Inferences Other Main Selection The Jones Directions -Research the digestive Family Express Plot system 352J Vocabulary/Comprehension: Fluency -Research hiking and what My Winter Vacation Repeated Reading to bring 352J Social Studies Link: Tips for Partner Read -Search a homophone Trips Expression book using OPAC subject Read Aloud: From the Model Fluency heading. 352I Bellybutton to the Moon Literature -Search and select books Realistic Fiction for personal reading using How-to Article Follett OPAC Folk Tale poetry Author and Illustrator: Reference/Research Skills Javaka Steptoe 378 -Dictionary Homophones -Research Digestive System using books, on line or print encyclopedia, Internet -Word process a story using dialogue -Research what to take on a hike 352J -Look up books on homophones -Look up a mystery to read Graphic Organizers Inference Chart 357 Dialogue Chart 383A Technology -Listening Library -Meet the Author/Illustrator -Word processing skill – tabbing to indent Week 5 Art of Comprehension Strategy Main Approaching: Drawing Illustrating Analyze Text Structure Writing Animals Point of View Play On Level: Drawing Faces Comprehension Skill Interviews Beyond: Drawing Landscapes Sequence Fictional Narrative Main Selection What Do Fluency Other Illustrators Do? Partner Reading -Research a famous picture Vocabulary/Comprehension: Model Fluency using online resources; Draw! Choral Reading internet or library books (use Nonfiction Article: Jobs in Repeated Reading Follett OPAC). Animation Literature -Research an animal and Read Aloud: Before You Narrative Nonfiction write a story about it. 384J Came This Way Nonfiction Article Folk tale Author/Illustrator: Eileen Informational Text Christelow 410 Reference/Research Skills Interview a teacher, nurse, parent Use the art prints of famous paintings and/or books -Illustrate using Microsoft Paint -Look up drawing books
Graphic Organizers Sequence Chart 387 Technology -Use OPAC to look up prints and books -Look up illustrators using the Internet or in Books
Review and Test Strategy Writing Prompt Assess Right There Fictional Narrative: Comprehension Fairy Tale Make Inferences Plot and Setting Cause and Effect Sequence Reference / Research Skills Use the dictionary Use of the Library Technology -Look at to view some of the school’s student illustrators Discoveries
Unit Theme: Project: Student Questions: Have you ever made a discovery? What are some different kinds of discoveries? What new discoveries could help people people tod Research Component Activities Skills Materials Appreciation Main reading and Leveled Student realizes the need for reading selections information after a viewing, reading, listening or other type of sensory experience.
Presearch -Select a discovery -Key words Concept Map 282H Students establish a focus by -Create a concept map -OPAC card catalog developing an overview of the -Use World Book -online resources topic and exploring relationships. online AEA resources -Internet for overview of topic Search -Find information in 3 -Inference -Library Students plan and implement a sources -Use text features -Computer Lab search strategy by identifying -Features of -AEA resources: Ebsco, information providers, selecting information electronic resources: World Book, etc. resources and tools, and drop down menus, -Internet seeking relevant information. prefaces, table of -OPAC card catalog contents, indexes -Notetaking
Interpretation -Organizing notes -Sort, order and -Inspiration Students interpret the analyze information they have information. gathered to make new meaning. They assess the usefulness of their information and reflect on the information to develop personal meaning.
Communication -Create PowerPoint, Create citations for -PowerPoint Students apply their written reports, oral every resource used. information to construct and report 421K -Paraphrasing present their new knowledge. -Cause and effect
Evaluation Students think about and evaluate both their process and their product during research and at the conclusion of research.
Task Skills Procedures/Products -Researching a discovery -Using a video player AEA online resources 282HOnline application Internet - Review copyright -Using the Internet: Follett OPAC -Using Online Resources Library Print Collection OSLIS -Using OPAC -Citations -Research a country’s food 282S -Using online resources AEA online resources -Research food groups in a -Using online resources AEA online resources balanced diet. 282S -Using OPAC to find print OPAC sources Citations -Citations -Using Follet OPAC OPAC -Locate a folktale of your choice -Library location skills Library resources to read 282S -Using Follett OPAC Follet OPAC -Write a recipe 282S -Using Ebsco online Library cookbooks resource EBSCO online -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC -Research the cause of snow. heading – snow Library books on snow -Library location skills World Book online or other print 314 J -Use World Book online encyclopedias -Research frogs 340J -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC heading frogs Library books on frogs -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online encyclopedias -Research and write about a -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC national park. 340J heading frogs Library books on frogs -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online encyclopedias
-Write about the ecosystem of -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC a national park. 340J heading frogs Library books on frogs -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online encyclopedias -Research ways to protect -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC nature 340J heading frogs Library books on frogs -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online encyclopedias -Research and write about -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC historical events to study heading frogs Library books on frogs cause and effect. 340I -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online encyclopedias
-Select and read a book for -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC personal interest using Follet heading frogs Library books on frogs OPAC and library resources -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online and/or encyclopedias EBSCO
Research the digestive system -Search a homophone book Follet OPAC 352J using OPAC subject Library books on frogs heading. 352I World Book online or other print encyclopedias -Research hiking and what to -Search a homophone book Follet OPAC bring 352J using OPAC subject Library books on frogs heading. 352I World Book online or other print encyclopedias -Search a homophone book -Search a homophone book Follet OPAC using OPAC subject heading. using OPAC subject Library books on frogs 352I heading. 352I World Book online or other print encyclopedias
-Research a famous picture using -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC online resources, internet or library heading frogs Library books on frogs books (use Follett OPAC). -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online and/or encyclopedias EBSCO
-Research an animal and write -Use Follet OPAC subject Follet OPAC a story about it. 384J heading frogs Library books on frogs -Library location skills World Book online or other print -Use World Book online and/or encyclopedias EBSCO