University of Indianapolis College of Arts and Sciences
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University of Indianapolis – Shaheen College of Arts and Sciences SCE2 Curriculum Guide for Earth-Space Science Teaching: MS/JH/HS Bachelor of Arts or Science updated 05/17
Courses for Secondary Education Majors (51 credit hours) Freshman Year EDUC 100 Exploration in Education (2) EDUC 130 Technology in Education I (2) ENGL 101 English Composition (3) [Semester I] Sophomore Year EDUC 203 Psychology of Development, Learning, and Instruction (4) and EDUC 204 Field Experience (.5) EDUC 290 Teaching in a Diverse Society (3) COMM 201 Classroom Communication (3) ENGL 102 Western World Literature and Composition (3) or ENGL/ 218 Young Adult Literature: Yesterday to Today (3) EDUC ENGL 220 Advanced Composition (3) Junior Year EDUC 300 Social, Political, and Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education (3) *EDUC 330 Technology in Education II (1) [Semester I] *EDUC 360 The Teaching of Literacy in the Content Areas (3) and [Semester I] *EDUC 365 Middle Level/High School Practicum (1) and * EDUC 371 Special Needs in the Secondary Classroom (3) *EDUC 390 Middle Level/High School Content Methods (3) and [Semester II] *EDUC 391 Middle Level/High School Practicum (1) Senior Year *EDUC 492 Exit from Program Portfolio (.5) *EDUC 495 High School Supervised Teaching (6) *EDUC 496 MS/JH Supervised Teaching (6)
*School of Education (SOE) controlled classes – admission through SOE. SOE Gateway #1 (end of year two): cumulative GPA 2.75; completion with a C or higher in EDUC 100, 203, COMM 201; passing scores on state required tests SOE Gateway #2: (end of year three): cumulative GPA 2.75/content GPA 3.0; successful completion of signature assessments SOE Gateway #3: (end of year four): cumulative GPA 2.75/content GPA 3.0; passing scores on state content and pedagogy tests; successful completion of clinical experience and edTPA.
Earth-Space Science Teaching Major Courses Required: (45.5-46.5 credit hours of Earth-Space Science and supporting courses; this is the same as an Earth-Space Science college major. Students should consider the “double major” possibility: 1) Earth-Space Science, ESCI and 2) Earth-Space Science Teaching for High School/Middle School Settings, SCE2).
Earth-Space Science Courses (22.5 credit hours required) ESCI 150 Physical Geology (3) ** ESCI 206 Time, Trilobites and Tyrannosaurus Rex (3)** ESCI 207 Astronomy (3) ** ESCI 211 Meteorology: Weather and Climate (3) ** ESCI 230 Intro. to Geographic Information Systems (2) **
………………………………………………continued on reverse side…………………………………………………. ESCI ELEC Earth-Space Science Elective (300-400 level) (3) ** ESCI ELEC Earth-Space Science Elective (300-400 level) (3) **
Supporting Courses (23-24 credit hours required)
MATH 180 College Algebra and Trigonometry (4) or MATH 190 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (4)
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics (4) or MATH 245 Statistics for the Sciences (4) CSCI 155 Introduction to Programming using C++ (4) or other programming course; not CSCI 130, COMP 150, or CSCI 132 (see Note 2) CHEM 150 General Chemistry I** (3) and CHEM 151 General Chemistry I Lab** (1) PHYS 150 General Physics I (4) or PHYS 153 General Physics I, Calculus Based (4) ESCI XXX Earth Space Science Applied Experience (ESCI 320, 365, 399, or 490)
NOTE 1: COMP 150, Microcomputer Applications (3) or CSCI 132, Software Applications for the Sciences (2) is highly recommended in the freshman year if computer skills and confidence are weak.
NOTE 2: Please consult general education core as modified for the teacher education program. Students must apply for admission into the teacher education program during their sophomore year. Please consult the teacher education program for minimum acceptable grades.
**NOTE 3: A grade of C+ or better is required in all ESCI courses and/or an average of 2.70 is required in all ESCI courses. A grade of C- or better is required in all supporting courses.
A student may complete more than one major as long as each major has at least 24 discrete hours. Please see the Academic Catalog for additional details.
REMEMBER: If you have any questions about the Earth Space Science Teaching major requirements, contact a faculty advisor from Physics and Earth Space Sciences Department, (Dr. Steve Spicklemire: 788-3313, Martin Hall, Room 263) or The Center for Advising and Student Achievement (788-2057, Schwitzer Student Center, Room 206). Courses and requirements sometimes change so keep in contact with your advisor.