Lighthouse Christian Academy
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LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 4290 50th St. Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 0H3 Phone 403 887- 2166 Fax 403 887- 5729 Email: [email protected] ______Parents, Spring is officially only 7 days away isn’t that wonderful. It is just hiding and waiting underneath all that snow. Enjoy this last bit of winter and snow while it is here because you could wake up tomorrow and it could all be melted away, or more could be dumped on top! Has anyone already turned the furnace off for the summer yet? What a wonderful weekend.
I hope you didn’t forget to turn your clocks ahead this weekend. You are also supposed to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and the best before date on your milk and throw away the leftovers that are hiding in the back of your fridge. Welcome back to going home in the daylight!
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to Jessica (Babe) K. on March 12! HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY to Felicity N. on March 11! HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY to Eden K. on March 15!
Congratulations to March Scripture first day sayers: Keelan A., Noah W., Joecill M., Tyler N., Kristal S., Jordan S., Lane W., Keita W., Shant B., Eden K., Hannah T., Grace S., Jenna T., Olivia T., Jayden H.
Congratulations to everyone saying the March scripture in the first week: Lashes W., Nina E., Ethan M., Tahlysa H., Sonia M., Zack Z., Elijah F., Ethan A., Taylor S., Jace M., Wil V.
Do you remember the olden days when we didn’t have a website? It has now been in operation for seven years. Have you been using it? Did you know we have a website? Are you still receiving your newsletter the old fashioned way? Why are there so many questions? We also have a Facebook page and a twitter account. The website has more general info while Facebook and Twitter tend to have the current, daily info. We are looking for someone with a passion for this kind of stuff that would be willing to keep it current and hip. If that is you then let someone know and we will see how we could work together.
Congratulations to our Lighthouse Lights winners for Jan-Feb. This term’s category was recognizing the character trait of CARING! Congratulations to Jillian B., Bella O., Maddy Lou M., Hudson J., Taylor S., Elijah F., Riley B., and Jordan S.
Hot lunch this week is Taco in a Bag.
Everyone is invited to chapel this week at 12:40 to recognize second term awards for attendance and honor roll.
Wednesday, April 26 LCA’s got talent! Mark down the date to join us for our annual talent day chapel.
The bus has been parked in the same spot for quite some time. We were hoping it was spring and it could be left on the pavement but since the ski trip we have had three more winters and we are unable to get the bus started. If there is someone that has a few minutes and some diagnostic skills to figure out what is wrong with it to get it started again so we can keep using it that would be tremendous.
Mrs. Faryna will be retiring at the end of this year as our hot lunch person. We appreciate the three years she has put into making hot lunch something to look forward to each week. We (especially Mr. Morrow and Mr. Krause) are hoping there will be someone to step in as our new hot lunch person for the coming school year. If that is you then please talk to Mrs. Schimke.
Classroom News
Pre-K This week in Preschool we are learning about rainbows. We will be writing the letter "Rr" on the board and talking about some fancy new color words indigo and violet! Wednesday and Thursday please have your child wear something green as we talk about St. Patrick’s Day. Happy 5th birthday to Aleya on March 17!
Kindergarten This week’s themes continue with nutrition, plus pets, cats and St. Patrick’s Day. Please wear green for Thursday or Friday’s class. Our new sight word is “little”. Mrs Kim Atkinson will be my substitute teacher this Friday and next week as I am away. She is a wonderful lady and I am sure my students will be wonderful helpers for her.
Grade 1 Noah, Wyatt and his dad went to the store and Noah bought Grossry Gain which is like Shopkins but you collect rotten food. Jeff's brother Sam was home and today he is wearing Sam's favourite t-shirt. Jeff played a hockey game on the Xbox. The score was 6-9 for Canada. Then he played another hockey game and the Rebels won this time 16-2. Rohaam ordered a Lego set that has 2028 pieces and he is waiting for it to arrive. He also read up to chapter 3 in his chapter book he got from the library. The book has 503 pages. Ava went to church yesterday and got to play with Jade and Tayven. Afterwards they went home and then later went to the movie, Sing. Jade, Johnny, Jaylyn, Jacob, Jeff and Jackson were playing Minecraft together and watched a little bit of TV. They also played some knee sticks hockey and then jumped on the trampoline in Jade's basement. Aili went to her grandpa and grandma's house. It was her grandpa's birthday. He turned 65. All the kids got goodie bags and in there was a jar of tiny fruit candies, bottle of pop and a sucker. They also watched Over the Hedge. Jeeann went to the mountains and saw 7 or 8 mountain sheep or goats that were trying to find some food. Once they got home they played some video games, had supper and then went to bed. Caleb played Lego with his brother Isaac. They played Lego battle. Maddy went to her friend's house for supper. It was her friend's dad's birthday so they got cupcakes. Tayven went to church and played with Ava and Jade and Avalyn. After church she went home and she cut herself with a knife and then went to bed. Cruz went to his friend's house and played on the Xbox. Then they had a little snack and then he went home.
Grade 2/3 We have all the parent helpers we need now for our Edmonton field trip to see the Ukrainian Shumka dancers and visit the Science Centre. Please return necessary forms and fees. We are having a St. Patrick's Day party this Friday, so please send a snack to share with your child.
Grade 4/5 Taylor went to her Nana Connie's. They made her mermaid tail there and tried it at the pool. She celebrated Jordan's birthday at Earl's. Jace went to his friend's for a sleepover. Lucas had Sol over for a play date. He also went to Wil's to play. His hockey season is over but he is still playing in the 3 on 3 league. Jenesis’ friend Hannah came over for a sleepover. Her dad came home. Wyatt watched Jayden's karate tournament on a video. His dad came home from work. Wil had Lucas over. He went snowmobiling on Saturday. Eva went to Calgary to go shopping. Sol went to Lucas' house. They had a lot of fun. His mom got a new video game that he enjoyed watching her play.
Grade 6/7 Dayton had his last hockey game and played with Luke, Noah, Tim and Cruz. Zack went to Elijah’. On Saturday they celebrated Hayley’s birthday and Sunday they chilled out.
Grade 8/9 Grace saw a movie with friends on Saturday. Tahlysa had an amazing time with friends and family. Hannah babysat and went to a puppy orientation with Nike. Shant went to youth on Friday and met a football player Nate. Eden rode her horses on Friday and Saturday and spontaneously stayed at her trainers on Friday night. She also watched her nephew on Sunday.
High School Keita spent a half hour visiting grandpa and gramma and appreciated them bringing arts supplies for her. Tyler visited with his brother on the weekend. Lashes babysat right through Daylight Saving. Keelan nothing. Jan Marie watched a movie with a friend from England through messenger so it felt like they were watching it together. Joecill had a wisdom tooth pulled on Thursday. She got a new dress. Jordan is older now but so is everyone. She got new hair, eyebrows, and glasses. She also got used tic tacs from her sister. Noah vacuumed the upstairs of his house. Jannah is still getting used to Canada. Lane helped a friend move on Saturday.