I.T.Ü Faculty of Aeronautics & Astronautics
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İ.T.Ü FACULTY OF AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING UCK361E C o u r s e N a m e Code Course Regular Credit ECTS Lecture Recitation Laboratory Type semester (hour/week) DESIGN OF 3 0 0 UCK361 MACHINE ED 5 3 5 E ELEMENTS Department Aeronautical Engineering Lecturer and office Prof.Dr. Halit Süleyman TÜRKMEN, UUBF_247, Tuesday 14:30-16:30 hours URL: http://www3.itu.edu.tr/~halit Teaching assistant and office hours Language English Compulsory/Elective Compulsory Classroom and UUBF_D214, Thursday 09:30-12:30 + Friday 14:30 – 17:30 meeting time Contents Machine design and phases. Factor of safety. Static strength and design. Variable loading (Fatigue failure). Tolerances. Design of screws, fasteners and connections. Welded, brazed and bonded joints. Mechanical springs. Rolling contact bearings. Lubrication and journal bearings. Gearing, spur and helical gears, Bevel and worm gears, Clutches, brakes, couplings and flywheels, Flexible mechanical elements, Shafts, axles and spindles. Objectives 1.To learn the design of machine elements. 2.To follow technological developments. 3.To design a machine. Course Educational After completion of this course, the students should be able to: Outcomes 1. Understand the mechanical design process (a2,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 2. Be able to use standards and design criteria in the process of mechanical design. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 3. Identify or define the yield stress and the ultimate stress of a material. (a3,c3,e1,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 4. Be able to calculate the endurance limit of a material with appropriate corrections. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 5. Be able to calculate the fatigue safety factor. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 6. Determine the speeds of gears in spur gear systems including planetary systems. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 7. Be able to analyse mechanical machine elements, permanent joints, detachable joints, rolling contact bearing, mechanical spring, clutch, break, flexible mechanical elements under static loading. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 8. Be able to analyse and design gear mechanism. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) 9. Be able to determine the size of shafts used in gear mechanisms. (a3,c3,e3,f2,g3,h1,i1,k2) Note: The letters within the brackets indicate the general program outcomes of Aeronautical Engineering and Astronautical Engineering. Topics - Course Duration Date C.E.O. Outline Mechanical engineering design, Design considerations, Factor of 1 week 1, 2 Safety, Stress and strain Deflection and stiffness, Statistical considerations, Mechanical 1 week 3 Properties of Engineering Materials Steady loading and Static failure theories, Variable loading and 1 week 4, 5 fatigue Screws, fasteners and connections 1 week 7 Gearing-general, Design of gears 1 week 6, 8 Gearing-general, Design of gears 1 week 6, 8 Rolling-contact bearings 1 week 7 Lubrication and journal bearings 1 week 7 Welded, brazed and bonded joints 1 week 7 Mechanical springs 1 week 7 Clutches, Brakes 1 week 7 Couplings, and Flywheels 1 week 7 Flexible mechanical elements 1 week 7 1 week Shafts, axles and spindles 9 İ.T.Ü FACULTY OF AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING UCK361E
Prerequisite(s) Strength of Materials (MUK 204 MIN FF) Textbook 1. Shigley, J.E. and Mischke, C.R., 2008, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill. Other References 1. Esposito, A. and Thrower, J.R., Machine Design, Thomson Inc./Publishing Group, 1991. Laboratory Work None Computer Usage Homework, Excel during design, drawing programs. Others Course Evaluation Number Ratio % Method Midterm exams 1 25 Quizzes Homework Projects 3 25 Term projects Laboratory Others Final Exam 1 50 Contribution To a b c d e f g h I j K Program 3 0 3 0 3 2 3 1 1 0 2 Outcomes* Prepared by Date Prof.Dr. Halit Süleyman TÜRKMEN 26.06.2016 *Parantez içindeki harfler aşağıdaki a-k’yı; sayılar ise Ders Öğretim Çıktısının a-k’ya katkısını göstermektedir. ( 0: katkı yok, 1: Çok az katkı var, 2: Orta derecede katkı var. 3: Yüksek katkı ) PROGRAM OUTCOMES (Program Çıktıları)
a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g) An ability to communicate effectively h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and socieal context i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j) A knowledge of contemporary issues k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.