Houlton, Maine November, 14, 1906. No. 47. teacher of my acquaintance I’d rather “ AH right,” responded the School- king of an American leave in my old placn than yours* F ” I car her. “ We’ll also lave a few ^ 2 0 E ^ ! E m “ That’s nut of the question, >ir ” explosions.” School-Teacher, rosp unh'd lhe School-Teacher. “’ m After school that day lie bought a lot fqual to it You know I’ve never few chemicals, retreated to the base­ FERTILIZER had but one term in college and I’m a ment of the school and started in to 1 B y Forrest Criccey. ‘rough specimen of a school-master’ at wmk out some of the simplest experi­ beat No ; I can’t even consider being ments he could tind in the book. When AND POTATOES of the hardest of hi* life. At la*t, a candidate for the place.” he emerged from the experience he had The JWtlf .(Mohir now began to look “ Come downtown with me, any­ verified his own words—a fact to which viewport. He waa however, he learned how to hold steady = 3 0 . f*nd say no to himself. way,” said the Oresco principal his singed eyebriAvs bore eloquent •wllferefi t* tbe recovery of a lo*t •There’s going to be a board-meeting.” trstimony. In order to illustrate m U tk l, tc a soberer eenee of reeponsi- Every month he added to hi* Horary of solid book*, particularly in the Outside tbe boardroom a man sud certain planetary movements, in tbe to other* aod to himself, to a denly graawed the hand of the School- astronomy class, he made from barrel- W e are now ready to sell Fertilizer I Womler, eoret graop of the vain# ard of science, and, in the long night-hours, almost literally ate out the heart of Teacher with a grij. that told of com­ hoops a ru'le “ appaiatus” which A t Arty of doing a man'* work in the radeship. The look of surpiise on the served as an admirable objectlesson and and contract Potatoes for 1907. every one of them. Hi* associates in votUL Ho wrote to the County Super- face of the local principal was met with delighted the pupils. h i a liet of book* which the school noted the change in him, Every funner that liie.l o r yoods tills yvar is and particularly the principal saw that the explanation from his townsman: His only relief from the high pn-ssur i toM pfel to a young teacher •‘We’ve met at more ball game* and of his hand-to-mouth mastery of five pleased with tin* re-olL No one that bought of had mods op hi* mind to try to hiS growth was like that of the corn in free-trade discussions, Mr. Weld, than sciences was found on the ball-ground us whs di-apj)oiiite l Every one got his Fertilizer l OOtaetbiog of himaelf The the rich gumbo soil of tbe Iowa prairies One day, in the School-Teacher’s you ever attended. When it comes to Here he established himself as a com­ in go >d>n and in go id barrels. We filled or­ to tbi* request waa kindly and j baseball and Democratic mass-meetings rade with the boys and they l.ecam fourth year in the gTammar-room, the ders or 1,000 tons this yi'.ir that others could not ( aod the liet of book* re- we’re the champion pair of fans in | his loyal supporters from tne stmt waa orUd and well chosen, principal said to him : fill idler they had sold the goods. Is this not “Ed, I’m going to resign for a place Iowa.” After three months, at the end of tin* MfetUm ao^b volomea aa David A. The School-Teacher waited in tbe “ unexpired term,” he was reflected j © worth consideration when you are buying for next V d lf Hatarai Philosophy and Green’s in Dakota. You’re an abler man than I am and I’m going to do all I can to drug-store for the board-meeting to for three years at a substantial increase year V iboft W ait) of the English People close, but he bad little more than of salary. This was a surprise to him, fkrl«*4 panel of thie new impulae get you elected principal.” And We guarantee our Fertilizer to work good in tb.3 although this unexpected promotion settled himself when he was summoned for the stuggle had been so close 'hat toboOd bandar hi* mental atructure to appear before the board, where he he had felt no certainty as to the final planter. «a« tbe determination to build a bou*e was given him, it was offered with the understanding that he might not be wa* informed that he had been elected result. We have af Ml own. He bad aaved sixty-five principal to fill the vacancy, at a While the fighi was the hottest, an agent in every town on the main dHlare limn bit earning*, end hie wife called upon to do more than “finish out line of the B. Jft '^baalbiw mOmt 4* touched< ‘♦♦rffomped/* Quickly outside v to hie aid the friendly village were toi kdMpoater, who sawed him a pattern of One instj OLLARS «;g|ab"af tba timber*. VSbatfoa waa intundent p band and be hired a* a helper. at another j OUR £*P. eente a da), one of hhr schoolboy.» Webb, U the boure won barbie ‘Sheeted •iid t«lk| fe one room in # half-hnHit- nod Mij ynflWlMk tbe family partially ronvul f*moe* » PILE ♦bo t o ?"ir h*ing done on rou . h *’v l)"vt< , «f fl M itoiteout «»f while mint to* D •< * tbe two-year uld were mouth* | in home-made hammock*, of Sociolt BIN the hardship*. obstacle* and and Hux ifoa of that Macon of house- 3e*t of bwildiag deemed paiHy to add to the joy atarsj ths of tbi ftlpk. When astray dog match- tute *e« T O ad tbo femily beefsteak from the skillet the “roi -Teacher and ki* plucky wife master” a iit tboir lecc, and when hi* of encoi *GS a* a boHdof deovc him to a the yeart the fence to “study the thing good a re Store M ia glow of unfamiliar hap School-1 His t BUY pleat problem wua the build- School-1 lag gf tbo oornkw, aod in thh he mad* and bis i gtffefcay mlatakos that, when be reach- the docti WINDOWS •S tte m r o r thohouee, his finishing not hel Amber woo exhausted. Again he con- changec •akid M« carpenter friend, who Mid : b<|t*d T FASTENFRS **Jwat put on a dutchman and let it flaunted fld t'l it the hack, anyway/' face of WITH LADDERS. The “dutebman,” or patch, w«* put thi* defe gge tad it has ever since stood in the reelected fedwol-Teacher's eyes aa the mostin- feeling « difidaat touch about the bouse of his had stir own building. trustees The unfinished attic wae dedicated of the to his personal u*e as a den in which genera!!; to eontinoo the other and longer task taries. 'A SCHOOL of building upon which he had entered. as a sol ▲ tacit understanding was established was uni! SIRLS. that, oneo in his retreat, he waa not to Whet bo dietnrbod. This practice of having came, i OM BOSTON. •earn room In which he was safe from ( pav * iatfuaion became a family institution' profeas

f ♦


Houlton. Maine N o v e m b e r , 14, I‘ *06 No 47

- 0 * * « The 'Making of an American r j o t i a n o School-Teacher. i li.IZ H K o D B f Formt Crkcey. o AND P O T A T O E S » mw fetft* to t# to* fcatfcai tf Im Ml* %» . |H ItattoN* W* *« fcftol *’*«»4 * Itof «■■■■■• Mto ato vltvptitt. Ht * ■* at 3 D O E AMI AP I^MPtoAW wr«« * mrmtk W >4itw< i« to* i !#-♦#* < «l ttM m ito U** U ‘c , i 7 : w _ _ It UMK It • 4 * *♦ • 1‘crt! i;cr m m M g t i n 1 to* m |%# if ••4. im l*HNt ***** to*** 4 j*JtoJL m mmjI to t^* tltfcftfti lltofttll* at* 4NM tto» W*«* / . A» *r APBPAF Wm^IWWPWBP w* Pm toWto • J .sr.j ■: r 1 Q()7 . mmtoPBRPHli*** flb'M^totototPP A> "topwm » ittr* * *** tl iImp. MU •**«*•*** * / # fliitoMiMto'IMbM'Ite W* ~wi-fc- ilto tHMml tttol to* «&•*#• •* *»• i < mKm* Hf 4PWf l t t * I * le • fa*«f intlff to* i*»***r*‘ *** ; pmtmmlmlf * . tto • t * * , I ^ 1 ^ vg i||| ^ ^ f)( | M i gmmnk mm H I* *toti *4 *1* «''»#* * to i ^ *r|, f lit rt*4 fWto* —il *4 to* U«4 » ■ *", , r f* f *.. ■ ,.. . W » » ' <• *•'<•* ; . ; . ; *» Wi • ■ ■ 1 i < ■* «w • M Itoilt »%4 s Ot* 4*f. to to# toww »*o. w.* . ' ™ * m ^ , _ . . „ to ■«*%**, *.*4 i w f t t . e «* «•* *•..*<«•. «« * ' ' . ■ f Mti' iMlt ft- "**to ftot to to* **•***•# *•*•*. '»« * I! ^ t # '^ * 4 a to * ./ * IMI ■* # # ♦ c I , , tl<*l lAAAAAAto ®AAA !• "14, r » t"*>*t ^ •**#* I ■*■ I* , r Fit (tot.** V«* *• •• tfcb» to*** | o ■ » It ir»«*4 r« f t « tu tu *** t»*r,*»* ^ ^ W l !« ■ ■ » '■«■* * •« I » « • "I ♦Itotoft Ini to 1*4 to*]# »>m » • *>' •* ».< • * .t to *■• • * mk ppu I** ^A ...... *4 M « ^tlltotfB (Ml Mttptotni • *i*F*-4 l *■#»• * • to * %.* *w* ***•*,*■«*.*.i ■ *»* * *' “ft 4 * ■ ♦ .:, 11 • ’ gfftol ktoi It mm *Mmm0 * o t *t*» *** *00*** ****-•** ^to v*,-»i * w « »*» »• h -«t l«»ll t I «** A iM a^«4 M t 'toM to »«*• M to!— •*"■" '*■■ •- '*' ...... •• l*K to to— -«.•»«. **’*•»••' *■ •*. •...-• . . ' 1 ■. -kill * •*. 41 'f •;{ M.1*t ' (. I-♦-.** v,.t t * I * r .« • * . * < * * \ all "Tter'wM* tottom toiiw •«*.!'*• ' '• ■'** • ’ ...... * \ - I. all i 4 /• ttai «iat*r| ||m*| lllftl ; ,00 nptMtA» I or flNUft -or >T- H

;#4 f — »- f i CONTINUED Sc Corey Co. ^ DOLLARS



G 0 T 0 OGGS ware Store



t|.jj»||iiM < m m * 4 m m IDA SCHOOL AAF ^WAWBII^ABf *^A OR GIRLS. HA*m £S FROM BOSTON.

(«.i . " ) > - \« n !-'n^!;iii'l.

». . - a'.M' a.haiivtni ivurst'ji in Fn»itcht a P a m * # to**.* 6 .'ill . Ivi « I;i'\ u ; *.'...-e wh.- mv.l Sl’KClAL HELP

l \ : «i..; e;. >-\ tl,v ,v.’Auntai;i\< of an oluca- AA40 r «v..o;«: -■': !o! rab-.s f .; 'vD.anoo of year. <#to«4 • ! > !, i kJi ; t.....t . > r .’ MV KIT. A. K. ;i:irvar I rnrnmmm >jkjL^ . 'Al^u t o * *4 * mm t >.-. . * • ♦ » M * * * * mm < *NTftft 4» *i| ■ • i ft'-* *«•»»• ; -,.... » . I |MM«I««I« ft •*••**■* * '* P* IVM 1 >\ M' WiBBHRiJ• *• ,h AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER.

Houiton, Maine November. 14. 1906. N o . 4 7 .

tesclor of my *r>p»aiuf»nre Pd ra»» • ' | "All right.” reported tl - SF.o-1 g of an American l»'« Vf in n,y old jd «< • ’ h 1 1 J..or-. 1 ‘ " !•■'■*« r ” W. ‘II 1 , it X >' X f-ox 3 0 E 3 E ■•’I'bstL out of the *j e* |o: i, • e e X j-b W.o.’IH . ” rc«p <|it 1 • J ! he ‘S' boo! T< to tea. ' Ii A Per •eh-ml ’ha’ d,.\ • gt ’ « School-Teacher, i** h h'.«id me. ti- g tirdimony In order Evary month he added to hi* library o illU*t r nte t t • MlkNOT MOM of OMpOBii- n i h n -id < (liir*ide the txutrdri■ of his hand to mouth mastery ot five plea M'tj w i' '! 1 r- ■ , . , . \ hia growth waa like that of the corn in ' "do i!idt hnu^ht of «p hi* mind io try to fiee-trade diMcuhnion*, Mr. Weld, than sciences was found on the Hr* 11 gionnd Us \V 1. 11 . 1 ; o . tho rioh gumbo toil of the Iowa prairie* i i l’.\ 1 ■ r \ "! 1«' J < id liis Fertilizer ____ of hlniMlf The When it comes to Here he established hinixelf a* a com in “.*.»! ,•! ^ksfc* Mkooii «M kindly ond O u d.r. ia th.'. mi in j . - | iM !T"ls. \V<‘ tillod or- fcartkyMrio th, F .n>, the | h»^b»ll .ml l),mocr.uc mw.mmtinft. rade with the boys and thr 1.( h nit, liMof book* r* n> 1 h i - \ - ., r tint i-| Ihts could not principal aaid to him : we’re the champion pair of fans in his loyal supporters from the stmt I H i m 44 nod well atosaa, Iowa. After three months, at the end ot in - fill alter they hail niM : 1U ‘ o', ), i, J, Is this not * Duvid A. “ Ed, l*m going to resign for a place worth coiiMiIi-r;i In Dakota, You’re an abler man than The School-Teacher waited in the “ unexpired term," he >e. iecteo ition when voti :mi !•uyinir for next if Bid Green'* drug-store for the board-meeting to for three years at a ,ub.-tantinl increase y«‘ar '/ O •f 4m Inplhth Purple 1 am and I’m going to do all I can to M you olaotad principal." And close, but he had little more than of salary. This was a surprise to lorn, of tU* mw imptdao \\'(‘ ^unrantta1 our I'VnilixiT to WO although thla unexpected promotion settled himself when he was summoned for the atuggle had been ho clone that rk good in the hi* montol atroeture to appear before the board, where he he had felt no certainty a* to the ti ml planter. to build a boose waa gives him, it waa offarad with the war- informed that he had been elected result. M*p, R i hod aovod lixtylw nadantanding that he might not he (* ha\ (* an ii.ucnt in owrv town on tho main called upon to do more than “finish out principal to fill the vacancy, at a While the fight 'v“* the hottest, tmm kia Mrafogs* ond hi* wife salary of one thousand dollars a year. ho’-vevcr, he struck a snag which cost line of the 15. A A. U<>;ul •om Sherman to Van jmKBation of m o ban- tho torn." Only after being urged by the fellow- him an immense amount of labor, but Buren, as well as every If lhnw«h bor family. “Tlwy’ve out tho cloth rather wide town on the Ashland base-ball fan and by the retiring prin­ brought out the dominant note of his Bram'h and (he Fort Fairfield Branch. f*n li'IHaaf h» maka for me," ho told hia wife, “and expect cipal did he content to accept, on con­ character as nothing else had done. fkfMMBl d i A vitlng* lot me to teach half a doaan dams, includ dition that he could secure a release Concluding that the textbook of geome­ Bee us or our agents before you place your cr- V i dMm* tor tbo foaadatkm iiog rhetoric, phyaiology, aotid geometry and natural pbiloephy in which I’ve from ihe board at hia home school. try used in the school was behind the dors. tfe knbot hoUf bonpht H nevar had a day’* achooling—but I’m That night he caught a wild freight times, he sent for Chauvcnet’s treatise back to Strawberry Point and next day and began to master it. Karly in thin dayo 4*taaap" waa tbo going to tackle it, juat the aame !" day placed the situation before the work he found a problem which he J! I Mool«T*Mbor to kata Hr taught theie branches and kept ■S*. ..■■■■■.A C — J K astonished school-truetees of that place. could not solve. Night after night he tom * lotha aUc of hi* a eloM aye upon the elementary-rooms, As moot of them had made no secret of struggled \\ i'h it and still it evaded no 4ml k k f tbo and atill found time h* which to play a their hostility to him, on account of his him ; hut tin- longer he worked the •ni ikM Undid little ball with the boy*. At the end I Carter & Corey Co. ^ change of political beliefs, they were more determined was he to solve it •kdarplnnfnf w m of the term he was rejected principal not in position to refuse his request single-handed and alone. bor three iM aa homo arm not than and hia aalary waa raised to sixty-five ^ n — — iTtr"*...... Ttocac z a aiF for a release, and thin was granted. months he kept steadily at it. Lau i ^ W ot. Getting dollars a month. It was a strange situation which the he learned that it should have been ooM idios to Ihe next summer brought him in School-Teacher faced, the following solved by analytic* ami should m-'t j |C ■to Hod drown cootaet with a new American institu­ Monday morning, when he sat at the have appeared where it was placed, j we tat, whon bo tion, the “county institute." Here he principal's desk ami looked at the He fk 1st > dug deep into Hledsoe's ^ wkh mas from the •Mttlfc %iiW of scholarship, men who blackboard -on which was written the Fhilosorhv of Mathematics and the 15$ fftv lit tod. 4m were force* in the educstionsl world. list of studies that had been personally best hooka on tiigoiiometry. I r*4 taught by his predecessor. Of the In bis laM y nr at Strawberry Point' V SAVE DOLLARS One institute conductor was the super- eight classes in the list, five were ittlftdeot of tho Creaco Schools, and his first jear at Crrseo, Herbert j|g|| studies in which he had never heard a aMt|or waa a Princeton man named Spencer becamo his guiding star. Hut ON YOUR recitation as a pupil ! These unfamiliar VVbbk, who took long walks with him when a copy of Solly's Psychology j studies were a-fronomy, /.oology, chem “•*hf*ted | • “d talked Tyndall, Huxley, Spacer came into hi* hands his eves weroi iatry, phy-i<»logj and physic*. * “ >|n A ind Mill, and lent < nr te dier the ned to till' fact that peihaps bis,jjj /. though lee. >{oiz ng the ciist- fcKMVt ti tich WHS not W u bout (Hulls. | £V fteeflelty 0*i»vm1 | foimaps old sofiea of “ r* u bark*" (-Hit, d wh'ch eontiie ted Imu, lie did not f->r a | About Hus time he no t 1’roft s-er j WOOD PILE *•> I' g M a y dona mm •* nm /h ‘•v !)•*<• for Yoilman*. Here n* w eutir'itio tip- idea of showitij (leorge IV Urn'll), »"> atde educate', o f f M tfoMOHI of wlt> meat tor hi- midnight Ic-t. and tor ------A N D ------the white feitiher hy >-lnttin* tie*< from Mlnomi ugton, Illinois, who ad­ owel l k twa yeaetdd war* mouths ha leveled in Spencer'* Study recitation, upon Ins a,*i,tant. What vised him to write for light to \\ illmni *• k oo t ' ia o h bammoek*. of Boeioiogv, Tyndall's Forms of Water, should he do ? He must think and act T. Harris, then of the Concord School COAL BIN 4hf bowkbipa, obatorlaa and and Huxley’s Mac's Place it, Nature. at once. Quietly he borrowed from of Phillosophy—a step which marks hrmaa* Bast of all. as they strolled under the pupils the textbooks of those studies the beginning of a peculiar friendship a * Jflr •taraj those nights of the county insti­ and left the room. Hurrying to the with the man who later became the GO TO »nateb- tute session, the Princeton man gave las “ Office" in the basement, he spent the United States Commissioner of Educa­ ik from the akillat tba “rough specimen of a school­ two hours and a half before the first of tion. t r t bia pkoky wifi master" a Ana sympathy and a gospel his recitations in devouring the day’s The School-Teacher’ irrepessiblc fo lk a r t wbao bis of anoourtgement that earriad far into FO G G ’S lesson in each of these books. Then energy and his eager capacity for bim to a tho ?*are to oome. “I didn’t have a* he called the first class—in astronomy progressive study brought to u m, in k> **atndy tb* thing good a chance as you have," the — and heard th* recitation in a manner Cresco, a problem with which he has Hardware Store Mfornttiar hap School-Teacher was told. which evidently aroused no suspicion ever since been forced, in a constantly Hia new stock of books kept the as to his unfamiliarity with the study broadening way, to carry on a running AND BUY lilMaAVfiB tkeboild- School-Tsicher digging for two years, on the part of the pupils. Then the fight. Finding that his teachers were nnd In thk ho mad* and hia atudy of MU) converted him to next class came forward, and the same | content to drift along on the strength , „ whoa bo reach- the doctrine of free trade—and he did tactics carried him safely through the of the attainments which had brought j OUTSIDE WINDOWS ,, bis finishing (not hesitate openly to defend his ordeal them their certificates and their jobs j Agola be eon- change of faith. Finally, in 1884, he After school he bought the entire set he determined to arouse in them, if WITH PATENT FASTENERS Ml •my b ltll MmmI, who said : tv-l**d tba Kcpublicsn ticket and of textbooks and shut himself up in his possible, an aggressive interest in their | pH m a dutobmaa and kt it fl*unte»f ail educa­ •Hi lisa the Crsseo place, loo lit* protests them until fou, o’clock in the morning. the incident. Hut the examiners soon tion near Poston fora year iml*afi>doo»t ti*«t h« did n:tf umlerstand their ques- With 'tccasional variations, this pro after suggested that the Normal board Send b r illustrated catalogue and wide for tab's for Lilaanee of year. (>ue scholarship. Write for part it uiars. m w m M | mm wee* ihmm red by »n incre«lu ou* gram wi, r> peated night Hfter night by needed him ; he became a candidate art kaitod Mm 4m bouse, u*gh. ti. Sr b« .,i| t ■ sober until In-* fir»t year! ami was elected. Here he was brought (IKoKUK !•'. JKWKTT. A. 1>. , I larvanp. 4Wi m *1*0 pactUI»- H«t « ptol greater »urpn»e i r. .(■-> finished...and even after ! into close association with the foremost tj , educator* of the State and his horizon b t l a m M f bnyo woao ffoy |., (urn kindly o'd • n itti whsn the I , h, ,.s- the Ur.I. a* of the | was imm»diat-ly broadened. His NEWTON, MASS. Aai) wbai a wtfossau wMt» at ih# br*J d' l be Fresco oe» sio.lo-’ ),<• was obliged to master. • reading, too, to T » turn in the direc- •*> >m ; |t was suggr .*• .1 m the student* thst tion ot pedagogv. rtfoMakaymk1* 11 i 04 h i fia l«ya **rm I »*g »*• Wats ism at one* 'he f“rm»-r pnn< ;j al h,d entertained' ------f u t f H f o M w m «a§ la ia bailar fumama, end that* w aot alike class with experiments. (to bk continued.) AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER

Houlton. Maine N< ■ • •m tn". 1 •! ! ‘inn N>. 47

< ** • 4 I The "Making of an American Mil mmtu w.Jrn \m/ vmkmmmJI jin School-Teacher. P E R i II.I/.EW o By Forrest Criccey. D * *'■ AND POTATOES o m m kngni to bok (•* **• U i M «/ tu« i.fc* \ j f M -f imi tfempofn*. H* n m jM sm , lit bnrn*d U « i> >-*<■• *"• - * 3 C CHOCmm mu til is iwwwj *1 » b*t nnd mjt an m kintmlf H ^ flisiw n m of piapMPi* K«try ••«*»< k h* p* K»# I.!**** < 'Ml OTMOT ' IjMMif M Mlisk MMMPVfiiInAwm^wM# M A• i t n M b«nk*, pnbientorij »** <*•♦ bn* W," ert: iZCT lit wh# i t ntton#*, tnd, i* ii • h*** «'fK» f *#**? M e • Mk'i mmk in tk# ila m l Ulutnlly !>• O'** th» K»»m f l :H »7. • m t mm* tit tknm H i* in t l f ew«l» b f i t Onnnty ft«|*r■ w - - i r < !■!■ *i m w^mr. » *as Mai « f Wrib m k b k ^ ,1** •'koml nbml Ik* ck«*tf* m h «* ^ | | | i i f £ iM H f tk# y»ni»tt ••ft* *ft 4 L i • -----*- 0^ H i m \l4 It Ify to 1 kit 09«*tl« mm til* *1 ** a1 ?*>* * . W 'A * fclewtlf iv . ■ Mt wall fi»«ka aci*l ot ik# !««• !■'*••* imI i * 1 * ■' .! 'A f.01- .> > t , ■ S W i f e * ' * * a ta kbdfjr nnd dty. »• ifc* m w i . !.*,*»** * *?, f I V *•• *"f«" ..■ *»'!,*# w »» ,nii, ..iJt. .At; ... e e i i s |tai at konlt* ri* tbarfk pent n ih* m****. *h* WtHMIMMBi ■C kmdw vt* * Ms,# oT. #**>) *, * t f * * p, * priMtpnJ im.mI to k»m *** ' ., "K t, r »• i« iMtffi fur • pH«* r ^ m Dnnid A. 1 K* *%■*.* J T *#.- h* f •!»,**■' ■■ ’ 1 r ; I f a. . g » “V1 u in Dnkfrfn. You >« •« nbl«r «*•» d in *'■ t •ad Cb*W« ,Ifwg •*.*♦♦ Pa *.Ea* Ni.,i%11i m■*«#(. ■ ^ * 1 ■ J»l't * ♦ & ? o f| gq^feli W|*t« i ® ti# bM* tm •" *<*« *»» 4o nil I enn to M U**». ti4*t K* **! m r* ■ » • * | E 'J 1 4 "K * « iMiattr i«MW i 91 ptintifsl.” A »»t j f u'*# I*J fci'rt♦**:'? «K**, 1 * ••* i "J ) O Mb Mta«t)* «inh* '“ *• WMbmitaHtfti—*__ft*__ __ iktt lh». ___ m««lik. ^ n*»i . W. S# ; -‘1 **** S *' *• h» Kftj i f M i Mb kai ••«ml aia« t •** JNT*»»r:j.«| t-> ftp. 'K* * •. * • ’ ft M •..i.n t a lb i apu® s »b kb wifc ; • * y 1 • » •* n* i 1 I ft ! * ft 'I.'*' I ‘ • i*Kj Ikt tana." ■ ■ • ' - r * at kaa* P? fth*f ‘hi* * f ft if w * +.r t ""f ifi-A . " -*■---- ■>, «._ A__ *_... ’*Tkty'*«fnt «b* «bin rntln* «uf# ■rf ■»<-■'*** \ •!. vD ! ■•■•M •• mmtf. m »*•!; fftft ftr.-i K» *v * ft • ■M,** k* iM km w ill. "m J ntfxp* * • * ;••■ • aft! n ' - ' ftf* ' * * * * fMMi Mi It au k knll • Antui tbnm*. <.>n ihftl Kt* fy } ,h i Wi'tlff ft r* i* »•* p ■ - ’ If ' % ' ■. r >>r- l b laMalbAba b e fkttnat, pkfmnbvy. mAmI TO h* beftr. I fti >. .ft K. *n* nr f * ! i ! * i , ■*# ' i ■ ■ * m - * ami at*i.}«l pkikapky in nticii t'*« biafkf T i ft! mffh! I.r' fft-igti'. ft » oi f** i f . t r,«. * I. ■ * f . i ImmII a Any'* «tl»aoltnf I'm ■k l • Sir** btM; iirt. ! 11 : • -i « ■ -■■ * i« — fe'ittia iftTi v®aaaa** mat tk tlib tf u intkb if, jnm th« i j’lftr*-i th* 'Ift! * r ' Hft ( 'ft • » ft a ft 'o' ' t l A m t m n * u im *« m* « i i » ' a m w .* w . . m k .P, = = ^ uf. Mth«*i *T .X * t H r • fJay * nr hunt lit!} * ■ i . tv , t k< ■ . f ! •; i, "i * llttb knit n.illi Ik# koy* Carter & Corey Co. J H»g* ‘if J* 11!,« * i * «ft i' r f ft . H - > * r* rt'i ■** n a l l b litai b * • • |i* i r^t; * I ft..! s p aft !;. > . r>- * ..ft : * '* , .*•! • tpgU S * * l 4 .... and 1 * tftUry r*t*#d to *lttv dm f — #%r—y w ft r» rftft» , ti . ! ' * *» ft • , ' . 'r.‘ m .jn tt * » » «V * "4 PAal 0 * m a t 4r4b*n • month 1 ! ft* » ft » • * :'• a ' «.’ .*! 8 “ •' hr y*' " 4 * t , l b «i*t I ftummrf hr *ug I.* Iim in ».* J l 1* * •' ' r **<- r ■! O'" ‘ w if ft-fU' 1 t * * i |i IkaJ etamajanalnc* n**h » ntnr AnnKin mttitu- ."■Ut Hi * . p ft* 1 * . ’. f * t «’ : ■ *■ • V ft f ' - l b **taaa*y icatitnt* '* Hrm lm oOfftl'* Ifl• it ft ! : i i '■ i • ft ! ft! ’to !(- . • ’»*■ !»/ la lmJ bankmI AaaMr** mak lata fimm Ub c kU*«*«i •>!f ft'Utl.f* 1 !i*t * ft j iwxr ' p* rmuiftii v * * i vnt* Unnnt in «!.* r*D,r*t. • • ’ ’' ■ ft * i ■' b f ■" « [ifft-i . f ' •». ' <>f 'hr • I 1 j * a • i t ■ ‘ ,*K-« SAVE DOLLARS Urn a m m m «#'Oaa tattan b rcw^iuri * tE« •utmi- Krift**- * i , - r ' 1 w r* *• : * " • f * Cl # 1 mm I k W M M i t ikn C W « % W In, M .1*1 tn *» i. ■ i K h*' ! ft 1 1 >•' * * h r * r a • T - ’ 1 i ■ • __ bn|bM i»ft iHlftr. elu M lt • PHacmm* mnn nnmnd ■x* o your r«X • i - ft* ■» J j : • >. l t • r/m look b u t ••U « h lb Km ! *• 1 *' •. 1 . •• r • * ■ ' ’ ' < . ' ipaay M b it tolknd ly A n lt 1 K Ifttf * . ]•' * ‘ !■’* ’ * T (.i. | . enanaebia • laH-A*1*** »b Mitt* aat b* « •*.» ,h. t m t f p s i b i y > m . 4 ' fammi* a il «a*bn of - •«• ■.« t.. *■ • ~ »,i, . ,1 W O O D PILE # # f"”t kntngtitm* •*« « » r. k ' * t* «•"* % II »* » w **7 K l* a f i M *n*4Mimi* »4 -I -*<-•. '*'••’ ** ••’•*«•! ' '• *• - * i ■< * l_ tfc* MMtfnar *44 m»*n t mmtb* k# *n«#iml t*. np#*.<►»'« ntud> rtt - !»E ■'« 'i • >’. !»«• •••■•'*’, v\ '.ft ; v *r i : t r i r A , * bammmi *. «bwtbgi. t>a4nU’« luflMft «( W ilu, • h'HiKt K* ’l* f»''t«’ " ft».t ft'-' l' } i «rr.«. ' : r COAL BIN fn4 Saa4 Mnn't Pint# u. Nntuir • t *\ (JiUt.y !,r It. < r»>, w r> i fjmn j ...;,.■* •; ft * '.sift* f t k a a * Mn*l *# l l n* ;h*jr •fn4lmJ un*i*r thr oftr *! uiltr* : the l > ft ...': i ft y.rvi ..» r ! f. r i . i« ; ~ , * • m m M n 1* aiel'• <4 »k* non# i y * i.«t i ) ftt|| to thf ; n ill. •.E“ mitn Iftf r C 4 N fM e * a * t« k ,«a«t tMtkaa. ik* fMatabia m«i> *•** GOTO i* *|'ftnt the l r.itn l Stifr.* C m :i't .** . ":.rr M EL i . o a - lik bma l b «ltllM *1* **nm»fk *p*«»iana <#f * arhuol Dir ft Ml t >lf" ItOSl. >Cftib**fM f aib jmmaa/' • iac tympaiby n»d • rmprl thr il»y'i 1 hr Scio 1 Ten, r : r r i yr •* ■ > •A mi kb I "* taamif t i aiiiini ikai Mfrbtl tor inti. FO G G ’S k» Then rnrr^y ft :nl ! :* r»)fiT t ft}'ftt'.t\ b r Hm *a a k# vtam la ntai* **1 didn't tut* m ftstroi.oiin |>r, 'jftfftfti* e ** • idy brouH' to iv.m. .:. fkn tkiae §***< • tkaaat a* you k**»." ihr • nil lirftru (lift recitftM, n « inftnnrr !’m c .'. • yr l'Irm with "hn'h i.i :.a* Hardware Store iHlat kaa Nth*awl TMMiknr a a* t*4ri nltirh *t*M|en||* ftr^aft*'! i t *ii»j>n\t'n -'rrr* Sern f. tvrii. ft cor.51a■'11\ | Itb amt nuath it kook* kept th«- «a to hit uafftrniliftf,t\ wilt) file .*fn !*T.'«»{ "i*\, *»> eurrt or. ft r;;nr; -*j AND BUY i b k«IM . bkail*TamW # doffing U>t !•<> tif; tit* Jftft itf (lie jHiptlft I'itrM the Kintim^j th*t K:* t richer* *» f re b i d i k t mad* >>4 kb b«4y *4 Mill <«.«*•*m*.1 i .„, u n i clllt ritmt f iufti.l, sn.i >•(>:•,trti . i; ' hr «:rr: , :i. 'kt **i«k ' *U 4*«tt*i** «rf ff«* tlftil* •to! ftt. t Eftt • .lil .11 t ’ •• 11< • r im < .I li'.ltl ftftfrh .if sh* *!!ft,nniftn: * w ’i c 1-. l.ftd OUTSIDE WINDOWS , k b AalUbn# "* i.«*i<*«* it (a. •( hi. Diem :E«nr rr r:: fir ft!: * ft.i.i ti.rir j. •“> Aen b In n a *♦•*»§• m<«h V ‘■•■D. . i nn i h. \ ft nI ». 1....1 he n** ilrtfti miiifii !o fti. «r f.'.ftiv.. : f WITH PATENT FASTENERS S. nifto ««'d ’I* 1*4 tk* H*f* »W m l..- ftr ' f 1,1' ft it! ft h t! h : If, ftm r ;r.Jrr<*«t :i r ;r tad b* H 4«r klbl kb ItiMfeiitii r ! »• 'ii IK. I ' 'll 11i > fir fp 'il 1 1)r i e *( ir a ' \i ,i k 1 o tin* rod hr f. rmrd • n »o. DON’T BOTHER WITH LADDERS. t$ fltkP %MlMlke ; fodki **f 1 . «K >« p«ftr- <(*K i Ihim ‘intt! • l>< > n t (*»,> in,. j ltl|; Oil. ift » !!,. .. rd !hr M. 'VM “ “ nf pt«t4. nnt pat fki< 4ftb«««i •• •«. fc i.» *#• f ' M.* ■n * ixy. w !»♦ it ' 1111' i; <• K*>{ftu t ' tuit mi (M( U .h. to n *’ r i h otir dr * * #t## matt band It * b tn»f»#***t »•* d « |...... , •( •< iK. <>f ’•» l>t« * v * ft>ii Ke tnvn; * lit 1 i 1 (r«t, : . » t t, r « n r C ull i: 1 ftu’ f hv f*t tyan at ♦**# im>** la indiat * i» i •• >• j«»» • * * .< «1 ■ k>*#* • r :i.« thr a ■. * >,s .ft Si* 'll ir trad fti.ti; a■.*. ftjar .if'nbn** *♦•<♦>*» J <** i.i« )>•»•,g •*■•«» .t.(i ...... * k ...... ■■« 'I'*1 ,U !, ft., a :: Tv.iunv^ Srftuv.r •d iIn* K•»#*! **♦•*(•'•§# • > •■ ■». !•*(»« * .• ii • I. 1 Kr i . ■ I. rt « I a . mi I i>f tuft 1*1 i.' 11 W t* • j | c. ■'ii v .1 ft* ft f r s ' r.sf.! sl! at t dbn b> #a#a •*.-i ».? •»,»•* i .. »i ( .» ft I W in lie opt n • 11 . It* w f1 it I .!.' >ft it i.' j l' : ii ft i t \ l! ** ** P'l I i ” ’ t> f V.f t'i'1111 4«'t 8 MOUNT IDA SCHOOL 8 likH tad laaf t c tatk *#♦**• P*** f»* ‘ * i •♦ • «*.d. i *.. 11» «i. . *.• ,I • |I . ft it .K i • . i c h ste ,I > •. 1 " i! it '<■ *t !u i * !!'. *! !!,r\ trui*! .1.' ft . .'t t ft: ;' ftil.'-i)"!! of • t iitk i t kad tam bd ' an t mtkf nappu*i •*••! >■<« •••« * :^Aad n tt *«*♦«*pt»r*-f FOR GIRLS. ftK.wtxl • lifc-K i ft! I lift* if-ut "** tli* j I j., ■' ftn Hi.'in, ■ 111in r •:t ! o|o k Is. x.;'rv !'.r' Ic M m f w w . la mm m to , Whan tk* f* . . i*,!on S ft I • i, » 11 » I,.' jjifttilfttp.i . I n r 1 i V. i Vn; ,m r ftiv.e to Vkb |*aat*n# sd I t nine ntaMt. tn a#pt •**»*«►#, i . i». ni».i i, ...I forme.! ft.i off to.! ft i >p1 flint *"«'•' . (lift!I I'ft{ !w 'w lift,1. l’*>! h. < n H .(ft.'. . £ (3 MILES FROM BOSTON. b bkiNk k# <#t* » k kna* A »,. i..» ...... n i • K lit- i • i j; I. i . • i. ■ i , " I..> . i\' p i * • m \ni»,, fti'd ti'.fti itr , ■! *1«t Un.ii.'i' * rOH.ii-r-rndi' ^ c kinHky • «| Kim for ft I. .t .’ f (.••Ml «« 11 I; iu French, b timty bknrabft ►■iimtlaw tn iKtt i*n * * "t *K» '•!#** 11 . . t.. ‘ e *' I. V.i I f.'i ii T d ) b nift I■■." '■ : r ! hr Si h! ( . \ .' . \ k | tn a b an* #k*»i 1 f ^ **ti*r h* **>*t #•»•#*! ft ...I t> !».> t I ...... It ■ • i l .'■*. h. | *»•! tit •. .i I- fti.t ,1 P \ * - w , , ; * . u h i.' ,.. m ,’. : r . ' : lALIIELF tt braai fid nyalne im fli, fnn*k**t *»K'» «#> < 't-. » <* ►» *ito.» *o loft Kook* ftjjftix ftx.! n itulUil ««.(! ui* m U■ i * ot i r N ■, a , ft i I i ( ; w r i i A :■ k\ . 'J an educa- pnattfbnti it**4 *k* <*.« t |.)t< *# *•••• 11■« tl.t.'O 'In'll f. • t I !.'. L lit • I l lit I , "|J J. ' ' t- T 1 ■ .’ .- : \ a rv. s i'.r; > .*. . fll fib fMNN Mb «tf dnr.*f ^ D,.i, r ,„, \V 'll- .ft Oftft. 'lift' I . I tft ! ' .'lift, I ill a j to ' ■ k " ...... ■ ■*. . N. ’ x .; v or \>ixr. . .'jbwflUl s m m. • m bMMPMP wMPB Wy^MM^MWMMr } Mfm WVftV • • b w a * • a< « ^ . m | KI *t* * f> i f m ■ 1 iy JJ.U'.Ir, fta I | I • . I t> ,, It ' ift.t nifc lit !m nn.c.D td h.m . \r o . ft I'm ft .' ft m ! ( fttid VI , ] .. • r . r u a s . M ^ . ! i t Aid Ana* » b b«*n* »*•'«* ’ • ’ 1 - I • ' ! i J tl . ,t I . ft vi .;. : hi h . i ;v . i-' ' dMkbkMMHf wMPPbMMPrMi^^dAbl^ei MWn AA^ ffi^jo .iMdjaa■jttww* mw r* M»* * «• ■; i • . . ■. « . t. i. . i: fc. i ft . i ft i ... i i n I o • l, r-.i ti. s . «:, kd ebbt It k«t« fit. b?* ***** pity «.*•»•! 1 !i at Ik > >i • f t.'- t >..... ^ . ■( . ft 1 . . . ,'J > "ft* NEWTON, MASS. HA Ifltftnfl Aad «ktf « a»W«n* *r K -|*t ft' " ■ 1- ..ft t • ll.a a. , a I . I . . • . . I *ftft.! M ffM bipl ••*« Irirn * fkb btaeib Ark **ljft ’■ 1 " 1 • - | • '«ft* *"«»!• ' ' ' I • » t : 1 , * . " 1 e, { f i *' n * ^ j' f * ’* * w k ' •iilliM feib atfataffk ik# b*ft -V "fa m •f • ■. left v .. t mfm ’ hr* f "i"* ft"' •' * o I'ltlflUiri'il i i a man a na*tn •*•»• **•*»* ■*«• >• »•• *|im cU«« nttLi rii'rtimeittA. Vv^ bk «v m ;\\ *A\ a •• H Th« Aroostook T! W odno«d«y. N ov«m b«r 1*4. ittofl

The Aroostook Times What t» Success? CHAS. H. DUNN’S COt * * 1 ] * * " April t8, I960. 4 *4 . ' v t«r >*•«.' *s * part t ,t* ■ J «*■' , r ■■ f . r* * 41.1. THE HOME NEWS. Subscription* In arr**r# i , . ' ’ ' r i ot M. there u none that '!.• >.* a o pC' t ' * . * support of the (itt/ -i - itiu *• la- tin n . r.,| . ! ; • t a ■' J ." T « *• • Good Will M . *> iu* it I* -*' .«!•• ! C f,-- *■• <: ■ law treat faet Hat ,t w a* .. the town of Kairfi- Id , nrill all fi - - i ^ r. it 4 ••? r • \ or#*, *:i1 a *' aitn ta known to « c* riain i.unihn f Mit i Uf'i I.r a iegit.matr t--» r 1 * * 'n*g •' r f*.» \ : r , cat I <## * tender* ther*- «r** * urn*- v, in i t!< i i ' ■ rv-r 1 • c s 1 '.a*, -ra hate r#e;> ,;*o , . -o* cvJ It »!* i.r !•. a :.## oce . : w • a i ftep of twat *#. but th* Established i-. 1HNU,j, .1 ill-^.tli li, 4 «!**»)* 1' i. ■ k J.-.: *»• 1eer, J.*- tubm.ttad b* th# Water*., .* Vrr. <» rat of ,t fh« w»#>r,#» a* .mail way to m*k m Inmit*- i . • \ * r\ at >1 #r* v ’ t. roe . aa ‘himp-i aa to their poe11kw; .■ n if.a . #ed. i(t • .eiiae ol the word fur r: 1,11 u t < •., I > \ - H HI S'. ' , * ) ! ; » 'i fi r «• rt #nJ C . f, r • * a ? d ■lg i .. i * «*• ! f: a ’ ma up a! ■ i.* i/.d girla who weie Utplia li - • 1 * in.*-- ' ■ t .-.I., ■■ tea# on, a: ,i tha Sar. . fl.i TlkN f i 1 u -f , : ;.# #*;•'. ti * i; ft h p-rente were not able gi*- ’ f.cir I h w. - fU tfll a: wi&g iu h t s i) ft ti iLf.r C • n f ! ! t t » r. * • 5.. • h# 11 # * '.!* children the advantage- who' Uih a ■> C : ■g fra- kr » . r ' r f i terra #ti J £ . ■ 1 1. r ’ offers. Will h'- * r f . tl! ar »\ f >rt v r **t defined ' hei t PSSSIOENT PROCLAIMS THANKS­ (tn, •t u .; gr! u : * ■ ,i : r # h-.. ♦ r.rma mr' The pi* n originated *cl. ai.d '}.* U :r, mr ,o ani iread tti p >•.' i • r., on St on# —Ucti GIVING. • VV. Hinckley who conceive! the idea hit u re r*■ J' te f w ,n i { Jr If n a# * i Iff*# tii# * * •Iprd Ijj *-'••11. « 1. . oc 1 udr* twrit# twins tors of making this home, one where ch lil- sun n 1. * 1 a-.d twenty tight Heprn nun?##, kul lWri... • tr.*;,!t.-> fur * Tho pvoeknttlon ieeved by the r«n could obtain an education. receiv# tlou hi th" 1, .? U.;> n .im .j,. t ri. t * : • r t n • u hi -.dr r> i t !.• ) • re di*. !#d by Cv-until hcf*u»# * •• 24*'. TtWhlMt# netting Thursday, Noe. 29, the benefits of a manual tr« course, )'*f. h i* ft 'd U* d- t • I,. t .fto . 1 ' e illegal.) i i "r. a* foi- M ddajPOf Ibnokagifing, reads •• fob *nd be ;n er atmoaphere e tfia) lei m* U-n-i !M« >i f;k -i " u K * g*r ile*» vi :t* ifi»r*cter, *.«« n , r g h \ 1 .> w * : Anwwt.rok eight, Anv raecagtgin 1 bis l* certainly a bright a d at on. g ; would grow up into educated, peaceful who w oi, the pru. '1 rt* ,* t.’..e or plsce in pruspef.iy It utusl!) four, ( um'wriand sut*«o. Kennebec Istample of how insti*# work* in a , . . , and desirous citixen*. end how well he not s word in fh« definition »^oai tn«f four Knox four and Washington four small city. It begin* with two or three •Tltt tltt# ofy«er bee com# when, auocaedad ia shown by the great acquisition of wealtfi. n*.r <.* fsrne pro**pers because th* peuplt wr.j suf- V 1.' ‘tally. ’h#y include sixteen Dem- ice nat-j pi ace# as recommended for 111 •m v d lM t with th* wie* cuetome of number of boy* end girl graduates who mentioned »t »I1 In fact, »» we rend r busy to pr >tec» tt»rrn*e.*e« o-ra * arid sri.fy -four K*p jblicana Humford Fe!’s by ('y-us W Davis and ttMr fitt>felb*rf. It becomes my dv‘y to ere todey scattered ell over the world, it we are f.rif.l t * the (Oiu.!u»io:i that a^dsnst it* encroachment* Hot t.v it end# with thirty■»'-o l»ce nerd plare# ()| th# question of r*jbmiuir.n, Ml eeide e epeciel dey of thenkagivlng » force for good in each community a person with m.ici, money and with »'*!*•* of the game must be ob»er*ed if •• in th# cas# of Berhn thoM- tlangH wh;u. money f<•;vw. or a • a t m u m of »to Alvlghljr b«..aM of - hrr” >*>., m.y h.pper. to be The o'* ■ prosperity t* to h*?e enduring tw rn! y. four fa* *r a re*ut nu»»i in rv- . -V « . T , , . institution ta supported entirely by vol- person standing in die limelight m Solve, t »* r 1 ? a r <• .ppoard to It and Ibl Uettlsge w# he» e received, a.». o untary offerings end it* income from the middle id tlir *tsg*' wuh the woild i, j»li le# in it Ami tins applies to the Report of the Cary Library. INttyir tbet these blessings mey be con- the endowment funds thai broad-mind- WHtcliit.g him ami (ailing him great biggest corporation as well as to the four are undr-* id* d. ()f t m twenty- l i m i Y^f Another year of wide- ed, generous men er.d women have pro- and famini- is hardly lik>!y to wm the -m-diest corner groggery. four favoring *uch a rnea*ure. eight October, 1004 •IMMI wHI-being he* passed vided for its meintenance, end ia one of success which Mr- Stanley de-crib* a Note, as a practical effect of the en­ are Kepublicsns a-id antcr-n Demo­ Some n< h and famou- persona may Tuts] number of books loaned: l JJH M w c WCm in our hutory. nor in ‘b. »o.t worthy objwtt. tb.t nnyooe forcement of the law agairivt the **- crat*. It will l>«* noticed thai the Travel, description, etc I H have gamed tins eif ryu, hut they are number favoring falls far short of the W o U a tfj or »y other n.t.on, hu n lt 0i . n, r 0n, hu„arwi ,„ d the exception which prove th*' rule that !• r*. that the jails are empty, that Biographies, JO fM p k enjoyed more abounding materi- Mres of land situated on the bank* the best success after uli l- the portion Ho re is no longer need of increasing necessary two-thirds, although the Histone#, JH t l piMperity then U ours; e prosperity of the Kennebec Kiver in one of of the humble and relatively unknown. them in size, tnst jail guards hi e been margin of undecided Republicans Senior fiction, Junior fiction, JJ'J tbet U should arouse in us the most delightful spots iraagin- Head Mrs. .Stanley’s 'efimtiun j thiat the bu#ine«* men come would, if added to the friends of the and then sit down and figure out how Essays, **tc. 14 M e r i t or n*klM. p.ido. .nd 1...I. of *bl‘- *"d ™ tbi. f.rm .ra .oven promptly forward and testify ’bit the measure, be sufficient to carry it — . , ...... , , h'*nes for boys, e boy* dormitory,* much of that kind of success you are Poetry, 19 On the repeal of the Sturgis law, •aoopHf our Khuol buildln)5i , mu„,„| ,„ minK winning in your own life, or trying to outlawry of the saloons has pn ved a Fine Arts, > MlgQMibiHtiea; but rather a sober sense«cbool building, two girU’ homes, with win, for that mutter. — Kennebec boon rather than a barm to business. the sentiment is more one sided. A Useful Arts, l 0# oov many Lteasinga, end a resolute aschool building for the girls, a gar- Journal T» .s is substantially the testimony of; r,>lM‘a^ t* favored by thirty-two, op­ Sc'ence 7 iM M il, under Providence, not to for- • Lo“ ®* • pumping station, green all who have had practical experience posed by four and o matter of indiffer­ Sociology *> I*» . t ______a ______house and four barn*, all of which M rs Eddy as an issue. ence to the remainder. It is evident Religious 8 ^ ^ ‘ make almost a village by itself, while with .he liquor traffic, and have final­ • Fine* collected $3 12. Mtlttie! well-being, indispensable tbe boys’ and girls’ schools are situated ly nd themselves of it. Yet in Maine that nothing can prevent the repeal of New patrons added to the list of bor­ Lewiston Journal. Ifapffe It ie» ean never be anything but »mile from one another, we are asked to take the traffic up that obnoxious measure, excepting the rower! 36 gift* received. History of the ife fcuatoaon of true national great- A boy or girl to be received into , , , , aiitcin, and give it place and privilege influence cf the Kxe utive, provided, First Maine Heavy Artilh-ry, l 862- We have riot tne slightest sympathy ...... ■MMttd bumrineae. If webuilt noth- , lh# must be between the ages J 3 within our communtiy, whence it has of course, that ihese forty men fairly 1865: From 8 H *>ower'’ with the recent intrusion of a willing 3 represent -he .entiment of lie I^„. Sewttl ,olum« of Government this foundation then our nati- u * .ei*ht , tnd fourteen of sound public upon the unwilling head of the Iwu |onf? been outlawed. VVe are asked — ! body, of average intelligence, of la.ure. porf*. meeningleaa and|fft|r morals and in need of a home Christian Science church. Mrs Eddy to invite conditions which will make it Number of volumes in the Library l n bone# where only the . or a helping band. The cost of a is not only alive but is physically a necessary to enlarge our jails, increase On other important matter* includ- Nov. 1, 1906, 4590. baa bean laid. Upon our! boy or girl for a ye»r is about wonderful woman when it is considered SMwlel well-being must be built a ! * 160’ °ot including clothing which .<* she is 8b years of age. .She walks without as-istance, talks clearly and of individual and oati- not obliged to be paid for by interested parties, but this is what it actually her mind is unimpaired. A woman tftal lUb Hoed la accordance with the costs to support the children, and who has so intelligent and loyal a fol­ fcfa of U# bigbaat morality, or elee out which comes fro*** the endowment fund lowing as Mrs. Eddy must be a re- pMpwl^ half will in the long rar* or other contributions. Of course if msrkabla woman. It is not mcessary means of sending to admire all the planks of the plat­ Mm M l A own inetoad of a bleating. those who are tbe children there can pay it. part even, for form on which the Christian Science Wa A enld ba both reverently thankful their support it leaves so much more movement is built to see that this Fall Oping and Sale 1 |b wkaft wa have received, and eariWNt- for the next one. With all the advan­ church is the fruit of the natural re­ taniiaK it into a means of tages that are at hand the work is nec­ action from the materialism of the age. n d Mt of deetmetion” essarily limited on account of means We think it embodies a desirable pro­ test against the agnosticism of the OF SEASONABLE GOODS for carrying it on, yet there are at tbe present time in the neighborhood twentieth century. The early Wesle­ NOW G O I^G OIV. •TATE OF MAINE. of one hundred and twenty-five boys yan movement was derided quite a# and thirty-five girls at this institution. much as the present Christian Science Our Special Announcements have always been winners. This By tbc Governor. There are two, a boy and a girl from Church If we are to deride any body this town who are receiving the advan­ of Christian peopk. who average to be­ special sale of have well, because of certain features of A PROCLAMATION. tages of this worthy project. Contributions sre very gladly re­ their belief, we may soon be short of ceived in the nature of clothes, several valuable Christian organizations. Aa lltt aloaa of th# yea? approaches, money or book*, and there is no Mrs. Eddy has led a white life and, as tana to the observance of the way in which a person who is well a gifted and good woman, has rights as Clothing and Furnishings New Englaod cus- endowed with this world’s goods a founder of subtle and winning frith which should protect her against the |will cap them all. The largest stock for Fall and Winter wear m Hnkiffiviaf. By Ur a holi- cm make so good an in.estment as by helping along this institution, for yellow ever exhibited by us is now ready for you. All grades of fine it la ki spirit a festive • It cele- when anything is sent to them it is The foregoing statements are freely goods for all classes of people. We shall not bother you- mboaatiaeof nature and tbe judicially expended, and placed where made in refu’ation of the -negations of with prices. aionaaa sentiments of it will do the rr.?st goto, and while the the Sunday World’s article, which as­ fltt ike bleating# of peace and returns for such an investment rm v not serts that Mr-*. Eddy i« near to dpath I We shall simply mention a few of our leaders and ask you tof i come in this world the per cent, on the from cancer; that for more than three ■nttaMff vouched, i our State and call and see wnat a little amount of money it takes to buy the| | investment will certainly come to him years she ha** be* n unable to leave her best of textures and latest styles from us. I J lM ltt^ M ^ 10110 ^ * ^ re to taeaen who invests iu this most worthy object home; that she is impersonated in her m Wttdttw of tbe unfortunate and for the upbuilding of the youth of our carriage by a Mrs Leonard, her com­ a n d y , and above all alas incliner the community. panion; that she cannot manage her In Clothing and cloth. All who have seen our Kail lint* !• a nvam t aoknowleagment to business affairs that she has transferred of Overcoats are impressed by them and her propelty to other*; and that her Civil Service Examination. Wc are making special prices for this sale think they are the best yet, and they will lka ikvice favors He has he­ gifts and charities are rr y th i c aI . on our Knppenheiiner brand. In this brand aps* His peopU. Therefore, I. It will he noted t iat ti e statement - go fast and at surprisingly low prices, If T. Cobb, Governor of the The Civil Service Commissio-i will made by Concord p -on!<- 1 p refutation of goods we have every combination to make you are looking for one of these garments •M »«f IW*a, do horeby designate hold a special, first grade examinatior; of these a*<**'rtioii- nre n'pt from Chris- a perfect fit. These goods have the style, call now before it is too late. They are in this town on November 17, 1917, for tiati iScie*sM-'s, hut fi' rr C m^regat i(jn- the finish and the wear. They cannot be m jlgD A Y , NOVEMBER •il i»ts, l. mtariHii", 1 ’ tli w-r -alists and rapid sellers and you must call eatl\ to get the purpoae of filling a vacancy in the surpassed by any grade of clothing on the the best bargains. TWKMTYNINTH, INSTANT, Baptist-; and from I" r sotjs who, hy position of Clerk and Cashier in the m arket. Those who try this clothing will THANKSGIVING DAT. reason of their oppti r t < ■in' i S t'J kliuvv D on’t forget that we have the M It'll Al.'l S- Houlton Customs District, stid ( ‘her what tak -s place in ' ' (i eoul may be have none other. Isn’t this sufficient testi­ a*| Idk tka eons and deughtare of STURN Clothing and Oveicoats, which con­ relied upon to state feet . H kin ta ka*ar tka day and its mean- vacancies in the force of employees as mony as to the satisfaction they give f T he The gi »t of the w. rid' S *>e'i«at IOli , tain a lot of worth tui a veiy little money. they may occur. pi ices range to suit the poc ket books oi all. h f, n*i kaadNl of tka year’s disap- however, is summed Pip J rj tlie assertion palMManla m wall ae of its icbieve- Applicants must be citizens of tbe that Mrs. Eddy is pp. , 'le illy broken They stand the grief that the laboring man ■aMa In aaaolve upon a course of cou- United States, not less than 20 years of down am: that it is not S tj( but Mrs gives them grid the swell dresser finds in In Children's Clothing age, and phvsically qualified t< r ap­ D-on a rd who time > 1 i t ie Bleasant them just what he needs. AM that shall promise individual hap- We have the famous Kderheimer-Stein Co’s pointment in the service. View can iage li.rou.-)* ('our ord’s streets p|*aaa and pnklie well-being Jgll j be easily goods, ami the*,e aie the best on the maiket, The examination is not a difficult '-teiy da) . ‘J'his *■ ti O ivn nt the Kaecutive Chamber at •UM'f-ptl'/Je of proof if It Is true Mrs In Overcoats us they aie built for the rough usage they educational test and those **ho have AlSPStn this nighth day of November L-uriar.l 1s r t a*l d \ aCfl' H ii.e at BJea We have all file latest patterns in style, t ut get oil the young boy at school. la the year of our Lord one thousand had a good general education should -an' \'i» w and J' won hi he an easy and eia and of vhr lade have no difficulty in passing the same tn.iM*-r for an)body Iu cal] fi.ere any *it\ sl|H| tin < r.n >,gi­ 1 f* making its el tbe United States of with a creditabl- average ^"C 'lnu In Gent’s Furnishings we have a complete stock of everything ro . t.d . to ask Ct ll rs j. onaid and examination questions are furnished Ifrom a nobby hat to a pair of stylish, durable shoes Don’t over tka one hundred and thirty- 'li is l*j as ;* ilani >' fu t he r th e was nu­ with each application and the l*n*r pt rautia'l- g Mr- J'.-i iy - w i; ll' flie dad) look our Neckwear Department We have a choice line of every­ WILLIAM T COBB can be secured from Mr W. b . Jetik*-. Ji.\e thing appropriate and fashionable. In Woods Wear : For the tty tk» Ooeevwir. with the advice and or Murdock B McKsy, in the h.d-r«! 'I hi* nple ’ < -1 . h. i w i v f tf,.- \\ or Id boys going to the woods we are especially prepared Our Reef e a r n * «f th* Co* ol Building, and also from hi K. So n •n **#-'*. t* m a k* |ers. Sweaters, etc , are the best the market prodm es BYRON BOYD I t W * ft d!' i .i t u-r, and at O.n*. Secretary B->*rd of Kmm.ii-r*, etacretarY of Mate M; li-f Our inducements for this sale are tbe beat we ever ottered. You B(>*m 141 |*0#t-office Bldg • B St )!; K- o' Ma -, " W a ' h* , 1 g m-ip tl b) Imust call to learn them as we are not giving away our t rices churns au i •! '.!.*• Mas*. No application will be t,d- '1s. Mp> I.■ < l,a pii lei - i \ ip1 cah The sale is now going on. Get iu line and be on baud early. m i u « l if f ' ’ ' r-'i'i. • ’ »- i for 'he exarmna’ior. wi.,* • ma> ’* 1- 4 ' 1 '. O - - -. ’ \ i r - A your wh >i# #*s’»m ffxr* rr-e fed #’ tr.- •# 'l- ■ I'V Beq.i es' puaauA II !-«*'* * # lit* * ■ Tea keeps ycHi well 3 '• later lb•.ri NoiiinVi i dlt. \\ rk t m *t tl 1 J 1 >11 > '.?},<( W * 1 li CLOUGH & TAGGETT Tea ee fakMe 1 : li i 1.! ft ut t.o dt la) l n ttMMUff J. Cexiuuji The Arxwtoak Timos 1 year 1 1.00. l.r ‘I,. T

HOULTON f THE l o c a l n e w s TRUST COMPANY Sterling 8ilvpr thimble* end Gold Ni w Ivli-on Record*, h 11 JOHNSON'S Cor. Murket Sq. and mounted thimble* at ()*gocd’* HasKioM" at JeweftV W ater St.. Try Hubert K. Smith’s hot choco­ Miss Ethel Burleigh of Ashland, was A n o d y n e HOULTON. - MAINE. late with whipped cream. It ia great in town on Thursday. Mr. A. W. Obrion of Houlty, was Osg ood’s prices are winners. \ on RBSPONAIBILITY in Bangor, Thursday. sir uld know more about them...... Better look in and and aee what we Mr Augustus (’lark is clerking «t ...... fia,noo.oo Liability, >00,000.w have for Uhriatmaa at Jewett's. ( lark’s 1 lot el. LINIMENT $ 130,100.00 Mr. Chaa. P. Kinsman of Augusta Miss Mae (jilman is assisting in the Savings hank during the busy season. Ctamral Banking KuaiMM. was in Houlton, over Sunday visiting F o r 9 6 Y e a r s Strings Deportment. friends. Mr. ami Mrs. A. T. Putnam were in Trad Unpaifiimnt. Bangor, on Saturday. |p f arts Depart Vault*. Going to buy a fur coat? Be sure T/ie OreatZfome Physician Ils* rale m 2 1-9 pw cent and oall on Fox Bros. Their brand is Hubert Iv SmiP.'e cold soda foun­ i paid on SerlngH Aooounts the celebrated “ Bishop” make. tain runs all winter with ice cream Keep it handy. Use it for the hundred and one little accidents that happen Jane 1st, and December Your eyes correctly tested by (' ev< ry Saturday. every day, and for the bigger troubles too. 1st, la eaoh year. For nearly a hundred years it has eured Cough*. Colds, Croup. Asthma, 8. Osgood. Day or evening. Cor­ Osgood’s Jewelry store is up stairs Prime bases to ran*, for mMnepinf Bronchitis, drip. Colic, ('ramps. Cholera Morbus, Diarrhou A tow drops el patera seseritlra Jeffry. rilrarw rect Prices, too. over J . A. Brow ne A ('o. taken on sugar does it. When applied externally it euros Cuts, Wounds, Burns, *a, torn tStetlO. r*r year. Fox Bros, have a very large and se­ Dr. K. \V. Mitchell of Island Kalla Scalds, Frostbites, Strains and Sprains and all sorenesses of the body. * Prompt lect line of men's fur lined overcoats was in town on Knday on business. ! No household should be without b Has relieved and eured thousands. to alt baelaese. Call Pain may coine to you or yours soon. Get a bottle to-day. At all druggists. price# ranging from $42.00 upwards. Mr. Howard Salford President of the' 25 cents and 50 cents. Tbe beat watch for a working man ia Mais Hill National Bank was in town L S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass. BOARD or TRUSTEES; our •4 .00 lever, in Solid Nickel Case. on Saturday. j IwMeM 8 aawnd;Lane H. Rerlelgh William A. Martin At Jewett's. If you ate a crank on time try a 1 Oi» afcltript James K. Plummer Mrs. Jsnnis Rhode, has been visiting Vanguard 51 and 53 Jewels at Ora AJLfrM Banter Putnam her brother Ralph Stimaon at Masar- Finest grain, ■MlMaO. Bran? Tteraa P. Putnam Jewett’s. Edwin L, Vail dis. Mr. P. C. Nowbegin, who ia Super­ Modern mat liinerv, 0. J. Tabor and wife of Woodstock, intendent of Maintainance of the B. A Superior skill, #. C Pumieaa. Pies. drove over to Houlton on Wednesday W. A. tCAMria. Vice Prae. A , with his wife and two children was combine to crown fa^MAa P. Potwam. Treas. and returned the same day. in Bangor Saturday. Mr. Theo. J. Fox of the Fox Cloth­ There waa quite an exodus of the ing Co., was in Caribou, Thursday, on sporting fraternity for the bush on Misiness connected with their store in Friday and Saturday last week, on that town. account of the snow fall which was Mist Hortense B. Powers who has quite ideal weather for hunting. bran visiting friends in Boston for the It is a cold day when you cannot get “TownTalk”Flour (Amor lea9s Groat cat W inter Wheat Patent) past month returned home on Saturday warmed up at Hubert K. Smith's hot •vening'a train. soda fountain. My repair department is the best Mel. Wallace, a former Houlton bo.,, the supreme favorite •quipped one in Eastern Maine. C. S. who is now living in Natick, Mass, wherever perfection Osgood, expert watchmaker. was in town last week calling on his in food-products Dr. F. W. Mann, has moved into the many friends. Ask your Grocer for “ Tid-Bits” from " Town Talk” - the latest Cook-book. is demanded. Gray house on Main St., that he re­ Pocket Flasks for booze or butter­ cently purohaa d. milk according to taste at Jewett’s & A. HA6ERMAN, The thanks of the Times office force Mrs. A. M. Stack pole Jr. of Bridge- H o u U 0 /j ^4&4^4®h 4* 4* 4* M fcBlodt. Houlton, nre indebted to Mr. John A. Millar for water, who has been visiting her pa­ ' n box of delicious molasses candy made rents Mr. and Mrs. Delaney Mcllroy on t e ) / / / / . ) ) oil his new oleetne pulling machine. Ktlleran St., returned home last week. C. H. WILSON. RA1TI7DfC If you wish to be well dressed, wear Students are fast taking advantage jtU iC F Pox Bros, clothing. of Osgood’s special price and Open WHAT WK 1)0 WE DO WELL. D E A L E R IN am avaser For boys or hunting trips buy a Evening policy. We use our beat efforts to make the |-i **«' nT * Pf ■■■■ ttoiftr watch at Jtwetfs. Hon. L, Powers and Geo. B. Dunnn above statement a fact, both in school On a cold day, just step into Hubert were in Bangor last week attending the and in assisting our graduates to good positions. Our graduates are all filling annual meeting of the Maine Lumber­ E. 8mith*s Kandy Kitchen and watch good positions You can do ns well. them make candy. It is a hot place. mans Association of which they are Choice Groceries Day and evening sessions. Mallow and ftah. Don't forget that C. S. Osgood both officials. Write to-day to PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, thoroughly understands all repairs Mr. L. P. Swett, representing We gel them by fkat H. J. Frost of New York dealer in O. A. HODGINS, Principal FRUIT, CONFECTIONERY, oonnected with the watch and jewelry HOULTON, ME. direct from Fishing tackle, was calling on his trade trade. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. and watch our The Houlton Savings Bank declared on Friday. Mr. Swett has a set of ECZEMA AND PILE CURE their semi-annual dividend lest week at sporting camps at Molunkus, where he •o carefhlly that EDCC Knowing what it was to suffer, 1 the rate of 8 1-2 per cent, ami it is now spends hit. time when not on the road. r n t t will give PUKKOF ( HAKtlK, to any afllioted a positive Hire for Eczema, Salt Pay cash for Poultry, i you'll never get a stale payable. An alarm of fire on Thursday from Rheum, Erysipelas, I’iles surf Skin Diseases. box 52 called the firemen to the tene- Instant relief. Don’t suffer longer, Write F. Butter and Eggs. fo r dry piece here, If Harold F.. Ingraham of Bangor, was W. WILLIAMS, 4(H) Manhattan Avenue, railing on his customers on Thursday ment house owned by Dr. Williams on j New York. Enclose Stamp. | you do, bring back the Park St., for a burning flue which wan | and Friday. . i . •.l . • e Taken as directed, it becomes the taken care of without the services oft 1 * . , . f | box. We'ra good for a Osgood's $1.00 Al».;;. Clocks are , . . , greatest curative agent for the relief of new one. selling fast. More coming. the department. It would be a wise , sufferinR humanity ever devised. Such MARKET SQ., HOULTON. idea for people to keep a watch over j8 Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 8HS would apprec­ Miss Delia Cushing who has been in such things and not call out the depart-' :ents, Tea or Tablets. B eton for three weeks, returned home iate a box of these de- ment just to see them come Robert J. Cochran. 4* 4^ 4* 4 4 # 4 » : m 4# 4 4 4* 4* 4* ^ttoteua.I /hoeolatee id on Thuraday last. The Kaglt Lake Milt Co , are mak­ IX n Bonn. Only 60c ing preparations to cut twelve million E per lb. feet of lumber during the coming sea­ son. ' fVraramsandaddrae. hsnd . Oar Pocket Card Case, containing FO X BROS. one pick of Cards and Marker make a nice whiat priae, at Jewett's A Square deal and the I J . Bitlnvij Co. Mr. Lawrence Ludwig a member of the Froshman class st Bowdoin has to use of plain English. •taedard Liniment Depot. far taken paVt in the Freshman baseball and foot ball games as to be allowed to When the advertising atmos­ wear the olas* number. phere is heavily charged Now Ready Mr. Paul H. Powers and Murray with exaggerations it is Donnsll bcth of Houlton, and members well to remember who the temton & Hubbard of the Junior class of Bowdoin College, honest advertisers are. have bran elected repectively Poet, and We are simply telling the member of the assembly committee of plain unvarnished truth their class. when w e state that o uir n Mr. and Mrs. Richard Palmer of Clothing is cut, trimmed Bangor, who have been the guests of and put together in the o Mrs. Palmers' mother for the past six latest, most approved, most wteka left here Tuesday for Bsngor artistic and substantial where they will spend a week, after m anner. F a ll Style hich they will go to Calif >rnia where D They are worth seeing, better ----- FOR SALK BY— they will will spend the winter. O The Indepent Telephone Co , with worth buying, best worth a ymiaPMAw * GO. heedqusrters in Houlton, have received w earin g a t permission from the Selectmen of the $10, $12, $14, $15, $16, $18, town of Presque Isle, to enter the $20, $23, $25 to $30. town, end to erect poles throughout the villiage. As usual the N. K. Co., put up a “ kick” hut to no use as it took the town < fficials hut a short time FOX BROS. to decide that it was for the best in- Aroostook’s Greatest trresta of the villiage have two com­ Clothiers, Hatters, panies. With the able directorate that and Furnishers. 'V ». the Independent (’<>., now has, the peo. pra plr have derided that they are in husi- Houlton, Presque Isle and Carioon. Corvrieht 1006 bv Hart Schaffncr & Marx aeee foe the goud of the community and ; ind Ml to rail oat to some rival Co. j 3T IX J < N*v«mlMr »4 .

H « t a ' ' Mi » ai r <( if \ou Hiu V Vi , *9 • M 4 »* MONEY M,•* ‘- ’ ■' • ■*"<**'' M * M ’ ' ' e ' ■ t • •» (Hatolution of Partnership. Miee 8ophie Brnn, spent Surds) . ^ *. ’• - • . • • • t f « H a ■ g -- gee ^ % Bridgewater. W ! * «.ar - . \ ’ ' 1 Hon. I). A H Power*, spent S ' \ \ • .. . • r- ■ m « * » *-i S * * __ Mine of Time* I’ubltah- I't. -.a t ** _ Mutual outwent hereby due day, et hie old horni* in N^-m* . r \| M • t * « * «■* W f • 'f 4! per cent the bwliMeft «U1 hereafter be •ekl ChM. II. Pan •» tt* Mre I«eech, who Em b*-«n in B- »’ W S* V* S * ’ ^ ■■'•** e « • • • . I. . > .g Co., to whom elf aowmnts for time, returned true week. J I the Time* PubUehtng Co., Mi • -# • • • ' • ’ y> ' , « .. • • Interest Hon Charles P Abe >, of | ’lf« , . e c-'fiti.'-’! '. * , » *"• , o i . » >•* ./ CHAH. K. IM'NN. L. M. KKI.CII, [•le, wee in Houlton or. Su#in. *«. H*t age . ; »: * ■ **i. <* *> ,-i • , W « • * • • a Aoitig CHA». II. urdey. ' • iw-v ■',!** ■; , , CW* '1 * . n* > > 13,1906. M - Her. J, A Fold, will preeeh * l.ud- ' Vf ’ * '• * . -aw I :■ • a »’ mm * Y » « » *»■•.* B«bg t Send to la t h if \*1» low, nest Sunday Noe. 18 et J - c i a men M F* a a « > * -« «*♦ a 4 » « * * a* 0* IV* BstPdwall, of Fort Fairfield, W ifi to Hake lia r •tandard tuna. Mi** vv ! M V * I. *' gv \ > {. .» i i m 4 •?■*<; ’*.o • s *< i a I 9* O' *"'* « « • U te e s Friday. J. B. McMann of Houlton, Soj • f 9 ‘ i s .-« ’ Ha. A * , . s . i F M i L . l l . Feleli ie addin* a vaeti- thr N •" » tha Bangor A Aroostook Rail* >Lt!. ' * ^ ’4 * i » ' ■, ■ * • in Caribou. Friday. i . < , i . ( ( • * * i mm 00 M l iM ftt to read the locale on t "*■* a, ’ t '■ ( a -> * * * -i *4 * 1 Mr*. John A. Tenney, » h > ha* ! (i' • \ A i i » m , * < «» t • tm * ■ »-* ■ * ** i •• •• f s p th fif M well ae pipe four of thi* i . 4 - | * eieiting bar mother in H *r*p->r* wr- . '' V* » » '’ *» '* *i •* tf A 3 • » . ' t limo. turned home on Tuesday. V! .«• • * 0 . B . Power*, a prominent bueineee Mi** *r Nile#’ B rot here opened thnr Bang ? r * i t *!> •* «•» a*« • • M i «f Fart Fairfield, waa in town on H * r • MiiKKILL Street etore, on Seturdey t*> thr* public, duf ./ i w i f • f ve i l t r I 'If f ( * ' ' . r * . " * l « and did a large business. Mi w » t s ' • fi ' ’ » f ■ > ' i *■ a' - g ■ * > a !« 1 Mr * Mm. F. A. Oellereoo, returned laet Fred B. Kidder, M on a hon’ing trip i i-l «-:a TRUST CO.. a tint to her parenU a» here »•« * ’ • * t t !.**'-*• 1 . * • a j g to Tenney’e camp, baling gone over -u K fVl'.ri i it 4 ‘ f « -.* \m »«••». * W.*o# UANCOR. M*1 the train Monday morning Mr. F. Ju MorHeoa traveling auditor we*'k. » , » •'*»., ‘A t ‘'mmmJkmf Attention ie celled to the system <>t Mr. t ».' | , ; t ’ l. fir i i ' rr of Jlo & A A ., war la town on hie re- M ■ \ ■ • , *« a - • • i i U t 4r*tw tLifXtjl. SuffSlu*'. ariid un •Ignale to be rung on the fire bell Dr d iUgl.’rf V! t 's’! - rr 1 i* < M * M M., • » t*>st.*g a folar fleit, last week. no school in another colon.n Jivsifd JJOD.0U0. Wlirrr VI.•• l. t' . i is*1. 1 -. .-*:*■ * ■ ’ > - • *Wi It t l> E •• Fueler, e Wading young buei Mr. and Mre V. K Howe of M u • u’. VI * : r 1 , | ' t m . *, * ! bf '# 1 * ’ ■ i ■ t * * 1 • • T ♦ - -.* u MM mtm of Mootieollo, was doing buei Preeque I ale were the gueeu of Mr Pr.f W S Wig*. a "’d - aea at t : «,. f. ■' f. f ' .b k * ' •«’ r ■ * if .« « •** A - • -* • . * mm la town oo Thomdaj. W Jti t.f U* .! . J ■* !S and Mre- M. L. Buck, Sunday. w . • t irday M». A Friedman and J. A, BrownV, the (frange Hail city V* * A #' m f fc ■ ■ • ■ .* ** m ;.U In anuthar column, we give the pro A i are it l bred D. Jordan, wool dawn to fik if Lake laet week to night, Nov ! 7if. a? I hr !a ;i-« f t h e ’ r .«n '-e a1 ' ♦ i n * 1 «■# *s • clamation oi both the Oovenor of the invt!r<| ? ' e m filMi wp iWW oottege foe tbe winter. W ill a-fvr -tif ■f th*if * face! .r * 1 a-., j j-rfft 'T' ' • » 1 ifaw M ao,uf lUmUing;. State aod that of Praaident Roosevelt Hsrrv tiirnn, i- n b* i \ Within W. Trafton, of Fort Fair •H H a’ t. r 4 t. i. n fa * •« t 1 1 , rwiav ■ *-e* 1 • 11* t ffi r Mr. Joho Chadwick, who is engaged l iO U L T 'O N . M E iall» ewe of Northern Arooatook* w hu i* not I «rstr<1 in S rnrr% «* Ms** ever; u g N d v ! 'i: , ! * • * , •r. t« t io building tha largest potato store rr.i-ir .its ptm lrnm iaftjeie, *.•« in town Tbur* is visiting hi* j.srent* wh<> rn , to which if,* p-ddi .* cord. cert* r tret t« »t • v‘f B* ’ f It* “f hou^e in tha world, at Stockton, wa« in I.ittlrton. UiV.trd, H t ' O* of Uj * 1 1! V ' ■ 1. * 1 < 1 t tae dhp town Sunday and Monday. Mlm Alien lngr«h«nt. entertained Mis* Ksir M< 'i 4 ' I M 1SS Dr I. P H ighes ar.d party who ma ‘*r j ! a a suit -n aga.eet 'fa* I. V A Superintendent Black, of the Aron* OMf pleeeently « party of her youag \V ir. ifred D unphy »} ’ ^11:1 Isy st hav? Wen <>r. a hunting trip to Fane lo aee if rhev r e.-J n.o4 t* m, ro, on Tueedey, to Io >k ovrr thr SPICES Wedowol iy evening. lin • parent*. tfir ir usual g «t lurk, and i be 1 ‘r i* the . gh Barg ». *4,.! l»>4 !; f •eet <•< a« ground preparatory to inatell;ng la* toparim eddeat H. L. Uatee, Super Mr*. Archir H »h >p w! !.»« brrn >w atteroling to his many customers, c on. rep .at the ('o r fa a* 1 • »u» ♦ isiting h*' Mf*. N1 !■ i Csr \ fe**ling like a new man again. no i • i < aga . r at v,* t >« I, if at i he Mr W. H. Smith will ope i) a • r»c ly St , returned t i I rr hoinr ■ r e ! J- a • e ff Q i , of Cariboo, wae looking aft« r the F rt F*ir Uev. J. A F->rd w.!| begin nea* Or* t. >1! f i ’ * *4 ' 'Va -te a m » Cash Grocery end Meet Market, in thi* Thanksgiving tMq«oile?f hie eompany, in Houlton field, Munilsy Sunday morning a series of sermon* ,m t : m e g waa h 'iah, a.) 'fail !- -• ti**y tew etore the! ie being finished in ti.r VJi** .A nm H »ri . « i» m Wati-rvill* * Fa*‘ T hings” The first sermon in Will r *.a‘ j > t!'1 m l g» f a •rr.* :.r1 her 4|N|^ building eouth of Clerk’s Hotel. Mr. Mf*v % A. Hegermao. while \u tin* w'l'k tn attend th*- rm-r'ing i.f the * aittp ! 1 r w he# it if j r-ogreae and Smith hopes to open for business by the series will W on ' ‘Foretokens of W r !, 4 e a f' ! r ■ * t Pmm/m lele bet week, placed a Henn S'*11- l.ihrary >f *t. n which is the Judgment.” Nrit Sunday n ght c n, ! the reside',!* ,.f A rnewUx k Dec 1st, 1906 «!<*> it <- f I'.*- t 1 4 * 'C r e a w i v * * i» i t . u p ... i w bring held throe t’ ere ill W an ad.iresa on the "Seven {'■. i.'.ty t.> lea** in rr,* ar hour earlier Mr. Daniel A ale foreman fur A K. which g «*1 4 f * ji i mf k r*r|)Mr»* eU a* y» •» a . N*i».i-Pi«..i> Mr* I* eicy Flinto'i, who now re­ in ‘he morning to aceommmiat* Bang*w Aatla the B. A A., contractor, is m Sealed Boll*” or "The f’burch in Will do we!! * < • * J ■ -k an hour later at night a i m r a Bubicb .wl Mb. Nast weak ba goes to Hast Millinockrt, Geo. Sinclair, son * f the late Jsr .es other T': *• a 'g , ! e o a I* visiting her parent* on Ninth St. K very quiet hwt pretty wed ding the Arooeiook Hoapital farce, where he will work on the new station Sinc lair *>f tfn* town, ilteil in August* / C ! e ...... I • s« ■ ■' - . i r . tr*a|«en I he quarterly ti rn^wrum»’ nvfrtli.g tak plare • t. ,* Wednesday evening. lewaJI’e eampa at and freight house. on Monday, where he wa* an inmate llli'f 1 ? they a • e « Iran of the VV. C. 1 l . will In h-U Sun­ of the Insane asylum Ihe remain* when Mr h r*d Hsnmgan will He noi L akoihe firei of tha 8h#riff alaot Thuriough of Fort a r '! nciecterf » n.I a'-*- I n ' t , > day evening, Novrmbrr JVth Miee where brought to Mt wUon, and the e.l ,n marriage to M;*s * "l*ra M < raw fiMp had keen Coe an out Fairfield ia making arrangements to p u rr g u T • *: 5 ‘ e e ! pee f;.vm Adelaide Brewster will be thr speaker 'uneral will take place a» tha home of f"fd. at the rasidance of tha gr.aim's move hb family to Houlton on Jen. 1st on that occasion. »du!trf*tu>fi and t h r ' a-, a bos his mother on Military Street. Thur* i parent* on V.ais Street. Rev. \ t. F. when ha will reside at the Sheriff* I.'he many friend* of Mr. and Mr*. po%% *-** th r • h a" a*. *r riatir , Aom Mr. Hvbert day afternoon. Daniel* pastor of tha Fir«t I'mianan reeidenoe during his term of office at Dr Chapman of Bangor will b* intfr- odi*r uu«t taste «Abfc was Mads b hb “Kind) The firat of the weak Houlton was church will officiate. Only ths immedi- Sheriff of Aroostook County. eitrd to know that their family has \Vr li'.r Nqu *■* % ft or h> Mr. Daria, tod it oertain. visited by one of the most severe enow ‘ate friends and relatives will be present, Kandatl M. Dunbar of Derm '•cotta, been increased by the addition of a powdrrrtl Spue* in sifter top will •torms for the time of year thet it has j Miss Crawford has for a number of waa a eatlar at tha T imm office, Friday. can* a h . h are i f f » o-nvrn ton which wra* born on Monday. ever experienced. A regular north- j years been ir> th* employ f the Ki«h Mr. Dunbar baa bean Secretary of the tent A*k t<> *rr them S day poMte but that tome Mr. Harold Weiler of thia town, easier. It commenced snowing early River I-umber Co., as stenographer, Senate for a number of years, and is os what good re- who ia a student at “ Bowiioin” return­ Monday morning and continued all day coming from S;, John N B . the now candidate for State Treasurer, and ed home laat week an I is now at tbe fiMy ISO fioUlofi Aom advertblng and up to Wednesday morning, a 1 daughter -*f the late Cspi It b*n waa looking after his “ fencaa." They oevtaUlj ate get- Ari«>#fook Hospital whereon J ueeday damp snow falling most of the time Crawford Mr.Hsfoogsn 'he head Theaold fence at tha County Jail yervl be was operated on for appending*. Cochran Ar eo doing wheth But as there is no frost whatever in the clerk in the H J Hathaway C-» drug *Tht hat bean removed and a new one will be I., or e “ For Sale" Shungopavt is the name of the stal­ ground the traveling which i* all done bu*»n««i where he ha* H**n s* ice a boy. •ubniTuted, so that all the wood and Drug Store. wart Indian win* appears a' the (){**ra on runners is not the best. There was Both are very p-'pular yvung people tha Uborara, will ba in one enclosure, now lowdoln Alnet House on Thursday evening, who in in the neighborhoodof fifteen inehea ' After the c*re»n .nv the newly marfi-d I’rrv riptiuna a Speru.ity and instead of being an eyenore to feet* colored mb** of lo* tube tell* stories fell in two days. ‘c»up!e will return to ih*ir future paaaaia by the new one will be an or­ . The Mof b ant sing* song* of hi* Meairan home Ihe was taken from th*» home »f ifior m o y man ahow in Boston, in April will be the 1 1 <- - r,ly plaiw tn Hwwiuft *> ke* the beearaei- son Program a* follows; Quotations usble P >tter estate, corner ofKen; j friends go w ith th*m for •prnep*rous moving pbturaa of game end apirting -an find th# J*>ha Kelley ft'K^se i* * fr rn Scott. Paper, Fatly 1. fe of Mary street and Dmgwovd aven i*. IP »ok-j *°d happy lift 'V tn’* Front a lore lib as portrayed in the woods of Maine r, of LUdeftaa, re­ Q »een of >tt«, by \ | im Mulberrm. line. This is ■•n<* of the na -st r >n ! ...... end Canada. A party ha* just return­ e f fiAy five hoiAeb of K* ad first ti\e rlupt-r* of Scott's Spieuou* prop«Tt *•* in ‘he t- 1 * t:, i‘< ed from Nova Scotia, where they have a d Aom two huehale eow. •• M onastcrv' cupying a very oniomn iing *i! • • bean getting the pictuiee for the hto- bdbdL'stM lhbh b tho begwit jrWM Ihe mo*l tig .if U.e U ( ’ I t on containing 4,Jo1) s-pisr'' feet <( !vid greph. the Ihu'sday, No M , was of unusual with front*.get of J 1 >■ > 'eel in K^nt D The lediec of the church of the Good Why not have an 0 b re- irtere*! and large'v t • • n bd An etreet and 177 f-e* d • > Shepherd will hold their annua! sale of O raestlent Pr>le re«-|o;^ r-.,t 11 *» i Fruit enue. Th- h jd iingv are s.»b**an‘ .ally ueafral aod fancy articles at the church | Hearing, was g.*< •. *> Vlr* 1 Sbett built of brick snd comprise mvn*i n TAiFkil aid Flubs dot will m m vestry on Wodneeday, Dec t'iih, at ■ a- 1 an : n t * rr* t mg ?• . i ■t tt.e Wi rld’s house and stable, the Utter hat g a which time they will also i sale of ( nvention by Mr*. < F Dunn oavhman'a *uite of fi*e norns anu< ert The purrhster .« H >i. Lb-w«-!!th j j ORGAN refreshments 1 ; at the Metf.-4.ti*! * e«try |* .wers, formerly g .d now a congressman Ihe terms © a rnnaway accident last week ••* ! * , oi Ati *o> nr n'oi-!''' ! am private 1 k- Brookline *♦•-** r* Letnnate enough tc. have hi* i>m »o v a! ie the Ian at f i l 'u m fa nd tbe THIS FALL f *• 1 f > '«*’ ; re *e'. * • • „■ a ri r '■ 1 Carnal badly lajeiod. that ampa'eti -n «i« far it ari-i * i'.fc '* * A k, i ! li ng* at fi J ,'Mio OriStTi Mpam ef bet meetiao. fbnnd naannaary, end nhile he sutfWvl e taugh * m* * * . • «- ' i 1 ! * 8 I ?e Cri.tetl V Str# i ,,il # the great deni he m gaioiag a* fss? aa l t. i t i t a - ! it « 1. ,*• S » A fa 4 ’ i , 1 • ••! t, ; * *. •1 n ann ir..* a fir**- gr*-!- b m en thi* as Mnfertable a* could he #* pc #d • ftp ; although f.. r ‘ fr eO . ... a < i n f, ,f f f># < ’u*tom D •!* ' Mr Birdeey of the fires H rlw i A u f ill > • til*' ■**-'. ■■ to Calais with VI' Ii ft V „ ' ! *! * • * ■’ i ■ n . Maine, on .V • * 1 ' , i >*.* ft. Raven of Mevtdvn Conn . i o wIB mahe ite* homw « ‘ . ! at * a »f' . 4 r t ‘ * ; . * ** • *a ! *r«- ' u ' * n et the Tiune idRcv *a*< w**h Mf ef ' '• ' * » » r “ i •. »<• * *« a y . Bmteey ie e dealer in *•? wn an i ••* ee ha dtd :» i b>’ * r fa * on a tup through the Count* i.»>h _ i , MMMIY A-fUy i a ’ • - o f *■' ^ * ’ A * J ay »*vv (he pufeto **it .#* >t. he wee m t • jk w m eaeafal way »v *■• * a • * ’f'* u- i .-■ v piee«eo f>r t« < ft t a ! *’ *. * r • Mr Khea l , eh> hae hew a m i r# tr • > , .. • , * a a »4*s a* ' ‘ * n a » employ of the tW hren I»» «g < ■ • , • e# t,: . H * • i ‘ * ", * pHit s- - - * ■> ■ ’ » , f "r* * hee rwasgae*! Km po»?.">■> a ?..»w* * a - - t ; r, ’ \ \ ft * ' . ’ v fa ; ; -at. ♦ - e|S, ft % eeeept a very »SB'f.j«»#teat ,» 4 « '-si . fi-" A ' " fa'* : '...... '*9 *f ft . • **•* * (lew C Fry* I h i j <’** , «f l* -nie vd ft - 1 ■v \ t /■ - . > f m ! ■ . a# Mr \v |b»W Is* ••fagpM os 1-afa. »*■ 'f H* 1 1 * 4 1 *■ « ■i r - *- * i . «• a %#-. ’#ta»* a' NELSON BROS *o«i *•*»«•**wiv a *4 « fa as* s % f., ft 4, f - i i* - V* . M M M . •i i • y m pan* 4 f * \ * • • i » - t - • "ill .« «*V.«t-A *e S !*»*«' *- f , . - N . O t %* I ".-wft **■* t •' ig '• o w -' ' '*■*«* « HOULTON ' *’ * H- A r J, M A I * * ,,!**» waa’**! ' geese * 9 SM ' *ai# ’ . * ft - * * • • • i ‘ t , * t - at H D fa."« />«*#. a>weii w i )*•< a * a ai >i* 1 wm D H .^*>i *s A*e i • i . ' vewre m *' tm Whw #m*a«*i>b Wmn««4«r, Novrrnb* 1A. < 0 0 6 BWB*.. .LliliMT “...... ------LO C A L traws. Entertainment of W om ir/i Club ttlarrlrd. C o u rse . 3E 3E a A ' < i The second entrrtsit.m*-!.'. in 1' >■ A k m wiwbora to Mr. and Mre F M 1 oouree wbicb the Udir* » f " -> P«MJ M « Tbareday K:« •, l'. ' oum’Club are living, w <»k*- pi*c# DON'T FORGET THE \ f i M n Blow*. Goo B .rtoa tod A u ' M ' at tbe Opera H«j*. on f hur»Ja> *-%rn Harold Baftoo of WUm fettlooMot A' H u inf of tbio week I n n koto ob Mowday aost far Nnoda N , ' wbofo tbey will grow op with lb* Tbe entertainment »i!! br * by Sboogopevi. the \V jfulef \S • >»*. r. M i*•» ■ ' OOBBtVy. Oh P. M. Word, bio Won appointed arbo if a descendant of the cfi«br*tr>! G R A N D F A I R Cliff Dweller* a ho lited in what i« by 111 Uiiiod Butoo Govern aunt \! to MlMd ill tnlao iMonlig from tW now Aiioooe and New Mexico, an4 hi* laete of ledfferdemaio aie certain') « o M preriaam, ob ooorwiot of tbo eatall p>i. AND SALE triMob fjiBBliOB fOWOiBi oboot lb* derfui m be prtbrmi entirely eer u’. m m *, OBd tbo Mooltb O lo m »rt tab apparatus. He if to be a**,*u4 e---- « * + O F *WW- ► Wf * m j plHortoB to Mop tW spread Miae Ullioi Hayaea. eelinr, Mi** A*. * AB pUMBftfO mo bow oaomiMd by Wiiikaa, eidiniet, end M>w le*. * n f »*f» »■ Dr. W ild. ffMlttef, tooofllpoeier, *J1 / »> are ataca |« ttoir rw*p*ci*»* !.n# USEFUL AND Tbe tret m ortal a meat we* »m» Hb&1 Estate. ■ of tbo beet of t»* Sir.-! 'i** Me RiiidMCi ,«t Mod«r of Hwitea hate h»4 • ► * wf lieleoiof to. and th* *»n« l-i *>* ^ »* • FANCY ARTICLES tbJo weeb will be another «.ne '' » tortoloMOOt lever* w ii proeiete. Tbo WOOMNI •re to b# f. ->*•»'*' *'#4 AT SOCIETY HALL, •poo ibiU wtaa eebretem* f # •*;* v t*« ■ «* ; *".J '*« r NOV. 21 and 22 10 lb# eoppeel of tb# l »•?» *. N .•** M.Mi • W'be le 4m*g earb |p-*l •■■wli = = = = = FOR THE BENEFIT OF = = = = = mOiaBBBW* a n We * OVOV tO B y ta • ^.r ’ • .*• it ...t.:< ™ ' '.III 1 tbe anew of ewr »*>•» wh« wMJfeowi thw • • i ftub wowid »»f bate tbe pnnJkgw ni a it*. « ' #tm S m I Broker. iJ ‘i ;il I * Maiaad aeree to (bet# eeebaewi )( f A . v > >i*tr «! e*' I ■ • * Itonlloiie Ma. ■ i1*!-! * * i * in' * '«*. I i . m i • t Si. IM •ffeeu tie anted oeppet ■ |g* - * * St. Mary’s Catholic Church I «awfcli( i t..M •Jrn* W S • lit. * *-* ' r I .*i d» i - t A SPLENDID SUPPER Clflibiag flaMB. Briob! Owy towywii wbo- a ,• J... , t, , Lmm... atwei tee appealer-.' e * ’ t t - U- (W» , i Srrvrd twtli t vcninij from 5 oTIuvk till 7.30. riwwly «Mi*alemtaf. a»i be •« * esmO te bee* of be ■ BO tSAlif • a F S itB ^ e A SOLID GOLD WATCH Lewie P Tewef *>f, M**e * will br given to the Most Popular Young Lady. fbdtlog bb peeewte a«4 etbee r«U- • IB W et bit ^ B Tbo lolboi awe of bV til * Ua*«bM ■* Twaee llaew e AN ELEGANT DOLL rw M tbL flu* fc.iywe *'* 0«e«MNi Aw baa reeueery Ceweern* B e will be given to the Best Baby. * * ♦ HMl Ote- ^ g 0 • < >b Baaed • W«< Havbovt Kelb ea* b/*t>»»*<# ■ B 1 Bit ‘t i t * •< to e * ■ ve* •*• >• ♦*>«>•' * ■t# r* at* i ' e-t! e*- - Bv* iB »» •*-*«* i«taB IB bfAm d»WB 1 im» laege «io«iea. - =* - • * >•: .■ ttadtaiMi About $200.00 worth of Beautiful Prizes to those «f tbo IMS deye ef «fea tiaae »■«*. m»*i* * ' ■-«« ..*«*«*.4 . m m > a » ■*»« M im e d Sdnuric JiBtrkai. holding the lu< k> tickets. A eory yloB—ei -•*•*•*->* p**-# * *«M* * I*-**** I. | * -t •* *■• *-■ • at tbo f B Bee**i y .a !,«•«***. * •O0O*K Ol Ibe Tib wf je*•*'*»* •'■■f t o «* (M u M,,., ..... !..,!• C i <*'• y *1 Tbii plooeoea *wwp4» •***? fw< yy.,:(!.0,. Lost Situation Wanted NOTICE. tfeeei lltfe |wwewey t«y|««bee • .«« /»«i • * *- s 1 n a Kr m \ Me lb Me* (-afeelem a** <•♦«*. t* « f • in j’.ui ot tIi.* State to look :it l uin-v will 11ii'.l it to their ad- M Ifte I U N bam t i e e t w i »-* r ( t* ‘ 4 , (it- ( ’ \ , v.intake to interview •Mb Mi lognbom * peeewte | '*■11 |.l.w« • .. It -»■» I ■ > \ K li.iiaori, Mi It * 1* ***'>-.,. Tbo jwrw*! • k « The Laffaty Real «f Al«wrwry t lew***) Vk , F o r Sale. Nurse Girl. Estate Co. tom Hooey Itoodp of Ifoaeael ♦*#•»* »* \ r 'ir*» girl ran *i ■ ir»' * j>'»i • peatwe ef ibe Beyweea* < r*” -/ "s-* * *' ' * .:i a -1-1 !, m» h\ api'Link i>(*iovv .v* thev have ;u rangernents whore- ' ( >' I v l K < ! I" , Dolled tmaWk te *ww«KMf !**«-*«• m* •»f < « • • I I.»• ; » a var a:.4 * halt i>!4. l>v vou can get free transportation i i • • ■ a M » . \u ;> u w . i kk MANsr;;. e. eta* wmu#wI •»-»«•>* t-i** i**«<*••*< m«.. .< ln>th wavs. t • I * f »*»*», icr** * f:--'1* * ‘ Girl Wanted. Dissolution. Mi- Merit bee ibid ibe rile# d • »u t*... • ** . - t f IB • Girl Wanted! ^ >r '1,< " tK- •■‘P I1.'i ifie partnerMhip heretofore exiating J»- f * I ■»1 * « ' \ *j »' t* (,ir. ,.>f f*-.*ra! h ' Mrv !, aii, U!,. St. b, lw, en j s< , )rolel and L W. Tomp- ibee ire*# le h«*t •****•! ' * '* ? * h j p!) *m Mr* 1, H S' j.i ' . eMee Oboe twe feoee a# **»«<»•* ■( M •%t\ 'i'rrr* TO L e t kins, doing business under the name of . <. i •" tt ooey Ha bee tb*» roy^'ieaeiel He 1 -« I 1- s - Urolot A Co , is hereby dissolved. M ,•» * f , Mhj. e obligations of the concern will ba Ifib \Ul hMh *f hi lip r r . (l e pwee*»>. iy To Break in New Shoes. »«--umed by J. S. Drolet, and to him - >•> ■i.'.il t*y f.'i tbe* Mt Me*4* eit ••ri** {* m i -i I (mi»*' ;ii S’*w \ nil, < (i; U n n i - Vlii-n's I..•{ l .^e. ;1 ,„n4.r. a11 0'vil>h't'he concern will pay. / < » 'M.: • I '•'.c a. ! •*•wf:U;ii^. A. hi!!*; At all i » i > v *t v i * ■ i t.-"t rid >: i l - -v • Stu^nV., in.I s!. V j.v. HT , L. W. Toiirxxits. ’’ K > . ! ' i '. .« ii. ->i fjfc.. VI »*". < ----I Houlton, \ov. 12, 1906. r I. * i »• ?:«*> V'i lt*'** i i ii > « '1 fir An’0 *1. i'k lime* one vear 8 1.00. i I47p Tbo YliriMMMD t yae* I- S \ BpwmpiP»-»*«- NILES BROTHERS


w CIOIHIHS £ Have a Full Line of Clothing, Hats, Caps & Rubber Goods Our slo ck lb new and up-to-date. All the latest patterns in style, cut and Cloth—Come here before you rebate, we can sa v e you m >nc> on anything In our line—Make our store your headquarters when in Houlton. Orick Block, Bcin^or St., Houlton, NILES BROTHERS, g V

T h # 'tltmmm W « 4 M 9 4 « V i N«v«ml»«r U*> 1 9 0 9 n M State* vs Harney Uority CRIMINAL DOCKET. II I' Powers Malicious mi.vtnef Shaw .t L»*w!ii Continued AEOOSTOOK COUNTY, S. J. COURT', 52 State V8. Edward Roritv SEPTEMBER TERM, 1906. H T l owers Malicious misc hief Shaw A I*wiu Continued 1 State vs. Rsektel I^Vaaseur H T P o v m (Keep. Drink House) Win P Alien 53 State vs. Alfred (liljerson H T Powers Selling I.iquoi lead! Read! Indktmeot ordered 4)0 fUe Nol pnw t State vs. Ezekiel LeVasseur HIT Powers (Common Seiler) Wm P Alien 54 SUite vs l' runk .’ameai ('omnsMi S**ller Indictment ordered on file 49 II T Powers ('ontinuefl vs. Ezekiel LeVaasenr Read ■ vs. H T Powers (Nuisance) Wm. P Alien 55 State Frank James Selling Liquor IraBotmeot ordered on file II T Powers Continued n . Esekiel !>eVasaeur The Prentiss’ Fertilizers made 4 State 59; 'Stab* vs. Victoria Rimo (Nuisance) H T Powers II 1' Powers N ui.sanoe the greatest showing in 1900 Continued Nol pros Henry Freeman of any Fertilizer ever used in $ State vs. V ictoria Kamo (Common Seller) 60 State H T Powers H r Powers Selling I.iquoi A roostook. Nol pros Nol proa Henry Freeman • Stale vs. vs. >••4 (NtiIwum^ 62 State l^-ua Shorty H T Powers 11 T Powers Keeping Jcouse of ill-fame Nol pros Coutinueil f State va Hugh Campbell We are now ready to ’contract H T Powers (Commoo Seller) T V Doherty 63 State vs. Remi Thlhodeau IudMamot ordered on file II T Powers Common Seller Arraigned Plea not guilty with the Farmers for 1907. vs. George Oulllette • State Remanded H T Powers (Nninume) COwthmed 64 State vs. Frederick McDowell Larceny vs. George Oulllette H T POW44TH 9 State Indictment ordered on file HTPownrs (Selling liquor) And will lake potatoes or sell you for cash. No Coatteoed 65 State vs. Henry Armstrong Apt 11 Powers Intox. delay this year as our goods are now on the way vs. Louis Soucle E A Holmes 10 State Nol pros Costs taxed at $9.00 Costs paid (Nuisance) Ira G. Hersey and our barrels are being made in Houlton, where H T Fow en vs. Indictment ordered on file 66 State Wesley Armstrong Apt II J’ Powers Intox. E A Holmes the fertilizer is t< be barreled up with ten nice it State vs. Samuel Thompkiu# Nol pros Costs taxed at $9.oo Costs pd Costs al $3.70 H T Fow en (Common Seller) new barrels to the ton, and no ‘‘slip up” this 77 State vs. Stanley Bates (taHM cl II T Powers Assault Ira G Hersey year, as our own coopers are making the barrels. IS State vs. Samuel Thompkins Nol pros H TFow on (Nuisance) We shall be in a position to commence shipping 82 State vs. » Albert R Kenuescjtr Oetatwttd II T Powers Assault with inteut to kill to you by the first of December, and will be able IS State vs. Frank Vlolette Nol pros H T Fow en (Common Seller) to till your order on short notice ; if you are in vs. John Sweeney i f i p m 86 State H T Powers Selling Liquor doubt as to the above statements call at our factory vs. M State Gilbert H Ward Continued in Houlton and see for yourself. MmHH 9H rvwvn (Allow rebate) Powers A Archibald 1 vs. Nol pros 88 State Charles A Hunt Apt H 'I' Powers Keeping liquor H M Brigg, 1$ State vs. Fred Bell Indictment ordered on file H T Fow en (Common Seller) Continued 89 State vs. Susie Collins A Yours truly. Fannie I). Collins M State va Trod Ball II T Powers Manslaughter H T Powon (Selling Liquor) Capias Trial Geo W Richards ap Foreman of Jury 9 verdict Susie Continued Collins guilty Fannie I) Collins not guilty Susie Collins sentenced to IT State vs. William Bishop otherwise two years in State Prison at Thomaston Mittimus Warrant Costs R. T. Prentiss Co. called Willie Bishop al $388.38 (Selling Liquor) H T Fow en 90 State vs. Joseph Depra N4)lpiee H T Powers A A B PRESQUE ISLE, ME. IS Btata vs. James Crandlemlre Capias Continued W. R. Whitney, Agent. (Selling Liquor) H X Powm 91 State vs. George Lora Hodgdon Continued II T Powers Intent to kill and slay Chas G Briggs 19 State va James Crandlemlre Capias Arraigned Plea not guilty Ira G Hersey ap by the Court to H T Fow en (Selling Liquor) defend Resp Trial B L Fuller ap Foreman of Jury Verdict Not Onttaued guilty Cost al $217.63 m State va James Crandlemlre 92 State vs. George Landry HJPTJtaniw (Common Seller) H T Powers Forgery Capias Arraigned Plea guilty Sentenced to one year In State Prison m Stan va John Cote Mittimus Warrant Costs al $48.26 HTPownro (Common Seller) 93 State vs. Ernesr Langley H T Powers larceny v& William Fleming Continued RUBBERS (Common Sailor) 94 State vs. Ernest Langley {tegfcito.taMa Oaftaa Arraigned ;Pta» guilty Sentenced to pay II T Powers Larceny u flu c f 9100 an9 §10 coats or 00 ‘lays In County jail Mittimus Capias Continued Oo* at 91.01 96 State vs. Newman Langley Are a Special Feature 91 Bteta • va Eloi Levasoeur II T Powers Forgery MTPwMm * (Sailing L&qosr) Capias B^l D Resp D Costs al $49.79 in this Store. m i $ns 96 State vs. Roland F. Sanborn va John .McNulty H T Powers Malicious mischief HI Statemm mm (Comnmo Seltar) Capias Nol pros Casts taxed at $175.00 Costs paid Costs al $200.28 We make it a point to have nothing but ^Qktataiiid John Thompson 97 State vs. the best material in Rubbers, Overshoes 1 9 .State va John McNulty H T Powers Common nuisance H T P w w n (Nulsansa) Capias Resp I) Bail I> Costs al $55.82 or Boots, and to keep them in every style 98 State vs. Joseph Watson and cut If there is anything made in 9 State vs. Frank Maovilta II T Powers Adultery Towers & Archibald T Powers (Sealing Liquor) Capias Reoog with John F Stephenson surety in the sum of $500 for rubber for the feet vou will find it here at 1 guilty. PtaarsttUBtaiL Ptaa gnUty. C ofS on appearance next April term Costs al $116.57 99 State vs. J. Leslie Bolstridge Apt the lowest possible price consistent with II T Powers Threaten to shoot m state" ^ va Frank ManvUla superior quality. I T t e m (OtmoMNi Saltar) Recog with P E Craig surety Nol pros Costs al $9.95 State vs. Fred tireenier Apt iH t e t a i Ptaa not guilty Plea nteaatad Ptaa guilty Sentenced to 100 err a iw t a SMO andliu costs or HO Hairs lnConnty Jail Mittimus II T Powers Selling liquor Recog with Charles A Adams and Walter Greenier sureties Ar­ OtetaalSTJI raigned Plea retracted Plea guilty Sentenced to pay $50 fine and va Frank Marquis $25 costs Pa’d Costs al $34,441 * f r r (SrHlng Liquor) Shaw A Lewis 101 State vs. Almon II. Howard Apt Merritt’s Shoe Store II T Powers A & B Chas Carroll va i s m * * * Albert Michaud Recog with W T French surety Nol pros Costs al $12.60 WHERE IT IS A PLEASURE TO TRADE. (SWUng Liquor) M U r . f m m 102 State vs. Almon H Howard Apt Amtatad Ptaa not guilty Ptaaretratasd Ptaa guilty Sentenced to H T Powers A & B Chas Carroll fHrf«lSwMd9ii»h.o wheat, the l>est wheat grown on the earth, M. Prank W Titcomb 30 days in County jail Mittimus Costs al f l.JV SI SMSi am>rding to United States Government H lP n w m a V etauu Shaw A Lewin sute TS- Rufus Ward Apt ior agricultural rebuts. H tepui II T IVrners bdox SI State a a Herbert Tompklas other Reoog with George L Strickland and James F Shannon sureties Ar­ wtae ealtad Hwb Tomp- raigned Sentenced to 30 days in County jail Mittimus Costs al 57.04 FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR IT. fctae Coats allowed in addition to costs in 29.5T Thomas Mahan 17.8® h t i ^ C M M M ta r Shaw A Lewin the foregoing actions A. H. FOGG CO., Distributers, Houlton. Pierre Michaud 14.24 Obediah Artess t;.9i «a SamwM Tcsapklos other Edward Huhop ® .M s' L*hn Morgan • S teta J7.ii.VA N Osgood 13.49 VIM SmoW BBSS William Rod Jam** E lt.yne yi ^’Jntox. Liquors 79.56 ftlas 17 Fred Itmwn !, (,-i\\ itneases before Grand Jury 75.36 ■ t Jaiwe Brown Bertha Rurgeaa 'i4.‘.M|Oflioers on Subpoenas 00.84 FOR SALE. A true abstract. Tonsil las cSbar Attest: MICHAEL M. CLARK, Clerk. lam Tamp. Some of the Best Farms in Aroostook, CO.

No. 123, 250acres, 200 cleared, 1 mile from Caribou village. SALE OF STOCK. No. 124, 170acres, j 50 cleared, l/2 mile from Uar:'>ou village. No. 125. 17bacres, 175 cleared, 3 miles from Uanboii village. WQMU kpt» 8Aaw M l+vrw No. 126. 107a<-te-. lot) cleared, 1 mile fr m U c ' v ill.t^e J It .• tlx* >* * u > & . . ; .y,< ■ >■ a: 1 I'e’egraph Company to place in the hands No. 127, 1S7acies, 130 cleared. hxr t t. • .( \ 1 . share* of its t'apiUl ^took. ■Maes* rwanetS* Vy4 j (4 ta walw»'T • A family home - laws of the xuu> uf Ma n*- and is mrrying .it bargain if taken at once. iKlNkMRSI^ y^9te9 fmttlf k»fmt • few *f I r jb » pr* »«,•-«■ •!., 1 . . s .■ *,.. ••st.nid ts v: \tO'.pMiglily develop .1 ta** 4ft ''**•»* 9Mfl f w«*» a: | > * ** r. «. , ' : i ■: phv a!. d at reasonable b t ’ : ,0 t n. ill at - \vi it e A jMCi , ',* .., .•*, , » id.* -V- f’ ;!<>•.>.!<*nt d I reefers : < f * i+n-- *. * *'V» A. M. GLIDDEN, . X H PH 4 1 k. ’■ .■*■**. *»•* l' K ''TEAR. Limestone,. Aasn^ar ‘‘ww* E I . Me*. I. 4 U KLIN. Pr.wque Isle, | .K/. al *'’sU tc A St n t' | t. I Tt TTi K • lc A rwML* M BLACH,


i t i m IN BULK AT B. & A. STATION

Quality and price Guaranteed Call or telephone your order. M . C O N N O R S CO.

•HIVtirrt SALK. MffMUtTS PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. For Sale. STATE o r MAINE. In the matter of John B. Rafford. In Bankruptcy. 1 young Horae, Tore Central Stables ML •».—T&lran this 37th day of Bankrupt. W ilkes, has', will weigh about D. ISO*, on «ra»tion dated To the Ho.v. C l a k k n ik Hakic. .Judge of IMA tawM ooa Jwtommt ran- the District Court of the United States for 1,000 l b s . " _ _ _ 8«|Naow Jodhrial Court for said tire District of Maine. ■tjr toAmatook. at a term thereof be­ (Quantity of Soft coni ’A’ood. Market Square, a n aad Mdto Hooltoo, within and for said JOHN B. RAFFORD. of Houltoti. in the County of Aroostook and 1 pair heavy Working ftoutoy, oo thi third Tosadur of September. State of Maine, in said District, a TST iMA to witOn September 2*tb. respectfully represents thut on the 1st Horses, weight 2,8 0 0 lb s ., in JfSAfc fetor to Chartea K. Williams oj day of Sept., last pant, he was HOULTON, MAINE BooMoa, hi Mid County of Aroostook, and duly adjudged bankrupt under the Arts good condition, seen hard agalnatm toSTDuM OaaM__ P. P. Sullivan ttolfiy of Hammond of Congress relating to Bankruptcy; Pfintattea. la In addah t County of Arooatook, for work all summer, ages {) a n d m p i i M i a n andSuty three Conte, debt that be has duly surrendered all his Headijll.l! tf! - foj li(. inliuj,; J >; t; t property and rights of nropcrty, and 10 years. A .bargain. Ap­ iadJtap«cn DoUars i i Seventy* has fully complied with all the _ Jontt. and will be sold ut requirements of said Acts and of the p l y t o ing, and Stabling bivurv an« ittrt hUtoat Mddar thevefor, onbraof Court touohing his bankruptcy. jam A. Gotham In Houltoo, tyltBRKFOHB HK PRAYS, That he may (\ L. P A < K A H I), Sale Stable in eonnertion. tortoAwatonoIr, oaths 19th day be decreed by the Court to have a full dis- r. A. glMB» atntaM o'oteot in ehiurge froa all debts provable against his es­ [>440 114 < Olirt ot. Capacity over sixty good .stalls k M fottowlnf dasorlbsd real ss- tate under mid bankruptcy Acts, except such tehi,title aadlDtaraat which debts as are exoepteu by law from such including roomy Ikjx stalls, with — ___ JTTStohpui teato and no the llsohaige Bargains in Farms. ■ m f f had oa tin Mth day of December, ample carriage room. The best IT R . IMO, at ten o'otook and forty-five D ated this I 6th day of Nov., A. !>.. twin. Splendid hardwood ridge farm, 100 JOHN B. RAFFORD, acres, 11-2 miles to Westfield station. MniteitoMte aomooa, the time when the Bankrupt. care taken day and night. » faa totoolB y » tit original writ In the Not a waste acre. Pair buildings, aanna Mid *■*■««* was rendered, ORDER OF NOTICE THKKKON. Prices moderate. ’Phone v i i . ► hundred nineteen #3500. ntation, otherwise DISTRICT OF MAINK, 88. Eighty-acre farm, sixty in tillage, two(4) W. E. L. On this 10th day of Nov., A. 1). Khxj, natook, containing on reading the foregoing petition, it is - as fine land as is in the county for ■>!?«. Or d e r e d b y thk Cou r t, Tliat a henring #3500. ■MMaaaaaMMMtone o ria a a a n ta u n ir. be had upon the same on the :unh day of Nov., A. D. 1906, before said Court 300 acre farm 1 1-2 miles from Pharr C B 7 A .S . A . A T H E R T O N . A. K SMART, Deputy Sheriff. at Portland o’aiook £in bdfa the J ,lf forenoon; “ k* mStrl and L\ that f notice ff'1 ' station, ,, #4500 . A , big ,, trade. , , Write . i HI thereof be pubUBb*i in the Aroostook Collins & Cornnick, Presque Me, for I IMA * newspaper printed in said information, and for other farm property Proprietor. District, and that all known creditors, and ,• r u. 1 1 J SALK. other persons in Interest, may appear at the infT nHVt tor KH,e- STATE OF MAINE. mid time and place, and show cause, if any ------they have, why the prayer of said petitioner N O T I C E , Home at a Bar­ a#.—Taken this Mth eir Pl4*^ 0! ton Trust Company is lost and $ 2 7 0 0 . m the ti'ilid Tuesday of September, WUnen the Honorable Cl. a h km k IIai.i;, application fur a new book in its place ^ J to BiMjMtir M th T w Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof We have had placed in our Masala Ceaant Cosapany, a oor- at Portlaud, In said District, on the 10th r selling, and no on the origins! bankrupt: and that the first meeting of THOMAS V. I'lJTNAM, Treas. on the street and thirteen rods id Judgment was his creditors will be held at the oflloe fj doubt you wonder how we can do it. to wit:—TheSMt half of tots naro- to Edwin L. Vail In Houlton, on the 1st 345 deep, and can be bought for (34) aad tweoty-Ave (3ft), la the forenoon, at which time the $2700. At this price it will 8 WRITU LOR PARTICULARS, itoltoasurvey to Joseph C. Small. said creditors may attend, prove their daiuiH. Farm for Sale. MARTIN IAWUS, Sheriff. appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, ami 100 acres 5 miles from the village of not be long on the market as § M7 transact such other business as may projmrly it will afford anv man a cosev uome before said meetiiig. Houlton in the town of Littleton. | Providence Brokerage EDWIN U. VAll., Small house and stable, small amount home, at a low price, and Co- •MSIMFrS SALK. Ueferei* in Bankruptcy. of land cleared, well timbered with Dated at Houlton, !■> ov. vj, ltioo. can be had on easy terms. | Bamgan Building, Providence R. I. = STATE O f MAINE. cedar, spruce and hard wood. Easy 1 u j* sjss)x x x ^ sfssssssssx*^ ssssyss*z~ ^ sxn iir/'jz= 3siyxix!& 'y//fjj AROOSTOOK, as.-Take* this 37th day of N otick ok F irst M kktino ok ckkoitokn terms, call on or address For particulars apply to the J. (\ DONOVAN, Ojtohsr, A. P. 1M& on woonticn dated (lot. In tlw District Cou't of the United Males for Times Publishing Co. Mmr M , IMA Imosd so a Jodgawnt rendernl \i K. D. No. 1. to M M Jadktol Court for aaki tho District of Maine. In Bunkm,>t hum,, entirely, permitting the f v t to resume its oo lhs lata day of Doomohar, at 10o’clock in the (oimunmi (It Notice to Depositors. natural shape. Recommended by all who have whloti time the said ctedltor* may attend Faun is divided into smooth mow­ tested ts merits. Send 20 cents for large size Retook la tiw forennoo, Interest will be paid mi all time package and obtain free our booklet *’ HOW i imI sslate and all the prove their claims, ap^.iiit u trust's’, ing fields, 40 acres ; one pasture miunlne the isuikriipu, and tnui-.iirt sncii TO TREAT THE FEET.” If bothered with wbtoti the said lNsntel deposit* on and aim Mh\ 1st. l'.n>6. piles, send 50 cents for “INDIAN PILE OINT­ other business as may pioperlv <*>im»> I**• f..i. and wood lot. 5*1 acres ; anothei MENT.” Sent by mail on receipt of stamp-cr mkl meeting. f a km i; us- nai ION AU HANK. past tu f , coin. Agents make money sellintr the- r- EDWIN l„ VAN,. l wood and lumber lot of antoed remedies. Write for terms. Auuross; Ilefer«s> in I Wink i upt< \ . LOST. ;n a*'1 l'S Is hs line potato land icrigiaal writ to the Dated at Houlton. Nov., i :U>, inon. THE BOND SU PPLY CO. Come in our store and \ L *u, on North -It I’l’t Ill’tW 'i’ll .1 c as m y in Aroostcok County ■M was nariMwito w lti-lst number Bond Building see these beautiful Stag I 319) In Hammond Notice of Foruclosura. 11 urngnii" Iioiihi’ mill M. D Dot man's l ’t Oil n e e can be mat acted easily totiaa, otharwiee Mlwd Township A Wfwreas, Matilda >1. M orpin of MtiUiHd, on Mimdii> mot mug Nov. oth, t.,i< Washington, D. C. Handle Carving Sets. as two a>, W. K h„ in Mkl County In the (ksinty of AxswUsik and Man nf b oth b v t ail and water. (>ood or rrsatomm, ooataintng one hundred (100) pH 1 1 "1 Hl>.l HI 11 ! i Ms, T in’ . mh’r will Maine, on tl»e :nd dnyof.luU, c«u, i»> Ini ch a t i1. \V e can warrant a Lan- lens, and being the homestead j> *•’ the «nni<’ «l this ; thee. 211> House, ell, long shed and DaoM I’. Nullivan rnrKtgage deed of that date, > 1*’ H h’»v< c< r.* Carver Lecau-e every blade is tiw imderslgned, tliefotlnwing desnilssl it !t bat n Kinough wood ami lumber forped iiom a sofu bar of Cruciblo W a r t , inputy Hberiff. eetate, sitiwte in said l o intv, t<» wit l.<>t. 'iioipion numbered one hmalosi and • i^liits n 11 im in For Sale Cheap. on the place to pay for it twice steel c\ * rv ft aye jf its rnanufac- tu.'t sa>v1'irded fy constant tests mid Oakfiebl, ls I fl ’ f • d with pole and ovet. Fxcellent icasous for sell­ auJ a ,, ur it", vevedtomki Matilda M Mm)»)*> l-v )I*oi>“ti ■ oj opi’ui .i/is p r IMTEM STU1MNP CO. W. Motion by de*s| datisl July .‘nd. i"nt\ ii 'n> I ,. ( ) 1 aid w ig 246 :-\'>iinu( pm : spiupo*! no.vr.ip* gr'r .! predue’ s a carving edge Applv to WINTER REDUCED RAT KM m Tm, more or lees. ^^'IH ’r’U t; ai. ! "!Js w ith the least amount Also, all Uwt {aui of Ini numls'iisi mi * of vpen;.eg— a fevy strokes oo Baapr* Hampden, Wlnterport «r Him ks^srrt hundred and forty-two m*/in said oakii-M. For Sale. A. M. WOODS, ui oiprus M9N -UM to Hoston 93-AO whieii lies west and soiitli nf the nsid '< ad mg ti e Lee steel keeps tfie blade At a hutgain 1 (1 vI■ nd"r Foundry ■;qb'u ;i in*[ alwavs keen. Effesllve to Marali ni. 1 inn. from IJiiiH'iis <‘oiner to island falls lU'ing ^4 2 State St.. tin* saow premises '»»ove)»si t<> i, I muk stove, (’all «i Nsw \ ark Btova. r i . 'm u ’ o o ij j ui .ioq*hub'cqm pi nip, 1 hinds*-me designs, appropriate (of Bteamma tease ttoagnr Mon.-teys, Bangor, Me. wcv CL..*’, holiday or other gift*—all price*- Mnipiiy, Charles \V. Minphv anil .lolm II cj ^ocq no.\ ab.w oqi si ;vipp daya Thorwtey»aral > time tu line the* wmk done. A. H. Fogg Co. and Beaton. is lauken, imw th*’i»fine, I rliiim a l"M > ||it.. .ill iii-iki> ;i 11 \ ip tli’i i in *i | w lie| her t here Notice. HETUKN1NU of the SMUie nod give Bus note •> fm that pm i m a lit, iii it '*i iiiil. A oil i;et just as Cisn| a Oil and aflcr Dtv. 1, l‘J06 1 kIihII poee |ll|l i UAtoa-3P!S-dIl From Bosler. Mondays, Tuesday*. Thun* Dwhsl at llonllon, (his |<»(h 'las of h Husim,i»i». No lauu- days and Fridays at ft p. in. eli'im ii; elmmii \ ■> Hint i iin i|m the wol k for ) ,t I! \ I I I \i»ii m ,iimI .hnpe mid liu.'i'ii'itee sjrtisfaetiou. day, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays »t . 1 'l le I 'ill I 111!..... \ - I ii" III 'I " ! linn "lie Tee. |,|0 i, u, ,t> hoi attoi ia \ S(| v w I ; u i v I >IH|| III > ;l pivv,;,ll Store with,mi! being paid for « hen de­ For Sale, :*I7 * ry ..Lmt' :t colors are unfnr All omma saospt live stock, via the steamers w i i i in*. 11«n it \ k ri <■ rr, livered. Il you are net home, it will I'he Crane property, so calitd. cn this CMapany, is insured agahiet lire sjmI It- f.’.nv '..*•■ ,-j:r ".id from sea to <■( a ; to I he l tu is oilice l« III a p isituni to pin. lleultiM). Ale, be delivered the *ee*’tn! time. After Lark St. Newly finished i;,mse, 7 ■ not Mtt; ri-113 if In the other world. M. T. BAN HORN, Agent, Bangui, Me. do your job printing in a neat ami Cm y Have mmii slopping tugs printed at that you will hate to ehH for it. rooms aud bath. Inouire of CLARA 4, 4 MANBCDM, U.T. A T. A., Bus. You hear of Rocky Mountain l a, tha T urks office. 445 A. A. HUTCHINSON. I M. ST1MSON. Robert J. Cochran Th« *»•••»*»>» Tl W oOnood**. N o v o m b o r 14. 1 9 0 4

Box Ota I It for Livestock. ; j>t) th* • itn '( • ’>'■ ' * * ' ^ U** 'ft V *H . ■-> •' { ’-'it d. W. Infham Sugar Run, P«nn . n rtt I T f i t l t arroagt-mmt* U>r i***.-0 4 1 ...... * *" ' * lltta tk . A aoceooaful farn.rr i . Ob.*- d ' ’ ' •• 1 *' * l i t t w tbet ttaJIa ir« ti*o b*«i for 1 * 4t ,i r ' 4 •' ** ' HMt» M l voftly boc*®*** lh#i ar*1 r*tl* *• *4‘ ' *11-' mmmmhiUM* U,t tbo nn.mnl., b«.t 1 *t i. •: 4 ‘ ’ HOMS tb tj do not roquiro donning •>« tj* '* * ’■** 4 (S t ted p w r t o tb* aii*«*»*. L.o. rm,m ttrit >■**■'* • * : f l | t i l Uqekl, ao porfrctly A* b»* - ’ H *

m m m l> bi§b, k« doon Ao4 cUon ht« tbtn nntm • nre-nth. •• ' M p itt otaftar vlili to injury <«» ib* (l h*4 f l . » • * $ m to lb# botaao a n d with gtont I «• i *«’i <•*♦"* MOlit le lit qeebly of lio Maura a <• -f *». * • 1 A s MtMtM dMfjeton it Mary bind, _ t •lib IT* * t Obi#" St *.♦« <« * '-• m i t s BaOl tor tU bfe t e n and o)*> t*^* m • ft “>* # * v! ft * t. to tolltetof btto talllo Hoaey* »->.*» '**•! <*** * ■ 4 * ■■ " il atoBt Mw y it i Im fnm <■* by * f*** ( ftf«* 4 M..|.a( * ■**■**• *+ O l l f liOt^toftlaalalltby a i~\ 'A* *-!.***■ *• • I itofi M M fb i m a i ' w ■ ' fm m im m ” tad Ibat .* n - 3i.iiSo.oM* ! ; * M l i dta§>v of gotting tbo »uii* » • f 'Ho o »i 1/ *« . 1 1 '* >m to p i to to taly a «|ii«ott*#• */ t**»*I'.gf**» * pm'm*f* * • » »■ Oil i o m i apffociato tbn «* -**ti«**«**»» I 4 «•> * »* •- * ■ ia ball*. *«* • » «<'« ; « • * ta«i ** ** -4 * blodrouco* »« tb* 4*** f^ai'dUn^n* • * » * **

of a f ood dairy b<#»4 r #•* '.«• • , -»*'■* < / ^ ■ .4 Wbltb Ml lb* •*!*•*• < *■* * "!■ .1 f- ♦* •' *• •» *- '• * '* •*' Tbtfo In no **r*» or *^*i* • « o f n Wa»»f bo*’l ! n‘ *■ *t4 ■* * > » '> * A i Wt i f t fttOOf, »ig**ro*»a nn-i ,.*♦ .<«<«*-. • < • . “ •• » m P U R I M Vbtob foot#* froro a tarn * * y****%v • * *• » * <*■ *■* * * < ■«**** to ptd ■dtotog roon (Jorad wok* . . >**'■ *■»« *. 1 ItoM atvobo and f-»nn**i*••** 1 *, » * i« « .4 » • M l ibiob tbo** in **■'-« •* ' 4 -»-•* ' . to t o i 10 yay tb# *tu« #«»•< V o m l « y on-'* • a * .<.,0, •>. — ' t flvad ton. Hoc b*9« l* An •• • I*- <*w .w-la m bn* .***.| ■ »•■»* *» . " N. niioono' la*t*#y *r *NNb» *»>■ . . W» J. Ofloll. of Bnoodnl*'. W .* . ib« •*.<» »*{«#*«* «# «bo k**».*- ^

fie ber d»». **y* p* * » 4 **•»•••• ## m **i ♦* **»*.-*,4 of n bigb j>*» «4 i.g***** a**«i* »/ & »* «*. *« * , , - I V i boodMt Ml tin I «**• *1 -h:* *

g M T T I J m JDUUL a d fin DOES NOT STEAL K I S S L o


Is in full swing now, every dav evemrur

OUR CARAMELS T H E WORLD Jusl Tn Our Hut I With w J i r u n '