The Aroostook Times, November 14, 1906
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AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Houlton, Maine November, 14, 1906. No. 47. teacher of my acquaintance I’d rather “ AH right,” responded the School- king of an American leave in my old placn than yours* F ” I car her. “ We’ll also lave a few ^ 2 0 E ^ ! E m “ That’s nut of the question, >ir ” explosions.” School-Teacher, rosp unh'd lhe School-Teacher. “’ m After school that day lie bought a lot fqual to it You know I’ve never few chemicals, retreated to the base FERTILIZER had but one term in college and I’m a ment of the school and started in to 1 B y Forrest Criccey. ‘rough specimen of a school-master’ at wmk out some of the simplest experi beat No ; I can’t even consider being ments he could tind in the book. When AND POTATOES of the hardest of hi* life. At la*t, a candidate for the place.” he emerged from the experience he had The JWtlf .(Mohir now began to look “ Come downtown with me, any verified his own words—a fact to which viewport. He waa however, he learned how to hold steady = 3 0 . f*nd say no to himself. way,” said the Oresco principal his singed eyebriAvs bore eloquent •wllferefi t* tbe recovery of a lo*t •There’s going to be a board-meeting.” trstimony. In order to illustrate m U tk l, tc a soberer eenee of reeponsi- Every month he added to hi* Horary of solid book*, particularly in the line Outside tbe boardroom a man sud certain planetary movements, in tbe to other* aod to himself, to a denly graawed the hand of the School- astronomy class, he made from barrel- W e are now ready to sell Fertilizer I Womler, eoret graop of the vain# ard of science, and, in the long night-hours, almost literally ate out the heart of Teacher with a grij. that told of com hoops a ru'le “ appaiatus” which A t Arty of doing a man'* work in the radeship. The look of surpiise on the served as an admirable objectlesson and and contract Potatoes for 1907. every one of them. Hi* associates in votUL Ho wrote to the County Super- face of the local principal was met with delighted the pupils. h i a liet of book* which the school noted the change in him, Every funner that liie.l o r yoods tills yvar is and particularly the principal saw that the explanation from his townsman: His only relief from the high pn-ssur i toM pfel to a young teacher •‘We’ve met at more ball game* and of his hand-to-mouth mastery of five pleased with tin* re-olL No one that bought of had mods op hi* mind to try to hiS growth was like that of the corn in free-trade discussions, Mr. Weld, than sciences was found on the ball-ground us whs di-apj)oiiite l Every one got his Fertilizer l OOtaetbiog of himaelf The the rich gumbo soil of tbe Iowa prairies One day, in the School-Teacher’s you ever attended. When it comes to Here he established himself as a com in go >d>n and in go id barrels. We filled or to tbi* request waa kindly and j baseball and Democratic mass-meetings rade with the boys and they l.ecam fourth year in the gTammar-room, the ders or 1,000 tons this yi'.ir that others could not ( aod the liet of book* re- we’re the champion pair of fans in | his loyal supporters from tne stmt waa orUd and well chosen, principal said to him : fill idler they had sold the goods. Is this not “Ed, I’m going to resign for a place Iowa.” After three months, at the end of tin* MfetUm ao^b volomea aa David A. The School-Teacher waited in tbe “ unexpired term,” he was reflected j © worth consideration when you are buying for next V d lf Hatarai Philosophy and Green’s in Dakota. You’re an abler man than I am and I’m going to do all I can to drug-store for the board-meeting to for three years at a substantial increase year V iboft W ait) of the English People close, but he bad little more than of salary. This was a surprise to him, fkrl«*4 panel of thie new impulae get you elected principal.” And We guarantee our Fertilizer to work good in tb.3 although this unexpected promotion settled himself when he was summoned for the stuggle had been so close 'hat toboOd bandar hi* mental atructure to appear before the board, where he he had felt no certainty as to the final planter. «a« tbe determination to build a bou*e was given him, it was offered with the understanding that he might not be wa* informed that he had been elected result. We have af Ml own. He bad aaved sixty-five principal to fill the vacancy, at a While the fighi was the hottest, an agent in every town on the main dHlare limn bit earning*, end hie wife called upon to do more than “finish out line of the B. <Sc A . Road from Gherman to Van the term.” salary of ”ne thousand dollars a year. however, he struck a snag which cost (MB# Into poeneeeion of one bun- Only after being urged by the fellow- him an immense amount of labor, but Bui •en, as well as every town on the Ashland gpd ftMy tbioogb bar family. “They’ve cut the cloth rather wide base-ball fan and by the retiring prin brought out the dominant note of his Branch and the Fort Fairfield Branch. aMaot to make for me,” he told his wife, “and expect me to teach half a dozen classes, includ cipal did he consent to accept, on con character as nothing else bad done. aa a village lot dition that he could secure a release Concluding that the textbook of geome See us or our agents befoi ing -k— a*™*** re you place your or- gad A Imp tbe Heat for the foundation front the board at lift home aehool. try used in the school v u behind the ders. afAglaaiw, the lumber being bought .Dd n.t.#PBMPr*» r*» never hr* * J.»*. ~.t----1!---U . 1», That night he caught a wild freight times, he sent for Chauvenet’s treatise j doya Maunup” waa tbe going to for tba School-Teacher to leave He bad aad bang to the »ite of hi* a close AHbn ^jBiae. wbova flnt he dug the and stil fMldhtlaa dltche* and than tended little 'orey Co. g Apiia AMfe the underpinning waa of the ,lsifog laid. Union boure were not then and his = u ^ to Strawberry Point. Griting dollars a? ib i fbaadati»a*baame according to The i contact CONTINUED votkiag-plaBa be had drawn but, whan he tion, the ka*>Jft '^baalbiw mOmt 4* touched< ‘♦♦rffomped/* Quickly outside v to hie aid the friendly village were toi kdMpoater, who sawed him a pattern of One instj OLLARS «;g|ab"af tba timber*. VSbatfoa waa intundent p band and be hired a* a helper. at another j OUR £*P. eente a da), one of hhr schoolboy.» Webb, U the boure won barbie ‘Sheeted •iid t«lk| fe one room in # half-hnHit- nod Mij ynflWlMk tbe family partially ronvul f*moe* » PILE ♦bo t o ?"ir h*ing done on rou . h *’v l)"vt< , «f fl M itoiteout «»f while mint to* D •< * tbe two-year uld were mouth* | in home-made hammock*, of Sociolt BIN the hardship*. obstacle* and and Hux ifoa of that Macon of house- 3e*t of bwildiag deemed paiHy to add to the joy atarsj ths of tbi ftlpk. When astray dog match- tute *e« T O ad tbo femily beefsteak from the skillet the “roi -Teacher and ki* plucky wife master” a iit tboir lecc, and when hi* of encoi *GS a* a boHdof deovc him to a the yeart the fence to “study the thing good a re Store M ia glow of unfamiliar hap School-1 His t BUY pleat problem wua the build- School-1 lag gf tbo oornkw, aod in thh he mad* and bis i gtffefcay mlatakos that, when be reach- the docti WINDOWS •S tte m r o r thohouee, his finishing not hel Amber woo exhausted. Again he con- changec •akid M« carpenter friend, who Mid : b<|t*d T FASTENFRS **Jwat put on a dutchman and let it flaunted fld t'l it the hack, anyway/' face of WITH LADDERS. The “dutebman,” or patch, w«* put thi* defe gge tad it has ever since stood in the reelected fedwol-Teacher's eyes aa the mostin- feeling « difidaat touch about the bouse of his had stir own building. trustees The unfinished attic wae dedicated of the to his personal u*e as a den in which genera!!; to eontinoo the other and longer task taries. 'A SCHOOL of building upon which he had entered. as a sol ▲ tacit understanding was established was uni! SIRLS. that, oneo in his retreat, he waa not to Whet bo dietnrbod. This practice of having came, i OM BOSTON. •earn room In which he was safe from ( pav * iatfuaion became a family institution' profeas<l ools in New England. aid guaranteed him a sustained pitch ' reCognit of application to study otherwise impo*-! educato) •se.s; also advanced courses in Frsnch, ish.