Recycled Teenagers Forum
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Recycled Teenagers Forum Minutes of Closed Meeting held on Monday 18th July 2011 Millview Court, Lever Lane, Rochford Essex
Members of group in attendance: Committee- Ray Styles, Sarah Schofield, Derrick Brook, Margaret Cooper, Soo Coleman, Joy Lawrence, Barbara Barfoot, Jill Parr
No Item Action by 1. Open Meeting RS
2. Apologies for Absence RS None received 3. Minutes from last meeting (16.5.11) signed by Chair RS Agreed as a true statement. 4. Matters Arising from last Minutes 4.1 First Aid No contact has been received from St John H.Q. Rochford.
Ray contacted RHA’s contractor re funding a first aid course – still RS awaiting reply.
Sarah will copy her manual when she has time due to pressure of work. SS
4.2 Line Dancing As a caller cannot be found. Sarah has located a class held in Elmsleigh Drive which is on a bus route. Sarah suggested filling the Wednesday SS evening slot with Pilates. She will ask for members suggestions in the next Newsletter
4.3 Leaflet Distribution Large area of Hockley, Southend Road, Stambridge Road, Ashingdon were covered. Sarah has received 10 enquiries. Membership is now 160 which includes July renewals.
Joy will distribute in Spa Court. JL
4.4 Rochford Roundabout Decided to advertise in this magazine again. Age UK was suggested and SC Soo’s Vegetarian magazine. 5. Treasurer Update 5.1 East of England show tickets £826.00 coach £500.00 entry tickets £294.60 coach lottery £30.00 TRIP PROFIT £61.40
Camden Lock tickets £851.90 coach £465.00 canal boat £302.60 coach lottery £38.00 TRIP PROFIT £122.20 In Bank £1,211.95 In Hand £75.77 Ray £77.20 TOTAL £1,364.92
To date 24 seats have been sold for Jimmy’s Farm. To date 19 seats have been sold for La Touquet
6. Secretary Update A board advertising RTF has now been made to stand on the step of W.I. whilst Friday Aerobics is taking place. Must have membership forms SS available.
7. Social Secretary Update Jimmy’s Farm will not take the booking until deposit is received, SS to SS confirm numbers next week with Jimmys Farm.
Sarah will send a suggestions form re outings for 2012 to all members SS/ with next Newsletter. SC
8. P.R. Update SS/ Training date to be agreed with Sarah. SC
9. Any Other Business Soo made contact with Rochford Market trader (Trevor) re manning a stall SC/ to advertise the Group. Must have membership forms available. RS/ MC SS 10. Next Meeting Friday 5th August 2011, W.I. Hall, Rochford 12 noon (Open Meeting)
11. Meeting Closed RS