EDES PRICE IDENTIFIERS Gradesseven and Eight Is Exploring

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EDES PRICE IDENTIFIERS Gradesseven and Eight Is Exploring DOCUMENT RESUME' ED 1.17 554 95 % CE 006 263 -AUTHOR Morn, Fern M., Ed. TITLE Home Economics Curriculum for Grades 7-8-9. INSTITUTION Appleton Public Schools, Wis. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHx,T), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO VT-102.-441 BUREAU NO 5-4192/H102 PUB DATE 75 NOTE '780p. ,AVAILABLE FROM Appleton Public Schools' VocatiOnal Edlication Office, 120 E. Harris'Street, Appleton, Wisconsin 54811 ($6.n0) EDES PRICE MF-St.50 HC:-$42.19 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Articulation (Program) ;Child. Developtentt Clothing InStruction; *Curriculum Guides; Family Life Education; Foods Instruction; *Home Econeticp Education; Housing; *Instructional Materials;.*Junio High Schools; Learning Activities; Nutrition Instruction; Personal Growth; Testt IDENTIFIERS Wisconsin (Appleton) ABSTRACT The curriculum guide is the result of a project to develop, field test, analyze, and revise,tbe junior high level home economics course offerings Dor Appleton public schools. The theme.for gradesseven and eight is exploring your world and inclIdes five topics:(1) family, stressing personalitylpvelopment and communicating with and understanding other; (2) foods,, presenting nutrition instruction in the four basic food groups, meal planning, use,l)f recipes, manners, and table setting;(3) world of children, discussing the responsibilities of the*care of children; (4) ,clothing, emphasizing personal grooming and clothing care with special attention given to basic sewing skills; and (5) housing, encouraging the' student's sense of responsibility for their owp 'rooms. These five topics are repeated fpr grade nine under the heading of "Focus on Teen-LifeEach topic follows the format course introduction, conceptual structure,including pergprmce objectives; unit, consisting of content, learning experiences, and eiraluative exercises; appendix; and bibliography. Testing instruments are contained in each appendix and are presented asquizzes,- games, and crossword puzzles. (LJ)° 4 ************************************************41********************* * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC maket everyeffort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginal 4; * reproducibility are often encountered and thig affects thequality * * of the microfiche and hardtopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original Aocument. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * ***************************************44***************************** cc, Name&mimicsCurriculum Qrades 7- 8-,9 at o a developed byAPPLETON PUBLICSCHOOLS ppletod, Wisconsin54911 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1 9 7 5 EDUCATION & WELFARE r\ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF o EDUCATION TNIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY cf) 'HOME ECONOMICS CURRICULUM+.1 FOR GRADES 7 8 9 Appleton,APPLETONDeveloped PUBLICWisconsin SCHOOLSby 54911 Ain Gerhardt 1975 ir. Fern M. Horn vot Director PROJECT NO. 5-4192/H102 Consultant and Editor COPIES AVAILABLE FROM: Appleton,VocationalAppleton120 E. Harris Public WisconsinEducation Street Schgols 54911Dept. (Check for $6.00 must accompany orders) el Education,The activity Department which is ofthe Health, subject Education) of this report and Welfare. wassupportedHowever,.the in whole opinioliqs or in partexpressed by the U.hereih 4t,S. Officedo not of bynecessarily the U. S. reflectOffice ofthe Education position shouldor policy be inferred.of the U. S. Office of Education,dnd no official endorsement 1,7 VT toa-Lti 1 FOREWORD 0 After three years of work, most of whichook place on ofHighSaturdays the School Appleton and Curriculum evenings, Public Guide.Schools the Home has Economics produCed Departmentthis.Junior0 . memberscourseTeachers offeringshave working undertaken andwith guides. consultants to revampThis completely anddocument advisory thenthe committee providesformer arealsoimprovedthe now foundationeliminates semester-based, continuityranging forneedless subjecta seventhbetter andduplication. matter balancedprovisionthrough and twelfth,grades, curriculum thehasMore changingbeen of madetheby studentsubj coursesforand 'body.offerings.helpfulHopefully as other they schoolundertake systems an examination tiflliind_tbie- of their revision own DisOrl ictA.'Ziema Admi ator ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS actedandA special organizing as secretary thank the you tocontent to the the group andfollowing materialsand Mrs. teachers Joypresented SPECIALBuhrandt, and consultantsin CONSULTANTS thistypist. curriculum. for their Alsoefforts to Mrs.in researching, Kathleen Lueck composing, who UniversityHomeStevensDr. FernEconomics Point, M. of Horn, WisconsinEducationWisconsin Professor Madison,StateMrs. Florence D6partment Wisconsin Lauscher, of Public Consultant Instruction (.Retired) Madison,MissState T. Department Elaine Wisconsin Staaland, of Public Consultant InstructionCURRICULUM WRITERSAppleton,Mr.Appleton Armin Gerhait4:,t,, PublicWisconsin' Sttools LVEC Mrs.MissAudreyClaireRita Biese BrandtBorer Mrs.BarbaraEllenSusan GoolsbeyFlitsch Hoffman Mrs.Mrsr MaryRobertaJeanne Lee Ryerson Sprowl Mrs.MissNinaCarolynSharonLinda Derr Brantmeier BrookerClose MissMrs.VerleMaryAndreaLaura LouKrienke KleistJacklin Jones Mrs. LindaAudreyJudyJudi WildermuthVondrachekWirtz Young ArtAdaptation Work -MartinofScot AHEA Van Williams Logo Asten by Mr. Fred Derr iii 4 ADVISORY/ COMMITTEE HOMEMAKEREMPLOYERMINISTER - 7 -KNIT FOODMOTHER GOODSSERVICE Mrs.Mr.Rev. Orvil RayRuth Wiese,d eJ.Ristdq Rutter, okash,Zwicker St.Zaug's Knitting James Vending United mills & MethodistFood Service.Inc.Church HOMEMAKERHOMEPARENT ECONOMIST - FATHER- MOTHER° Mr:TomMrs. Alice Murphy AntSch onytz,George Outagamie Banta Co., County Inc. - NURSERYWHOLESALE/RETAIL-FOODNURSELINTERIOR SCHOOL DESIGN/FURNITURE TEACHER Mr.Mrs. WillardCarlyle JeanneMarilynRachel ScJohStu VerbLo son,erg, idt,ncouer,f, AppletonsCarlyleParkF9x ValleyAppleton'N' CooperativeL..Sclftidt MarketTechnicaktnstitute Memorial InteriorNurseryHospital SchoolDesign STUDENTSFVTI REPRESENTATIVE (!72 - '73 schoblyear) MisAMrs.BethSarah Verdoorn Green, Wilson- Einstein Junior Junior HighHigh, 'hr.Miss EricLynnDarlaLori IngmundDiyek CgevalierCornell -paston - - - MadisonWestHighRoosevelt HighSchool Junior School., Junior High High at iv TABLE OF. CONTENTS AdvisoryHomeAcknowle4gements Economics Committee Curriculum Project Organization PhilosophyDescription of of HomeEducation Local Economics Community of Appleton Departmen Public Schools HomeAnalysisDeve Economicspment of ofCourses CourseHome Economiesfor Offerings Coverage Program - ofjSubstantiveGradesIferings 7 - 8 - Areas9 HpmeIntroduction Economics Course Descriptions - Grades 7 - 8 - 9 Grade 7 - ExploringUnitConceptualCourse IntroductionYour Structure World: Family 600500 - 3a2ala Grade. 7 - ExploringBibliographyAppendix Your World: Foods 600 - ,64a19a 0 CourseBibliographyAppendixUnitConceptual Introduction Structure 600 -- 135b41b4b2blb I) Grade 7 - ExploringConceptualCourse IntroductionYour Structure World: Child 600 - 2clc 4 Grade 8 - ExploringBibliographyAppendixUnit' Your World: Clothing 600 - 41c12c3c BibliographyAppendixUnit`ConceaXualCourse Introduction Structure ' 605606 - 119a374:4a2ala- Grade 8 - ExploringConceptttaCourse IntroductionYour Structure World: liClusing 605 - 2blb BibliographyAppendixUnit 0 605 - 14b8b3b Grade9 - FocusConceptualCourse on TeenIntroduction -life:StructureFamily 610 - la2a,. Grade9 - FocusBibliographyAppendixUnit on Teen-life: 610 - 80a21a3a BibliographyAppendixUnitConceptualCourse Introduction Structurevi 610 - 127b33b3b2blb Grade 9- FocusCourse on Inti.oductionTeen-life: Child 610 - lc UnitConceptualBibliographyAppendix .,Structure 610610.-6210 -2- 45c12c3c2c Grade 9 - FocusCourse on Teen-life:IntroductionClothing' 615- la AppendixUnitConceptual Structure 615-.2 32a3a Grade 9 -FocusCourseBibliography on Teen-life:IntroductionHousing 615- ,78alb CO UnitBibliographyAppendixConceptual Structure 615- 40b14b3b2b fl A ce vii HOME ECONOMICS CURRICULUM PROJECT ORGANIZATION A thefordevelopment,° UniversitytheThe AppletonHome field Economicsof PublicWisconsin testing, CurriculumSchools, -and Stevens analysis with Project Point.the and assistancefor revision. Fundsthe Appleton for of theTheDr. SchoolsIDprojectFern oject M. wasproposalHorn,were planned provided Professor was to written byinclude Homethe Wisconsinby Economicsthree Armin phases: Gerhardt, DepartnientEducaiion,grogram LVEC ofat membersthePublic summaryThe Instruction, offirst the of phasecurriculumthe plan Bureauof the,for writingfor theproject Career development committee focused and Manpower wereandupon implementatioenrolledthe Developme development in t,a ofgraduateand of the byhome Homethe courseeconomics localEconomics in school curriculumcourse CurriculuM district. offerings. development Project.FigureAll taughtof1 givesthe 'tablishe6bytitlesrelationShipstea -CtaeDr. Fernandas to descriptions. M.well analyze andHorn. aschild sometheTae development, materials ofDuringcurriculum those this whodeveloped: and writing phase,serve family ascoursecommittee familysubstiutehousing offerings foods wasand teachers composedinteriors.and were nutrition, inidentified, of the juniorThe community. familyentire andcourse clothingseniorcommittee
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