General Lasso Meeting

March 13, 2017

In the absence of the president, Melissa Saylor, Susie Howard the treasurer presided over the meeting.

Susie Howard called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Susie began by welcoming everyone and thanking everyone, especially Cathy Campbell for all the work for the Lambert Winter Classic.

As the treasurer she reported that guard fees and drumline fees are due tonight. She also advised that scrip cards for Publix and Kroger are available for sale this evening.

Susie then called on Sue Baekeroot, to discuss the current fundraising opportunities. Sue introduced Chris Peterson from Classic Cookie to discuss the cookie fundraiser that is currently underway. Chris passed out samples for everyone to try and he passed out packets of information.

Our Lambert ID number is 7155

The sale starts tonight a d ends on 3/27/17. Cookies will be delivered on April 10, 2017

He reviewed the awards for sales—each one builds on each other:

10 items: Student gets name in cash drawing. 25 items: Student also gets customized dri fit athletic wear—dri fit long sleeve shirt 35 items: Student also gets a customized hoodie 50 items: student also gets $50.00 in cash 65 items: Student also gets Duffle Bag

Susie then called on Jay Flynn to discuss the Dinner and a Show fundraiser.

On May 5th and 6th the Acting Troupe of Lambert (ATL) will be performing the musical, Grease. We are partnering with them to offer an Italian spaghetti dinner before the show. The cost of the combination ticket will be $20.00 for students and $25.00 for adults. There will be a link on our website for advanced sales.

We are working with Jenny from the restaurant “Souper Jenny” restaurants. She is catering for us for her cost of the food only. We will need a committee of students and parents to help set up, serve and clean up on those evenings. Dinner will begin to be served at 5:30 in the cafeteria as the show starts at 7:00.

Susie then told us that we will begin a uniform donation program. We are asking seniors, those not returning to band or people who have grown out of their smaller uniforms to consider donating them back to the band. We will have a collection box the night of the Spring Concert. Susie discussed the upcoming LGPE that we still have a few needs for parent volunteers. We need to fill the shifts on Tuesday from 2-5:30, Wednesday from 2-5:30, Thursday from 8-11 and then also from 11- 2pm. Please look at the SUG emailed previously with LASSO Update #6

Susie then moved on to introduce the nominating committee. She advised that the nominating committee for this year would be: Terri Hall, Jay Flynn, Yi Li and Peggy Camilli. She asked Terri to review responsibilities for the open positions which include: two vice presidents, a secretary and the accounts payable treasurer. Terri briefly summarized the responsibilities of each position. Susie asked anyone who is interested in serving in the board or if they wanted to nominate someone to email someone on the nominating committee using the email on the band website.

Scott McCloy then reviewed the typical process. He advised that prior to the April meeting a slate will be emailed to everyone. On the night of the April meeting the floor will be opened for last minute nominations. If a nomination comes from the floor contesting the slate, then everyone will need to handwrite a ballet to be submitted. However, if there is not a contested position, an election by a show of hands will be done.

Susie advised that the band banquet will be on May 19th. She told everyone to please send pictures to [email protected]

Susie then turned the meeting over to Scott McCloy

Scott shared that at WGI Lambert won world class 1st place title. We beat a score of 80 for the first time ever—we even beat Milton! He advised from a national perspective we are ranked in the top 10. He then called on Jay Flynn to discuss the volunteer situation. Jay shared that we are in dire need of strong adults to move props. They are very heavy and need help to get set up. If the props do not get set up in a timely manner then we get penalized.

Scott gave kudos to drumline for their hard work. He also complemented the guard for all their effort. He advised that they are first in double A and if they make finals in Charlotte it bumps them up to single A.

Currently we do WGI percussion and WGI guard and we are thinking about adding WGI Winds. This is like an “indoor marching band” performance. Scott will watch this year’s championships to see what is expected of this group.

The indoor drumline will perform at our spring concert evening showcase. They will also perform for the student body before spring break.

Scott then discussed LGPE. He quickly reviewed the performance schedule:

Concert band and Wind Ensemble will perform on Tuesday, the Symphonic band will perform on Wednesday at 9 am and the wind Symphony will perform Thursday at 5:30. Please consider going as the kids work hard and it difficult when only performing for a few judges. After LGPE is over, parents will see one piece from each section at the spring concert. Scott then discussed the Mattress Sale coming up. He said it was Saturday May 6th in the band room. Our band room will be set up like a mattress show room. The fundraiser representative will be coming to the April meeting to review everything with the parents. There are many brand mattresses and many generic (that are actually made at the same place as the brand names—but without the names.) This year they are offering an APP that we can use to send out information and to research information. There is a new simpler fundraising structure. The students will get $50.00 per mattress sold directly into their Fair Share account. If an adjustable bed is sold, the student will get $50.00 for the frame and $50.00 for the mattress on top. The band then gets a percentage based on the total mattresses sold. There will also be flyers that students can put their names on it and the customer will get a $50.00 discount for using the flyer.

Scott then discussed a band trip for next year. He reminded us that at the previous meeting he took a vote to see if the parents would support a trip to New York. 88% responded positively; however, we cannot move forward with plans because what was the BOA Atlanta championship at the Georgia Dome this year has not been finalized. They have changed the name to the BOA Southeast Championship. If this championship changes and requires travel, then our trip will change to be able to go to this one. However regardless, fees will be based on an extended travel trip.

Scott’s closing words was sharing the sad news that Michelle Garcia, a mother of a guard member, has lost her battle to cancer. The band had been bringing food to the family for the past two months. The family asked us to hold off because others have offered as well. We are looking for other ways to support our band family in need.

The meeting concluded.