Small Group Guide “The Reputation of the Church” 1 Timothy 5:17—6:2

Message Summary

Continuing the Life Together series through 1 Timothy, today’s message challenges believers to look curiously different from the world in three main ways. First, as believers, we honor grace- empowered faithfulness, specifically double honoring the elders who shepherd the body. Because these elders are working in the spiritual field of the church, they should receive appropriate financial support for their ministry. Paul referenced the book of Deuteronomy’s truth about not muzzling an ox while it is threshing to teach Timothy that workers should be rewarded for their work with respect and with support.

Second, as believers, we should strive for purity. Striving to keep ourselves free from sin is an important part of the Christian walk. While no one is perfect, the closer we are to Jesus, the more our old heart for sin becomes a new heart for purity—to be holy as He is holy. The message of the gospel is that a holy God came to earth to save people from their sins. When we put our trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins to change us, giving us the desire to be holy and to please Christ.

Third, Christians must display the gospel through their work. Paul addresses slaves in this text, but slavery two thousand years ago was unlike slavery in modern times. Even then, the gospel was already at work to undermine all slavery by cutting it at its roots. Through slaves’ diligent work and respectful behavior, the power of the gospel would be displayed even before this sinful societal structure was toppled. The byproduct of knowing God is that the believer becomes noticeably different by God’s grace and for God’s glory.

Discussion & Application Questions

After briefly reviewing the message summary, use these questions to further examine the sermon and to discuss how these truths apply to daily life, so we can “be doers of the word, and

The Church at Brook Hills “The Reputation of the Church,” October 15, 2017 | Page 1 not hearers only” (Jas. 1:22). Based on your knowledge of the people in your small group, select the questions that will best help you frame the group’s discussion of this sermon and sermon text.

We honor grace-empowered faithfulness (1 Tim. 5:17-18).

1. What does it mean to honor the elders in our church? How do they regularly show us grace-empowered faithfulness? 2. When you consider the qualifications that Paul described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and 1 Timothy 5:17, how do these qualities look curiously different from the world around us? 3. Application: In what ways have you expressed your gratitude to the teachers and preachers in your life? In addition to faithfully giving to the church, how can you practically honor the pastors and elders at The Church at Brook Hills?

We strive for purity (1 Tim. 5:19-25).

4. Paul cautioned Timothy in these three ways—not to jump to believing the worst about an elder, not to play favorites, and not to do guess work but only reprove when sin is clearly present. How are each of these tendencies tempting for us? What happens in the church when fail to heed these cautions? 5. Consider what Pastor Matt said about the danger of becoming Pharisees who constantly point out others’ sins or of becoming paranoid, as if you are constantly being monitored by someone else. Why did Paul urge Timothy only to reprove obvious sins? 6. What does it mean to keep yourself pure (v. 22)? How does personal purity affect what you think, feel, do, and value? 7. Application: Since purity comes from God as the Holy Spirit lives in you, how are you nurturing your relationship with God through the Word and prayer? What evidence do you see in your life that He is sanctifying you?

We display the gospel through our work (1 Tim. 6:1-2).

8. Why should believers honor their bosses? What happens when we fail to do so? How do these verses relate to Colossians 3:17? What is the role of gratitude in honoring those in authority over you? 9. Consider the example Pastor Matt shared about the Christian soldiers who stopped shining their boots and gained a reputation of insubordination. What effect does Christian diligence have on the spread of the gospel? 10. Application: What is your attitude toward your work, your boss, your professors, or anyone else in authority over you? According to 1 Timothy 6:1, why does God want you to honor them? What effect will these actions have on the reputation of the church and the gospel spreading? If any of them are believers, how specifically are you honoring, serving, and praying for them? What effect will these actions have on the reputation of the church and the gospel spreading?

Things to Consider

The Church at Brook Hills “The Reputation of the Church,” October 15, 2017 | Page 2 If you have people in your group who did not hear the sermon, read the sermon text (1 Timothy 5:17—6:2) together and briefly summarize the main points of the sermon. Recapping the sermon text and sermon outline can also be a helpful way to start the group, even if everyone did hear the sermon.

As you open your group time, remind everyone of the purpose of the Life Together series—to examine practical ways we can walk together to live out the gospel. Emphasize that this week, we’ve seen some details about church life 2,000 years ago that we need to bring into 2017. Begin talking about what a reputation is. Define reputation, consider different kinds of reputations, both positively and negatively, and finally talk about how our reputations impact us and those close to us. Then ask your group: How do you affect the reputation of the Church?

Pastor Matt discussed three ways the Church gains a reputation that is curiously different from the world. Use the discussion questions above to talk about how we should (1) honor our church leaders, (2) strive for purity, and (3) work in a way that displays the power of the gospel.

Conclude your group time in prayer, asking God to grow your purity and to give you wisdom to honor those in authority over you. Pray that God will protect the reputation of His precious Church by empowering you to live according to His Word.

Weekly Prayer Focus

Pray for Our Church:  Pray for our Elders to be kept from temptation and to have guarded hearts. Pray for all of us to strive for purity.

Pray for Our City:  Pray for WorkFaith Birmingham and Pastor Keith Stanley, our Local Missions Pastor and WorkFaith’s founder.  Pray for 6th Avenue Baptist Church and for Pastor Jim Cantelow.

Pray for Our World:  Pray for Brook Hills Mid-Termer Tyler B. who is engaging refugee communities in Europe.  Pray for our Short-Term team in North Africa.

The Church at Brook Hills “The Reputation of the Church,” October 15, 2017 | Page 3