Paper Rubric: Performance Response Paper (20%)

A r gum e nt a tion O r g a ni za tion St y le + ACmplelear th seupposis srtat tement + Clear organization + Polished + Logical + Minimal errors in grammar “A” + AStmplerong saisnd development of ideas and punctuation range conclusion + No digressions + Proper formatting and citation + Conclusion extends - Some paragraphs - A few errors in grammar +ana Noly splotis summary may need to be and punctuation reorganized to emphasize focus - Some points may need further development + Adequate thesis statement + Organization + Mostly apolidhesrheesd to a coherent + Sufficient asuppnalyosrist mostly clear + Most points “B” +cit Prationope rslyys fteomrmatted range + Adequate intro. support paper’s and conclusion thesis + Most points on topic - More than occasional errors - Thesis statement may -in Some gramm quotar ationsnd pun impcturaotionperly - Some claims -be Some som ewclahimsat v miagueght need might be irrelevant formatted and/or cited or tangential -mo Somere evid claeimsnce might need - Relevance of some more analysis claims might not be - Some plot summary apparent - Conclusion mostly repeats thesis statement “C” + Some points are on + Some kind of citation system range + TSomehesis s suppotatemrtent evident topic +att Eerrmptorse din grammar and + CSomeonclu asnionaly seisvident + Some points follow logically punctuation generally do not from the intro. impede understanding - Thesis statement + Conclusion doesn’t offer any kind attempts to provide - Citation system inconsistent -of M aorgreum theantn a few claims some closure - Multiple errors in grammar need and punctuation - Organization - Quotations improperly -mo Mroer e vidthaenn ac efew claims confusing or formatted and/or cited need -p rMobloreem thaaticn a few points -mo Toore tmuextucha lplot ana slyummsis ary -o fMf topicore than a few - Conclusion is evident points but lacks any kind of closing unsubstantiated argument Paper Rubric: Performance Response Paper (20%)

“D” range + Intro. paragraph evident + Some kind of + Citations evident + Occasionally claims organization are made +att Someempte pointsd related - Citation system inconsistent to - Numerous errors in grammar - Intro. paragraph vague and punctuation and unfocused topic - QuotErrorastions impe impde undropersrlyta fndingormatted - VeMorystly little plot a nsaulmmysisary - Claims scattered or - No conclusion of any kind and/or cited non- existent - Digressions are distracting

“F” / 0 You did not submit an essay, or you submitted it too late to be considered for grading.

 Turned in at the beginning of the final exam period.  4 full pages, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman (or similarly sized font), 12 pt. font, double-spaced.  MLA format with no more than two citations in the Works Cited page: the review and the Oxford English Dictionary, if you choose to use it.  A thesis statement that addresses how the play and this respective production is didactic, and how this message depends on the place of the stage in order to be conveyed.  An engaging introduction, paragraphs that present evidence supporting this thesis statement, and a conclusion that addresses the question—“so what?”  Incorporation of a review of the production that is in conversation with an alternative performance response—agreeing and disagreeing with the critic as opposed to simply agreeing with their points.  Incorporation of key terms that are relevant to your main point and the production in question (i.e.)there's no point in discussing soliloquies if you can't tie them back to your thesis)  A creative engaging title that includes the full name of the play and its author, as well as the topic or focus of the paper.  Inclusion of some proof of attendance (copy of ticket, e-mail confirmation, etc.)

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