The United Bird Societies of South Australia Inc
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The United Bird Societies of South Australia Inc. An affiliate of the Avicultural Federation of Australia Incorporated.
Executive Officer Patron Mr. Brian Reichelt His Excellency 74 Dartmouth Street Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AO CSC RANR PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Governor of South Australia Tel: 08 8642 3314 Tel: 0418 896 995 Fax: 08 8642 5163 Email: [email protected]. URL
Sixth Edition – 2012 The Bird Price Guide has been prepared by The United Bird Societies of South Australia Inc. It is a guide for the information of bird keepers in our affiliated clubs to provide an indicative median value that may be attached to birds within South Australia. It was prepared from information submitted by some of our Affiliated Clubs and individual members of Clubs. In the Guide, there are birds for which no information was received to facilitate assessments of reasoned median prices. In these cases “n/a” is shown rather than providing a guessed figure. You will note that “n/a” appears more frequently than in previous editions of the Guide and this is a disappointing outcome. We had no option but to produce a document that is somewhat deficient due to the ongoing apathy displayed by bird keepers generally towards the broader spectrum of avian administration. In some cases, the prices were taken from a very small sample base and therefore may be distorted. It is recognised that people selling birds are entitled to, and will, set their own values for their birds – taking into account the many factors that influence bird prices Those factors include supply, demand, condition of the birds, breeding pairs, DNA tested birds, Show Bench quality, mutation values, age, etc.
As bird prices are subject to so many factors, The United Bird Societies of South Australia Inc can accept no responsibility for variations from the prices indicated in this Guide .
We welcome constructive comments and suggestions that will add to the status of the document and which will assist in the development of a quality guideline document. In particular, we strongly encourage all bird keepers to participate in the next survey and enable this to be a more comprehensive document providing a wider range – and be a more authoritative indication - of bird prices for the benefit of South Australian bird keepers.
AUSTRALIAN PARROTS Adult Pair Adult Pair Bluebonnet Hooded – Naretha 1500 Normal 220 Red-vented 200 Cinnamon n/a Yellow-vented 190 Cinnamon split n/a Blue winged Pied – Normal 140 Dominant 600 Young each n/a Recessive n/a Blue n/a Recessive split n/a Bourke’s Parrakeet King Parrot 295 Normal 35 Young each 110 Cinnamon n/a Lorikeet Cream 60 Little n/a Pink 60 Musk 120 Rosa 40 Musk olive n/a Budgerigar – native 25 Purple crowned Budgerigar mutations (see page 3) Normal 250 Cloncurry 200 Cinnamon n/a Cockatiel Rainbow – Normal 20 Normal 100 Albino 35 Olive n/a Cinnamon 30 Cinnamon 600 Cinnamon Pied 25 Blue fronted 500 Lutino 30 Blue fronted split cinnamon 1300 Lutino Cinnamon Opaline n/a Blue fronted pastel 2400 Pastel face n/a Blue split fallow 1600 Pearl 25 Melanistic fallow 1200 Pied 25 Fallow 1600 Pied – pearl 25 Split fallow 700 Platinum n/a Grey green blue front 1000 Silver n/a Grey green split blue front 800 Silver - White-faced 30 Grey green split blue split fallow 1800 White 30 Jade 500 White face 30 Lutino 2000 White-face Pied 30 Split Lutino 800 Hand raised birds: Mustard 600 White face 60 Pied All other colours 60 Cinnamon single factor 5000 Crimson-winged 265 Mustard single factor 5000 Female n/a Normal single factor 600 Young each 95 Normal double factor 1400 Eclectus Macgillvrayi n/a Jade single factor 1000 Young each n/a Jade double factor 2000 Elegant – Lutino single factor 3000 Normal 55 Split cinnamon single factor 1200 Cinnamon 70 Split cinnamon double factor 2200 Pied 100 Red collared Split for Yellow n/a Normal 150 Yellow 180 Cinnamon 1400 Young each n/a Lutino 4000 Fig Parrot – Double-eyed n/a Split lutino 2500 Golden shouldered 235
AUSTRALIAN PARROTS (contd) AUSTRALIAN PARROTS (contd) Lorikeets (contd) Rosellas Scaly breasted Adelaide Normal n/a Normal 300 Olive n/a Cinnamon n/a Lutino n/a Blue-cheeked 400 Varied n/a Crimson – Mallee Ringneck Normal 225 Normal 200 Young each 80 Pied n/a Black n/a Mulga 200 Blue n/a Port Lincoln 200 Northern species 490 Princess Eastern Normal 85 Normal 150 Normal split yellow split blue 180 Young each 60 Blue 110 Golden-mantled 160 Blue split n/a Black n/a Blue split yellow 300 Young each n/a Blue split yellow/lime 390 Cinnamon n/a Lime 750 Lutino 325 White 600 Red 180 White split blue 500 Red cinnamon 250 Yellow 500 Rubino 800 Yellow split blue 400 Tasmanian 200 Red-capped 215 Green (Tasmanian) 1800 Red-rumped Northern 525 Normal 35 Northern – subspecies hilli n/a Albino 80 Pale-headed – Blue 70 Normal 190 Blue opaline 85 Pied n/a Blue pied 80 Western – Cinnamon 50 Normal 170 Cinnamon opaline 80 Blue n/a Grey 80 Red-backed 320 Grey cinnamon n/a Yellow 320 Grey green 80 Scarlet-chested Grey opaline 85 Normal 65 Lutino 80 Dilute blue 70 Lutino opaline 85 Double dark factor - normal 300 Opaline - Female 40 Fallow 475 Opaline - Male 40 Par blue 80 Opaline green 60 Par blue fallow 450 Pied green n/a Pastel blue 800 Platinum 100 Pastel split 400 Platinum pied 100 Red-bellied 75 Silver n/a Sea green 85 Silver opaline 80 Sea green fallow 400 Regent Single dark factor: Green n/a Normal 150 Young each n/a Sea green 150 Yellow 180 Par blue 150 Young each 80 White fronted 110 Rock Parrot 315 White fronted fallow 500 White fronted split fallow 275 AUSTRALIAN PARROTS (contd) COCKATOOS (contd) Superb (Barraband) 155 Major Mitchell’s Swift 450 Adult birds 490 Twenty-eight Young each 210 Normal 180 Young – hand raised each n/a Young each n/a Sulphur-crested Blue n/a Adults birds 300 Split Blue n/a Young – hand raised each n/a Turquoise Normal 60 Isobel 250 BUDGERIGAR - MUTATIONS Jade 50 Albino 15 Olive 80 Banded Pied 15 Opaline 90 Black Eyed Self 15 Red fronted 60 Blue 12 Red fronted yellow 60 Cinnamonwing 12 Yellow (dilute) 50 Clearbody 15 Yellow opaline (dilute) 100 Clearwing 15 Crested 15 Danish Recessive Pied 15 COCKATOOS Dominant Pied 15 Black Fallow 15 Glossy n/a Green 15 Palm n/a Greywing 15 Red-tailed n/a Harlequin 15 Young each n/a Lacewing 15 Banksii 4000 Lutino 15 Magnificus n/a Opaline 15 Macrorhynchus n/a Spangle Double Factor 15 Naso n/a Spangle 15 Samueli 3,250 White 15 White-tailed Carnabys 3400 Yellow 15 Young each n/a Yellowfaced 10 Yellow-tailed n/a Hand raised - spoon fed each n/a Young each n/a Club Rung Show Quality Birds Baudini n/a Albino n/a Funereus 4,600 Banded Pied n/a Latirostris n/a Black Eyed Self n/a Corella Blue n/a Little 80 Cinnamonwing n/a Long-billed 200 Clearbody n/a W.A. Long-billed n/a Clearwing n/a Galah Crested n/a Normal - Danish Recessive Pied n/a Adult birds 100 Dominant Pied n/a Young – hand raised each n/a Fallow n/a Assimillis n/a Green n/a Lutino n/a Greywing n/a Gang Gang Harlequin n/a Adult birds 2330 Lacewing n/a Surgically sexed: Lutino n/a Young each 800 Opaline n/a Young – hand raised each n/a Spangle Double Factor n/a Spangle n/a BUDGERIGAR - MUTATIONS EXOTIC PARROTS - ASIATIC (contd) SPECIES (contd) Club Rung Show Quality Birds (contd) Ringnecks – (contd) White n/a Green/blue/lacewing n/a Yellow n/a Males each n/a Yellowfaced n/a Males Young each n/a Green/lutino EXOTIC PARROTS - ASIATIC SPECIES Males each n/a Alexandrine Males Young each n/a Normal 320 Green/blue/lutino Young each 110 Males each n/a Lutino n/a Males Young each n/a Split Lutino n/a Grey 80 Derbyan 3500 Grey cinnamon : Young each n/a Males each n/a Malabar 2000 Males Young each n/a Young female each 900 Females each n/a Young male each 600 Females Young each n/a Moustached 250 Grey green/blue/cinnamon: Young each 90 Males each n/a Plum-headed 250 Males young each n/a Young each 100 Grey lacewing n/a Ringnecks Young each n/a Green – Normal 50 Grey/cinnamon Young each 20 Males each n/a Albino 95 Males Young each n/a Young each 35 Grey-green cinnamon/ blue: Blue cinnamon : Males each n/a Young each n/a Males Young each n/a males each n/a Females each n/a Young each n/a Females Young each n/a females each n/a Grey-green lacewing/blue n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Blue lacewing n/a Grey-green/blue n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Blue 80 Grey-green/blue/lacewing Young each 30 Males n/a Blue/cinnamon Young each n/a Males each n/a Lacewing/blue 135 Young each n/a Young each 45 Blue/lutino n/a Lutino 90 Young each n/a Young each 35 Males each n/a Lutino/blue n/a Males Young each n/a Young each n/a Cinnamon n/a Pastel blue lacewing n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Cinnamon/blue n/a Pastel blue n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Creamino n/a Pastel blue/cinnamon Males n/a Young each n/a Pastel blue/lacewing - Males n/a Golden olive 70 Pastel grey lacewing n/a Young each 30 Young each n/a Green/blue n/a Pastel grey n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Pastel grey/cinnamon Males n/a EXOTIC PARROTS - ASIATIC EXOTIC PARROTS - LORI SPECIES (contd) SPECIES Ringnecks – (contd) Lory Pastel silver n/a Red Moluccan n/a Pastel sky blue n/a Young each n/a Silver: Red Buru 2,500 Males each 80 Young each n/a Young each 30 Black capped blue breasted 2500 Females each 80 Lorilory n/a Young each 30 Young each n/a Violet 600 Erythrothrax n/a Young each 250 Young each n/a Fallow The addition of “Fallow” to Chattering 2,500 all colours does not increase the price Young each n/a and may in fact result in a Green naped 1,200 slight reduction: Young each 500 Slaty-headed 430 Dusky 1,750 Young each 175 Young each n/a Yellow bibbed 8000 Young each n/a EXOTIC - AFRICAN SPECIES Ornate n/a African Grey 12600 Young each n/a Young each 5500 Black n/a Meyers parrot n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Goldies 4000 Red-bellied parrot n/a Young each n/a Young each n/a Senegal 5,000 Young each 2,000 EXOTIC PARROTS Lovebirds SOUTH AMERICAN SPECIES See separate section for Lovebirds Amazon Cuban n/a Young each n/a Double yellow headed 9,000 EXOTIC PARROTS Young each n/a NZ/ASIAN PACIFIC SPECIES Yellow crowned 5,500 Eclectus Young each 2,500 Polychloros 1250 Blue fronted 4500 Young each 560 Young each 2,000 Solomonensis n/a Yellow naped 14000 Young each n/a Young each 7000 Vosmaeri 2000 White fronted: 7000 Young each n/a Young each n/a Grande 2500 Caique Kakariki Black headed 4500 Red fronted 70 Young each 2000 Young each 40 White bellied 9000 Red fronted cinnamon 100 Young each n/a Red fronted - split yellow 110 Conure Yellow fronted 80 Blackcapped 600 Pied 100 Young each 300 Pied - cinnamon 180 Blue throated 1500 Yellow n/a Young each 500 Yellow - Red eyed n/a Blue-crowned 16,000 Yellow - Black eyed 400 Young each n/a SOUTH AMERICAN SPECIES SOUTH AMERICAN SPECIES (contd) (contd) Conure (contd) Quaker Crimson bellied 1400 Normal 240 Young each 500 Young each 100 Firey shouldered 4000 Blue 325 Young each n/a Young each 125 Golden- crowned 8,000 Split blue 250 Green cheeked 80 Young each 100 Young each 35 Mutations - EXOTIC PARROTS - Cinnamon Young each 50 LOVEBIRDS Cinnamon split Yellow sided Fischers Cock each 100 Normal 25 Pineapple - Cock each 200 Blue n/a Pineapple - Hen Young each 200 Lime 60 Yellow sided each 120 Lutino 80 Yellow sided split Cinnamon Pastel blue n/a Cock Young each 100 Pied 60 Jandaya 500 Yellow face 145 Young each 200 Masked Maroon bellied 250 Normal 30 Young each 80 Albino 300 Nanday Blue 40 Normal 300 Cobalt 40 Young each 120 Dilute 45 Cinnamon 1000 Jade 40 Young each 400 Lutino 200 Painted n/a Mauve 45 Young each n/a Olive 40 Patagonian n/a Violet 40 Peach fronted 2,500 White 50 Young each n/a Yellow 40 Pearly 300 Nyassa n/a Young each 150 Peach faced Queen of Bavaria n/a Normal 15 Rosie Front Painted n/a Blue n/a Sun 475 Cinnamon 60 Young each 150 Creamino n/a White eared n/a Golden cherry n/a Young each n/a Ivory n/a Macaw Jade 25 Blue and Gold 14-18000 Lutino n/a Young each 5300 Olive 25 Green - winged 25 - 30000 Opaline - most mutations n/a Scarlet 25 - 30000 Orange - faced n/a Hahn’s 3400 Orange - faced Green split n/a Yellow collared 20000 Pied 20 Illigers n/a Primrose n/a Severe n/a Red eyed cream n/a Red fronted n/a Silver cherry n/a Slate grey n/a Yellow 40 Violet series 100 White faced 65 AUSTRALIAN FINCHES AUSTRALIAN FINCHES (contd) Black –throated Gouldian mutations (contd) (Diggles) Silver Double Factor Purple Breast n/a Black rumped 60 Cock each n/a Black rumped dark form n/a Silver Breast Double Factor White Breast n/a (Parson) Cock each n/a White-rumped 70 White Breasted 50 White rumped dark form n/a White Breast Double Factor 200 Mutations White Breasted (Green Backed) n/a Cream n/a Yellow Backed Purple Breast White n/a Single Factor n/a Fawn n/a Yellow Backed Purple Breast Chestnut breasted 45 Double Factor Cock each n/a Crimson Yellow Backed - Sex Link Dominant 40 Black bellied 250 Yellow Backed White Breast White bellied n/a Double Factor Cock each n/a Double barred Yellow Backed White Breast Black rumped 80 Single Factor 80 White rumped 50 Yellow Recessive n/a Mutations - Yellow Recessive – White headed 100 Fawn n/a Long-tailed Firetails Red billed (Heck’s) 50 Beautiful n/a Yellow billed 70 Diamond 75 Fawn n/a Mutations - Cream or White n/a Diamond – Yellow n/a Cream or White Hen n/a Diamond – Fawn n/a Cream or White Cock n/a Red-eared n/a Pearls n/a Gouldian Pied n/a Black headed 45 Masked Red headed 45 Normal 95 Yellow headed 45 White eared 120 Gouldian mutations Painted Australian Yellow n/a Normal 40 Australian Recessive Dilute n/a Yellow 40 Blue Pastel Single Factor Fawn n/a Cock each n/a Pictorella 120 Blue Backed Purple Breast n/a Parrot Finch Blue Backed Purple Breast Recessive n/a Blue faced 70 Blue Backed White Breast n/a Blue faced Blue Backed White Breast Recessive n/a Lutino Cock each 100 Dilute n/a Lutino Hen each 100 Pastel Blue Purple Breast Plum headed Cock each n/a Normal 50 Pastel Blue White Breast n/a Fawn n/a Cock each n/a Red browed Purple Breast Double Factor n/a Normal 50 Purple Breast Dilute Single Factor Lesser n/a Cock each n/a Yellow n/a Silver Single Factor Hen each n/a Silver White Breast n/a Hen each n/a
AUSTRALIAN FINCHES (contd) FOREIGN FINCHES (contd) Star finch Jacarini 55 Red faced 35 Java Yellow faced 35 Normal (Blue) n/a Cinnamon Fawn n/a Red headed 55 Pied n/a Yellow headed 55 Pure White n/a Fawn Mannikins Red headed 60 Bengalese 20 Yellow headed n/a Bengalese – Crested n/a Heavy Pied n/a Bengalese – Self n/a Yellow rumped 70 Rufous backed n/a Zebra Melba –see “Pytilia” Normal 5 Munia Zebra Mutations White bellied n/a Many Zebra Finch mutations are available and Javan 70 a range of prices should therefore be expected. Nun– Expect to pay from $2 to $10 for a Zebra mutation. Black headed 60 Silver headed 60 Tri-coloured 60 Parrot Finch Bamboo n/a FOREIGN FINCHES Peales n/a Aberdeen n/a Pin-tailed Nonpareil n/a Aurora – see “Pytilia” Red faced 70 Avadavat – Tri-coloured 150 Green n/a Mutations – Red 110 Red faced - Bengalese – see “Mannikins” Heavy Pied each 225 Cardinal – Red crested n/a Light Pied each 150 Chaffinch n/a Sea Green (C) each 40 Cordon Bleu Sea Green (H) each 40 Red cheeked 75 Sea Green Pied (C) each 125 Mutations - Sea Green Pied (H) each 135 Red cheeked pied n/a Pekin Robin n/a Yellow n/a Pytilia Blue capped Waxbill * n/a Green winged (Melba) n/a Cuban 70 Red faced (Aurora) n/a Cut-throat - Normal 35 Red winged (Aurora) n/a - Pied 80 Yellow winged 200 Fire Red crested n/a Red billed (Ruddie) * 35 Redheaded – see “Aberdeen” Mutations - Redpoll n/a Cinnamon n/a Saffron – Pelzelins n/a Pink 50 Saint Helena Pied 65 Normal 50 Pied pink 75 Mutations - Golden Song Sparrow n/a Cinnamon n/a Goldfinch 30 Fawn 45 Greenfinch Heavy pied n/a European 30 White n/a European Lutino n/a Yellow n/a Himalayan n/a Oriental n/a FOREIGN FINCHES (contd) CANARIES (contd) Serin Border Fancy European n/a Normal n/a Yellow rumped n/a Cinnamon n/a Silverbill – African 100 Mosiacs n/a Silver eared Mesia n/a Fife n/a Singer Grey n/a Little green Normal 150 SOFT BILLS Cinnamon n/a Blackbird, European n/a Siskin Chat Black headed yellow 185 Crimson n/a European n/a Orange n/a Red hooded 300 White fronted n/a Yellow hooded n/a Fairy Wren Twinspots Black -backed n/a Dybowski's n/a Purple backed n/a Peter's n/a Red backed n/a Waxbill Red winged n/a Black rumped n/a Superb 120 Orange breasted 40 Splendid 600 Orange breasted Pied 90 Variegated 600 Orange cheeked n/a White winged 600 Violet eared n/a Honeyeater – Scarlet n/a Weaver Kingfisher Comoro n/a Sacred n/a Grenadier 300 Kookaburra Madagascar n/a Blue winged n/a Madagascar Yellow n/a Laughing 400 Napoleon n/a Landrail Orange Bishop n/a Buff - banded n/a Whydah Lapwing Pin tailed n/a Banded 70 Red shouldered n/a Masked 80 Yellowhammer n/a Magpie 50 Robin CANARIES Eastern Yellow n/a Roller n/a Red - capped n/a Male n/a Scrub wren Female n/a Yellow throated n/a Chopper n/a Silvereye 70 Norwich Spinebill Plainhead n/a Eastern n/a Cinnamon n/a Stone Curlew Crested n/a Bush - Southern n/a Crest bred n/a Thrush, Song 80 Gloucester Fancy n/a Turkey - Brush n/a Red Factor 50 Skylark 80 Red Orange n/a Wattlebird, Red 300 Common 25 Whipbird - Eastern n/a Yorkshire n/a Woodswallow Lizards n/a Dusky n/a Frills n/a White - browed n/a
DOVES AND PIGEONS DOVES AND PIGEONS (contd) Barbary n/a Turtle Dove Fawn n/a Ruddy 100 Pink n/a Spotted 10 Lavender n/a White breasted Ground 120 Marked white n/a Young each n/a Bar shouldered 50 White headed 120 Bleeding heart 250 Young each n/a Young each n/a Wonga 100 Bronzewing Young each n/a Brush 140 Common 45 Crested 25 Cuckoo Dove, Brown 600 Young each n/a WATERFOWL Diamond – Blue billed Duck 400 Cinnamon n/a Black Duck 30 Normal 20 Goose Silver n/a Canada 600 White 20 Cape Barren 150 Flock 300 Egyptian 250 Fruit pigeon Magpie 250 Rose crowned 450 Young each 100 Young each n/a Hardhead Duck 150 Purple crowned 700 Mandarin Duck 350 Superb n/a Pygmy Goose, Green 950 Young each n/a Scaup (NZ) 200 Wompoo 10000 Shelduck Green winged 70 Burdekin 350 Young each n/a Mountain 150 Masked 50 Paradise 500 Partridge 400 Ruddy 500 Young each n/a Shoveller, A’sian 400 Peaceful Swan – Fawn n/a Black 350 Normal 20 Mute 2500 Rock Teal – Chestnut quilled n/a Chestnut 80 White quilled n/a Grey 60 Young each n/a Whistling Duck Senegal 40 Plumed 200 Young each n/a Water 350 Spinifex Wood Duck 40 Red bellied 350 Young each n/a QUAIL AND PARTRIDGE White bellied 350 Quail Young each n/a Bob White 50 Squatter 180 Brown – normal 45 Young each n/a Brown – pied n/a Talpacoti Brown – white n/a Normal 40 Button –Black breasted 250 Pied 50 Button – little 125 Torres Strait 200 Button – painted 120 Button – Red backed 500 QUAIL AND PARTRIDGE (contd PHEASANTS AND PEAFOWL Quail (contd) Blackneck 75 Button – Red chested 300 Brush Turkey n/a Californian 90 Fireback, Siamese 2000 European Golden all varieties n/a Normal 100 Japanese 20 Black throated 120 King Guinea Fowl Normal 10 Normal 50 Cinnamon 10 Cinnamon 50 Pied 10 Silver 50 Silver-blue 10 Jungle Fowl, Red 40 Stubble n/a Kalij, Nepal 150 Swamp 80 Lady Amherst 130 Partridge – Chukar 60 Mongolian Pure 75 Blue 75 Green 75 Peafowl, Indian Blue normal 110 Blue pied 180 Blue white 250 Peafowl, Javanese Green 1000 Mutant Blue n/a Mutant Green n/a Reeves 150 Ringneck Pure 75 Cinnamon 75 White 120 Silver 100 Swinhoe’s 150