NCDPI AIG Instructional Resource: Background Information s12
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NCDPI – AIG Instructional Resource: Background Information
Resource Title: Add it up – Close to 100.
Subject Area/Grade Level (s): Math/Grade 1 Time Frame: 1 class period
Common Core Standard Addressed: Number and Operations in Base Ten Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. 1.NBT.4 Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten. Mathematical Practices 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 6. Attend to precision
Additional Standards Addressed: NA
Brief Description of Lesson/Task/Activity: Students will play a card game involving addition and reasoning.
Type of Differentiation for AIGs (include all that apply): Enrichment x Extension Acceleration
Adaptations for AIGs: Content x Process Product
Explanation of How Resource is Appropriate for AIGs: Higher order thinking and group interaction
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project Needed Resources/Materials 1 deck of regular playing cards per group of 4 students – face cards removed or digit cards Paper and pencil for students to write problems if needed
Sources: NA
NCDPI AIG Curriculum Resource Outline
Rules for the game: Deal 4 cards to each student. Put the remaining cards face down in the center of the playing area. Turn one card face up. The first student looks at the cards he/she has. 10 can only be used as 10. The other cards may be used as 10’s or ones. For example an 8 and a 6 may be used as 86, 68 or 14. The object is to get exactly 100 points by adding. At the player’s turn, the player decides how to evaluate the hand. The player may draw the card from the discard pile or from the stock or pass. If a card is drawn, one may be discarded. If the player has 100 points or very close he/she may call “Add it up!” and show the points in the hand explaining the addition. The directions for the game could vary depending on skill level of the student, they may need to write down their equation or have developed strategies to add mentally. Students should explain their thinking when solving their equation.
Here is an example game: Player one: 10, 2, 8, 5 85 + 10 = 9 95 + 2 = 97; player takes a 7 and discards the 5; now the score is 99 Player two: 10, 9, 8, 6, ; Player discards the 10 and draws a 4. 86 + 4 = 90; 90 + 9 = 99 Player three: 4, A, 7, 7 ; Player discards the A and draws a 9. 79 + 11 = 90 Player four: 8, 5, 6, 9; Player calls “Add it up!” 85 + 15 = 100
Scoring: The winning player gets the number of points in his/her hand and the points the other players are short from 100. This winner gets 100 + 1 + 1 + 10 = 112. A player may call “Add it up” when they are close to 100 but if another player is closer to 100 (without going over), that player would be the winner.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project STAGE TWO: ELABORATE
Play the game with three other students, modeling either mental arithmetic or adding on paper. Encourage thinking aloud (86 + 4 is the same as 85 + 5 is the same as 90). Ask students to look at the different ways a hand could be added. How do they decide which combination will give the largest sum? Do they always want the largest sum that can be made?
I can choose combinations of numbers to add to get the sum of 100.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project