Lucas on the Lucasian Transformation of Macroeconomics: an Assessment M. De Vroey Discussion Paper 2010-32 LUCAS ON THE LUCASIAN TRANSFORMATION OF MACROECONOMICS: AN ASSESSMENT Michel De Vroey ◊ July 2010 Abstract Robert Lucas is rightfully credited with having changed the course of macroeconomic theory. The aim of this paper is to document his transformation from a potential contributor to Keynesian macroeconomics to the master builder of an alternative paradigm, equilibrium macroeconomics. I reconstruct Lucas’s theoretical journey as involving seven steps: (1) his pre-macroeconomic years, (2) his early work as a macroeconomist, jointly with Rapping, (3) the ‘Expectations and the Neutrality of Money’ 1972 article, (4) his inaugural equilibrium model of the business cycle, (5) his all-out attack on Keynesian macroeconomics, (6) the passing of the baton to Kydland and Prescott, and (7) his standpoint after the victory of the approach he so much contributed to launch. JEL classification: B 22; B 31; E30. Keywords: Lucas, new classical macroeconomics. ◊ IRES, University of Louvain,
[email protected] A first version of this paper was presented at seminars given at the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia. The author is grateful to the participants at these seminars for their remarks. He also acknowledges his gratitude to Robert Lucas for having authorized him to quote from the Lucas Archives held at Duke University, as well as for his comments on the paper. Kevin Hoover’s vivid comments on an earlier version were also stimulating. 1 INTRODUCTION In the late 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, macroeconomics underwent a radical change, which resulted in the overthrow of Keynesian IS-LM macroeconomics and its replacement by dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium macroeconomics.