Pfa Annual Convention
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PFA ANNUAL CONVENTION Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel KY Business Meeting Minutes September 1, 2015
The Annual Meeting was called to order at 10:35am by President Karen Katz in the Place of the Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel.
Roll Call: Quorum is present. Karen Katz, President Gary Hodges, Treasurer Lisa Campion, Secretary Suzanne Schaffer, Director Andrew Sagan, Director Jenny Lynch, Associate Member Representative Ann Devine, Ex Officio Executive Director
Patrick Johanns was unable to attend to due work commitments however submitted his report.
Reading of Conference call minutes from February 12 and March 24, 2015: The board previously approved the minutes on June 22, 2015. The approved minutes were sent to the Board. A clarification was added. All moved to approve the minutes as revised. No discussion. Motion passed.
Officer Reports: The board reviewed the board reports submitted to be presented to the membership.
Executive Director Report: PFA Insurance Renewal o Ann requested insurance renewal quotes. This year, PFA had to pay an additional $1,200 premium to host convention. The board discussed the options available this year. The board needs to select a company as our insurance period ends on September 30, 2015. The board discussed bidding this out each year. Audit o Lisa Campion moved to have the PFA financial records from the last year reviewed by a certified CPA, non-member. Andrew Sagan seconded. No discussion. Motion passed. The financial review will be completed by our next board meeting. o The board reviewed the financial reports. o Lisa Campion moved to clean slate the accounts receivable as there were inadequate records to verify the amounts owed. Gary Hodge seconded. No discussion. Motion passed. o The board reviewed the Convention budgeted 2015 vs. actual 2014.
1 o Alpha Omega, Alpha Tau Delta, Delta Epsilon Iota, Gamma Iota Sigma, Kappa Delta Epsilon, Omega Tau Sigma, Zeta Phi Eta remain unpaid with their dues, but have been contacted via email and phone. Their information will be included on the website once dues have been received. Only fraternal members will be included on the website and directory. o The board discussed obtaining a PFA credit card. Ann will be obtain a PFA credit card. o The board discussed the new nametags and the advertising banner. They look wonderful. Ann also shared that in-house printing and buying the folders in bulk helped reduce our budget. o The board discussed highlighting the associate members throughout the year through PFA Today (“Look What’s New”) as well as calling or requesting fraternal members to complete their profile for associate members. o The board discussed potentially being at the same time/location as the Honor Society Convention or NPC or other organizations and only sharing a trade show. Nothing else would change just allowing the other organizations and PFA to be part of one tradeshow. Ann will look into this as a multi-year plan. ED Role o Ann has given retirement notice for June from PSE. They are interviewing for her position. They will be hired in March until June. All the candidates have agreed to allow Ann to continue to be PFA’s Executive Director and to have access to PSE’s in-house offerings.
Old Business Amendments & Governing Documents o Bob London has volunteered to Chair the Constitutional and Bylaw Review Committee. The board will add this as an ad-hoc committee for this upcoming year. o Ruth Johnson sent amendments for consideration. The amendments are included in the meeting materials to be discussed and then voted upon at a later date according to our Bylaws. o Lisa Campion moved to approve the Policy and Procedure Manual as amended in August of 2015. Andrew Sagan seconded. No discussion. Motion passed. Secretary’s Note: The board discussed that this is an ever-changing document. The governing documents hierarchy is the articles of incorporation, constitution and bylaws then the policy and procedure manual. o The board discussed revisiting the board of directors’ reimbursement policy at the next board meeting. . Ann Devine asked for clarification on whether the board members will receive 50% of their expenses per the Constitution or all of their expenses? The response was 50% and the Policy and Procedure manual needs to be updated.
2 New Business ED and PSE Payments o The board reviewed Ann’s timesheet for PFA. o Andrew moved to increase the Executive Director compensation from $1400 a month to $1800 a month. Suzanne Schaffer seconded the motion. Discussion occurred. Karen Katz excused herself for a quick break and Lisa Campion acted as Chair in her absence. Karen Katz returned as Chair. Andrew Sagan moved to amend the motion to increase the Executive Director compensation from $1400 a month to $1800 a month which is an honorarium for her time and reasonable office expenses, including but not limited to the phone, effective September 1, 2015. Beyond this $1800 honorarium and office-related expenses, Ann will still be reimbursed separately for travel expenses and reasonable expenses made for PFA according to the Policy and Procedure manual. Suzanne Schaffer seconded the amendment. No discussion on the amendment. Amendment passed. No discussion on main motion. Motion passed. Nomination Slate o The slate presented for the 2015-2017 board presented by the Nomination Committee and distributed by the Chair, Patrick Johanns: . President: Suzanne Schaffer, Phi Sigma Pi . Vice President: Andrew Sagan, Phi Alpha Delta . Treasurer: Lisa Campion, Sigma Alpha . Secretary: Latha Radhakrishnan, Kappa Psi . Director: Anthony Chaffee, Phi Delta Chi . Director: Leslie Odom, Sigma Alpha Iota o Associate member elections will occur at the associate member luncheon where Karen Katz and Ann Devine will be present so that Karen Katz is able to conduct the nomination and voting process. o If there are nominations from the floor or nominations that were not slated, the candidates for the position are able to do a two minute speech, all candidates for that position will leave the room, floor discussion on candidates, if any, silent written vote if more than one candidate. The vote will be conducted by Karen Katz, Ann Devine, and an independent person not on the board currently. New Fraternity Member Application o Ann will be sending the application to the board for review on Thursday once we have received all the information. Potential Fraternity Members o Delta Chi Xi – Ann will contact to see if they would like to re-submit their application as they have additional chapters. The national organization has stated on their website that they are a PFA member. They are student-led so we need to clarify. o Ann has 8 new fraternities to discuss becoming a member of PFA. Leadership Academy 2016
3 o The board discussed whether to continue this professional opportunity and how to improve the leadership curriculum further. The board discussed making the budget more effective and efficient so that the goal would be to breakeven in 2017. The board discussed marketing the event at Convention. Lisa Campion moved to continue Leadership Academy for 2016. Gary Hodge seconded. No discussion. Motion passed.
Announcements Ann will be sending a Post-Convention PFA Today out in October. The board discussed ways to increase committee involvement.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:49 PM (Lisa Campion moved to adjourn. Andrew Sagan seconded.).
Lisa Campion, Acting Secretary
Approved on September 16, 2015.