PRESENT Mayor Pedro Stephen AM (Chair), Cr. Yen Loban, Cr. John Abednego, Cr. Allan Ketchell, Dalassa Yorkston (Chief Executive Officer), Andrew Brown (Director Corporate and Community Services), Bill Cuthbertson (Director Engineering and Infrastructure Services) and Nola Ward Page (Minute Secretary)

The meeting opened with a prayer by Mayor Stephen at 9.08am.


The Mayor acknowledged the traditional owners The People upon whose land we hold our meeting also the elders representing the clans from the four winds of Zenadth Kes.

APOLOGY An apology was received from Cr. Willie Wigness.

Min. 16/03/1 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That the apology received from Cr. Wigness be accepted.” Carried

CONDOLENCES As a mark of respect, Council observed a minute’s silence in memory of:

Elder Palm Baigau Stephen Mr Ali Drummond (Snr) Ms Sarah (Serai) Lowah Mr Leigh Milbourne Ms Melora Elthia Nai Arthur Pitt Pauls Mills



Min. 16/03/2 Moved Cr. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. Loban “That Council receive the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 16 February 2016 and confirm as a true and correct record of the proceedings.” Carried MATTERS OF ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING - Nil


Acknowledgement of the Zendath Kes Traditional Owners past and present

Queensland Road Safety Grant The Department of Transport and Main Roads offers funding to community groups for community initiatives that work to address road safety issues in support of the strategic objectives of the Road Safety Action Plan 2015-2017 and the Queensland Road Safety Strategy 2015-2012. Community Road Safety Grants aim to encourage community involvement in local road safety initiatives. Join the Drive to Save Lives aims to support the development and delivery of effective and innovative road safety programs, and to provide opportunities for funding of road crash injury rehabilitation programs. Although we live in an island environment with a restricted speed limit, we should not become complacent and should pursue funding opportunities to promote road safety.


Queensland Road Safety Grant (cont’d) Funding of up to $25,000 is made available for projects. Councillors and Management are requested to ensure that the grant funding details and guidelines are forwarded onto appropriate community organisations for their consideration.

Peddells Thursday Island Tours – Donation of Umbrellas at TI Swimming Pool For Councillors’ information, Peddells Thursday Island Tours have kindly donated two sun umbrellas and stands which were recently installed at the Torres Shire Sports Complex, specifically beside the pool, where shade is much needed and will be of benefit to the community. Through my Office, I have written to this local family business on behalf of Council and the constituents and thanked them for their generosity.

Min. 16/03/3 Moved. Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That Council acknowledge the generous donation received from Peddells Thursday Island Tours for the shade umbrellas and stands installed at the Torres Shire Sports Complex beside the swimming pool.” Carried

2016 Queensland Great Awards – nominations now open The 2016 Queensland Greats Awards are now open for nomination. Each year awards recognise and honour remarkable Queenslanders and organisations whose long term or lifetime achievements have made a significant impact to Queensland. If Councillors know of individual or local institutions that have made a contribution to our great state, nominate them today. Nominations close 18 March 2016.

 The Mayor suggested Ms Rosie Ware and Elder Seaman Dan be nominated for this Award.

Draft Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan The Draft Torres Strait Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan has been circulated by Torres Strait Regional Authority welcoming comments for this plan.

Premier of Queensland – Minister for the Arts The Hon. Anastacia Palaszczuk, MP, Premier of Queensland and Minister for the Arts has written to Council in relation to supporting the 2016 Australia Day Ambassador Program. This year the program sent 44 Ambassadors to 33 Councils across Queensland to celebrate what is great about Australia and being Australian. In particular, the Premier thanked Torres Shire Council for hosting Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex OAM.

Other Deputations and Meetings held this Month  17 February - Blessing of Tagai College Primary (Waybeni Buway Ngurpay Mudh) and Secondary (Waybeni Koey Ngurpay Mudh) Leaders  18 February - Blessing of Douglas Street Pedestrian Crossing  18 February - Meeting with Torres and Cape Health and Hospital Board  19 February - Indigenous Advisory Committee Meeting  19 February - Tourism Steering Committee Meeting  21 February - Launch of Recognise Journey, Torres Strait, ANZAC Park  22 February - Meeting with Anthea Smyth, ‘Islands of Australia’ Film Producer  23 February - Meeting with Major General Mike Fairweather  25-26 February - IBIS Board Meeting, 8 March - Welcomed UK film crew and actor Martin Clune fronting ‘Islands of Australia’ documentary film

As we end a very busy 4-year term, Council should be proud of its many accomplishments during this time. Au Esoau, Koeyma Eso, Thank You for the over-welcoming support given to me by my elected colleagues and the professional advice and guidance given by the CEO, Executives and staff. I also offer my best wishes for candidates standing in the forth-coming elections. God Bless, Au Esoau and Koeyma Eso


Min. 16/03/4 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That the Mayor’s report be received.” Carried



Torres Strait Local Disaster Management Group (File 1-49-13) Min. 16/03/5 Moved Cr. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That Council receive the minutes of the Torres Strait Local Disaster Management Group Meeting held on 18 February 2016.” Carried

Annual Report 2014-2015 (File 1-13-1) Min. 16/03/6 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Loban “That Council adopt the 2014-2015 Annual Report exclusive of the audited Financial Statements.” Carried

Lot 83 on TS58 23 Victoria Parade, Thursday Island (File 2-052-002) Min. 16/03/7 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That Council acknowledge the advice that the ongoing monitoring of Lot 83 on TS58 23 Victoria Parade, Thursday Island will remain the responsibility of Ergon Energy.” Carried

Attendance: Inspector David Lacey, Torres Patrol Group, Far Northern District for the Police arrived at the meeting at 10.25am for quarterly TSC/Police community discussions

Inspector Lacey reported on the statistics and comparison of offences, the majority of which showed a decrease or in some cases remaining the same. Assault and sexual offences decreased from 25 charges to 15 cases Horn Island and 41 to 28 on TI. Better result this year on TI of 13 incidents of domestic violence compared to last year of 41, on account of involvement of Police Liaison Officers, Mura Kosker Sorority and Mens Group. With installation of new pedestrian crossing in main street, Police plan to educate community via radio and media. Presently there is an amnesty period but in due course offending drivers will be prosecuted for ignoring signage and road rules.

Mayor suggested speed-bumps close to school-crossings and Inspector commented it was a good idea, however Council would need supporting letters from Police, PHC and school principals as the ‘ring road’ where entrances of the schools and colleges are located, is under the management of the Main Roads Department.

Property break-in offences was 94 compared to 89 in same period last year and fraud charges have increased from 1 to 6 for same period. Most thefts are for mobile phones.

Police and PLO’s do regular visits to schools on Thursday Island and Hammond Island for the “Adopt a Cop” programme. Inspector advised there is a big emphasis on patrolling schools during school holiday vacancies.

Police are constantly making a presence at the hotels during closing times.

The appointment of the new Officer in Charge is Peter Hogan, who will be welcomed to meet with Council at the June quarterly TSC/Police community discussions.

Adjournment: The Mayor extended an invitation to Inspector Lacey to join Council for Morning Tea and the meeting adjourned at 10.50am and resumed at 11.15am.



Transfer of Ownership - Quarantine Boat Ramp Thursday Island (File 2-47-7) Min. 16/03/8 Moved Cr., Abednego, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That Council acknowledge the transfer of the Quarantine Boat Ramp from the Department of Transport and Main Roads to Torres Shire Council and Council will now install the appropriate signage.” Carried

Grants to Community Organisations Min. 16/03/9 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Mayor Stephen “That Council acknowledge the Grants under Council’s Community Organisation Policy to the two community organisations Mura Kosker Sorority Inc. in support of the 2016 International Women’s Day Celebrations and VRM Thursday Island for the replacement of searchlights on rescue vessel of amounts of $800 and $1,100.00 respectively.

I would like to take the opportunity at this last meeting for the term to thank Mayor Napau Pedro Stephen AM, Cr. Yen Loban, Cr. John Abednego, Cr. Allan Ketchell & Cr. Willie Wigness for their leadership and governance as elected members of Torres Shire Council for the past four years (2012 – 2016) during my role as Chief Executive Officer

I appreciated your guidance and good governance whilst working with you all towards the betterment of our communities during this time

For the nominated candidates, I wish you all the best for the upcoming Local Government elections being held this coming Saturday the 19th March 2016

Min. 16/03/10 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That the report of the Chief Executive Officer, Dalassa Yorkston be received.” Carried

Appreciation: The Mayor thanked the CEO for her professional advice and guidance given to the elected arm and working together whilst performing her leadership of the administration sector of Council.



Financial Statements Min. 16/03/11 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Mayor Stephen “That Council adopt the Comprehensive Income, Financial Position, Cash Analysis, interim Capital Works financial statements and the Debtors Report presented as at 29th February.” Carried

Min. 16/03/12 Moved Mayor Stephen, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That the report of the Director Corporate & Community Services, Andrew Brown be received.” Carried

Appreciation: The Mayor addressed Andrew Brown, the Director Corporate and Community Services in expressing appreciation for his financial management and accounting advice and ‘hitting the ground’ running at the time of taking up his position a year ago.

Attendance The Regulatory Manager, Diana Russell attended the meeting at 11.50am.



Water Conservation and Usage (File 6-406-7) Min. 16/03/13 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That Council resolve to impose the following Level 2 water restrictions until further notice – TORRES SHIRE WATER RESTRICTIONS Private Gardens and Lawn Watering Watering not permitted on Mondays Odd numbered houses – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Even numbered houses – Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

Micro sprays and drip systems – between 6pm and 8am Sprinklers – 6am to 8am and 6pm to 8pm Hand held hoses, watering cans or buckets – at any time ” Carried

Min. 16/03/14 Moved Mayor Stephen, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That the report of the Director Engineering and Infrastructure Services, Bill Cuthbertson be received.” Carried

Appreciation: The Mayor acknowledged Bill Cuthbertson for bringing to our Council his thirty plus years of Local Government experience and thanked him for his involvement in managing Council projects for the benefit of our communities.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned for Lunch at 12.35pm and resumed at 1.20pm.



Departure: Cr. Ketchell departed the meeting at 1.25pm and did not return.

IDAS 15/06 – Australian Maritime Safety Authority – Appeal against decision to refuse development application – Building works assessable against Planning Scheme Min. 16/03/15 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That Council endorse the decision of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CEO to engage King and Company Solicitors to contest the appeal by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority against the decision to refuse the development application for building works on Hammond Rock.” Carried

IDAS 15/09 – Port Kennedy Association Inc. – Material Change of Use – Special Purpose (extension to a Community Hall) – 64-66 Douglas Street, 68 Douglas Street & 25 John Street Thursday Island being Lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545 Min. 16/03/16 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That Council approve the application by Port Kennedy Association Incorporated for a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use for Special Purpose (Community Hall) at 64-66 Douglas Street, Thursday Island (lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545) subject to the following conditions:



IDAS 15/09 – Port Kennedy Association Inc. – Material Change of Use – Special Purpose (extension to a Community Hall) – 64-66 Douglas Street, 68 Douglas Street & 25 John Street Thursday Island being Lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545 (cont’d)

ASSESSMENT MANAGER CONDITIONS 1. The Plans of Development, as noted below are approved subject to any alterations. The applicant/owner must at all times during development of the land carry out the development and construction of any building thereon and conduct the approved use generally in accordance with:

a. The plans, specifications, facts and circumstances as set out in the application submitted to Council; b. To ensure that the development complies in all respects with the following conditions of approval and the requirements of Council’s Planning Scheme; and c. Any alterations found necessary by Council at the time of examination of Engineering Plans or during construction of the development because of particular engineering requirements. Except for any variation required to comply with these conditions of approval.

To be completed prior to commencement of Use and maintained at all times.

Approved Plans 2. The approved Plans of Development are as follows:

Proposal Plans prepared by Clark and Prince Pty Ltd Architects – Plan No.1160– WD.02 Issue P4 - 30 November 2015.

Development in Stages 3. Develop the site in accordance with the stages identified on the approved plan of development with the stages to be developed in the consecutive numeric or alphabetic order of each stage as identified on the plan. The applicant must comply with each condition of this development approval as it relates to each stage, unless otherwise specifically stated in the condition.

Built Form and Amenity 4. The applicant/owner must submit a plan detailing the construction materials and colours specific to the external appearance of the development for Compliance Assessment. The plan will be assessed against Council’s Policies and Guidelines. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

5. The development and construction of any building must comply with the minimum setback distances in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and/or the Queensland Development Code including the provision of fire rated walls where necessary. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Access Licence 6. A licence agreement with conditions acceptable to Council must be entered into with Council for access purposes over Lot 8 on RP745545 and Lot 14 on T20729 for the benefit of Lot 1 on RP904494.

To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained for the agreed period.



IDAS 15/09 – Port Kennedy Association Inc. – Material Change of Use – Special Purpose (extension to a Community Hall) – 64-66 Douglas Street, 68 Douglas Street & 25 John Street Thursday Island being Lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545 (cont’d)


Acid Sulphate Soils 7. The proposed development shall not result in any adverse impact on the surrounding properties and receiving environment as a consequence of the disturbance of acid sulphate soils or the removal or release of surface or groundwater containing acid and metal contaminants. To be completed during building works and then to be maintained at all times.

Environmental 8. The applicant/owner shall be responsible for the complete removal and destruction of any noxious weed or plants existing on the land the subject of the Development Permit. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Electricity 9. The applicant/owner must submit satisfactory evidence from Ergon Energy that: a. Electricity is available to the approved development; or b. An agreement has been made between the landowner and Ergon Energy to supply electricity to the proposed development. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

Telecommunications 10. The applicant/owner must submit satisfactory evidence from telecommunications authorities that: a. Telecommunications services are available to the approved development; b. An agreement has been made between the landowner and a telecommunications provider to supply telecommunications services to the proposed development. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

Noise and Lighting 11. All potential noise sources including refuse collection areas and air conditioner shall be installed and located in a manner which prevents noise nuisance beyond the subject site in accordance with the nuisance provisions of the Environmental Protection Regulation 1998. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

12. Ensure all external lighting does not create a light nuisance inside the adjacent dwelling. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Fences 13. The applicant is to construct a 1.8m high fence along the northern boundary of the site. The fence is to be placed on the correct alignment according to the pegged locations following a Site Identification survey from a licensed surveyor. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Costs 14. All recoverable unpaid rates, charges and expenses pertaining to the subject land are to be paid in full. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.



IDAS 15/09 – Port Kennedy Association Inc. – Material Change of Use – Special Purpose (extension to a Community Hall) – 64-66 Douglas Street, 68 Douglas Street & 25 John Street Thursday Island being Lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545 (cont’d)


Advertising 15. Any advertising on the site must comply with the requirements of the Advertising Code in the Torres Shire Planning Scheme 2007. Details of advertising must be submitted to allow for compliance assessment against Council’s Policies and Guidelines. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

Engineering Certification 16. A Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland shall certify engineering drawings and specifications for all engineering works, which shall be submitted in conjunction with an application for a Development Permit for Building Works and/or Operational Works. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

Internal Driveway 17. Construction of internal driveways is to be to the requirements of the FNQROC Development Manual. Engineering drawings must be submitted for Compliance Assessment against Councils Policies and Guidelines. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

Vehicle Parking 18. The six (6) onsite parking spaces must comply with Australian Standard AS2890.1 2004 Parking Facilities – Off Street Car Parking. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

19. The parking must be constructed in accordance with Council’s Development Standards. In particular, all parking, driveway and vehicular manoeuvring areas must be imperviously sealed with a concrete or bitumen finish, drained and line marked. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Water Supply and Sewerage Works 20. The applicant/owner must carry out water supply and sewerage works to connect the proposed development to Council’s existing water supply and sewerage network at a point determined by Council’s Delegated Officer. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

21. All works must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Public Utilities 22. The applicant is responsible for the cost of any alteration to public utilities as a result of complying with conditions of this Development Permit. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

23. Any damage caused to any public utility during the course of construction shall be repaired to ensure it conforms to the Council’s Policies and Guidelines relevant to the infrastructure subject to damage. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.



4.3 IDAS 15/09 – Port Kennedy Association Inc. – Material Change of Use – Special Purpose (extension to a Community Hall) – 64-66 Douglas Street, 68 Douglas Street & 25 John Street Thursday Island being Lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545 (cont’d)


24. Any alteration of any public utility or other facilities necessitated by the development of the land or associated construction works external to the site shall be at no cost to Council. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Stormwater 25. All stormwater within or entering the site shall be controlled in such a manner so that it does not cause any public health or safety concerns and/or damage or loss to property and building for subject site or downstream of the subject site. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

26. Stormwater design shall accord to the design and construction standards set down in the FNQROC Development Manual and those of QUDM. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

27. All surface water from the driveway and vehicle parking area is to be collected by drains and discharged via underground pipes to lawful point of discharge. The system is to be designed to prevent surface water being directed across the footpath in the road reserve and neighbouring properties. To be completed prior to commencement of Use and to be maintained at all times.

Lawful Point of Discharge 28. The applicant/owner must ensure that the flow of all external stormwater from the property is directed to a lawful point of discharge such that it does not adversely affect surrounding properties or properties downstream from the development, all to the requirements and satisfaction of Council’s Policies and Guidelines. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.


29. Submit to Council, written agreement from the owners of downstream properties for the discharge of stormwater from the site through the affected properties to a lawful point of discharge. To be completed prior to the issuing of a Development Permit for Building Works.

Erosion and Sediment Control 30. The applicant/owner shall be responsible for meeting all costs associated with the works required by this approval, together with the costs of any alterations to public utilities and services required by such works and with the connection of the development to such utilities and services. All works required shall be completed to the satisfaction of Council’s Policies and Guidelines. To be completed prior to the commencement of Use, unless otherwise specified by conditions of this approval or by resolution of Council.



4.3 IDAS 15/09 – Port Kennedy Association Inc. – Material Change of Use – Special Purpose (extension to a Community Hall) 64-66 Douglas Street, 68 Douglas Street & 25 John Street Thursday Island being Lot 1 on RP904494, Lot 14 on T20729 and Lot 8 on RP745545 (cont’d)

ADVICE 1. This approval, granted under the provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, shall lapse four (4) years from the day the approval takes effect in accordance with the provisions of Section 341 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.

2. The following further Development Permits must be obtained, where required:

a. Development Permit for Building Works b. Development Permit for Plumbing Works

3. No building materials or the like are to be stored on the footpath unless an appropriate approval from Council is obtained, including the payment of associated fees.

4. All building works are to be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

5. Pursuant to the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991, if the cost of Operational Works exceeds $80,000, then a portable long service levy is required to be paid. In accordance with Section 77 (1) of the Act, Council is required to sight the approved form issued by the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority that confirms that the requirements of the Act have been satisfied.

6. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, work involving machinery of any description shall only be carried out on site from:

 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday;  7am to 1pm Saturdays; and  With no work on Sundays or Public Holidays.

A maximum penalty of $1,500.00 applies to an offence under these provisions.

7. In accordance with the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, all sand, silt, mud, paint, cement, concrete, builders waste or rubbish shall not be permitted to enter or be placed where it could reasonably be expected to more into a roadside gutter, stormwater drain or watercourse. On the spot fines apply for such offences.

8. This approval does not negate the requirement for compliance with all other relevant Local Laws and other statutory requirements. Any provisions contained in this approval relating to the enforcement of any of the conditions shall be in addition to all other rights, powers and privileges that the Council may possess or obtain, and nothing contained in these conditions shall be construed so as to prejudice, affect or otherwise derogate or limit these rights, powers and privileges of the Council.” Carried



Renewal of Lease – CP Lot 18 on TS180 Prince of Wales Island – Lessee Alvina Joeyline Morseu –Residential Purposes (File 1-30-13) Min. 16/03/17 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Loban “That Council support the renewal of the lease of Lot 18 on CP TS180 on Prince of Wales Island for residential purposes and tenure of either leasehold or freehold and directs that the Department of Natural Resources and Mines be advised of this decision.” Carried

Min. 16/03/18 Moved Mayor Stephen, Cr. Loban “That Council receive the report of the Regulatory Manager, Diana Russell”. Carried

Appreciation: The Mayor thanked Diana Russell for her dedication and hard work in her various roles and advice to Council on town planning and other matters covering our Shire.

Appreciation: The Mayor thanked Nola Ward Page for performing her duties as Minute Secretary and for assisting him with matters during his terms in the Office of the Mayor.


CLOSURE: The meeting closed with a prayer by Mayor Stephen at 4.10pm.

Confirmed this day of

Cr. Napau Pedro Stephen AM MAYOR