MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE TORRES SHIRE COUNCIL HELD IN THE SHIRE OFFICES, DOUGLAS STREET, THURSDAY ISLAND ON TUESDAY, 15 MARCH 2016 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT Mayor Pedro Stephen AM (Chair), Cr. Yen Loban, Cr. John Abednego, Cr. Allan Ketchell, Dalassa Yorkston (Chief Executive Officer), Andrew Brown (Director Corporate and Community Services), Bill Cuthbertson (Director Engineering and Infrastructure Services) and Nola Ward Page (Minute Secretary) The meeting opened with a prayer by Mayor Stephen at 9.08am. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Mayor acknowledged the traditional owners The Kaurareg People upon whose land we hold our meeting also the elders representing the clans from the four winds of Zenadth Kes. APOLOGY An apology was received from Cr. Willie Wigness. Min. 16/03/1 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That the apology received from Cr. Wigness be accepted.” Carried CONDOLENCES As a mark of respect, Council observed a minute’s silence in memory of: Elder Palm Baigau Stephen Mr Ali Drummond (Snr) Ms Sarah (Serai) Lowah Mr Leigh Milbourne Ms Melora Elthia Nai Arthur Pitt Pauls Mills DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT - Nil CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Min. 16/03/2 Moved Cr. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. Loban “That Council receive the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 16 February 2016 and confirm as a true and correct record of the proceedings.” Carried MATTERS OF ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING - Nil MAYOR’S REPORT Acknowledgement of the Zendath Kes Traditional Owners past and present Queensland Road Safety Grant The Department of Transport and Main Roads offers funding to community groups for community initiatives that work to address road safety issues in support of the strategic objectives of the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2015-2017 and the Queensland Road Safety Strategy 2015-2012. Community Road Safety Grants aim to encourage community involvement in local road safety initiatives. Join the Drive to Save Lives aims to support the development and delivery of effective and innovative road safety programs, and to provide opportunities for funding of road crash injury rehabilitation programs. Although we live in an island environment with a restricted speed limit, we should not become complacent and should pursue funding opportunities to promote road safety. COUNCIL MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 15 MARCH 2016 1 MAYOR’S REPORT (cont’d) Queensland Road Safety Grant (cont’d) Funding of up to $25,000 is made available for projects. Councillors and Management are requested to ensure that the grant funding details and guidelines are forwarded onto appropriate community organisations for their consideration. Peddells Thursday Island Tours – Donation of Umbrellas at TI Swimming Pool For Councillors’ information, Peddells Thursday Island Tours have kindly donated two sun umbrellas and stands which were recently installed at the Torres Shire Sports Complex, specifically beside the pool, where shade is much needed and will be of benefit to the community. Through my Office, I have written to this local family business on behalf of Council and the constituents and thanked them for their generosity. Min. 16/03/3 Moved. Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That Council acknowledge the generous donation received from Peddells Thursday Island Tours for the shade umbrellas and stands installed at the Torres Shire Sports Complex beside the swimming pool.” Carried 2016 Queensland Great Awards – nominations now open The 2016 Queensland Greats Awards are now open for nomination. Each year awards recognise and honour remarkable Queenslanders and organisations whose long term or lifetime achievements have made a significant impact to Queensland. If Councillors know of individual or local institutions that have made a contribution to our great state, nominate them today. Nominations close 18 March 2016. The Mayor suggested Ms Rosie Ware and Elder Seaman Dan be nominated for this Award. Draft Torres Strait Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan The Draft Torres Strait Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan has been circulated by Torres Strait Regional Authority welcoming comments for this plan. Premier of Queensland – Minister for the Arts The Hon. Anastacia Palaszczuk, MP, Premier of Queensland and Minister for the Arts has written to Council in relation to supporting the 2016 Australia Day Ambassador Program. This year the program sent 44 Ambassadors to 33 Councils across Queensland to celebrate what is great about Australia and being Australian. In particular, the Premier thanked Torres Shire Council for hosting Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex OAM. Other Deputations and Meetings held this Month 17 February - Blessing of Tagai College Primary (Waybeni Buway Ngurpay Mudh) and Secondary (Waybeni Koey Ngurpay Mudh) Leaders 18 February - Blessing of Douglas Street Pedestrian Crossing 18 February - Meeting with Torres and Cape Health and Hospital Board 19 February - Indigenous Advisory Committee Meeting 19 February - Tourism Steering Committee Meeting 21 February - Launch of Recognise Journey, Torres Strait, ANZAC Park 22 February - Meeting with Anthea Smyth, ‘Islands of Australia’ Film Producer 23 February - Meeting with Major General Mike Fairweather 25-26 February - IBIS Board Meeting, Cairns 8 March - Welcomed UK film crew and actor Martin Clune fronting ‘Islands of Australia’ documentary film As we end a very busy 4-year term, Council should be proud of its many accomplishments during this time. Au Esoau, Koeyma Eso, Thank You for the over-welcoming support given to me by my elected colleagues and the professional advice and guidance given by the CEO, Executives and staff. I also offer my best wishes for candidates standing in the forth-coming elections. God Bless, Au Esoau and Koeyma Eso COUNCIL MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 15 MARCH 2016 2 MAYOR’S REPORT (cont’d) Min. 16/03/4 Moved Cr. Loban, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That the Mayor’s report be received.” Carried 1. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT Torres Strait Local Disaster Management Group (File 1-49-13) Min. 16/03/5 Moved Cr. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. Abednego “That Council receive the minutes of the Torres Strait Local Disaster Management Group Meeting held on 18 February 2016.” Carried Annual Report 2014-2015 (File 1-13-1) Min. 16/03/6 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Loban “That Council adopt the 2014-2015 Annual Report exclusive of the audited Financial Statements.” Carried Lot 83 on TS58 23 Victoria Parade, Thursday Island (File 2-052-002) Min. 16/03/7 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That Council acknowledge the advice that the ongoing monitoring of Lot 83 on TS58 23 Victoria Parade, Thursday Island will remain the responsibility of Ergon Energy.” Carried Attendance: Inspector David Lacey, Torres Patrol Group, Far Northern District for the Police arrived at the meeting at 10.25am for quarterly TSC/Police community discussions Inspector Lacey reported on the statistics and comparison of offences, the majority of which showed a decrease or in some cases remaining the same. Assault and sexual offences decreased from 25 charges to 15 cases Horn Island and 41 to 28 on TI. Better result this year on TI of 13 incidents of domestic violence compared to last year of 41, on account of involvement of Police Liaison Officers, Mura Kosker Sorority and Mens Group. With installation of new pedestrian crossing in main street, Police plan to educate community via radio and media. Presently there is an amnesty period but in due course offending drivers will be prosecuted for ignoring signage and road rules. Mayor suggested speed-bumps close to school-crossings and Inspector commented it was a good idea, however Council would need supporting letters from Police, PHC and school principals as the ‘ring road’ where entrances of the schools and colleges are located, is under the management of the Main Roads Department. Property break-in offences was 94 compared to 89 in same period last year and fraud charges have increased from 1 to 6 for same period. Most thefts are for mobile phones. Police and PLO’s do regular visits to schools on Thursday Island and Hammond Island for the “Adopt a Cop” programme. Inspector advised there is a big emphasis on patrolling schools during school holiday vacancies. Police are constantly making a presence at the hotels during closing times. The appointment of the new Officer in Charge is Peter Hogan, who will be welcomed to meet with Council at the June quarterly TSC/Police community discussions. Adjournment: The Mayor extended an invitation to Inspector Lacey to join Council for Morning Tea and the meeting adjourned at 10.50am and resumed at 11.15am. COUNCIL MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 15 MARCH 2016 3 1. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT Transfer of Ownership - Quarantine Boat Ramp Thursday Island (File 2-47-7) Min. 16/03/8 Moved Cr., Abednego, Seconded Cr. Ketchell “That Council acknowledge the transfer of the Quarantine Boat Ramp from the Department of Transport and Main Roads to Torres Shire Council and Council will now install the appropriate signage.” Carried Grants to Community Organisations Min. 16/03/9 Moved Cr. Abednego, Seconded Mayor Stephen “That Council acknowledge the Grants under Council’s Community Organisation Policy to the two community organisations Mura Kosker Sorority Inc. in support of the 2016 International Women’s Day Celebrations and VRM Thursday Island for the replacement of searchlights on rescue vessel of amounts of $800 and $1,100.00 respectively. I would like to take the opportunity at this last meeting for the term to thank Mayor Napau Pedro Stephen AM, Cr. Yen Loban, Cr. John Abednego, Cr. Allan Ketchell & Cr. Willie Wigness for their leadership and governance as elected members of Torres Shire Council for the past four years (2012 – 2016) during my role as Chief Executive Officer I appreciated your guidance and good governance whilst working with you all towards the betterment of our communities during this time For the nominated candidates, I wish you all the best for the upcoming Local Government elections being held this coming Saturday the 19th March 2016 Min.
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