Ieee Fellow Grade Nomination Form
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Last Name (Family) First Middle Prefix
Nishio Yoshifumi Prof Organization’s Name (If self employed, please indicate) Organization's Affiliation (Education/Industry/Government/Other)
Tokushima University Education Preferred Mailing Address
Tokushima 770-8506 Japan City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country
+81-88-656-7470 +81-88-656-7471 [email protected] 01595131 Telephone # Fax# E-mail IEEE Member Number
Degrees Year Educational Institution Location PhD 1993 Keio University Yokohama, Japan
Masters 1990 Keio University Yokohama, Japan
Bachelors/First Degree 1988 Keio University Yokohama, Japan
3. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Current position first. If necessary, cite only most recent positions.
From (year) to (year) Name of Company Position Held 2012 - present Xi'an Jiaotong University Adjunct Professor 2009 - present Tokushima University Professor 1997 - 2009 Tokushima University Associate Professor 1993 - 1997 Tokushima University Assistant Professor 1993 - 1993 Tokushima University Research Assistant 1992 - 1993 Keio University Research Fellow
4. PROPOSED CITATION (not more than 20 words)
For contributions to the analysis of nonlinear coupled oscillatory circuits
Hasler Martin Prof Last Name (Family) First Middle Prefix
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne 26, ch. du Derochet Organization’s Name Preferred Mailing Address
Jouxtens-Mezery CH-1008 Switzerland City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country
+41 21 671 1020 [email protected] Telephone # Fax# E-mail 6. INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Specify Succinctly)
Identify the category in which the nominee has made significant contribution that would qualify him/her for Fellow grade.
Application Engineer/Practitioner Educator X Research Engineer/Scientist Technical Leader
6a. Describe your relationship to the nominee and how you, PERSONALLY, became aware of the importance of his/her extraordinary accomplishments and their impact on society. (not more than 100 words)
I first met Dr. Nishio at the IEEE ISCAS'89 Conference in Portland OR and since then, on and off at conferences where I got interested in methods and results concerning the behavior of nonlinear coupled oscillator circuits. Later, Dr. Nishio visited me several times, in particular, during 1 year from 2000 to 2001. What was interesting for me in Dr. Nishio’s work was his meticulous study of the various dynamical regimes in coupled oscillator circuits. What he took home from my lab was the search for rigorous results on the one hand and for applications on the other hand.
6b. Explain how the nominee’s one or two most distinctive contributions have contributed to the advancement or application of engineering, science, and technology. Explain how these contributions of unusual distinction have had a lasting impact on society. Identify specific attributes of the nominee’s contributions that qualify him/her for elevation to Fellow, and why the nominee ranks near the top of those in his/her discipline. (Not more than 750 words)
The nominee has been working on coupled systems of periodic and chaotic oscillatory circuits. Various unknown chaotic and/or synchronization-related phenomena have been unveiled. His knowledge of classical synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillator circuits/networks and his experience of developing various kinds of simple chaotic circuits were combined to produce many new results.
In his early works on this topic, the nominee reported "quasi-synchronization of chaos", "double-mode chaos", and "asynchronous simultaneous chaotic oscillation" observed from simple coupled chaotic circuits. Those phenomena had not been known before his publications. Further, the nominee reported "spatio-temporal chaos" observed from a small number of coupled chaotic circuits. At that time, spatio-temporal chaos had been already known as a typical phenomenon observed from a large size of chaotic networks mainly in coupled systems of discrete-time mathematical models. The nominee showed in his simple circuit that the essential mechanism of spatio- temporal chaos was coexistence of steady states characterized by the position of the chaotic cells in the network and their instability caused by local chaotic behavior. His next step was a development of analyzing methods of the spatio-temporal chaos, more precisely chaotic wandering over several phase states, observed from coupled chaotic circuits, because direct approaches were almost impossible for the complicated phenomena he discovered. His statistical method using newly introduced dependent variables corresponding to the phases of the solutions enabled him to analyze the phenomena statistically. Next, he proposed a modeling method of the chaotic wandering by Markov chains and showed its effectiveness. He also applied a similar modeling method with Markov chains to a complicated phenomenon related with intermittency chaos. These modeling methods using Markov chains can be applied for any kind of complicated phenomena based on chaotic wandering, if all possible states of the system can be represented by discrete states and their transition probabilities can be estimated by computer simulations or real experiments. Hence, this approach can be useful to analyze and control general complex networks.
The "frustration" structure of coupled oscillator networks is another subject of the nominee's research. He has been interested in what kinds of synchronization occur on the border between stable and unstable states. He reported a recent publication that coupled polygonal oscillatory networks with frustration exhibit interesting synchronization phenomena and proposed a new algorithm for computing the phase differences between the oscillators by calculating the minimum value of a power consumption function under some simple assumptions. The proposed algorithm is much simpler than the standard averaging method and is useful for the analysis of larger size networks. Through the research on coupled oscillatory circuits, the nominee has developed several effective analysis methods for various types of nonlinear circuits; a method for analyzing chaotic circuits including lossy/lossless transmission lines, a stability check for the characteristic curves of nonlinear resistive circuits, and a SPICE-oriented algorithm combining a frequency-domain relaxation method and the multi-dimensional Fourier transformation for nonlinear circuits driven by multi-tone signals. All methods were illustrated by applying them successfully to nontrivial examples.
The approach of the nominee in the beginning of his research career was to derive low-dimensional Poincare maps from simple chaotic circuits by idealizing the nonlinear elements and to analyze chaotic phenomena for these maps. His mathematical ability to derive or to analyze one-dimensional maps enabled him to produce several new results. His deep insight into the behavior of the iterations of one- dimensional chaotic maps allowed him to design new schemes of chaos applications in the field of information processing. His pioneering work on chaos cryptosystems using one-dimensional chaotic maps was a prototype followed by several researchers. He also discovered the continuous characteristics of the sequences generated by one-dimensional chaotic maps and exploited this feature for error detection and correction in digital communication schemes.
On top of his research, the nominee also made continuous efforts over the years to promote research in nonlinear dynamics and its applications in Japan through the NOLTA Conference and most recently through a new journal, the NOLTA journal. Of course, in this endeavor he was not alone, but he was first a “work-horse” and later an organizer with strategic views. The result of his continuous efforts and those of his colleagues is that today in Japan there is a large and internationally renowned community of researcher in this field that produces many exciting results. He also volunteers in the CASS-Society and is an important link between IEEE-CAS and IEICE-NOLTA.
7. EVIDENCE OF TECHNICAL ACCOMPLISHMENT (not more than 1000 words) Supply the following information in two parts. PART 1: List the three most important items of tangible and verifiable evidence of technical accomplishments identified in section 6b, such as: technical publications; technical reports and presentations; patents; development of products, applications and systems; and, application of facilities and services. In sentence form, state the engineering significance and lasting societal impact of each. PART 2: List not more than 10 additional items, subdivided into distinct areas of contributions. In sentence form, identify the significance and impact of each. (See Item 7 in the instructions for samples of documenting accomplishments.) List titles of publications in English. DO NOT INCLUDE WEB LINKS IN SECTIONS.
1. Yoshifumi NISHIO and Akio USHIDA, "Chaotic Wandering and its Analysis in Simple Coupled Chaotic Circuits," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, vol. E85-A, no. 1, pp. 248-255, Jan. 2002. Chaotic wandering in four coupled chaotic circuits is observed. Dependent variables corresponding to phases of solutions in sub-circuits were introduced in order to analyze the chaotic wandering. Combining the variables with hysteresis decision of the phase states enabled statistical analysis on the chaotic wandering. This was the first research outcome which analyzed chaotic wandering in simple coupled chaotic circuits.
2. Yoshifumi NISHIO, Yuta KOMATSU, Yoko UWATE, and Martin HASLER, "Markov Chain Modeling and Analysis of Complicated Phenomena in Coupled Chaotic Oscillators," Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 801-818, Jun. 2010. Markov chain modeling of complicated phenomena observed from coupled chaotic circuits is introduced. Once the transition probability matrix was obtained from computer simulation results, various statistical quantities of chaotic wandering of synchronization states and switching of clustering states are calculated from the model. The nominee conducted most part of this research by himself. This modeling method can be used to analyze chaotic networks without integrating differential equations and hence contributes to examine rare events in complex networks.
3. Yoko UWATE and Yoshifumi NISHIO, "Synchronization in Several Types of Coupled Polygonal Oscillatory Networks," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 1042-1050, May 2012. Synchronization phenomena observed in several types of coupled polygonal oscillatory networks including frustrations in their coupling structures are investigated. Minimizing the power consumption at coupling resistors of the whole system proved to be more effective to determine synchronization states than the classical averaging method. The nominee contributed to develop this method and supervised the first author who is his former Ph.D student and current assistant professor. This analysis can be applied to more general networks and can make an impact on wider research area like network science.
1. Yoshifumi NISHIO and Akio USHIDA, "Multimode Chaos in Two Coupled Chaotic Oscillators with Hard Nonlinearities," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, vol. E79-A, no. 2, pp. 227-232, Feb. 1996. A simple chaotic circuit with hard nonlinearity is proposed. The double-mode chaos reported in this paper had not been reported before this publication and showed a large variety of phenomena in chaotic circuits with hard nonlinearity.
2. Yoshifumi NISHIO and Akio USHIDA, "Quasi-Synchronization Phenomena in Chaotic Circuits Coupled by One Resistor," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 491-496, Jun. 1996. Various quasi-synchronization phenomena observed in a system of simple chaotic circuits coupled through a single resistor are investigated. This coupling structure influenced many of later research efforts in this area.
3. Yoshifumi NISHIO and Akio USHIDA, "Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Simple Coupled Chaotic Circuits," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 678-686, Oct. 1995. Spatio-temporal chaos in a simple network consisting of only four chaotic circuits is reported. This paper is the first one reporting irregular chaotic switching among several phase states characterized by quasi-synchronization of chaos.
4. Yoko UWATE and Yoshifumi NISHIO, "Complex Behavior in Coupled Chaotic Circuits Related with Intermittency and its Modeling Methods," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1230037_1-14, Nov. 2012. Complex behavior in two coupled chaotic circuits interacting with intermittency is reported and innovatively modeled by a Markov chain and, alternatively, by a one-dimensional Poincare map. PUBLICATIONS ON ANALYZING METHODS OF NONLINEAR CIRCUITS:
5. Lingge JIANG, Yoshifumi NISHIO and Akio USHIDA, "Stability of Characteristic Curves of Nonlinear Resistive Circuits," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 634-643, Jun. 1998. A method to analyze the stability of DC solution curves of resistive circuits with small parasitic capacitors and inductors is presented and used to obtain bifurcation points of the solution curves.
6. Yoshihiro YAMAGAMI, Yoshifumi NISHIO, Akio USHIDA, Masayuki TAKAHASHI and Kimihiro OGAWA, "Analysis of Communication Circuits Based on Multidimensional Fourier Transformation," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1165-1177, Aug. 1999. A method to analyze communication circuits driven by multi-tone signals is presented. It is based on the frequency- domain relaxation method and the multidimensional Fourier transformation. The proposed algorithm is a simple user- friendly simulator using only the ac-sweep, the dc-analysis, and the transient analysis of a commercial circuit simulator such as SPICE.
7. Yoshifumi NISHIO, Naohiko INABA, Shinsaku MORI and Toshimichi SAITO, "Rigorous Analyses of Windows in a Symmetric Circuit," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 473-487, Apr. 1990. Chaos and periodic-windows observed in symmetric chaotic circuit is studied by using a one-dimensional map. The nominee proved theoretically that two types of windows appear alternately and infinitely. The proposed circuit has been referred to many times because of its simplicity and the complexity of the bifurcation structure (e.g. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, (7), 074102, 2010.).
8. Naohiko INABA, Yoshifumi NISHIO and Tetsuro ENDO, "Chaos via Torus Breakdown from a Four-Dimensional Autonomous Oscillator with Two Diodes," Physica D, vol. 240, no. 11, pp. 903-912, May 2011. Chaos via torus breakdown observed in a chaotic circuit is studied by using a one-dimensional map obtained through the switching operation of diodes. This innovative dimensionality reduction method explains the torus breakdown route to chaos.
9. Toshiki HABUTSU, Yoshifumi NISHIO, Iwao SASASE and Shinsaku MORI, "A Secret Key Cryptosystem by Iterating a Chaotic Map," Advances in Cryptology; EUROCRYPT'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (vol. 547/1991), Donald W. Davies (Ed.), pp. 127-140, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Apr. 1991. A cryptosystem exploiting chaos is proposed and pioneering study using modern cryptanalysis is performed.
10. Shintaro ARAI, Yoshifumi NISHIO and Takaya YAMAZATO, "Error-Correcting Scheme Based on Chaotic Dynamics and its Performance for Noncoherent Chaos Communications," NOLTA, IEICE, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 196-206, Oct. 2010. A novel error-correcting scheme based on chaotic dynamics in noncoherent communication systems is proposed. This system can operate without redundant bit sequences in standard communication systems. 8. IEEE ACTIVITIES – AWARDS, OFFICES HELD, COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS (not more than 250 words)
COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS: 2016.1 - present IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs - Associate Editor 2013.1 - present IEEE Shikoku Section - Chapter Operation Chair 2012.1 - present IEEE Circuits and Systems Society - Board of Governor 2012.1 - 2013.12 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs - Associate Editor 2011.1 - 2014.12 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Shikoku Chapter - Chair * The nominee is also Secretary/Treasurer (2006.10 - 2010.12) and Past-Chair/Treasurer (2015.1 - present) * IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Shikoku Chapter received "IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Region 10 Chapter of the Year Award," in 2008 and 2016, when the nominee was the Secretary/Treasurer and Past-Chair/Treasurer of the chapter. 2008.1 - 2009.12 IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Associate Editor 2007.1 - present IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter - Associate Editor 2007.1 - 2008.12 IEEE Shikoku Section - Membership Development Chair 2004.5 - 2005.5 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (NCAS) - Chair * The nominee is also Member (1996.5 - 2002.5, 2006.5 - present), Secretary (2002.5 - 2003.5), Chair-Elect (2003.5 - 2004.5), and Past-Chair (2005.5 - 2006.5) 2004.1 – 2005.12 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers - Associate Editor
9. NON-IEEE ACTIVITIES AWARDS, PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS, COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS (Major Professional, Government, or International) PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER’S LICENSE. (not more than 250 words) AWARDS: 2016.3 RISP Best Paper Award ("Network-Structured Particle Swarm Optimizer That Considers Neighborhood Distances and Behaviors") from Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan 2007.9 Engineering Sciences Society: Contribution Award (for contributions to the foundation of IEICE Fundamentals Review) from IEICE Engineering Sciences Society 2007.7 ICCCAS 2007 Best Paper Award ("Nonlinear Spring Model of Self-Organizing Map and its Chaotic Behavior") 1999.4 Young Excellent Author Award ("Four-Phase Synchronization of Chaos in Coupled Chaotic Circuits”) from IEICE Workshop on CAS in Karuizawa 1995.3 Young Researcher’s Award ("Hard Oscillators and Double-Mode Chaos”) from IEICE 1994.2 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists ("Chaotic Phenomena in Nonlinear Autonomous Circuits”) from Inoue Foundation for Science
COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS: 2015.1 - present International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos - Associate Editor 2012.6 – 2016.6 RISP, Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP) Steering Committee - Chair * The nominee was also Vice Chair (2008.5 – 2012.6) 2011.4 - present IEICE Engineering Sciences Society, Technical Committee on Complex Communication Sciences (CCS) - Member 2009.5 - present NOLTA, IEICE - Secretary 2008.1 - present International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications - Editorial Board 2007.5 - 2012.5 IEICE Fundamentals Review - Editor 2006.5 - 2008.5 IEICE Engineering Sciences Society - Newsletter Director 2005.1 - 2012.12 RISP Journal of Signal Processing - Associate Editor 2004.9 - 2007.5 IEICE NOLTA Society (formerly IEICE Engineering Sciences Society, NOLTA Research Society) - Steering Committee Secretary * The nominee is also Steering Committee Member (1996.9 - 2004.9, 2008.5 – 2016.5) 2004.4 - 2006.4 IEICE Shikoku Section - Treasurer 10. REFERENCES OF NOMINATION List the complete name of a minimum of 5 (maximum of 8) References. Refer to the instructions regarding eligibility.
1. Last Name: Chen 5. Last Name: Mathis First Name: Guanrong First Name: Wolfgang Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] IEEE Member Number: 00560896 IEEE Member Number: 02091304
2. Last Name: Tse 6. Last Name: Nishi First Name: Chi First Name: Tetsuo Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] IEEE Member Number: 00981977 IEEE Member Number: 04573838
3. Last Name: Hinamoto 7. Last Name: Wu First Name: Takao First Name: Chai Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] IEEE Member Number: 07397938 IEEE Member Number: 00075119
4. Last Name: Kolumban 8. Last Name: Zheng First Name: Geza First Name: Nan-Ning Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] IEEE Member Number: 03143468 IEEE Member Number: 04249595
11. ENDORSEMENT OF NOMINATION (Optional) Provide name of IEEE Section, Chapter, Committee or non-IEEE organization or non-IEEE individual
1. Last Name: Horio 3. Last Name: Sunwoo First Name: Yoshihiko First Name: Myung Hoon Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
2. Last Name: Nishihara First Name: Akinori Email: [email protected]
12. EVALUATION BY IEEE SOCIETY/TECHNICAL COUNCIL It is essential that the nomination be evaluated by the Society engaged in the technical field mentioned in the citation. The nominator is required to: (1) list below only the IEEE Society/Technical Council that best reflects the nominee’s field of technical accomplishments.
Name of IEEE Society/Technical Council to Evaluate Fellow nominee (one only):
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
NOTE: If the above nominee is elevated to Fellow grade, the nominator agrees to release the contents of this form to authorized IEEE committees of the Awards Board for the purpose of recommending nominees for IEEE Awards. Only this nomination form will be released for this purpose.