Team Worship This Week
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Team Worship This Week
Tues 12.30pm Lunch group with occasional Communion (St Paul’s Centre)
Tues 7.30pm Eucharist (St Luke’s)
Thurs 10.00am Stay & Play Toddler Group (St Mary’s) (Term time only)
10.00am Eucharist (St John’s)
31 December 2017 Pews News Holy Innocents Please take this sheet home with you
Sun 8.00am Eucharist 24 December 2017 9.30am Parish Eucharist Advent 4
Sun 8.00am Eucharist For Your Prayers 9.30am Parish Eucharist . WE pray thee, O Lord, to purify our hearts that they may be worthy to become thy dwelling 4.00pm Crib Service place. Let us never fail to find room for thee, but come and abide in us, that we may also abide in 11.45pm Midnight Mass thee, who as at this time wast born into the world for us, and dost live and reign, King of kings and Lord of lords, now and for evermore. Amen (William Temple) Please join us for refreshments in . The Diocese of Southwark; for all those who St Mary’s Hall after the Parish Eucharist – cannot share the joy of Christmas and for those Just follow the crowd! facing their first Christmas alone; The Rt Revd Markus Ibrahm Bishop of Yola (Jos, Nigeria), Crèche (ages 0 - 3) Priests and people. In the St. Paul’s Centre during the Parish Eucharist Junior Church (Reception – Year 5) . The Sick, including: Sarah James, Pat Eastoe, In St. Mary’s Hall at 9.30am – Term Time only James Firman, Mary Tooke, Jenny Wilson, Melissa, Len Lambert, Emelia Terry, Rosemary Soper, Nichola Riches, Cliff Creed, Margaret Hymns Symonds, Brian, Sarah Hickson, Hazel Brown Peter McNeil and Dawn Roland. 692 Tell out my soul . The Departed, including Alfred Wright, Doris White, Muriel Wright, Betty Budd, Paul Ponder, 766 Thou didst leave thy throne Ann Coldron, Ray Miles and Audrey Golding. 584 Of the Father’s love begotten Parish Staff If you or a friend wishes to be visited or receive home 700 The angel Gabriel from heaven came communion please contact: 451 Long ago, prophets knew Rev’d Canon Duncan Swan (01883 373 083) Rev’d Frany Long (01883 340 257) Readings Maureen Edmonds SPA (01883 341131) To book a wedding or baptism, please come to the 2 Samuel 7: 1 – 11, 16 Page 219 St Paul’s Centre (next door) between 10.45am and 11.15am on Saturday. Romans. 16: 25 – end Page 126 If you would prefer a LARGE PRINT hymnbook, please ask a sidesperson. Luke 2: 26– 38 Page 45 A LOOP system is fitted in St Mary’s: please switch your hearing aid to the “T” position. Prayers Christmas Service Dates Personal prayers can be placed on the prayer board Sunday 24 December in the side chapel. All prayers will be offered by the clergy at a weekday service. Christmas Eve 4pm Crib Service 11.45pm Midnight Mass PRAYING TOGETHER Monday 25 December Making time to pray together on the Christmas Day first Wednesday of the month Wednesday 3rd January 8am Eucharist at 7pm 10am All Age Eucharist of Christmas A time of Silent Prayer followed by the short service of Compline in the Sacrament Chapel, St Mary’s Church Led by Revd Frany Long
Morning Prayer at St Mary’s Morning Prayer is held at St Mary’s on Wednesdays at 8.45am Morning Prayer with Churches Together During December these will take place at St Luke’s, Whyteleafe at 8.30am Father Duncan, Revd Frany and the ministerial team wish you a very merry Christmas Father Duncan’s last Sunday at St Mary’s will be on the 4th February (Candlemas), before he moves onto his new role as Deaneries Development Adviser based at the diocesan office. Thank you from 1st Caterham Scout Group for all Chaldon Church Bells an illustrated talk those who supported the CR3 Christmas card delivery Saturday 13th January 2018 service. The St Marys boxes had 123 cards & Ted Howard will present an illustrated talk giving new donations of £49.60. information from recent research into the story behind We raised a total amount of £474.22 with over 1250 the church's bells, two ancient and six 'modern', and cards to deliver! the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. 2pm to 4pm in Chaldon Church. £5 entry at the door. January Beacon at the back of church: 50p Teas and cakes on sale after the talk. The proceeds from the event will be given to the Friends of Chaldon Pick up a free copy of the Diocesan newspaper Church for the preservation of the church building. ‘The Bridge’ to see what’s happening in our wider For more info see or Diocese. contact Liz Bonsall on 01883 340508 For any Pastoral Care needs, please make use of Winter Night Shelter Warlingham the Pastoral Care email & one of the Care Team Saturday 16th December and every Saturday until 20 will get back to you: January. [email protected] Could you cook a dinner or pudding for the Shelter? Could you come and make sandwiches or provide the A collection will be taken during the 3rd hymn. If fillings? Could you come and serve dinner and make you are a UK taxpayer, please complete a yellow cups of tea and chat to the guests? Could you stay Gift Aid envelope as this enables us to claim an overnight or come and prepare breakfast on Sunday additional 25% on your donation. Many thanks. morning? Could you commit to pray for the guests and volunteers? Please see the poster at the back of church for more information. Please ensure any articles for the Pews News are received in the Parish Office by no later than 10am the previous Wednesday. [email protected] [email protected] Parish Office 01883 348751