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World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 1: Weather Report (Date, Cardinal Directions, Weather, Temperature)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate What information is Before: weather map (teacher created) in a Language Other than English necessary in a weather Students view and listen to expressions report? different weather conditions dates video of weather report in the 1.1.N.SL.a Use the target language with and temperatures and say if it cardinal directions target language culturally appropriate gestures in everyday What are the essential applies to the current weather temperature social situations such as greeting, leave taking, similarities and or not. Is it cold today? Yes greetings or introductions. differences between the or no? Is it stormy today? Yes farewells weather in your home or no? 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions town and in the capital about the weather, health/physical conditions, of the target country? During: self, family, and friends. View and listen to teacher or What strategies will simplified weather report and 1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, help you understand an answer basic questions What emotions, and health of friends, family, and authentic weather is the weather like in the classmates and answer using a list of traits. report presented in the north, in the east, etc…? target language? 1.1.N.RW.b Exchange information by asking Summative and answering basic questions in writing After: Weather Report about the weather, health/physical conditions, Students in groups present the self, family, and friends. weather (teacher-created weather map of target 1.1.N.RW.j Share likes and dislikes in the country) including greetings, target language with a classmate in writing the date, the temperature and using email messages, notes, and letters. leave-taking.
1.2.N.L.a Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom language in the target language, including directions, commands, and requests.
1.2.N.L.c Understand main idea of a visual media or live presentation (film/DVD, TV shows and commercials, theatre and musical productions).
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 1 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 1.2.N.L.d Understand main idea of an audio presentation (CD, lecture, radio, podcast, song/music).
1.2.N.R.a Demonstrate understanding of written classroom language in the target language including directions, commands, and requests.
1.3.N.S.a Present songs, poems, or stories in the target language.
1.3.N.S.c Record materials in the target language, such as a puppet show, fashion show, or weather report.
1.3.N.W.a Illustrate and present materials in the target language such as an advertisement, poster, or menu.
Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
2.1.N.F.d Describe typical leisure activities commonly practiced within a community or culture in which the language is spoken.
2.1.N.E.a Identify levels of instruction, courses, and typical daily school schedules and activities in community or culture in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.G.a Identify countries, their capital, and major cities in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.G.b Identify major geographic features (rivers, mountains, deserts, forests) of a country in which the language is spoken. Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 2 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources
2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
2.2.N.C.b Identify historic cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
2.2.N.F.a Describe the products needed to carry out daily routines and meet basic needs within a community, region, or culture in which the language is spoken (housing, stores, foods, transportation, health care, public services).
2.2.N.F.b Identify products that were native to a community, region, or country in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.F.c Describe the products needed for leisure activities commonly practiced within a community, region, or culture in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.F.e Describe and explain the significance of the products associated with an important civil, religious, regional, personal, or family holiday within a community or culture in which the target language is spoken.
2.2.N.E.c Recognize the currency of a country in which the language is spoken.
Strand 3: Connections – Connect with other Disciplines and Acquire Information
3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 3 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources knowledge through the target language.
3.2.N.a Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the target language to recognize that a topic or situation may be viewed differently in one’s own culture than in the target culture.
Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
4.1.N.d Identify basic differences and similarities in phonological features (such as pronunciation, intonation, and tone) between one´s own language and the target language.
4.2.N.a Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to one´s own.
Strand 5: Communities – Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
5.1.N.b Provide services to others in the school district through activities in the target language such as skits and/or musical presentations, or by reading to others in the target language.
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 4 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 2: The Tropical Rainforest/Natural Spaces in the Target Country (Giving a Tour)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Can you identify the Before: animals Pictures of natural spaces/ in a Language Other than English plants, animals, and Students listen and respond by plants animals human-created imitation to a teacher-guided basic adjectives 1.1.N.RW.b Exchange information by asking structures in the natural tour of the natural space. buildings plants and human-created and answering basic questions in writing space in the target Responses could be: I like! commands structures about the weather, health/physical conditions, language? How beautiful! How scary! vocabulary self, family, and friends. What things are During: 1.3.N.W.b Prepare illustrated stories (big necessary in giving a In groups students view books, posters, dioramas, cartoons) about tour in the target pictures of the natural spaces activities or events in the student´s personal language? and identify animals, plants life, and share these with an audience. and human-created structures. What natural resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and or geographic features Summative Understanding of Other Cultures are important in this After: area? Guided Tour – Working in 2.2.N.G.b Identify major geographic features groups students arrange a tour (rivers, mountains, deserts, forests) of a What are the threats to (progression of places, country in which the language is spoken. the natural space? animals, plants, etc…) while giving cautionary advice 2.2.N.F.a Describe the products needed to How do people in the (Careful!) or pointing out carry out daily routines and meet basic needs target culture work to interesting sites (Look! The within a community, region, or culture in preserve natural pyramid!). which the language is spoken (housing, stores, resources? foods, transportation, health care, public services).
2.2.N.E.b Identify the major natural resources, commercial products, services, and industries of a country in which the language is spoken.
Strand 3: Connections – Connect with other Disciplines and Acquire Information
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 5 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target language.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 6 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 3: Visiting a Market (Exports, Currency, Numbers 1-100)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Can you ask for and Before: exports Sample of currency in a Language Other than English give a description of View and listen to various currency something you would exports and respond with numbers pictures of exports 1.1.N.SL.i Ask for and obtain information in like to buy in the target From the U.S. or From the market place everyday situations in the target language language? target country and group vocabulary about time, place, price, and size relating to accordingly restaurants, stores, transportation, and Can you successfully activities. make a purchase using During: the target language? Students listen to a simple 1.1.N.SL.j Share likes and dislikes in the conversation between vender target language with a classmate. Can you describe in and client and identify the writing what you product and the price in the 1.1.N.RW.b Exchange information by asking purchased? authentic currency. and answering basic questions in writing about the weather, health/physical conditions, What commercial Summative self, family, and friends. products are native to After: the target country/ Market Place – Students 1.1.N.RW.j Share likes and dislikes in the region? re-enact a real marketplace. target language with a classmate in writing Students play with a partner using email messages, notes, and letters. Which products would vendor/client with the you want to buy from following scripted dialog: Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and the target country? Vendor: ______for sale! Understanding of Other Cultures Why? Client: How much do ____ cost? Vendor: ____ (price) 2.1.N.F.c Describe how daily needs are met Client: Ok. Vendor: Thank within a community or culture in which the you! Client: Good-bye! language is spoken (housing, shopping, food preparation, transportation, health care, access to public services).
2.2.N.F.a Describe the products needed to carry out daily routines and meet basic needs within a community, region, or culture in which the language is spoken (housing, stores, Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 7 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources foods, transportation, health care, public services).
2.2.N.F.b Identify products that were native to a community, region, or country in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.E.b Identify the major natural resources, commercial products, services, and industries of a country in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.E.c Recognize the currency of a country in which the language is spoken.
Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
4.2.N.a Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to one´s own.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 8 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 4: Let´s Travel! (Landforms, Climate, Clothing)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Can you talk about Formative landforms Video/audio of weather report in a Language Other than English what items you will Before: climate in the target language need to bring if you are Students view and listen to the weather 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions going to the target different places and climates clothing about the weather, health/physical conditions, country in the target within the target country vocabulary self, family, and friends. language? (and/or the U.S.) and talk “to need about the temperature. something” 1.1.N.RW.b Exchange information by asking How would the clothes and answering basic questions in writing and accessories in your During: about the weather, health/physical conditions, suitcase change when Students talk in groups and self, family, and friends. traveling to a warmer individually write the clothing or colder region? necessary for each region. 1.3.N.S.c Record materials in the target language, such as a puppet show, fashion What authentic Summative show, or weather report. products help people in After: the target culture stay Students work as partners to Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and comfortable in their pack for a trip. They give Understanding of Other Cultures climate? simple explanations for each item. (i.e. I’m going to the 2.1.N.F.d Describe typical leisure activities What are common mountains. It’s cold and it commonly practiced within a community or leisure activities in snows. I need my boots.) culture in which the language is spoken. various regions of the target country? 2.2.N.G.b Identify major geographic features (rivers, mountains, deserts, forests) of a Which region or zone country in which the language is spoken. in the target country would you most enjoy 2.2.N.F.a Describe the products needed to visiting? carry out daily routines and meet basic needs within a community, region, or culture in which the language is spoken (housing, stores, foods, transportation, health care, public services).
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 9 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 2.2.N.F.b Identify products that were native to a community, region, or country in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.F.c Describe the products needed for leisure activities commonly practiced within a community, region, or culture in which the language is spoken.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 10 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 5: My Day (Telling time, school subjects, after-school activities)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate How is the perception Formative telling time Pictures of school supplies or in a Language Other than English of time the same or Before: school subjects actual objects, clock, schedule different in the U.S. Students view and listen to preference graphic organizer 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions and the target country? various activities and school vocabulary about the weather, health/physical conditions, subjects. They talk with a after-school self, family, and friends. What makes a Day-in- partner about which they like activities the-Target-Culture or don’t like. school supplies 1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, different than a Day-in- emotions and health of friends, family, the-U.S.? During: classmates and answer using a list of traits. Students role play a short trip Which typical to the store in the target 1.1.N.SL.h Exchange information in the target American school country to buy culturally- language on familiar topics such as personal supplies would you authentic school supplies. interests, memorable experiences, school miss if you were in the activities, and family life. target culture? Students with a partner take a clock and stand back to back. 1.1.N.SL.i Ask for and obtain information in Which school supplies One partner asks the time and everyday situations in the target language would you want to the other person must say the about time, place, price, and size relating to bring back to the U.S.? time. restaurants, stores, transportation, and activities. Summative After: 1.1.N.SL.j Share likes and dislikes in the Students fill in a schedule of target language with a classmate. their typical week using the target language and talk with a 1.1.N.RW.h Exchange information in writing partner (i.e. When do you play in the target language on familiar topics such basketball? When do you eat as personal interests, memorable experiences, lunch?). school activities, and family life.
1.1.N.RW.j Share likes and dislikes in the target language with a classmate in writing using email messages, notes, and letters.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 11 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 1.2.N.L.b Understand interpersonal communication on topics of personal interests such as preferences, family life, leisure and school activities, and everyday occurrences.
Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
2.1.N.F.b Describe daily routines within a community or culture in which the language is spoken (concept of time, typical activities appropriate to various periods during the day).
2.2.N.E.a Identify facilities, supplies, and materials needed for schooling and activities in a community or culture in which the language is spoken.
Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
4.2.N.a Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to one´s own.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 12 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 6: At Home (Describing house, shapes, family members, chores)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Can you describe your Formative house vocabulary pictures of chores in a Language Other than English least favorite household Before: shapes rooms of the house chores in the target Students look at various family members furniture 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions language? pictures and identify where the chores about the weather, health/physical conditions, various family members are self, family, and friends. Can you identify shapes located (i.e. The father is in in your environment in the kitchen. The dog is in the 1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, the target language? garden). emotions, and health of friends, family, and classmates and answer using a list of traits. What things are During: necessary in your Students make a list in the 1.1.N.SL.g Ask questions about the attributes dream house? target language of the of places and things in their immediate furniture in their real or dream environment and answer using a list of traits. What is the typical house. house/apartment in the 1.1.N.RW.g Ask questions in writing about target culture like? Summative the attributes of places and things in their After: immediate environment, and answer in writing Who often lives Students role play a scene using a list of traits. together in the typical with various background house/apartment in the problems (a sink with dirty Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and target culture? (i.e. dishes, a hungry dog). Understanding of Other Cultures extended family, Different family members nuclear family) give commands for chores to 2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, do. (i.e. Father: Clean up music, literature, film and the creators of these your room! Child [to a friend products as well as natural sites). on the phone]: I have to clean up my room.) 2.2.N.C.b Identify historic cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
2.2.N.F.a Describe the products needed to carry out daily routines and meet basic needs within a community, region, or culture in Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 13 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources which the language is spoken (housing, stores, foods, transportation, health care, public services).
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 14 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 7: My Friends (Describing people and personalities)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate How would you Formative Physical and Game “Guess who?” in a Language Other than English describe yourself in the Before: personality target language? When presented with a list of traits 1.1.N.SL.a Use the target language with traits, students write the terms friendship terms culturally appropriate gestures in everyday Can you talk about a that most apply to them. social situations such as greeting, leave taking, friend’s appearance and or introductions. personality in the target During: language? Play the game Guess Who? in 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions the target language using the about the weather, health/physical conditions, Can you change physical characteristics. self, family, and friends. between the way you greet a friend or a Summative 1.1.N.SL.e Ask questions about physical stranger in the target After: appearance, character, and personality traits of language? Students write a paragraph friends, family, and classmates and answer about their families and two using a list of traits. What makes a good characteristics about each friend? person. 1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, emotions, and health of friends, family, and How might someone in classmates and answer using a list of traits. the target culture feel differently about 1.1.N.RW.e Ask questions in writing about friendship? physical appearance, character, and personality traits of friends, family, and classmates and answer in writing using a list of traits.
Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
2.1.N.F.d Describe typical leisure activities commonly practiced within a community or culture in which the language is spoken.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 15 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
2.2.N.C.b Identify historic cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
Strand 5: Communities – Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 16 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: 2-3 Unit 8: Hosting an Exchange Student (Likes/dislikes of others, asking questions)
Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate How can you ask about Before: likes Teacher -created Jeopardy in a Language Other than English a friend’s preferences Students write a short dislikes template in the target language? paragraph about the physical/ 1.1.N.SL.a Use the target language with personality of an ideal personality traits culturally appropriate gestures in everyday How would you exchange student using at question words social situations such as greeting, leave taking, describe yourself in the least 4 characteristics and or introductions. target language? giving at least 2 explanations. (i.e. My ideal exchange 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions What do you do to student is nice and talkative. about the weather, health/physical conditions, make a guest feel Then we can be friends and self, family, and friends. comfortable when they play basketball). come to visit? 1.1.N.SL.e Ask questions about physical During: appearance, character, and personality traits of What could you do to Students play Jeopardy friends, family, and classmates and answer make an exchange regarding personal preferences using a list of traits. student feel welcome in at home. (i.e. I prefer water. your home? Question: Do you prefer 1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, water or milk?) emotions, and health of friends, family, and What are the cultural classmates and answer using a list of traits. differences which could make an exchange Summative 1.1.N.SL.k Share opinions and preferences in challenging? After: the target language with their classmates. Students write a letter to a real or imaginary pen pal or 1.1.N.RW.e Ask questions in writing about exchange student. They physical appearance, character, and include descriptions of personality traits of friends, family, and themselves, their families, as classmates and answer in writing using a list well as several questions of traits. about the other students’ preferences. 1.3.N.W.c Write brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in the target language such as self, friends, family, home, and school.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 17 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
2.1.N.F.d Describe typical leisure activities commonly practiced within a community or culture in which the language is spoken.
2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
2.2.N.C.b Identify historic cultural icons (arts, music, literature, film and the creators of these products as well as natural sites).
Strand 5: Communities – Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting.
Grades 2-3 World Languages Pacing Guide – April 2012 18