Option 1 - Complete Items 6 - 9 If Basing Emission Calculations on the Capacity of The

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Option 1 - Complete Items 6 - 9 If Basing Emission Calculations on the Capacity of The

PERMIT APPLICATION FORM AIR QUALITY EC-11 520 LAFAYETTE ROAD WOODWORKING OPERATIONS ST. PAUL, MN 55155-4194 CALCULATION FORM 6/8/98 - This form is used for calculating potential and actual particulate emissions from cutting, sanding, and other woodworking and milling operations. You must complete the Painting and/or Coating Operations Calculation Form (EC-07) if you paint, varnish or apply any finish to your products. Fill out one copy of this form for each stack/vent, unless information for multiple stacks is identical or if using Option 1 or 2 as described below. If using Option 1 or 2, fill out this form for the entire facility. - Instructions begin on Page 3. Items 1 - 5 and the calculation summary in the form below must be completed for all options. Not all of the other data fields need to be completed. - If an emission inventory is used for determining actual emissions, it is not necessary to provide information on the past year’s production and operation where requested below. - Duplicate this form as necessary, or attach sheets with equivalent information 1) AQ Facility ID No. (if known):

2) Facility Name:

3) Emission Unit Identification Number(s):

4) Stack/Vent Designation Number(s):

5) Pollution Control Equipment Identification Number(s) Option 1 - Complete items 6 - 9 if basing emission calculations on the capacity of the entire facility, in board-feet per year. Then go on to item 16. 6) Maximum Capacity of Milling: Bd ft/yr

7) Past Year’s Actual Production: Bd ft

8) Waste Wood Percent of Total Wood: %

9) Density of Wood: lb/ft³ Option 2 - Complete items 10 and 11 if basing emission calculations on published emissions factors. Then go on to item 16. 10) Maximum Capacity of Milling tons logs processed/yr

11) Past Year’s Actual Production tons logs processed

Option 3 - Complete items 12 - 14 if basing emission calculations on a vendor’s emission guarantee for a baghouse. Then go on to item 16. 12) Baghouse Vendor Guarantee, if applicable: gr/dscf

13) Maximum Rated Capacity of Pollution Control Equipment Fan: SCFM

14) Past Year’s Hours of Operation of the Baghouse: hrs

aq-f1-ec11.doc Form EC-11 Page 1 of 7 Option 4 - Complete item 15 if basing emission calculations on emission factors for cyclone-controlled operations. Then go on to item 16. 15) Past Year’s Hours of Operation of the Cyclone: hrs

16) Calculation Summary (use for all options):

16a) 16b) 16c) 16d) 16e) 16f) 16g) Maximum Pollution Maximum Limited Pollutant Emission Actual Rate Uncontrolled Control Controlled Controlled Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions (lbs/hr) (tons/yr) (%) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) PM


17) Operating Limitations, if applicable: (Ignore this item if using this form for Registration Permit Option D.)

aq-f1-ec11.doc Form EC-11 Page 2 of 7 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OUT AQ FORM EC-11 Wood Working Operations

1) AQ Facility ID No. -- Fill in your Air Quality Facility ID Number as indicated on the Facility Information Form (GI-01 or RP-01), item 1a. 2) Facility Name -- Enter your facility name as indicated on the Facility Information Form (GI-01 or RP-01), item 2. 3) Emission Unit Identification Number(s) -- Fill in the identification number of the emission unit. Obtain this number from your Emission Unit Information Form (GI-05B). Indicate total facility or multiple units if applicable. [Note: If you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D, you did not fill out Form GI-05B; instead, just provide information identifying the emission unit.] 4) Stack/Vent Designation Number(s) -- Fill in the designation number of the stack(s) or vent(s) through which the unit will exhaust into the atmosphere. Obtain these numbers from your Emission Unit Information Form (GI-05B). Indicate total facility or multiple stacks if applicable. [Note: If you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D, you may skip this question.] 5) Pollution Control Equipment Identification Number(s) -- Fill in the designation number of the control equipment (CE) through which the equipment will exhaust. Obtain these numbers from Form GI-05B. If you are using this form for Registration Permit Option D, fill in the description from Form RP-D2. Option 1 - Complete items 6 - 9 if basing emission calculations on the capacity of the entire facility, in board-feet per year. Then go on to item 16. 6) Maximum Capacity of Milling -- Fill in the maximum capacity of milling in Board feet per year (Bd ft/yr). This information can be obtained from the manufacturer of the mill. 7) Past Year’s Actual Production -- Fill in the past year’s actual production at the mill, expressed as Bd ft/yr. This information may be left blank if you will be using an emission inventory report to report actual emissions. 8) Waste Wood Percent of Total Wood -- Fill in the total percent of the wood entering the process which ends up as waste. Please provide calculations or information describing how this was determined. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 9) Density of Wood -- Fill in the density of the wood in pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft³). Please describe where or how this information was obtained. Option 2 - Complete items 10 and 11 if basing emission calculations on published emissions factors. Then go on to item 16. 10) Maximum Capacity of Milling -- Fill in the maximum capacity of your milling operation in units of tons of logs processed in a year. This information can be obtained from the manufacturer of the mill. 11) Past Year’s Actual Production -- Fill in the past year’s production of the mill, expressed as tons of logs processed in a year. This information may be left blank if you will be using an emission inventory report to report actual emissions. Option 3 - Complete items 12 - 14 if basing emission calculations on a vendor’s emission guarantee for a baghouse. Then go on to item 16. [Note: You may only use this option if emissions are collected through a total enclosure.] aq-f1-ec11.doc Form EC-11 Page 3 of 7 12) Baghouse Vendor Guarantee -- Fill in the vendor guarantee of the baghouse in grain per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf), if applicable. 13) Maximum Rated Capacity of Pollution Control Equipment Fan -- Fill in the maximum capacity (air flow) of the baghouse in standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM). 14) Past Year’s Hours of Operation of the Baghouse -- Fill in the number of hours that the fan for the baghouse was operated during the past year of operation. This information may be left blank if you will be using an emission inventory report to report actual emissions. Option 4 - Complete item 15 if basing emission calculations on emission factors for cyclone-controlled operations. Then go on to item 16. [Note: You may only use this option if emissions are collected through a total enclosure.] 15) Past Year’s Hours of Operation of the Cyclone -- Fill in the number of hours that the cyclone was operated during the past year of operation. This information may be left blank if you will be using an emission inventory report to report actual emissions. 16) Calculations Summary: 16a) Pollutant -- Use this form only to calculate emissions of particulate matter (PM) and particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10) from woodworking operations such as sawing, planing, and sanding. Emissions from fuel combustion and other types of sources must be calculated using other forms. 16b) Emission Rate -- Fill in the Maximum Possible Hourly Emission Rate. Calculate the hourly emission rate by using the options described below (please attach sheets or use the bottom portion of the form to show these calculations): ------Option 1, use the capacity of the mill The emission rate is calculated as shown below:

Emission Rate (lb / hr]:

bd feet.  % Waste Wood  144 in3  ft3   lb   1 yr  = Max Cap of Mill   x   x   x    Wood Density  x    yr   100   Bd ft   1728 in3 ft3   8760 hr   item 8  144 in3  ft3   1 yr  = (item 6) x   x   x    (item 9) x    100   Bd ft   1728 in3  8760 hr 

An example is shown below for a mill with a capacity of 10,000,000 Bd ft/yr, the waste wood is 20% total and the density of the wood is 48 lbs/ft³, then:

 20   1   1  = (10,000,000) x   x (144) x    (48) x    100  1728  8760

= 913 lb / hr

aq-f1-ec11.doc Form EC-11 Page 4 of 7 ------Option 2, use an emission factor Emission factors from AIRS for sawmill operations are provided below. Be sure also to check AP-42 for revisions occurring after the date of this form, and always use the most up-to-date factors available.

PM PM10 Log debarking 0.02 0.011 lb/tons of logs processed Log sawing 0.35 0.2 lb/tons of logs processed The emission rate is calculated as shown below:

Emission Rate (lb / hr]:  tons logs proc.  lb   1 yr  = Maximum Capacity of Milling    Emission Factor       yr   ton logs proc.  8760 hr   1 yr  = (item 10)  Em. Factor x    8760 hr  ------Option 3, use the vendor guarantee The emission rate is calculated as shown below:

Emission Rate (lb / hr]:  gr   ft3   1 lb   60 min = Vendor guar.    fan capacity         dscf  min  7000 gr   hr   1 lb   60 min = (item 12)  (item 13) x       7000 gr   hr  An example is shown below for a mill with a baghouse which has a vendor guarantee of 0.02 gr/dscf and the fan capacity is 20,000 SCFM then:

 1 lb   60 min = (0.02)  (20,000) x       7000 gr   hr  = 3.43 lb / hr

------Option 4, use an emission factor for cyclones For sanding operations, the emission factor to use is 5 lb/hr; the emission factor to use for other operations is 2 lb/hr. (Emission factors were obtained from AP-42, Chap. 10-4, 1980. Be sure also to check AP-42 for revisions occurring after the date of this form, and always use the most up-to-date factors available.). Enter the emission factor in item 16b. 16c) Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions -- [Skip this item if using this form for Registration Permit Option D.] Calculate the Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions only if using Option 1 or Option 2. Calculate the Maximum Uncontrolled Emissions in tons/yr by multiplying the Emission Rate in lbs/hr (item 16b) by 4.38. 16d) Pollution Control Efficiency -- Fill in the Pollution Control Efficiency only if using Option 1 or Option 2. This information can be obtained from Form GI-05A or Form RP-D2. If you used Form GI-05A, the number to enter is the capture efficiency x the control efficiency. If you used Form RP-D2, just enter the control efficiency from the form. 16e) Maximum Controlled Emissions -- [Skip this item if using this form for Registration Permit Option D.] If you used Option 1 or Option 2 for Emission Rate, Maximum Controlled Emissions are calculated using your overall control efficiency from item 16d. aq-f1-ec11.doc Form EC-11 Page 5 of 7 Maximum Controlled Emissions are calculated as follows:

Maximum Controlled Emissions [tons / yr]:  tons   100  Overall Control Efficiency = Max. Uncontrolled Emissions       yr   100   100  (item 16d) = (item 16c)     100  If you used Option 3 or 4, the numbers entered for Emission Rate (item 16b) represent controlled emissions. Transfer the number from item 16b to item 16e. 16f) Limited Controlled Emissions -- [Skip this item if using this form for Registration Permit Option D.] The Limited Controlled Emissions are calculated by taking into account all limitations on operation of the source you are proposing to comply with in this application (see item 17). These limitations include limits on hours of operation, on the amount of material processed, etc. You start the calculation of Limited Controlled Emissions by repeating the calculation of Emission Rate (item 16b) but taking into account the limits you propose. If an emission unit is subject to an emission limitation specified in 40 CFR pt. 60, 40 CFR pt. 61, 40 CFR pt. 63 or Minn. R. ch. 7011, you must show this requirement in the calculation of Limited Controlled Emissions and take this into account in calculating the Limited Controlled Emissions. If you choose to propose to comply with a more stringent limit, you should state this clearly and show the resulting allowed emissions in this calculation. 16g) Actual PM Emissions -- If this is an existing unit and historical records exist, calculate actual emissions using the previous calendar year of usage data, as described below, or use the most recent emission inventory report if an inventory was submitted. If this is a new unit or no records exist, use a reasonable estimate of how many hours the unit will be operated, what the production of the mill will be, etc. ------Option 1, using the capacity of the mill The actual emissions are calculated as shown below:

Actual Emissions (ton / year]:

bd feet.  % Waste  144 in3  ft3   lb   1 ton   (100  control efficiency) = Act. Production   x   x   x    Density   x   x    yr   100   Bd ft   1728 in3 ft3   2000 lb  100 

 item 8  144 in3   ft3   1 yr   1 ton   100  (item 16d) = (item 7) x   x   x    (item 9) x   x   x    100   Bd ft   1728 in3  8760 hr   2000 lb  100 


aq-f1-ec11.doc Form EC-11 Page 6 of 7 Option 2, using an emission factor The actual emissions are calculated as shown below:

Actual Emissions (ton / year]:

 tons of logs   lb   1 ton   (100  control efficiency) = Act. Production   x Emission Factor   x   x    yr   ton of logs   2000 lb  100 

 1 ton   100  (item 16d) = (item 11) x Emission Factor x   x    2000 lb  100 

------Option 3, using the vendor guarantee The actual emissions are calculated as shown below:

Actual Emissions (ton / year):  gr   ft3   1 lb   60 min  hr   1 ton  = Vendor guar.   x fan capacity  x   x   x Actual Hours of Operation   x   dscf  min  7000 gr   hr   year   2000 lb  1 lb   60 min  1 ton  = (item 12) x (item 13) x      x (item 14) x    7000 gr   hr   2000 lb

------Option 4, using an emission factor for cyclones The actual emissions are calculated as shown below:

Actual Emissions (ton / year]:

 lb   1 ton   hr  = Emission Rate   x   x Actual Hours of Operation   hr   2000 lb  year 

 1 ton  = (item 16b) x   x (item 15)  2000 lb

17) Operating Limitations if Applicable -- [Skip this item if using this form for Registration Permit Option D.] Uncontrolled Emissions or Potential to Emit (PTE) did not consider any limitations in determining the PTE. If you are willing to accept a permit limitation (e.g., usage, hours of operation, bottlenecks, etc.) state the limiting factors and the associated limited PTE, as calculated in Limited Controlled Emissions (item 15f).

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