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Domremy College Science Department: Year 10 SRP


Name: ______Teacher: ______Domremy College Science Department: Year 10 SRP


Part 1: Laws, theories and models in d) The Scientific control Science 5. Reliability and validity in experiments

Part 2: Science Skills 6. Some practice experiments 1. Tables

a) Interpreting tables Part 3: Student Research Project b) Constructing tables 1. The scientific method

2. Graphs 2. Logbook

a) Interpreting simple graphs 3. Choosing a problem

b) A pattern of change 4. Writing an aim

c) Drawing graphs 5. Writing a hypothesis

i. Line graphs 6. Listing variables

ii. Column and bar 7. Writing an equipment list graphs 8. Writing a procedure 3. Scientific Instruments 9. Recording results a) Identifying common instruments 10. Writing a formal method

b) Drawing scientific diagrams 11. Writing a discussion

4. Identifying variables 12. Writing a good conclusion

a) The independent variable 13. Relating your project to Society

b) The dependent variable 14. Writing bibliographies and reference lists c) Controlled variables PART ONE: LAWS, THEORIES AND MODELS IN SCIENCE

Hypothesis A hypothesis is an attempted explanation based on some knowledge of the topic. A very common type of hypothesis is a model. This may be a mathematical equation. The model may also be a graph. It can also be a physical model. A popular model is now a computer simulation. This hypothesis or model must then be tested.

A model is used for situations when it is known that the hypothesis has a limitation on its validity. For Example: The Bohr model of the atom depicts electrons circling the atomic nucleus in a fashion similar to planets in the solar system.

This model is useful in determining the energies of the quantum states of the electron in the simple hydrogen atom, but it by no means represents the true nature of the atom. Atoms are far more complex than this model can represent.


A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say it's an accepted hypothesis.

Example: It is known that on June 30, 1908 in Tunguska, Siberia, there was an explosion equivalent to the detonation of about 15 million tons of TNT. Many hypotheses have been proposed for what caused the explosion. It is theorized that the explosion was caused by a natural extraterrestrial phenomenon, and was not caused by man. Is this theory a fact? No. The event is a recorded fact. Is this theory generally accepted to be true, based on evidence to-date? Yes. Can this theory be shown to be false and be discarded? Yes.


A law generalises a body of observations. At the time it is made, no exceptions have been found to a law. Scientific laws explain things, but they do not describe them. One way to tell a law and a theory apart is to ask if the description gives you a means to explain 'why'.

Example: Consider Newton's Law of Gravity. Newton could use this law to predict the behaviour of a dropped object, but he couldn't explain why it happened.

As you can see, there is no 'proof' or absolute 'truth' in science. The closest we get are facts, which are indisputable observations. Note, however, if you define proof as arriving at a logical conclusion, based on the evidence, then there is 'proof' in science. I work under the definition that to prove something implies it can never be wrong, which is different. If you're asked to define hypothesis, theory, and law, keep in mind the definitions of proof and of these words can vary slightly depending on the scientific discipline. What is important is to realize they don't all mean the same thing and cannot be used interchangeably.

3 1. Classify the following as observation, hypothesis, theory or law. Give a reason for each answer.

(a) Evolution.

(b) Some cows are born with five legs.

(c) Large parts of Sydney and Melbourne will be flooded by global warming.

(d) Black holes form after a supernova explosion.

2. Explain why the following can be called scientific theories.

(a) There are no little yellow men living on the Moon.

(b) The Loch Ness monster does not exist.

(c) There is no such creature as an abominable snow man.

(d) The Earth is flat.

(e) All the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun.

3. How could you verify or disprove the following statements?

4 (a) The force of gravity is stronger at the poles than at the equator because the poles are closer to the Earth’s centre.

(b) Gravity increases above sections of the crust that contain large amounts of heavy rock.

(c) The gravitational pull of the Moon causes the ocean level on Earth to rise and fall twice a day.

4. (a) Give one benefit of using a model to explain an idea.

(b) Are there any limitations of using a model to explain and idea?


5 1. Tables

1a) Interpreting Tables

Tables are a useful way to organise information. They make it easier to read and understand information. Many facts can be fitted into a table. The facts can be in the form of numbers (measurements), words or both. In a table, information is organised in columns (vertical) and rows (horizontal)

1a) Activity

Column Title

Caffeine Content of Common Foods

Food Item Serving Size Amount of caffeine (mg)

Cola Drinks 1 can 35-55

Chocolate Bars 200 g 20-60

Chocolate milk drinks 200 ml 7.5

Cocoa 2 teaspoons 20

Coffee, brewed 250ml cup 85

Coffee, instant 1 teaspoon 60

Tea, strong 250ml cup 80

Tea, weak 250ml cup 30

Answer the following questions:

1) Write a sentence explaining what information this table is presenting





2) How many different types of food contain caffeine? ______

3) Which food item would give the highest amount of caffeine? ______

4) Infer why the amount of caffeine in cola drinks and chocolate bars is written as a range, e.g. cola drinks, 35 - 55mg.

6 ______





5) Some experts recommend that adults consume no more than 200mg of caffeine in one day. How many cups of instant coffee would it be safe to drink?

6) Children are not usually given tea or coffee to drink as caffeine is thought to be bad for their health. What other food items should parents limit in their children’s diet?





1b) Constructing Tables

Tables are used to organise information so that it can be easily read and used. When preparing a table it is important to plan carefully. The following steps can help.

1 Decide how many groups or types of information there are. This will affect the number of columns or rows in the table.

2 Decide the order in which you will present the information. With numbers or measurements ordered from lowest to highest or the other way around.

3 Label the rows and columns with short, clear headings. Include the units for any measurements.

4 Write a title for the table.

5 Add any other important information such as a date or a key with a brief explanation. 1b) Activity 1

A chemistry student was asked to use a chemical data book. She had to find the melting point (m.p) and boiling point (b.p) temperatures of several elements. The information she collected is listed below.

7 Metal Elements

Aluminium: m/p/ 660°C, b.p 245°C

Barium: m.p. 714°C, b.p 1640°C

Copper: m.p 1083°C, b.p 2600°C

Lead: m.p 327°C, b.p 1740°C

Non-Metal Elements

Bromine: m.p -7°C, b.p 58°C

Iodine: m.p 114°C, b.p 183°C

Phosporus: m.p 44°C, b.p 280°C

Sulfur: m.p 119°C, b.p 445°C

Arrange this information into a table in the space below.

8 2. Graphing

Graphing is an essential skill in Science. You might be asked to graph any number of things, such as shoe sizes of people in your grade, or the distance from Earth to all other planets. You might also be asked to interpret a variety of graphs.

Knowing which graph to use in any given circumstance, as well as how to accurately construct and interpret a graph, is of great importance.

In the following section, you will revise how to construct and interpret information from some important types of graphs

2a) Interpreting simple graphs

In order to interpret a graph there are a number of important parts that you must be able to identify and read.

Most graphs will have a:

(a) TITLE: This gives you a short explanation of what the graph is about.

(b) Horizontal axis: This is a line running across the graph. It has a label beneath it. It may have a scale.

(c) Vertical axis: This is a line running up the side of a graph. It has a label next to it. It may have a scale.

Label the parts on the graph:

The scales on horizontal or vertical axes are similar to the scales found on many measuring instruments. A scale is a series of numbers that are increasing or decreasing by the same amount. Part of the skill of interpreting a graph is reading the scales on the axes. Each scale will be labelled with the unit of measurement that has been used.

9 In addition, some graphs will have a:

. SOURCE: This tells you where the information has come from

. KEY: This explains any symbols used in the graph.

2a) Activity 1: Simple Column Graphs

Look at the graph below then answer the following questions.

1) What is the title of this graph? ______

2) What is shown on the horizontal axis? ______

3) What is shown on the vertical axis? ______

4) For which type of animal were 40 counted? ______

5) How many limpets were counted? ______

6) For which type of animal were the least numbers counted? ______

10 2a) Activity 2: Compound bar graphs.

Look at the graph below then answer the following questions.

1) What is this graph about? ______

2) What is shown on the horizontal axis? ______

3) What is shown on the vertical axis? ______

4) Use the key to find out which substance makes up the highest percentage of each iron ore sample.



5) Which sample of iron ore contained 10% of silicon dioxide? ______

6) Which sample of iron ore contained the lowest percentage of aluminium? ______

7) What percentage of sample Y did ‘other substances’ make up? ______

11 2a) Activity 3: Line graphs

Look at the graph below then answer the following questions.

1) What is the graph about? ______

2) What is shown on the horizontal axis? ______

3) What is shown on the vertical axis? ______

4) Where did this information come from? ______

5) By what amount do the numbers on the vertical scale increase? ______

6) By what amount of mass does each line on the graph paper on the vertical scale equal? ______7) 8) By what amount do the numbers on the horizontal scale increase? ______

9) What amount of time does each line on the graph paper on the horizontal scale equal? ______

10) What was the mass of this baby at birth? ______

11) When did the baby have a mass of 3100g? ______

12) What was the baby’s mass at the end of the eighth week? ______

13) During which week did the mass of the baby stay the same?______2a) Activity 9: Scattergram

12 Look at the graph below then answer the following questions.

1) What is the graph about?______

2) What is shown on the horizontal axis? ______

3) What is shown on the vertical axis? ______

4) By what amount do the numbers on the horizontal scale increase? ______

5) By what amount of mass does each line on the graph paper on the horizontal scale equal? ______

6) By what amount do the numbers on the vertical scale increase?______

7) By what amount of mass does each line on the graph paper on the vertical scale equal? ______

8) What was the highest mark in the Science exam?______

9) What was the lowest mark in the Maths exam?______

10) How many sets of results are shown on this graph? ______

2b) Drawing graphs.

13 i. Line Graphs

These are probably your most useful tool in Science. They help us to see trends in data more clearly than is visible in tables. Make sure you have a good understanding of the essential features of line graphs.

2bi) Activity 1: a worked example:

The following data looks at the growth of a baby badger from birth to ten months of age.

Age (months) Mass (kg) 0 0.1 2 1.4 4 3.6 6 6.8 8 9.8 10 10.4

These results show clearly that the badger grows a lot during its first ten months. You can show these results more clearly if you draw a graph of them using graph paper.

1. To make a graph you must first draw two lines called axes (singular: axis). Use a sharp HB pencil and a ruler to do this. One axis is drawn horizontally across the page and the other vertically up the page. 2. Put a label on each axis. 3. The feature, or variable, that you do have control over (the independent variable – more about this later) goes along the horizontal axis. In this case, you can regulate the age of the badger. Make sure you include a unit for this axis (months, in this case). The feature, or variable, that you measure goes along the vertical axis. In this case, you measure mass. Don’t forget to include units as well (kg, in this case) 4. Put numbers on both axes. The numbers must be written at regular intervals. The aim is to take up as much of the available space as possible, while still including all data. 5. Next, plot the results on the graph. Mark each point with an “X”. Using an “X” rather than any other shape avoids messiness. 6. If the points are in a roughly straight line, connect the points using a pencil and a ruler. 7. Draw a line of best fit through the graph. If you can see a pattern emerging (the points seem to follow a line or curve), draw a line which goes through the majority of points. 8. Finally, give the graph a suitable heading (such as “growth of a baby badger”)

Draw the graph below:

14 ii. Column & Bar Graphs

There are many different types of column and bar graphs. Some graphs run vertically, others run horizontally.

These graphs are used when groups of things have been counted or measured.

They can show the difference between various things at a certain time, or they can be used to show a change in one factor over a period of time.

The columns or bars can be used to show what is happening with one factor or they can be divided into sections to represent several parts. The columns can be drawn spaced evenly apart or together in groups.

Drawing a column graph or bar graph is easy when you follow these simple steps.

2bii) Activity 1:

Draw a column graph of the following information.

Type of animal Typical life spans (years)

15 Mouse 3 Trout 10 Sheep 15 Cat 17 Rattlesnake 18 Horse 30 Elephant 60 Human 70

16 2cii) Activity 3

The enrollments in school grades at Pulsar High School in 1990 are shown in the table below.

Year Male Female Total

7 63 72 135

8 69 60 129

9 58 72 130

10 54 63 117

11 40 53 93

12 38 48 86s

1) Draw a column graph showing the total number of enrollments for each year.

2) Draw a line across each column equal to the number of students in the year who are male. Shade in the area below this line.

3) Shade the area above the line in a different colour.

4) Next to your column graph put the heading ‘key’ and show which colours have been used for male and female students. 3. Scientific Instruments.

17 3a) Identifying Common Instruments

It is important to be able to identify common scientific instruments. Try naming the following:

a)______b) ______c)______

d) ______e) ______f)______

g) ______

18 3b) Drawing Scientific Diagrams

When scientists draw diagrams, they use conventions or rules for their drawings. This helps scientists to understand diagrams drawn by other people.

Here are some guidelines.

1. Use a sharp pencil 2. Make diagrams large (about half an A4 page per diagram) 3. Make diagrams two dimensional 4. Use thick lines for the outlines of shapes, and thinner lines for details. 5. If parts of the diagram are darker than others, use different symbols such as dots or hatching to show the different parts. In science, diagrams are not usually shaded (for contour) or coloured. 6. Label all important parts of the diagram 7. Labels must be drawn using a pencil and ruler and should be arranged in such a way that objects are clearly labelled without obscuring the diagram. 8. Do not put arrow heads on the labels. Wherever possible, label lines should be entirely horizontal and equally spaced and align beside labels. 9. Each diagram should have a title to say what the drawing represents. 10. For objects, the real size of the object is shown near the diagram. This is usually shown as a magnification (such as x10 or 10x) or as a measurement comparison (such as 1 cm = 80 km)

Now look at the diagrams of scientific equipment on the previous page.

Some do not follow these rules. Which diagrams need to be improved?


Now redraw them as they should be!

19 20 4. Identifying variables

Variables are things that can vary and change in Science experiments. In any experiment there are four main categories of variables- independent, dependent, controlled and the scientific control, or comparison. We will look at each in turn now.

4a) The Independent Variable

The independent variable is the thing that you decide to change on purpose in an experiment.

As a way of remembering, the word independent has “I” in it…. So it is the thing that “I” change.

For example:

1. In an experiment investigating how the size of a weight affects the length of an elastic band, you decide to change the weight on the string and measure the length of the elastic band. The thing you manually changed was the weight on the elastic band, so this is the independent variable.

2. In order to investigate how the starting temperature of water affects the rate of cooling, you start with water at different temperatures. The thing that you manually change is the initial temperature of water, so this is the independent variable.

4b) The Dependent Variable

The dependent variable changes as a result of changes in the independent variable. It is the thing that you measure in an experiment.

For example:

1. In an experiment investigating how the size of a weight affects the length of an elastic band, you decide to change the weight on the string and measure the length of the elastic band. The thing you measured was the length of the elastic band, so this is the independent variable.

2. In order to investigate how the starting temperature of water affects the rate of cooling, you start with water at different temperatures. You measure the temperature of the water every minute as it cools. The thing that you measure is water temperature, so this is your dependent variable

4c) Controlled Variables

21 These are the things that must not change throughout your experiment, to make sure that it is a fair test. For any given experiment there will be many controlled variables.

For example:

1. In an experiment investigating how the size of a weight affects the length of an elastic band, you decide to change the weight on the string and measure the length of the elastic band. Things that must remain the same in each test include the type of elastic band, the shape of the masses used as well as the scales and ruler used for measurements.

2. In order to investigate how the starting temperature of water affects the rate of cooling, you start with water at different temperatures. You measure the temperature of the water every minute as it cools. Things that must remain constant in every test include the volume of water, the thermometer used, the type of container used for storing the water and the room temperature.

4d) The Scientific Control

Most science experiments should include a scientific control. This is the test against which you compare all others to check for a result. It can also be called the comparison test. It is easiest to understand the idea of the scientific control by looking at a couple of examples.

1. Doctor Evil wants to test the effects of an “evil pill” on his servants. He gives the pill to 50 of his servants and does not give the pill to a different 50 servants. He measures the “evilness” of these 100 servants to check for the effects of the pill. He compares the results of those servants that were given the evil pill to those who were not.

In this experiment the servants that had not taken any pill acted as the comparison test. Dr Evil could compare the effects of the evil pill to how evil servants were normally, so check for any results.

2. Mrs Botanical wanted to measure the effects of water on plant growth. She gave plants different amounts of water, ranging from 0mL to 100mL each morning. In order to determine the effects of water on plant growth, she compared all her results to the test plant which was not given any water. The plant with 0mL of water acted as her Scientific control in this experiment.

4) Activity 1

22 Complete the following table with the correct independent and dependent variable.

HYPOTHESIS Independent Dependent Variable Variable

1) Long pendulums swing faster The length of the The time it takes the than shorter pendulums. pendulum pendulum to swing.

2) Small pieces of metal dissolve faster in acid than large pieces of metal.

3) Light coloured cars stay cooler than dark coloured cars.

4) Iron rusts faster in sea water than in fresh water.

5) More sugar dissolves in hot water than in cool water.

4) Activity 2

Complete the following questions.

23 Smithers thinks that a special Identify the: juice will increase the productivity of workers. He 1. Control Group creates two groups of 50 2. Independent Variable workers each and assigns each group the same task (in 3. Dependent Variable this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink 4. What should Smithers' conclusion be? while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smithers counts how many 5. How could this experiment be stacks of papers each group has made. Group A improved? made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.

Homer notices that his shower 1. What was the initial observation? is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Barney tells 2. Identify the: him that coconut juice will get a). Control Group rid of the green slime. Homer b) Independent Variable decides to check this this out by spraying half of the shower c) Dependent Variable with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower with water. After 3 days of "treatment" 3. What should Homer's conclusion be? there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower.

24 Bart believes that mice exposed Identify the- to microwaves will become extra 1. Control Group strong (maybe he's been reading too much Radioactive Man). He 2. Independent Variable decides to perform this experiment by placing 10 mice in 3. Dependent Variable a microwave for 10 seconds. He compared these 10 mice to 4. What should Bart's conclusion be? another 10 mice that had not been exposed. His test consisted of a heavy block of wood that 5. How could Bart's experiment be blocked the mouse food. he found that 8 out of improved? 10 of the microwaved mice were able to push the block away. 7 out of 10 of the non-microwaved mice were able to do the same.

Krusty was told that a certain Identify the- itching powder was the newest 1. Control Group best thing on the market, it even claims to cause 50% longer lasting 2. Independent Variable itches. Interested in this product, he buys the itching powder and 3. Dependent Variable compares it to his usual product. One test subject (A) is sprinkled 4. Explain whether the data supports the with the original itching powder, and another test advertisements claims about its product. subject (B) was sprinkled with the Experimental itching powder. Subject A reported having itches for 30 minutes. Subject B reported to have itches for 45 minutes.

25 Lisa is working on Describe how Lisa would perform this experiment. Identify the a science project. control group, and the independent and dependent variables in Her task is to your description. answer the question: "Does Rogooti (which is a commercial hair product) affect the speed of hair growth". Her family is willing to volunteer for the experiment.

26 5) Reliability and validity

Reliability and validity are important aspects of good scientific experiments, however there is often a lot of confusion over what these words mean.

Reliability is whether an experiment is trustworthy or dependable. If the experiment gives similar results after being repeated many times, it is reliable.

Validity, on the other hand, is whether the experiment fairly tests the hypothesis. In a valid experiment, all variables are kept constant apart from those being investigated, all systematic errors (which result from poor experimental design) are eliminated and all random errors are reduced by repeating the experiment many times and taking repeated measurements.

5) Activity 1

Try the following:

The images below show groups of experimental results which have been plotted on a target.

Each dot on the target represents a single result. The larger dot in the centre of the target represents the accurate result as we should have seen as a result of the experiment. The closer the small dots are to the target the more accurate they are, and so the more valid the experiment. The closer together the small dots are to each other, the more reliable they are.

Try matching the correct label with each image:

1mage 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

1. Both reliable and valid

2. Reliable but not valid

3. Neither reliable nor valid

4. Valid bur not reliable

27 Some good questions to ask when determining if an experiment is reliable and valid:

first-hand information and data (your secondary information and data experimental results) (info from the net, books and other sources)

reliability Have I tested with repetition? How consistent is the information with information from other reputable sources?

validity Does my procedure experiment actually test How was the information gathered? the hypothesis that I want it to? What variables Do the findings relate to the have I identified and controlled? hypothesis or problem?

If you can not answer 'yes' to these questions, try redesigning your experiment: check that your method actually tests your hypothesis and repeat your method more times.

6) Practice experiments

6) Activity 1: experiment: where do nails rust?

When nails rust, do they rust all over or in special places? If they rust in special places, what are these places?

In this experiment the nails are rusted in a jelly-like substance called agar agar. It is often called agar for short. It is like gelatine and is derived from seaweed. The jelly- like agar stops the rust from falling off the nail.

You will need a solution of warm agar. This is made from agar powder dissolved in boiling water, with a small amount of salt added to speed the rusting process. Use a pair of pliers to bend a shiny 5cm nail, and place it in the bottom of a Petri dish with a straight nail. Pour the agar into the Petri dish so it just covers the nails. Put the lid on the dish. Write your name on the lid, and wait for the agar to cool. Leave it for about 5 days, or until the nails show a distinct pattern to their rust areas.

Questions: Answer these in your science book

28 1. Write an appropriate: a. Title b. Aim c. Hypothesis d. Apparatus list e. Method for this experiment. 2. Complete the experiment in class, making careful observations and measurements (results). 3. Complete the experimental report by including: a. Results (graphs and tables) b. Conclusion c. Discussion (analyse your results, any modifications that could be made to your experiment to improve results?). 4. Could your results be applied to rusting in washing machines, refrigerators and cars?

6) Activity 2: experiment – how much water do paper towels soak up?

People use paper towels to soak up water from spills, and to wipe up water. Are some paper towels more absorbent than others? Measure and weigh one brand of paper towel. Let it soak up water from a Petri dish and weigh it again. (NB. Do not place wet objects on top of balances. Weigh wet paper in a beaker or Petri dish). Compare different brands of paper towels, as well as toilet paper, blotting paper and newspaper.

Questions: Complete these in your science book

1. Write an appropriate: a. Title b. Aim c. Hypothesis d. Apparatus list e. Method for this experiment. 2. Complete the experiment in class, making careful observations and measurements (results). 3. Complete the experimental report by including: a. Results (graphs and tables) b. Conclusion c. Discussion (analyse your results, any modifications that could be made to your experiment to improve results?). 4. How could your results be used in general households?

6) Activity 3: experiment – how can you stop slices of apple turning brown?

You are the manager of a resort that caters for overseas tourists. Some of the tourists have complained that the slices of apple in the fruit salad have turned

29 brown. The apple does not always turn brown, only sometimes. You must find a way of stopping the slices of apple from turning brown.

The resort staff has made some suggestions. These suggestions are listed below.

 Suggestion 1 – the bright lights in the kitchen cause the apple slices to turn brown.  Suggestion 2 – contact with air causes the apple slices to turn brown.  Suggestion 3 – hot water stops apples from turning brown.  Suggestion 4 – contact with certain foods stops apples from turning brown.  Suggestion 5 – use red apples instead of green apples, because green apples turn brown more quickly.  Suggestion 6 – apples will not turn brown if they have been dipped in cooking oil.

Your task:

1. Choose one of the above suggestions. 2. Design an investigation that will be carried out in your home. Your design must include an aim, hypothesis, apparatus list, diagram, and a method. 3. This experiment must then be carried out at home over the next three days. 4. You must then write up the entire experiment including the results (graphs and tables), conclusion and discussion (any modifications that could be made to your design to produce better results?).

30 Part Three: SRP(Student Research Project)

1) The scientific method

You have done lots of experiments in Science class thus far. Just to re-cap, here is the Scientific method:

We will now go through each of these steps in order to produce an independent SRP.


As you go through each step in your SRP, you will be making notes in a JOURNAL or RESEARCH LOGBOOK. Your logbook is a record of everything that goes on during your SRP, including possible thoughts about aims, hypotheses, secondary research and experimental results, before they are written up into a formal report.

Your research log is a very important part of your SRP, as it provides proof of what has happened throughout your project. You will need to work on your logbook continually and will be asked to submit it with your final research report.

31 Here are some guidelines from, for developing a good logbook (check out this website for more hints):

1. Use a 64 page exercise book. You should not use an exercise book which is already used for another purpose (in other words, don't just use the back of your Science book).

2. Label your logbook

3. Always date every entry, just as you would a normal journal.

4. Entries in the logbook should be short and concise – you don't need to worry about writing in full sentences, but rather need to record everything that goes on (or especially, what goes WRONG!)

5. Don't worry about neatness – it's a personal record of what is going on, rather than a formal 'write-up'.

6. Logbook entries should include brainstorming, calculations, library/internet searches etc.

7. Use it regularly!

8. Make suer to jot down changes made during your experiment

9. include all observations and diagrams in your logbook.

10. Include a reflections section. Use this for thoughts about what your results mean, and how you might be able to do things differently in the future. You will later be able to use this information in your discussion section (ie. It really helps to include this section in your log!)

Anything highlighted with a ⌘ needs to be reflected upon (or 'answered') in your logbook.

3) Choosing a Problem

32 Before you can start anything, you need to choose a topic for your research project. Below is a small list of the topics you may choose from; remember to choose something that you are interested in and make sure that you have the equipment that will be required. You can also choose to investigate your own problem, but clear it with your teacher first. Whatever you choose should ideally give measurable results so that you have something to interpret in the rest of your project.

Sample problems:

. Which frozen liquid melts the fastest? . Which detergent is the best value for money? . The effectiveness of pre-wash stain removers. . Which type of pen lasts the longest? . The strength of different types of sticky tape. . Compare methods of corrosion . Investigate which substance is best for cleaning up oil spills . Which factors affect the growth of crystals? . Compare various window cleaning products

⌘ Choose a problem that you are interested in investigating. (Write your problem or ideas for problems in your logbook).

4) Preliminary Research

Before you undertake any experimentation, you need to research your chosen area.

⌘ You need to find out what is already known about the research topic. Use the internet, books and other sources to find out as much as you can to help guide your experimentation.

⌘ Make sure to list all your resources in a bibliography/reference section (more advice on this later in the SRP package).

5) Writing and Aim

33 You now need to translate this problem into an aim. An aim outlines what you want to investigate, prove or show. It is written in the present tense.

Example: Susan wants to investigate the effects of water on plant growth. He aim might be “to investigate the effect of water on plant growth”.

Some starters for aims include

- To investigate…

- To show …

- To compare…

- To observe…

⌘ Write your aim.

6) Writing a Hypothesis

Out of all the possible solutions to the aim, the hypothesis outlines what you think will happen in your experiment. It is more formalised than a simple prediction however.

Here are two examples of formalised hypotheses:

1. If skin cancer is related to ultraviolet light , then people with a high exposure to uv light will have a higher frequency of skin cancer. 2. If leaf color change is related to temperature , then exposing plants to low temperatures will result in changes in leaf color.

Notice that these statements contain the words , if and then. They are necessary in a formalized hypothesis. But not all if-then statements are hypotheses. For example, "If I play the lottery, then I will get rich." This is a simple prediction. In a formalized hypothesis, a tentative relationship is stated. For example, if the frequency of winning is related to frequency of buying lottery tickets. "Then" is followed by a prediction of what will happen if you increase or decrease the frequency of buying lottery tickets. If you always ask yourself that if one thing is related to another, then you should be able to test it.

Formalized hypotheses contain two variables. One is "independent" and the other is "dependent." Remember that the independent variable is the one you, the "scientist" control and the dependent variable is the one that you observe and/or measure the

34 results. In the statements above the dependent variable is written first, and the independent variable is written second.

It is not important whether your hypothesis is supported or rejected by the experiment, it is simply what you think will happen.

The ultimate value of a formalized hypothesis is it forces us to think about what results we should look for in an experiment.

⌘ Now try writing a formalised hypothesis for your experiment.

7) Listing Variables

You now need to list your variables. If you had trouble writing a good hypothesis, try again after you have written out your variables.

⌘ List your variables. Think of all things that might affect your experiment (as many as possible – even the really obvious ones!).

Now choose one variable to manipulate (change) during the experiment. This is your independent variable

⌘ Write your independent variable.

Now choose which variable you are going to measure are you change the independent variable. This is your dependent variable.

⌘ Write your dependent variable.

8) Writing and Equipment List

⌘ Jot down all the equipment you need to complete this experiment. Draw a scientific diagram of each piece of equipment. Don't forget to label each piece, and write down how many you will need. If you plan incorrectly, you can always modify your equipment list as your experiment progresses.

9) Procedure

35 Your procedure differs from a formal method in a few ways.

 the procedure is informal. The method is formal

 the procedure is written in present or future tense (what you are going to do). The method is written in past tense.

 The procedure is written into your logbook. The method is written in your formal report at the end of the SRP.

 The procedure is not 'set in stone', but can be modified as you undertake the experiment (as long as you record all changes in your logbook). The method is a record of what you have already done (and so cannot change).

⌘ You now need to write a procedure for your experiment. Remember to take into account everything you have practised, such as how to ensure reliability and validity (in other words, make sure you are actually testing what you should be testing, and make sure you repeat your experiment 'enough' times).

10) Recording Results

In this section you record what happened in your experiment. You need to list observations and measurements, and display them in the most appropriate way. For your SRP results, you must include at least one table and one graph.

Do not try to explain any of your results in this section. In other words, do not try to outline why you saw certain results. Just record what you saw.

⌘ Write your results, including all observations, tables and rough graphs.

Now that you have completed the 'doing' stage of your experiment, you can start on the formal 'write-up' for your experiment. This is the paper that you will submit to your teacher for marking. It contains the following sections (more information is provided on a sections that have not been outlined already).

1. Problem

2. Aim

3. Hypothesis

4. Materials

5. State your independent and dependent variables

6. Method.

36 Look back at the guidelines for differences between the procedure and the method. Use the notes you used in your procedure to write a formal method. Remember that the method is written in past tense, and formal language must be used. It is a good idea to break the methods down into steps (eg. Step 1, step 2….), as this makes it easy to follow. Remember that someone else should be able to repeat your experiment exactly using your method.

11) Discussion

In this section you need to interpret your results. You need to analyse your results to make decisions and conclusions.

Your discussion can be broken down into a series of paragraphs. This is a suggestion only! i. Introduction: a discussion can be started by giving some factual information For example, if your report was on methods of corrosion, you could start with ”corrosion is the process where….”. If your report is on the antibacterial properties of garlic, you could start with “for a substance to be considered as antibacterial it needs to be able to…”. ii. Interpretation of results: this is where you explain what your results mean. Starters could include “in this experiment it was seen…” or “the results obtained in the experiment show….” iii. Problems and errors: explain the problems that you had or where possible errors may have occurred. Discuss how these problems or errors could have been minimised. For example, how accurate were your measuring devices? Did you miss making your observations? Did the weather have any effect on your results? iv. Starters for this section could include: “the method has some disadvantages…”, “some problems occurred in the method. These include…”, “possible sources of error in the method include…”. v. Expectations: this section discusses how right your hypothesis was, and whether your reasoning was correct.

12. Conclusion

Remembering your original aim, what did your experiment prove or show? The conclusion should be 3-4 sentences in length.

37 13. Relating Your Project to Society

Here is where you discuss the impact of your SRP on society. Discuss the following (if you like, you can simply use the following questions to write full sentence answers):

Why your experiment was important

How was your experiment relevant to people in general

What benefits did your SRP have for society? are there any ethical or moral implications of this experiment?

Some starters for this section might include: “my research showed that….., this is important because…..”., or “my research had relevance to society because…….”, or “the implications or my research are….”.

14. A Bibliography/Reference List

Write your bibliography/reference list in alphabetical order. Use the format listed in your school planner.


38 1 Classify the following as observation, hypothesis, theory or law. Give a reason for each answer.

Evolution. Theory.,

Some cows are born with five legs. Observation.

Large parts of Sydney and Melbourne will be flooded by global warming. hypothesis

Black holes form after a supernova explosion. theory

2 Explain why the following can be called scientific theories. a There are no little yellow men living on the Moon. We can test the theory by going to the Moon and searching for these little men.

b The Loch Ness monster does not exist. We can test the theory by doing experiments in Loch Ness to determine whether the monster exists.

c There is no such creature as an abominable snow man. We can go to the Himalayas and search for the abominable snowman in order to test the theory.

d The Earth is flat. We can use spacecraft to move out from the Earth's surface to test this theory.

e All the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. We can send probes to each plane to test this theory.

3 How could you verify or disprove the following statements? a The force of gravity is stronger at the poles than at the equator because the poles are closer to the Earth’s centre. We need to measure the distance to the Earth's centre at the poles and the equator. We then need to measure ‘g’ at each of these locations. From these measurements we can verify or disprove the theory.

b Gravity increases above sections of the crust that contain large amounts of heavy rock. Find sections of the crust that have heavy rock and those that have light rock. Measure ‘g’ at each of these locations and from this we can prove or disprove the theory.

c The gravitational pull of the Moon causes the ocean level on Earth to rise and fall twice a day.

Plot the position of the Moon on a daily basis. Measure tidal heights and correlate the Moon's position and tide heights with time to determine whether these variables are correlated.

4. (a) Give one benefit of using a model to explain an idea

Allows easier explanation of a concept Allows predictions to be made Are there any limitations of using a model to explain and idea? Often they are too simplistic, not accurate

39 Part Two: Science Skills

Page 5

1) Write a sentence explaining what inforation the table is presenting

The table shows how much caffeine is in different beverages based on serving size.

2) How many different types of food contain caffeine? 8 according to the table.

Page 6

3) Which food item would give the highest amount of caffeine? Brewed coffee

4) Infer why the amount of caffeine in cola drinks and chocolate bars is written as a range

Cola drinks refer to a number of different drinks, each with different amounts of caffeine. 5) Some experts recommend that adults consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine a day. How many cups of instant coffee would be safe to drink? 200/60 = 3.3 cups 6) Children are not usually given tea or coffee to drink as caffeine is thought to be bad for their health. What other foods should parents limit in their children's diet?

Cola drinks, chocolate bars, chocolate milk drinks, cocoa Page 7

Element Metal/Non-Metal melting point (C) boiling point (C)

Aluminium metal 660 2450

Barium metal 714 1640

Copper metal 1083 2600

Lead metal 327 1740

Bromine non-metal -7 58

Iodine non-metal 114 183

Phosphorous non-metal 44 280

Sulfur non-metal 119 445

Other tables are also suitable

Page 9

1 What is the title of this graph? Number of plant-eating animals counted in 1 m2 on a rock platform

40 2 What is shown on the horizontal axis? type of animal 3 What is shown on the vertical axis? Number of plant eaters 4 For which type of animal were 40 counted? Barnacle 5 How many limpets were found? 15 6 For which type of animal were the least numbers counted? Elephant snail Page 10

1 What is the graph about? Percentage composition of iron ore samples 2 What is shown on the horizontal axis? Percentage composition 3 What is shown on the vertical axis? Samples of iron ore 4 Use the key to find out which substance makes up the highest percentage of each iron ore sample. Iron 5 Which sample of iron ore contained 10% silicon dioxide? X 6 Which sample of iron ore contained the lowest percentage of aluminium oxide? Y 7 What percentage of sample Y did “other substances” make up? 35% (100-65) Page 11

1 What is the graph about? Progress Chart: mass of premature baby

2 What is shown on the horizontal axis? time in weeks

3 What is shown on the vertical axis? Mass in grams 4 Where did this information come from? measuring a baby 5 By what amount do the numbers on the vertical scale increase? 500 g 6 By what amount of mass does each line on the graph paper on the vertical scale equal? 100 g 8 By what amount do the numbers on the horizontal scale increase? 1 week 9 What amount of time does each line on the graph paper on the horizontal scale equal? cannot see 10 What was the mass of this baby at birth? 1900 grams 11 When did the baby have a mass of 3100 grams? At about 3½ weeks. 12 What was the baby's mass at the end of the eighth week? 3500 g 13 During which week did the mass of the baby stay the same? week 7

41 Pages 12-13

1 What is the graph about? Comparison of marks in science and maths exams. 2 What is shown on the horizontal axis? Mark in science exam as a percentage 3 What is shown on the vertical axis? Mark in maths exam as a percentage 4 By what amount do the numbers on the horizontal scale increase? 10% 5 By what amount of mass does each line on the graph paper on the horizontal scale equal? 10% 6 By what amount do the numbers on the vertical scale increase? 10 % 7 By what amount of mass does each line on the graph paper on the vertical scale equal? 10% 8 What was the highest mark in the science exam? 94 9 What was the lowest mark in the science exam? 44 10 What was the highest mark in the science exam? 92 11 What was the lowest mark in the science exam? 34 12 How many sets of results are shown on this graph? 19


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