Guiding Principles for Building a Quality Gifted Program

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Guiding Principles for Building a Quality Gifted Program

Gifted Services District Gifted Services To determine eligibility for gifted services within the Olathe District Schools the multi- Services to students identified as gifted, and in The goal of the QUEST program is to en- disciplinary team will review these four ques- need of specialized and unique instruction, are hance the general education curriculum, to tions: provided through the District’s QUEST pro- provide academic challenges, and meet the gram. Gifted services are available in grades social and emotional needs of gifted learners 1. Does the response of the presenting con- K-12 at all of our school buildings. The QUEST so that each student can be successful. Each cern to general education interventions program is aligned with identified State and student’s unique needs are addressed in an indicate the need for intense or sustained National Best Practices in the field of gifted ed- Individual Education Plan. To meet these in- resources? ucation. dividual needs elementary gifted learners may receive direct and/or collaborative ser- 2. Are the resources needed to support the In Kansas “Gifted” means performing or vices from a teacher of the gifted. Sec- student to participate and progress in the demonstrating the potential for performing at ondary students may access gifted services general education curriculum beyond significantly higher levels of accomplishment in through an elective option for direct service those available through general educa- one or more academic fields due to intellectual and/or collaborative service from a teacher tion or other resources? ability, when compared to others of similar of the gifted. age, experience and environment. 3. Is there evidence of a severe discrepancy between the performance of the student Services may include, but are not limited to: and his/her peers, or evidence of a se-  Curriculum differentiation vere discrepancy between the student’s Best Practices in Gifted  Cluster grouping ability and performance in the area(s) of  Independent studies concern? (An IQ score at or above the  Acceleration Education 99%ile OR an IQ score at the 98%ile  Collaboration Guiding Principles for Building a Quality Gifted Program AND achievement scores at or above the  Simulation units 97%ile)  Services to gifted students should be a bal-  Consulting services ance of heterogeneous and homogeneous  Enrichment units/resources 4. Is the presence of an exceptionality sub- groupings. Services to gifted students  Curriculum compacting stantiated by convergent data from mul- should be a balance of collaborative and  Mentorships tiple sources? pullout delivery models.  Group studies  “Cluster” groups of 5-8 students with iden- All four questions must be answered in the tified gifted needs in the general education affirmative. classroom promote flexible groupings and a more efficient delivery of gifted services.  Enhancement opportunities provided by the gifted teacher within the general edu- cation classroom are of benefit to both gift- ed and non-gifted students.  Attention should be paid, and instruction given, to gifted students, related to their social and emotional needs.  Training related to the needs of gifted stu- dents for all school staff is necessary to Contact your child’s classroom teacher with dispel many of the myths of “giftedness” any questions regarding the referral process and to understand the unique characteris- for gifted services. tics of the gifted. Eligibility Determination

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