City of Claremont
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Vice-Chair Dean Gray called the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Members present: Ed Krenke, Rick Butler, Vickie Madsen, and Mike Stupka (Stupka arrived at 6:35 p.m.). Absent: None. Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Liz Sorg, Clifford (Butch) and Peggy Brekke, Kevin Rieck, Don Gray, John Baier, and Lloyd Von Ruden.
Motion by Madsen to approve the agenda with one addition of the Lutheran Church property, second by Butler. Carried unanimously.
Motion by Butler to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2015, meeting, second by Madsen. Carried unanimously.
Motion by Madsen to open the Public Hearing, second by Butler. Carried unanimously. Butch Brekke applied for a Conditional Use and Variance. The Conditional Use request is to put a 36’ x 24’ garage on a lot without a principal building. The Variance request is for reductions in the setback requirements. Two residents near the property stopped at City Hall and signed a paper stating they had no issues or problems with the request.
At 6:35 p.m. Vice-Chair Gray handed over his Vice-Chair duties to Chair Mike Stupka.
Butch would also like to put the proposed building closer to the alley than allowed by city ordinance. Although the building would not be any closer to the alley than any other buildings that are already in that area. He showed the commission a survey of the property. The commission members had no issues or problems with the request. Motion by Gray to close the public hearing, second by Krenke. Carried unanimously.
Motion by Gray to recommend to the city council to approve Brekke’s Conditional Use and Variance Request with the garage being built on the property line adjacent to the alley or within that property line, second by Madsen. Carried unanimously.
Liz wanted to inform the commission that she received a call from a realtor who said there is a person interested in purchasing the Lutheran Church to turn it into their residential home. Liz checked the zoning map and the church is already zoned R-1 (Residential), which is common for churches to be a permitted use in a R-1 District so rezoning the property would not be necessary. The realtor called Dodge County and they can make the change on their side with no concerns. Liz had checked with City Attorney Rahrick and also the building inspector to see if there would be any other concerns or issues, which they had none.
Motion by Butler to adjourn at 7:21 p.m., second by Madsen. Carried unanimously.
______City Clerk/Treasurer Planning & Zoning