KS3 Medium Term Planner Lambeth Academy 2014-2015
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KS3 Medium Term Planner Lambeth Academy 2014-2015 Year 7 Dance Module 2 Bollywood Dance Performance Demonstrate a sense of rhythm, musicality and energy, when performing Bollywood-style movements (e.g. awareness of timing, phrasing and downward accent and a lively energetic approach) Demonstrate grace, elegance and expression in movement, particularly, when performing hand gestures (e.g. precision and detail in the use of the wrists and the fingers, appropriate focus and facial expressions and the smooth, fluid use of the whole body) Demonstrate spatial awareness when performing as a group (e.g. maintaining group formations while dancing, and control when moving through and around other dancers) Composition Select, order and structure movements in a Bollywood style, showing various group formations and pathways (e.g. the use of block and circle formations, diagonals, and curved and zigzag pathways) Objectives Create movements in a Bollywood style that physically interpret given lyrics (e.g. movements that reflect the action, relationships and emotions stated in the words, such as love, hatred and anger) Appreciation Identify key stylistic features of performance and choreography in Bollywood films (e.g. how the meaning of songs are interpreted in dance, and how films are characterised by glamorous costumes, lots of colour and extravagant sets, and a fusion of dance styles such as Bhangra and Hip Hop) Analyse professional examples of Bollywood dancing and use this to set realistic targets for improvement (e.g. show a greater range of movement in the shoulders and a stronger forceful downward accent on the Bhangra steps) Draw and describe key group formations and pathways (e.g. use diagrammatic form and appropriate vocabulary to illustrate pathways, such as ‘straight’, ‘curved’ and ‘zigzag’, and use appropriate spatial vocabulary, such as ‘towards’, ‘passing’ and ‘diagonal’) All Demonstrate some awareness of the relationship between Bollywood dance, its history and the music Show some improvements in performance as a result of rehearsal Demonstrate an awareness of appropriate stylistic qualities in performance Demonstrate the awareness of using choreographic devices to create interesting choreography Know how to apply and link physical skills and movements together to create a routine Demonstrate in performance the awareness of different Bollywood combinations showing some technical ability Perform to an audience Observe live or recorded performances and feedback showing awareness of correct terminology, and be able to provide some feedback to other groups on their strengths and weaknesses. Explain the relationship between Bollywood dance, its history and the music. Show a range of improvements in performance as a result of rehearsal Demonstrate an assured sense of stylistic qualities Demonstrate the application of a range of appropriate interpretative skills in performance Most Demonstrate the application of a range of choreographic device to create interesting choreography. Demonstrate in performance a range of Bollywood combinations with good technical ability Perform with confidence to an audience Observe live or recorded performances and feedback confidently using correct terminology and provide feedback to other groups on their strengths and weaknesses. Give an in depth explanation of the relationship between Bollywood dance, its history and its music. Show a wide range of improvement s in performance as a result of thorough rehearsal. Demonstrate an excellent sense of stylistic qualities in performance. Demonstrate the application of a wide range of appropriate interpretative skills in performance Some Demonstrate the application of a wide range of choreographic devices to create interesting choreography. Demonstrate Bollywood dance combinations to a high technical standard showing individuality. Perform with confidence& competence Observe live or recorded performances and feedback fluently about dance using correct and appropriate terminology when giving critical feedback on strengths and weaknesses.
Classroom Space – tidy and clear of any spillages or obstacles, chairs to be tidied away Space – Designate places for duets to rehearse within the space to avoid any collisions. Ensure floor is clean and safe for floor work. Health and Safety Contact Work – correct use of technique within partnering sequences Student valuables – to be collected and stored away at the beginning of each lesson Dance kit – students wear appropriate dance kit with hair tied back and no jewellery Future Learning Pupils could extend their learning by watching and analysing the movement content within Bollywood dance films. and Enrichment Module Students are assessed upon their final choreographic piece and upon their performance within their piece. assessment Learning Literacy and Lesson Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Resources Differentiation Homework Ideas Key Skills Objectives Numeracy
1 Know All Starter – Viewing Task ‘Pride and SEN Key Terms refine and adapt the basic Identify two key features Analysing a short video clip, answering the Prejudice’ To focus upon the Performance existing skills. history of Bollywood. following questions. DVD accuracy of the Choreography of Perform with in-time and Name the Dance Style movements and upon Bollywood with accuracy. How would describe the dancing? Bollywood timing. Rhythm Bollywoo Has anyone performed this style Historical Accuracy d dance Most before? Facts G&T Placement Identify three or more key What do you know about this style? Hand out To be encouraged to Alignment Perform features of Bollywood. focus upon with one Perform with a good sense Historical Context PowerPoint alignment, of the of rhythm & accuracy. Students sit in a circle Teacher gives out a coordination and key history of Bollywood snippets to each rhythm. stylistic Some student. 1st students read out theirs and Identify features of EAL features others must listen for the first part of theirs Bollywood’s choreography Practical of so they can follow on and read out their & performance. part so they go in order. Teacher and example of key Bollywoo Perform with consistent student discussion on roots and influences. words. d Dance, rhythm & a high level of performi accuracy Bollywood Routine ng with Students spread out in space teacher accuracy teaches set repertoire. and More able are paired with less able to timing practice routine
Refining Work Key Questions Within groups, students work to focus Where does upon: Bollywood Focus (eye-line) dance take Arm Placement (shoulders) influence Footsteps from? What is cultural Plenary – Questioning dance? Questioning upon the historical context of Bollywood dance, its influences and its stylistic features 2 Select All Starter – Fact or Fiction Quiz PowerPoint SEN Formations Key Terms use principles to and order Select and order The term ‘Bollywood’ comes from the To use suggested Worksheet Formations plan and movemen movements. words ‘Hollywood’ & ‘Bombay’ formations that Levels implement ts Create your own formation Bollywood star’s singing voices are Formations require less travelling Pathways strategies, effectivel changes to the routine. dubbed Hand out Directions compositional and y The first Bollywood film was a 1913 G&T Travel organisational Most silent film? Formations To be encouraged to Narrative ideas in Add Select and order The narrative for Bollywood films is Worksheet use more complex individual, pair, formation movements effectively. influenced by Folklores formations and use of group and team changes Create different levels and to use activities. effectivel formations to change the Bollywood Movements movements whilst y to routine, using pathways to As a whole class, students learn a number travelling on complex teacher move into each formation. of Bollywood movements. pathways sequence • Turns with Some • Shoulder Shrugs EAL interestin Select and order • Arm Flicks Clear use of examples g movements effectively to • ‘Jai Ho’ of formations pathways the music. • Sprinkles May use formations Create various formations • Light bulb worksheet Key Questions to change the routine, • Arm Roll What is a key using set movements • Side to Side Skips with Hand Flicks feature in the within the pathways. Flicks performance • Side to Side Steps of Bollywood dance? Reordering Task In groups, students reorder the taught How may movements to begin their own piece of formations choreography. Groups must decide upon: add effect to a Re-ordering the movements dance piece? How many of each step
Formations Explanation Students come and sit in front of white board, teacher discusses formations.
Formations Task Each group focuses on changing the formations of the dance and creating interesting pathways between them. One group may demonstrate the different formations that they may use to the class.
Plenary – Sharing and Feedback Students perform two groups at a time to the rest of the group.
3 Demonstr All Starter – Hand Gestures PowerPoint SEN Key Terms use principles to ate Demonstrate some Students learn a number of hand To use suggested Hand Gestures plan and precise accurate precision of gestures from the board. Narrative hand gestures Narrative implement and wrists and fingers in Worksheet Stylistic Features strategies, detailed hand gestures. Hand Gestures G&T compositional and use of the Create some hand Students learn a number of hand Bollywood To be encouraged to organisational wrists and gestures that reflect a gestures whilst sitting in a circle. Each DVD use more complex ideas in fingers narrative. are given a number and ensure hand gestures individual, pair, within students know each by mixing the group and team hand Most numbers. Students then learn the EAL activities. gestures Demonstrate meaning and the names of each. Examples displayed precision in the wrists Bunny ears –Index & Middle fingers on the board Create and fingers in hand together with thumb hand gestures. Love- American Sign Language Version gestures Create a number of Lotus- flower opening that hand gestures that Fire – hands together and fingers clearly clearly reflect a move or hands facing up with index reflect a narrative. and thumb together narrative Deer Head – Ring finger bent Some Stop – show palms, thumb bent in Key Questions Demonstrate precise How are hand and gestures used detailed wrists and Viewing Task in Bollywood fingers Analysing a short film clip of dance? within hand gestures. Bollywood Create a number of dancing and how the dancers detailed hand physically gestures interpret the lyrics and narrative that clearly reflect a through narrative. their movements. Play DVD with subtitles to aid understanding.
Hand Gestures Creative Task Using a list of words, groups create their own hand gestures to piece together within the routine.
Refining Task Each group takes time to rehearse their choreography and ensure that the arm work and hand gestures are clear and strong.
Plenary – Matching Task Groups match together the photographs of hand gestures with their meanings. 4 Demonstr All Starter PowerPoint SEN Historical Context Key Terms develop them into ate Demonstrate accurate Guessing the key words of the unit, To focus upon the Worksheet Accuracy specific accurate timing and heavy learnt so far. Bollywood accuracy of the Timing techniques that footwork movements within DVD movements and upon Rhythm suit different with the footwork. Warm-Up timing. Musicality activities dynamical Perform with some Walking around the space warm up, Historical Phrasing and perform phrasing energy. following commandments Context G&T Energy these with Movements AB&C Worksheet To be encouraged to Dynamics consistent Perform Most Stop & Start focus upon the control. with a Demonstrate a sense Speeds and levels dynamical quality and sense of of rhythm and a Following and leading the detailed used of energy downward accent Mirroring and coping footwork. and within the footwork. rhythm Perform with a sense Introduction to Footwork EAL of rhythm and energy. • Hips! x4 Practical Key Questions • Rolls x3 example of key How is Some • Backwards and Forwards x2 words. footwork used Consistently • S2S Knee (matrix and down / h2h) within demonstrate a sense • Circle toe touches x2 Bollywood of rhythm and a clear • S2S step dance? foot placement and • Flicks out downward accent What do we within the footwork. Bollywood Footwork have to think Perform with a sense Toe Touches about when of musicality and a Side Steps performing high sense of energy. Hips! footwork Knees! within ‘Limp Step’ Bollywood Jump Side to Side dance? 3 Steps 3 Step Ball Changes
Advanced Bollywood Steps Each group watches the Bollywood DVD in order to gain further ideas for their choreography and to highlight the stylistic features of Bollywood dance. Groups may this material to help enhance their footwork.
Plenary – Stylistic Features Students complete the worksheet, detailing the stylistic features of Bollywood dance. 5 To All Canon Example PowerPoint EAL Key Terms take the initiative understan Use basic canon Teacher organizes the class in to 2 groups Clear examples of key Canon to analyse their d and effects in their one will perform first and the next group Video Camera words. Unison own and others’ apply routine will start immediately after.(This will help Timing work, using this cannon with understanding cannon in its physical Grading SEN Phrasing information to effectivel Most form) Criteria Hand Less able can perform improve its y into a Using canon out basic cannon quality. routine effectively in their Complex Canon Example movements, one routine. Teacher then splits groups into 3 and then performs a action and To 4. Groups perform in cannon to the music then the next and so practicing Some going 1 group at a time with the next group on for a final Use canon effectively starting as the other group finish. performa and clearly in their This can then progress to using counts – G&T nce and routine. with groups coming in after 8 counts and More able should be refining the more able coming in after 4. experimenting with physical cannon using counts, skills and Canon Choreography Task coming in after actions/ Once students have a good understanding certain amount of peer of cannon they take it back into their small counts 8s 4s and 2s. assess groups. routine and Refining Task provide A person from each group comes out feedback and watches the others in their group Key perform, Questions they must provide verbal feedback to What is their Canon? group and stop them when changes need How may to be made. All performers must get a canon chance to watch the rest of the group add perform and provide feedback. effect to a dance Plenary - Filming for Video Analysis routine? Groups perform for video analysis, groups watch as an audience and provide any short feedback,
6 Video All Starter – Video Analysis PowerPoint SEN Key Terms be clear about analysis Identify main Groups sit in front of white boards To use provided Energy what they want to of strengths and and watch performances from last Video Camera sentences to help Expression achieve in their performa weaknesses of own week. They use their sheets to self- structure their Musicality own work, and nce / performance. assess their performance. Each Grading feedback. Accuracy what using student should be making Criteria Hand Teacher support to they have actually teacher Most suggestions. And offering other out implement feedback. achieved. feedback Review strengths and groups suggestions also giving grading and weaknesses with criteria. Dartboard G&T rehearsal reasoning. To be encouraged to to show Refining Task provide fully improvem Some Groups find a space and take their explained answers. ents in Review strengths and sheet. They must priorities their performa weaknesses in detail improvements and decide what to EAL nce/ with considered work on for final performance. To be encouraged to conclusion. key words within Key Practical Assessment their feedback. Questions Final video performance. Students in What do I charge of videoing and music. need to Students do to complete unit dartboard. improve my work, in terms of performa nce and choreogra phy? How should I go about implemen ting changes to my work?