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Posts for SCB, MCH, CUTTACK No. of post Sl. Name of the Category Salary Eligibility Remarks No posts wise 1 Staff Nurse UR – 26 PB-RS 5200/- Must have passed HSC / Selection of (Contractual) ST – 11 G.P- Rs.2800/- equivalent examination the candidate SC – 08 and +2 Science shall be in SEBC – 06 examination under council merit basis on Total - 51 of Higher Secondary career Education assessment. Odisha/Equivalent and Diploma in General Nursing & Midwife Course from any of the three(3) Medical College and Hospitals of the State / any other recognized private institutions duly approved by Indian Nursing Council and examination conducted by the Odisha Nursing Council. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 2 OT Technician UR – 02 PB-Rs.5200/- Must have passed HSC / Selection of (Contractual) GP- Rs.2400/- equivalent examination the candidate ST – 01 and /+2 Science shall be in Examination under CHSE, merit basis on SC – 01 Odisha/ equivalent and career Diploma in Pharmacy from assessment. Total - 04 any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State / any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE or examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 3 Dialysis UR – 03 Must have passed HSC / Technician equivalent examination (Contractual) ST – 01 -do- and must have passed +2 -do- Science Examination under SC – 01 CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and 03 (three) years degree SEBC – 01 in dialysis technology done from a teaching institution Total - 06 with dialysis facility having 05 (five) dialysis machine with a functional unit. Or Diploma in dialysis technology with One year experience in a large hospital having minimum 05(five) dialysis machine with a functional unit. Or Diploma in Pharmacy/ GNM / Lab. Technology; with 03 (three) years experience in dialysis from a large hospital with at least 05 (five) dialysis machine with a functional unit. 4 Radiographer UR - 01 -do- Must have passed HSC / -do- (Contractual) equivalent examination and +2 Science Examination under CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and passed DMRT examination from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State or Any other private institution recognized by Govt. of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 5 Laboratory UR - 01 -do- Must have passed HSC / -do- Technician equivalent examination (Contractual) and +2 Science Examination under CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and passed DMLT examination from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State. or Any other private institution recognized by Govt. of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 6 Respiratory UR-1 -do- Must have passed HSC / Lab. equivalent examination Technician and +2 Science (PFT) Examination under CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and passed DMLT examination from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State. or Any other private institution recognized by Govt. of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. Preference will be given with experience in PFT Labratory One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. Preference will be given with experience in PFT Laboratory.
7 Pharmacist UR-1 -do- Must have passed HSC / (Contractual) equivalent examination and /+2 Science Examination under CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State / any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE or examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.
Posts for SVPPGIP (Sishu Bhawan, Cuttack)
Name of the No. of post Sl. No Salary Eligibility Remarks posts Category wise 1 Pharmacist UR – 02 PB-Rs.5200/- Must have passed (Contractual) GP- Rs.2400/- HSC / equivalent ST – 03 examination and /+2 Science SC – 02 Examination under CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and Total - 07 Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State / any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE or examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 2 Radiographer UR - 01 -do- Must have passed (Contractual) ** SC - 01 HSC / equivalent examination and Total - 02 +2 Science Examination under CHSE, Odisha/ equivalent and passed DMRT examination from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State or Any other private institution recognized by Govt. of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. 3 Jr.Laboratory UR – 01 -do- Must have passed Technician HSC / equivalent (Contractual) ** ST – 01 examination and +2 Science SC – 01 Examination under CHSE, SEBC – 01 Odisha/ equivalent and passed DMLT examination from any of the 3 Total - 04 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State. or Any other private institution recognized by Govt. of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.
**N:B – The earlier advertisement made my Dean & Principal ,SCB MC Cuttack for filling of the Post of Radiographer & Jr.Lab Technician meant for (SVPPGIP, Cuttack) is hereby treated as Cancelled. Hence fresh applications are sought for the above mentioned posts.
Posts for Mental Health Institute (SCB MCH, Cuttack)
Sl. No Name of the No. of post Salary Eligibility Remarks posts Category wise criteria 1 Staff Nurse UR – 07 PB-RS 5200/- Must have passed Selection of the (Contractual) ST – 11 G.P- Rs.2800/- HSC / equivalent candidate shall SC – 02 examination and be in merit SEBC – 03 +2 Science basis on career Total - 23 examination assessment. under council of Higher Secondary Education Odisha/Equivalen t and Diploma in General Nursing & Midwife Course from any of the three(3) Medical College and Hospitals of the State / any other recognized private institutions duly approved by Indian Nursing Council and examination conducted by the Odisha Nursing Council. One percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service (from any Govt. institution) subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position. Preference will be given to the Candidates those who have completed and continuing the Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Course.
N.B. - The detail advertisement along with the General Conditions & Application Form will be available in the website of SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack ( GENERAL CONDITION
1. The candidates, who are intended to apply for the above noted posts (categorically) under SCB Medical College Hospital, Cuttack / SVPPGIP, Cuttack & Mental Health Institute, SCB MCH, Cuttack, they have to apply to the Superintendent, SCB Medical College Hospital, Cuttack - 753007 by registered post / speed post only. Applications received through ordinary Post will be Stand Cancelled. 2. The application should reach in Office of the Superintendent, SCB MCH, Cuttack within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement. No application shall be entertained beyond the stipulated time. 3. The selection of the candidate will be made according to merit as per recent Govt. guideline. 4. The engagement is purely temporary and shall be terminated at anytime without assigning any reason thereof. 5. Age limit – As per the norm prescribed by the State Government. 6. One envelope should contain only one application only. 7. Applicant should clearly mention the Name of the post applied for and the Institution on the top of the envelope and application form also. 8. Candidates applying for different categories of posts for different Institutions should apply with separate application forms. 9. The Superintendent, SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack reserves the right to reject / accept / cancel any application without assigning any reasons thereof if it is found incorrect / false / incomplete. 10. The candidates are required to enclose self attested Xerox copy of all relevant Educational certificates, Mark Sheets and Registration Certificates as mentioned in the Eligibility Criteria. 11. Two self-addressed envelope (size - 24 x10cm) with postage stamp of Rs.22.00 (twenty two). 12. Two Self attested recent pass port size colour photograph. 13. Self attested Xerox copy of Caste Certificate & Residence Certificate from Competent Authority. 14. Knowledge in odia:- The candidate must-
a) Be able to read, write and speak odia.
b) Have passed Middle School Examination with Odia as language subject or
c) Have passed matriculation or equivalent examination with odia as medium of examination in non-language subject or
d) Have passed in odia as language subject in the final examination of Class –VII from a school or educational institution recognized by the government of odisha or the central govt or
e) Have passed a test in odia in middle English School standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department.
15. Attested Xerox Copy of Experience Certificate if worked under any Govt. sector having more than one year experience and above.
Sd/- Superintendent SCB Medical College Hospital, Cuttack APPLICATION FORM
1. Name of the Post applied for :
2. Name of the Institution applied for :
3. Name of the candidate ( in block letter) :
4. Name of the Father / Spouse:
5. Date of Birth ( As recorded in the HSC Pass Certificate) :
6. Sex :
7. Caste (UR /ST/ SC/ SEBC) :
8. Permanent Address: :
9. Present address for correspondence ( in block letters) :
10. Whether passed Odia as a subject (Yes/No) : 11. Mark to be given in the following Proforma :
Full / Total Secured Marks Marks (Excluding 4th (Excluding 4th Sl. Name of the Name of the Percentage of Optional for Optional for No. Examination Institution Mark X & XII X & XII examinations examinations Only) Only) 1 HSC/Equivalent
2 +2 Science examination under CHSE Odisha/Equivalent 3 Specific technical qualification Full Signature of the candidate
I do hereby declare that all the information furnished in the application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Any wrong calculation of mark/percentage/false mark sheet or any wrong information, if detected during verification or in future, my application shall be treated as cancelled.
Full Signature of the candidate