2004, Department of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

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2004, Department of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

Teacher Preparation Program

Policy Manual

2004 The Teacher Preparation Program faculty wishes to express appreciation to the contributions of current and former Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum faculty members for sharing their combined wisdom to create this handbook, both in terms of organization and content.

© 2004, Department of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Primarily developed by Bradley W. Sheppard, Director of Student Teaching

Table of Contents Undergraduate Students...... 1 Admission Standards...... 1 Advisory Services...... 3 Grade Appeals...... 3 Independent Studies...... 3 Monitoring Student Progress...... 4 Field Experiences and Practica Courses...... 4 Attendance...... 5 Communication...... 5 Corporal Punishment...... 6 Weeks of Student Teaching...... 6 Outside Activities...... 6 Performing as a Substitute...... 6 Professional Conduct ...... 6 Removal from Field...... 6 Repetition of Field Experience...... 7 Seminars...... 7 Multigrade Assignments...... 8 Dispositions and Retention...... 8 Certification Denial/Revocation...... 9 Fradulent Application...... 9 Ineligibility and Immoral Conduct...... 9 Conviction Record Request...... 10 Notice of Status to Cooperating Schools...... 10 Notice of Status to Applicant...... 10 Individual Case Review...... 10 Notification of Status to State Department...... 10 Report of a Fraud...... 10 Graduate Students...... 11 Advisory Students...... 11 Student Appeals...... 11 Independent Studies...... 12 Maximum Load...... 12 Monitoring Student Progress...... 12 Fieldwork and Practica Course Work...... 13 Retention...... 13 Dispositions and Retention...... 13 Certification Denial/Revocation...... 14 Fraudulent Application...... 14 Ineligibility and Immoral Conduct...... 14 Conviction Record Request...... 14 Notice of Status to Cooperating Schools...... 14 Notice of Status to Applicant...... 15 Individual Case Review...... 15 Notice of Status to State Department...... 15 Report of Fraud...... 15 Non-MA Degree/Certification Seeking Students...... 15 Policies Relating to the Teacher Preparation Program...... 16 Undergraduate Programs...... 16 Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program...... 16 Admission Requirements for Student Teaching...... 17 Placement of Student Teachers...... 19 Placement Procedures...... 21 Criteria for Selection of Placement...... 21 The Student Teaching Semester...... 22 Students Engage In Schools as Invited Guests...... 22 Calendar for Student Teaching Semester...... 23 Employment and Course Work...... 23 Attendance...... 23 Description of the School Setting...... 24 Weekly Schedule of Planned Student Teaching Experiences...... 24 Scope of Clinical Practice Activities...... 24 Lesson Plans...... 25 Certification: Seventh-day Adventist and State of Michigan...... 25 Steps to Certification...... 25 Criteria for Waiver, Transfer, Substitution...... 27 Evaluation of Course Offerings...... 27 Experimentation and Innovation Policy...... 27 Relationships with Units outside of the School of Education...... 28 Recruitment Policy...... 28 Review of Program Goals and Objectives...... 28 Program Review...... 28 Committee for Certification, Screening, and Petitions...... 29 Graduate Level Certification...... 29 Post Baccalaureate Certification...... 29 Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program...... 30 Admission to Student Teaching...... 31 Placement of Student Teachers...... 32 Placement Procedures...... 34 Criteria for Selection of Placement...... 35 The Student Teaching Semester...... 36 Certification: Seventh-day Adventist and State of Michigan...... 38 Steps to Secure Certification...... 39 Evaluation of Course Offerings...... 40 Experimentation and Innovation...... 40 Independent Study Standards...... 41 Andrews University School of Education Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Teacher Preparation Program Policy Manual



1.1.10 Undergraduate General Admission Standards

All undergraduate students must meet the following minimum general admissions standards:

A. Official documentation of completion of secondary-school studies from:

1. an accredited secondary school OR 2. an equivalent overseas school (to be assessed by AACRAO guidelines) OR 3. GED certification with a minimum average score of 60 on five sections of the test with no section lower than 50.

B. A minimum of 13 units of solid subjects in secondary school.

C. Minimum GPA of 2.25 overall and college- bound 50th percentile on ACT/SAT.

D. Two character references from secondary-school principal, guidance counselor, teacher, residence- hall dean, employer, or pastor.

E. Completion of grades 7-12 using English in an English-speaking country OR 1. A minimum score of 550 on the paper TOEFL. OR 2. A 213 on the computer TOEFL 1 OR 3. A minimum score of 80 on MELAB.

F. Special Requirements for School of Education Students

1. Students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.50 in order to be admitted into the Teacher Preparation Program. In addition students must maintain a GPA of 2.50 in each of the following areas with no grades of C- or lower: a. major(s) b. minor(s) c. Professional Education courses.

2. Applicants who do not qualify for admission to the School of Education may apply to the College of Technology. After achieving a minimum GPA of 2.50 for at least one semester (minimum 12 credits), the applicant may apply for a transfer to the School of Education.

G. Pre-Teacher Preparation Status

9936. Teacher Preparation at Andrews University is a four- phase process. Students proceed through the Teacher Preparation Program via a series of formal applications and evaluations. The four phases of the program are: a. Admission to the Program b. Program Performance c. Completion of Student Teaching d. Program Completion

10832. All undergraduate students admitted into the School of Education are in a Pre-Teacher Preparation Status until they are formally admitted into the Teacher Preparation Program. Each student must apply to the Teacher Preparation Program. Applications are kept in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum. See the bulletin section on “The Teacher Education Program and Certification Procedures” for details.

1.1.20 Advisory Services

All undergraduate students are assigned an advisor in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum and a content area advisor in the specialty area(s) from the College of Arts and Sciences. In addition, the Bulletin outlines the necessary steps to certification. 2 . 1.1.30 Grade Appeals

A student who feels s/he has a legitimate grievance concerning a grade or treatment in a particular class may appeal to the teacher of that class. If a satisfactory solution to the problem cannot be reached, the student may take his/her complaint to the department chair, the dean, the vice president for academic administration, and the president, in that order.

An additional channel available to the student is to take his/ her problem to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is a presidential appointee who is available to help students resolve any complex problem which remains unsolved after the student has followed normal channels for handling such matters or has encountered an obstacle in doing so. The Ombudsman will advise the student on further steps to take, negotiate a solution, or find out the reasons why the problem is insoluble. No student shall suffer any penalty for seeking assistance from the Ombudsman and all information presented to him/her by persons seeking assistance shall be considered confidential.

The Ombudsman is alert to the chief causes for student concerns and is expected to make recommendations for eliminations of these causes consistent with the fundamental purposes of the University.

1.1.40 Independent Studies

Students normally complete curriculum requirements via the regular course offerings. However, upon rare occasion, a student may petition to enroll in an independent study course. Criteria for acceptance include:

A. A regular course in the same subject matter is not currently offered or available to the student before graduation. B. The instructor of the proposed independent study has expertise in this field.

C. The student has maintained the appropriate grade point average.

D. The student must have gained permission for the independent study from the proposed instructor and from the chair of the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum. 3 1.1.50 Monitoring Student Progress

All undergraduate students admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program are closely monitored in the areas of knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behaviors to insure quality performance. Grade point averages, recommendations from other departments’ faculty, and the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum faculty evaluations are periodically checked. After a person has met the requirements for admission to the program, a second set of standards must be met before entering student teaching. A third set of standards must be met at the end of the Student Teaching experience before recommendation for certification is made. The student’s overall progress is also jointly monitored through routine checks by officials in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum and the Records Office.

1.1.60 Field Experiences and Practica Courses

All undergraduate students admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program are required to participate in a significant number of field experiences. These field based experiences are designed to provide students with opportunities to relate within a multicultural/ multilinguistic classroom environment in both rural and urban settings. In addition students gain experience with exceptional and diverse learners.

Certification endorsements which require specialized practica should follow these guidelines:

A. Application for admittance into the area of Special- ization must be submitted to the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum one semester before the practicum is to be done.

B. Admittance into the area of specialization must be approved before the application for practicum is considered. Application for practicum must be submitted one semester before the practicum is to be done.

C. The Director of Student Teaching coordinates arrangements for placement in school(s).

D. A semester before the practicum is to begin, the student is to make final arrangements with the Supervising 4 Teacher regarding the field experience.

E. A pre-practicum visit to the school is essential before placement is finalized. Attendance

Regular and punctual attendance is expected at all classes and other required sessions such as laboratories, seminars, etc., as stipulated by the course instructor. Students enrolled in courses with field experiences and/or practica are expected to follow the agreed upon guidelines between the school and the university faculty involved. The number of absences exceeding three will have to be made up at the end of the field experience. In accordance with University policy, as detailed in the bulletin, whenever the number of absences exceeds twenty percent of the total field appointments, the teacher may give a failing grade. Students must notify the appropriate individuals in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum and the field setting in the event of any absence. Neglecting to do so may result in the student being withdrawn from the field experience and/or given a failing grade. Communication

Students are responsible for providing current and accurate contact information to the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum including mailing address, phone number, and e-mail.

The Certification Officer will use the most current information on file to contact students and send to certification agencies. Corporal Punishment

Andrews University students enrolled in clinical courses are not permitted to administer corporal punishment as a means of discipline. Weeks of Student Teaching

The student teaching experience will be a minimum of fourteen weeks, five of which must include full-time teaching.

5 Outside Activities

B. Student Teachers and First Days of School Experience students are not to have employment or be enrolled in other courses during their fieldwork experience.

C. Students in specialized practicum field experiences other than Student Teaching and the First Days of School Experience are strongly discouraged from working and enrolling in other courses during their field work experience. Course and/or work obligations will not be acceptable as excuses for impaired performance during these field experiences. Performing as a Substitute

Student Teachers cannot be used as substitute teachers. Professional Conduct

Andrews University practicum students are expected to conform to standards of professional conduct as specified by the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum and the assigned school’s teacher handbook or administrator in charge. Removal from Field

If difficulties of an unresolvable nature are encountered, after consultation with appropriate parties, a student teacher may be removed and /or reassigned. Repetition of Field Experience

. A. If a student is unsuccessful or has to withdraw because of illness or injury, due consideration will be given for repetition of the field experience. This may or may not be the semester immediately following the withdrawal.

B. If a student teacher is repeating a field experience for extenuating circumstances, an Incomplete (I) or Deferred Grade (DG) is appropriate. If an appropriate placement is available, the student will be allowed to continue the field experience during the semester following the “I” or “DG” grade assignment.

6 D. If a student has been removed due to substandard performance, a semester must intervene before the student is allowed to re-enter the field. The student will have to register for additional credits.

E. A student must repeat the student teaching seminar as he/she repeats the field experience assignment.

F. The student must be made aware of his/her status in terms of a written remedial plan, and given help to meet deficiencies. The Director of Student Teaching, along with advisors, should collaborate in developing an adequate remedial plan.

G. In the case of secondary students, the content advisor should be notified by the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum when a student is removed from the field experience. Seminars


B. The Director of Student Teaching will arrange seminars on a one to one basis for student teachers placed at distant sites.

C. Portions of the Seminar may be conducted on-line via Web- CT. Multigrade Assignments

For the Seventh-day Adventist Elementary Teaching endorsement, multigrade teaching experience is required. This is accomplished by completing the Multi-grade course and field component. The field component must have the prior approval of the Director of Student Teaching and can be fulfilled in one of the following ways: 7 11520. By doing regular student teaching in a multigrade classroom (minimum three grades).

2. By doing a fifty hour field experience in a multigrade classroom.

3. Substitute teaching in multigrade classrooms (minimum 20 full days).

4. Other appropriate, verified, and satisfactory experience may fulfill this requirement. Requests for consideration of other experiences must be made to the Certification, Screening and Petitions Committee on a petition form available at the office of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum. Such petitions should be applied for and granted at least one semester before student teaching is begun. The applicant must consult with her/his advisor and the director of Student Teaching who will present and make a recommendation on the request.

1.1.70 Dispositions and Retention


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8 Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum faculty will monitor student conduct throughout the student’s tenure in the Teacher Preparation Program and formally assess dispositions at the time of application to the Teacher Preparation Program and to Student Teaching. Dispositions will also be assessed by the department faculty and the Supervising Teacher during the Student Teaching Experience.



First occurrence - The student will be issued a letter of concern from the Chair of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum.

2. Second occurrence - The student will be issued a 9 letter of serious concern and will be required to meet in a conference with the academic advisor and department chair to discuss the issue(s) and develop an improvement plan. The student will be advised that additional occurrences will be cause for dismissal from the Teacher Preparation Program.

3. Third occurrence - The student will be dismissed from the Teacher Preparation Program.

D. Generally, a student is required to maintain the standards of the bulletin year in which he/she entered. However some current standards established by the denomination and/or state are based on program exit and will override bulletin requirements.

1.1.80 Certification Denial/Revocation Fraudulent Application

Certification may be denied for fraud, material misrepresentation, or concealment in the application for a certificate. Ineligibility and Immoral Conduct

Certification may be denied for failure or ineligibility of the applicant to meet the criteria for the certificate or conviction as an adult of a felony, including immoral conduct contributing to the delinquency of a child or a felony involving moral turpitude. Conviction Record Request

The Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum may request information on a student’s conviction record as a part of the application process to the Teacher Preparation Program and to Student Teaching. Notice of Status to Cooperating Schools

If a convicted individual is admitted to any practicum or field work courses in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, the cooperating school and/or school district will be advised of the individual’s conviction status. Notice of Status to Applicant

A convicted applicant admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program 10 will be advised in writing by the chair of the Certification, Screening and Petitions Committee that the State Board of Education has the authority to deny a recommendation for certification based upon previous conviction. This assumes that the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum has been informed regarding the individual’s record. Individual Case Review

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum reviews individual cases of conviction to determine entrance eligibility into the program and/or to Student Teaching. Notification of Status to State Department of Teacher Preparation and Certification

The Certification Officer will report directly to the State Department of Teacher Preparation and Certification any certification applicants who are known to have been convicted of a misdemeanor (other than minor traffic violations) or felony. Report of Fraud

The Certification Officer will report to the State Department of Teacher Preparation and Certification any instances of fraud in the application for a certificate, including instances of fraud with altered transcripts from other institutions and/or improperly reported previous teaching experiences. 1.2 GRADUATE STUDENTS

1.2.10 Advisory Services

Master of Arts (MAT) students will be assigned a primary advisor from the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum.

1.2.20 Student Appeals

If a student finds her/himself in conflict with or questioning any practice, decision and/or policy which, in her/his mind, impacts upon her/him adversely she/he should be able to discuss the matter with responsible Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum personnel in an attempt to have the situation considered, ameliorated or adjudicated. The procedure to follow will, in part, be determined by the nature of the conflict. Fundamental to any procedure, however, is the basic commitment to Christian principles. 11 General conflicts with policy may be freely discussed with one’s advisor, department chair, Director of Graduate Programs, and /or any faculty member; or may be directed to the graduate Student Association for discussion.

A particular conflict with policy should be discussed first with one’s advisor. If satisfaction is not obtained the problem may be discussed with the department chair. If the problem is still not resolved the matter may be taken to the Dean of the School of Education. If the problem persists, the matter will be referred to the School of Education Graduate and Undergraduate Academic Policies and Curricula Committee. If the problem is still unresolved the student may discuss the matter with the University Ombudsman or the Vice President for Academic Administration for final appeal.

A conflict with an individual faculty member of a specific matter such as a grade disagreement should first be sought with the faculty member for resolution. If that fails to resolve the question or one feels the above procedure may, in itself, affect him /her adversely, she/he should contact her/his advisor who may then mediate on her/his behalf. If the problem remains unresolved it may be taken up with the chair of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum. The next level in the appeals process is the Dean of the School of Education. Finally, the matter may be taken up with the University Ombudsman and if that fails with the President of the University. The president’s decision is considered final in this type of conflict.

1.2.30 Independent Studies

Students normally complete curriculum requirements via the regular courses offerings. However, upon rare occasion a student may petition to enroll in an independent study. Criteria for acceptance include:

A. A regular course in the same subject matter is not currently offered or available to the student.

B. The instructor of the proposed independent study has expertise in this field.

C. The student has maintained the appropriate grade point average.

12 D. The student must have gained permission for the independent study from the proposed instructor and from the Chair of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum.

E. In some instances, students will be permitted to do independent studies for specific subject areas/issues germane to the graduate student’s overall development.

1.2.40 Maximum Load

Full time graduate students register for twelve credit hours per semester. Permission of the Dean is required for overloads.

1.2.50 Monitoring Student Progress

Graduate students seeking Master’s degrees are monitored by the School of Education Office. In addition, MAT Students admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program are closely monitored in the areas of knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behaviors to insure quality performance. Grade point averages, recommendations from other departments’ faculty, and the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum faculty evaluations are periodically checked. After a person has met the requirements for admission to the program, a second set of standards must be met before entering student teaching. A third set of standards must be met at the end of the Student Teaching experience before recommendation for certification is made. The student’s overall progress is also jointly monitored through routine checks by officials in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum and the Records Office.

1.2.60 Fieldwork and Practica Coursework Application Deadlines

A. All practica course work must be applied for one semester prior to the experience.

B. Application to student teaching must be made by the published deadline in the academic year prior to the student teaching experience.

1.2.70 Retention

Retention of graduate students is based on the student’s maintaining a 3.0 grade point average. A grade point average of 3.0 is required 13 for the granting of the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Students not meeting this requirement will not be granted a degree or retained indefinitely in the program.

1.2.80 Dispositions and Retention


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D. When it is determined that a student is not maintaining one or more of these standards the following procedures will be followed:

First occurrence - The student will be issued a letter of concern from the chair of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum.

2. Second occurrence - The student will be issued a letter of serious concern and will be required to meet in a conference with the academic advisor and department chair to discuss the issue(s) and develop a plan of action. The student will be advised that additional occurrences will be cause for dismissal from the Teacher Preparation Program.

3. Third occurrence - The student will be dismissed from the Teacher Preparation Program.

D. Generally, a student is required to maintain the standards of the bulletin year in which he/she entered. However, some standards established by denomination and/or state are based on program exit rather than program entry.

1.2.90 Certification Denial/Revocation Fraudulent Application

Certification may be denied for fraud, material misrepresentation, or concealment in the application for a certificate. Ineligibility and Immoral Conduct

Certification may be denied for failure or ineligibility of the applicant to meet the criteria for the certificate or conviction as an adult of a felony, including immoral conduct contributing to the delinquency of a child or a felony involving moral turpitude. Conviction Record Request

The faculty of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum may request information on a student’s conviction record as a part of the application process to the Teacher Preparation 15 Program and to Student Teaching Candidacy. Notice of Status to Cooperating Schools

If a convicted individual is admitted to any practicum or field work courses in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, the cooperating school and/or school district will be advised of the individual’s conviction status. Notice of Status to Applicant

A convicted applicant admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program will be advised in writing by the Certification Officer that the State Board of Education has the authority to deny a recommendation for certification based upon previous conviction. This assumes that the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum has been informed regarding the individual’s record. Individual Case Review

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum reviews individual cases of conviction to determine entrance eligibility into the program and/or Student Teaching. Notification of Status to State Department of Teacher Preparation and Certification

The Certification Officer will report directly to the State Department of Teacher Preparation and Certification any certification applicants who are known to have been convicted of a misdemeanor (other than minor traffic violations) or felony. Report of Fraud

The Certification Officer will report to the State Department of Teacher Preparation and Certification any instances of fraud in the application for a certificate, including instances of fraud with altered transcripts from other institutions and/or improperly reported previous teaching experiences.


1.3.10 Advisory Services 16 All students seeking continuing certification or certification renewal will be assigned an advisor for planning and assistance through the completion of requirements.



2.1.10 Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program

1. Students may apply for admission to the Teacher Preparation Program once s/he has successfully earned fifteen credits. Applications are available from the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum.

2. A student may take only the following education courses prior to being admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program: EDTE 165 Social and Philosophical Foundations EDTE 302 Educational Psychology EDTE 408 Principles of Teaching EDTE 428 Exceptional and Diverse Learners

3. Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program must be obtained before the student can apply for student teaching.

2.1.20 Criteria for Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program

Students must submit the Application for Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program, available at the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum, in order to be considered for admission to the Teacher Preparation Program. The Certification, Screening, and Petitions Committee will grant admission if students:

A. Have chosen appropriate teaching major(s) and/or minor(s) from the approved list.

B. Have a minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in each of the following areas: 1. Major(s) 2. Minor(s) 3. Professional Education courses 4. Overall 17 C. Have grades of C or higher for every course in each of the following areas: 1. Major(s) 2. Minor(s) 3. Professional Education

D. Have completed satisfactorily the following:

1. EDTE 165 Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education

2. Passed the Basic Skills Examination of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC).

E. Have submitted two favorable recommendations, including a positive assessment of dispositions, from the following:

1. EDTE 165 Instructor

2. Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor

The Supervising Teacher in the EDTE 165 field experience will also make a recommendation for program admission, in the form of a report submitted as the final evaluation of the field experience.

F. Have completed successfully an interview with the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum personnel, usually the EDTE 165 Instructor.

G. Have a developing professional teaching portfolio approved by the EDTE 165 Instructor and the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor. (See Portfolio Handbook for specific requirements)

H. Have satisfactory clearance in regard to conviction as an adult involving moral turpitude. The clearance form is contained in the application packet.

2.1.30 Admission Requirements for Student Teaching

Students must submit the Application for Student Teaching, available in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum, in order to be approved for Student Teaching. The Certification, Screening, and Petitions Committee approves Applications for Student Teaching if students: 18 A. Have been admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program and are currently in good standing.

B. Have maintained a minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in each of the following areas:

1. Major(s) 2. Minor(s) 3. Professional Education courses 4. Overall

C. Have grades of C or higher in all courses for each of the following areas:

1. Major(s) 2. Minor(s) 3. Professional Education

D. Have completed satisfactorily the following courses:

1. EDTE 408 Principles of Teaching

2. EDPC 302 Educational Psychology

E. Have submitted three favorable recommendations, including a positive assessment of dispositions, from the following:

1. Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor

2. A methods area Instructor or other Professor from the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum

3. A Professor in the major(s) and/or minor(s) area

F. Have a completion plan approved by Major/Minor(s) and Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisors in which all course work is to be completed successfully prior to the student teaching semester.

G. Have the professional teaching portfolio approved by the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor.

H. Have completed successfully an interview with the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor in which course work, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and behaviors are assessed. 19 I. Have satisfactory clearance in regard to conviction as an adult involving moral turpitude. The clearance form is contained in the application packet available at the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Office.

2.1.40 Placement of Student Teachers

A. The Screening, Petitions, and Curriculum Committee gives final approval for Student Teaching.

B. All Student Teaching placements will be made through the Director of Student Teaching.

C. Applications for Student Teaching are to be submitted to the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum no later than the end of Fall Semester of the year prior to Student Teaching.

D. The Director of Student Teaching will conduct an informational meeting during the first assembly in November of each academic year. Students who plan to apply for Student Teaching for the following academic year should attend this meeting. Student Teaching applications and a timetable of deadlines will be distributed during the assembly.

E. Students should meet with their appropriate Advisors after the November assembly to obtain the necessary approvals for the admission requirements to Student Teaching.

F. Academic Advisors will conduct student disposition interviews in early January of the academic year prior to student teaching. Successful interviews and complete applications will qualify students to have their names submitted to the Certification, Screening, and Petitions Committee for final approval.

G. The following placement schedule will be used for students who have been approved for Student Teaching:

1. Student arranges placement interview with the Director of Student Teaching no later than the end of February of the academic year prior to student teaching. The following items 20 are covered in the interview: a. Student contact information b. Review of application materials for errors c. Review of MTTC results d. Prerequisites Review e. Completion Plan Review f. Portfolio Completion Review g. Simulation of the Student Teaching Placement Interview with Principal and Cooperating Teacher h. Type of certification(s) and special endorsements confirmed i. Recommendations reviewed j. Dispositions reviewed k. Conviction clearance reviewed l. First Aid Certification verified m. Student Teaching level, grade, and/or subject area are confirmed n. Possible placement locations are discussed

i. The Director of Student Teaching will allow students to request three placement preferences during the placement interview, however, it is not always possible to honor each request.

ii. Ordinarily placement will be made in a school within an hour’s drive of the university.

iii. Students who request placement further than an hour’s drive of the university, with the exception of Lake Union Conference schools, will be assessed an additional fee. 21 o. Step-by-step placement procedure is reviewed

2. The Director of Student Teaching initiates placement procedures, considering the overall appropriateness of the placement.

2.1.50 Placement Procedures


B. When the principal informs the Director of Student Teaching that the placement interview has been authorized, the Director in turn informs the student by letter. Included in this letter is the placement interview form. The student then arranges for and completes the placement interviews with the principal and prospective supervising teacher(s). The professional portfolio is to be presented by the student to the principal and /or prospective supervising teacher during the interview.

C. The student arranges for the placement interview form to be returned either personally or by mail to the Director of Student Teaching.

D. The Director of Student Teaching informs the student by letter of the school personnel’s decision of whether or not the student is accepted for student teaching. If the school personnel decides not to accept the student, the Director of student teaching will make a maximum of two additional attempts to place the student at other schools.

22 E. The Director of Student Teaching confirms the placement with the supervising teacher by letter.

F. The Director of Student Teaching confirms the Student Teaching placement one month before the Student Teaching semester.

G. The placement procedure can be terminated by the Director of Student Teaching, the School Administrator, or the Cooperating Teacher at any point in the process.

2.1.60 Criteria for Selection of Placement

A. Approved School

7376. Schools in which Student Teaching is to be done for state certification must be approved by the State Department of Education.

7377. Schools in which Student Teaching is to be done for Seventh-day Adventist certification must be approved by the North American Division of Seventh- day Adventists and by the State Department of Education.

B. Certified Supervising Teacher

. A supervising Teacher in the Seventh-day Adventist system must hold valid denominational and state teaching certificates for the grade level and subject specialty area(s) taught.

. A supervising Teacher in the public school system must hold a valid state teaching certificate for the grade level and subject specialty area(s) taught.

C. The Supervising Teacher must also meet the following criteria:

. A minimum of three years of successful teaching experience.

. At least one full year of teaching experience in the school where currently employed.

. Approved as a master teacher by the appropriate administration of the school system.

23 . Completed a training workshop on mentoring Student Teachers conducted by the faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum.

2.1.70 The Student Teaching Semester Students Engage in Schools as Invited Guests

The University and the school of placement enter into an agreement of “practice.” The student is placed in the school and continues in the field experience at the will and convenience of the school authority. Calender for the Student Teaching Semester

The Student Teaching Semester consists of a minimum of fifteen weeks of observation, participation, and teaching under supervision in an elementary or secondary school. The beginning and ending dates of the experience may not coincide with the university semester calendar. When this is the case the Student Teaching calendar takes precedence over the university calendar. The pattern for the incremental induction into full-time teaching is at the discretion of the Supervising Teacher. However, the student teacher is expected to have the responsibility of full-time teaching for a minimum of five weeks, three of which must be consecutive. Employment and Course Work

In order to assure success, the student teacher must give full attention to the experience. Thus the student should not enroll in additional courses or engage in employment or other major responsibilities during the Student Teaching semester. Attendance

The time the student teacher spends at school is to coincide with the supervising teacher’s hours, and the experience is to be one of total involvement in the broad scope of responsibilities required of a teacher. The only exception to this expectation is for students to attend the regularly scheduled on campus seminar on selected evenings, and activities which may conflict with religious convictions.

24 If ill or in an emergency students will be absent or tardy, the school secretary must be notified, who in turn will inform the supervising teacher of the situation. The Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum secretary at Andrews University must also be notified so that the University Supervisors will be informed.

The duration of the Student Teaching experience will be extended by the total number of days missed when the student teacher is absent for more than three days due to illness or other emergencies. If circumstances should arise which make it impossible to complete the Student Teaching requirements, such as a serious illness, arrangements will be made to complete Student Teaching during the following semester. If a student teacher’s performance is unsatisfactory, at least one semester must intervene before the student is allowed to repeat the field experience.

Absences for any reason, other than illness or an emergency must be pre-arranged with the Director of Student Teaching. Only after this approval has been granted may the student make the request to the Supervising Teacher. Description of the School Setting

The student teacher is expected to acquire an understanding of the total school program and to recognize the school’s responsibility and relationship to the community it serves. The Description of the School Setting report will help the student teacher accomplish this objective. This activity is to be completed during the first three weeks of the Student Teaching experience and submitted to the Director of Student Teaching. The supervising teacher can help students gain access to information needed to complete the report such as the student handbook, the teacher handbook, and the teacher master employment contract. Weekly Schedule of Planned Student Teaching Experiences

Each week the student teacher is required to submit a schedule of planned activities for the coming week. This schedule is to be completed after consultation with the supervising teacher and submitted to the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Office no later than 8:00 a.m. each Monday. Information about the main activity planned for each class period, and the student teacher’s involvement are to be provided. Any changes in the previous week’s schedule should also be noted. 25 The student teacher is encouraged to keep copies of these schedules for personal reference. A schedule for each week of Student Teaching must be on file at the Teaching and Learning office at the conclusion of the semester. Scope of the Clinical Practice Activities

The student teacher is expected to rely on content mastery and pedagogical technique acquired during the course of study to perform the assigned duties during the student teaching semester. In addition, the student teacher is expected to attend all pre-service faculty sessions held in the school building and all regularly scheduled faculty meetings during the student teaching semester.

Throughout the student teaching experience, the candidate is expected to prepare lesson plans, assist the cooperating teacher with extracurricular activities and committee assignments, and meet with students’ parents as needed or required. Lesson Plans

Detailed instructional plans are important for the student teacher and for the supervising teacher. Unit outlines and daily lesson plans are required. Lesson Plans are to be submitted to the supervising teacher at least two days before the lesson is to be taught.

2.1.80 Certification: Seventh-day Adventist and State of Michigan

Students planning to qualify for a teaching certificate are expected to meet both Seventh-day Adventist and State of Michigan certification requirements. Exception is by formal petition to the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Department.

When the requirements, as stated in the Andrews University Bulletin, are met teacher certification will be recommended through the School of Education. Requirements include a certifiable major and minor, plus a baccalaureate degree and specific requirements from the School of Education.

2.1.90 Steps to Secure Certification

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 26 Bachelor’s degree requirements fulfilled.

B. A minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in each of the following areas, including all courses taken at Andrews University and those transferred from other institutions:

1. Major(s)

2. Minor(s)

3. Education Courses

4. Overall

C. No grades of C- or below in any course in the following areas.

1. Major(s)

2. Minor(s) 3. Education Courses

D. Michigan Test for Teacher Certification

1. Passing score on the subject area tests of the MTTC:

a. Elementary Education Majors - Elementary Education Test; Tests in Major and/or Minor area(s)

b. Secondary Education Majors - Test in Major area; Test in Minor area

E. Successful completion of Student Teaching with a positive recommendation from the supervising teacher.

F. A positive recommendation from the School of Education.

G. Satisfactory clearance in regard to conviction as an adult involving moral turpitude.

H. A positive assessment of dispositions by Supervising Teacher and University Supervisors.

I. Current Red Cross or American Heart Association 27 certification in First Aid and CPR.

I. It is the responsibility of the student who is working towards a teaching certificate to make sure that his/her program is one of the programs approved by Andrews University for teacher certification at the appropriate level. The student should seek the advice of the appropriate Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum advisor early. Students should not assume that completing a degree qualifies for a specific teaching certificate.

J. Students must apply for the teaching certificate which is granted to them after graduation. The application is filed at the Teacher Certification office located in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum. Students qualifying for Seventh-day Adventist certification will receive a letter of eligibility which will be honored by the conference in which they first take a teaching position. The State of Michigan will send the recommended applicant a bill for a Provisional Teaching Certificate which must be paid directly to the State before the certificate is issued. 2.1.100 Criteria for Waiver, Transfer, Substitution

All requests for waivers, transfers, or substitutions of required work shall be reviewed by the chair and /or appropriate faculty. Criteria for acceptance of requests include:

. Congruence to Andrews University course in question.

. Reputable origin of previous work being offered as rationale for petition.

. Scope and range of previous work being offered as rationale for petition.

. Strength of supporting documentation submitted with request.

. Number of credit hours already waived or substituted.

All waivers, transfers, and substitutions must be approved by the Advisor, Chair, and appropriate Dean/Director.

28 2.1.110 Evaluation of Course Offerings

There will be continuous evaluation of all Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum courses. Evaluation consists of the following:

. Periodic student evaluations.

. Exit interviews of Student Teachers.

. Internal evaluations - faculty discussions of courses/programs.

. External evaluations - public/private school personnel, follow-up surveys, accreditation bodies.

2.1.120 Experimentation and Innovation Policy

The curriculum is based on the unique needs of the Seventh-day Adventist school system and educational research. Every attempt is made to remain current, and to incorporate the best practice of recent literature and research. Experimentation and innovation are seen as welcome concepts. However, all changes in established programs, procedures, and policies must be reviewed by the faculty of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, the APPC and the faculty of the School of Education.

2.1.130 Relationships with Units Outside the School of Education

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum initiates networks between itself and other departments for the purposes of cooperative planning, decision making, academic advising, and problem solving. The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum also initiates dialogue with the Teacher Education Council, the Lake Union and Michigan Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists and surrounding private and public schools for the purpose of cooperative planning, student teacher placement, field experiences and discussion.

2.1.140 Recruitment/Responsibility

It is the charge of the Enrollment Management Office to institute and carry out an on-going program to recruit prospective students. The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum works cooperatively with the Enrollment office to enhance exposure 29 of its programs to these students.

2.1.150 Review of Program Goals, Objectives, and Practices

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum at Andrews University shall use the School of Education assessment system to conduct an on-going review of the statement of goals, objectives, and practices of the undergraduate teacher preparation programs. The purpose of the review shall be to insure the effectiveness, appropriateness, and consistency of offerings. An added function will be the monitoring of programs based on current research.

2.1.160 Program Review

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum and the Teacher Education Council shall conduct program evaluation and follow-up studies for the undergraduate programs. The purpose of this systematic review shall be:

. Evaluation of program strengths and weaknesses.

. Assistance to graduates who remain in the field.

. Data collection regarding certified graduates who change professions.

2.1.170 Committee for Certification, Screening and Petitions

The Committee for Certification, Screening and Petitions includes faculty from both the initial teacher preparation program and the graduate programs in the School of Education. The purpose of the Committee is:

A. To consider for approval applications for admission to the Teaching Preparation Program.

B. To consider for approval petitions, applications for field experiences in Student Teaching and practica in other programs.

C. To consider for approval both State and Seventh-day Adventist certification requests.

D. To formulate and/or consider for approval policies relating to 30 the Teacher Preparation Program.

E. To assist the Teacher Preparation Program in meeting accreditation standards.


2.2.10 Procedures and Policies of securing a teaching certificate at the Post Baccalaureate Level




MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Begin taking courses. A student may take only the following education courses prior to being admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program: EDTE 165 Social and Philosophical Foundations EDPC 514 Psychology of Learning EDTE 408 Principles of Teaching EDTE 428 Exceptional and Diverse Learners

E. After completing at least twelve credits and after consultation with the student’s academic advisor, apply for admittance into the Teacher Preparation Program.

F. Criteria for Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program:

1. Have chosen appropriate teaching major(s) and/or minor(s) from the approved list. 31 2. Have a minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in each of the following areas: a. Major(s) b. Minor(s) c. Professional Education courses d. Overall

The GPA is calculated from both undergraduate and graduate academic work.

3. Have grades of C or higher for every course in each of the following areas: a. Major(s) b. Minor(s) c. Professional Education

4. Have completed satisfactorily the following:

a. EDTE 165 Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education

b. Passed the Basic Skills Examination of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC).

5. Have submitted two favorable recommendations, including a positive assessment of dispositions, from the following:

a. EDTE 165 Instructor

b. Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor

The Supervising Teacher in the EDTE 165 field experience will also make a recommendation for program admission, in the form of a report submitted as the final evaluation of the field experience. 6. Have completed successfully an interview with the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum personnel, usually the EDTE 165 Instructor.

7. Have a developing professional teaching portfolio approved by the EDTE 165 Instructor and the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor.

8. Have satisfactory clearance in regard to conviction as an 32 adult involving moral turpitude. The clearance form is contained in the application packet

G. Apply for admittance to Student Teaching by the end of the fall semester before the academic year in which Student Teaching will be done.

H. Admission Requirements for Student Teaching

Students must submit the Application for Student Teaching, available in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum, in order to be approved for Student Teaching. The Certification, Screening, and Petitions Committee approves Applications for Student Teaching if students:

1. Have been admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program and are currently in good standing.

2. Have maintained a minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in each of the following areas: a. Major(s) b. Minor(s) c. Professional Education courses d. Overall

3. Have grades of C or higher in all courses for each of the following areas: a. Major(s) b. Minor(s) c. Professional Education

4. Have submitted three favorable recommendations, including a positive assessment of dispositions, from the following:

a. Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor

b. A methods area Instructor or other Professor from the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum

c. A Professor in the major(s) and/or minor(s) area

5. Have a completion plan approved by Major/Minor(s) and Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisors in which all course work is to be completed successfully prior to the student teaching semester. 33 6. Have the professional teaching portfolio approved by the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor.

7. Have completed successfully an interview with the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Advisor in which course work, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and behaviors are assessed.

8. Have satisfactory clearance in regard to conviction as an adult involving moral turpitude. The clearance form is contained in the application packet available at the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Office.

I. Placement of Student Teachers

1. The Screening, Petitions, and Curriculum Committee gives final approval for Student Teaching.

2. All Student Teaching placements will be made through the Director of Student Teaching.

3. Applications for Student Teaching are to be submitted to the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum no later than the end of Fall Semester of the year prior to Student Teaching.

4. The Director of Student Teaching will conduct an informational meeting during the first assembly in November of each academic year. Students who plan to apply for Student Teaching should attend this meeting. Student Teaching applications and a timetable of deadlines will be distributed during the assembly.

5. Students should meet with their appropriate Advisors after the November assembly to obtain the necessary approvals for the admission requirements to Student Teaching.

6. Student assessment interviews will be conducted in early January. Successful interviews and complete applications will qualify students to have their names submitted to the Certification, Screening, and Petitions Committee for final approval.

34 7. The following placement schedule will be used for students who have been approved for Student Teaching:

a. Student arranges placement interview with the Director of Student Teaching no later than the end of February. The following items are covered in the interview:

i. Student contact information

ii. Review of application materials for errors

iii. Review of MTTC results

iv. Prerequisites Review

v. Completion Plan Review

vi. Portfolio Completion Review

vii. Simulation of the Student Teaching Placement Interview with Principal and Cooperating Teacher

viii. Type of certification(s) and special endorsements confirmed

ix. Recommendations reviewed

x. Dispositions statement reviewed

xi. Conviction clearance reviewed

xii. Student Teaching level, grade, and/or subject area are confirmed

xiii. First Aid Certification confirmed.

iv. Possible placement locations are discussed

- The Director of Student Teaching will allow students to request three placement preferences during the placement interview, however, it is not always possible to honor each request. 35 - Normally placement will be made in a school within an hour’s drive of the university.

- Students who request placement further than an hour’s drive of the university, with the exception of Lake Union Conference schools, will be assessed an additional fee.

xiv. Step-by-step placement procedure is reviewed

b. The Director of Student Teaching initiates placement procedures, considering the overall appropriateness of the placement.

J. Placement Procedures

1. The Director of Student Teaching writes to the principal of the prospective cooperating school to arrange for a placement interview. A copy of the student teaching application is included.

2. When the principal informs the Director of Student Teaching that the placement interview has been authorized, the Director in turn informs the student by letter. Included in this letter is the placement interview form. The student then arranges for and completes the placement interviews with the principal and prospective supervising teacher(s). The professional portfolio is to be presented by the student to the principal and /or prospective supervising teacher during the interview.

3. The student arranges for the placement interview form to be returned either personally or by mail to the Director of Student Teaching.

4. The Director of Student Teaching informs the student by letter of the school personnel’s decision of whether or not the student is accepted for student teaching. If the school personnel decides not to accept the student, the Director of Student Teaching will make a maximum of two additional 36 attempts to place the student at other schools.

5. The Director of Student Teaching confirms the placement with the supervising teacher by letter.

6. The Director of Student Teaching confirms the Student Teaching placement one month before the Student Teaching semester.

7. The placement procedure can be terminated by the Director of Student Teaching, the School Administrator, or the Cooperating Teacher at any point in the process.

K. Criteria for Selection of Placement

1. Approved School

a. Schools in which Student Teaching is to be done for state certification must be approved by the State Department of Education.

b. Schools in which Student Teaching is to be done for Seventh-day Adventist certification must be approved by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist and by the State Department of Education.

2. Certified Supervising Teacher

e. A supervising Teacher in the Seventh-day Adventist system must hold valid denominational and state teaching certificates for the grade level and subject specialty area(s) taught.

f. A supervising Teacher in the public school system must hold a valid state teaching certificate for the grade level and subject specialty area(s) taught.

3. The Supervising Teacher must also meet the following criteria:

a. A minimum of three years of successful teaching experience.

b. At least one full year of teaching experience in the school where currently employed. 37 c. Approved as a master teacher by the appropriate administration of the school system.

d. Completed a training workshop on mentoring Student Teachers conducted by the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum.

L. The Student Teaching Semester

1. Students Engage in Schools as Invited Guests

The Student is in the school at the will and convenience of the school authority.

2. Calender for the Student Teaching Semester

The Student Teaching Semester consists of a minimum of fourteen weeks of observation, participation, and teaching under supervision in an elementary or secondary school. The beginning and ending dates of the experience may not coincide with the university semester calendar. When this is the case the Student Teaching calendar takes precedence over the university calendar. The pattern for the incremental induction into full-time teaching is at the discretion of the Supervising Teacher. However, the student teacher is expected to have the responsibility of full-time teaching for a minimum of five weeks, three of which must be consecutive.

3. Employment and Course Work

In order to assure success, the student teacher must give full attention to the experience. Thus the student should not enroll in additional courses or engage in employment or other major responsibilities during the Student Teaching semester.

4. Attendance

The time the student teacher spends at school is to coincide with the supervising teacher’s hours, and the experience is to be one of total involvement in the broad scope of 38 responsibilities required of a teacher. The only exception to this expectation is for students to attend the regularly scheduled on campus seminar on selected evenings, and activities which may conflict with religious convictions.

If ill or in an emergency students will be absent or tardy, the school secretary must be notified, who in turn will inform the supervising teacher of the situation. The Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum secretary at Andrews University must also be notified so that the University Supervisors will be informed.

The duration of the Student Teaching experience will be extended by the total number of days missed when the student teacher is absent for more than three days due to illness or other emergencies. If circumstances should arise which make it impossible to complete the Student Teaching requirements, such as a serious illness, arrangements will be made to complete Student Teaching during the following semester. If a student teacher’s performance is unsatisfactory, at least one semester must intervene before the student is allowed to repeat the field experience.

Absences for any reason, other than illness or an emergency must be pre-arranged with the Director of Student Teaching. Only after this approval has been granted may the student make the request to the Supervising Teacher

5 Scope of the Clinical Practice Activities

The student teacher is expected to rely on content mastery and pedagogical technique acquired during the course of study to perform the assigned duties during the student teaching semester. In addition, the student teacher is expected to attend all pre-service faculty sessions held in the school building and all regularly scheduled faculty meetings during the student teaching semester.

Throughout the student teaching experience, the candidate is expected to prepare lesson plans, assist the cooperating teacher with extracurricular activities and committee assignments, and meet with students’ parents as needed or required.

39 6. Description of the School Setting

The student teacher is expected to acquire an understanding of the total school program and to recognize the school’s responsibility and relationship to the community it serves. The Description of the School Setting report will help the student teacher accomplish this objective. This activity is to be completed during the first three weeks of the Student Teaching experience and submitted to the Director of Student Teaching. The supervising teacher can help students gain access to information needed to complete the report such as the student handbook, the teacher handbook, and the teacher master employment contract.

7. Weekly Schedule of Planned Student Teaching Experiences

Each week the student teacher is required to submit a schedule of planned activities for the coming week. This schedule is to be completed after consultation with the supervising teacher and submitted to the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Office no later than 8:00 a.m. each Monday. Information about the main activity planned for each class period, and the student teacher’s involvement are to be provided. Any changes in the previous week’s schedule should also be noted.

The student teacher is encouraged to keep copies of these schedules for personal reference. A schedule for each week of Student Teaching must be on file at the Teaching and Learning office at the conclusion of the semester.

8. Lesson Plans

Detailed instructional plans are important for the student teacher and for the supervising teacher. Unit outlines and daily lesson plans are required. Lesson Plans are to be submitted to the supervising teacher at least two days before the lesson is to be taught.

M. Certification: Seventh-day Adventist and State of Michigan

Students planning to qualify for an elementary teaching certificate are expected to meet both Seventh-day Adventist and State of Michigan

40 certification requirements. Exception is by formal petition to the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Department.

When the requirements, as stated in the Andrews University Bulletin, are met teacher certification will be recommended through the School of Education. Requirements include a certifiable major and minor, plus a baccalaureate degree and specific requirements from the School of Education.

N. Steps to Secure Certification . 1. A minimum grade-point average of 2.50 in each of the following areas, including all courses taken at Andrews University and those transferred form other institutions:

a. Major(s)

b. Minor(s)

c. Education Courses

d. Overall

2. No grades of C- or below in any course in the following areas.

a. Major(s)

b. Minor(s)

c. Education Courses

3. Michigan Test for Teacher Certification

Passing score on the subject area tests of the MTTC:

Elementary Education Certification - Elementary Education Test, and Tests in Major and/or Minor area(s)

Secondary Education Certification - Test in Major area, Test in Minor area 41 4. Successful completion of Student Teaching with a positive recommendation from the supervising teacher.

5. A positive recommendation from the School of Education.

6. Satisfactory clearance in regard to conviction as an adult involving moral turpitude.

7. A positive assessment of dispositions by Supervising Teacher and University Supervisors.

8. Current Red Cross or American Heart Association Certification in First Aid and CPR.

9. It is the responsibility of the student who is working towards a teaching certificate to make sure that his/her program is one of the programs approved by Andrews University for teacher certification at the appropriate level. The student should seek the advice of the appropriate Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum advisor early. Students should not assume that completing teacher certification leads to the MAT degree.

9. Students must apply for the teaching certificate. The application is filed at the Teacher Certification office located in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum. Students qualifying for Seventh-day Adventist certification will receive a letter of eligibility which will be honored by the conference in which they first take a teaching position. The State of Michigan will send the recommended applicant a bill for a Provisional Teaching Certificate which must be paid directly to the State before the certificate is issued.

2.2.20 Evaluation of Course Offerings

There will be continuous evaluation of all Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum courses. Evaluation consists of the following:

A. Periodic student evaluations.

42 B. Exit interviews of Student Teachers.

C. Internal evaluations - faculty discussions of courses/programs.

D. External evaluations - public/private school personnel, follow-up surverys, accreditation bodies, etc.

2.2.30 Experimentation and Innovation

The curriculum is based on the unique needs of the Seventh-day Adventist school system and educational research. Every attempt is made to remain current, and to incorporate the best practice of recent literature and research. Experimentation and innovation are seen as welcome concepts. However, all changes in established programs, procedures, and policies must be reviewed by the faculty of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, the APPC and the faculty of the School of Education.

2.2.40 Independent Study Standards

All independent study courses must be sponsored by regular full-time faculty or qualified experts outside of the department with the sanction of the faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum. In most instances, independent study courses will not be offered to students if the same course is being offered during the current academic year. Independent study contracts will be agreed upon and signed by the student and faculty involved before any study is undertaken.

2.2.50 Relationships with Units Outside the School of Education

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum initiates networks between itself and other departments for the purposes of cooperative planning, decision making, academic advising, and problem solving. The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum also initiates dialogue with the Teacher Education Council, the Lake Union and Michigan Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists and surrounding private and public schools for the purpose of cooperative planning, student teacher placement, field experiences and discussion.

43 2.2.60 Recruitment

It is the charge of the Enrollment Management Office to institute and carry out an on-going program of recruiting prospective students. The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum works cooperatively with the Enrollment office to enhance exposure of its programs to these students.

2.2.70 Program Goals, Objectives, and Practices

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum at Andrews University shall use the School of Education assessment system to conduct an on-going review of the statement of goals, objectives, and practices of the undergraduate teacher preparation programs. The purpose of the review shall be to insure the effectiveness, appropriateness, and consistency of offerings. An added function will be the monitoring of programs based on current research.

2.2.80 Program Review

The faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum and the Teacher Education Council shall conduct program evaluation and follow-up studies for the graduate programs. The purpose of this systematic review shall be:

B. Evaluation of program strengths and weaknesses.

C. Assistance to graduates who remain in the field.

D. Data collection regarding certified graduates who change professions.

2.2.90 Committee for Certification, Screening and Petitions

The Committee for Certification, Screening and Petitions includes faculty from both the initial teacher preparation program and the graduate programs in the School of Education. The purpose of the Committee is:

A. To consider for approval applications for admission to the Teaching Preparation Program.

B. To consider for approval petitions, applications for field experiences in Student Teaching and practica in other programs. 44 C. To consider for approval both State and Seventh-day Adventist certification requests.

D. To formulate and/or consider for approval policies relating to the Teacher Preparation Program.

E. To assist the Teacher Preparation Program in meeting accreditation standards.


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