Euandi 2019 Party Dataset

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Euandi 2019 Party Dataset euandi 2019 party dataset - Codebook - List of statements: 1 Social programmes should be maintained even at the cost of higher taxes 2 The state should provide stronger financial support to unemployed workers 3 The EU should rigorously punish Member States that violate the EU deficit rules 4 Asylum-seekers should be distributed proportionally among EU Member States through a mandatory relocation system 5 Immigration [into your country] should be made more restrictive 6 Immigrants from outside Europe should be required to accept our culture and values 7 The legalisation of same sex marriages is a good thing 8 The legalisation of the personal use of soft drugs is to be welcomed 9 Euthanasia should be legalised 10 Government spending should be reduced in order to lower taxes 11 The EU should acquire its own tax raising powers 12 Bank and stock market gains should be taxed more heavily 13 The promotion of public transport should be fostered through green taxes (e.g. road taxing) 14 Renewable sources of energy (e.g. solar or wind energy) should be supported even if this means higher energy costs 15 Restrictions of personal privacy on the Internet should be accepted for public security reasons 16 Criminals should be punished more severely 17 The European Union should strengthen its security and defence policy 18 On foreign policy issues the EU should speak with one voice 19 European integration is a good thing 20 The single European currency (Euro) is a bad thing 21 Individual member states of the EU should have less veto power 22 In European Parliament elections, EU citizens should be allowed to cast a vote for a party or candidate from any other Member State Variables: - “Country” indicates the name of the country - “Party name (original language)” indicates the full name of the party in the original lamguage - “Party name (English)” indicates the full name of the party in English - “Party name (short)” indicates the party acronym or short name - “Partyposi” indicates the party position for question #i, where i = [1, 22] Party position answer categories: - No opinion = .a - Completely disagree = -1 - Tend to disagree = -0.5 - Neutral = 0 - Tend to agree = 0.5 - Completely agree = 1 List of parties: Country Party name (short) Party name (original language) Austria NEOS Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum Austria GRÜNE Die Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative Austria FPÖ Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs Austria 1Europa Initiative 1 Europa Austria ÖVP Österreichische Volkspartei Austria SPÖ Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs Belgium (Dutch) CD&V Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams Belgium (Dutch) Groen Groen Belgium (Dutch) N-VA Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie Belgium (Dutch) OPENVLD Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten Belgium (Dutch) PVDA Partij van de Arbeid Belgium (Dutch) SPA Socialistische Partij Anders Belgium (Dutch) VB Vlaams Belang Belgium (French) cdH Centre Démocrate Humaniste Belgium (French) DéFI Démocrate Fédéraliste Indépendant Belgium (French) Ecolo Ecolo Belgium (French) MR Mouvement Réformateur Belgium (French) PTB Parti du travail de Belgique Belgium (French) PP Parti Populaire Belgium (French) PS Parti Socialiste Bulgaria АБВ Алтернатива за българско възраждане Bulgaria Атака Атака Bulgaria БСП Българска социалистическа партия Bulgaria Воля Воля Bulgaria ГЕРБ Граждани за европейско развитие на България Bulgaria ДПС Движение за права и свободи Bulgaria ДБ Демократична България Bulgaria НФСБ Национален фронт за спасение на България Bulgaria ВМРО Обединети патриоти Croatia NHR Bruna Esih – Zlatko Hasanbegović: Neovisni za Hrvatsku Croatia GLAS Građansko-liberalni savez Croatia HDZ Hrvatska demokratska zajednica Croatia HKS Hrvatska konzervativna stranka Croatia HNS Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati Croatia HSS Hrvatska seljačka stranka Croatia IDS Istarski demokratski sabor Croatia MOST Most nezavisnih lista Croatia Možemo! Možemo! Croatia SDP Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske Croatia START Stranka transparentnosti, antikorupcije i razvoja Croatia ŽZ Živi zid Cyprus AKEL ΑΝΟΡΘΩΤΙΚΟ ΚΟΜΜΑ ΕΡΓΑΖΟΜΕΝΟΥ ΛΑΟΥ Cyprus DEKO ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΚΟΜΜΑ Cyprus DESY ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΝΑΓΕΡΜΟΣ Cyprus ELAM ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΛΑΪΚΟ ΜΕΤΩΠΟ Cyprus Jasmine ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΓΙΑΣΕΜΙ Cyprus EDEK ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΣΟΣΙΑΛΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΩΝ ΕΔΕΚ Cyprus Alliance ΟΙΚΟΛΟΓΟΙ- ΣΥΜΜΑΧΙΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Czech Republic ANO ANO 2011 Czech Republic Piráti Česká pirátská strana Czech Republic ČSSD Česká strana sociálně demokratická Czech Republic KSČM Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy Czech Republic KDU-ČSL Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová Czech Republic ODS Občanská demokratická strana Czech Republic STAN-TOP09 Koalice Starostové a TOP 09 Czech Republic SPD Svoboda a přímá demokracie - Tomio Okamura Denmark Å Alternativet Denmark O Dansk Folkeparti Denmark Ø Enhedslisten Denmark N Folkebevægelsen mod EU Denmark C Det Konservative Folkeparti Denmark I Liberal Alliance Denmark B Det Radikale Venstre Denmark A Socialdemokratiet Denmark F Socialistisk Folkeparti Denmark V Venstre Estonia E200 Erakond Eesti 200 Estonia KE Eesti Keskerakond Estonia EKRE Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond Estonia RE Eesti Reformierakond Estonia ERE Elurikkuse Erakond Estonia EER Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised Estonia IE Isamaa Erakond Estonia SDE Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond Finland FP Feministinen puolue Finland Kok. Kansallinen Kokoomus Finland PS Perussuomalaiset Finland PP Piraattipuolue Finland Seit. Seitsemän Tähden Liike Finland Sin. Sininen tulevaisuus Finland Kesk. Suomen Keskusta Finland KD Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit Finland RKP Suomen ruotsalainen kansanpuolue Finland SDP Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue Finland Vas. Vasemmistoliitto Finland Vihr. Vihreä liitto France EELV Europe Ecologie Les Verts France Gs-Diem25 Génération.s - Diem 25 France LFI La France Insoumise France AMF Les Amoureux de la France France LR Les Républicains France LO Lutte Ouvrière France PCF Parti Communiste Français France PS-PP Parti Socialiste - Place Publique France RN Rassemblement National France LREM-Renaissance La République En Marche - La Renaissance France UDI Union des Démocrates et Indépendants France UPR Union Populaire Républicaine Germany AfD Alternative für Deutschland Germany LKR Bernd Lucke und die Liberal-Konservativen Reformer Germany Grüne Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Germany BündnisC Bündnis C – Christen für Deutschland Germany CDU/CSU Christian Democratic Union of Germany / Christian Social Union in Bavaria Germany Linke Die Linke Germany Familie Familien-Partei Deutschlands Germany FDP Freie Demokratische Partei Germany FW Freie Wähler Germany NPD Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands Germany ÖDP Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Germany DiePARTEI Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative Germany Tierschutzpartei Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz Germany Piratenpartei Piratenpartei Deutschland Germany SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands Greece ANEL Ανεξάρτητοι Έλληνες Greece EL Ελληνική Λύση Greece EK Ένωση Κεντρώων Greece KINAL Κίνημα Αλλαγής Greece KKE Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας Greece LAE Λαϊκή Ενότητα Greece MeRA25 Μέτωπο Ευρωπαϊκής Ρεαλιστικής Ανυπακοής Greece ND Νέα Δημοκρατία Greece OP Οικολόγοι Πράσινοι Greece Syriza Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς Greece POT Το Ποτάμι Greece XA Χρυσή Αυγή - Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος Hungary DK Demokratikus Koalíció Hungary Fidesz-KDNP Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt Hungary Jobbik Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom Hungary LMP Lehet Más a Politika Hungary MSZP-Párbeszéd Magyar Szocialista Párt-Párbeszéd Magyarországért Hungary Mi Hazánk Mi Hazánk Mozgalom Hungary Momentum Momentum Mozgalom Ireland DDI Direct Democracy Ireland Ireland FF Fianna Fáil Ireland FG Fine Gael Ireland G Green Party Ireland LAB Labour Party Ireland Renua Renua Ireland SF Sinn Féin Ireland SD Social Democrats Ireland S/PBP Solidarity/People Before Profit Ireland WP The Workers Party Italy +E +Europa Italy FI Forza Italia Italy FdI Fratelli d'Italia Italy S La Sinistra Italy L Lega Italy M5S Movimento 5 Stelle Italy PD Partito Democratico Latvia A/P! Attīstībai/Par! Latvia JKP Jaunā konservatīvā partija Latvia LRA Latvijas Reģionu apvienība Latvia NA (VL-TB/LNNK) Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK" Latvia LKS Latvijas Krievu savienība Latvia JV Jaunā Vienotība Latvia KPV LV Kam pieder valsts Latvia Progresīvie Progresīvie Latvia Saskaņa Saskaņa Sociāldemokrātiskā partija Latvia ZZS Zaļo un Zemnieku Savienība Lithuania DP Darbo partija Lithuania LLRA-KŠS Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija - Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga Lithuania LRLS Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis Lithuania LSDP Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija Lithuania LVŽS Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga Lithuania TT Partija Tvarka ir teisingumas Lithuania TS-LKD Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai Luxembourg Lénk La Gauche/Déi Lénk Luxembourg Konservativ Les Conservateurs/Déi Konservativ Luxembourg Gréng Les Verts/Déi Gréng Luxembourg KPL Parti Communiste Luxembourgeois/Kommunistische Partei Luxemburgs Luxembourg DP Parti démocratique/Demokratesch Partei Luxembourg LSAP Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois/Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei Luxembourg Piratepartei Parti pirate luxembourgeois/Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg Luxembourg CSV Parti populaire chrétien social/Chrëschtlech-Sozial Vollekspartei Luxembourg ADR Parti réformiste d'alternative démocratique/Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei Luxembourg Volt Volt Luxembourg Malta DP Democratic Party Malta LP Partit Laburista Malta NP
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