The Annual General Meeting of Potterne Parish Council to Be Held On s1

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The Annual General Meeting of Potterne Parish Council to Be Held On s1

Minutes of the Meeting of Potterne Parish Council held on Wednesday, 2 nd November 2016 in Potterne Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mrs Straw, Mr Hunt-Grubbe, Mr Smart, Mr Twiney, Mr Chandler, Mr Huntley, Mr Balls, and Mr Molland. Councillor Cuthbert also was in attendance, along with one member of the public. Apologies: Mr Burns and Mr Edwards

62/16/17 Welcome and Apologies: Mr Hoddinott welcomed Councillors and received apologies.

63/16/17 Register of Members’ Interests: There were no declarations of interest registered.

64/16/17 Minutes of meeting held on 5th October 2016: The minutes were signed as an accurate record.

65/16/17 Matters arising: 1. Devizes Area Board: There has not been a meeting of the Area Board since the last Parish Council meeting. Councillors were remind the next Area Board meeting will be held at the Scout HQ in Potterne Wick on 21st November commencing at 6.30pm.

2. CATG: Mrs Straw reported CATG have agreed to proceed with the crossing point at Ryeleaze steps, but the crossing suggested for Blounts Court has been put on hold until the ownership of the land adjacent to The Bash has been established. Mr Hunt- Grubbe will try and establish the ownership of this piece of land. It is hoped the work on the crossing point at Ryeleaze will commence in December.

The crossing point in Roundway Parish, which is used by Potterne residents walking to Devizes is at the initial plan stage. Councillor Whitehead from Wiltshire Council is keen to see this progress and has suggested both Roundway and Potterne Parish Councils may wish to contribute towards the initial plan. After discussion Councillors agreed to offer funds of £750 towards the plan, so long as it is completed with no additional cost the Parish Council, as the Parish Council wished to support this venture which was recognised in the Neighbourhood Plan.

3. Youth Centre & Community: Mr Chandler reported the following:  A meeting with Nicola Sage has been arranged to discuss a youth initiative.  Mr Smith-Douse has starting work on drawing plans for a disabled access to the youth centre building, Mr Huntley told Councillors.  28th January will be the night of the Burns Supper, which is one of the main fundraising events for the centre.  Remembrance Sunday service will be held at the war memorial on 13th November, when the road will be closed for a short time.  Ann Howard will be missed following her and her husband’s retirement as she was a very keen supporter of the youth club.

4. Neighbourhood Referendum: Mr Hunt-Grubbe reported the steering group have met and plans are in place to ensure a maximum turnout on 24 th November. Leaflets are being printed and will be delivered to every household. Ideas on how best to advertise the referendum took place.

Open Session Mr Hoddinott declared that the meeting was temporarily suspended to allow for an open session for 10 minutes so that the public could place questions to the Council to be discussed at the next meeting if confirmed in writing. 1. Thefts along Whistley Road: Councillors were informed there have been a number of thefts along Whistley Road. Although the Police have been informed, other than taking a report nothing has been done. The Clerk was asked to write to the Police to find out how many thefts had been reported. 2. The member of the public in attendance was concerned at traffic speed along Whistley Road and suggested the Parish Council should investigate reducing the speed limit. The parish Council advised this has already been requested. 3. The annual remembrance service will taking place at the war memorial on 13th November. There were no further comments from the public therefore Mr Hoddinott closed the Open Session.

66/16/17 Correspondence: 1. Five Lanes PFA: A letter of thanks has been received from the school for the help in finding marshals to see children and staff safely across the road when the organising their sponsored walk. The schools time travel day takes place tomorrow, 3rd November, where the Parish Council agreed to fund the use of the village hall.

67/16/17 Finance: 1. Accounts to be paid and transfer sufficient funds to pay accounts: It was proposed by Mr Molland and agreed these accounts be paid and sufficient funds transferred to pay same Cheq No. Payable to Net VAT Gross 1532 Sharkykel Services (Grounds 425.00 425.00 maintenance) 1533 Sally Hoddinott - Salary 367.06 367.06 Expenses 87.50 87.50 1534 HMRC (PAYE on salary) 91.60 91.60 1535 Potterne village hall 36.00 36.00 Total 1007.16 1007.16 2. Budget planning meeting: A meeting on 30th November 2016 has been arranged to discuss the budget requirements for the next financial year.

68/16/17 Planning: Two applications for consideration had been received: 16/09201/FUL Greencliff Cottage Vehicle access and garage 1 Eastwell Road After discussion Councillors agreed not to object to this application

16/09941/FUL Old Whistley Farm Demolition of 10 agricultural buildins and the Whistley Road erection of a single detached dwelling with detached car port. The Parish Council object to this application. The office complex seems to suggest more than a work from home office. This would generate more traffic along this already difficult road. Also, the access into the office, come back of property is shown to be further up the By-Way, Furzehill Lane, this will entail hardening off the By-way and encourage more traffic to the detriment of the walkers and horse riders that regularly use it.

69/16/17 Footpath & Highways: 1. Parish Steward scheme: Mrs Straw has still not met the Parish Steward, although meetings have been arranged several times. 2. Potterne Wick trees: Mrs Straw informed Councillors, Philip Murphy is the contact who will be assessing the work required to ensure a better visibility at this junction with the A360. 3. Whistley Road: Mrs Straw is still waiting to hear from the Police re any action on this road. 4. Five Lanes footpaths: Mr Hoddinott reported the bridleways around Five Lanes have been levelled by Wiltshire Council in the last few weeks.

70/16/17 Burial & Property maintenance: 1. Grant of grave space for authorisation re Plot No. C21: This grant was approved and duly signed.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 7th December 2016 at 7.30pm

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