Graduationl Speakers

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Graduationl Speakers Graduationl speakers ~~~~~~~~*L-- --- I - I -· P 8-·1111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stress public service By Andrew L. Fish san P. Thomas, MIT's Lutheran MIT President Paul E. Gray chaplain, who delivered the inlvo- '54 told graduating students that cation. "Grant that we may use their education is "more than a the privilege of this MIT educa- meal ticket" and should be used tion and degree wisely - not as to serve "the public interest and an entitlement to power or re- the common good." His remarks gard, but as a means to serve," were made at MIT's 122nd com- Thomas said. "May the technol- mencement on May 27. A total ogy that we use and develop be of 1733 students received 1899 humane, and the world we create degrees at the ceremony, which with it one in which people can was held in Killian Court under live more fully human lives rather sunny skies, than less, a world where clean air The importance of public ser- and water, adequate food and vice was also emphasized by Su- shelter, and freedom from fear and want are commonplace rath- Prof. IVMurman er than exceptional." named to Proj. Text of CGray's commencement address. Page 2. Athena post In his commencement address, By Irene Kuo baseball's National League Presi- Professor Earll Murman of the dent A. Bartlett Giamatti urged Department of Aeronautics and graduates to "have the courage to Astronautics was recently named connect" with people of all ideo- the new director of Project Athe- logies. Equality will come only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,4. na by Gerald L. Wilson, Dean of by keeping "the shouting down Christopher J. Andrews/The Tech the school of engineering and and the conversation open," Gia- Spirits were high at last weekend's Special Olympics, held here at MIT. Athena executive board chair- matti said. b~~~~~IIIIPI -pl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~-·-~~~~~~~~~ CI IIC--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Ba- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ man. Murman's three-year tenure Also, Senior Class President as director begins September 1. Lisa A. Martin presented the Dean Wilson's selection class gift, a scholarship fund TEP losesr rooftop baby-blue bathtub was By Annlabelle Boyd throughout the house. Members based on the recommendations of which raised $6900 and $17,800 Neighborhood Association's Ar- The ten month controversy of the fraternity continued to chitectural Committee. The a search committee set up follow- in additional pledges which will over Tau Epsilon Phi's rooftop bathe against the Boston skyline Neighborhood Association was ing the announcement of the res- be given over the next four years. baby-blue bathtub ended on May until last summer when an inci- concerned that the tub would ag- ignation of former director Ste- "Obligation" to public service 11 when the Back Bay Architec- dent with a nude bather promot- gravate relations within the ven R. Lerman '72 in mid-May. tural Commission ruled that the ed the the Neighborhood Associ- neighborhood, she claimed. As co-principal In his charge to the graduates, investigator of tub was not in line with the his- ation of Back Bay to take the In March, TEP first went be- the Athena curriculum develop- Gray invoked the memory of for- mer MIT President James R. Kil- toric neighborhood and had to be issue of the TEP tub before the fore the committee to defend its ment project for his department, dismantled. Back Bay Architectural Corn-.. rooftop bathing facility. The Murman developed software lian Jr. '26 while telling students of their "obligation of public In the Spring of 1983, Dave mission. brothers claimed that they were modules for use in teaching fluid Honing '86 and others TEP TEP President John Gold '87 not aware that the tub was in vio- dynamics. These modules have service." "Jim Killian was a tireless pub- members first connected the said the fraternity received no lation of Back Bay housing been used by approximately 250 rooftop bathtub for outdoor complaints about the tub until codes. students per year in the past three lic servant who served his country with wisdom, courage, and limit- bathing. On hot nights, they July of last summer-when the fra- The commission set May 1 as years, and will soon be licensed would fill the tub with cool water ternity was mailed housing code the date on which TEP could in- to other universities. (Please turn to page 2) and watch the sunset. violations from the Back Bay Ar- troduce its case for the tub in a (Please turn to page 2) The tub's popularity caught on chitectural Commission. public hearing. Residents around the fraternity On that date the commission, said the bathtub was visible from supported by many neighbor- Steinem addresses Wellesley grads their own rooftops, from nearby hood residents, ruled that "Raoof- By Robert E. Maichman riage is the cause of divorce.' high-rise office buildings, and top elements must integrate with "For women, 'having it all' Forcing all people to believe they from sections of the Common- the architecture of the building means doing it all," lamented had to live one way was the cause wealth Avenue Mall, reported and the district as a whole. A writer Gloria Steinem in her corn- of many bad marriages, just as The Cambridge Tab. bathtub is an interior element un- mencement address last month at forcing all people to believe they Mary Castellani, a member of suitabie for a rooftop setting." Wellesley College. had to be parents was the cause the Neighborhood Association of TEP did not plan to appeal the The College graduated 634 of many bad parents and unhap- the Back Bay, called the tub "a decision to the Suffolk Superior women at its 110th commence- py children. No one way of living frivolous item that was used in- Court, Gold said. According to ment exercises on May 27. The can be right for all people.... discreetly" in a May 31 Tab ar- TEP members, they now plan to Class of 1988 is the largest since Don't worry if your life doesn't ticle. install the tub on the third floor the school opened in 1875. look like a Dick-and-Jane The fraternity had "not been and open all of the windows. Steinem criticized the "Super- primer. .. the best of neighbors," said "But it just won't be the same, woman Syndrome" as a creation (Please turn to page 3) Frances Duffy, co-chair of the mourned one brother. not of the women's movement, Photo courtesy Wei!esiey College but of its adversaries. "You can Media Relations Dean, Gharekhan: India-US relations improved work full time in the paid labor Gloria Steinem ments in Union, whenever force only if you keep on work- By Prabhat Mehta trade, Dean discussed favorable offers and children as much as women improvements in technology in military and civilian technol- ing full time in the unpaid labor do.... Despite the persistence of fun- damental political differences, transfer, especially with regards ogy are made. force, cook three gourmet meals, v "We can recognize Women's the relationship between India to the military. "Four years ago, raise perfect children, dress for Studies, Black Studies, Hispanic Political differences persist and the United States has been you couldn't have talked about success, and as a women's maga- Studies, Native American Studies improving in recent years, agreed anything, today ... the relation- Gharekhan emphasized the im- zine once put it, 'you are multi- as what they are: remedial stud- US Ambassador to India John ship in the defense area is one of portance of India's policy of non- orgasmic till dawn,' " ies. Anyone who doesn't have Gunther Dean and Indian Am- working together in making India alignment, which makes India The graduates have an obliga- them is actually taking White bassador to the United self-reliant." The recent deal be- neutral in "the superpower tion to be as radical today as Male Studies.... Nations C. R. Gharekhan. The current tween the United States and In- game." While noting that India Henry and Pauline Durant were e "Diversify and complete the state of India-US relations was dia to build light combat aircraft and the United States "see things in 1875 when they founded student body [by giving the funds the topic of a discussion together is one example, he said. from slightly different perspec- Wellesley College, Steinem de- necessary to encourage minorities spon- sored by the Cambridge Group. Both Dean and Gharekhan tives," he criticized the often- clared. She listed six ideas that to come to Wellesley].... Dean focused upon the positive praised the growth in joint ven- stated belief that India sides with would work "profound changes" * "When people used to say changes in the relationship, not- tures between US technological the Soviet Union because of the in the future: to me, 'Feminism is the cause of ing "There is not a single disci- firms and Indian corporations. close political and economic rela- 0 "That men care for infants divorce,' I always said, 'No, mar- pline in life where [the United Recent cooperative ventures have tionship between the two nations. States] is not involved with the involved such American compa- Dean agreed that issues such as __~~~~~~~~ Indian people." nies as DuPont, General Electric, non-alignment and America's He described the current rela- and Xerox. Dean noted that he close association with Pakistan tionship as a broadening one, had just negotiated a deal which make dialogue between the Unit- contrasting it with the "much will bring a supercomputer to In- ed States and India more diffi- narrower," aid-based approach dia in October. cult, saying "'You can't change Photo essay of this year's commencement.
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