2012 MIT Town Gown Report
Town Gown Report to the City of Cambridge 2012 Town Gown Report to the City of Cambridge 2011-2012 Term (7/1/11 - 6/30/12) Submitted December 17, 2012 Contents I. Existing Conditions 5 A. Faculty & Staff 5 B. Student Body 6 C. Student Residences 7 D. Facilities & Land Owned 8 E. Real Estate Leased 10 F. Payments to City of Cambridge 10 G. Institutional Shuttle Information 11 II. Future Plans Narrative 12 A. MIT: Transition, Challenges and Opportunities 12 B. Accelerated Capital Renewal and Comprehensive Stewardship 13 C. MIT Students, Faculty, and Staff 15 D. Housing 15 E. Looking Ahead at MIT Planning & Development 16 F. Transportation 19 G. Sustainability through Energy Conservation, Efficiency, and Design 22 III. List of Projects 24 A. Completed in Reporting Period 24 B. In Construction 25 C. In Planning & Design 26 IV. Mapping Requirements 27 V. Transportation Demand Management 35 A. Commuting Mode of Choice 36 B. Point of Origin for Commuter Trips to Cambridge 36 C. TDM Strategy Updates 37 VI. Institution Specific Information Requests 38 Town Gown Report to the City of Cambridge 2011-2012 Term (7/1/11 - 6/30/12) Submitted December 17, 2012 I. Existing Conditions A. Faculty & Staff 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2022 (projected) Cambridge-based Staff Head Count1 9,407 9,778 8,857 8,893 9,124 9,000-10,000 FTEs 7,935 8,258 7,461 7,483 7,707 Cambridge-based Faculty Head Count 994 996 1,012 1,002 1,003 ~1,100 FTEs 990 991 1,009 997 997 Number of Cambridge Residents Employed at Cambridge 2,153 2,267 2,170 2,258 2,359 ~2,400 Facilities 1 1 The establishment and expansion of the Broad Institute, the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and more established research centers accounts for much of the staff growth between 2008 and 2009.
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