Of Those Media Item, 347 Are Positive Media Coverage for CSU, 6 Are Negative and 59 Are
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November 2010
This Monthly Media Report summarises a selection of Charles Sturt University media appearances recorded by CSU Media in the Division of Marketing.
This report samples media appearances from 1 November up to and including 30 November 2010. Monitoring draws from print, broadcast and online searches to give an indication of CSU coverage for the past month. The report lists 408 items.
Of those media item, 347 are positive media coverage for CSU, 6 are negative and 59 are neutral.
Table Key:
International – includes international media coverage
Australian Metropolitan – includes all major metropolitan cities across Australia
Regional Media – includes all other parts of Australia that do not fall into the categories above and below
Campus Town – eg: Albury, Bathurst, Canberra, Dubbo, Orange, Wagga Wagga.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 1 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
International Media – 49 items
PUBLICATION DATE HEADING & LINK Improving child sexual assault trial outcomes': A study led by a Charles Sturt University (CSU) academic Professor Jane Goodman-Delahunty, thought to be the first of its kind, suggests that the way in which prosecutors and judges use expert evidence and judicial directions can help to dispel juror misconceptions and enhance juror perceptions of the credibility of a child witness in child sexual assault cases. http://www.healthcanal.com/child-health/12035- 1-Nov-10 HealthCanal Improving-child-sexual-assault-trial-outcomes.html Motorola Solutions crea entornos de aprendizaje de conexión continua para las escuelas de todo el mundo': … Charles Sturt University (Australia) seleccionó las soluciones inalámbricas de Motorola para mejorar la conectividad y facilitar el acceso a recursos de aprendizaje en línea desde espacios interiores o al aire libre en sus nueve campus. Por su lado, Manipal University (India) eligió a Motorola para brindar cobertura a todo su campus y expandir la conectividad más allá del aula a fin de brindar a los estudiantes, profesores y personal un acceso más rápido a la información, desde cualquier lugar en el campus. http://www.bureaudeprensa.com/comunicados/view.php? 02-Nov-10 Bureau de Prenza bn=bureaudeprensa_telc&key=1288618972 New research explores links between eggshell quality and food safety': … Associate Professor Roberts has enlisted several recognised experts in the field to assist with the research, including Dr Kapil Chousalkar of Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga and Mr Rowly Horn of Rowly Horn Services. http://www.zootecnicainternational.com/news/news/950-new-research-explores-links-between-eggshell-quality-and- 02-Nov-10 Zootechnica food-safety.html p 229, 'Experimental Biology; Data on experimental biology described by researchers at Charles Sturt University': indicating that these manipulations did not impair the ability to choose the correct magnetic direction," wrote Dr Rafael 02-Nov-10 Science Letter Freire and colleagues, Charles Sturt University. Is it to ‘right’ physical or mental deviations from the human ‘norm’ (in whatever way that ‘norm’ is defined), or to enable the disabled in other ways to participate fully in society? Laura Cabrera of Charles Sturt University tackles this issue head on, by discussing what defines disability today, and explores the role nanotechnology may have in overcoming what is termed the ‘disability paradigm’. http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reportinfo.asp? 04-Nov-10 NANO Magazine cat_id=44&report_id=1409368&p=1 p 85, 'Agriculture, Grape and Wine Research; Research from Charles Sturt University provide new insights into agriculture, grape and wine research':…. The loss of cell vitality corroborates previous evidence of this phenomenon, and indicates that this is a general feature of grape ripening," wrote Dr Simon Clarke and colleagues at NWGIC, 04-Nov-10 Agriculture Week Charles Sturt University. p80, 'Agriculture, Grape and Wine Research; Research findings from Charles Sturt University update understanding of agriculture, grape and wine research':…… Within-region spatial variability and the use of different indices over inconsistent time periods to describe temperature regimes have, before now, made comparisons of climates between 04-Nov-10 Agriculture Week viticulture regions difficult," wrote Andrew Hall and colleagues at NWGIC, Charles Sturt University 05-Nov-10 M2 Presswire Research and Markets: Issue 20 of NANO Magazine Explores the Many Facets of Nanotechnology: From Nanomedicine, To Carbon Nanotubes to Advances in Electronics':… or to
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 2 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
enable the disabled in other ways to participate fully in society? Laura Cabrera of Charles Sturt University tackles this issue head on, by discussing what defines disability Confidence in the beef industry': The Westpac and Charles Sturt University Agribusiness Index surveys businesses along the food production chain including producers, their input suppliers and wholesalers and retailers. 08-Nov-10 Meat Trade News daily http://www.meattradenewsdaily.co.uk/news/081110/australia___confidencein_the_beef_industry_.aspx p33,'Proinsulin; Investigators at Charles Sturt University zero in on proinsulin':…. Blood samples were collected at intervals for 24 hours. Plasma concentrations of metformin were measured via liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectroscopy....wrote Kellie D. Tinworth and colleagues in School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 08-Nov-10 Veterinary Week Charles Sturt University. p5475,'Health and Medicine; Study results from Charles Sturt University update understanding of health and medicine':….. The analyses suggest the flexibility of the solenoid is generated by cumulative small movements along 09-Nov-10 Science Letter its length," wrote Jade K. Forwood and colleagues, Charles Sturt University. Virus threatens endangered parrot species': … Because the captive parrots live in close proximity to one another, "infections just find it easier to spread from one bird to another," Dr Shane Radial, a veterinary professor at Charles Sturt University, said. http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2010/11/11/Virus-threatens-endangered-parrot-species/UPI- 11-Nov-10 UPI.com 46051289525419/ Virus threatens endangered parrot species': … Because the captive parrots live in close proximity to one another, "infections just find it easier to spread from one bird to another," Dr Shane Radial, a veterinary professor at Charles Sturt University, said. http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2010/11/11/Virus-threatens-endangered-parrot-species/UPI- 11-Nov-10 St Louis Globe-Democrat 46051289525419/ Virus Threatens Endangered Orange-Bellied Parrot Species': … Because the captive parrots live in close proximity to one another, "infections just find it easier to spread from one bird to another," Dr Shane Radial, a veterinary professor 12-Nov-10 Post Chronicle at Charles Sturt University, said. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/science/article_212332565.shtml Stomach virus hits rare Australian parrot species under captive breeding program': It spreads quickly among the birds as they stay close to each other in the shelter. "Infections just find it easier to spread from one bird to another," said Dr Shane Radial, a veterinary professor with Charles Sturt University. http://www.medicaldaily.com/news/20101112/3663/stomach-virus-hits-rare-australian-parrot-species-under-captive- 12-Nov-10 Medical Daily breeding-program.htm Ecology, p323,'Environmental Conservation; Reports from Charles Sturt University highlight recent research in environmental Environment & conservation':… For additional information, contact Dr Jonathon L. Howard, Charles Sturt University, Institute Land 12-Nov-10 Conservation Water & Society, POB 789, Albury, NSW 2640, Australia. p610,'Conservation Research; Study findings on conservation research are outlined in reports from Charles Sturt Ecology, University':… Requirements for droving permits, access to squatting runs, and historic methods for sheep disease Environment & control are described, and development of major quarantine points on stock routes are highlighted," wrote J.M.R. 12-Nov-10 Conservation Cameron and colleagues, Charles Sturt University p1764,'Economics; Studies in the area of economics reported from Charles Sturt University':… in regional blocs tend to attract Australian investment, possibly opening up opportunities for investors to capture a large regional market," 13-Nov-10 Investment Weekly wrote Professor Kishor Sharma and colleagues in School of Business, Charles Sturt University. ‘CSU Study Centres Now Offer Diploma of Business & Associate Degree of Business Studies Courses': Charles Sturt University (CSU) Study Centres are pleased to announce two new programs, the Diploma of Business and Associate 13-Nov-10 Open Press Degree of Business Studies. http://www.theopenpress.com/index.php?a=press&id=88479 13-Nov-10 Press Booth ‘CSU Study Centres Now Offer Diploma of Business & Associate Degree of Business Studies Courses': Charles Sturt University (CSU) Study Centres are pleased to announce two new programs, the Diploma of Business and Associate Monthly Media Summary Report Page 3 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
Degree of Business Studies. http://www.pressbooth.org/article6658.html ‘Mystery virus threatens an already critically endangered Australian parrot species': … The unidentified stomach virus that has struck the program causes the birds to lose their feathers and weakens their immune systems, Dr Shane Wildlife Disease News Radial, a veterinary professor with Charles Sturt University, told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. 16-Nov-10 Digest http://wdin.blogspot.com/2010/11/top-stories-mystery-virus-threatens.html ‘Australian university expands programs and facilities in Burlington': They started with teachers, then moved to MBAs. Now Australia’s Charles Sturt University is expanding its Burlington offerings to create three new undergraduate business degrees and another in forensic biotechnology, targeting local college graduates looking to top up their qualifications. http://www.thespec.com/news/local/article/276709--australian-university-expands-programs-and- 16-Nov-10 Hamilton Spectator facilities-in-burlington ‘Australian university expands programs and facilities in Burlington': Australia’s Charles Sturt University, which first established itself in Ontario as a teachers college, is expanding its programs and its campus in Burlington. 16-Nov-10 Hamiltonism http://hamiltonism.com/sports/hockey/australian-university-expands-programs-and-facilities-in-burlington/ p4, "Big plans on campus; Burlington branch of Australian university adds programs for college grads seeking to The Hamilton upgrade":… Now Australia's Charles Sturt University is expanding its Burlington offerings to create three new 17-Nov-10 Speculator undergraduate business degrees. No ‘obesity crisis’, Prof claims': A controversial new book by a Charles Sturt University (CSU) researcher, Dr Michael Gard, argues that the so-called ‘obesity epidemic’ has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical 17-Nov-10 Scientific Computing mainstream. http://www.scimag.com/news-no-obesity-crisis-prof-claims-111710.aspx 'Obesity epidemic' is grossly exaggerated': Dr Michael Gard at the Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Obesity-epidemic-is- 18-Nov-10 Times of India grossly-exaggerated/articleshow/6945994.cms ‘Denervation for resistant hypertension': The obesity ‘epidemic’ is a myth created by some in the medical profession says Dr Michael Gard from Charles Sturt University in a new book aiming to take a more sober look at obesity rates, 18-Nov-10 6 Minutes according to Science Alert. http://www.6minutes.com.au/articles/z1/view.asp?id=525672 ‘Obesity epidemic is grossly exaggerated, says expert': … Dr Michael Gard at the Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely 18-Nov-10 Prokerala News misrepresented the size and nature of the problem... http://www.prokerala.com/news/articles/a182373.html ‘IAA Announces 2010 Big Idea Winner': The International Advertising Association (IAA) in Australia today announced the winner of its 2010 IAA Big Idea student award competition with the Kajulu Blue team from Charles Sturt University (CSU) taking home the award for their response to the Frontier Services client brief. 18-Nov-10 Campaign Brief http://www.campaignbrief.com/2010/11/iaa-announces-2010-big-idea-wi.html ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. 18-Nov-10 Haiti Sun http://story.haitisun.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/2411cd3571b4f088/id/708721/cs/1/ ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. 18-Nov-10 Cambodian Times http://story.cambodiantimes.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/a1e025da3c02ca7c/id/708721/cs/1/ Monthly Media Summary Report Page 4 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at the Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. 18-Nov-10 Irish Sun http://story.irishsun.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/2411cd3571b4f088/id/708721/cs/1/ ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. 18-Nov-10 Kenya Star http://story.kenyastar.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/a1e025da3c02ca7c/id/708721/cs/1/ ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. 18-Nov-10 Zimbabwe Star http://story.zimbabwestar.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/2411cd3571b4f088/id/708721/cs/1/ Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. http://www.khabarexpress.com/news/National/Obesity- 18-Nov-10 Khabar Express epidemic-is-grossly-exaggerated-says-expert/200361.htm ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. http://www.topnews.in/health/obesity-epidemic-grossly- 18-Nov-10 Top News.in exaggerated-says-expert-29174 "Obesity epidemic' is grossly exaggerated, says expert":.. The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at the Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health 18-Nov-10 Indo-Asian News Service authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. p144, "Food Quality; Research on food quality detailed by scientists at Charles Sturt University":… "Experienced drinkers preferred wines with less added glucose than did the novice group. Winemakers preferred a lower level of 18-Nov-10 Food Weekly News glucose addition again," wrote Professor John Blackman and colleagues in IC Water, Charles Sturt University. ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. 19-Nov-10 Japan Herald http://story.japanherald.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/2411cd3571b4f088/id/708721/cs/1/ p36, "Smith-Magenis Syndrome; Study findings from Charles Sturt University broaden understanding of smith- magenis syndrome":… Collectively, these results indicate that this heptameric C-tract is a preferential hotspot for Genomics & single nucleotide insertion/deletions (SNindels) and therefore, should be considered a primary target for analysis in 19-Nov-10 Genetics Weekly patients suspected for mutations in RAI1," wrote H.T. Truong and colleagues, Charles Sturt University. 19-Nov-10 Oman Daily Observer ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 5 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. http://main.omanobserver.om/node/30520 ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. http://www.netindia123.com/showdetails.asp? 19-Nov-10 Net India 123 id=1632963&cat=Health&head=++'Obesity+epidemic'+is+grossly+exaggerated,+says+expert ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities 19-Nov-10 NZ News completely misrepresented the size and nature of the problem. http://www.newzealandnews.net/story/708721 ‘Another growth spurt at Charles Sturt': Australian university has $1.5-M expansion coming to city campus. Charles Sturt University (CSU) is still scoring high marks, with four new honours degrees and a $1.5-million expansion planned 19-Nov-10 Inside Halton in Burlington. http://www.insidehalton.com/community/burlington/article/905546 p29,"CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Tel 26098976, 26098977 (Graduate School) E-mail":… Master's programmes conducted in collaboration with HKU SPACE leading to overseas awards (taught in English) Australia 20-Nov-10 South China Morning Post Charles Sturt University: ‘Sudanese men learn from information day': A four-month consultation process, conducted by Charles Sturt University student Sally Taylor, identified difficulties finding work as the prevailing concern among Sudanese men, ahead of issues such as affordable housing, cultural orientation and English language training. 23-Nov-10 Sudanese online http://www.sudaneseonline.com/en3/publish/Latest_News_1/Sudanese_men_learn_from_information_day.shtml ‘Make Dental Care a Priority for Children!': Access to affordable dental care is another concern that is a major cause of the bridge in oral health standards between children in regional and metropolitan areas. More services, such as the dental clinic at Charles Sturt University (CSU), could assist in addressing this grave issue. http://www.healthcare- 27-Nov-10 Dental Care digital.com/tags/basic-dental-hygiene/make-dental-care-priority-children Same-sex marriage laws need Commonwealth and state backing': A legal expert on social justice from Charles Sturt University (CSU), Dr Bede Harris, believes that a law permitting same-sex marriage needs support from both Commonwealth and state governments for significant constitutional changes to be made. http://www.healthcanal.com/life-style-fitness/12762-Same-sex-marriage-laws-need-Commonwealth-and-state- 29-Nov-10 Health News backing.html
Australian Metropolitan Media – 69 items
DATE PUBLICATION HEADING & LINK p2, 'New state of mind': Another university that provides distance education in the field is Charles Sturt University, 1-Nov-10 Sydney Morning Herald which offers bachelor of psychology and bachelor of social science (psychology) degrees. 03-Nov-10 2UE Rural Interview with WRI director Tom Murphy on the effects of interest rate rise announced yesterday on rural communities. Federal support for CSU's proposed medical school': The Federal Minister for Regional Australia, Simon Crean, says he is impressed by Charles Sturt University's plan to build a medical school in the New South Wales Central West. 04-Nov-10 Yahoo! News http://au.news.yahoo.com/local/nsw/a/-/local/8256294/federal-support-for-csus-proposed-medical-school/ Monthly Media Summary Report Page 6 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p6,'Benefits of river health put at $4b':… But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles 05-Nov-10 Sydney Morning Herald Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed … NC10509 Australian Financial p11,'Pluses aplenty in healthy river':… The report was written by natural resource economists lead by ILWS 05-Nov-10 Review Professor Mark Morrison of Charles Sturt University. NC10508 ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water 05-Nov-10 Sydney Morning Herald cuts. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/water-issues/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b-20101104-17fv8.html p6, 'Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water 05-Nov-10 Sydney Morning Herald cuts. p6, 'Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's Australian Financial preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water 05-Nov-10 Review cuts. ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water 05-Nov-10 Melbourne Age cuts. http://www.theage.com.au/environment/water-issues/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b-20101104-17fv8.html ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/environment/water-issues/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b-20101104- 05-Nov-10 Brisbane Times 17fv8.html ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water 05-Nov-10 Canberra Times cuts. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Study shows $4.3 billion benefit to saving Coorong': … The study, conducted by the CSIRO and Professor Mark Morrison at ILWS, Charles Sturt University, has been handed to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/in-depth/study-shows-43-billion-benefit-to-saving-coorong/story-e6frebju- 05-Nov-10 Adelaide Now 1225948546810 Dr Shane Radial, a professor of Veterinary Science at Charles Sturt University, told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. An outbreak of the disease in the captive breeding program could be fatal for the species, as there are only 50 birds left in the wild. http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2010/11/07/Virus-threatens-rare-parrot/UPI-76521289183695/ 07-Nov-10 UPI.com ‘Virus could wipe out endangered parrot': … Veterinary professor from Charles Sturt University, Dr Shane Radial, says an outbreak of the disease in a captive breeding program could be fatal for the species, as there are only 50 birds left 08-Nov-10 7 News / Yahoo in the wild. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/08/3060023.htm?section=justin ‘Researchers push financial case for lower Murray': … The study by the CSIRO and Professor Mark Morrison with ILWS, Charles Sturt University valued the Coorong and other parts of the Murray-Darling Basin based on their 08-Nov-10 ABC News online recreational use, wildlife and native vegetation. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/08/3059634.htm Monthly Media Summary Report Page 7 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Researchers push financial case for lower Murray': … The study by the CSIRO and Professor Mark Morrison at ILWS, Charles Sturt University valued the Coorong and other parts of the Murray-Darling Basin based on their recreational use, wildlife and native vegetation. http://au.news.yahoo.com/australian-news/a/-/australian- 08-Nov-10 7 News / Yahoo news/8276169/researchers-push-financial-case-for-lower-murray/ ‘Researchers push financial case for lower Murray': … The study by the CSIRO and Professor Mark Morrison with ILWS, Charles Sturt University valued the Coorong and other parts of the Murray-Darling Basin based on their 08-Nov-10 2UE Rural recreational use, wildlife and native vegetation. Interview with ILWS economic researcher Professor Mark Morrison. Opinion piece by senior lecturer in law at CSU Dr Bede Harris regarding constitutional recognition of Indigenous 10-Nov-10 Canberra Times Australians. NC10510 The Australian - Higher p39, 'CSU puts case for regional medical school': CSU's bid for a $105 million medical school and clinic to serve 10-Nov-10 Education supplement NSW's central west is a step closer ….. NC10507 ‘Charles Sturt University puts case for regional medical school': CHARLES Sturt University's bid for a $105 million medical school and clinic to serve NSW's central west is a step closer. The institution has gained the support of The Australian - Higher Regional Development Minister Simon Crean. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/charles-sturt- 10-Nov-10 Education supplement university-puts-case-for-regional-medical-school/story-e6frgcjx-1225950275653 p8,'Top professional won't rest on her laurels':… Ms Borbelj was awarded the allied health prize partly for her commitment to enhancing the education and training standards of the profession. ''I've constantly had trainees and I've 10-Nov-10 Canberra Times also lectured at Charles Sturt University …” p13,'Recognition will have no real meaning':… T he Federal Government's announcement that it will establish a panel of experts to advise it on what form constitutional recognition of indigenous people should take is unlikely to yield a result that is either substantive or useful. Dr Bede Harris is a senior lecturer in law at Charles Sturt University, and 10-Nov-10 Canberra Times author of A New Constitution for Australia. p16, 'Full list of winners':… MBA Construction Awards SPECIAL REPORT Tertiary Buildings, $5 million to $10 million, 11-Nov-10 Sydney Morning Herald Joss Construction, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Wagga Wagga Campus, Charles Sturt University. Referendum plan is misconceived': … Dr Bede Harris is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Charles Sturt University, author of A New Constitution for Australia, and a member of CLA. This article first appeared in the Canberra Times. 11-Nov-10 CLA http://www.cla.asn.au/0805/index.php/articles/2010/referendum-plan-is-misconceived p5,'Edited highlights':… Hattie Dalton started in the cutting room, has her first film feature up and is ready to come home, writes Alex Speed Dalton, who studied communications at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst. Achieving 13-Nov-10 The Australian honours in broadcast journalism, p26,'SPARKLING AND CHAMPAGNE --- JAMES HALLIDAY'S TOP 100 WINES':… * Charles Sturt University 13-Nov-10 The Australian Magazine Limited Release Orange Pinot,Noir Chardonnay 2007, 90 points, $19.80 Edited highlights': Hattie Dalton started in the cutting room, has her first film feature up and is ready to come home… Knowing she "wanted to tell stories", Dalton studied communications at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst. 13-Nov-10 The Australian http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/arts/edited-highlights/story-e6frg8n6-1225949781164 p136, "On the Grapevine ": ``Pepperjack is considered the baby brother to Saltram,'' explains Mattner, a wine science graduate from Wagga Wagga's Charles Sturt University. ``It has become an important arm of the group with a 14-Nov-10 Daily Telegraph commitment to produce red wines that really appeal Westpac Banking Corporation; Westpac Annual Review and Sustainability Report 2010":... a 2010 Canstar Cannex Innovation Excellence Award. Released Westpac Charles Sturt University Index on the views of farmers on climate 15-Nov-10 Westpac Annual Review change. p22, "YOUR SAY":… Searching for Courtney Wright born in Orange in 1981, who went to Orange High and Charles 15-Nov-10 Daily Telegraph Sturt University at Bathurst. Monthly Media Summary Report Page 8 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p13, "Unfair ways in case of Hicks":… It is to the shame of Howard and the rest of his government that they were complicit in that denial of justice. Dr Bede Harris is a senior lecturer in Law at Charles Sturt University, and author of A 15-Nov-10 Canberra Times New Constitution for Australia ‘Agronomist urges more funds for R and D’:… Professor John Mullen, an agricultural economist from Charles Sturt University in Western Australia, says that is a sure-fire way to reduce Australia's rural productivity, which has already 15-Nov-10 ABC Transcripts taken a beating. 15-Nov-10 Canberra Times Opinion piece by Dr Bede Harris on unfair aspects of the Hicks case. ‘Agronomist urges more funds for R and D': … Professor John Mullen, an agricultural economist from Charles Sturt University in Western Australia, says that is a sure-fire way to reduce Australia's rural productivity, which has already 16-Nov-10 ABC The World Today taken a beating. With audio. http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2010/s3067734.htm ‘Drought may be over but agricultural labour drying up': … Wodonga-based agriculture and business student Lachlan Kerr, who is in his second year at Charles Sturt University, has witnessed first hand the growing demand for skilled farmers as good weather conditions have enlivened the sector. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/drought- 16-Nov-10 The Australian may-be-over-but-agricultural-labour-drying-up/story-e6frg6nf-1225954048014 ‘National teaching award for CSU psychologist’: A psychology academic at Charles Sturt University (CSU) has been awarded a prestigious teaching award by the peak national professional association, the Australian Psychological Society (APS). Ms Judith Gullifer, lecturer at the CSU School of Psychology in Bathurst, has been named as a co- recipient of the APS’s 2010 Early Career Teaching Award. http://getlearning.com.au/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=1615:national-teaching-award-for-csu- 16-Nov-10 Get Learning psychologist&catid=44:features&Itemid=29 p6, "Drought may be over but labour supply drying up":… Wodonga-based agriculture and business student Lachlan Kerr, who is in his second year at Charles Sturt University, has witnessed first hand the growing demand for skilled 16-Nov-10 The Australian farmers as good weather conditions have enlivened the sector. ‘No ‘obesity crisis’, Prof claims': A controversial new book by a Charles Sturt University (CSU) researcher, Dr Michael Gard, argues that the so-called ‘obesity epidemic’ has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical 17-Nov-10 ScienceAlert mainstream. http://www.sciencealert.com.au/news/20101811-21596.html p155, "Food Quality; Researchers from Charles Sturt University provide details of new studies and findings in the area of food quality":…. Those perceiving wine as healthy had a higher frequency but not volume of consumption. CAGE (potential alcoholism) scores were independent of the perception that wine is healthy," wrote Professor Anthony J. 18-Nov-10 Food Weekly Saliba and colleagues in NWGIC, Charles Sturt University A motion was passed in Federal Parliament yesterday calling on all Federal MPs... Thomsen asks Professor Federal Gov Broadcast Reverend James Haire, Professor of Theology, Charles Sturt University, if the notion of same-sex marriage and 19-Nov-10 Alerts religious spirituality can co-exist. p9,"Intertwined stories explore the nature of truth":… . So she decided to bring the story to the stage. Lies, Love and 19-Nov-10 The Canberra Times Hitler was written during Scott's master of arts practice in scriptwriting at Charles Sturt University ‘Beyond the pale': The article asserted that Jones was responsible for "tricking the science to 'hide the decline' in global temperatures". The imputation is that he deliberately manipulated his data to give a false impression about global temperatures and that he is therefore a dishonest person who engages in scientific fraud... Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/beyond-the- 19-Nov-10 The Australian pale/story-fn558imw-1225955945211 ‘Australians willing to pay for better river': A Charles Sturt University academic, Professor Mark Morrison from ILWS, has found Australians were willing to pay $7.5b to improve the Murray River and Coorong Wetlands. 19-Nov-10 ABC News http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/19/3070899.htm? Monthly Media Summary Report Page 9 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p13, "Letters to the editor":… editorialising about the need to ``destroy the Greens''. But regarding the reputation of a distinguished scientist as collateral damage in your campaign is beyond the pale. Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public 19-Nov-10 The Australian Ethics, Charles Sturt University 21-Nov-10 Sunday Life, Sun-Herald p8, 'I am who I am: Brendan Cowell': Mention in interview that actor Brendan Cowell went to CSU. Schapelle Corby & The Clueless Australian Policing Establishment': To Rosemary Wootton, Head of The School of Policing Studies, Charles Sturt University. Rosemary, I sent you this email this morning, and I look forward to your reply. These are very serious issues, that will be extremely public... 21-Nov-10 Women for Schappelle http://womenforschapelle.blogspot.com/2010/11/schapelle-corby-clueless-australian.html p8,"BrendanCowell":… I loved it all and people responded well. I wanted to be an actor but I wanted to use my mind a 21-Nov-10 Sun Herald bit more so I went to university [Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, in central-west NSW]. p8,"Score that management role":… The program is awarded by Charles Sturt University and delivered at the CIT (Canberra Institute of Technology) Reid campus. Take your management skills and knowledge to the next level with 22-Nov-10 The Canberra Times this course, p15,"Letters to the Editor":…. Arts faculties abound with strange professorships. And Clive Hamilton's letter (``Beyond the pale'', 17/11) puts him near the top of the list. Professor of public ethics, indeed. I presume Charles Sturt University 22-Nov-10 The Australian also has a chair of, or for, private indiscretions; or one of sweet reasonableness? "Farm chemical companies fear hundreds of products could be withdrawn":… The head of the school of Agriculture 22-Nov-10 ABC News and Wine Sciences, Associate Professor John Kent, from Charles Sturt University, agrees that's possible. Australian Financial p25, 'New Thoughts on promoting women to top jobs': Mentions CSU as 6th most improved uni for appointing women 22-Nov-10 Review - Education professors in 2009. p1031,"Science; New science study results reported from Charles Sturt University":… . It examines the importance of 23-Nov-10 Science Letter cultural safety in nursing and midwifery practice," wrote Jasten Phiri and colleagues, Charles Sturt University. Plant Biology; Researchers' work from Charles Sturt University focuses on plant biology:… However, the delay in development was offset by expansion; shaded leaves expanding to a larger size than for exposed leaves," wrote 23-Nov-10 Life Science Weekly Dennis H. Greer and colleagues, NGWIC, Charles Sturt University. The Australian - Higher p23, 'Regional unis urge Senate to pass bill': CSU joined six other unis to urge Senate to pass the student amenities 24-Nov-10 Education supplement bill. ‘Investors, too, have a chance to strike gold in Orange': Ten employers account for a third of the city's jobs, headed by Newcrest Mining, Orange Health Service, the Department of Education and Training, Electrolux, Industry and Investment NSW, Orange City Council and Charles Sturt University. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/property/investors-too-have-a-chance-to-strike-gold-in-orange/story- 25-Nov-10 The Australian - Business e6frg9gx-1225960370015 p35, 'Investors, too, have a chance to strike gold in Orange': Ten employers account for a third of the city's jobs, The Australian - Prime headed by Newcrest Mining, Orange Health Service, the Department of Education and Training, Electrolux, Industry 25-Nov-10 Space and Investment NSW, Orange City Council and Charles Sturt University... ‘Investors, too, have a chance to strike gold in Orange': Ten employers account for a third of the city's jobs, headed by Newcrest Mining, Orange Health Service, the Department of Education and Training, Electrolux, Industry and Investment NSW, Orange City Council and Charles Sturt University. http://fund-money- 25-Nov-10 Fund Money Market market.com/investments/investors-too-have-a-chance-to-strike-gold-in-orange.html p82."Agribusiness; Research results from Charles Sturt University update knowledge of agribusiness":…. Combining the predictions can produce substantially lower absolute errors on average, because of the varying accuracy 25-Nov-10 Agriculture Week performance of the distributions," wrote Professor Eddie Oczkowski and colleagues, Charles Sturt University. 25-Nov-10 The Canberra Times p23,"Big hurdles for jail needle plan":… The continuation or cancellation of the program, say after two years, would Monthly Media Summary Report Page 10 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
then be based on hard evidence rather than anecdotes or pre- determined beliefs. Mr David Biles is a consultant criminologist in Canberra and was until recently a Professorial Associate in Corrections Policy and Practice at Charles Sturt University. The advice of corrections' expert Dr John Paget is acknowledged. p33,"Investors, too, have a chance to strike gold in Orange":… Ten employers account for a third of the city's jobs, headed by Newcrest Mining, Orange Health Service, the Department of Education and Training, Electrolux, Industry 25-Nov-10 The Australian and Investment NSW, Orange City Council and Charles Sturt University. Australian Financial 26-Nov-10 Review p49,"top 20"……. Michael Hall - who graduated from Charles Sturt University and spent time working for Henschke, "Industry panel on journalism training":…. 'The practical experience is what I'm looking for, and UTS and Charles Sturt 26-Nov-10 The PANPA Bulletin University are examples of institutions where it works very well as both of them have community radio stations Interview with Dr Bede Harris, Senior Lecturer in Law, Charles Sturt University, about whether the Government has Federal Gov Broadcast the right to interpret the Constitution and the word marriage with regards to same-sex marriage. Harris says whether 26-Nov-10 Alerts or not same-sex marriage …
Regional Media – 111 items
DATE PUBLICATION HEADING & LINK ‘Former journalist honoured': CHARLES Sturt University (CSU) has announced a new scholarship dedicated to the memory of long-serving regional TV news journalist and former federal parliament Member for Calare Mr Peter Andren. 2-Nov-10 Lithgow Mercury http://www.lithgowmercury.com.au/news/local/news/general/former-journalist-honoured/1985269.aspx p5, 'IN BRIEF':… NORTH Coast TAFE has partnered with Charles Sturt University (CSU) to develop a scholarship 03-Nov-10 Grafton Daily Examiner program specifically for diploma and advanced diploma students from North Coast TAFE. p29, 'Further decline but confidence is high':…… The latest Westpac-Charles Sturt University Agribusiness Index, 03-Nov-10 Townsville Bulletin released yesterday, said the region's performance compared with an improvement for Queensland overall ‘CENTROC support for medical program funding': … Members from the Centroc region who attended the Health Forum in Young on Wednesday called for the Federal Government to provide full funding for a medical school program at Charles Sturt University. http://www.grenfellrecord.com.au/news/local/news/general/centroc-support-for-medical-program- 03-Nov-10 Grenfell Record funding/1987159.aspx p3, 'Agribusiness performance hits a high':… an improved performance in Queensland, reports the sixteenth Westpac 04-Nov-10 Balonne Beacon and Charles Sturt University (CSU) Agribusiness Index released last week. Central & North Burnett p27, 'North Burnett's rural businesses booming':… This is according to the latest Westpac and Charles Sturt University 04-Nov-10 Times (CSU) Agribusiness Index released recently. ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS at Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Ararat Advertiser http://www.araratadvertiser.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from Charles Sturt University, ILWS, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Latrobe Valley Express http://www.latrobevalleyexpress.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx Monthly Media Summary Report Page 11 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Port Pirie Recorder http://www.portpirierecorder.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Avon Valley Advocate, WA http://www.avonvalleyadvocate.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Cooma Monaro Express http://www.coomaexpress.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Northern Times, Vic http://www.thenortherntimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Cessnock Advertiser http://www.cessnockadvertiser.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Knox Weekly http://www.knoxweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Northern Weekly, Vic http://www.northernweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Colleambally Observer http://www.colypointobserver.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.melbourneweeklybayside.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at- 05-Nov-10 Melbourne Weekly Bayside 4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation Donnybrook Bridgetown says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Mail, WA http://www.donnybrookmail.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx 05-Nov-10 Young Witness ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 12 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.youngwitness.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Caoastal Times, Tas http://www.coastaltimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Warren Advocate http://www.warrenadvocate.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation Central Midlands Advocate says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 , WA http://www.centraladvocate.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Rouse Hill News, NSW http://www.rhsgnews.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Braidwood Times http://www.braidwoodtimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Island of Contrast, Tas http://www.islandofcontrast.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Goondiwindi Argus http://www.goondiwindiargus.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Melbourne Weekly http://www.melbourneweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Belligen Courier-Sun http://www.bellingencourier.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Southern Weekly, NSW http://www.southernweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 13 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. Greater Dandenong http://www.greaterdandenongweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at- 05-Nov-10 Weekly, Vic 4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Boorowa News http://www.boorowanewsonline.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation Port Augusta says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Transcontinental http://www.transcontinental.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Walcha News, NSW http://www.walchanewsonline.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation Port Augusta says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Transcontinental http://www.transcontinental.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. Melbourne Weekly Port http://www.melbourneweeklyportphillip.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at- 05-Nov-10 Phillip 4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Cobar Age http://www.cobarage.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Wingham Chronicle, NSW http://www.winghamchronicle.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.banyuleandnillumbikweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at- 05-Nov-10 Banyule Weekly 4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Melbourne Times Weekly http://www.melbournetimesweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 14 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Melton Weekly, Vic http://www.meltonweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation Manning River Times, says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 NSW http://www.manningrivertimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Cootamundra Herald http://www.cootamundraherald.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 East Coast News, Tas http://www.taseastcoastnews.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Casey Weekly, Vic http://www.caseyweeklyberwick.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Midland Express, WA http://www.elliottmidnews.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Muswellbrook Chronicle http://www.muswellbrookchronicle.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Midland Express, Vic http://www.elliottmidnews.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.townandcountrymagazine.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at- 05-Nov-10 town & country Magazine 4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Eden Magnet http://www.edenmagnet.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx 05-Nov-10 Monash Weekly ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 15 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.monashweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Singleton Argus http://www.singletonargus.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. http://www.melbourneweeklyeastern.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at- 05-Nov-10 Melbourne Weekly Eastern 4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Eden Magnet http://www.edenmagnet.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Monash Weekly http://www.monashweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Wimmera Mail-Times http://www.mailtimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Queanbeayan Age http://www.queanbeyanage.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Meander Valley News http://www.meandervalleynews.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Frankston Weekly http://www.frankstonweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Murray Valley Standard http://www.murrayvalleystandard.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Collie Mail, WA http://www.colliemail.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 16 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Mandurah Mail http://www.mandurahmail.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 The Rural http://www.therural.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Peninsula Weekly http://www.peninsulaweekly.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Launceston Times http://www.launcestontimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Esperance Express http://www.esperanceexpress.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Narooma News http://www.naroomanewsonline.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Bega District News http://www.begadistrictnews.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Summit Sun, NSW http://www.summitsun.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Barossa Herald http://www.barossaherald.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Leeton Irrigator http://www.irrigator.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx 05-Nov-10 Yass News ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 17 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
http://www.yasstribune.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation Merredin Wheatbelt says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Mercury http://www.merredinmercury.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Myall Coast Nota http://www.myallcoastnota.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Oberon Review http://www.oberonreview.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx ‘Benefits of river health put at $4b': But a report by researchers Professor Mark Morrison, from ILWS, Charles Sturt University, and Dr Darla Hatton MacDonald, from the CSIRO, handed to the authority during the blueprint's preparation says the economic benefits of protecting the environment should also be considered in proposing water cuts. 05-Nov-10 Camden Haven Courier http://www.camdencourier.com.au/news/national/national/general/benefits-of-river-health-put-at-4b/1988925.aspx p7,'Potential for rivers of money':… The study, conducted by the CSIRO and Charles Sturt University, has been handed 06-Nov-10 The Adelaide Advertiser to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. ‘Study shows $4.3 billion benefit to saving Coorong': The study, conducted by the CSIRO and Charles Sturt University, has been handed to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/in-depth/study-shows-43- 06-Nov-10 Adelaide Now billion-benefit-to-saving-coorong/story-e6frebju-1225948546810 ‘Researchers push financial case for lower Murray': … The study by the CSIRO and Charles Sturt University valued the 08-Nov-10 ABC SA News Coorong and other parts of the Murray-Darling Basin based on their recreational use, wildlife and native vegetation. ‘Creative thinking on MDB plan needed': … Jonathon Howard, a social researcher, at Charles Sturt University says the 10-Nov-10 ABC NSW Country Hour plan will secure water for cities and towns, improve the quality of ground water and reduce pollution in the rivers. ABC New England Rural ‘Creative thinking on MDB plan needed': … Jonathon Howard, a social researcher, at Charles Sturt University says the 10-Nov-10 Report plan will secure water for cities and towns, improve the quality of ground water and reduce pollution in the rivers. ‘Creative thinking on MDB plan needed': … Jonathon Howard, a social researcher, at Charles Sturt University says the plan will secure water for cities and towns, improve the quality of ground water and reduce pollution in the rivers. 10-Nov-10 ABC NSW Rural News http://www.abc.net.au/rural/nsw/content/2010/11/s3061452.htm ‘Reverend Linda Chapman appointment at Moruya': … Returning then in 2001 to the South Coast, Linda resumed her ordination studies with the Canberra/Goulburn Diocese at St Marks (Charles Sturt University). http://www.naroomanewsonline.com.au/news/local/news/general/reverend-linda-chapman-appointment-at- 10-Nov-10 Narooma News moruya/1993532.aspx ‘Teritary scholarships available': The Trust has established scholarship programs with the University of Canberra, Charles Sturt University, University of Wollongong and Illawarra TAFE. 10-Nov-10 Braidwood Times http://www.braidwoodtimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/teritary-scholarships-available/1993348.aspx ‘Fearnley’s New York streak ends': While Victor Weir was well off Fearnley’s course record mark of one hour, 29 minutes, 22 seconds as he clocked a 1:37.29 and it was the sixth year in succession the CSU graduate had finished on the podium, he was disappointed not to have added another New York win to his impressive resume. 10-Nov-10 Canowindra News http://www.canowindranews.com.au/news/local/sport/general/fearnleys-new-york-streak-ends/1993209.aspx Monthly Media Summary Report Page 18 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p8,'Tell us':…. While I was in recruitment I really enjoyed working with children so when I saw an ad for a Department of 10-Nov-10 Liverpool Leader Education scholarship I applied. I did an accelerated teachers program at Charles Sturt University.” ‘Nyngan in line for solar energy farm': … He said the large flat area of land proposed for the development is currently used for grazing and cropping and a research grant would engage Charles Sturt University and Trangie Research Station in researching sustainable land use such as grazing sheep under and around the panels. 11-Nov-10 Nyngan Post http://www.warrenadvocate.com.au/news/local/news/general/nyngan-in-line-for-solar-energy-farm/1994419.aspx ‘More help for indigenous police recruits': … The full-time 18 week program offers a curriculum recommended by Charles Sturt University including communication, information technology, writing and presentation skills, workplace ethics and Manning River Times, responsibilities, Aboriginal studies, fitness, first aid and individual learning support. 12-Nov-10 NSW http://www.manningrivertimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/more-help-for-indigenous-police-recruits/1995602.aspx ‘Sheridan shines': THE Western Region Academy of Sport (WRAS) held their annual Awards Night at the Charles Sturt University (CSU) Dining Hall on Saturday, November 6. 12-Nov-10 Young Witness http://www.youngwitness.com.au/news/local/sport/netball/sheridan-shines/1995609.aspx Interview with CSU lecturer Dr Elaine Dietsch about her work in Kenya with traditional midwives & collection of underpants 16-Nov-10 ABC state-wide afternoons for the trip. Also talks about her annual work in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 11.30am Interview with Associate Professor Michael Gard from the CSU School of Human Movement Studies in Bathurst about his new book The End of the Obesity Epidemic, which argues that the scale of the obesity problem has been 18-Nov-10 ABC Newcastle selectively emphasised by elements of the health industry. Live-to-air interview with ILWS Professor Mark Morrison on environmental and economic returns with more water being 18-Nov-10 ABC NSW Statewide drive returned to the Murray River as part of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
18-Nov-10 The Land - magazine p43, CSU in Albury -Wodonga receives $5 mill boost to allied health clinic. NC10512 ‘Australians want a cleaner, greener Murray-Darling basin: Report': One of the report's authors, Professor Mark Morrison says the water buyback should not necessarily been seen as a total negative and it could allow farmers to retire, retire debt, move into new industries. In this report: Professor Mark Morrison, Professor in the School of Business and ILWS researcher at Charles Sturt University. The report was commissioned by the Murray Darling Basin Authority. 19-Nov-10 ABC NSW Country Hour http://www.abc.net.au/rural/nsw/content/2010/11/s3071425.htm Interview with ILWS deputy director Professor Mark Morrison on environmental and economic returns with more river 19-Nov-10 ABC NSW Country Hour being returned to the Murray River as part of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. ‘Fibre revives Woodstock in central New South Wales': ...The fibre cable also allows the company to link in directly with the School of Dentistry and Oral Health at Charles Sturt University, which has set up state-of-the-art campuses in the regional towns of Orange, Bathurst, Dubbo, Albury and Wagga Wagga. This means that these regional towns will also profit from the new laboratory in Woodstock. http://www.buddeblog.com.au/news-and-views/fibre-revives-woodstock-in- 21-Nov-10 BuddeBlog central-new-south-wales/ p3,"NEWS BRIEFS":….. MURWILLUMBAH students will be able to access a university information session 22-Nov-10 The Tweed Daily News videoconference at Murwillumbah TAFE Campus this Wednesday at 1pm. Charles Sturt University will hold a one-hour … ‘Farm chemical companies fear hundreds of products could be withdrawn': … The head of the school of Agriculture and Wine Sciences, Associate Professor John Kent, from Charles Sturt University, agrees that's possible. 22-Nov-10 ABC Rural http://www.abc.net.au/rural/news/content/201011/s3072976.htm ‘Farm chemical companies fear hundreds of products could be withdrawn': … The head of the school of Agriculture and 22-Nov-10 ABC South Coast WA Wine Sciences, Associate Professor John Kent, from Charles Sturt University, agrees that's possible. ‘Farm chemical companies fear hundreds of products could be withdrawn': … The head of the school of Agriculture and 22-Nov-10 ABC Country Hour Wine Sciences, Associate Professor John Kent, from Charles Sturt University, agrees that's possible. Monthly Media Summary Report Page 19 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
Council supports medical school': Charles Sturt University (CSU) approached council seeking support by resolution and a letter to Prime Minister Gillard for its plans to establish the new medical school which CSU sees as a means of supporting the growth of the medical workforce in rural and regional NSW. 22-Nov-10 Parkes Champion Post http://www.parkeschampionpost.com.au/news/local/news/general/council-supports-medical-school/2003946.aspx ‘Beware shonky organic or chemical inputs in Agriculture': Council secretary Jim Pratley of Charles Sturt University says ABC Rural Report the industry now needs evidence-based registration of products. 24-Nov-10 Canberra http://www.abc.net.au/rural/regions/content/201011/3074669.htm ABC Rural Report ‘Beware shonky organic or chemical inputs in Agriculture': Council secretary Jim Pratley of Charles Sturt University says 24-Nov-10 Canberra the industry now needs evidence-based registration of products. p34,"Professional key speaker at dinner":… Fittingly, the keynote speaker was Peter Bell, manager, residential operations 25-Nov-10 The Chronicle at the Wagga Wagga and Albury-Wodonga campuses of Charles Sturt University. p16,"Chance of a lifetime Get involved":… Indigenous Pharmacy students can apply for a $60,000 scholarship to Charles Sturt University in NSW. Apply by the end of November. Call (02) 6933 2445 or email Professor Patrick Ball at 26-Nov-10 Centralian, NT [email protected] . ‘Senior Students Selected for Innovative Science Scholarship’:…. PICSE is funded by the Federal Government's Diversity and Structural Adjustment Fund, University of Tasmania, University of Western Australia, University of New England, 26-Nov-10 Targeted News Service USQ, University of the Sunshine Coast, Flinders University, and Charles Sturt University. ‘Good luck Year 12': … Mr Tome said even though Year 12 had only just finished sitting the Higher School Certificate exams many of them already know they have successfully gained entry to university. “Five of them have been accepted at Southern Cross University in Lismore and at least three have been accepted into Charles Sturt University in both Orange and Bathurst. We’re waiting to hear about offers from the University of New England in Armidale,” he said. 26-Nov-10 The Ridge News, NSW http://www.theridgenews.com.au/news/local/news/general/good-luck-year-12/2007831.aspx ‘Reaping the benefit': With this in mind the committee invited graphic designer Michael Agzarian, Principal of Advision, a graphic arts business, and Senior Lecturer of Graphic Arts at CSU Wagga, to develop examples of a logo/brand that suit 26-Nov-10 Grenfell Record the festival. http://www.grenfellrecord.com.au/news/local/news/general/reaping-the-benefit/2009282.aspx p24,"Borrowed from life":… The book catches up with Neil at three stages in his life - growing up in Cronulla and being in Year 12, escaping to live in Bathurst and studying drama at Charles Sturt University and finally returning to the Shire when 27-Nov-10 Illawarra Mercury things go horribly, horribly pear-shaped. p6,"Farmers are more confident":… AGRIBUSINESSES in this region have recorded a strong performance in the September quarter in line with an improved performance in Queensland, reports the sixteenth Westpac and Charles Sturt 27-Nov-10 The Gympie Times, Qld University (CSU) Agribusiness Index.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 20 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
Campus Town Media – 179 items
DATE PUBLICATION HEADING & LINK p2, Pleasure of a slower pace on two wheels': Charles Sturt University PhD student Arnela Ceric knows 1-Nov-10 Western Advocate the joys of a life surrounded by cycling. … p40, Photo & caption stories on CSU students involved in UN Day & inaugural Residence Market Day. 1-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser NC10482
2-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p22, Regular column by IT experts from CSU Ken Eustace and Geoff Fellows. NC10483 9.25am interview with visiting Federal Minister for Regional Development, Mr Simon Crean, who 2-Nov-10 2BS expresses broad support for the CSU rural Medical School proposal. Contruction of $7-million Orange physio school starts': A new physiotherapy and rehabilitation school at Charles Sturt University's Orange campus is on track to be completed by next July. Includes interview with Dr Megan Smith Associate Head of School. 2-Nov-10 ABC Central West mornings http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/02/3054468.htm?site=centralwest§ion=news
Contruction of $7-million Orange physio school starts': A new physiotherapy and rehabilitation school at Charles Sturt University's Orange campus is on track to be completed by next July. Includes interview 2-Nov-10 ABC Central West mornings with Dr Megan Smith Associate Head of School.
Contruction of $7-million Orange physio school starts': A new physiotherapy and rehabilitation school at 02-Nov-10 ABC News Charles Sturt University's Orange campus is on track to be completed by next July. 10.15am interview with visiting NSW Opposition Leader Mr Barry O'Farrell who expressed general 03-Nov-10 2BS support for the CSU rural Medical School proposal.
‘$5m clinic for CSU campus': CHARLES Sturt University will build a $5 million allied health clinic on a site behind the Thurgoona Plaza shopping centre next year… 03-Nov-10 Border Mail http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/news/general/5m-clinic-for-csu-campus/1986225.aspx p15, '$5m clinic for CSU campus': CHARLES Sturt University will build a $5 million allied health clinic on 03-Nov-10 Border Mail a site behind the Thurgoona Plaza shopping centre next year… p10, 'Strength through ordeal': Interviews with speakers at the annual occupational therapy student 03-Nov-10 Midweek Express conference in Albury, including Carol Ford-Johnson. NC10499
03-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p2, Brief on Riverina James Lavender developed by CSU's Dr Nigel Urwin in Wagga Wagga. NC10484
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 21 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p26, Story & photo on Dr Emma Rush from CSU in Wagga Wagga on her public lecture on child 03-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser sexualisation. p2, Brief on public lecture in Narrandera by CSU lecture Dr Emma Rush on child sexualisation. NC 03-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser 10484
03-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p27, Story & photo on Green Steps program for CSU students. NC10485 p27, Story & photo on Dr Nigel Urwin developing Riverina James Lavender at CSU in Wagga Wagga. 03-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser NC10485 Afternoon News bulletins mention support of visiting NSW Opposition Leader Mr Barry O'Farrell for the 03-Nov-10 2BS CSU rural medical school proposal. News story about visit to Bathurst by NSW Opposition Leaders Barry O'Farrell and Andrew Stoner, which notes and includes footage of their meeting with CSU V-C Porfessor Ian Goulter and CSU senior 03-Nov-10 Prime TV Bathurst executives.
Interview with Acting Dean of Science Associate Professor Julia Coyle on Minister Crean announcing 04-Nov-10 ABC 2CR Central West news $5m for new allied health clinic at CSU. Interview with Acting Dean of Science Associate Professor Julia Coyle on Minister Crean announcing 04-Nov-10 ABC Western Plains news $5m for new allied health clinic at CSU.
p4, 'Village idiots - Fair organisers under fire from magistrate following drug busts'. Lengthy report of Baturst Court appearances last week by 11 CSU students and a catering manager on drug and 04-Nov-10 Western Advocate alcohol/driving charges. Magistrate Jan Stevenson very critical of CSU and Village Fair organisers. p9, 'Getting athletes into peak condition':profile story about about local gym operator who will attend a strength and conditioning conference on the Gold Coast this month, with ' … fellow Bathurst resident 04-Nov-10 Western Advocate Stephen Bird from Charles Sturt University'.
ABC Goulburn Murray Interview with Federal Regional Minister Simon Crean on his visit to Albury, the $5m for the new allied 04-Nov-10 mornings health clinic at CSU and the possible medical school for CSU.
p7, 'Crean snubs cancer group': Mentions Crean visiting CSU to announce $5m for new allied health 04-Nov-10 Border Mail clinic. NC10498 Interview with Regional Federal Minister Simon Crean and VC Professor Ian Goulter on announcement 04-Nov-10 Prime news Albury of $5m for new allied health clinic at CSU. Interview with Regional Federal Minister Simon Crean and VC Professor Ian Goulter on announcement 04-Nov-10 WIN news Albury of $5m for new allied health clinic at CSU.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 22 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
Federal support for CSU's proposed medical school': The Federal Minister for Regional Australia, Simon Crean, says he is impressed by Charles Sturt University's plan to build a medical school in the New 04-Nov-10 ABC Central West news South Wales Central West. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/04/3056597.htm Federal support for CSU's proposed medical school': The Federal Minister for Regional Australia, Simon Crean, says he is impressed by Charles Sturt University's plan to build a medical school in the New 04-Nov-10 ABC Central West news South Wales Central West.
Interview with Federal Regional Minister Simon Crean on announcing $5m for the new allied health clinic 04-Nov-10 ABC Goulburn Murray news at CSU in Albury-Wodonga.
Interview with ILWS social researcher Dr Jonathon Howard on sustainable communities in regional 04-Nov-10 ABC Central West mornings Australia in the face of water rationing in the Murray Darling Basin. ‘No time for your own garden': Local councils can usually point you in the right direction however if you live near Thurgoona you're invited to help set-up a community garden on Charles Sturt University's Thurgoona campus this weekend. With audio. 04-Nov-10 ABC Goulburn Murray online http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2010/11/04/3057360.htm Federal support for CSU's proposed medical school':… Simon Crean, says he is impressed by Charles Sturt University's plan to build a medical school in the New 04-Nov-10 ABC News South Wales Central West p11, 'Rich school harvest': story about recent Education for Sustainability conference held at CSU in 05-Nov-10 Western Advocate Bathurst
‘No time for your own garden': Local councils can usually point you in the right direction however if you ABC Goulburn Murray live near Thurgoona you're invited to help set-up a community garden on Charles Sturt University's 05-Nov-10 breakfast Thurgoona campus this weekend. p3, '$5m confirmed for CSU clinic': Story on Federal Minister Simon Crean announcing $5m for the new CSU allied health clinic on Albury-Wodonga campus at Thurgoona. Includes photo with CSU dental 05-Nov-10 Border Mail school head David Wilson. NC10500 p7, 'Green thumbs wanted to build sustainable garden': Includes interview with CSU education lecturer Dr John Rafferty on setting up a sustainable garden build on permaculture principles at Thurgoona with 05-Nov-10 Border Mail community assistance. NC10501
‘All creatures great and small for uni': Charles Sturt University says the success of its veterinary science degree in delivering vets to rural areas is an indication that its proposed medical school would attract doctors to regional Australia. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/all- 05-Nov-10 Central Western Daily creatures-great-and-small-for-uni/1989576.aspx
06-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p3, Mention of CSU in tributes to late Dr Margaret Sheldon. NC104857
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 23 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
06-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p22, Regular column by CSU Archives Manager Wayne Doubleday. NC 10486
p19, 'Student trivia night raises $1 300 for ward': story about CSU students in Bathurst raising money to donate to the paediatric ward at Bathurst Base Hospital. Includes photo of students presenting cheque, 06-Nov-10 Western Advocate and quotes CSU student services support officer Ms Alex Leis.
‘No time for your own garden': Local councils can usually point you in the right direction however if you ABC Goulburn Murray live near Thurgoona you're invited to help set-up a community garden on Charles Sturt University's 06-Nov-10 breakfast Thurgoona campus this weekend. p7, 'CSU city site is now on market': CSU is set to invite developers to buy its central Albury campus and 06-Nov-10 Border Mail anticipates raising up to $10m for the huge site. NC10502
‘CSU on the market': CSU is set to invite developers to buy its central Albury campus and anticipates raising up to $10m for the huge site. http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/news/general/csu-on-the- 06-Nov-10 Border Mail market/1989949.aspx p7, ‘All creatures great and small for uni’: CSU says the success of its veterinary science degree in delivering gets to rural areas is an indication that its proposed medical school would attract doctors to 06-Nov-10 Central Western Daily regional Australia. p3, ‘Graduates stay regional’: More than two-thirds of graduates from CSU's health degrees choose to 06-Nov-10 Weekend Liberal stay in regional Australia, according to a recent CSU survey. p10, ‘Helping the most vulnerable victims’: CSU is helping to strengthen the voice of the most vulnerable 06-Nov-10 Weekend Liberal victims of crime.
p8, 'State-of-the-art facility at CSU': Around the West section features story from CWD (Orange) about the start of work on the new physiotherapy lecture building at CSU in Orange. Quotes and includes 08-Nov-10 Western Advocate colour photo of Head of Campus in Orange, Professor Kevin Parton. 10.50am Interview with CSU's Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science, Associate Professor Julia Coyle, 08-Nov-10 2BS about progress with the CSU rural Medical School proposal. Virus could wipe out endangered parrot': … Veterinary professor from Charles Sturt University, Shane Radial, says an outbreak of the disease in a captive breeding program could be fatal for the species, as there are only 50 birds left in the wild. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/08/3060023.htm? 08-Nov-10 ABC Riverina News section=justin
‘Albury student a real model': … The Charles Sturt University arts student made the finals after getting voted in the top 10 via an SMS poll and was then judged the overall winner by a panel of industry experts at a presentation event in Sydney on Saturday. 08-Nov-10 Border Mail http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/news/general/albury-student-a-real-model/1990524.aspx
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 24 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p3, 'Border's Emma is a real model': … The Charles Sturt University arts student made the finals after getting voted in the top 10 via an SMS poll and was then judged the overall winner by a panel of industry 08-Nov-10 Border Mail experts at a presentation event in Sydney on Saturday. NC10503
p5, 'Rare frog no tiny discovery': CSU researcher Alex Knight has discovered strong populations of the 08-Nov-10 Border Mail endangered Sloane's froglet in Thurgoona, Corowa and Wahgunyah. NC10504
‘Endangered frog on the Border': CSU and ILWS researcher Alex Knight has discovered strong populations of the endangered Sloane's froglet in Thurgoona, Corowa and Wahgunyah. 08-Nov-10 Border Mail http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/news/general/endangered-frogs-on-the-border/1990516.aspx ‘Smooth sailing for a passionate family crew': … "Jenyne is married and lives in Wollongong, while Amy is in the third year of a four-year course in exercise science at CSU in Bathurst. http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/sport/other/smooth-sailing-for-a-passionate-family- 08-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser crew/1990819.aspx
‘Researchers push financial case for lower Murray': … The study by the CSIRO and Charles Sturt University valued the Coorong and other parts of the Murray-Darling Basin based on their recreational 08-Nov-10 ABC Riverina Mornings use, wildlife and native vegetation. Interview with ILWS economic researcher Professor Mark Morrison.
p7, ‘Project builds on students' skills’: Construction of a $7 million physiotherapy and rehabilitation 08-Nov-10 Central Western Daily sciences building has begun at CSU in Orange. p6, 'Academics will deliver at CSU': story about the CSUEd2010 conference for CSU academics at CSU 09-Nov-10 Western Advocate in Bathurst this week. Quotes conference organiser Dr Som Naidu. Interview with ILWS researcher and School of Business’s Professor Mark Morrison on impact of MDB 09-Nov-10 ABC Central West mornings Plan on social aspects of the Basin.
‘AWFA: Boomers lose Grove': … The Albury-born and raised star, who is studying podiatry at Charles Sturt University in Albury, will be sent to Sydney for practical from late March to September, meaning he will miss the season. http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/sport/football-soccer/awfa-boomers-lose- 09-Nov-10 Border Mail grove/1991865.aspx 10.20am interview with CSU's Dr Som Naidu the Director of Quality Enhancement and Evaluation Services in the CSU Division of Learning and Teaching Services, re the CSUEd2010 conference at CSU 09-Nov-10 2BS in Bathurst this week. p10, Mention of CSU in letters to editor praising musical recital in Botanic Gardens in Wagga Wagga. 09-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser NC10513
09-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p24, Regular IT column by CSU lecturers Ken Eustace and Geoff Fellows. NC10488
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 25 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
A researcher from Charles Sturt University has criticised the way water is being used in agriculture, saying the government should put the environment's interests first. Professor Max Finlayson, who is the Director of Institute for Land, Water and Society.... 09-Nov-10 iPrime http://wagga.iprime.com.au/index.php/news/prime-news/put-rivers-interests-first-expert ‘Virus could wipe out endangered parrot': … Veterinary professor from Charles Sturt University at SAVS, Shane Radial, says an outbreak of the disease in a captive breeding program could be fatal for the 09-Nov-10 ABC Riverina show species, as there are only 50 birds left in the wild. 9.40am interview with Professor David Fryer from the CSU School of Psychology in Bathurst re his 10-Nov-10 2BS coming public lecture on unemployment and misery at CSU in Bathurst on Wednesday 17 November. Interview with veterinary science academic at CSU in Wagga Wagga Associate Professor Shane Raidal 10-Nov-10 Prime News Wagga Wagga about parrot virus.
Story on visit to Cheese Factory at CSU in Wagga Wagga by students from The Riverina Anglican 10-Nov-10 WIN Wagga Wagga College.
The funeral of Wagga's medical imaging pioneer Doctor Margaret Sheldon will be held this morning. 10-Nov-10 ABC News online Quotes CSU lecturer Mr Warren Lusby. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/10/3062161.htm
10-Nov-10 ABC Riverina News Interview with lecturer Warren Lusby about death of Dr Margaret Sheldon in Wagga.
10-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p2 & 25, Story & photo of Vintage Dinner and CSU Winemaker Mr Andrew Drumm. NC10491 p25, Story & photo on recycling initiative involving CSU Green and Catering team at CSU in Wagga 10-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser Wagga. NC10492
‘Medical imaging pioneer farewelled':…. The funeral of Wagga's medical imaging pioneer Doctor Margaret Sheldon will be held this morning. She started Riverina Medical Imaging Centre and was 10-Nov-10 ABC News instrumental in establishing the radiography course at Charles Sturt University. ‘Froglets a hard find':… A Riverina researcher studying a rare frog species says her work is being hampered by the amphibians camouflage ability...and hungry birds. Charles Sturt University PhD student and ILWS researcher Alex Knight is researching Sloane's Froglets and said over the last 20 years 11-Nov-10 ABC News records of the frogs across the Murray Darling Basin's floodplains have been diminishing. p3, 'Funding needed to make CSU a health hub': story about the CSU efforts to educate increasing numbers of health graduates and the implications for the CSU rural Medical School proposal. Quotes 11-Nov-10 Western Advocate Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science, A/Prof Julia Coyle.
3.10pm interview with CSU advertising student Ms Chris Colter who was the team leader of the Kajulu Blue student advertising team from the School of Communication & Creative Industries in bathurst that 11-Nov-10 2BS won the national IAA Big Idea competition in Sydney on Monday night (8 Nov) for the 6th time in 8 years.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 26 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
‘Froglets a hard find': Charles Sturt University PhD student Alex Knight is researching Sloane's Froglets and said over the last 20 years records of the frogs across the Murray Darling Basin's floodplains have 11-Nov-10 ABC News Online been diminishing. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/11/3063290.htm
‘Froglets a hard find': Charles Sturt University PhD student Alex Knight is researching Sloane's Froglets and said over the last 20 years records of the frogs across the Murray Darling Basin's floodplains have 11-Nov-10 ABC Goulburn Murray News been diminishing. ‘Charles Sturt students give survey a miss': The lack of a politically active student representative body was the reason for a small response from Charles Sturt University (CSU) students in a national survey, the National Union of Students (NUS) believes. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/charles-sturt-students-give-survey-a- 11-Nov-10 Central Western Daily miss/1995081.aspx
Interview with CSU midwifery academic Pam Shackleton regarding her trip to Kenya with Dr Elaine 11-Nov-10 Prime News Wagga Wagga Dietsch on the donations of underpants. Interview with CSU midwifery academic Pam Shackleton regarding her trip to Kenya with Dr Elaine 11-Nov-10 2DU Dubbo Dietsch on the donations of underpants. p9, Mention of CSU Head of Campus in Wagga Wagga Mr Adrian Lindner during a story on farewell for 11-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser Kapooka boss. NC10496
11-Nov-10 ABC Riverina Regular interview with CSU academics about IT issues.
12-Nov-10 Central Western Daily p5, ‘Search for alien life astronomer's quest’: Dr Watson will deliver his lecture at CSU tonight.
p3, ‘This year's HSC exams are history’: Emily hopes to receive early entry into a social science, 12-Nov-10 Central Western Daily psychology and education degree and CSU.
13-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p12, Brief on pharmacy scholarship at CSU. Mentions Professor Patrick Ball. NC10489
p58, 'Progressive' vet for district': New Riverina district vet Dr Helen McGregor used to work for CSU. 13-Nov-10 Border Mail - Country Mail She will be based in Wagga. NC10505 p13, 'Awards evening rocked all night': story about the Western Sports Academy recent annual awards 15-Nov-10 Western Advocate night held at CSU in Bathurst. p13, 'Marketing team wins competition': story about the CSU student advertising team Kajulu Blue which won the national IAA Big Idea competition in Sydney on Mon 8 November. Includes photo of winning 15-Nov-10 Western Advocate team.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 27 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
ABC Goulburn Murray 15-Nov-10 morning Regular segment on the English language with speech pathologist Libby Clark.
p7, Effective way to prevent tooth decay - Fluoridating Molong's water supply is a "no-brainer" according 15-Nov-10 Central Western Daily to CSU senior dentistry lecturer Dr Sabrina Manickam
Interview with CSU midwifery academic Dr Elaine Dietsch regarding her trip to Kenya with Ms Pam 16-Nov-10 ABC Riverina News Shackleton with donations of underpants. p3, Story & photo on William Merrylees Memorial Lecture by Mr Hugh Mackay at CSU in Wagga Wagga. 16-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser NC10495
‘Radiation exposure concerns are raised over Riverina Regional Imaging's nuclear medicine scanner': Charles Sturt University's medical imaging and nuclear medicine laboratory supervisor Keith Goode yesterday alerted The Daily Advertiser to his concerns that patients who were examined by the CT and SPECT elements of the scanner at the same time could be taking an unnecessary risk. http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/radiation-exposure-concerns-are-raised- 16-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser over-riverina-regional-imagings-nuclear-medicine-scanner/1998541.aspx ‘Wagga social researcher Hugh Mackay suggests our desires will remain the same': Speaking at the William Merrylees Memorial Lecture, presented by Charles Sturt University, Mr Mackay said everything people did came back to a combination of 10 "desires". http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/wagga-social-researcher-hugh-mackay- 16-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser suggests-our-desires-will-remain-the-same/1998538.aspx p4, Quotes by CSU lecturer Dr Keith Goode on the safety of new facilities at Riverina Regional Imaging 16-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser in Wagga Wagga. NC10495
16-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p24, Regular IT column by CSU lecturers Ken Eustace & Geoff Fellows. NC10497S
‘Theatre bug can't be ignored': … "You're never too old," Mrs Nielsen said. At the other end of the spectrum, Cameron Croker is just starting his acting career, having recently graduated from an acting course at Charles Sturt University. http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/theatre- 16-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser bug-cant-be-ignored/1998510.aspx
ABC Goulburn Murray 16-Nov-10 mornings Interview with ILWS researcher Dr Jo Millar on proposal to ban plastic bags. p5, 'Lecture to look at the impact of unemployment': story about public lecture in Bathurst by CSU's 16-Nov-10 Western Advocate Professor David Fryer on unemployment and misery, at 6pm on Wednesday 17 November. Monthly Media Summary Report Page 28 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p16, ‘Claims medical school needs partnership dismissed’: The executive consultant for CSU's proposed medical school has dismissed Uni of Sydney claims that it would take 10 years to establish the school 16-Nov-10 Daily Liberal without a partner university. p3, ‘More midwives from CSU’: Greater Western Area Health Service is celebrating the addition of four 16-Nov-10 Daily Liberal more midwives to its workforce.
Interviews with CSU Farm Manager Jim Mellor & CSU Winemaker Andrew Drumm regarding affect of 17-Nov-10 Prime Wagga Wagga rain & wet weather on crop & vines.
17-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p2, Brief story quoting Professor Rob Davidson on the issue of radiation safety. NC10494 p25, Story & photo of midwifery academics Ms Pam Shackleton & Dr Elain Dietsch on trip to Kenya. 17-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser NC10493
17-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p25, Story on Wagga Mutual Credit Union Safety Awards at CSU in Wagga Wagga. NC10493
17-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p25, Story on research by Dr Tuija Turunen in RIPPLE involving memories of starting school. NC10493
‘Doctors’ orders': THE University of Sydney has opened the door to a partnership with Charles Sturt University to establish a medical school in Orange… 17-Nov-10 Central Western Daily http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/doctors-orders/2000531.aspx
‘Battery recycling plant to be built at Bomen': … Mayor Wayne Geale said yesterday the group would be given a presentation on Wagga, lunch and a bus tour that will include Charles Sturt University. http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/battery-recycling-plant-to-be-built-at- 17-Nov-10 Daliy Advertiser bomen/1999736.aspx
p10, ‘Our town our university - Running the rural over graduates of health courses’: A CSU report on where its recent health and human services graduates are working confirms the University's continued 17-Nov-10 Central Western Daily success in bolstering Australia's regional health workforce. ‘Australian university expands programs and facilities in Burlington': Featuring new Business admin courses, Forensic Biotechnology and renovations to campus. http://www.thespec.com/news/article/276709--australian-university-expands-programs-and-facilities-in- 17-Nov-10 Hamilton Spectator burlington (Mark Gregory)
8.45am Interview with Associate Professor Michael Gard from the CSU School of Human Movement Studies in Bathurst about his new book The End of the Obesity Epidemic, which argues that the scale of 18-Nov-10 ABC 2CR Orange the obesity problem has been selectively emphasised by elements of the health industry.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 29 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
9.10am Interview with Associate Professor Michael Gard from the CSU School of Human Movement Studies in Bathurst about his new book The End of the Obesity Epidemic, which argues that the scale of 18-Nov-10 ABC Western Plains/Dubbo the obesity problem has been selectively emphasised by elements of the health industry.
10.45am Interview with Associate Professor Michael Gard from the CSU School of Human Movement Studies in Bathurst about his new book The End of the Obesity Epidemic, which argues that the scale of 18-Nov-10 2DU Dubbo the obesity problem has been selectively emphasised by elements of the health industry. p13, 'Gullifer ahead of her peers': Story about Ms Judith Gullifer, lecturer in psychology at the School of Psychology at CSU in Bathurst, who won an Early Career Teachjing Award from the Australian 18-Nov-10 Western Advocate Psychological Society.
Interview with ILWS Professor Mark Morrison on environmental and economic returns with more river 18-Nov-10 ABC Riverina News being returned to the Murray River as part of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
‘Charles Sturt University rules out materials found as skeletal remains': Charles Sturt University yesterday ruled out material found during excavations at its Boorooma campus was skeletal remains buried in a mass grave. http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/charles-sturt- 18-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser university-rules-out-materials-found-as-skeletal-remains/2001087.aspx
Interview with ILWS Professor Mark Morrison on environmental and economic returns with more river 18-Nov-10 ABC Goulburn Murray News being returned to the Murray River as part of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
‘Two years to establish school': THE executive consultant for Charles Sturt University’s (CSU) proposed medical school has dismissed the University of Sydney’s claims that it will take 10 years to establish the school without a partner university. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/two- 18-Nov-10 Central Western Daily years-to-establish-school/2001709.aspx ‘Obesity epidemic’ is grossly exaggerated, says expert': The so-called 'obesity epidemic' has been grossly exaggerated by both the media and the medical mainstream, according to an expert. Dr Michael Gard at the Charles Sturt University, Australia, argues that in their attempts to raise awareness about obesity, researchers and health authorities completely misrepresented the size and nature of the 18-Nov-10 Smash Hits problem. http://news.smashits.com/591543/Obesity-epidemic-is-grossly-exaggerated-says-expert.htm
p1, 'Doctor's orders Uni offer to fast track medical school': The Uni of Sydney has opened the door to a 18-Nov-10 Central Western Daily partnership with CSU to establish a medical school in Orange.
18-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p2, No skeletons in CSU excavation-calcium deposits. NC10520
18-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser - supplement p3, CSU Cheese making workshop for kids. NC10521 Monthly Media Summary Report Page 30 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p13, 'CSU partnership': brief item in Regional News & Views section, noting that the University of Sydney 19-Nov-10 Western Advocate has opened the door to a partnership with CSU to establish a medical school at CSU in Orange.
10.10am interview with Professor David Fryer from the CSU School of Psychology in Bathurst re his 19-Nov-10 ABC Western Plains/Dubbo work in community critical psychology and his public lecture in Bathurst on Wednesday evening.
ABC Goulburn Murray 19-Nov-10 mornings Interview with The Reverend Professor James Haire on proposal for same-sex marriage in Australia.
Live-to-air interview with ILWS Professor Mark Morrison on environmental and economic returns with 19-Nov-10 ABC Riverina mornings more river being returned to the Murray River as part of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. ‘Professor backs medical school': Charles Sturt University (CSU) plans to go it alone with its medical school in Orange, the Vice-Chancellor said yesterday. Professor Ian Goulter said CSU planned to develop its medical program internally, as it had done with other courses in dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy and veterinary science. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/professor-backs-medical- 19-Nov-10 Central Western Daily school/2002810.aspx p3, ‘Two years to establish school’: The executive consultant for CSU's proposed medical school has dismissed the University of Sydney's claims that it will take 10 years to establish the school without a 19-Nov-10 Central Western Daily partner university.
19-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p2, Brief on CSU staff join "go home on time" campaign. NC10519
20-Nov-10 Border Mail - Country Mail p58, 'Events’: Mention of Dr Alison Southwell presenting at Evergraze Field Day on 23 November. p10, ‘Your say - Home-grown doctors the right medicine’: In the discussions around solving the rural doctor crisis, it is important to note that the Uni of Sydney has not proposed to partner CSU to establish a 20-Nov-10 Central Western Daily new medical school in Orange and Bathurst.
p3, ‘Professor backs medical school’: CSU plans to go it alone with its medical school in Orange, the 20-Nov-10 Central Western Daily Vice-Chancellor said yesterday.
20-Nov-10 Daily Advetiser p20, CSU archives regular feature. NC10523
20-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p21, Mention of CSU photography exhibition at Wagga Art Gallery. NC10522
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 31 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
9.20am Interview with Associate Professor Michael Gard from the CSU School of Human Movement Studies in Bathurst about his new book The End of the Obesity Epidemic, which argues that the scale of 22-Nov-10 2BS the obesity problem has been selectively emphasised by elements of the health industry.
p4, ‘Project films Orange life’: Students at the school spent last week working with staff from CSU on a 22-Nov-10 Central Western Daily series of short films made using mobile phone technology. ‘Council questions land policy': … When the idea was first floated by the government, the then Department of Primary Industries planned to use land at Charles Sturt University in addition to the remaining land at Orange Agricultural Institute. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/council-questions-land- 22-Nov-10 Central Western Daily policy/2003781.aspx
‘Project films Orange life': … Students at the school spent last week working with staff from Charles Sturt University (CSU) on a series of short films made using mobile phone technology. 22-Nov-10 Central Western Daily http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/project-films-orange-life/2003813.aspx
Interview with Dr Emma Rush on talk she gave on sexualisation of children and young people to the 22-Nov-10 ABC Riverina mornings Spirituality in the Pub (Wagga Wagga) group on Sunday 21 November. p3, ‘CSU calling for student services fees’: CSU is one of seven regional universities calling on the 22-Nov-10 Daily Liberal Senate to support the re-introduction of fees for student services. 11.35am interview with CSU V-C Professor Ian Goulter about the reintroduction of student service fees 23-Nov-10 2DU Dubbo after the federal parliament approved the Bill last week.
‘Sudanese men learn from information day': A four-month consultation process, conducted by Charles Sturt University student Sally Taylor, identified difficulties finding work as the prevailing concern among Sudanese men, ahead of issues such as affordable housing, cultural orientation and English language training. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/sudanese-men-learn-from- 23-Nov-10 Central Western Daily information-day/2004732.aspx ‘HELPING HAND - Sam Little, St John Ambulance': … With year 12 now under his belt Sam said he was eager to undergo nursing studies at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst next year. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/helping-hand-sam-little-st-john- 23-Nov-10 Central Western Daily ambulance/2004739.aspx
‘Many Miles Away - edoT': … 'Many Miles Away' was one of the highlights of their set at the 2010 Wagga Wagga Jazz and Blues Festival. The video was made in collaboration with Charles Sturt University TV 23-Nov-10 ABC Riverina online production students and staff. With pics http://www.abc.net.au/local/videos/2010/11/23/3074144.htm
23-Nov-10 Prime News Interview re shortage of Ag graduates with John Kent, Head School Agricultural and Wine Sciences
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 32 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
23-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p24, CSU IT regular feature. NC10518 p7, ‘No union disadvantages rural students: Goulter’ CSU VC Ian Goulter says rural students will be 23-Nov-10 Daily Liberal further disadvantaged if union fees aren't reinstated.
p9, ‘Helping Hand’: With year 12 now under his belt Sam said he was eager to undergo nursing studies 23-Nov-10 Central Western Daily at CSU in Bathurst next year. ‘Gay acceptance over time': … As debate over the legalisation of same-sex marriages continues, Charles Sturt University social science expert Dr Catherine Strong said over time as more and more young people assume positions of power, it will become “a non-issue”. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/gay-acceptance-over- 24-Nov-10 Central Western Daily time/2006129.aspx p17, 'Link-up on climate': Mention of CSU at Thurgoona as venue for international youth conference on 24-Nov-10 Border Mail climate change, linking with similar meetings in India and across Australia.
24-Nov-10 Prime News Wagga Wagga Interviews with CSU staff on excessive workloads at CSU and possible effects on student learning. p7, ‘Gay acceptance over time’: As debate over the legistlation of same-sex marriages continues, CSU social science expert Dr Catherine Strong said over time as more and more young people assume 24-Nov-10 Central Western Daily positions of power, it will become "a non-issue".
p11, ‘Uni staff's carbon challenge, our town our university’: Staff at CSU are being challenged to help 24-Nov-10 Central Western Daily reduce the university's carbon footprint.
p16, 'Build it and they will come': needed for Bells - Mr McIntosh, a former mayor of Bathurst and CSU 24-Nov-10 Daily Liberal vice-chancellor, was at the first meeting of the Bells Line Expressway Action Group in Orange in 1998. p5, 'Academic challenges validity of obesity epidemic': story about the new book, The End of the Obesity Epidemic, by CSU lecturer and researcher Associate Professor Michael Gard from the School of Human 24-Nov-10 Western Advocate Movement Studeis in Bathurst.
p7, 'Politicians with vision required': story about Bells Line of Road community consultations in Lithgow and Orange at which participant, Mr Ian McIntosh, is described as former mayor of Bathurst and Charles 24-Nov-10 Western Advocate Sturt University vice-chancellor'. (He is Pro Vice-Chancellor) p14, 'Workloads 'will impact on learning'': A chronic culture of excessive workloads at CSU may have an 25-Nov-10 Border Mail adverse effect on student's learning …
25-Nov-10 Daily Adveriser p2, Brief on CSU students assisting refugees with language & literacy skills. NC10516
25-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser P4, Brief on CSU loaning inflatable movie screen to Suicide prevention awareness/fundraiser. NC10517 Monthly Media Summary Report Page 33 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p8, ‘Student's rental crisis’: CSU student Pip Crampton knows all too well the difficulty in finding 25-Nov-10 Central Western Daily accommodation in Bathurst. p5, ‘Oral health begins at home‘: Dr Sabrina Manickam, a senior lecturer in dentistry with CSU, said she had routinely performed teeth extractions for children under five in her former role as clinical director of 25-Nov-10 Central Western Daily oral health services for GWAHS.
ABC Goulburn Murray Interview with law expert Dr Bede Harris on the constitutional and legal ramifications of same sex 26-Nov-10 mornings marriage legislation.
‘Broadband network to aid uni expansion': CHARLES Sturt University (CSU) will use the national broadband network to expand its science programs in the areas of tele-health and medicine. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/broadband-network-to-aid-uni- 26-Nov-10 Central Western Daily expansion/2009445.aspx
‘Community input into medical school school': COMMUNITIES in western New South Wales will be consulted on the development of Charles Sturt University’s proposed medical school. The university has established a committee that will consult with regional communities on what health services they need, and what they hope to gain from the medical school if it is approved for federal funding. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/community-input-into-medical-school- 26-Nov-10 Central Western Daily school/2009449.aspx
‘Rural Resilience': … Social researcher Jonathan Howard from Charles Sturt University, say resilience is ABC Western Plains Rural produced by a combination of social, natural and financial capital and infrastructure. 26-Nov-10 Report http://www.abc.net.au/rural/regions/content/201011/3077021.htm
ABC Western Plains Rural ‘Rural Resilience': … Social researcher Jonathan Howard from Charles Sturt University, says resilience 26-Nov-10 Report is produced by a combination of social, natural and financial capital and infrastructure. p5, 'Quite a change for budding teachers': Several CSU education students recently returned to the 26-Nov-10 News Weekly Border after a unique work placement experience.
p10, letter to the editor, ‘Best approach for rural medicine’: We welcome CSU's interest in the rural medical workforce and medical student training and congratulate them on the great job they have done with nursing and allied health training, as well as their impressive initiatives in the area of rural dentistry. 27-Nov-10 Central Western Daily from Gabriel Shannon, sub dean School of Rural Health Orange.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 34 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
p4, ‘Broadband network to aid uni expansion’: CSU will use the national broadband network to expand its 27-Nov-10 Central Western Daily science programs in the areas of tele-health and medicine.
27-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p2, Brief on CSU students helping refugees with language and literacy. NC10514
27-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p8, CSU celebrates 20 years of IT. NC10515
‘Health advocate backs CSU medical school': The chair of the Blayney Health Council has described a proposal to establish a medical school at Charles Sturt University as the most innovative solution to the rural doctor crisis. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/health-advocate- 28-Nov-10 Central Western Daily backs-csu-medical-school/2010149.aspx
‘Broadband an essential': Peter Adams, an adjunct researcher with Charles Sturt University and an e- business strategist, thinks broadband needs to be seen as essential infrastructure in the same way as sewerage, roads and dams. http://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/news/local/news/general/broadband- 28-Nov-10 Central Western Daily an-essential/2010152.aspx ABC Goulburn Murray 29-Nov-10 mornings Regular segment on the English language with speech pathologist Libby Clark. p5, ‘Health advocate backs CSU medical school’: The chair of the Blayney Health Council has described a proposal to establish a medical school at CSU as the most innovative solution to the rural doctor crisis. "When I sat down at the launch I can honestly say I have never been more impressed by a program in 29-Nov-10 Central Western Daily my entire life," Audrey Hardman said.
p24, 'In swim with fish habits': A CSU ecologist has begun research that could have implications for the 30-Nov-10 Border Mail - Education Mail future of native fish including the iconic Murray Cod.
p24, 'Students AVID to learn and now study': Students addressed principals at a meeting CSU on an 30-Nov-10 Border Mail - Education Mail international project to encourage kids at school.
30-Nov-10 Daily Advertiser p24, Regular IT column by CSU lecturers Ken Eustace and Geoff Fellows. NC10511 30-Nov-10 Prime - Wagga Wagga Story on new Professor of Medical Imaging Rob Davidson appointed at CSU.
p4, Uni stubs out more areas where smokers can light up - It's not so much a case of where you can 27-Nov-11 Weekend Liberal smoke, by where you can't smoke at CSU campuses, including the one in Dubbo. News story about the completed CSU Dental Clinic in Bathurst which is ready to begin service in 2011. Includes interview with Professor David Wilson Head of the CSU School of Dentistry and Health 29-Nov-10 WIN News Orange Sciences.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 35 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing MEDIA REPORT
News story about 20 years of computing change at CSU, including an interview with Director of the 29-Nov-10 WIN TV News computing centre at CSU in Bathurst Mr Brian Robson.
Monthly Media Summary Report Page 36 November 2010 Prepared by CSU Media, Division of Marketing