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Porterville College

Porterville College College Learning Council Minutes September 12, 2005

Present: Steve Schultz, Lori Barker, Donna Berry, Michael Carley, Jim Carson, Chris Craig, Antonia Ecung, Jeff Gervasi, Bill Henry, Jeff Keele, Mary Jo Jordan, Val Lombardi, Chris (Buzz) Piersol, Susan Regier, Rosemary Viotto, Ann Marie Wagstaff, Gary Wallace, Carol Wilkins, Danny Sciacqua, Steven Rivas, Kathie Gifford

I. Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Val Lombardi

II. Minutes Approved- Approved

III. Agenda Approved- Added: Update on President Search, Update on Enrollment, Update on Budget Development Working Group Recommendations (handout).

IV. Reports a. President’s Cabinet-NONE b. Academic Senate-NONE c. CSEA-NONE d. Curriculum Committee-. Buzz – At the last meeting 2 wks ago they elected Chair Elect: Sara French-Unser. Sara will serve next year and the year after. The committee has discussed Porterville College’s General Education/ Graduation Requirements. They assigned a group to defining the criteria for the requirements. Discussion will continue at next the next Curriculum Committee meeting. e. CCA-Buzz – Nothing new to report. The Convocation on Friday September 9, 2005 was well received. They will be sending out evaluations to be completed by attendees. Many compliments were received regarding the discipline meetings. f. IT-NONE g. Budget Report- Donna Berry reported she received word on FTES from Tom Burke. Tom is working on reallocations and hopes to have new figures completed by end of week. Donna is anticipating a change in funding allocations to present at a tentative BRTF meeting on Monday September 19, 2005. Donna is hoping to book a room and have training on the new approval process for division chairs and individuals who will be doing Purchase Order approval. h. ASPC- Steven Rivas reported the Welcome Back Bar-B-Q was very successful and he thanked everyone for their support and help. Coming events: October – ASPC would like to have a booth set up at the Porterville Festival. Anthony Hanna appointed a new Senator of Health Services. This leaves only three (3) open positions remaining in the ASPC. i. Title V- NONE j. Title V/COS- Antonia – Michelle Hart is working with faculty to set up a schedule of classes for next year. They have discussed first year student experiences for LISTO students and expect that will start next Fall. SMART classes are going fine; they will continue offering the Archeology course. They are looking for a permanent person to sit in on class and facilitate instructor needs from off site. Porterville College College Learning Council Minutes September 12, 2005 Cont. Page 2

IV. Reports cont.

k. Facility Planning-NONE l. Accreditation-Steve encouraged everyone to continue working on their sections. All research should be done and reports should be done by end of the Fall semester. m. Program Review- Steve will email a list of program reviews to be completed.

V. Old Business: a. Update on Pres Search- They have several applications to review. Ratings need to be done by Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. and sent to the District Office. The screening committee is meeting this Thursday to select applicants for interviews. They are hoping for interviews to begin the first week of October. b. Update on Enrollment-. We have positive news about the FTES recalculations. We still need to grow to 1% this year to meet our goal. We still need to push for increased Spring enrollment. Steve would like to have suggestions for late starting classes that might increase FTES. c. Budget Development Working Group: This working group was recently formed to evaluate the process of budget development in an effort to foster college- wide participation in the development of the budget and to ensure the CLC’s responsibility in the general oversight of the budget. The recommendations of the group are: Restructuring the CLC meetings to eliminate reports not necessary to CLC function. Reinstate the Budget Planning and Review subcommittee to report to the CLC, and institute a 2+2+2 approach to CLC subcommittees.

VI. New Business: a. Student Assistance Program: Danny Sciacqua handed out an assessment of needs he prepared from surveys with the student population of Porterville College. There is a great need for a mental health counselor on our college campus. We have an opportunity to have Barry Sommer a local therapist, work with the students at Porterville College. Everyone agreed there is a great need on campus for a therapist. There was a consensus to support starting a Student Assistance Program at Porterville College. b. MDRC Grant Proposal – Antonia reported on the MDRC Grant related to student services; it is for a maximum of $100,000.00 per year for 3 years. The grant would focus on support for our transfer center purchasing things such as: programs, supplies, technology, and advising software. Our campus fits the criteria for this grant. CLC is supportive of the concept but would like more information to review. The grant must be done by 9/26/05 so there is a time constraint. Mike will email a draft of the grant to CLC members to review. By consensus, the CLC tentatively supports the MDRC pending review of the grant by the CLC membership. Porterville College College Learning Council Minutes September 12, 2005 cont. Page 3

VI. New Business cont. c. CLC list review membership: The list of positions was slightly modified and the report will be adjusted. Recommendations are: Adding a Human Resources representative, DRC Director, Curriculum Chair, and changing ASPC President to read ASPC President or Designee, and deleting ASPC Vice-President, changing Network Manager to IT Technician. d. FTES Accounting: Virginia was not able to be here and will be put on the next agenda under new business to discuss the FTES accounting. Steve recommended making one change in policy in the Academic Guidebook to say instructors will not take a break within the last hour of class time as this affects the FTES accounting. CLC passed the recommendation by consensus.

VII. Future Agenda Items: a. Campus Vendor/Visitor Policy Report- Antonia b.

VIII. Meeting adjourned at 4:44 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kathie Gifford

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