Dear Parents and Students s25

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Dear Parents and Students s25

Dear Parents and Students

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your student to 7th grade science at Bennett Middle School. I am sure you are as excited as I am to begin our learning adventure in this wonderful middle school community. I am hoping that your student will take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities open to him/her during their middle school experience. The supplies needed for science class are due by Monday, September 11, 2017/Tuesday, September 12, 2017 and will be necessary for class that day. We will be using composition book to help you organize your child’s science work. To make your child’s experience in science a successful one, they need to be familiar with the following expectations and procedures.

Expectations and Procedures for Mrs. Fodor’s Science Class

BE PREPARED: Have your materials with you. For science, this includes: *composition book or other notebook for organization of notes, labs, etc. *1 two-pocket folder *loose-leaf notebook paper *1 agenda (for keeping track of homework, projects, important dates, etc.) *Several sharpened #2 pencils with erasers (No Mechanical Pencils Please!) *box of tissues *hand soap/hand sanitizer *Clorox wipes As the year goes on I may be asking students to bring in household items like: gal. Milk jugs, 2-liter soda bottles, shoeboxes with separate lids, and so on. I will send home a list later.

BE ON TIME: When the bell rings, you should be in your seat writing a response to the daily warm-up. Any materials necessary for class should be on you desk. Once the bell rings, there should be no one out of his/her seat and no one talking. It will result in lateness to class if you are out of your seat when the bell rings. The third lateness will result in a detention and the fourth lateness is an office referral (this is county policy).

BE RESPECTFUL: You are expected to treat each other and me with courtesy and respect. This includes being respectful of the classroom and the contents of the room. Make sure you ask before you do.

CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING CLASS AND TEAM RULES: 1st time – warning 2nd time – detention (with a written notice to be taken home/phone call home) 3rd time – student/parent conference 4th time – office referral

PARTICIPATION: I expect each student to work to his or her highest potential. Nothing else will be tolerated . This includes being actively involved during class. The more you are involved in the class, the more successful you will be.

MAKE-UP WORK: You must request make-up for what you missed on the day you return from being absent. It is YOUR responsibility to see that make-up work is requested AND completed within the number of days equal to the days of the absence. See Student Handbook for complete make-up work policy. Grades: Summative Assessments: Students will be given formal and informal assessments during the units of study. Students will be asked to apply what they have learned to show their understanding of the topic and their use of critical thinking skills. Students are being assessed throughout the unit of study using lab/project analysis and conclusions along with tests/quizzes Formative Assessments will consist of classwork, homework, reading and writing, activities, labs, and projects. It can range from individual work to partner and/or group work. Homework will be posted on the homework board and my wikispace (see below).

GRADING SYSTEM: All grades are based on a point system. An assignment will be worth a certain number of points that will vary depending on the length and/or difficulty of the assignment. On your paper, you will receive the number of points earned out of the total points possible. The grading scale is as follows: 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 0% - 59% = E

The following are the weights given to each area: Formative Assessments 50%, and Summative Assessments 50%.

At the midpoint of the marking period, you will receive a progress report. If at any time you have a question or concern about you grade, I will be glad to discuss it with you. Please make sure you have access to parent portal so that you can have access to your student assignments/grades.

I have a Wikispace which will contain all important papers, websites, homework assignments (dates assigned and due dates), and other important information and updates. All papers/documents will be available for download/printing. If a student loses a handout, letter, assignment, etc. you will be able to reprint it from the wikispace. The wikispace address is

Electronic Device/Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in my classroom for any reason. As a new school we have sufficient technology so that smartphones, smartwatches, iPhone, etc. will not be necessary. Student will be asked to leave their phones (un-necessary electronic) in their lockers. If a student has an electronic device deemed a possible disruption to class he/she will be given a pass to take that item to their locker. Classwork missed while taking the item to the locker will be their responsibility to makeup. I also have a sealed container for electronic devices. Items placed in the container at the beginning of class will be given back at the end of class with no penalty. The code of conduct will be applied with noncompliance of this classroom policy.

Thank You, Mrs. Barbara A. Fodor 410-677-5140 [email protected] Tentative Science Timeline for 2017-2018 School Year:

Term 1 9/5-11/7 Physical Science- Waves, Electricity, and Magnetism Term 2 11/8-1/26 Earth Systems Term 3 1/30-4/6 Astronomy Term4 4/9-6/12 Ecology Expectations and Procedures for Mrs. Fodor’s Science Class Please return this portion of the letter no later than Tuesday 9-12-17. Thank you! This is a homework grade. Both student and parent (guardian) signatures are required.

I have read the above expectations and procedures and I understand what is expected of me.

Student signature______Date______

I have read the above expectations and procedures and I understand what is expected of my student.

Parent signature______Date______

Parent signature______Date______

E-mail______(This is the best and most consistent way to keep in contact.)

Phone Numbers: Daytime______


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