COMMUNITY VISIONING MEETING (Held Prior to Community Meeting)

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COMMUNITY VISIONING MEETING (Held Prior to Community Meeting)

COMMUNITY VISIONING MEETING (Held prior to community meeting)

PRESENT: Roger McKinnon, Edward and Anna Hayward-Smith, Fiona Morton, Geoff Le Quesne, Marcia Gresham, Steve Bielski, Shelley Dew-Hopkins, Kate Gee-Taylor, Sandy and Floyd Batten, Mike Bourke, Bridgette Murphy, Jim Richards, Janine Hawthorn (MDC), Wayne Ellery (MDC Liaison Clr), Ross Brannigan (HRC), Marc Tomes (Boffa Miskell), Adam Rider (DoC), Claire Stewart (MDC)

APOLOGIES: Norma and Vernon Gladstone-Brown, Ngaire Hancock, Sheldon and Nicola Martin, Greg Clifton, Mary Bielski, Cr Alison Short, Peter Mangold.

Community Planning – Visioning Process Using the acronym GROW (Goal, Reality, Opportunities & Way forward) three break out groups completing an exercise with Marc Tomes, an Environmental Planner and Landscape Architect from Boffa Miskell. The ideas were presented back to the wider group. Some common themes were very apparent in each presentation.

Action: Marc will take information away and collate it to be presented back to the Community. Suggested that the hall could be opened up to present this information back to those who were unable to attend, and also to allow their input. These presentation boards could be also available for viewing on the website, could potentially be available for viewing in the Memorial Hall on Playgroup days, and also available in the Hall if a Community Cricket match goes ahead.

Final plan ready late in February/March, to allow time to feed into the Long Term Planning process.

Community Civil Defence Ross Brannigan (HRC – Emergency Management Officer) gave a general overview of how the Civil Defence networks would work in the event of an emergency. He tabled Himatangi Beach’s Emergency Management Plan as an example. Ross will like to work with the Community to determine what emergency management needs there are, and how he can assist.

Ross will attend the next community meeting with a draft emergency management plan for the Community which can be commented on and added to. E.g. if the hall is the Civil Defence spot, is a generator required etc.


PRESENT: Roger McKinnon, Edward and Anna Hayward-Smith, Fiona Morton, Geoff Le Quesne, Marcia Gresham, Steve Bielski, Shelley Dew-Hopkins, Kate Gee-Taylor, Sandy and Floyd Batten, Mike Bourke, Bridgette Murphy, Jim Richards, Janine Hawthorn (MDC), Wayne Ellery (MDC Liaison Clr), Ross Brannigan (HRC – until 8.20pm), Marc Tomes (Boffa Miskell – until 8.20pm), Adam Rider (DoC), Claire Stewart (MDC)

APOLOGIES: Norma and Vernon Gladstone-Brown, Ngaire Hancock, Sheldon and Nicola Martin, Greg Clifton, Mary Bielski, Cr Alison Short, Peter Mangold.

PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes from the previous meeting of 3 September 2014 taken as read. Headings noted. Carried: Steve Bielski/Marcia Gresham


1. Flag pole Shelley advised that Peter Mangold has looked at the pole. To restore it was estimated at around $1000. 1 Action: Shelley, Roger McKinnon, Michael Bourke and Peter to make decision regarding feasibility of repair – budget of $200. If not feasible within budget then other flag pole to be sourced. This group is to make final decision on best option. All agreed.

Action: Steve Bielski to register Community’s interest in other flag pole that has been offered.

Noted: Flag pole needs to be installed before ANZAC Day 2015

2. Grants Awaiting outcome of three grants – response expected by early December for all (Timers, Heating/Insulation and Toilets).

3. Hall painting Painting has been completed using the funds from MDC. A total of $2,700 was spent on this. Only behind the stage area requires painting.

4. Signage project Ready for installation around district.

5. Septic Tank Steve will continue to liaise with MDC where appropriate to get this sorted. It was noted that the toilet upgrade will require an upgrade of the septic tanks if a shower is to be installed.

6. School Buildings Community advised via email that demolition has been set down for late November/Early December and if people are interested in any of the materials they are to contact Richard Nowland from Darroch’s directly on 04 576 4468 or via email [email protected]


7. Bush Reserve – Department of Conservation Adam Riding from DoC Palmerston North gave a general overview of how the Bush Reserve (and other reserves in Rangiwahia) would need to be managed into the future. DoC need to ensure that all works undertaken in Reserves are carried out to a certain standard, and to do this a Management Plan for the Bush would need to be created.

A Trust would be formulated to ‘give effect’ to the Management Plan. Liability insurance would be required to cover community members undertaking work in the bush.

Some wider issues and concerns were raised regarding the Bush in respect of adequate fencing, stock access, the interrelation between different agencies (DoC, MDC, HRC, Community members, Neighbouring landowners). Some of these matters will be taken up directly with DoC by those most concerned.

Adam clarified that a management plan would be required for each bush reserve as the work needed to be ‘tailored’ to the needs of that particular patch of bush.

Attendees at the meeting were concerned with the additional pressure on a small resource (population) in order to achieve what was felt was DoC’s responsibility.

It was also queried as to what would happen if the Community chooses not to form a Trust, and what would happen to the bush. Adam confirmed that no further work could occur until a management plan was in place, alongside a Trust to run it.

Some uncertainty as to where the costs fell in respect to establish a Trust, ongoing costs, insurance etc. It seems likely that all of these costs will fall to the Trust, which in turn would mean that the Trust would need to fundraise. However Adam did advise that with a Management Plan in place it should be easier to source funding from grants.

Outcome: Adam to provide further information/more detail back to the Community to enable adequate consideration of options moving forward.

Addendum: This information has been requested from Adam, and will be forwarded on when received.

8. MDC Update Wayne Ellery provided an update to the meeting regarding the Mangaweka Bridge and the Mangarere Road Bridge. These emails are attached to these minutes.

9. Community Communication Meeting agreed that they would like to see increased community communication by way of a paper newsletter. It was suggested once a month would be appreciated. Fiona to check with Nic Martin as to whether she is willing to do this. As agreed at a previous community meeting costs associated with paper and ink will be met by the hall account. If necessary, sponsorship of the newsletter could be investigated. An updated phonelist was requested. It was thought that the first letter should be in paper, with people to advise if they would prefer to receive it in electronic format

10. Fire brigade services It was noted that people were unaware of what level of service the fire brigade can offer to the Community in case of medical emergency, and what the Community should request when dialling 111. Fiona to pass this information onto Sheldon Martin.

11. Roading An area of concern has been identified at the one way bridge between Travers’ and Sweet’s, where when travelling towards Mangaweka there is limited visibility and poor signage on the Travers’ side of the bridge. Requested that Council look into this.

The meeting ended at 9.45 pm.

***Next Meeting: Maybe Wednesday 25th February. Will include input into Community Civil Defence Response Plan, and a report on the Visioning process***

Secretary, Fiona Morton


1. Please investigate and remedy the roading signage and visibility issue identified in item 11 above. 2. What is the Earthquake rating of the hall?


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