States of Consciousness, Sensation & Perception, Biology of Psych, Research Methods, & History

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States of Consciousness, Sensation & Perception, Biology of Psych, Research Methods, & History

Name:______Date:______Pre-Test States of Consciousness, Sensation & Perception, Biology of Psych, Research Methods, & History

Define: define the words below to the best of your ability. (3 pts)


Vocabulary: Choose the term from the list below that best matches each of the following statements. (1 pts each)

A. Addiction D. Descriptive F. Inferential Stats I. Theory B. Consciousness Stats G. Reliability J. Validity C. Dependence E. Ethics H. Repression

_____ 1. The state an individual experiences when increasing doses of a drug is required to prevent withdrawal.

_____ 2. Are gathered in the process of observation and description of behavior.

_____ 3. An overwhelming desire or need to continue the use of a drug/chemical.

_____ 4. Rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or towards a particular group/culture.

_____ 5. Awareness of yourself and your environment.

_____ 6. An experiments ability to produce results that were sound and cogent.

_____ 7. A defense mechanism that attempts to quell thoughts, feelings, and memories of anxiety from conscious contemplation.

_____ 8. Are generated in an attempt to explain and predict behavior.

_____ 9. The formulation of an underlying principle of an observed phenomenon, which has been verified.

_____ 10. A test’s ability to produce accurate, dependable results.

Main Idea Review: Four choices are given for each statement or question below. Select the best answer. (1 pt per question)

1. _____ Structuralism is to ______, as Functionalism is to ______. a. Freud – Skinner b. Watson – Maslow c. Wundt – James d. Darwin – Piaget e. Aserinsky – Dement

2. _____Abraham Maslow proposed the idea that some motives are more imperative to survival than others. Which of the following approaches expresses this? a. Homeostatic regulation b. Hierarchy of needs c. Cognitive dissonance d. Expectancy-value e. Goal-setting

3. _____Which of the following exemplifies the issue of the relative importance of nature and nurture on behavior? a. The issue of relative influence of biology and experience on behavior. b. The issue of the relative influence of rewards and punishments on behavior. c. The debate as to the relative importance of heredity and instinct in determining behavior. d. The debate as to whether mental processes are a legitimate are of scientific study. e. The degree to which unconscious motives versus potential consequences shape human behavior.

4. _____The correlation between two observed variables is (0.87). From this, it can be concluded that: a. As one variable increases, the other is likely to increase, showing a direct relationship. b. As one variable increases, the other is likely to decrease, showing an inverse relationship. c. The two variables do not seem to be correlated. d. One variable causes the other variable to occur. e. One variable causes the other variable not to occur.

5. _____Which of the following types of psychologists were the first to contend that an individual’s ways of thinking was shaped by how the brain/mind perceived sensory information.? a. Structuralists b. Sociobiologists c. Ethologists d. Behaviorists e. Anthropologists

6. _____Which of the following are most directly designed to help determine whether the findings of a study reflect a truly replicable phenomenon rather than the outcomes of chance processes? a. Descriptive statistics b. Extraneous variables c. Inferential statistics d. P-values (Pearson Coefficients of Correlation) e. Standard deviation

7. _____The gland, sometimes referred to as the “master gland,” which regulates much of the action of the other endocrine glands is referred to as the: a. Adrenal b. Lymph c. Pancreas d. Pituitary e. Thyroid

8. _____The Gestalt concept of perceptual continuity refers to our tendency to see a. Objects near to each other as belonging to the same group. b. Objects that are closer to us as larger than objects that are farther away. c. Fluid or complete forms rather than irregular or incomplete ones. d. Similar-looking objects as part of the same group. e. Two slightly different images from each of our eyes.

9. _____Which of the following accurately states the order of transmission of visual information? a. Optic nerveretina cornearods & cones b. Retinacornea pupiloptic nerve c. Rods/Conesretinaoptic nerveretina d. Fovearods/conesoptic nervecornea e. Cornearetinarods/conesoptic nerve

10. _____Which of the following represents the correct order of auditory transmission from the time the sound is first hear to when it is processed in the brain? a. Oval windowCochleaTympanic MembraneAuditory NerveAuditory Canal b. Pinna Tympanic MembraneOssicles CochleaAuditory Nerve c. Auditory CanalAuditory NerveCochleaTympanic MembraneOssicles d. Tympanic MembraneOval WindowCochleaAuditory NerveAuditory Canal e. CochleaOssiclesOval WindowAuditory NerveAuditory Canal

11. _____The semicircular canals of the inner ear are important for helping a person maintain: a. Balance b. Melatonin c. Olfaction d. Tone quality e. Transduction 12. _____Hilgard’s experiment demonstrated the presence of a “hidden observer” is evidence for which of the following theories? a. Role theory of hypnosis b. Levels theory of consciousness c. Recuperative theory of sleep d. Dissociation theory of hypnosis e. State theory of dreaming

13. _____In comparison to the elderly, babies a. Spend more time in stage 1, which causes them to awaken easily. b. Sleep more deeply; they spend more time in stage 3 and 4 sleep. c. Spend more time in REM sleep than other sleep stages. d. Sleep more fitfully; they tend to wake up more often. e. Sleep roughly the same amount of hours in a 24 hour period.

14. _____Which level of consciousness contains sexual urges and/or aggressive tendencies? a. Non-consciousness b. Consciousness c. Preconsciousness d. Unconsciousness e. Auto-neuralconsciousness

15. _____The cluster of brain cells that control the circadian rhythm are referred to as the a. Adenosine b. Amygdala c. Librium d. Psilocybin e. Superchiasmatic nucleus

16. _____People who struggle with depression often have trouble sleeping in part because of a. Elevated endorphin levels b. Decreased GABA levels c. Depleted epinephrine levels d. Increased dopamine levels e. Low serotonin levels

17. _____An obese individual with a breathing-related sleep disorder most likely suffers from which of the following? a. Narcolepsy b. Hypersomnia c. Insomnia d. Sleep Apnea e. Hypnotic susceptibility

18. _____If IHS football players dreamt about their loss to Sioux City East on the bus ride home from their game last Wednesday evening, they dreams supported the: a. Physiological theory b. Information-processing theory c. Activation-synthesis law d. Manifest content theory e. Homeostatic theory

19. _____A cognitive neuroscientist would be most likely to have subjects’ _____ to determine which brain areas are active during different mental tasks. a. Discuss their most recent dreams b. Utilize a technique called “priming” c. Undergo MRI, PET or EEG testing d. Take a psychoactive drug e. Report on their ideas by using introspection 20. _____An attorney wants to know if the details and accuracy of an eyewitness’s memory for a crime would be improved under hypnosis. Give the results of relevant research, what should you tell the attorney? a. Hypnotically retrieved memories are usually more accurate than conscious memories. b. Most hypnotically retrieved memories are either false or contaminated. c. Most Hypnotically retrieved memories are purely the product of the subject’s imagination. d. Hypnosis only improves memory of anxiety-provoking childhood events. e. Hypnosis is only valid in treating “addictive” behaviors such as smoking, gambling, or obsessive- compulsive tendencies.

Matching: Choose the term that best matches the description listed. Each term should be used twice. (1 pts each)

A. Depressants B. Stimulants C. Hallucinogens

_____ 1. Drug/chemical that produces excitation.

_____ 2. Examples include: marijuana, “shrooms”, LSD, & PCP.

_____ 3. Drug/chemical that reduces functional activity; produces insensitivity.

_____ 4. Examples include: caffeine, cigarettes, meth & cocaine.

_____ 5. Drug/chemical that produces false perceptions in any one of the five senses

_____ 6. Examples include: alcohol, heroin, & Rhodypnol; sometimes called downers or sedatives.

Matching: Choose the individual from the list below that best matches their accomplishment or invention. (1 pts each)

A. Clinical E. Educational J. Industrial/Organizational B. Counseling F. Personality K. Consumer C. Developmental G. Social L. Forensic D. School H. Experimental M. Health I. Environmental

_____ 1. Psychologist who typically works with school districts or state governments to develop the most effect curriculum, instruction and assessment tools for teachers to implement.

_____ 2. Psychologists who are employed by universities to perform research in to basic processes of psychology (learning, motivation, memory, etc.).

_____ 3. Recently this category of psychologists have shifted their focus to studying the elderly in response to the growing number of individuals who are classified as such; but they might also investigate the influences of sleep deprivation on adolescents.

_____ 4. Psychologists who typically work with students, teachers and/or parents to develop individual learning plans in order to maximize the scholarship of students.

_____ 5. Often employed by lawyers or the government (local, state or federal), these psychologists are commonly trained in both psychology and criminal justice.

Identification: choose the term from the list below that best matches each of the following statements. (1 pts each)

A. Clairvoyance B. ESP C. Precognition D. Premonition E. Telepathy

_____ 1. The ability to perceive future events.

_____ 2. Transferring your thoughts to another person; or the ability to read someone’s mind.

_____ 3. The ability to perceive objects or events not present or affecting the person’s senses.

_____ 4. An ability to predict a future, usually unwelcome, outcome. _____ 5. Awareness of information about events external to the self not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience.

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