HCL Technical Questions

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HCL Technical Questions

HCL technical questions

1. Which of the following involves context switch,

(a) system call (b) priviliged instruction (c) floating poitnt exception (d) all the above (e) none of the above

Ans: (a)

2. In OST, terminal emulation is done in

(a) sessions layer (b) application layer (c) presentation layer (d) transport layer

Ans: (b)

3. For a� 25MHz processor , what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles,

(a)120 nano secs (b)120 micro secs (c)75 nano secs (d)75 micro secs

4. For 1 MB memory, the� number of address lines required,

(a)11 (b)16 (c)22 (d) 24

Ans. (b)

5. Semaphore is used for (a) synchronization (b) dead-lock avoidence (c) box (d) none

Ans. (a)

6. Which holds true for the following statement

���� class c: public A, public B a) 2 member in class A, B should not have same name b) 2 member in class A, C should not have same name c) both d) none

Ans. (a)

HCL java questions

7. Question related to java

8. OLE is used in a) inter connection in unix b) interconnection in WINDOWS c) interconnection in WINDOWS NT

9. Convert a given HEX number to OCTAL

10. Macros and function are related in what aspect?

(a)recursion (b)varying no of arguments (c)hypochecking (d)type declaration 11.Preproconia.. does not do which one of the following

(a) macro (b) conditional compliclation (c) in type checking (d) including load file

Ans. (c)

12. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence c) Acknowledgement d) retransmition

Ans. (c)

13. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represented with 8 bits

(a) -128 (b) -255 (c) -127 (d) 0

14. There is an employer table with key fields as employer number data ����� in every n'th row are needed for a simple following queries will get required results.

(a) select A employee number from employee A , where exists from employee B where A employee no. >= B ���� employee having (count(*) mod n)=0 (b) select employee number from employe A, employe B where A employe number>=B employ number ��� group by employee number having(count(*) mod n=0 ) (c) both (a) &a HCL SYSTEM SOFTWARE PAPER: 60 qs; 90 min. (4 sections) ******************************

NOTE : Please check answers once again. only this much i got , which is available here in iit-kgp

section 1.

1.which of the following involves context switch, a) system call b)priviliged instruction c)floating poitnt exception d)all the above e)none of the above ans: a

2.In OSI, terminal emulation is done in a)semion b)appl.. c)presenta... d)transport ans: b

3...... 25MHz processor , what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles, a)120 nano secs b)120 micro secs c)75 nano secs d)75 micro secs

4. For 1 MBmemory no of address lines required, a)11 b)16 c)22 d) 24 ans: 16

5. Semafore is used for a) synchronization b0 dead-lock avoidence c)box d) none ans : a

6. class c: public A, public B a) 2 member in class A,B shouldnot have same name b) 2 member in class A,C " '' '' '' c) both d) none ans : a

7. question related to java

8. OLE is used in a)inter connection in unix b)interconnection in WINDOWS c)interconnection in WINDOWS NT

9.No given in HEX ---- write it in OCTAL

10.macros and function are related in what aspect? a)recursion b)varying no of arguments c)hypochecking d)type declaration

11.preproconia.. does not do one of the following a)macro ...... b)conditional compliclation c)in type checking d)including load file ans: c

HCL Placement Papers | HCL Interview Procedure | HCL Aptitude Questions | HCL TechniHCLl Questions | HCL Interview Questions

SECTION B ______

1.enum day = { jan = 1 ,feb=4, april, may} what is the value of may? a)4 b)5 c)6 d)11 e)none of the above

2.main { int x,j,k; j=k=6;x=2; ans x=1 x=j*k; printf("%d", x);

3. fn f(x)

{ if(x<=0) return; ans fn(5) ....? else f(x-1)+x; }

4. i=20,k=0; for(j=1;j

5. int i =10 main() { int i =20,n; for(n=0;n<=i;) { int i=10 i++; } printf("%d", i); ans i=20

6. int x=5; y= x&y ( MULTIPLE CHOICE QS) ans : c

7. Y=10; if( Y++>9 && Y++!=10 && Y++>10) printf("...... Y); else printf("".... ) ans : 13 8. f=(x>y)?x:y a) f points to max of x and y b) f points to min of x and y c)error d) ...... ans : a

9. if x is even, then

(x%2)=0 x &1 !=1 x! ( some stuff is there) a)only two are correct b) three are correct c), d) .... ans : all are correct

10. which of the function operator cannot be over loaded a) <= b)?: c)== d)* ans: b and d

HCL Placement Papers | HCL Interview Procedure | HCL Aptitude Questions | HCL TechniHCLl Questions | HCL Interview Questions





THE TWO PARTIES MAY GO SOUTH&NORTH RESPECTIVELY AT ONE POINT EACH MAY PASS EACH OTHER THEN GAURDS CAN EXCHANGE 6 Q BASED ON THIS (8)pq-r/s =2 what is q inference a,n&d (a) a can do n units of work in strs,a&b can do n units of work in 2 hrs in how many hrs n units of work ans:3 hr 30 min p = (2s+r)/q ______main() { int var=25,varp; varp=&var; varp p = 10; fnc(varp) printf("%d%d,var,varp); } (a) 20,55(b) 35,35(c) 25,25(d)55,55

[ c++,c,dbms interview] [fundamentals] this is new paper ____ HCL Latest Placement Paper | January 2010 (Fresher Recruitment)

Directions (Q. 1-5): In each of the following number series one of the given numbers is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

1. 8 34 207 1661 16617 199417 1) 8 2) 34 3) 207 4) 1661 5) None of these

2. 7 75 395 2379 11879 47541 1) 7 2) 75 3) 395 4) 2379 5) None of these

3. 420 70 75 300 197 148.5 1) 70 2) 75 3) 300 4) 197 5) None of these

4. 9 21 51 155 540 2163 1) 9 2) 21 3) 51 4) 2163 5) None of these

5. 22 37 59 97 155 251 1) 37 2) 59 3) 97 4) 155 5) None of these

6. An angry Arjun carried some arrows for fighting with Bheeshm. With half the arrows, he cut down the arrows thrown by Bheeshm on him and with six other arrows he killed the Chariot driver of Bheeshm. With one arrow each he knocked down respectively the Chariot, the flag and the bow of Bheeshm. Finally, with one more than four times the square root of arrows he laid Bheeshm unconscious on an arrow bed. Find the total number of arrows Arjun had. 1) 100 2) 121 3) 144 4) 169 5) None of these

Directions (Q. 7-11): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Total population of a village is 64000. Out of this 65% is literate. 60% of the total population is male. Out of the total illiterate population, males and female are in the ratio 3:4

7. What is the ratio of illiterate females to literate ones? 1) 1:1 2) 1:2 3) 4:7 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

8. Among the males what is the ratio of literate ones to illiterate ones? 1) 3:1 2) 1:3 3) 9:4 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

9. What is the ratio of literate males to literate females? 1) 4:9 2) 9:4 3) 9:13 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

10. What is the total number of illiterate males? 1) 6400 2) 12800 3) 9600 4) 3200 5) None of these

11. What is the total number of literate females? 1) 6400 2) 12800 3) 9600 4) 3200 5) None of these

Directions (Q.12-16): Study the following table and answer the questions given below: Following table shows the rural population and the percentage of total population living in the rural areas of the country X.

Censes Population (in million) Percentage 1901 213 89.2 1911 246 89.7 1921 223 88.8 1931 246 88.0 1941 275 86.1 1951 299 82.7 1961 360 82.0 1971 439 80.1 1981 524 76.7 1991 629 74.2 2001 743 72.3

12. Approximately what was the urban population of country X in the census year 1981?1) 109 million 2) 129 million 3) 159 million 4) 218 million 5) 155 million

13. In which of the following census years was the population of the urban area 79 million? 1) 1951 2) 1961 3) 1971 4) 1981 5) 1991

14. Approximately what was total population of the country X in the census year 2001? 1) 1050 million 2) 1129 million 3) 1000 million 4) 743 million 5) 1029 million

15. The total population of the country X was approximately how much more in the census year 1931 with respect to the same in the census year 1921? 1) 23 million 2) 29 million 3) 25 million 4) 32 million 5) 34 million

16. The population of urban area in the census year 1941 was approximately what percent of the same in the census year 1951? 1) 55% 2) 60% 3) 62% 4) 65% 5) 70%

Passage(Questions From 17-21): A spate of soul-searching is guaranteed by two major anniversaries that loom this year: the abolition of the slave trade in the British empire in 1807, and the Act of Union of England and Scotland in 1707. Both will feed into Britain's nagging sense of self-doubt: who are we? As the debates around integrated and multi-culturalism show no sign of flagging, both anniversaries will be mind for their contemporary relevance. Television programmes, books, ceremonies, conferences, and newspaper supplements have been in the planning for months.

Some might regard this self-referentialism as tedious; they might advocate an apology for the slave trade and let's be done with 2007's anniversaries. But our reckoning with British history has been so limited that these two anniversaries provide us with a good opportunity for an overdue reality check.

Any chance of reinventing a plausible national identity now (as many are keen to do) is only possible if we develop a much better understanding of how our nation behaved in the past and how nationalisms (English, Scottish, and British) were elaborately created over the past few hundred years — and how incomplete and fragile that process always was.

The coincidence of these two anniversaries is fortuitous. The abolition of the slave trade is a painful reminder of British imperial history, which we have, incredible, managed to largely forget. Who remembers the Bengal famine or Hola camp, the empire's opium trade with China or our invention of concentration camps in the Boer war? We too easily overlook how empire was a linchpin to British national identity, vital to welding Scotland and England together. Indeed, historian Linda Colley suggests three ingredients for British identity: “Great Britain is an invented nation that was not founded on the suppression of older loyalties so much as superimposed on them, and that was heavily dependent for its raison d'etre on a broadly Protestant culture, on the treat and tonic of recurrent war, especially war with France, and on the triumphs, profits and Otherness represented by a massive overseas empire.”

These three props for Britishness have collapsed: Protestant Christianity has declined sharply, war with France is the pastime only of a few drunken football fans, and the empire is no more. No wonder Britishness is no the decline; over the past couple of decades, people have become increasingly likely to define themselves in polls as English or Scottish rather than British.

This is the social trend in defining identity that politicians such as Gordon Brown watch closely. Could this re-emergence of the older loyalties to which Ms Colley refers have political consequences? Could the Scottish National Party translate that into significant electoral gains in the Scottish elections only a few days after the official commemoration of the Act of Union in May?

It's not just the Scots who could decide they've had enough of the English — the feeling could become mutual. The grumbles are getting louder about Scottish MPs who vote on legislation affecting the English and the disproportionate amount of public spending swallowed up by the Scots.

Mr Brown clearly has a vested interest in stilling such complaints. He's been at the forefront of an establishment attempt to redefine Britishness on the grounds of “common values” such as fair play and tolerance.

Who is going to define Englishness? Julian Baggini has a stab at it in a book to be published in March, Welcome to Every town: A Journey into the English Mind. He spent six months living in Rotherham to get beyond the metropolitan, liberal elite's perceptions of Englishness and establish what most people (that is, the white working class) understand by their Englishness.

Parochial, tightly knit, focused on family and local communities; nostalgic, fearful of the future and insecure; a dogged belief in common sense: these are his conclusions. Mr Baggini confesses to feeling that his six months in Rotherham was like visiting a foreign country, and no doubt many of the people he met would regard six months in London as profoundly alienating. How do you weld national identities out of global metropolises disconnected from hinterland? Englishness is riven with huge regional and class divides. The stakes are high — for example, a rising British National Party vote, a fear of asylum, and hostility to Islam. The anniversary of the Act of union will provide a stage for all this to be played out. It's just as painful a commemoration for the English as for the Scottish. It required one nation to lose its sovereignty and the other its identity.

17. According to the passage, the two major anniversaries will 1) give an impetus to the questioning of British national identity. 2) set the Britons thinking who they really are. 3) be just another occasion to raise the issue of British national identity. 4) be just another occasion to give rise to a debate on multiculturalism. 5) not be celebrated because of the shame attached with slave trade.

18. According to Linda Colley, Great Britain owes its nation-state concept to 1) ceding of its territory by Scotland to England. 2) a shared relation of race, religion and economy. 3) what can today be seen as a concept of free trade area. 4) the perpetuation of slave trade. 5) commonality of interest between its constituents.

19. Going by the passage, which of the following may instill a sense of national identity among the Britons? 1) The return of Catholics to the Protestant fold 2) Britain going to war with Germany 3) Britain going to war as an Allied force 4) Regular football matches between British and French clubs 5) Any of the above

20. According to the facts stated in the passage, if England and Scotland decide to split, 1) it is the former that stands to gain. 2) it is the latter that stands to gain. 3) it will be a win-win situation. 4) it will be a lose-lose situation. 5) both the parties will lose their face but gain materially

21. According to the passage, the post-modern mind views imperialism as 1) something that was necessary in the context of the times. 2) a thing of the past which need not be mentioned further. 3) a blot on the history of mankind. 4) the white man's burden. 5) a concept relevant even in the present times, given the inability of the developing countries to catch up with the West.

22. Oranges are bought at 7 for Rs.3. At what rate per hundred must they be sold to gain 33%? (1) Rs.56 (2) Rs.60 (3) Rs.58 (4) Rs.57

23.The cost price of 36 books is equal to the selling price of 30 books. The gain is : (1) 20% (2) 16% (3) 18% (4) 82%

24.A person sells two machines at Rs.396 each. On one he gains 10% and on the other he loses 10% .His profit or loss in the whole transaction is : (1) No gain, no loss (2) 1% loss (3) 1% profit (4) 8% profit

25.A trader bought 10kg of apples for Rs.405 out of which 1kg of apples were found to be rotten. If he wishes to make a profit of 10%, at what rate should he sell the remaining apples per kg? (1) Rs.45 (2) Rs.49.50 (3) Rs.50 (4) Rs. 51 ANSWERS:

1. (5) 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (1) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (1) 9. (2) 10. (3) 11. (2) 12.(3) 13. (2) 14. (5) 15. (2) 16. (5) 17. (1) 18. (5) 19. (2) 20. (1) 21. (3) 22.(4) 23.(1) 24 (2) 25(2)

Company Name : HCL Technology Type : Fresher, Job Interview

Hi friends, This is Dharmendra Gangrade MCA 2010 Batch from VIT University Vellore (TN). HCL Technology was came in our college at 12th January 2010 for recruitment about HCL everybody know its a very good IT-company. It is very well known for its "Employee First" policy.

Eligible Branches: 1. B.Tech(selected branches) 2. M.Tech(selected branches) 3. MCA & MS(SE)

Eligibility: 1. 60% in X,XII,UG as applicable 2. 6 CGPA in pursuing degree and NO CURRENT ARREARS(cleared all papers in first attempt in pursuing degree) these things may vary some times

HCL pattern for 2010 at our college was [A] Online Test [B] Technical [C] HR-interview at our time NO GD

[A] The test was an online one The question pattern for HCL is as follows 1. Verbal - 25 questions - 25 min 2. Aptitude - 25 questions - 35 min 3. Logical Reasoning- 25 questions - 35 min

Note: 1.No jumping between questions is possible. 2.Only if you finish the first question,than only you can go to the other one.

Around 10-11am they took the test online Around 11-12am they gave ppt about HCL Tehnology Around 12.30pm they announced the online test result And from their it self we have to go for HR and Technical round

So about test it was simple some common topics was:

 Probability, Permutations and Combination, Work, Distance, Time  Sentence Correction, Passage reading  Synonyms & Antonyms, Sentence matching for the conditions based on the Passage,  Simple English questions, and many more...

Just focus on RS Agarwal both books (quantitative aptitude and verbal, on-verbal reasoning), and a simple English objective book solve some puzzles also during test maintain the speed ...

[B]&[C] After that Tech and HR was common for us in HCL interview they asked some very simple questions like : 1. tell me something about your self ? 2. about software project management....some basics ?(this question based on your area of interest) 3. oracle9i and 10g ? 4. xml ? 5. basics of java ? 6. advance technologies in java ? 7. if i wont select so what will be the reasons ? 8. if u don't know any technology and i will give u work based on that tech. how will u do? 9. differ b/w XP and vista ? 10. your long term and short term goals ? 11. strengths? 12. some times abt your project...work 13. some questions from ur resume directly some HR questions was very tricky and many more near about 25+ minute. You have to be very good in English and communication skills for some of my friends the questions was like based on multi-threading, iso-osi model, process model, stack and queue, oops, sql- query.

Don't go for ONLY these questions be ready for any technical and HR question Focus on your area of interest and some basic subjects like C, C++, Java, DS, DB, Softy, OS, N/W, and 1 more thing. They are really nice people. Just be honest, Be cool, and most important is be confident. In the night 8.30 they disclosed the results and I was there. In the list total 42/200+ students are selected.

TCS : Company Profile

 Written Test

Tata Consultancy Services conducts a multiple choice test. The test consists of four sections. The first section is the Verbal Section with 15 questions to be attempted in 6 minutes. The questions deal with words and their synonyms. You need a high level of vocabulary to do well in this part. The second section is a Quantitive aptitude section with 15 questions to be answered in 10 minutes. The questions deal with basic mathematics such as multiplication, percentages etc. This is the easiest among all the sections (try not to make silly mistakes). The third section is the Reading Comprehension section with 50 minutes to answer 60 questions. The fourth section is a 30 minutes Psychometric Test with 150 questions. These questions are generally simple personality based questions checking your ability to answer consistently. Usually only a Yes/No type answer is required for these questions.

Candidates clearing the test and the interview are further required to clear a paper based on C and COBOL. This paper consists of 50 questions and is MCQ format.

 Interview

The test is followed by a Technical and a HR interview. The technical interview is highly specialized and covers almost all subjects you have done in your curriculum. However one is required to name his/her favorite subject on which most of the interview is focused. For Computer Engineers C, Operating Systems, DBMS, Microprocessors are mostly focused upon. Electronics Engineers can be grilled on DCLD, Microprocessors and Communications..

The HR interview which follows the technical interview is very general. The HR interview is also important. Mostly questions are asked to test your temperament. You maybe asked your opinion on a variety of current affair topics. We were asked about Homosexuality, Lesbianism (the movie FIRE), Kashmir, Genome Project etc. In some cases questions regarding the company are asked.

 Profile>

Tata Consultancy Services started in 1968. Mr.F.C Kohli who is presently the Deputy chairman was entrusted with the job of steering TCS. The early days marked TCS resonsibility in managing the punch card operations of Tisco. The company, which was into management consultancy from day one, soon felt the need to provide solutions to its clients as well.TCS was the first Indian company to make forays into the US market with clients ranging from IBM,American Express, Sega etc. TCS is presently the top software services firm in Asia.

During the Y2K buildup, TCS had setup a Y2K factory in Chennai as a short-term strategy. Now, with E-business being the buzzword, the factory is developing solutions for the dotcom industries. Today, about 90 percent of TCS' revenue comes from consulting, while the rest from products. TCS has great training facilities. In addition to training around 5 percent of the revenue is spent upon its R&D centers like the Tata Research Design and Development Centre at Pune, along with a host of other centers at Mumbai and Hyderabad.

It benchmarked its quality standing, invested heavily in software engineering practices and built intellectual property-in terms of patents, code and branded products. At the same time, it expanded its relationships with technology partners and organizations, increased linkages with academic institutions and incubated technologies and ideas of people within TCS and outside. TCS has already patented 12 E-Commerce solution product packages and has filed six more applications for patent licenses.

Over $25 million were spent on enhancing hardware and software infrastructure. The company now has 72 offices worldwide. As many as seven centers were assessed at SEI CMM Level 5 last year(3.4 mistakes in a million opportunities). These include Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Calcutta, Hyderabad and Lucknow. Several business and R&D relationship with global firms like IBM, General Electric, Unigraphics Solutions have been made.

The present CEO of the company is Mr. S. Ramadorai. The companies strength is about 14,000. TCS Latest Fresher Job Interview Placement Paper Pattern June 2010

Company Name : TCS Type : Fresher, Job Interview

Hi friends, I got recruited in TCS recently. It was held in Reva College, Bangalore on 16th June 2010. We had 5 Rounds. Aptitude, GD, Technical Round, MR and HR Rounds.

Aptitude and GD were important as many of them got eliminated in that. Aptitude was for 1 hour n it had 35 questions, calculators were allowed. the questions were very lengthy n consisted of irrelevant data just to kill the time n confuse people. Basically all were mathematical questions like on ages, compound interest, sequence etc. Good Luck to all …

Exam/Interview Date : 16-Jun-2010 No of Rounds : Aptitude Test, Techincal Round-1, Group Discussion – GD, Client/Manager Interview Location : Bangalore

Cognizant (CTS) batch 2010 recruitment process The selection process consists of two rounds

(1) Written test

(2) Technical + HR round

Written test consists of three sections

VERBAL SECTION (25 questions-25min) (1-10) comprehension (passages r too long)

(11-15) find the incorrect sentences

(16-20) find the correct sentences

(21-25) arrange the jumbled sentences

This is a quiet tough section. Just make guesses. Mark option B or C.Always read passage at last.Read questions first.

ANALTICAL SECTION (25 questions-30min)

(1-5) Venn diagram

A group is divided into three. The first group is persons of 5'6 height and second and third r 6'0 and 6'6 respectively. There r totally 130 peoples, 50 of them r 5'6 and 65 of them r 6'6, 10 of them r 5'6 and 6'6, 15 of them r 5'6 and 6, 20 of them r 6'6 and 6, and 5 of them r all the three.

(1) How many of them r 6 feet? (Ans 70)

(2) How many of them r only 6 feet? (Ans 30)

(3) How many of them are only 5’6? (Ans 20)

(4) How many of them are only 6’6? (Ans 30)

(5) How many of them are at least two? (Ans 50) Important formula in Venn diagram is


(6-10) quantitative questions

Questions on Blood relations(quite difficult)

Other questions r from profit loss and other general questions. Sorry I don’t remember

(11-15) data sufficiency--Very easy one

(16-20) binary conversion

Please don’t read anything in the question. Just change any value to binary and convert that 1 to $ and 0 to *.

(Eg) LCM of (12 15 10) (ans 60 = 111100 = $$$$**)

(21-25) cubes Questions like :if a dice is thrown 2 on top,3&5 at left &right,in another turn 5 on top,3&4 at left&right and one another condition(dont remember exactly)

21-25 What is opposite to 5?.....

NON VERBAL SECTION (20 questions-20 min)

(1-4) syllogism (study all rules in the aggarwal book but TIME book will help u a lot)

(Eg) All mosquitoes’ are lizards.

All lizards are insects.

(Ans: all mosquitoes’ are insects)

(5-6) logical deduction (study all rules from TIME book)

(7-15) figure sequence and odd one out from figures (very easy)(just go through R S Agarwal)

(16-17) Seating arrangement

(18-20) logical puzzle

After two hours the sortlist was declared by them .I was almost sure that I would be clearing the aptitude.

HR + TECHNICAL INTERVIEW (please write carefully your HR form)

Be confident at the time of interview and maintain smile on your face.Firstly i was tensed bcoz my technical was not so good & all the panelyst were MTech. Elect. from IIT.

INTERVIEWER: Hello Akshay!

Me: Good Afternoon Sir.

INTERVIEWER: Good afternoon.Please be sitted.

Me: Thank you, Sir .

INTERVIEWER: Tell me about yourself?

Me: Told(academic)...... Apart from studies bckgrnd I am also a good sportsman .I led under 14 cricket team of latur district and got runner -up prize for Kho-Kho cometition.

INTERVIEWER: Are you a player of your college team?

Me: No Sir,Only last year students are allowed to play in the team.

INTERVIEWER: Were you a part of your college's annul social gathering sports?

Me: Yes Sir, I was captain of the T.E Trical Cricket team.

INTERVIEWER: What role did you play in it?

Me: I was the opening batsman and also the WC in team who has responsibility of heading the team. INTERVIEWER: What do you expect from CTS?

Me: My whole knowledge and skills should be utilised by CTS.There should be great environment.

INTERVIEWER: Have you appeared for TCS and Infy.?

Me: No,Sir.Waiting for CTS.


Me: As it is world's fastest growing company it is growing exponentially, I am also fast in my life.CTS and My principles match exactly,that's why CTS.

INTERVIEWER: As you are fast, tell me five things about microprocessor very fast

Me: Told.....confidently and surely but fastly

INTERVIEWER: Tell me 5 applications of OP-AMP?

Me: Told....(they check confidence)(when i gave 3 he said 1 just for checking confidence.

INTERVIEWER: Which is your favourite subject?

Me: Power System

INTERVIEWER :I have conducted interview of 5 electrical student all have same favourite subject ,Why?

Me: I don't know about them but as per my opinion everything in Power system is visible lively.

INTERVIEWER: What is skin effect,corona...... ?Have you seen it?

Me: Explained ..

INTERVIEWER: What did you get from Linear Control Systems?

Me: Answered..

INTERVIEWER: Do you have any question?

Me: Sir,I have one more year to complete my course What do you expect me to do in thisone year to fit into CTS INTERVIEWER: If selected no need to do anything.You just be cleared with your basics.

Me: Thank You, Sir

INTERVIEWER: Wait for the result.

Me: Thank You,Sir and HAPPY HOLI

SET 2 (from P.R.Engineering College)

Total attended = 1,333

Cleared Written = 238

Selected = 28(15 boys 13 girls)

It was a shock that they selected only 28 from 1,333 and I’m really happy tat I am one among that few.

Two Rounds: 1.Written test.

2.Interview. (Tech n HR)

The Merit Track conducted the test. It was organized perfectly and they expect discipline from us.. Before the test u have to fill a form. Do it carefully because some of my friends got questions 4m tat.

1.Software Orientation: 2.Hobbies and extra-curricular activities 3.Strengths and Weakness 4.Expectation from CTS 5.Why CTS 6. Long term and short-term goal with CTS 7.What are the qualities necessary for software professional to be successful


1.Analytical Ability (25 Q, 30 Minutes) Venn diagram questions Data sufficiency coding 1 represented as $ and 0 as *(easy.. jus convert it into Binary) Cubes related questions are very important

My suggestion is do Coding First. Then Venn dig. Cube problem n others..u can surely score full marks fm coding n venn dig…cube is also easy when u understand it.For cube take the cubic root of the no of pieces.64 means 4(keep as x value)..then 2 side painted means 12*(x-2).1side painted means 6*(x-2) 2 . (horizontal n vertical) like wise u must think n apply according to the question..

1.venn dig- people hving dif heights 6feet ,6’6 feet, 5’5 feet.and questions like no of people who is 6 feet.no of people who is 5’5feet…..

2.In codin there will be only normal arithmetic operations n L.c.m..i don remember them.

For ex..64/4= 16 = $****.first solve it n convert it to binary..

3.Cube- a cube of 12 cm is cut into small 3cm pieces..then place another 4 small cubes over it..and another 2 small cubes over the 4cubes..then again one more cube over the 2 cube…the cube is then painted from top to bottom

12/3=4…so 4row 4column…draw a dig of cube first. Imagining the cube only help u to solve rather than formulas. How many cubes r painted on only one side? how many cubes r painted on only 2 sides? how many cubes r painted on only 3 sides? how many cubes r painted on only 4 sides? how many cubes r painted 0 sides?

(my friends told me tat cube problems hav more marks than other questions)

2.Verbal Ability (20 Q, 20 Min)


Find out the incorrect sentence Find out the correct sentence Jumbled Passages -Don prepare any thing for this ..It won help u..Jumbled sent n correct incorrect sent are a little confusing..it depends on ur grammer n English language skills. do the comprehension last(it is a very big passage..i didn’t even read it ,jus ticked..no time)

3.Attention Details (20 Q, 20 Min)

Find the odd man out Analogy of figures (Simple) syllogism


Very easy compared to other sections..any one can crack it with out any preparation..If u think to prepare jus go through puzzle test n syllogism from R.S.Agarwal Verbal reasoning Analogy of figures –Non verbal Reasoning


Next Day My interview was at 4 .00 p.m.I was really exhausted at tat time in waiting from morning. 9 panels (approx 25 each). I went into the interview hall. He was reading something.

Me: Good Evening sir..

He: (raised his head).Good eve.Sit down

Me: Thank u sir

He: again he started to read something.after 10 sec he asked “So u are Uma”

Me: yes sir

He: Tell me smthing abt urself

Me: said.

He: Tell abt ur project

Me: Told abt the theme of project ,modules n everything I know.(as I m in the start of my final sem I don know my project in depth)

He: wat language

Me: C n Java He: So,wat r u doing ,wat is ur part in that.

Me: (told frankly)Sir as I m in the start of my final sem I know only the concept.We are having one more month to complete it. So we are still learning things abt our project.

He: k…(great relief for me).. u hav put tat u know C n C++.

Me: Yes sir

He: Tell abt Object Oriented Programming

Me: Tld abt inheritance, abstraction, Encapsulation, polymorphism…. He: Tell all those things with an example program.

Me: (Be Confident in whatever u say.. Even though u fear don show it in ur face) Explained him all with examples… he interrupted me thrice and asked questions frm wat I said.

He: wat is Overloading and overriding…with eg program

Me: Explained it with program

He: wat is operator n function overloading its diffe

Me: Explained

He: wat is virtual ,Inline..

Me: Explnd (I bcame happy as I answd al of them..but my happiness didn’t last much time)

He: k…Listen Carefully..I will give u a situation…(Oh!GodSave me).In a college Library they contain a set of books..and all the books are different..many professors will take those book now and then.. the books come from various places and he kept on saying…(I couldn’t understand al tat he said) tell wat concept of inheritance u implement in this situation..

Me: Multiple Inheritance…(tld quickly)

He: hmm…Wat is the base n derived class in it…

Me: Base class-Book….Derived class- professors

He: wat is the relation n wat details each class contains….

Me: Base class contains the details of bookID,Authour…derived class contains the details abt professors…who hav last taken it.. date of return…and said something more abt the relations(not sure …)

He: questioned from wat I said…. I answered two more questions..it was difficult. So I started to think…

He: K…(Stoppd my thinking)..wat is ur goal n wat do u want to become

Me: I want to become a senior s/w engineer and must have learnt so many things in my way of it…

He: hmm..Wat is the method Me: it is a function-block of code etc….

HE: Why v have to use it.. wat is the reason

Me: reduces complexity..if the pgm is like a paragraph it is not easy for user to understand…reduces length.. reusability…blah..blah..

He: k…write the declaration of an array of pointer.

Me: did

He: K, apart frm ur curiculm hav u dne anyting in computer science

Me: yes sir I hav dne paper presentation in Cryptography

He: tell abt it

Me: this is easy for me…I explained.

He: k..that’s al the questions from my side…Do u want to ask me any thing

Me: how many months we will be provided the training..

He: answered and asked “If u are placed means are u comfortable to work in chennai” (tat is the clue tat I m placed..I got excited tat I m going to get selected)

ME: Yes sir I’m very much Comfortable to work there…

He: k..thank you

Me: Thank u so much sir…..

Set 3

1. A says " the horse is not black". B says " the horse is either brown or grey." c says " the hoese is brown" At least one is telling truth and atleast one is lying. tell the colour of horse.

Answer : grey

2. A son and father goes for boating in river upstream . After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his fathe falling in the river. After 5min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn around and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5min. Tell the speed of river.

Ans...6 miles/hr

3 A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17 where each letter represent a number from 1 to 9. Find out what does letter D and G represent if letter A=4.

(8 marks)

ans. D=5 G=1

4. Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig palayer they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalkeeper and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from argentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it (2 marks)

Ans : 160600( check out for right no. 6C3 * 14C6)

5 Three thives were caught stealing sheep, mule and camel. A says " B had stolen sheep " C says " B had stolen mule" B says he had stolen nothing. the one who had stolen horse is speaking truth. the one who had stolen camel is lying . Tell who had stolen what? (5 marks)

ans. A- camel B- mule C- horse

6 a group of friends goes for dinner and gets bill of Rs 2400 . Two of them says that they have forgotten their purse so remaining make an extra contribution of Rs 100 to pay up the bill. Tell the no. of person in that group. (3 marks)

Ans - 8 person

7. In acolony there are some families. Each of them have children but different in numbers.Following are conditions

a no of adult no of sons no of daughters no of families.

b each sister must have atleast one brother and should have at themost 1 sister.

c no of children in one family exceeds the sum of no of children in the rest families.

Tell the no of families.(5 marks)

ans : 3 families

8. There are 6 people W,H,M,C,G,F who are murderer , victim , judge , police, witness, hangman. There was no eye witness only circumtancial witness. The murderer was sentenced to death. Read following statement and determine who is who.

1. M knew both murderer and victim. 2. Judge asked C to discribe murder incident. 3. W was last to see F alive. 4. Police found G at the murder site. 5 H and W never met.

( 8 marks)

The above mentioned questions are of 37 marks

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