English 4 CP Course Syllabus

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English 4 CP Course Syllabus

English 4 CP Course Syllabus Teacher: Mrs. McMahon [email protected]

Welcome to English 4 CP! The information on these pages will help you be as successful as possible during the coming school year. Please keep them in your notebook so you can reference them as needed. You and your parent/guardian must fill out, sign and return the last sheet and turn in for a grade no later than Friday, January 15, 2016.

Supplies: Please bring these items to class every day. Talk to me before you leave class today if you cannot have them by this coming Tuesday, January 19, 2016.

 3-ring binder for English only (1 inch minimum)  5 dividers (label them: Grammar, Vocabulary, Literature, Writing, Miscellaneous)  1 spiral notebook – college ruled with 3 holes so you can put it in your binder  1 pack of white college-ruled notebook paper  Blue and/or black pens; pencils  Red or “other colored” pen  Highlighter (one is sufficient, but you are free to utilize multiple colors as you wish)  Index Cards (for those who like to use them for studying)  One Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope

Remind: Students and Parents: Sign up NOW for Remind. It is a great way to get reminders about what is happening in class (tests, quizzes, projects, etc). Send the text @McMahonE4S in a text message to 81010. Follow the directions to sign up.

Classroom Rules:  Be Ready, Respectful, and Responsible at all times.  Bring your own pen, pencil, paper, and books  Begin reading or alternate assignment immediately when the bell rings (daily agenda will be written on the board).  No talking or questions during designated reading time.  Do not talk back to the teacher or argue with other students.  Do not pass notes, purses, papers, gum, etc. to other students.  Talk only when called on or when working in small groups.  Remain in seat unless you raise your hand and get permission to get up.  Remember the bell does not dismiss you – the teacher does. Remain in your seat and productive until dismissed.  Be positive and class will be a positive experience for you. Your attitude and willingness to work will go towards determining the structure of class.  Follow school roles re. attendance, promptness, dress code, ID’s, cell- phones  Dress modestly: no low pants or low necklines  No shorts or pants with holes above the knee  No hats or other headgear  Wear your ID badge properly and visibly at all times.  CELL PHONE POLICY: Students are allowed to use their cell phones on campus at any time except for class time. Once you enter my classroom, your cell phone must be put away. I will adhere to the school’s rules regarding retrieval of confiscated cell phones.  Purses, bags, backpacks, etc. must be closed and on floor or under desk.  Sit in assigned seat.  No food (including candy) or drinks in class. Water is acceptable only in a clear container. Please do not sell food in my classroom.  No grooming in classroom (hair, make-up, etc. No mirrors.)  Sit up. No heads on desk at any time. Sleeping in class is an automatic referral.  Do not brush pencil lead onto the floor. Pick up any pieces that break off or fall.  Restroom use: Go between classes. Do not ask to be excused during class.

Note: a violation of any classroom rules will result in the following: 1st offense – a verbal warning 2nd and 3rd offenses – a personal detention and a phone call home 4th and higher – an administrative write up *major classroom/school offenses will result in immediate report to administration and a write up

Attendance Policy

Students who come to class every day do not fail; usually they earn A’s and B’s. Do not miss class for minor problems such as being tired, having a cold, or not feeling well. Do not schedule appointments during school hours. Do not get dismissed from school before 3:30. School is your job. Be here!

Activity: Planned, approved school-related activities. Excused absence: Serious illness or funeral of an immediate family member. Personal absence: Missing class for any other reason. See me before school if you will have to miss class for an activity or an excused absence. You or a parent may also e-mail me ([email protected]) in the case of serious illness. In the case of an unplanned excused absence or a personal absence, you are responsible for finding out what you missed from a classmate, and not falling behind. Use the Buddy System. After an absence, do not ask me between classes or during class, “What did I miss?” Find out from a Buddy before class so you will be prepared for class when you return. See me before school if you need additional help. Class time will not be used to discuss missed work.

If you miss a graded test or quiz, you must make it up before school or during 3rd lunch by appointment. There is not time during the school day to do this. If you miss graded homework, class work, or a reading-check quiz, please see me in regard to how to make up these assignments. You have one week upon returning from an absence to make up all missed work.

You are counted absent if you miss more than 10 minutes of class. If you are 11 minutes late or dismissed before the last 10 minutes of class, you are absent. This is a school policy.

If you are a senior, you may exempt the exam as long as you have an A average for the semester; however, you will not be eligible to be exempt from the final exam if you have more than eight personal absences during the semester (whether excused or unexcused), no matter what your average is.

Class Content

English 4 is also known as “British Literature” (or “Brit Lit”). Throughout the semester, students will be reading pieces from various eras throughout British Literature history (i.e. Anglo-Saxon and Middle Ages, The English Renaissance, Puritanism, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, The Victorian Age, The Modern Age). You can expect: At least two novels/longer texts Nonfiction Fiction including (but not limited to): Short Stories, Poetry (including epic), Drama Writing Grammar & Editing Vocabulary & Literary Terms Research Paper(s)/Projects


You can expect homework several evenings a week. Homework includes, but is not limited to: reading, writing, reviewing/studying.

Grading Policy

Grading Scale: Major assignments (tests, quizzes, essays, etc) 60% Minor assignments (homework, class work, etc) 40%

All Grades are in accordance with the school’s grading scale: 100-93 = A 92-85 = B 84-77 = C 76-70 = D 69-0 = F

Final exam is worth 20% of your grade.

Miscellaneous Grading Information: All class work is due at the end of class unless I specify otherwise. All homework is due at the beginning of class the day it is due. If you fail to turn the assignments in when they are due, they will be considered late and points will be deducted as follows: - Turned in same day, but after time I ask for it, maximum grade is a 90%. - Turned in the next day, maximum grade is an 80%. - 10% will be deducted from your maximum grade each additional day it is late. Anything more than 3 days late (grade of 60%) will not be accepted.

Buddy system: Form a buddy group of three or four students. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to contact a classmate to find out what you missed. Also if someone in your buddy group is absent, one member of the group needs to get a copy of any handouts for that student.

______’s Buddy Group: Contact information: (your name) 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Communication: Email is by far and away the most effective and timely method by which to reach me. I will do my best to respond to you in a timely manner. My school email address is [email protected].

English IV CP (Block ______)

Student and Parent Contract Please return this page signed by both you and your parent/guardian.

Dear Parents and Guardians, I’m really looking forward to getting to know both you and your son or daughter this year! Please read and discuss the syllabus expectations with your student and then read and sign the following. If you have any concerns or information you’d like to share with me, please include them below, and feel free to use the back if necessary. Thank you!

Parent Agreement I have read and understand the syllabus and will do my best to assist my child by: helping him/her stay up-to-date with assignments, encouraging a positive attitude toward school and productive work ethic, and communicating proactively with the instructor regarding concerns that affect my child’s academic success. I will encourage my student to be independent and take responsibility for his/her own learning.

______Parent/Guardian’s full name (printed) ______Parent/Guardian’s signature ______Parent/Guardian’s preferred email address ______Parent/Guardian’s phone number

Notes/Concerns: ______Student Agreement I have read and understand the syllabus and will do my best to follow what is expected of me.

______Student’s full name (printed) Student’s signature

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